Paradise Ep 1-4

Paradise Ep 1-4

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Ep. 1 (Nick I lo-.../Trouble in Paradise?)

Who am I? Who Am I? Do I know anymore? Well let me tell you what I know so far. My name is Nicholas Jerry Jonas, and I'm 17 years old. I was born in Texas and I have 3 other brothers, Kevin (who just got married), Frankie (the youngest next to me), and ... Joe. Kevin, Joe, and I are 3 brothers in a band called the Jonas Brothers. We've made it big and we're truly livin' the dream. Though for some time I've wanted to do a solo project called Nick Jonas & the Administration. At first I was extremely nervous doing something without my brothers, especially Joe. Since Kevin got married to his new wife, I don't feel as close to him as I was. And Frankie's my best friend, but still its not enough. Joe on the other hand, we've always been so super close, closer than anyone could ever be (at least that's what I think). Now I'm done touring and I'm on vacation and spending time alone with Joe. I'm so happy! Whoa wait a minute! Okay I can admit it right to myself I ... love Joe more than a brother/best friend, I really love him with all my heart. And that's where my story starts ....

~ In Fiji (extremely tropical and nice!) With Joe only .... And this is where they're at: ( ~

Nick: *Watching Joe swimming in the ocean on this private beach, no one's around*

Joe: *Splashing, having a blast, sees Nick watching* Hey Nick! Come on in, the waters great!! 

Nick: Alright! *Man do I want him to kiss me and hold me. He looks amazing in the water. So wet, so strong, so attractive. The water's warm, but Joe makes me ten times hotter. I'm blushing. Calm down Nick. He probably doesn't like you the same way. Oh reality sucks!*

Joe: *Goes under the water and swims up to Nick fast* 

Nick: *What's he up to?* 

Joe: *Jumps up out of the water and onto Nick, they both fall over together* 

Nick: J-Joe? W-what are you doing? 

Joe: *The waves carried us to the shore, I rolled over and over with Nick on the sand* Having fun of course! Man I love this place, don't you?! 

Nick: *Of course it's beautiful, but nothing compared to you* Y-yeah it is. *Oh God, he's so close to me and on top .... please Joe kiss me, touch me, say you love me too*

Joe: *Should I tell him now? Can I tell him the truth? Why not I mean we're so close, and I'm on top of him! Oh Nick I want you so bad, I feel like I'm going to be explode!* Nick I have something to tell you ...

Nick: *Freezes, please Joe tell me* W-what? 

Joe: *Oh God! Come on Joe, just say it!! You can't hide it anymore! Just say it, be honest, tell him how you feel.* Nick I ... I  ... lo- 

Nick: *O-M-G!! Is he going to say what I think he's going to say?! I'm really blushing now*

Joe: *I can't, now yet. He probably will hate me if I tell him, after all it is wrong. I'll tell him next time* I love swimming! Hey why don't we go snorkel, then we'll go eat, okay? *Jumps off of Nick and runs to get Nick's snorkel gear & mine* Come on Nick, lets go! *Grabs Nick's arm pulling him up fast, I'm leading/charging into the coolness of the water. Thank God, I was beginning to get heated up being on top of Nick's small cute incredible body. Okay pull together, Joe, stop it! You can't think like this can you? Yes because I love him deeply, oh who am I kidding? I want him to be mine! To kiss him, love him, touch him, make love .... All the above and more! No because I'm his brother, we're in a band together, and it isn't right. Despite all this, I looked at Nick trying to figure out his expression. He looks shocked, disappointed ... wait is he blushing? No it can't be, can it? Is it the sun? Yeah probably, but then why isn't he happy?*

Nick: *Wants to run away from Joe and cry. Why? WHY?! Joe I thought you were going to say it! I mean he was on top of me and he looked really into it. Did I do something wrong? Is he scared to tell me, like I am to tell him? Oh! All these questions and more were starting to really build up inside me. I don't want to snorkel, I don't want to swim! I want Joe!! Why does it have to be hard? I'm so shy, even with Joe. After all, look at him! He's incredibly gorgeous, and so amazing. I thought back to when he was on top of me, he was heavy, but I liked it a lot. He was so close to me, I could feel his breathe upon my face. He was wet and so was I, but also sweaty. Oh God, he's perfect! Okay, get a grip Nick, he's just probably being Joe. He's always been sooo funny, he's probably just playing a joke, right? Yeah that's got to it. I mean come on Nick, he's your brother/front man of the band, why would he have the same feelings I have for him, for me? This logic sucks!* O-okay Joe *Smiles for him, but really doesn't want to*

~ Later On In The Day ~

Nick: *In my room alone: ( Ok, so I got to say that swimming was fun and a great distraction against the moment with Joe earlier. But still, being with him made me nervous. I never use to be so shy, not with Joe. I've always been so open with him, told him everything, he's been my protector. I need him so much. Always when we were younger Joe, would hug me unexpectedly and on stage we'd be performing and he'd come over to my side and share the mike with me. And it would be like we're the only 1s on the stage, singing just for each other. It was so sweet, I loved it so much! Maybe he does love me after all. There are a lot of signs, and I've always been cool and never returned the same brotherly love. Maybe that's why! I've pushed him away on the outside with my feelings, but on the inside I just want him to hug me and more. Thats it! If he's not going to tell me how he feels, then I'm going to say what I feel. I can't take it anymore, I love Joe. This is real and its who I am, and I'm going to tell him tonight at dinner, yes! Gets dressed for dinner with Joe* 

Joe: *In my room, which is right next to Nick's: ( , looking in the bathroom mirror, getting ready for dinner with Nick.* Come on Joe! Thats it! I'm going to tell Nick tonight, yes tonight's the night! *Gasps. When did I start talking to myself? Shrugs, no one's here except me. I have to tell Nick, there's no other solution. I love him too much to keep it inside any longer. Nick is my everything, my heart, my soul, my only love. He is the one I dream of, want to sing with on stage, want to be with forever and forever. This feeling is beyond anything I've ever felt for anyone, I don't care about anyone else except Nick. I've always loved and enjoyed hugging him, even though he pushed me away. I'm sure he feels the same way I do, after today's little blush, I think he loves me too. I swear being near him, just makes me sooo happy and having him with me is a miracle. He's the sweetest, most caring, sensitive, shy awesome boy I've ever known. His voice speaking/singing makes me melt and my heart beat faster, he's just sooo CUTE!!! Finishes getting ready, looks into the mirror again to check/make sure I look good* Yes! Nick tonight I'm going to say that I love you with all my heart!! *Nods, grins, and grabs his jacket and leaves to pick up Nick* 

Ep. 2 (Dinner For 2/The Great News!)

Joe: *Stands for a minute in front of Nick's doors* Quietly to myself: This is is! *Knocks* 

Nick: *He's here! OMG ... don't panic Nick, calm down, breathe .... opens door*

Joe: *Smiles big* Hi Nick! Ready to go eat? 

Nick: *Smiles too* H-hey Joe. Yes lets go. *Walks out with Joe, blushing again* 

Joe: *Looks at Nick, awww he's blushing again, man he is so cute* Nick you look cute! *Gasps. OMG! Did I just say that aloud?! Uh-oh* 

Nick: *Blushes deeper, OMG Joe just told me I look cute!* T-thank you. Y-you too. *Oh God, now I said it! Why does my heart flutter so much when I talk to him, gosh Nick take it easy!*

Joe: *HE THINKS I'M CUTE TOO?! WOW! Smiling bigger than ever* Thanks. We'll we're here. 

Nick: *Sees that they've arrived at the restaurant, still nervous about tonight, but I'm still going to say it* C-cool. 

Server: Hi Mr. Jonas, I have your reservations. Please this way ...

~ Joe & Nick follow the server to the their table, which is very intimate and a special setting ;-) ~

Server: Here we are. Can I get you two something to drink?

Joe: Nick?

Nick: U-um a strawberry lemonade sounds nice. 

Server: *Nods* And for you? 

Joe: Make that 2. 

Server: Alright 2 strawberry lemonade's coming right up. *Walks away*

Joe: So Nick what do you think? 

Nick: A-about the restaurant? It's great, but um ... what made you choose it? 

Joe: *Grins sexily* Simply because tonight is a very special night. *Winks* 

Nick: O-oh. *Heat beating a bit faster than usual*

Server: *Comes up to their table and gives them their drinks* Here you go. So what can I get for you this evening? *Gets tablet ready to write*

Joe: Hmm. *Looks down at the menu* I don't know. *Looks back at Nick* What do you say Nick? 

Nick: *Glances at the menu & picks out whatever sounds interesting* Uh the Mahi-mahi special please. 

Server: *Writes the order down* And you sir?

Joe: You know what, that sounds really good, I'll have the same as well. And for dessert, the Fiji Tropical Mousse will do. *Hands his menu & Nick's to server* 

Server: *Takes menus & leaves* Of course, right away. 

Joe: *Phone buzzes, takes out of pocket, sees important incoming phone call*

Nick: *Curious* W-who is it?

Joe: Excuse me a minute Nick, I'll be right back *Gets up and leaves the room* 

Nick: *What is going on? Sighs. This day just keeps getting better and better. He's acting so different, it's throwing me for a loop. He wants to tell me something important. Could it be the same as what I want to say? That look .... he gave me was so ... if it wasn't for the chair I would have have melted just right there. Wow ... I'm so in love with him. And he keeps ordering the same thing as me, and asking me my opinion. Its so sweet! (Takes a sip of the drink) Oh Joe please come back in, I ... want to tell you my secret.*

Joe: *Outside the restaurant on the phone* Hello, Joe Jonas speaking.

???: Hey how's the vacation going so far? 

Joe: Pretty nice. Nick and I are having a great time! 

???: Awesome. Well I just called to tell you that, you guys can stay in Fiji as long as you want. The record label's really impressed with all the hard work we've done last year and with Nick's solo tour/ablum. So you can relax or travel anywhere you want. No paparazzi, fans, just absolute freedom! I'm psyched! 

Joe: You serious?!

???: Definitely man! I'm loving it, okay well I got to go, the flight to Hawaii is just about to take off. Take care okay? I'll call you when we get in.

Joe: Alright, sounds good. Bye *Hangs up*

???: Bye *Hangs up* 

Joe: *YES!!! Life just got a million times better! Whoo! Oh my gosh, I can't wait to tell Nick! (Hurries back inside)*

Nick: *Looks down at his watch. Hmm. Joe's been gone for 10 min.'s.* 

Server: *Comes to the table with the dinner plates & dessert* Here you are, careful the plates still a bit hot. 

Nick: Thank you *Smiles politely* 

Server: Your welcome. Let me know if you need anything else. *Leaves* 

Nick: *Takes a bite of the Mahi-mahi. Yum, this is so good!* 

Joe: *Comes back, sits down* Sorry about that Nick. It was Kev. You won't believe this, but we're going to be able to stay here longer! The record label thinks we've done a great job with everything, so this is our reward! Isn't it just awesome?!

Nick: W-wow! Thats amazing, really? What about the paparazzi and fans? 

Joe: *Smiles happily* Really Nick. And may I add paparazzi/fan free! 

Nick: *Laughs* I'll say it again, wow! 

Joe: *Laughs with him* I know right! And Kev's going to Hawaii with Danielle, he's says he'll call us when he gets there. 

Nick: Cool. *Wow suddenly I'm not so nervous being with Joe, but then again ... I'm going to get to be alone with him for as long as we stay ... OMG YES!* 

Ep. 3 (Joe & Nick's Secrets/Closer & Closer)

~ Joe & Nick finish eating their meal, talking about the great news & stuff ^_^ ~ 

Joe: Wow what a meal! Even the dessert was divine! 

Nick: *Giggles* Yeah I'll say! Amazing! 

Joe: *Laughs, then sees that Nick has some of the mousse on his upper lip and leans close enough. I took my finger and wiped it off, licking the traces of it off my finger.* Mmm that's sooo good. (More Nick than the dessert!! ^//^)

Nick: *Oh boy, here we go again. My heart's leaping out of my chest. My face is probably burning by now. He's teasing me! I don't know how much I can take, he's so .... so beautiful!* S-s-so um w-hat did you want to talk to me about Joe? 

Joe: *It's time, well here it goes. (Takes a breathe) Reaches to take Nick's right hand in both of my hands. Caresses top of Nick's hand, then looks at him* Nick .... I love you, more than a brother/best friend. I'm so in love with you. *Kisses his hand/knuckles* 

Nick: *Gasps* Y-y-you do? 

Joe: *Stops kissing his hand, but still keeps a hold on it* Yes. I really love you Nick. I'm sorry if you find this weird, I don't want to scare you. I just can't hide these feelings I have for you anymore. The truth is that, I've loved you since you came into my life. Your so amazingly cute. You make me so happy Nick, your my heart and soul.

Nick: *Starts crying happily* Oh .... Joe! I feel the same way about you! I love you too Joe, so much!

Joe: *Can't believe it* You ... love me? *Stands up out seat, chair falls back. Lifts Nick out of his chair and hugs him tightly* You really love me? 

Nick: *Still crying happier than ever. Laughing. Smiling* Yes! Oh, I love you Joey! *Hugs back, being swept in his strong arms holding him closer & closer*

Joe: *Cries along with him. Beaming uncontrollably. Spins Nick in the air lovingly. Sighing blissfully* Oh Nicky! You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that! It's been so hard keeping this from you for so long. I love you so much! *Kisses him*

Ep. 4 (Can I have this Dance?/Nervous Nick) 

Joe: *Kisses Nick warm & tenderly* Ohh Nicky, mmm, your lips are soooo soft. 

Nick: *At first I wasn't prepared for his lips, but gave in, deepening it (Blushing beyond tomorrow)* Y-yours too Joey. *Smiling in between kisses*

Joe: *Kisses his head, both cheeks, his nose, & back to his lips* Whispers: Your sooo incredibly adorable Nick. Will you be mine?

Nick: *Giggles* A million times yes! And you're the 1 who's sooo beautiful!

Joe: *Plays with Nick's curls & smiles* Touché. Well I think now would be good time for the surprise. *Winks*

Nick: *Raises eyebrow* What surprise Joey?

Joe: *Grins again sexily* This 1! 

*Lights dim romantically, music plays Michael Buble's "Sway"* 

Joe: *Takes Nick waist and pulls him super close* Shall we dance baby? 

Nick: *Laughs* J-joey I can't dance to this song, its too fast! 

Joe: Hmmm, your right. How about this 1? 

*Music changes to Mariah Careys "Open Arms"*

Nick: *Smiles shyly* Whispers: Yes. 

~ They dance slowly together, their eyes focused on nothing else but each other. No one else exists. Love's in the air! Awww! ~ 

Joe: *Continues to dance with Nick/holding him close to me* Oh Nicky you're so beautiful. I just love you.

Nick: *Smiles/Closes eyes/Rests my head on Joe's shoulder* You're the 1 who is beautiful. And I love you deeply.

Joe: *Kisses Nick's neck* Oh my God ... you taste sooo incredible.

Nick: *Soft moans* J-joey oh .... mmmm. 

Joe: Whispers hotly in his ear: Let's go to your room baby.

Nick: *Shivers/blushes/breath becoming uneven* O-ok.

~ Joe takes Nick's hand and they walk back to his room ~

Joe: *At Nick's door: pushes him against his door & kisses him passionately*

Nick: *Heart beating super fast/moaning/feels sooo good/wraps his arms around his neck* Mhmm. Yesss. 

Joe: *Pulls back/breathing heavy/pushes 1 finger to Nick's lips/looks at him* Nicky baby I'm going to change into my PJ's. I'll be back in sec. *Winks/goes to his room which is right next store* 

Nick: *Slides down my door/sighs dreamily. Oh my God I love him so! His kiss ... makes me feel like we're the only 2 people in the world. It's so .... warm, unbelievably pulling me deeper into him. I'm lost in Joe's kiss, arms, .... everything. Oh my gosh! I gotta get in my room and change too! Jumps up & goes in/quickly changes* 

Joe: *Quickly throws aside evening attire/grabs pants & tee-shirt, putting them on. Thinking: I want Nick soo much, its stronger than anything I've ever felt. Checks to see how everything looks. Good for now, better when I'm with him. Leaves and goes to Nick's room*

Nick: *Alright all dressed, but I'm nervous as can be. Easy Nick ... deep breathes, it's just Joe. Just Joe ... just the love of my life ... my only love. Sits on bed/turns on TV/sees that Avatar's love scene is on/stares/blushes*

Joe: *Knocks* Nicky it's me. 

Nick: *Falls off the edge of my bed* Oh! *embarrassed* C-coming Joey. *Goes to the door trying to act like that didn't just happen/opens it* H-hey. 

Joe: *Looks at Nick from top to bottom hungrily* Hey baby. *Pecks his lips/moves Nick into the room/pulls away/notices Avatar's on & what scene it's at/smiles big/Picks Nick up in my arms and softly lays him on the bed/looks at him before climbing on top* Nicky I love you with all my heart. I want you now & forever.

Nick: *Blushing/trembling with chills to feel Joe's body on top again* J-joey ... I love you. I-I want you too. 

Joe: *Smiles* Good to know. *Winks/gets on top of Nick/kisses him deeply/plays with his curls/touching his arms, chest, rubbing his legs/thighs*

Nick: *Moaning a bit louder than before/feels Joe's hot body pushing closer & closer into me/wraps hands around his neck/feels like I'm in heaven* Uhhhh .... oh ... Joeyyy.

Joe: *Getting so turned on by Nick's kiss, moans, him saying my name .... his amazing body. So small, soft, creamy, so delectable. I can feel him shaking in anticipation, for more ... much more. And he's all mine. Nick ... is mine. Pulls away from the kiss/takes my shirt off and then works on getting Nick's off/kissing in between undressing* 

Nick: *Watches Joe take off our shirts/blushes at the sight of his chest. He's so muscular ... it's so god-like. I-I .... my hearts skipping beats. I want to touch him. Reaches out to trace his abs/gasps. He's sooo hot ... his skin ... its burning and its giving me chills/feels Joe's muscles contract to my touch/smiles shyly* 

Joe: *Stares at Nick, watching him intently/his emotions/reactions/taking everything in. He's soo perfect. My baby boy is too amazing for words! Starts to kiss every inch of Nick's neck, chest, arms/getting lower and lower*

Nick: *Still moaning/breathing heavy/tightens grip on Joe's neck* Mmmmm oooohhhh Jjjjoooeeeyyy mm. 

Joe: Oh Nick .... your so perfect. And you .... taste super .... goooood. *Starts to remove pants & then Nick's/eaving us both in our boxers* 

Nick: Oooh *Laughs* J-joey that tickles, mmm. *Squirms/tilting his head back/eyes closed/so in pleasure*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on October 16, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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