Paradise Ep 15

Paradise Ep 15

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 15 (Nick's Narration/Bubble Bath) 
 ~ Next Morning ~ 
Nick: *Wakes up/smiles brightly. Oh my ... he looks so sweet, when he sleeps. Awww Joey. Remembers last night/blushes/bites lip. My brother Joseph Adam Jonas, age 20, made ... love to ... me. I .. can't describe how I feel right now ... I just know that ... I love him so much. I'm so happy! I've never felt so full of perfect happiness before ... in my whole life! I'm so .. blessed. Prays: Thank-you God ... I know its not right to be with him like this ... but I love him ... I really do. He lights me up, makes me feel safe & secure, and he loves me unconditionally. I feel ... so lucky to be ... with him. Dear God, bless Joe & everyone who is my family and friend* 
Joe: *Stirs sleepily/flips over on his stomach/snoring lightly* 
Nick: *Giggles softly. I think I'll take a bath while he sleeps. ~ Joe's bathroom: ( ~ Smiles at Joe/gets out of the bed as quiet as I can/tip toes to the bathroom. Starts water/decieds to throw in coconut bubble bath, just for fun. Puts hand in water to test the temperature/finds it nice & warm. Gets in & closes eyes/sighs. This is sooo nice & relaxing, exactly what I needed. It almost feels like ... I'm floating on a cloud. Or could that be the fact that, I'm in love? Hmm, I'll say both for right now. It's hard to believe that just last year, my diabetes was finally cured. I must say now, that I'm very relieved. I know for a long time I was in such a bad mood & my health was in jeopardy. I'm so thankful to be cured, I was worried that my life was coming to end. Come to think of it, all those times Joe ... hugged me & wouldn't let go, I see now. He was afraid of losing me. And to be honest I was afraid for that reason too, not being able to see my family, friends, everyone who I care about ... especially Joe. (Sighs)* 
Nick: *Its so magical being with Joe now, its a dream come true, just like in a fairy tale. I was so terrified of him not feeling the same & rejecting me. And most of all ... I'm not like other guys. Since I was born, for as long as I can remember ... besides being in love with Joe ... I have another secret thats ... how should I put it? Not normal, bizarre, humiliating, & overall ... the reason why no girl will ever love me. I have no male genital organ ... I have a female genital organ ... I know, why me right? Me Nick Jonas, of all people ... is different, odd-ball, & alien to everyone else. Thankfully my parents were very supportive, but still ... its not the same as other boys my age, not at all. My brothers understand & always support me in whatever I do. Joe of course, has been my best friend & has never hurt me or let me down. He's been the best, and now as his boyfriend, I don't think he minds at all. (Laughs). I always kind of wondered how, I would ever have a relationship with a girl ... & a few times I pictured it with a guy. I was embarrassed with the whole situation, so I decided to dismiss the thought (which usually made me shake/blush). I decided I'd try to get to know someone before I could call it a true relationship. But mostly it always ended in friendship, which was fine with me. And I'm glad it never go to anything serious cause ... the moment a girl finds out ... oh man, lets just say I hope it will just stay an absolute secret. Back to Joe though ... I'm soo beyond bliss & full of love. I'm glad that my first time was with him, and actually I'm grateful cause for .. the first time in my life ... I'm grateful for what I have. Thinking of how other men have ... (Shakes) yikes, no thanks, thats just ... not romantic at all! Being able to see Joe's face, feeling his strong body against mine, his hands squeezing my thighs, his kiss, him doing everything ... I never knew could feel so incredible! It's pure heaven, I tell you (Feels smile forming/cheecks warming) I just love Joe* 
Joe: *Eyes up an eye/yawns loudly/stretches* Nick? *Opens both eyes/doesn't see him in bed/sits up looking around/eyes go to the bathroom/gets up (Still unclothed) & walks over to the door/grabs the door knob opens it/sees that Nick is taking a bath. Oh gods, he is soo cute! My baby boy is sweeter than any dessert & softer than any girl. He's ... lovely. Walks over to see that his eyes are closed & doesn't seem to know that I'm here with him. Perfect! I'll surprise him! Tip toes to climb into the large tub big enough for 2, slipping into the water with a big splash* 
Nick: *Eyes open/smiles big/tries to hold in his laughter, but fails & bursts out* J-joey! You're awake! You startled me there, for a min. 
 Joe: *Grins* Sorry Nicky, I just couldn't help myself. *Kisses his lips* How's my favorite baby boy doing this beautiful morning? 
 Nick: *Blushes* Just fine. *giggles* What about you, my favorite gorgeous man? 
 Joe: *Tickles Nick's chest* Wonderful, amazing, awesome! 
 Nick: *Giggles louder* S-stop it Jooeeeyy ... *smiles* I'm very ticklish ... 
Joe: *Grins downright sexy* Well then ... *pulls Nick closer to his body* come here baby. You're in for it now! 
Nick: *Can't stop giggling/trying to get free of Joe's grip on me, but its useless! He's got me!* Jjjjoooeeeyyy! Pleaseeeeeee! 
 Joe: *Stops/hugs him* I think that's enough for now ... your skin is sooo smooth, you drive me crazy Nicky! *Nibbles Nick's neck ~ Triple N! ~ 
 Nick: *Moans* Ohh ... Joey. 
Joe: *Uses hands to rub Nick's chest with the bubbles* Mmmm Nick ... 
Nick: *Slips under the water/splashes Joe with bubbles & water/smiling* This is fun! 
Joe: *Eyes widen/laughs* So ... you think it's funny, huh? *Raises eyebrow* 

Nick: *Nods/smiles bigger* It is Joey! You make me so happy, and right now I want to play with you!

Joe: *Shakes head/chuckles* Same here baby ... *Grabs Nick's hands & raises them over his head* but you should know that ... I love being with you Nick & kissing those extraordinary lips of yours & ... *Gets on top of him* making love to you. 

Nick: *Stops laughing/looks at him/blushes deeply* 

Joe: *Flips them over so Nick's on top/kisses his forehead* I love you Nick.

Nick: *Wraps arms around Joe's Neck/closes eyes/breathes* I love you too Joe.

Joe: *Twirls Nick's wet bubbly curls/holds Nick close by the waist/rubs back in circles/looks at him* How about today, you pick something, okay? 

Nick: *Opens eyes* Really Joey?

Joe: *Smiles* Of course baby boy, anything. You name it.

Nick: *Thinks for a moment* How about surfing?

Joe: *Nods enthusiastically* Sounds like a blast, I like it! *kisses his nose* You always have the best ideas!

Nick: *Blushes/smiles a little* You do too Joey.

Joe: *Shrugs* Yeah I suppose so. Do wanna go now, after we eat?

Nick: *Nods* Sure.

~ They finish up their bubble bath & get dressed & get breakfast at their hotel's buffet ~

Joe: *Finishes eatting/looks down/ feels like I'm getting a buzz from his cellphone* Hello Joe Jonas speaking.

???: Goood morning Joe! This is Catherine Hardwicke, director. I was wondering if I could meet with you right now about this fabulous new script, that I think you'd be perfect for! I heard you were interested in doing some acting & I think you'll really like this one. I realize your on vacation with your brother, but it'll be quick I promise! Please say you'll come?

Joe: *Speechless. But then annoyed* Hold on just a second Ms. Hardewick. *Covers phone/looks at Nick* Nick do you mind if I go meet a director for a film role?

Nick: *A little upset, but tries to be cool about it* No Joey, it's okay. Go ahead *forces a smile*

Joe: You sure? Because I can pass, we're on vacation anyways, not suppose to be working. I can totally cancel.

Nick: No Joey really go. It's fine, I'll be okay.

Joe: All right baby boy, I promise I'll be back as soon as possible. *Gets back on the cell* Ms. Hardwicke, I'll be there. Where do you want to meet?

Catherine: Oh splendid! No need for directions, I have a limo waiting right at your hotel lobby. Just get & you'll be here, in no time at all! Looking forward to meeting with you, bye!

Joe: *Sighs* Bye. *hangs up/puts phone down on table* Nick? ...

Nick: *Decides to tell truth, cause Joe's giving him a look* Okay okay Joey! I'm not really happy leaving like this, but it's like you said. You'll be back soon right? *hopeful*

Joe: *Winks relieved* You betcha baby, & when I do ... *squeezes his hand* we'll have some fun.

Nick: *Smiles/blushes* Sounds great Joey.

Joe: *Gets up to leave/rubs his thumb on Nick's hand* I'll be back sooner than you think. *Lets go of his hand/takes one last look at Nick & blows him a kiss/leaves*

Nick: *Heart melts/giggles/watches Joe leave/sighs. Now what am I going to do? Thinks about it for some time. I guess I'll just relax on our private beach. Just take in the bright sunlight & warm sand, mixed with a nice cool breeze. Finishes food/gets up & walks to the beach. Good thing I have a towel with me to lay on. Arrives at a perfect peaceful destination/spreads towel out on sand/takes sandals off & puts it on the edges of lower part of the towel/sits down. At first, all I did was stare out to the open sea. I thought of Ari, wishing I could see her again. Eventually after gazing for a while, I fell back on my towel & closed my eyes. I can't wait till Joe comes back*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on October 22, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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