Paradise Ep 5-14

Paradise Ep 5-14

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Ep. 5 (Just Kiss Me Joey/Understanding Nick's Feelings)

Joe: I know baby, but don't .... worry we're just about to be free of .... these clothes. *kisses Nick's lips/every part of his face/back to his neck/back down his chest/starts to tug at Nick's boxers*

Nick: *Eyes open up fast/gasps/leans up from the bed* J-j-joey stop.

Joe: *Pulls back confused/worried* Why Nicky? Did I hurt you baby?

Nick: *Looks away embarrassed* N-no I'm f-fine. 

Joe: *Lifts Nick's chin softly to look at him* Baby boy look at me. 

Nick: *Looks into his eyes innocently/a little bit teary eyed trying to communicate with Joe what he wants to say but can't*

Joe: *Looks back at Nick & realizes that Nick isn't ready for this* Oh Nicky. *Kisses his lips/forehead/then eyes/back to his lips* If your not ready for me to make love to you, then we don't have to.

Nick: *Blushes at the thought of Joe being inside of me/feels weak/sighs relieved that Joe understands/nods* T-thank you Joey. I'm ... s-sorry.

Joe: *Takes his hands & kisses them both* Baby you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one who should say I'm sorry. I should have realized that your not ready. I'm sorry baby, truly. I love you. *kisses Nick's lips sealing his promise*

Nick: *Smiles a little* It's okay Joey, really. I love you too. *kisses back/then pulls away* Just .... kiss me Joey. 

Joe: *Happy that Nick forgives him* Anything for you Nicky ... anything. *kisses him/leaving them both breathless* 

~ They eventually fall asleep together and snuggle closer and closer ~

Ep. 6 (Hey Taylor.../Jealous Joe? Part 1)

Nick: *Wakes up/streches/looks at the time. Whoa noon already? How time flies when you're with the 1 you love. *Smiles/looks at Joe sleeping soundly*

Joe: *Snores lightly/hugs Nick closer to me*

Nick *Aww! He's so cute when he sleeps. Smiles/laughs quietly/slowly untwists from Joe's embrace/goes to the bathroom/starts shower* 

Joe: *Moans* Hm? Nicky? *Falls back to sleep* ~ He's soo tired ;-) ~ 

Nick: *Takes shower. Thinking about last night: Wow! Being with him like that ... was a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Even at the end, he understands me so much. Its so sweet! Smiles/hums softly* 

Joe: *Hears soft humming/opens eyes/yawns sleepily* Nick? *Looks around/doesn't see him/hears shower running. Aww he's in the shower, humming. Gets up and walks to his bathroom/peaks through the door/identify's the tune as "Please Be Mine." He's sooo adorable! Walks back to the bed/picks his cell/new message/listens to it (It's just Kev saying: "Danielle & I got to the island safely and now they're just relaxing together"...) Hmm that's good, more time to just be with Nick. Smiles/picks up other phone/calls room service for breakfast & a special surprise for Nick*

Nick: *Shower stops/gets a towel/drys himself/then walks out to his room to get clothes/sees Joe just hanging the phone up/he looks at him all smiley. Oh my he looks soo sexy! Blushes/holds towel tighter just in case it falls off!* Morning Joey *Smiles cutely* When did you wake up?

Joe: *Walks over to Nick & kisses him deeply* Indeed, gooood morning Nicky. *Pulls away/kisses his forehead* Just a few minutes ago. Room service's a coming, so you better get dressed okay. *Winks* In the meantime I'm going to shower real quick, be back soon love. *Pecks lips/then goes to the bathroom*

Nick: *Giggles/watches Joe leave/then gets dressed. Hmm what am I going to wear today? Looks through clothes/picks a baby blue sleeveless shirt & white swimming trunks. There, ready for another great day in paradise. Smiles & wonder's what Joey & I will do today?* 

~ Knock at door. Room service is here! ;-) ~

Nick: Thank-you. *Examines pancakes with lots of fruit on the side/kiwi syrup. Hmm that's different. Sees milk, orange juice, & cold Fiji bottled water/and a long white box with a envelop attached on top. Wonders who's that for? Opens envelop/reads it: Dearest Nick, here is a rose thats just as beautiful as you are. Like the petals you smell heavenly & you're my favorite miracle sent from above. You're the sweetest, most lovable boy I've ever known. I'm forever yours & you're mine. I love you Nick, Joe. O M G!!! Blushes/spins in a circle with the rose/flops on the bed holding the rose & letter close to his heart. W o w! He really loves me! I'm soo happy right now, my life is .... extremely perfect! Laughs/smells the rose. It smells great & it even has a white bow on it. I can't wait to kiss him after he comes out! Gets up and begins to eat his food/keeps the letter & rose near me*

Joe: *Comes out of the shower/grabs towel/walks out to see Nick eating/he looks up smiles bigger than ever/he got up to run & jumped on me/kisses my lips deeply/kisses back just as deep*

Nick: *Pulls away* Oh Joey, thank you so much for the rose & the letter, I love it & I love you! *Pecks his lips lightly* You're incredible & so romantic!

Joe: *Kisses Nick's lips again* Oh Nicky ... you're *Kisses head* so *Kisses both cheeks* welcome! *Back to his lips* I love you baby.

*Doesn't notice that his towel has slipped ...*

Nick: *Laughs happily/blushing deeply/hugs Joe tighter/feels something different/pulls away/looks down/gasps/turns scarlet as I saw Joe's towel had fallen, but more importantly revealing his tumescent length of him. He's so ... huge ... I-I ... mean like .... wow! Suddenly my legs feel week/lucky when I fell back I landed on the bed/still staring at Joe/can't believe it/shakes head fast* 

Joe: *Watches Nick's expression. It looks like he's shocked, but likes what he sees. Good, soon ... Nicky I'm going to make sweet sweet love to you. I decided to grab the towel for now until till he's more comfortable with my nakedness/turns round to get dressed* Don't worry baby, don't be shy .... cause soon we're going to see a lot of each naked. *Pulls orange swimming trunks on with the towel still wrapped around him/turns back to wink at Nick/then looks at the food* Let's finish eating sweetie. *Extends hand to Nick*

Nick: *Still in shock/blushing shyly/takes his hand/sits with him & finishes everything with him*

~ Later on that afternoon, walking on the long private beach ~

Nick: *Holding Joe's hand as they continue to walk along the beach/decides to play a game with him/lets go of his hand & runs fast of him* Catch me if you can Joey! *Laughs/races & continues to speed up, so Joe won't be able to get me*

Joe: *Raises eyebrows/folds arms* So ... it's like that Nicky? Alright, but I should warn you ... I'm gonna get you! *Takes off like a silver bullet/gaining more & more speed/getting closer & closer to Nick*

Nick: *Laughs/breathes heavy. Uh-oh he's faster than I thought! Better pick up some speed, or he's going to crush me! I know, I'll take a short-cut! Runs up a pathway to another hotel/looks back to see Joe still running but he's still behind me. I'm just about to turn left, when I trip on a pair of sandals and fall on someone sitting at the edge of the pool*

Joe: *Runs faster to jump in the pool to save Nick* Nick! 

Nick: *Swims to the surface/gasping for air/opens eyes to & looks around to see that I'm being lifted out of the water by someone* O-oh my gosh! I-I'm so s-sorry for running into to you.

???: *Smiles* No problem man. Its cool. *Climbs the stairs with Nick in my arms/sits him on a beach lounge chair* That was quite a tackle, you okay?

Nick: *Looks at him from rubbing his eyes & sees for the 1st time noticing who it is* Y-yes I'm fin-

Joe: Nick! *Rushes out of the pool & goes immediately to Nick's side/grabs his shoulders/looking around at his body/making sure he's okay* Are you all right? *Looks up at ???*

???: He looks like he's going be okay, no cuts or bruises. *Looks at Nick apologetically* Sorry man, I have no idea whose sandal's those are, but they're not mine, thats for sure. I can't believe some people just leave their stuff lying around! 

Joe: *Cuts in* Hey, aren't you Taylor Lautner from Twilight?

Ep. 7 (Hey Taylor.../Jealous Joe? Part 2)

Taylor: *Laughs* Thats me. And let me see ... you guys must be the famous Jonas Brothers? Joe .... *smiles and looks back Nick* and your Nick.

Joe: *Starting to get a bit irritated* Yeah thats us. 

Nick:*Doesn't notice Joe's irritation/continues on* I thought I recognized you. Congrats on the movie, it was great. So you here on vacation?

Taylor: *Grins* Thanks man. Yeah I'm here for 4 weeks, then I'm headed to do this action movie, then back to Vancouver to start filming Breaking Dawn. 

Nick: *Nods* Sounds busy.

Taylor: *Shrugs in agreement* Yeah well its the price of being famous. And speaking of being famous, I hear you guys have been really having a great year with music, thats awesome. *saying this more toward Nick than Joe* Listen Nick, I brought your new album, it's so stellar!

Nick: *Tries to be calm/cool about Taylor's comment, but for some reason blushes anyways* T-thanks, means a lot. 

Joe: *Really starting to get jealous* Well its been great talking to you, but we got to go. *stands up with Nick* Catch you later.

Taylor: *Stands up too* No worries dude, yeah I'll see you around. *looks at Nick/smiles* Take care Nick, maybe we can hang out some time?

Nick: *Walking with Joe* Y-yeah maybe. Cya Taylor. 

Taylor: Cya guys, stay cool! *Walks back to hotel room, but turns around to smile at Nick walking away with his brother/then disappears*

Joe: *Sees the whole thing/burns with jealousy/takes Nick's hand walks with him away from his hotel area*

Nick: *For the 1st time sees that Joe's acting different than usual* J-joey are .... you okay?

Joe: *Sighs letting the breeze cooling him off* I'm good baby, just worried about you. *stops walking and takes Nick by the waist & pulls him near him* Are your sure your fine?

Nick: *Blushes* Of course Joey. I guess I just got to watch where I'm running. Sorry I worried you. *rests forehead on Joe's neck*

Joe: *thinking: it's not your fault it's his (Launtner's)* Baby it's okay. I'm glad your all right. Just promise me not to run off from me that fast again ... *plays with Nick's wet curls/kisses head* or I'm going to have to punish you! *lifts Nick's head to kiss him super long* 

Nick: *Giggles/kisses back* Okay Joey. *hugs him*

Joe: *Hugs him tighter/pecks his lips* I love you Nick. 

Nick: *Buries his face in Joe's chest* Whispers: I love you Joe.

Ep. 8 (Dolphin Safari/Open Ocean Fun)

~ Next morning ~

Joe's POV: *Today I've made plans to see dolphins out in the open sea with Nick. Then afterwards we're going to relax together in the sun. And I think later on we'll go explore other areas of the island. Looks at Nick sleeping so peacefully. OMG, he's such an angel! How beautiful! Caresses his cheeks very lightly/traces his lips. Sooo soft, smooth, gentle, silky, warm. I can feel his heart beat. He's so lovely! And so pure of heart, body, mind & soul. He looks so serene, so shy, so innocent. Dear lord I really love Nick with every fiber of my being. He's my one true love. And I can't thank you enough for letting him be mine. I'm really am blessed, right here, right now. I feel like the luckiest guy holding my baby boy in my arms, in my bed, in my heart. This is the greatest feeling, way beyond the success, the achievements, everything ... nothing comes close to loving/being loved by Nick. Its the ultimate love I've found with him. God bless Nick, our family, friends, everyone ... but most of all .... God thank you so much for bringing Nick into my life, I'm eternally grateful to you. I love you Nick, I always will*

Nick: *Stirs/opens eyes/yawns/streches in Joe's arms/sees him staring at him lovingly/smles* Morning Joey. *pecks his lips*

Joe: *Smiles/laughs* Good morning my love. Sleep well? 

Nick: *Giggles/blushes* Yes. What are we going to do today?

Joe: *Kisses his forehead* Something fun & exciting, you'll love it! Come on baby *tugs for Nick to get up* You don't want to miss this! 

Nick: *Sighs/rolls his eyes cutely* Okay, okay! I'm up, I'm up.!*smiles sweetly* Nope don't won't to miss anything when I'm with you! *gets dressed with Joe*

~ ???: At a private dock waiting for the Jonas Brothers ~

Nick: *looking at the medium sized boat* Let me guess ... we're going on an afternoon boat ride around the island? 

Joe: *Shakes head* Nope! Care to guess again? 

Nick: *Thinks for a min.* Hmm ... wait I know! Is it something to do with the wildlife being in their natural setting? 

Joe: *Smiles big/laughs* Now you're getting warmer! Wait till you see, what kind!

Captain: Afternoon Mr. Jonas. Welcome aboard, please this way. Watch your step. *leads them on to the boat* This is the main deck, and right through their is the dinning area if you need anything. The restrooms are down below. And my cabins up the stairs. *puts on sailor's hat* We'll be setting sail in a just a moment. Enjoy *bows and leaves to start the boat*

Nick: *Goes to the front of the boat/lholds on to the railings/gazes* Wow! This is amazing Joey!

Joe: *Goes over to Nick & wraps his arms around his chest* I knew you'd like it! 

Nick: *Closes eyes/feels Joe behind/feels how strong he is/sighs pleasurably/my body immediately warms up more thanks to Joe's heat/just takes it in making it last as much as possible* Whispers: Oh Joey, I love you. 

Joe: *Heart flips/so happy/hugs tighter/doesn't care about no one else ... just Nick in his arms/slowy turns his around to see that Nick's eyes are closed/he's blushing so cutely/he's almost in a trance* Whispers in ear: Your soooo adorable baby, I love so much. *leans in to kiss him*

Nick: *Opens eyes to see Joe looking at him so affectionately/blushes deeper/realizes that they are still on the boat/pulls away* J-joey not here. We're not a-alone ... later though okay. *looks at him with playful smile/turns back to look at the water, while they're taking off from the dock*

Joe: *Rolls his eyes/stands by Nick's side* If you say so baby. 

~ Together they watch all the stunning sites of birds, the incredibly blue clear sky, not a cloud ins site, super sunny/perfect weather ~

Nick: *Arrived at their destination/can't believe what he is seeing!/mouth drops open/gasps/smiles big* Dolphins! Oh my gosh, there's so many of them! *Watches them playing/having fun/wild & free in the sea* 

Joe: *Beams/laughs/just as happy as Nick is* Wowie I knew we were going to see them, I just didn't know there would be so many, it's so cool! 

Nick: *Jumps up & down excitedly* I know! This is the best. *looks at Joe/smiles* Says shyly: And so are you.

Joe: *Pulls him into a hug/then pulls away to look at him* Thank-you baby. I just wanted to do something we haven't seen before, especially this close! *gets an idea* Don't move Nicky, I'm going to get the camera, this is just picture perfect! *runs offs/but then turns around/winks to Nick* I'll be right back baby! *leaves*

Nick: Okay Joey! *Walks over to the part of the boat where I can sit down/put my feet in the water/& watch the dolphins a little closer.  This is so neat, they're so playful and happy. *smiles cheerfully/watches a dolphin come near to me. Wow its coming over to me!*

Hello there. 

Ep. 9 (Meet Ari/Nick's Gift)

Dolphin: *Comes up to Nick/spins in front of him. Hello Young one*

Nick: *Gasps/smile fades/looks around. W-who said that?*

Dolphin: *Laughs. Me the dolphin right in front of you. Your Nicholas Jerry Jonas, of the Jonas Brothers correct?*

Nick: *Shocked/rubs eyes* Y-yes. Wait, am I all right? Is this really happening? How can I hear your thoughts? How do you know, who I am?*

Dolphin: *Your perfectly fine Nicolas & this is happening. Your extremely special & possess the gift of communication with animals, that is when one speaks to you 1st. Then we can talk as long as you wish. I know who you are because of your music & your brothers, you boys are famous*

Nick: *Blushes. W-wow! This is ... different. I didn't expect this. So um ... what is your name?*

Dolphin: *Laughs again. You wouldn't be able to pronounce it in my tongue, but in your language, I'm know as Ari (Short for Ariannia)*

Nick: *Smiles. Nice to meet you Ari. Can I ask why you approached me?*

Ari: *Moves right flipper to lightly to Nick. Well to meet you of course. And to talk about to you about something important concerning you & Joe Jonas*

Nick: *Shakes flipper with his right hand/then suddenly gets worried. W-what is it Ari? Please ... tell me*

Ari: *Oh Nicholas, don't worry it's nothing bad dear. I can see that he really loves you with all his heart & you feel the same for him. No, what I want to tell you is that you're going to have a happy future with him*

Nick: *Gasps. Y-you can see the future Ari? What do you see?*

Ari: *Not exactly. Call it intuition. I feel he will one day propose to you .... when your ready of course. And eventually you will have a baby by him .... and live a joyous life all together*

Nick: *Tears fill my eyes. A-ari .... really? H-he wants to marry me? And ... and ... have a baby with ... me? W-hat about our career, what will happen to that?*

Ari: *Ssshh Nicholas ... I know this is a lot to take in. This is what I feel from you and him. The future is what you make it, and it can always change. You and your brother's career will be all up to you to decide together. Don't worry though ... whatever you choose your life and your brothers as well, will all be content with the final decision*

Nick: *Calms down/sighs/can take it/pulls Ari in to a hug. T-thank you Ari ... thank-you for telling me*

Ari: *Laughs. Your very welcome Nicholas. But now ... a serious note dear one. Be careful with those who seem friendly & a friend ... because they may not be what they seem. And if you realize this ... then Joe Jonas will not become so possessive with you*

Nick: *Pulls away/looks at her/shivers. W-what do you mean Ari? I don't understand*

Ari: *It's okay little one ... you will. Just be cautious of new encounters. Know this .... Joe Jonas loves you deeply & will never hurt you or betray you. Though ... if someone should want your affections  ... he will become very overprotective of you. Even now he feels this way ... but thankfully it is out of his declaration of love for you. So don't be afraid of your feelings ... trust your heart . You'll know what to do.*

Ep. 10 (Joe This is ... Ari/Nick's New Friend)

Joe: *Comes back/runs over to Nick* Hey Nicky! I'm back & I got the camera, smile baby it's picture time! 

Ari: *Goodbye dearest Nicholas. Take care and stay safe. Leans nose to kiss Nick's cheeks/waves/jumps away*

Nick: W-wait Ari! I ... *Jumps in to the water to swim to her* 

Joe: *About to take a picture/stops/hands drop to his sides/looks at Nick/yells* Nick, who's Ari?!

Nick: *Swims to Ari/holds on to her back/glances back at Joe* Calls to Joe: This is Ari!

Joe: *Smiles/re-grabs camera* Oh! Okay, smile baby boy & Ari! 

Nick: *Giggles/smiles. Ari, can he hear you too?*

Ari: *No Nicholas. He can not. I'm afraid he does not possess your gift.*

Nick: *Disappointed, but then relieved. Hmm, I guess that's a good thing then. I don't think he'll believe me anyhow. Laughs/looks at her. Hey Ari, even though Joe can't talk with you, can I still introduce to him?*

Ari: *If you wish little one ... I'd be delighted to*

Nick: *Smiles bigger. Yes Ari please ... stay. Your my friend*

Ari: *Squeals happy. Well then dearest friend ... hang on! Grab my fin, here we go!*

Nick: *Chuckles loudly/grabs fin/hangs on for the ride* Whoo! 

Joe: *Still snapping shots like crazy/can't believe what he's seeing* W-o-w Nick! That Ari really likes you! 

Nick: *Gets out of the water/takes Joe's hand to & goes back to Ari/extends a hand out* Joe, I'd like you to meet my new friend, Ari. *Looks at Ari/extends hand* Ari, this is Joe. 

Ari: *Leans up to kiss Joe's cheek/spins around twice*

Nick: She likes you Joey! *Winks*

Joe: *Gasps/laughs* Whoa! It's nice to meet you Ari! *looks at Nick* Will she let me swim with you two?

Nick: Of course Joey! *takes camera/puts it away/runs back to him/grabs hand* Come on Joey, lets go! *they both jump in the water together*

Ep. 11 (Goodbye Ari/Thank-you)

Joe: *Emerges from the water with Nick* This is amazing Nicky! And Ari is soo friendly!

Nick: *Smiles/pulls Joe over to Ari's back* Here Joey, grab her fin & hang on! 

Ari: *Laughs. Hold on Joe Jonas!*

Joe: *Grabs on* W-hoooaaa!! Whooo!! *laughs/smiles*

Nick: *Laughs uncontrollably/watches gleefully* 

~ So the day pretty much continues with Nick, Joe, & Ari, and other dolphins playing/laughing/having a blast together! :-D ~

Nick: *Still laughing/looks at the sunset starting, with Joe by his side back on the boat/sighs happily* What a day! 

Joe: *Smiles/hugs Nick* I'll say, one of the best so far! And I'm glad it was with you & Ari! 

Nick: *Blushes/smiles blissfully at Joe/then looks at Ari. Ari, Joe & I had the best time today! I can't thank-you enough, your my best friend!*

Ari: *If I could smile Nicholas ... you would be getting the biggest one I could ever give! I should be thanking you little one ... your kindness and happiness is that of an sweet angel sent from the heavens. I'm very happy I got to meet you and Joe Jonas ... I will always remember you two. Remember ... though what I said before & take care. You & Joe Jonas both take care. And farewell my best friend! Spins many times/Swims away*

Nick: *Gets sad. Wait!! Ari! Will I ever see you again?*

Ari: *I hope so dear Nicholas. Goodbye. Swims under the water/leaves*

Nick: *Continues to watch Ari till he can no longer see her. Goodbye Ari*

Joe: *Sees Nick's sad/hugs him/kisses his forehead/looks into his eyes* Nick ... I'm sure we'll see Ari again.

Nick: *Can no longer hold the tears/cries into Joe's chest* I-I ... know Joey. S-she's my new best friend. 

Joe: *Rubs Nick's back soothingly/hugs him tighter/softly dries his tears* It's okay ... baby boy. I'm happy you found a best friend here. I'm honored to have met her, you two ... share a strong connection. I feel it ... you'll definitely find each other. And when you do ... I will be here by your side.

Nick: *Sniffles/smiles a little/leans head to rest on Joe's shoulder* Thank-you Joey ... for today. If it wasn't for you ... I would have never have the best day of my life. Your the greatest Joey!

Joe: *Holds Nick in his arms/spins him around in circles/then embraces his warmly* Your welcome baby, I love you ... so much ...

and your the one who is the best! *Pulls away* I do have a question though, when I left what happened during that time with Ari? I mean ... how did you connect with her and did ... you give her that name?

Nick: *Looks into Joe's eyes. Should I tell him? Would he believe me? ... maybe, but for now I think I'll keep it a secret. I'll tell him one day though, most definitely. Just not today. Today was too ... perfect* Takes a breath: I just went came down here & put my feet in the water & she swam right up to me. I was super surprised, & she just did a lot of tricks for me. I guess I ... just looked into her eyes & made a connection. And as for her name ... yes I did. She looked like an "Ari" to me. *Smiles sweetly*

Joe: *Smiles back/nods* Hmm ... it sounds like to me ... *wraps his arms around Nick's waist/starts to dance with him slowly* that your ... incredibility special. *Begins to nuzzle Nick's hair* You continue ... to amaze me. And you ... make me love you more & more. *Takes Nick's hands/presses his lips to them*

Nick: *Blushes/sighs dreamily/can't speak/smiles/feels knees getting weaker & weaker by the second* Finally manages to whisper: Oh ... Joey.

Joe: *Pulls away/looks at Nick full of love* What do you say ... we get back to land. Are you hungry?

Nick: *Smiles nervously/shyly nods*

Joe: *Smiles/takes Nick's hand/leads him into the boats cabin/grabs a towel/begins to dry Nick & himself*

Nick: *Still nervous/watches Joe drying his body. I ... think I'll tell him tonight ... in his room*

Ep. 12 (An intimate Dinner/Nick's Performance)

~ Back on island, 7PM. Joe & Nick are getting off the boat & leaving to go to Joe's room ~

Captain: *Waves* Thank you for coming aboard gentlemen. Have a pleasant evening.

Joe & Nick: *Waves together* Thank you Captain! You as well, take care! *Both watch the boat sail away*

Joe: *Turns to Nick/takes his hand sweetly* Come on baby, lets go eat. I have everything all set up ... right outside my balcony of my room. Tonight we'll celebrate you & Ari. And we'll have the stars up above watching over us ... it's going to be ... sooo romantic Nicky, I guarantee it. *winks*

Nick: *Smiles/follows Joe/looks down. He ... is ... soooo .... wonderful! Hmm he really spoils me! Tonight I want to do something for him, besides the another ... thing. I know! I'll sing my new song for him. That's what I'll do*

~ Joe takes a shower in his room & Nick decides to do the same in his own room. Before Joe is done, Nick comes back to arrange his performance for Joe. Awww!! ^//^ ~

Nick: *Finishes just in time/looks at everything. Perfect! This is going to be awesome! Takes his seat at the table/awaits his one true love*

Joe: *Finishes showering/gets dressed extra special/smiles at the thought of what is to come/takes a look at himself in the mirror. Check. Here I come baby boy! Goes out to his balcony/stops & stares at Nick. O-M-G!! He's soooo beautiful ... oh Nicky ... you look ... mmm. Licks lips/breathes. Sooooo mouthwatering! Forget the dinner! I'm ... hungry for you!*

Nick: *Feels Joe's presence/turns to see Joe's face/gasps quietly/looks at his outfit. Oh my ... he looks like a .... god! Looks at his eyes/sees so much desire/Also his lips curving into a deeply wicked smile. I-I-I. Breathes in/sees him still staring. I feel ... like I ... can't breathe. That look ... he's giving me ... oh ... Joey. Trembles/bites bottom lip* H-h-hello Joey.

Joe: *Snaps out of it/immediately sits down in front of Nick* I'm ... sorry baby. I ... just .... wow!

Nick: *Smiles bashfully/presses one finger to his lips* Ssss ... Joey. I-I know what you mean. M-me too. 

Joe: *Smiles/laughs* Mmm ... you like a dream Nicky. Your irresistible ... *Takes his finger & kissed the tip & then kisses on top of his hand* to me. 

Nick: *Laughs quietly/sighs* Ooh Joey ... I love you so much. Your so gorgeous ... your the one who is dreamy ... my sexy man.

Joe: *Raises an eyebrow playfully* Oh, am I ... Nicky? *Can't take it anymore/rises to pull Nick's face in his hands/breathes very hotly in his ear* Everything thing about you ... is luscious, cute, unbelievably tantalizing. I love you Nick, you're my number one. *crashes lips onto Nick's sooooo passionately/licks his lips/groans loudly*

Nick: *Heart beating a mile a min/moans pleasurably/feels himself smiling/cheeks getting warmer & warmer/being swept in Joe's kiss/forgets everything else/shaking & wanting more of him*

Joe: *Still kissing Nick with blazing passion/moving from my seat to pull Nick into to me/wraps his arms around his waist/making this moment last forever/breathless*

Nick: *Feels Joe's hot skin upon my face/breathing heavy/gasping/wraps arms around Joe's neck/feels Joe's heart pounding along with me own/moans louder/continues to get lost in Joe's kiss ... arms ... touch ... everything*

Joe: *Deeply satisfied/doesn't want to pull away, but does/smiles/rests his head on Nick's/breathes heavy* Ohh ... Nick ... I love you.

Nick: *Opens eyes/dazed/trying to catch his breath/sighs contently* Whispers: I ... love ... you ... Joe. I-I have a surprise for you.

Joe: *Looks at him* What surprise is that baby ... *kisses his forehead* besides you?

Nick: *Blushes deeply/hugs him* I want to sing a song for you.

Joe: *Eyes widen* Really baby boy? Okay then ... *releases him reluctantly, but knows he'll be back in my arms soon enough* take it away cutie pie.

Nick: *Takes a breath/fixes clothes because they got a little wrinkled up in Joe's strong embrace/drinks some water before going on the stage/holds the microphone in his hands/smiles* This one's for you Joe. (Sing's "Stay")

Joe: *Watches intently/gazes so full of love of Nick's song/smiles warmly* 

Nick: *Song ends. Goes back to sit down with Joe/takes a sip of his water/looks at Joe/giggles* Did you like it Joey?

Joe: *Grinning like crazy* Did I like it? Did I like it Nicky? I ... LOVED IT! Your the sweetest, most adorable baby boy in the whole world! I LOVE YOU! 

Nick: *Continues giggling/smiles a lot* I'm happy you do Joey. I love you too. *Begins to eat my food*

Joe: *Begins to eat too* I am baby ... so much. Your soo cute! 

Ep. 13 (Can You Feel the Love Tonight? Part 1)

~ They finish their meal & look up at the sky that is filled with a beautiful bright stars ~

Joe: *Lays with Nick his arms on a large hammock that thankfully can hold us both/strokes Nick's cheek/feels him shiver/hugs him/warms his body*

Nick: *Stays silent/snuggles with Joe/looks at the sky* Whispers: It's so beautiful. The stars are so bright here.

Joe: *Sighs/strokes Nick's arms* They are indeed ... but *looks at him* they're in second place. As for as I'm concerned ... *pecks his lips lightly* you are the most beautiful of all the stars.

Nick: *Heart sighs happily/smiles/closes eyes/deepens the kiss/moans softly*

Joe: *Continues to deepen the kiss/carefully moves Nick underneath him/runs fingers through Nick's curly hair twirling them/begins to moan* Ohhhh .... Nick ... Mmmmm.

Nick: *Whimpers quietly/pulls away/opens eyes to look at Joey timidly* Oooh ... Joey ... I-I-I have ... something ... t-to ... tell you.

Joe: *Stops/feels Nick's skin shaking slightly/looks at him* Nick ... *strokes his cheek* are you all right baby? Did I go too far?

Nick: *Closes eyes/tries to slow my heart that is beating out of control/takes a breath* Murmurs: N-no ...  I'm fine. J-joey .... I want ... you inside ... m-me.

Joe: *Gasps* Nicky? Are you sure that is what you want?

Nick: *Opens eyes/feels his face burning up/nods* Yes Joey. I do.

Joe: *Kisses him gently on the lips/pulls away/gets up from the Hammock/gently picks up Nick/takes him in his room/puts him on my bed/begins to undress in front of him*

Nick: *Sits up a bit to watch/stays silent*

Joe: *My clothes are all off, which now leaves me in my boxers. I looked at Nick, searching for any signs of doubt. Instead he seemed calm, blushing cutely as always* Nick?

Nick: *Nods for him to continue*

Joe: *Removes boxers/stands right in front of Nick*

Nick: *Sighs nervously/smiles* Your perfect.

Joe: *Kisses lips* So are you. *Begins to undress Nick/leaving them both bare/looks at Nick's small body/smiles dreamily* Stay here baby, I need to get something.

Nick: *Nods/watches him*

Joe: *Turns off all lights except bed-light/closes curtains/goes to drawers, gets a single ... & rips it open & puts in on/walks back to Nick* Now we're ... ready.

Nick: *Feels shy/heart leaping of chest/looks at him innocently* Speaks softly: Please Joey ...

Joe: *Climbs on top of him/lkisses him deeply moving my hands up & down his body* All right baby ... my pleasure.

Nick: *Moans/feels Joe's body pressed up against me. His body is so ... hot. And his weight on me is a bit heavy ... but I like it ... a lot* Moaning: Mmm Joey. 

Joe: *Kisses Nick's lips/moves down to his neck/sucks & bites him*

Nick: *Squeals* Ooh! Mmmm. Nmm.

Joe: *Smiles/moves farther down his body/kisses around his chest/nips at his breast while rubbing the other one in circles*

Nick: *Tilts head back/feels sooooooo goood* Mmmmm ... uh ... t-there.

Joe: *Breathes* You like that baby?

Nick: *Blushes/eyes open a bit* Mmm ... Y-yess.

Joe: *Continues to suck on it/then moves to do the same to the other side/massages Nick's arms*

Nick: *Panting* Uhhh ... ahh ... J-j-joooeyy.

Joe: *Stops sucking/kisses his stomach/getting lower & lower to Nick's pelvis/finally gets to his thigh & squeezes it gently* Ohh ... Nicholas ... your sooooo beautiful baby.

Nick: *Arches back* Uhhhh ... J-j-ospeh ... Mmmm.

Joe: *Gently slides off of Nick/sits up right in front of Nick's area/looks at him breathing*

Nick: *Opens eyes/looks up confused/sits up a bit/still panting* W-what's ... wrong ... Joey?

Ep. 14 Can You Feel the Love Tonight? Part 2

Joe: *Smiles* Nothing Nicky ... nothing at all. *Kisses Nick's thigh/slowy slides one finger into Nick/watches his expression*

Nick: *Gasps/moans louder than ever/shakes/back arches high/bites lip* Uhhhhhh!

Joe: *Moves his finger deeper into Nick/stroaking him to make him ready/adds a second finger*

Nick: *Getting weaker & weaker/breathing heavy/writhes/grips sheets* Uhhh! .... Ooooohhh ... Ahhh ...

Joe: *Finally slides entire hand into Nick*

Nick: *Eyes open/moans loudest moan ever/grips Joe's arm* Ooooohhhhh ... Jooooeeeeeyyyyyy!

Joe: *Smiles. Feels like Nick is ready. Takes hand out of Nick/climbs back on top of him & kisses him deeply/carefully sliding my length inside of Nick* Uhhh ... Nick.

Nick: *Cries out/wraps arms around Joe's neck tightly hanging on/moans* Whimpers: J-j-j-ooe .. i-it h-hurts. Uhhhhhh!

Joe: *Kisses Nick's entire face* Ohhh ... Nick ... it'll get better in a second baby ... I promise.

Nick: *Nods/takes a moment to let the pain subside/fights tears*

Joe: *Begins to move slowly inside of Nick* Uhhhh ... oh Nicky.

Nick: *Begins to feel the pleasure/moans/hugs Joe tighter. My God! H-h-he's inside me ... oooooooooooohhhhhhh it feels .... like a dream! I'm in heaven!* Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooooooooohhh!!

Joe: *Thrusts harder into him/getting deeper inside of him/grips Nick's thighs hard* Niiiiccckkkk!

Nick: *Moans super loudly* Joooooooooooooeeeeee!! 

Joe: *Continues to thrust harder & harder/can no longer take it/moves faster & faster into to Nick/still holding his thighs/lifts them to wrap around him* Uhhhhhh ... ohhhhhh ... MMMMMMM ...

Nick: *Feels Joe moving faster & faster/holds on for dear life/grabs Joe's hair & pulls on it/so into this* Uhhhhh ... Oh! Jooooeeeeeyyyy uhhhhhhhhhhh ohhh! *feels liquid running my legs/looks down worriedly* J-j-joeyyy? W-h-hat isss t-thatt?

Joe: *Stops kissing Nick's lips, but continues to move inside him. Looks down to his area/smiles sexy/groans louder than ever* That is you ... Nicky ... Uhhhh ohhhhh ... you came. And did I ....

Nick: *Closes his eyes/goes back into a trance/grips the sheets hard* Oh! Joeyyyy! Uhhhhhh I'm ... coming! 

Joe: *Groaning sooo much* Me too baby! Uhhhhh ... Ohhhhh ... Nicky baby ..... Uhhhhhhhh. I loveeeee youuuuu.

Nick: *Moans/screams/losing all control* Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ooooooooo ... Uhhhhhh!!! Jooooeeeyy ... Iiiiiiiiiii .... looooeeevvee yoouuu!!! 

~ They continue like this for an hour ~

Joe: *Finally pulls out of Nick/breathing super heavy/hugs Nick closely by his waist/kisses him tenderly/rubs back soothingly* I love you Nick.

Nick: *Cuddles into Joe's arms/breathing heavy too/smiling* I love you Joe.

Joe: *Plays with his curls* How are you feeling baby?

Nick: *Giggles softly* Wonderful Joey. That was amazing ... I didn't know it could feel ... like that.

Joe: *Presses lips to Nicks/lips curve into a smile* I couldn't agree more Nicky. You are my heart & soul baby boy. And if I may say ... *nuzzles neck* you have the most beautiful body & being inside of you was like ... sweet sweet heaven. *Moves up to his ear/bites lightly* I ... *kisses lips* love *kisses nose* you *kisses forehead* so *kisses eyebrows* much *kisses cheeks* Nick. *goes back to his lips pecking so sweetly* I'm so happy your mine baby boy. I just want to be with you forever, you're where I belong. *hugs him*

Nick: *Sighs super blissfully/smiles so in love* Oh Joey. I love you forever more. No one has ever ... made me feel like this ... and on one ever will ... but you. Your my sweet loving man. You complete me ... you make me love you more and more ... My heart will always be yours. And tonight ... was just so ... perfect. I'm so happy to be with you ... in your arms ... I'm so in love with you. Your the ... most sexiest ... amazing ... man I've ever known. *yawns quietly/falls asleep in Joe's arms*

Joe: *Smiles/wraps the blanket around them/falls asleep with Nick*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on October 18, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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