Paradise Ep 19

Paradise Ep 19

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 19 Getting To Know Nick .../Joe's Heartfelt Confession

Drake: Tag you're it Nick! *takes off running into the nice clear light blue water that is extremely calm & serene*

Nick: *Chases after Drake/laughing* I'm going to get you!

Drake: *Dives down in the water/swimming towards Nick*

Nick: *Watches/rolls eyes. Doesn't he know I can see him? Hm, guess he's just trying to be playful. moves out of the way*

Drake: *Still follows Nick/jumps out of the water & lifts him up and spins him. Eventually Drake loses his control & they both fall in the water. Comes back up laughing* Ha ha ha! Looks like I got you!

Nick: *Rises up out the water/laughing as well* Ha ha ha yourself! *Lies back in the water just floating*

Drake: *Decides to try the same thing* This is relaxing, no doubt about it.

Nick: *Closes his eyes* Yes true that.

Drake: *Looks up at the sky* Nick ... you're a really cool guy. You and Joe are. Your guys' music is soo awesome & they just are written straight from the heart, I admire you guys a lot. I've been trying to do that more with my music. I'm close to releasing a new record. I just want to show a new side of me ... mainly the side of love that I've found with Josh. *sighs*

Nick: Thanks. You are too Drake, and Josh. I've always liked your music, it's unique and your show was soo funny. Me and Joe and Kevin watched it all the time. I think if you trust you heart and let the music just take you, then everything will just happen. Your talented Drake, I'm sure it'll be the best. You and Josh are perfect together, and love will find a way showing true emotion in your music.

Drake: Yeah your absolutely right Nick. Thanks. So I want to start off my questions by asking when did you and Joe start dating & how'd it happen?

Nick: Well ... we were just relaxing here in this very spot. Joe was playing in the water & called to me to come in. We started playing & he jumped on me, both of us rolling in circles till we got pushed to the shore. He was on top of me & for a moment, he started saying "Nick I lov-" & I thought he was going to say that he loved me. He instead said that he loved swimming. I was disappointed at the time, I really wanted to tell Joe how I felt, but I was so scared of what he might think/say. So the next same evening, we had dinner together, just the two of us. It was soo intimate & romantic, and it was there that he gave 2 sets of the best news of in my life. One was that we could stay here as long as we wanted. Two was that Joe told me he loved me & I told him I love him. It was the happiest night for me and Joe. So we actually just starting dating, it's all very new to me. I loved Joe for so long, & I've always kept it a secret. So did Joe, and I found out that he had been in love with me just as long as I have been with him. So far we've spent every  possible moment together, it's been sooo wonderful.

Drake: Wow classic I tell you. Classic. Very deep. So have you two made love?

Nick: *Blushes* Well not at first, cause I wasn't ready. Then after meeting Ari & finding about the gift, my heart relaxed a little. After the amazing day with Ari, Joe planned a special dinner in his room. I sang a song for him that I wrote recently & we eat our food. We ended up kissing on his hammock & I told him that I was ready. And so we spent the night, he made love to me & I felt ... sooo blissful, content, & joyfully happy. That was our first time and is was extremely perfect. *sighs so happily*

Drake: That is the most adorable story I've ever heard, perfect love story. I'm so happy for you two.

Nick: Thanks Drake, me too. Say um ... how did you convince you guys' parents to accept you? Cause so far you & Josh, plus Taylor finding out, are the only one's who know about me & Joe. I want them to accept us, our family & friends, but we definitely don't want the media or the fans to know. Joe & I are in love, and of course we know we'll be unable to hide our love forever. I know we're brothers/best friends and its going to be difficult to except us being together like this. I just want to be open & honest them, but I also don't want them to be angry at our decision. Oh Drake what should I do?

Drake: Breathes: Well for us, we first told our parents individually and they were shocked as most parents are, but realized that they love us & took time to adjust to the idea. It isn't easy for them to hear news like this, but if your close with your family, which I'm sure you and Joe are, then it'll work out fine. Just give them time, try to relax & be calm, and most important be yourself. Explain everything as much as possible, and just feeling them how you feel. Believe me, I've heard of some couples getting so emotional on the situation, & in the end they start shouting & yelling. It turns into something ugly, so don't ever go that way. Th best thing to do is have them all together & talk about it carefully & rationally. All you can do is pray & have faith, trust your heart. It knows what is best. And after we came out to our parents, we told them that we were dating. They kind of laughed out of tears of happiness, cause they always wondered why we were so in sync together, and began to warm up to our relationship. And our friends were pretty cool about it too, you know this kind of thing is becoming common in this generation. Girls, guys, siblings, together, it's all over the world. It's just love, pure in deep love. *closes eyes* We've found our soulmate, lover, brother, sister, best friend in the whole wide world, our heart, soul, happiness, our everything. 

Nick: Yes very true. Hmm, its really magical being in love with Joe. You feel the same for Josh right, when did you know that you loved him?

Drake: *Smiles/chuckles* Of course, Josh is my biggest crush in a long time! We met on The Amanda Show, we just clicked instantly. He was so chubby back then, but cute as a button & he always made me laugh & smile every time. And then we got aboard the show on Nick, we just couldn't hide our feelings any more. Josh confessed to me first & then I told him, and we totally kissed like forever & spent our first night together as a couple. I gotta tell ya it was incredible & sooo sexy! At first I was freaking out about the making love part, but then after a while I came to find that I liked it a lot. And so did Josh! He made me sing louder than I've could & of course he lost his weight and he got all strong & buff. His arms crushed me close & he got taller then me, but I still can't complain, because he ... just ... so ... beautiful to me! I love that guy so much! Your right Nick, it is like magic! I tell you we just knew ... we connected, we just knew we had such great chemistry. It even showed on screen, & especially when I performed songs, and of course when he hugged me. And the times we kissed on the show, I had to act like I didn't like it ... but in reality, I wanted nothing more than to continue it & never let go.

Nick: *Smiles* Sounds like a perfect fairy tale. Do ... you two ever switch places when you're ...

Drake: *Laughs* When we're making love? Yes all the time! We love pleasuring each other, every chance we get. That way, it's fun, loving, sensual, sooo hot, and erotic. Josh & I are completely comfortable with making love any way & ... anywhere. 

Nick: *Gasps* Wow. *blushing bright red*

Drake: Sorry Nick. I know you're only 17, going on 18. But you'll understand one day, when your a bit older. It's more than sex, trust me, it's something incredibly deep & passionate. 

Nick: *Takes in breath* Yeah I'm sure you're right ... but I think I'm beginning to understand. 

~ With Josh & Joe ~

Josh: *Canon balls into the deep end of the pool, which is like 8 feet/comes up* Beat that Brotha!

Joe: *Laughs* Ha! Watch me! *Walks away from the pool/then runs at full speed & canon balls in/big splash/rises up* Score man!

Josh: *Rolls eyes* It's a tie! *splashes him/swims to the sitting area of the pool* 

Joe: *Splashes back/swims over & joins him* You know, Josh, you & Drake are pretty awesome. Your the first guys Nick & I met, who are so open with their relationship. It's really neat. *sighs/looks off into the sky* I hope me & Nick, can be how that one day.

Josh: *Pats Joe shoulder* You will Joe, trust me, it's early in your relationship with Nick. Everything will work out wonderfully. I know you care for Nick a lot, & it shows. I'm glad we all got to meet, we should all sing together in the future, something just for fun, you know.

Joe: *Grins* Yeah I really love Nick with all my heart & soul, it's my life. He always been & he'll always will be. I think you're right, Josh, thanks man. And for sure, about the song idea, that would be so awesome indeed! *sighs* Josh ... I gotta be honest with you about today. I've been fighting to keep my cool since, Drake came & found me, & told me everything. Especially the whole ... Taylor thing. I wanted to ... oh! *face gets an angry look/slaps his hand in the water*

Josh: *Closes eyes* Understandingly: I get it Joe, really I do. My reaction was the same with him, but as much as I wanted to hurt him so baldy, I know that's not the kind of person I am. And I know that's not who you are either, we both want to protect our boyfriends, but we also got to fight the desire to result to violence. Taylor does deserve to be punished, just not in that way.

Joe: *Sighs/returns to being calm* Your right man, you're so right. I just ... I don't know. I've never been so furious in my life! How dare he touch my Nick & try to ... Oh! *sighs again* I've always been so protective of Nick, I don't like him being in pain, sad, angry, in tears, and especially unhappy. It kills me, I knew that I shouldn't have left to check out that stupid movie part today. I saw it in his face & I told him I could cancel it. But still, he insisted that I go. If only I had stayed ... he would have never had to experience that. *clenches fists* How could I abandon him like that, I was so scared that something happened to him. My heart was beating so fast, tears were coming, I ... I ... don't ever want to lose Nick. I love him so much, it hurts.

Josh: *Hugs Joe* I know how you feel Brotha. Though you don't have to blame yourself for what happened today. It's not your fault or Nicks. It's Taylor's, for trying to destroy another new relationship. Listen, Joe, just be thankful that nothing serious happened to Nick. I'm sure he's shaken up by this whole ordeal, so just show him love & tenderness and he'll forget the negativity. And in fact so will you. Were all scared Joe, especially if the ones we love are in trouble, but the trick is to keep it cool, even when things get out of hand. 

Joe: *Shakes head* Man Josh, how do you do it? I mean, I've gone from feeling angry to absolutely calm. *laughs* Your really great with advice man!

Josh: *Grins* Years of practice & Drake being there with me. Besides we're all on vacation, this place is naturally peaceful. Thanks Joe, you know you're a great guy & Nick is soo lucky to have such a cool man, by his side. 

Joe: *Sighs* Most definitely. Josh ... you don't think Nick & I, aren't meant to be together right? I mean we're brothers, true siblings. Do you think it's weird loving your brother so much & making love to him?

Josh: *Gasps/messes with Joe's hair* Are you crazy Joe?! Your & Nick are SO meant to be! Look at you guys, Drake & I, have seen a lot of your guys' videos on the net & fan made videos as well. Brotha, every time I saw you hugging Nick & how happy you were with him, we both knew you guys were in love. We were always rooting for you guys, we'd start hugging the same way. Look at it this way: Your brothers yes & to those who aren't truly in love, will probably not understand what you two are feeling for each other. It doesn't matter, you're both in love, you share the same family, so what? You can't deny your feelings & your heart. I tell you what man, because your brother's, makes you the greatest couple to be in love. Your guys' connection is very strong & true! It's the ultimate kind of love, with heart & soul, it's heaven sent for sure! *cheers for Joe* And you showed your ultimate love by becoming one with Nick! Whoo! Was it special? Details man! 

Joe: *Smiles big* I'm glad to hear you say that. I just kept all these feelings locked inside. It's really great to finally share them with Nick & you. Yeah all the times I hugged Nick, I was extremely happy. I didn't want to pull away, I tell you. Every time I'm around him, something comes over me & I just want to show him my love. He's sooo adorable & he never fails to light me up. Your logic sounds perfect Josh, really. There's no denying it, we're both in love. *laughs* And making love to Nick was ... like a miracle & it was sooo amazing. The feeling, the emotions, the sounds, the intimacy was so strong. I've never felt anything like it ever, it's pure bliss! I think for the both of us, it was the ... most ... special ... night of entire lives'! It felt so right, & I loved every single moment of it. 

Josh: Awwww big time Brotha!! I love it! It's sooo hot! Whoo! I couldn't agree more with you Joe, the lovemaking is so much more than anything that we've ever experienced! 

Joe: *Stretches* Yeah I'll say. *jumps into the water/comes up* Come on Josh, I'll race ya!

Josh: Ha! Your on Joe Joe! *jumps into the water/races with Joe*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 3, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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