Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 1-17

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 1-17

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Sequel to "My Chocolat Stalker" (MCS) contains Part 1-16 then goes on to PPP :-]


My Chocolat Stalker Part 1

Nick's POV

I was walking around Nortstrums, looking high and low for the one thing I needed more than anything: chocolate. But not just any chocolate, a delectable treasure that I've loved for a long time. Simply & deliciously their signature peanut-butter cup. Its purely irresistible, I savor its creaminess & overall taste of it. Its the one thing I look forward, when I'm here. Sadly only a few select few Nortstrums have this perfect piece of dessert, but luckily this location is close to my home. My name's Nick by the way. I'm newly 18 years old & a first year college student. Exciting huh? Well so far its been an interesting transition, I'm becoming an real adult. My major is none another than music. My speciality is the piano, but I also play the drums, guitar, keyboard, & others. I also sing & compose my own songs. My dream is to be a professional musician. I want to earn my A.A. degree, then move on to get my B.A. or even higher. I'm pretty excited, & its even better now that I'm here getting my favorite guilty pleasure. So you may be wondering what's a young man doing by myself, wandering in search of chocolate? Well ... the truth is I'm gay and single. I live alone in a 1 bedroom apartment that overlooks the ocean from a far distant. My parents have passed on, I have no siblings or aunts or uncles, not even grandparents. I'm solely alone, I have been that way for a long time. There is good news to this sad sort of lifestyle, my parents may be gone, but they didn't leave me with nothing. They had a lifetime of savings that were passed on to me in their will. So for the time being, I'm a full-time student & unemployed. 

I basically don't have any social life, or any real friends, maybe some acquaintances but thats it. Honestly I'm a very reserved person & work better by myself. And as for relationships, lets just I haven't had my first kiss or love yet. I'm waiting for someone special, someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know this won't be easy for me to find, but secretly I'm hoping the one will find me. Yes I'm a dreamer, & I belong with the Disney princesses or something, but whatever its who I am. Really right now I'm not looking for the one, I'm completely focused on my school work. Thats what I care about the most & what I need to concentrate on. School first then maybe in the distant future a man that'll love me for me. So what qualities am I looking for? Let me see: caring, loving, considerate, understanding, passionate about his dreams & goals, intelligent, trustworthy, & most of all a vegetarian. Did I mention I'm a vegetarian? Its true I am. The one must not do any drinking or drugs of any kind. He must be a civil citizen, be respectful, & a gentlemen. Its not that I want someone superficial with lots of wealth, just someone who's down-to-earth like myself. Hopefully its not too much to ask for but, its just the kind of things that I like in a relationship. I mean he doesn't need to have all those qualities, but a majority of them is nice. The vegetarian, no drugs/drinking is not up for negotiation though. 

Its just that I would prefer someone who doesn't eat land animals, or smoke or drink, so I can kiss them without ever having to gag (yes I've seen this in some movies). But enough about that, I'm finished with my school schedule today & I'd like nothing more to indulge in my chocolate desire. So excuse me, boy coming through. I found the area in which I was seeking. Its a quiet department, filled with small items like candles & bed sheets, among other things. As always, it looked deserted. I immediately went up to the main counter right beside my lovely pieces of chocolate. I softly called hello, but no one answered. So I tried again, this time a little louder, but not much. "Hello?"

Just then a tall & very handsome man appeared out from under the counter (he must been crouching down). He had dark short brown hair & deep brown eyes. He wore a beautiful business suit that fit him very nicely. His smile was brilliant with such pearly white teeth, my heart already was racing out of control. I gulped nervously as he continued to stare at me. His gaze over me, made me shiver. I don't have time for this, I just need my piece of chocolate. But ... for some reason time seemed frozen to me. I can't move or talk, this is really weird. I'm rendered speechless, why? Its not like me. 

Part 2 

Okay earth to Nick, get a grip with reality. What kind of salesman is he? Its creepy the way he's just continuing to stare, its uncomfortable. Guess I'm going to have to break this awkward silence, deep breath Nick, here goes nothing. "Um ... excuse me, could I get one milk chocolate peanut-butter cup please?" And just like that, he snapped out of whatever daydream he was in & cleared his throat. "My apologies young man. Let me get that for you." With that he winked, which strangely gave me chills all the way down my spine. Oh. My. God. Honestly what is with this man? Is this one of those strange days or what? 

Like a lightning bolt, the man accomplished in retrieving my wish. "Ah, there we are. You made a most excellent choice. Its quite delicious," he said while scanning the bar-code of the item, not to mention grinning sexily at me. I just nodded, I still felt at a lost for words. He continued: "Al right. That will be $4.50 please." I nodded again & handed the exact change, just as his hand collided with mine I felt something different. I quickly pulled my hand away, while his hand seemed to linger in mid-air with the change still intact. What was that? It almost felt like ... sparks? I mentally shook my head at this thought, it couldn't be. I just looked up at him hesitatingly, he looked just as shocked as I was. But somehow maybe something more? A smile formed on those smooth lips, Nick look away now before you get lost in them. 

Why was this taking so long? Just hand me my receipt already, or on second thought just give my dessert. The second he put the change away, & handed me my bag personally coming out from behind the counter desk, I grabbed it swiftly & blushed murmuring a quick thank-you. All he managed to get out was: "Thank you for shopping with-" ... With that I made a dash to the café, which was right next store to his department, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from ... him. Ordinarily I wasn't so rude & nervous, but today was different. Truth be told, I was really nervous with that guy. I mean he was handsomely attractive, like a Greek God right in front of me. So being typical shy Nicholas, I ran off to avoid any further contact. 

I glanced down at my watch, 6:00 PM dinner time. Usually I cook for myself, but for some reason I felt a little tired. I decided as long as I'm here, I might as well get something to eat. I haven't actually planned on getting a real meal, but it seemed like a better idea. Main course then first dessert, might as well go with the flow. I looked around at the selection, I'd eaten here before, just not in a long time. In the end I decided on a cheese pizza & a pink lemonade to drink. I ordered & payed, then seated myself at a small table. I looked around to see many people dining with their families, friends, & lovers. I sighed softly, at times I do admit it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Minutes went by, till my order made its way to me. I thanked my server & eat slowly. Sure enough I was actually starving, but better to take my time & properly swallow everything. 

Little did I realize, during this whole entire time I was being watched. 

???'s POV 

From the moment I saw that young boy, I wanted nothing else but him. Never before had I seen such a beautiful & cute young man like him. He was one in a million. He had such luscious brown curly hair, just the thought of it turned me on. And those eyes, so gentle and innocent, but even more shy & sexy. He's quite a beauty, definitely a diamond in the rough. I just had to get to know him. I didn't want this to be our last time to see each other. Especially that touch ... I felt strong sparks from him. By the looks of his reaction, he felt the same. I glanced at the time, thank God my shift is over & I'm free to leave. I quickly got my coat & ran into the café he had went into. 

I glanced around searching for my precious angel, & in a second I located him sitting alone eating. Perfect! 

Part 3

He was absorbed in his dinner, which was good cause he did not have time to see me coming over to him. I cleared my throat & smiled friendly. "Hello again. Looks like you could use some company, may I join you?" 

Nick's POV

I was enjoying my meal until I heard a familiar voice. I looked up slowly to see the man once again. Great. Oh God. What do I do? I don't want a stranger to join me, I wish he'd just leave. For some reason a part of me, wants him to stay. "I ... don't know. I'm actually leaving soon. So ..." 

He nodded reassuringly, "That's fine, me too. But, I'd still like to join you, if that's okay I mean?" 

Great, stuck. I suppose a few minutes won't be so bad, but if he starts to get all strange on me again, I'll leave I decided. I nodded, "Um ... sure." With that, he sat across from me & thanked me. I just nodded again. I said he could sit down, but that doesn't mean I have to talk. After all, I'm just in the middle of eating my dessert, which is so heavenly. I looked at him, noticing that he was watching me intently. I felt my face heat up with embarrassment, I really don't like people watching me eat. 

???'s POV

I continued to watch fasciated by him, even more so now that he's eating the chocolate. He doesn't appear to want to talk, so guess its time for me to break the ice. "I'm sorry, but I didn't get a chance to formally introduce myself. I'm Joseph Adam Jonas," I extended my hand eager to touch his hand again. 

He immediately stopped eating, & wiped his mouth with a napkin. His eyes were wide, which made me grow curious. He shook off his moment, & carefully extended his own hand. "Nice to meet you," he smiled nervously. In turn, my eyes widen. Did he not want to tell his name? I chuckled & continued to shake his hand. "Pleasure," I grinned. To that he blushed, God he's ... so adorable. "Surely you must have a name." He replied, "Yes. But its just um-" ... He broke off as if unsure of how to continue. 

Our hand shake was lasting longer than I expected, but I did not mind it one little bit. In truth, if I could I would never let go. His small hand in mine, was enough to cloud my mind. It was so soft, I began to fantasize about the rest of his skin. I swallowed hungry for a taste of that skin. I knew it would be creamy & enticing. How I wish I could just make him mine. However I must get back to reality, I really do want to know his name. 

"Its okay. You don't need to tell me your full name. All I'm asking is a first name. Please?," I shrugged & let go of his hand, obviously he was feeling uncomfortable. He shook his head & began to pack up his unfinished buttercup. 

Nick's POV

Thats my exit! Joseph is freaking me out, I don't care how good looking & charming he is, enough is enough. I'm going home. Note to self, don't buy a buttercup for at least a week or more. I grabbed my chocolate & put it in my small bag & waved awkwardly. "Sorry. Maybe next time, I gotta go. Bye." I scooted off as fast as I could without attracting too much attention. I prayed to God, that he wouldn't continue to pursue me. Thankfully I made it to my car, without any tall fine looking man parading after me. 

15 minutes later I arrived home, thank goodness. Home sweet home! Oh its so warm in here compared to the coldness of October outside. I put my dessert in the fridge, & went on to the shower. After getting in, & washing for a few minutes I began to replay the evenings previous event. I bit my lip, I felt bad for leaving like that. He seemed like a nice gentleman, but I just couldn't disclose my identity to him just like that. Even when I said maybe next time, I really wasn't thinking about a next time. All I know was that I wanted nothing more than to leave. 

As soon as I finished I got dressed in my pjs & hopped into my bed turning on my TV. Going through the channels, I eventually gave up & decided to call in a night. I turned off everything & drifted off to sleep. If I ever saw Joseph again, I promise to give a name. Once agin, I had no idea of what I was getting myself into with one single promise. 

Part 4

Joe's POV 

And just like that he was gone. The most sexiest, cutest, shyest sweetheart of a boy just left the building. It took everything I had not to run after him. I knew if I had pushed it any further, he might jump to conclusions. The last thing I wanted was a misunderstanding. Yes I was extremely attracted to him, but I also knew I have to be patient & respectful. I prayed to the lord, for just one chance to meet him again. Even though our time tonight was short & rushed, I truly felt a connection with him. And I know in my heart, that meeting him wasn't an accident it was fate. 

I too was looking for someone to settle down with & love for the rest of my life. I've tried dating guys, but the two I met with in the past, we just turned out to be good friends & nothing more. Yes I'm gay, I have been since I can remember. My parents weren't exactly ecstatic upon hearing my sexual orientation. But over time they're become adjusted & more comfortable with it. I understand how hard it must have been for them, after all I am their only son. 

Currently, I just turned 21 years old two months ago. And I live on my own in a condo which has 2 bedrooms & bathrooms. I'm also a full-time student, in my first year of my UC (University of California). I have successfully graduated high school & college earning a A.A. degree in mathematics. I love & excel at problem solving equations. I find it highly fascinating & stimulating. My dream is to become a professor teaching statistics or geometry or trigonometry. I'm fine with any subject, because I enjoy them all. 

I also work part-time for Nortstrums & for another company which you will soon see. I'm an outgoing person & I enjoy interacting with others. Tonight I must admit was a new experience for me. Even after he had rushed off & left, I was still standing there in shock. It had all happened so fast & unexpectedly. It took me a few minutes to collect myself & recover, I realized it was getting late & I had an early day tomorrow. So without further ado, I shrugged off the boy for now & moved on to start my journey home. 

It was nice to arrive at my place & finally relax. It hadn't been a particularly busy day, but for whatever reason I felt exhausted. I preceded to shower, eat dinner, & end my night by falling into a peaceful sleep. I then began to dream of the boy. Its been sometime since I've had a strong attraction for someone. I smiled & vowed if I should ever see him again, that I would make certain to get to know him better. 

Exactly One Week Later .... Nick's POV

Already much time passed by & I eventually forgot about my strange meeting with Joseph. School was going quite well & I still committed 100%. Today I had a craving for something new, so I made my way over to the mall conveniently located from across from my college. The weather was a little nippy, so I thought a nice hot drink would be comforting too. Once inside I boarded the escalator down to the first level & found my store. See's Candies. Yes I admit I have a thing for chocolate, don't worry its nothing serious. Its just a sweet indulgence that I enjoy once or every other week. 

I walked into the store, expecting it to be crowded with kids & parents buying their assortment of Halloween treats. To my surprise there was no one around. Hmm. Its only 3:00 PM, school's out for most young ones. Though on my way, I noticed the mall was a little empty. I shrugged, I suppose it was much better this way no lines or long waits. Just the way I liked it. I began to browse at different holiday treats all themed from chocolate marshmallow jack o' lanterns, to milk chocolate ghost packs, & my personal favorite halloween milk chocolate foil balls (which I naturally added to my purchase & for $5.75 why not?). 

I then continued on to the window of individual chocolates, looking at which one I'd best like to try. Just then a voice on an intercom spoke. "Welcome to See's Candies! Please feel free to continue browsing, I will be with you shortly." Wow. Thats new. Okay then, back to selecting. But then again, why did that voice sound so familiar? 

Part 5

Just as I was lost in thought, he appeared out of the blue just like the last time. Good grief. Is it that small of a world? I mean what were the odds I'd run into him & it would be at another chocolate shop (well sort of). I immediately froze still ashamed of our last reunion. Okay Nick you did promise to be a bit friendlier this time, but he of course doesn't know of my silent promise. Could I just ignore it & move on like it didn't happen? Well that would be one way to put whole occurrence in the past. It would be best to move on & create a fresh start. This time for certain I would be more mature. Right? 

Joe's POV 

Oh, heavens thank-you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had prayed & wished to see him again, & now he's here in my store. And this is the second time chocolate has brought us together, this was my second chance to redeem myself. And by God, I wasn't going to mess this moment up. I smiled & walked directly over to him. "Hello there again. Its awfully nice to see you again. What can I get for you today?" 

He smiled in return (Oh God what a smile) replying, "Good afternoon ... (he looked at my name plate & back at me) Joseph. Its nice to see you too. Um, well I'm torn between the key lime and the raspberry flavors. Which one do you suggest?" 

"Honestly they're both amazing. But I'll let you determine that for yourself," I grabbed a sample of each & handed them to him. I watched him take the key lime & pop it into his mouth (that mouth, those lips ... focus Joe focus). He "mmmd" briefly & nodded, then tried the other one. He in turn enjoyed the second piece just as much as the first. 

"Your right. They are both amazing. I'll take one of each please & this too," he placed the chocolate foil balls on top of the counter. I got everything he wanted all together & moved to the register. "I thought you'd enjoy them. Once again, most excellent choice." I rang all his items & told him his balance. And just like before, he handed me the exact change. I gave him his receipt & bags, still very much smiling. "Thank you. Listen, if I may ... my shift is over, & I'd be honored to buy you a warm drink to go with those treats? I know a great place right here in the mall," I offered. 

Nick's POV

My heart melted at the gesture & I really did want something warm. He seems so sincere, I don't want to refuse. It all seems like a dream all over again. Maybe it would be a nice experience to make a friend for a change. And this time he seems less creepy. I bit my lip, "Sure. That'll be fine." With that he smiled even bigger than before & quickly clocked off & grabbed his things opening the door for me & leading me to our destination. I had to admit he's so incredibly handsome, more so than our previous meeting. 

He was built so well, with strong features. He really was gorgeous beyond belief. Its hard to believe he's right beside me. I'm curious about learning more about him. Though that means I'd have to give information in return, well I'll stick to basic questions. I don't want to get personal, I'm definitely not one of those types of people who tell their life story in a matter of minutes. I'll just keep it simple. 

Out of the blue, I haven't realized how I was deep in my thoughts till I heard Joseph's voice brought me back. I blushed slightly, "Sorry. Did you say something?" 

He chuckled & handed me my drink. He winked saying, "No worries. Here, I got you this. Its a classic hot chocolate courtesy of Seattle’s Best Coffee. Enjoy." 

"Thank you." I noticed he had gotten one for himself too. He motioned me to follow him over to a table. I sat down across from him & sipped my drink. He asked, "How do you like it?" I put it down for the moment, "Its great. No wonder why its the best, it tastes wonderful." To that he agreed happily, "Indeed. Only the best. I'm glad you liked it. You know ... I still didn't get your name." 

Part 6

Oh dear. I suppose its time. "I'm Nick." 

He nodded & grinned. "Well Nick, its very nice to make your acquaintance." I gave a shy smile, "Likewise Joseph." Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. Think clarity, peace, serenity. 

He flashed me another brilliantly beautiful smile, "You can call me Joe. Unless you prefer Joseph, its fine. So Nick or Nicholas, why does a young fellow like yourself find chocolate so appealing?" 

I'm not that young. And now I'm beginning to see the down side to calling each other by our full names. "Very well Joe. Its just a little luxury I enjoy on a regular basis. What about you? Why do you like specializing in chocolate?"

Joe's POV 

"Touché. But, ... actually its Chocolat. Good question though. Well when its gourmet I find it highly desirable. That among ... other things," I teased. I enjoyed watching his eyes widen trying to figure out what I meant. If only you knew N i c k. "Anyways, Nick how is college life these days?" 

He blinked confused at the sudden change of subject. "Its fine. But how did you know I'm in college?" 

"Honestly I just guessed hopping I would be correct. Looks like I was. So tell me, what are you studying? Are you enjoying your first year, once again I'm just guessing." 

"Um, just music. (he laughed lightly) Yep I'm in my first year, its been great so far. And yourself? You look like a university student." 

"Ooh interesting. Any particular type of instrument or any? Do you sing or compose? Ah-ha! Its your first year in college, & its my first year in the university."

"Any mostly. Yes actually both, but I'm still learning (he shifted nervously). Yeah I guess so. What's your major?" 

"Well its sounds like an amazing area of study. I'd love to hear your songs sometime. My heart and soul lies in mathematics. I want to become a professor. Numbers just intrigue me." 

"Wow. I like math, but I not sure that I love it that much. Its good though you have a passion though, nothing like doing something you love. Um, yeah maybe sometime (he blushed, God he's so cute)." 

Doing something you love? Close, but I'm still want to get to know more about him before I get serious. Though there is a part of me, that would love to just scoop him up & tear all those clothes away. His soft skin against mine, he lips locked to mine, this small angel in my arms, all mine no else's. My Nick. How I love the sound of that. 

Nick's POV 

We continued to talk about little things. I found out we have similar things in common like how we both live on our own, we're both committed to our futures. If I didn't know better, I'd swear we have a real connection. Not just physical attraction, but something much more. This feeling is very new to me, & its kind of scary. I'm really beginning to like Joe. And crazy enough he seems to like me. I wonder if ... 

"You wonder what?" 

Part 7 

Oh dear God no! I did not say that last line out loud. Please! "Hmm? I didn't say anything." 

"You said you wonder if & then you stopped. What is it you wonder Nick?" 

Yep I said it out loud. Nice going Nick! I can't say it to him, there's no way. "Its nothing. So how about this whether huh? Changes so fast!", I tried to distract him from my thoughts.

He laughed. Great. He's laughing at me, what else could go wrong? "Yeah it does. But seriously what did you want to ask Nick? You can ask me anything." 

I'm not telling him, not now. Its way too soon. We're just friends, at least I hope. "Its nothing at all. Forget I even said it." 

I thought he would let it go but he's even more persistent than I remember. "Well if your certain. I actually have a confession Nick. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I want to be honest with you. I really like you Nick & I'd like for us to be more than friends. Nick ... will you be my boyfriend?" 

 Okay so a normal reaction would be to remain calm & answer him back. That for sure ... didn't happen. Of all the things that could have happened, I got the worst reaction of all. I ... fainted. Now its definitely not like me to just lose consciousness, thank goodness it was only for like a few seconds. 

I woke up in Joe's strong firm arms around my own. He was so warm, his body heat. At this moment I should be freaking out, but in his arms ... oh, I feel so safe. Come on Nick, back to earth now. "Joe? (I blushed wildly & sat up a bit. He still had his arms on me) Sorry, ... I um ... I didn't mean to faint like that. I'm sorry." 

He hugged me tightly & lightly rubbed my chest. OMG, my hearts beating out of my chest. "Shhh. Its al right. Its not your fault, these things happen. I just glad your okay. I'm sorry, my questions were really sudden. I shouldn't have said all that." 

His words soothed me. I felt better already, but now on to answer him. Should I or shouldn't I? Is he the one? Should I trust my heart, these feelings & more are fluttering inside me. Apart of me is screaming yes & the other is as scared as can be about the thought. Its all so sudden. "Joe? (I paused & he looked at me. I sighed & continued) I'd like to friends first. I'm sorry. (I stumbled with my words, but he had to know had I felt). I-I like you too, its just- ..." 

He smiled warmly at me & kissed my forehead. I blushed deeper & closed my eyes. His kiss warmed my entire body. It felt so secure, I wanted nothing more than to cuddle up in him. Sadly it was a public place we were in, where people could be staring at the both of us. But for once in my life, I could care less what others thought. Looking or not, I didn't care. Its like the world didn't even exist, just Joe & me. 

"Thats good. For a minute there I thought I ruined things. We'll start there, friends sounds like a nice start. No rush at all. Now, what do you say we get out of here & get some fresh air? Its not raining," he assured me & offered his hand.

How could I say no? I nodded & placed my small hand in his. Could this be really happening right now? One minute I'm all up-tight & nervous, the next I'm calm & light as a feather. I'm still not sure what's going on with me, but for now I don't want to think about it. He lead the way out of the mall & we took a walk. He eventually asked if I wanted to walk on the beach. I thought for a moment that he was still trying to pursue me romantically, but I actually liked the idea regardless of his intentions. 

I agreed & we got into his car, ~ Joe's car: ~ which was amazing. It was a Phantom Drophead Coupé, my God its a beautiful car! "Thank you I'm quite found of it too," he winked. Not again, oh dear lord. Why can't I just shut up? I laughed nervously & he put the ear into drive. 

I wanted to let go of my insecurities & weird out loud speaking so I asked, "What beach are we going to?" 

"Its a surprise. Its not far, we'll be there in no time. So in the meantime, want some music?" 

Part 8

"Okay. Um, sure why not." He then turned on the radio & out on 102.7, the song was "Talking To The Moon" by Bruno Mars. He asked, "Do you like this song?" 

"Yeah, Bruno Mars is a great singer. His songs are really amazing." He nodded & spoke again, "I agree. So why don't you sing for me?" My eyes widen big time, & I shook my head. "Um, I don't think so. I'm not that good at public singing." 

"No worries Nick, neither am I. But its just the two us, why don't you give it a try? Please?," he continued. As much as I didn't really want to, I started to sing along with the lyrics ... ~ ~

I know you're somewhere out there 

Somewhere far away 

I want you back 

I want you back 

My neighbors think 

I'm crazy 

But they don't understand 

You're all I have 

You're all I have 


At night when the stars 

light on my room 

I sit by myself 

Talking to the Moon 

Try to get to You 

In hopes your on 

the other side 

Talking to me too 

Oh Am I a fool 

who sits alone 

Talking to the moon 


I'm feeling like 

I'm famous 

The talk of the town 

They say 

I've gone mad 


I've gone mad 

But they don't know 

what I know 

Cause when the 

sun goes down 

someone's talking back 


They're talking back 

Chorus: (At this point Joe began to sing along with me) 


At night when the stars 

light on my room 

I sit by myself 

Talking to the Moon 

Try to get to You 

In hopes your on 

the other side 

Talking to me too 

Oh Am I a fool 

who sits alone 

Talking to the moon 

Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh

Do you ever hear me calling 

Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh

Cause every night 

I'm Talking to the Moon 

Still try to get to You 

In hopes your on 

the other side 

Talking to me too 

Or Am I a fool 

who sits alone 

Talking to the moon 

Ohh Ohh

I know you're somewhere out there 

Somewhere far away. 

Part 9

We finished at the same time & we exchanged a look for a second. Wow. That was ... something else. I had no idea he could sing so beautifully, he sounds professional like he's been doing it forever. We harmonized perfectly in sync, it was ... magical. He was the first one to speak, "Nick (he breathed, just him saying my name like that gave me chills up & down my body) ... your voice is incredible! You're really gifted! No wonder why you want to pursue this for your future, you're amazing. You should definitely continue Nick, you have serious potential." 

At that point, I swear I was blushing bright red. I'd never gotten such a positive reaction like this. And it was so meaningful with such sincerity, it brought tears to my eyes. No Nick, this no time to start balling. Not with Joe. "T-thank you. But enough about me, what about you? You sounded just as amazing!" 

"Your very welcome, I meant every word. Well, its one of my hidden abilities you could say, kind of like a fun little hobby nothing more. I took singing lessons when I was younger & years later I got really into math & forgot about it. Its actually been a long time since I've sung out loud. I admit I'm a little rusty." 

"What?? Nonsense Joe, your really truly amazing. You sound better than me!" He laughed, "Ha. I don't know about that. Sometimes your much more promising than me. But I appreciate the thought nonetheless. (He paused & parked the car) Nick, we've arrived," he said while getting out & coming around to open my door. 

He extended his hand, & like its the most natural thing in the world I extended my own. We walked together side by side, it might have rained earlier, but it was clear now. There were a few popcorn shaped clouds in the far distant. The sea looked calm & smelled so nice. I breathed it in loving its aroma. "Mmm." 

"I agree. It does smell so good. Nothing like the ocean." We closed our eyes together just inhaling & exhaling it. Minutes later we were walking along the beach, close to the shore, but not enough to get wet. The sand was cold but it felt great. We continued to just talk around random things. For once in my life, I was actually beginning to open up to someone. I was happy & enjoying our time together. Somehow he made me feel like like I could be me freely. It felt relaxing, at the same time fun. 

I never met a guy like Joe before, he makes me laugh. His jokes are silly, but funny all the same. He's playful, gentle, so proper, sensitive, & witty. He reminds of a big kid at heart. He's not serious, or moody, & he is no where near being an unhappy person like some people out there. He shines with humility & kindness. He's sexy & seductive. And furthermore he displays all the qualities I'm looking for in a man. 

But even so, I just want to take things slow. No matter how flawless he may be, I can't just fall like that. It amazes me that he too is a vegetarian. I was skeptical a bit, so we went to this local market & ordered fish & chips for us. I giggled at him, thinking this really isn't convincing but he insisted that he was for real, so I believed him for the time being. We really hit off things, its like we've known each other forever. After we finishing dining, we went back to the beach & eat the chocolate (clears throat, excuse me) chocolat I had purchased earlier. Eventually the sun disappeared, & it got freezing cold. We soon left & returned to the mall. He walked me to my car. ~ Nick's car: ~  

Joe's POV

"Wow. And I thought my car was nice, look at yours. Nice indeed," I complimented. He beamed & joked "Its al right I guess. So, ...," he rocked back on feet (did I mention how adorable Nick is?). I embraced him whispering in his ear, "I had an amazing time tonight Nick." I felt him shiver & murmur back, "Me too, Joe." I continued to pull him closer against me, "And I'm truly sorry for what happened earlier. I shouldn't have been so forward. I mean I didn't even ask you if you were gay or ...," I trailed off. 

He pulled away & looked me in the eyes, those eyes that have such a strong hold on my heart. He blushed deeply & whispered "Its okay, really. The truth is ... I am gay." I nodded & grinned, "So am I." We both continued to smile at each other, neither of us breaking eye contact. Teasingly he added, "But don't get any ideas! We're still friends."

"Fine with me," I raised my hands up in the air. "But, I hope ... (I took his hands into mine) in time we'll become more."

"We'll see," & with that he waved & mouthed bye. I watched him get in & leave. I bit my lip & smiled happily. "Bye Nick." 

Part 10

Nick's POV 

Two Weeks Later

Two weeks went by quite fast I might add. It was already November & since that time Joe had become that something more that both us had wanted. Thats right, we're dating & actually a couple. Its been the happiest weeks of my life, being with Joe. We've kissed, been on several dates, basically we've been inseparable. We hang around together as much as possible, its the best. I'm loving every minute I spend with him. Remember when I said he may be flawless, I was wrong. Joe's beyond that, he's the best thing in my life. 

Everyday is better than the next, he really understands me & he says I'm his soulmate. Dear God, I think that I found the one! I was hesitant as first, but I really feel in my heart that this is the real deal. He's everything & more. I think I love Joe, heart and soul. I'm. In. Love! 

Joe's POV 

Isn't how funny how weeks ago, your all alone & wishing to meet that possible someone, & by God it happens? I can't even describe how thankful I am to have Nick in my life. Our time together has been the most memorable moments of my entire existence. He makes me smile & I know for certain I love Nick with everything I have. He is such a talented, wonderful, cute, smart, lovable boy & more. I can't stop thanking the heavens for him being with me. And I know he feels the same, everything just feels amazing. His kisses, his voice, the way he is so much more than he seems. He's remarkable. Thats nothing that I dislike, even his insecurities. I love the way he's so shy, quiet, sometimes stubborn & childlike, I love it all. I love the  way he sings & writes music. I love his passion for basically everything he does, he gives his all. I love those soft bouncy curls, those eyes that shine, that skin that is so soft & delicate, that smile that brightens up every part of me, his body that is tiny & warm to hold ... Nick is the one, I'm sure of it. I love Nick. 

And tonight I'm going to make things special, even though its only been a short time since we've known each other. Every fiber of my being is saying this is your soulmate that you've been searching for. My own parent's agree, I've told them about everything & they honestly are so happy for me. I know its soon, but I want to ask Nick if he'd like to have dinner & meet them. I have something that I want to announce. Deep breath's Joe, I have everything planned, now I just got to execute asking him. 

Nick's POV 

I was off today from school so I decided to stay in a relax in my apartment. I was about to turn on the TV, when my cell started ringing. It checked & sure enough it was Joe. I smiled happily & bubbly picked up, "Hellooo?" He laughed, "Why hello cutie pie, & how is my sweet rock-star doing today?" 

"Hi yourself Mr. Math-lover. Fine & you?" 

"Perfect now that I'm talking to you. (I giggled at this). Listen what are up to today?"

"If I recall I have plans with you. Sooo, when should I expect you?"

"Sooner than you think!" 

"Huh?" And like that, there was a knock at my door. Wow! He's fast. I giggled & quickly opened up the door. I hugged him immediately. "Well, there you are!" 

He embraced me & I wrapped my legs around him, letting him carry be back in. "Told you soon baby," he winked & began to spin the both of us around. I continued to giggle, while he was smiling like there's no tomorrow. "Al right, al right! Getting dizzy ... here!" He stopped letting us land of my sofa. I found myself beneath him, & as I looked up at his eyes, he had a serious look on his face. "What's up Joe?"

He then went back to normal & kissed me sweetly. "Nothing. Nothing at all. But I do have something to ask you." I got lost in his kiss so easily, that I didn't hear a word of anything he said. "What?" He pulled away & took a breath saying, "I would like you to meet my parents tonight. They know about you & are excited to meet you in person. What do you think?" 

Part 11

Joe's POV 

At the time I was confident, but when I finished I felt nervous waiting for his response. I reminded myself this is sudden & probably too fast, but it was worth a shot. 

He smiled & his eyes widened, "Really? They want to meet ... me? Oh Joe, I'd love to!" He finished & hugged me. I crushed him closer & places kisses all over his face. 

"I'm so happy you feel that way. How's tonight at 7:00 PM sound baby?" 

He giggled, "I'll be there." Amazing! Now thats settled, I can't wait for tonight. Everything was going as planned, & I had a good feeling that things were going to be epic. 

For the rest of the day, we made our way to the shore once again. We enjoyed the sun's bright rays mixed with a nice cool breeze. Nick & I raced, both of us running just having fun. We laughed, took pictures, got lunch. I adore his company immensely. We also saw an amazing new 3D movie by the name Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole ~ Trailer here: ~ Nick really liked it & so did I. The animation these days are so wicked cool! 

By the time the movie had finished, we had exactly an hour left till my dinner with my parents. Oh God nerves don't get the best of me. Relax Joe, its an important night. Think cool, smooth, charisma. 

I drove Nick back to his place & kissed those luscious lips of his. I promised him I'd be back in half an hour to pick him up. He kissed back & as I was leaving all I could see was him smiling watching me drive away. Oh Nick, sweet dear Nicholas. I'll be back baby, I'm not going anywhere. He is my life now. 

Nick's POV 

The minute Joe's car disappeared from my sight, I raced to my door fumbling with my keys. Dear God, I'm shaking! I'm meeting Joe's parents! Okay, okay don't panic. Just get ready! I climbed in the shower at the speed of light. Of course every part of me was seriously nervous, while the other half was scared of what they'd think of me. God help me! 

After my shower, I felt a bit more relaxed. I still have time, so I took care of my wet hair & dried it completely. At the same time I was trying to think of what to wear. Eventually I came up with something good. ~ Nick's look: I looked in the mirror, everything looked fine. Now what am I forgetting? I smell clean, but I want to smell sexy. I looked around on my sink counter & put on a little spray of my Lauder Pleasures for Men Cologne Spray. He'll ... like that. I giggled a bit, awaiting Joe's arrival. 

Joe's POV 

I showered, dressed & got one of my gifts for nick & happily speeded off to his place. The moment Nick came out, my jaw dropped & I swear by God he looked so beautiful. "Good evening my beautiful angel," I said soft & tenderly getting out the car to kiss him passionately. He responsed & laughed. "Good evening handsome. You look sexy!" ~ Joe's look: ~ "Thats nothing compared to you, Nick," & with that I handed a single red rose. He accepted it & brought it to his nose breathing, "Thank you. Its lovely. Mmmm ... something else smells divine. Is that you?" 

I grinned sexily, "Sure is baby. Its called La Prairie 'Life Threads Platinum' Eau de Parfum." He seems to be intoxicated by its smell, though I must admit his was mouth watering. "After you baby," I opened the car door for him. He blushed & got in. In no time at all we arrived at my parent's house. ~ Mr. & Mrs. Jonas' home: ~ 

Part 12

Nick's POV

Once I saw the house I couldn't believe my eyes, it was stunning & very large. "Oh. My. GOD! This is ..." 

"Stunning? Large?," Joe smiled opening my door. When do I not speak my thoughts out loud? 

"Um, ... all the time. Its okay baby," he took my hand in his & smiled warmly. "You ready?" 

"I think so. Wait! I mean ... yes, yes I am." So much for composure Nick. He kissed me several times. "Don't be nervous. They're going to love you." 

I sighed, "I hope so. Well, ... lets do this."  Is it too late to say or scream: HELP?! 

We didn't even have to ring the doorbell, a middle aged man answered the door. "JOSEPH! Oh my God, boy get over here!," he said happily embracing him. "Dad! So nice to see you too!," Joe hugged back. They pulled away smiling big. "How have you been son? You look great!," he surveyed. "Excellent dad, excellent. Thank you, but never mind that, I'd like for you to meet ...-" Just then a women with brown curly hair (much like my own) came running to the door hugging me & Joe. "Oh Joseph! Your here at last! And this must be Nick! Oh my goodness you two look absolutely wonderful. I'm Denise Jonas & this here is my husband Kevin," she said cheerfully. 

"Its so nice to finally make your acquaintance," she continued, both of them taking turns to shake my hand. I replied & smiled, "Its nice to meet you to Mr. & Mrs. Jonas." Both parents seemed extremely happy. "Come on in you two, dinners all set. Make yourself at home, Nick," she winked & ran back off to the kitchen. 

"Thank you." Joe held my hand leading me to the dining room. Everything was beautifully set, the meal ... it was enchanting. Joe then seated me, while Mr. Jonas seated Mrs. Jonas. As Joe seated himself next to me, Mr. Jonas raised a glass preparing to make a toast. "Welcome tonight Nicholas to our humble abode. Denise & I, are so pleased to have you here. We've heard nothing but great things about you. So, once agin welcome & enjoy," he gestured towards the meal & grinned. Mrs. Jonas added, "Welcome Nicholas." 

I couldn't believe my ears, they were both so kind. All my silly fears of nervousness went away. "Thank you so much Mr. & Mrs. Jonas. I'm honored to be here," I said. Everyone said cheers & took a sip of what tasted like apple cinder (yum!). Next Joe, took the opportunity to make a speech of his own. 

"Mom & Dad, thank you for your kind words. Nick & I are happy to be here together dining with you two tonight. Before, ... we begin our meal. I'd like us all to bow our heads in prayer." We all bowed & closing our eyes, letting Joe go on. "Dear lord, thank you for this lovely meal before us. Thank you to my parents for making this a special evening. But most of all, thank you for bringing Nick into my life. Without him I would be lost. Amen." 

"Amen," he all said in unison. If I didn't have tears in my eyes I swear I'll be seriously balling. "Joe that was beautiful," I spoke quietly. He grinned & pecked my lips. 

Part 13 

Still Nick's POV 

The evening went on so nicely. I could not say how much I adored his parents. They truly made me feel part of their family. It was a feeling I haven't felt for a dear long time. It was so perfect. Mrs. Jonas' cooking was the best. The four of us got along so well. It was incredible. They loved how I was so dedicated to graduating college & admired my integrity of doing everything on my own. Not once did they feel ashamed or any regret of Joe & or myself. In fact they seemed like they couldn't be happier for Joe & me. That made my smile the most because I truly loved Joe. 

The time went by so fast, but we never slowed our conversations. I learned more about his parents, what they do for living & how proud they are of Joe. We even played a few games like Wii & Guitar Hero. I was having the time of my life, & by the looks of things Joe looked happy that I was enjoying everything. They even had a microphone & instruments to play karaoke. Joe's parents were magnificent singers. I could feel their love & passion as they sung their songs to us & to each other. 

Naturally they wanted me to sing, so I went with my own I wrote called "Critical." The minute I started singing the whole room went quiet, but of course I really didn't notice being so wrapped in the lyrics. I was singing all for Joe. And the moment I finished I got quite the standing ovation. The best came from Joe who pulled me in for an amazing long kiss. I turned as red as a cherry when we pulled away & saw his parents oohing & ahhing joyfully. 

For Joe's turn he said he wanted to save his for last, so we decided to do our duet we wrote together. We played & performed for them "Heart and Soul." This one we really got into cause its a great rock song. Its got an awesome beat & fun lyrics. We totally let loose & rocked our hearts out. With Joe by my side, there wasn't anything I couldn't do. We sang perfectly together, earning whoops of delight & dancing from his parents. We smiled & continued on. Joe's solo part was my favorite, those words get me every time. I couldn't help but giggle & beam at him. My turn ... sexy, I winked at him. Together we ended with a bang. Both of his parents clapping & cheering loudly. We laughed & took our bow. 

Then after stopping for water, Joe preceded to sing his solo song. I was most anxious to hear it cause no matter what I did, he refused to spill what song he was going to do. So I took a seat & sat back eagerly awaiting his choice. He stated with this, "Nick I love you so much & tonight I dedicate this song to you." 

He began to sing & watched as his eyes were locked on mine:

~ Listen to song here: ~

You by the light is the greatest find

In a world full wrong you're the thing that's right

Finally made it through the lonely to the other side

You said it again, my heart's in motion

Every word feels like a shooting star

I'm at the edge of my emotions

Watching the shadows burning in the dark

And I'm in love and I'm terrified

For the first time in the last time in my only life

This could be good, it's already better than last

And love is worse than knowing you're holding back

I could be all that you needed if you let me try

You said it again my hearts in motion

Every word feels like a shooting start

I'm at the edge of my emotions

Watching the shadows burning in the dark

And I'm in love and I'm terrified

For the first time in the last time in my only

I only said it cause I mean it, I only mean cause it's true

So don't you doubt what I've been dreaming

Cause it fills me up and holds me close whenever I'm without you

You said it again my hearts in motion

Every word feels like a shooting star

Watching the shadows burning in the dark

And I'm in love and I'm terrified

For the first time in the last time in my only life 

~ "Terrified" By Katharine McPhee & Jason Reeves ~ 

When he finished I ran straight into his arms & cried softly. "Oh Joe! I love you so much!" I kissed him with everything I had, & I felt him do the same. He deepened it, but then pulled away. I saw the passion in his eyes & before I knew what was happening. He got down on one knee & said the following, "Nicholas Jerry Jonas ~ Not related to Joe in any way ;-) ~ I love you. I've never met a man like you, you're my heart and soul. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. (He took my hand & with the other presented a ring). Nick my beautiful baby, will you be mine? Will you marry me?" 

In my heart & soul, I knew the answer. "Joseph Adam Jonas ... I will." 

Part 14

Joe's POV

The moment I heard him say those words I slid the ring on this his finger ~ Nick's ring: ~ & kissed him with all the passion I could possibly give. He was smiling, laughing, & crying at all once. I never felt so much joy in my life. Its like I just found my heaven on earth all because of Nick. 

We continued kissing & embracing each other, both incredibly happy. Somewhere in the background I heard the rejoices of my parents. Nothing in the world felt better than sharing this moment with them & Nick. My Nick, he's mine & I'm his. 

Nick's POV

This is a dream come true! I'm getting married to Joe! Never had I imagined falling so deep in love & finding the most wonderful man on the planet. I dreamily went into a wonderland of bliss. Can imagine, me Nick Jonas & Joe Jonas together, engaged?! I'm feeling so many things at this moment & the greatest of them all is love. I know in the past I've been scared of falling in love, but ever since I met Joe ... I feel so alive. Its so true in many ways. 

Cheers & congratulations were exchanged from Mr. & Mrs. Jonas (well actually Kevin & Denise as they both insisted in me calling by their first names). They continued to shower us with love & praises. By that time it was 11:00 PM, & they walked us to Joe's car. Just before I got in, Denise & Kevin both gave us a giant hug.   We both hugged back & said our goodnights. They waved & watched us leave. The night sky was beautiful & up above us was a full moon. Joe drove me to his house, & we got out together hand in hand. We continued & even took a lovely bath together. I was a little shy at first because I haven't seen Joe naked before, nor had he seen me. He promised me he wouldn't sneak a peak, so he playfully tied on a bandanna shielding his eyes. 

To this I just burst out in laughter. No matter what, Joe always made me giggle. Once he got in, the water had risen slightly. Together he sat in the warmth & scented bubble bath he had added. It was purely seventh heaven. After some time, he asked if I was ready to rinse. I said yes, but told him to use the other shower. He whined a bit & called me a tease. Thankfully he complied & went on his way. Minutes later I finished & got dressed in a pair of Joe's navy blue flannel pj's & a pair of his checkered boxers. Mmmm, everything its smells like him besides the detergent. 

I figured Joe was still busy showering so I plopped right into his perfectly made bed & just continued to stare & admire my ring. 

Joe's POV 

In my mind I wondered why Nick would want me to finish my shower alone. And like lightning, I remembered the reason. Nick was still pure, just like me. He was saving himself for his true love just as I was. Tonight I wanted to prove to him how much I loved him. I silently prayed he would accept. If he didn't I wouldn't be hurt, I'd wait patiently until he's ready. Within time I emerged & dried myself off completely. Luckily I had a spare cabinet with boxers. Hmmm, what color to go with? Red? Black? Both? Flames? No thats too much. I finally settled on forest green plaid. 

I carefully walked back to my room, trying to surprise Nick. I found him sitting on my bed comfortably looking at his ring. Heaven he's such an angel. 

"Evening Mr. Jonas," I said sexily. His attention went from the ring to my face immediately. He looked at me blushing. "You like baby?," I seductively taunted while posing for him. He nervously gulped & spoke, "Evening Mr. Jonas. Wow! Looking mighty fine lover," he teased back. As innocent as a mouse, yet foxy like a cheetah or panther. This boy & his kittenish is such a turn on! Trust me when I say, he's the fine one. 

Though at this time he's covered in fabrics hiding his beauty from me. Well! Not for long! At least I hope. 

Part 15

Nick's POV 

He was teasing me big time, so I decided to play along. Joe was smooth cool cat, but I could be too. I thought this was just a fun little game between two engaged men, right? Little did I know what his little game leading to. 

He sauntered over to me, his eyes focused no where but mine. He placed a sweet & simple kiss on my lips. I kissed back the same, while he hovered over my body. He continued like this for a few minutes. To this I rolled him over so I was the one on top. He smiled waiting for my next move. I pecked his lips gently, barely touching his lips. I felt him stifle a quiet groan. "Nick ...," he breathed hotly. "Yeah Joe?" 

"Do that again," he said. I pretended to think about. "Nope. Its your turn," I batted my eyelashes. He grinned wickedly, "If you wish my love." 

With that he flipped me back over beneath him & leaned into my neck. He placed several hot kisses all over. I began to whine quietly, "Joe ..." He then whispered to me, "Nick ... may I make love to you?" 

Just like, my eyes snapped opened & looked at Joe who had that look of lust. I moved from out underneath him & over to the other side of the bed. I turned my back & faced the opposite direction, replying "N-no. Night Joe." I closed my eyes, this the moment I feared. I tried to relax & let sleep take over me, but the thing was that I was just too awake. I was extremely happy a few seconds ago, now I felt worried. 

Joe's POV 

Not the response I was hoping for, so I leaned next to him trying to comfort him. "I'm sorry Nick. I didn't mean to make you feel scared. I just wanted to prove my love to you. I know your still innocent, & so am I. I just thought we could say the experience together." 

He didn't move & just said, "Its al right Joe. I understand. The truth is (he swallowed continuing) ... I want you to ... make love to me. I really do. Its just that- ..." 

He then said, "N-never mind. Just go to sleep, Joe." 

"Please, Nick. You can tell me anything you know. I love you. I'll understand," I soothed. 

He turned to face me with glassy eyes, "Joe, I'm sorry! I can't tell you. Its ... Its too embarrassing! You won't look at me the same ..." He sobbed a bit & closing his eyes & leaning his head in my neck. 

I kissed his lips while he let out a cry. I pulled away & wiped his tears away. "Baby boy its okay. I took a breath & said, "Nick there's nothing to be ashamed about. The truth is ... I know about your ..."

My Chocolat Stalker Part 16 FINAL/FINALE

Still Joe's POV 

"I Know about your ... female genitals," I confessed. His eyes widened horrified & stricken with shock. "Y-you know?," he breathed. 

I nodded, "I have since we met Nick. It wasn't hard to figure out, after all you do wear super tight skinny jeans most of the time. Since I learned your secret, I fell more for you. I don't care about things like that Nick, your the one I love. Your beautiful inside & out. And there is nothing I would ever change about you," I spoke entirely from the heart. 

Several minutes passed by & still Nick haven't said a word. So I tried again, "Nick, ... I-" Suddenly I was cut off by my words, feeling Nick's lips upon my own. I was surprised & confused, but I kissed back. When we both pulled away he said, "Oh, Joe. You really love me that much? You're truly okay with the with I am?" 

I smiled hugely, "I do. I really do. I love you so much Nick. I love all of you." His eyes watered as he closed them & kissed me again passionately. I deepened it further, savoring his succulent lips. It was a very lustful kiss, both of us entranced by our need for each other. As we pulled away, we look each other while listening to our breathes. His eyes gleamed in the low light of the room. His cheeks were flushed & apart of his pj's pants had somehow revealed a little bit of that skin I craved to explore. Overall, his looked very sexy. 

Nick's POV

I watched as he stared at me intently just like he had did when we first met. The feeling still gave me chills (the good kind). I hadn't anticipated him finding out I have feminine organs. This was the one secret no one knew expect my parents. Now he knows, & he understands. In all sincerity, I wanted to hide my secret from him as long as possible. I just wasn't comfortable with him finding out the truth because in my mind I thought he would have reacted a lot differently. I mean its completely oddball. Its not something you can say: oh its okay, its not a big deal or its not that bad. Its humiliating & the reason I've shun from others. The rest of me is male, but that part is not. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved that he still loves me. I'm so thankful for that. Its just that he's so wonderful & my fiancé. And so different ...

Joe's POV 

"No matter how different you may think you are, I disagree. You're my precious angel Nick. And want us to be together. Like said before baby, your my soulmate." I kissed him pouring every once of love into that one kiss. I wanted him to understand that I wasn't going anywhere. And I stand by him because I love him. 

"Now, ... lets get some rest. Its been a big day for the both of us. Its time to snuggle!," I chuckled. He too started giggling & then suddenly stopped shaking his head. 

He blushed & murmured, "I still want to- ..." His words trailed off, while my eyes widened. I honestly thought I had ruined the evening with my words from earlier. Above all, I wanted our first time together to be very special. "Nick, I want to but then ... again I can't. I love so much, I don't want this to be pressured or rushed. I want to make it memorable & loving for the both of us." 

He nodded & spoke again, "I know. But you already have made it special Joe. You ... proposed. You sang to me & with me. You brought me to meet your loving parents. You planned this evening so perfectly, it was like a dream. And since we've been together, you've told me you love me over & over again. Joe, you make everyday of my life the best. Its all because of you." He leaned in to kiss each of my eyes, then my nose, ending at my lips. 

I couldn't help but smile, "Are you sure baby, because we could wait?" He raised an eyebrow, "Are you having second thoughts ... my chocolat stalker?" 

"No, no, no. Not at all. That's not what I mean. I just wanted to make certain. And wait a minute, what did you call me?"

He smirked & said, "My. Chocolat. Stalker." 

"Who, me? Well technically you came into both of my stores. So who's following whom?" To this he laughed & rolled his eyes playfully. "Mmm-hmmm. But WHO followed me to the café & WHO asked me to get a nice warm drink?" 

"Okay you win. But honestly I couldn't help myself. If I'm your chocolat stalker then you're my precious shining angel." 

"If you wish," he teased. I grinned & leaned into kiss his neck, while rubbing his stomach. "My wish ... has already come true," I breathed. 

He moaned softly & said, "Then ... love me Joe." I granted him his request by unbuttoning his long sleeve shirt slowly. He wiggled a bit & trying not to give into his laughter. "Does, ... this tickle you my love?"

Nick's POV 

He bit his lip, "N-no ..." I shouldn't have said that cause the next thing I knew he was tickling me like crazy. Within a few seconds, I gave in. "Al right! Al righttt!! Joee!" 

With a downright sexy grin, he stopped & shifted over to kissing all over my skin. As he moved, I felt nothing but tingles everytime. I closed my eyes, enjoying feeling that was sweeping over me. And somewhere in that time, he has sneakily removed my bottom pants. All that stood between us now were our boxers. 

I thought Joe would continue on to remove them. But like the mischievous Greek God I fell in love with, he had other plans in mind. He went to my legs right at my knees, placing sweet kisses on them as his hands moved to stroke my thighs, making my quiver. Once satisfied, he moved back up to my chest stroking, kissing, & nipping very lightly. 

All I know was that this pleasure was exquisite. He was slowly & delicately relishing every second of it, just as I was. Already my heart was racing fiercely & my mind hypnotized by every moment he made. 

Just when I thought the pleasure would never end, he stopped. We looked at each other & in that look we knew we were both ready what was coming. We shared a hot kiss while pulling each others boxers away. At the same time we pulled away & looked down. I gasped aloud, while he grinned. 

"You're so beautiful baby," he kissed right below my bellybutton. I moaned, "Joee. So, ... are you" He kissed my lips again lovingly. And then in a flash, he was off of me & getting something. For a moment there, I was confused. But then, I leaned up on my elbows watching. My eyes expanded at the sight of his length. I watched intently as he put the thin rubber sheath. 

And just like that, he returned to me & hovered for a moment. He took on final look & me, & I nodded for him to continue. He slowly positioned himself & pushed himself in as carefully as possible. Once that happened, my eyes shut tight & I gripped his hair. He's inside me, he's inside me ... was all that was replaying in my mind. Though painful at first, he gently guided the rest of him in. 

Just like magic, we moaned aloud. We pulled each other closely & moved as one. Dear God, the feeling was beyond heavenly. His thrusts were gentle & amazing. Every touch, kiss, our connection ... it was like bliss. I could feel his passion & love. Together we experienced the most wondrous feelings of all. We made love to each other. It was perfect. 

Two hours later ... 

"Baby? How do ... you feel?," Joe softly pecked my lips. I was still breathing heavy & dripping with sweat just as he was. I spoke quietly, "Wonderful ... And you?" 

He smiled warmly, "Extraordinary. Nick, ... that was- ..." 

"I know. I feel the same way," I continued for him. As he wrapped his arms around me, he leaned in whispering, "I love you Nick." 

Naturally the words came to me. "I love you Joe." 

                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And now some words from our lovebirds: Hi there! This is Nick speaking, I'd just like to say thank you for reading our story. We hoped you enjoyed it as much as me & Joe did. Speaking of him, here he is now. Joe? Would you like to say some words? 

Hello! Why thank you my beautiful Nick, well as you already know I'm Joe. I just like to say thank too for reading. Let's see what else ... thank you for loving me & Nick as a couple. And, thank you well for everything! BTW, does anyone have an *clears throat* chocolat? 

Nick: Joe! 

Joe: What Nick?

Nick: Chocolat really? 

Joe: Yeah, its what brought you to me. So why not? 

Nick: Yes it did, but never mind that. Tell them about the question we want to ask them. 

Joe: Right! Okay so basically if you loved this story & want it to be continued, just comment with your love ;-)

Nick: That's right! ^_^ So make sure do that & we can't wait to see what you guys think! Bye!

Joe: Bye! But seriously where's the chocolat?

Nick: Come on lover! *grabs him & walks away* 


[A/N: Continue on with Nick & Joe in the sequel Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive (PPP) from here =D ...]

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 1 (Emotions & Halo)

Nick's POV 

I woke up to the bright sunlight shining through my curtains, mmm its already so warm. Its strange for October, usually its cloudy & windy. They say that the rains a coming, I hope so. I like the rain. Joe thinks its cute cause I told him I'm born in one of the second hottest months: September. He understands cause his birthday's in August. Speaking of Joe, he's right by my side sleeping peacefully. No matter what he's doing he always looks so handsome, my sweet loving husband to be. I can't wait to start planning the wedding with him. I was thinking something small & intimate. Wherever the the place or time, I will be happy because Joe is with me. 

I gently stroked his forehead & hair, my God he's the best thing if my life. And last night when we made love, it was breathtaking. I bushed at the wondrous memories of being connected as one. It was mind-blowing. 

The time was 11:00 AM, & both of us were off school for the day & Joe was free from working his jobs. So while Mr. Sleeping Beauty is slumbering away, I quietly got out of his bed & put a fresh pair of PJ's & boxers on. ~ Nick's outfit:|71065 ~ Then I walked downstairs to the kitchen, & began making a vegetarian omelet with fresh herbs. It was something Joe & I loved eating for breakfast. ~ Recipe here: ~ I took my time preparing carefully, & in the end it came out perfect. I got a tray , silverware, napkins & some orange juice in a glass & carried it up to him. I found him just awakening, excellent timing. "Good morning Joe, breakfast is served!, I said singing cheerily. 

Joe's POV 

The moment my eyes focused on Nick, I just gleamed with a big smile. Before I met him, I couldn't even recall ever in my life waking up this blessed & fortunate. My precious angel, its my heaven on earth. And would you look at that outfit, can you say sexy & cute or what?! He's so beautiful, its sight a wonderful sight. Thank you God so much for Nicholas Jerry Jonas. 

"Good morning baby! Oh. My. God! That, ... smells so good. Let me guess, its a- ...," I was going to finish saying what it was just when he smiled & offered me a bite. I took it gratefully & groaned appreciatively at its taste. "Nick, ... mmmmm baby, this is soooo delicious!!" He giggled & smiling, "Great, I was hoping you'd like it." 

"Oh, I'm past like I'm on to love. So much love," I said while making him put down the tray kissing him sweetly. "That so?," he murmured. "Very so. Your heaven sent you know?," I pulled away lightly tapping his nose. 

"Mmm-hmmm. Good to know Mr. Greek God," he winked. Heavens what a boy! "Really? You think I'm like that?" 

"Oh I know it. Just look at you, strong & toned. Its arousing ...," he said while running his hands over my chest. In that single touch, I felt me body heat up quickly. Hotly I replied, "And look at you, covered with clothes ... why don't we change that?" 

He pretended to think about it & said, "Only if you finish eating & then we'll take a shower." Didn't I tell you Nick's a tease? "Deal, but we finish it together," I said while picking up a fork to feed him. He nodded & eat along with me. Once we finished I pulled him close to me & kissed him passionately. At the same time, my hands took over his small body & pealed off his clothes leaving him bare like me. I picked him up & carried him to the bathtub (right next to the shower) & placed him down for a minute. 

I turned on the water to a comfortable temperature for the both of us & added such bubble bath. Then I picked Nick up & we sat down together. Its official, I'm soaked in his love. He was in my arms laying his head back on my shoulder while I wrapped my arms around his chest. I tenderly said, "I love you Nick." 

He turned his head & pressed his lips to mine. "And I love you Joe." I listened as he began to hum a familiar song, it was music to my ears. "Sing baby?," I asked. He said, "Together." I smiled & said, "Together." And we sang the following: 

You've got me feeling emotions

Deeper than I've ever dreamed of

You've got me feeling emotions

Higher than the heavens above

I feel good

I feel nice

I've never felt so


I'm in love

I'm alive


Flying high

It feel like a dream

When you touch me tenderly

I don't know if it's real

But I like the way I feel


You've got me feeling emotions

Deeper than I've ever dreamed of

You've got me feeling emotions

Higher than the heavens above

In the morning

When I rise

You are the first thing

On my mind

And in the middle

Of the night

I feel your heartbeat

next to mine

It feels like a dream

When you love me tenderly

I don't know if its real

But I like the way I feel


You've got me feeling emotions

Deeper than I've ever dreamed of

You've got me feeling emotions

Higher than the heavens above

You know the way to make me

lose control

When you're looking into my eyes

You make me feel so


You've got me feeling emotions

Deeper than I've ever dreamed of

You've got me feeling emotions

Higher than the heavens above

You've got me feeling higher

Whenever he sang together, we sounded like we were so meant to be. I love his voice, how he loses himself in the song & how he adds his own touch making it like his own. Thats my baby. 

"More baby," I pleaded. "I want to hear just you now." He cutely smiled & began to sing: 

Remember those walls I built

Well, baby they're tumbling down

And they didn't even put up a fight

They didn't even make up a sound

I found a way to let you in

But I never really had a doubt

Standing in the light of your halo

I got my angel now

It's like I've been awakened

Every rule I had you breakin'

It's the risk that I'm takin'

I ain't never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby I can see your halo

You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more

It's written all over your face

Baby I can feel your halo

Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

Hit me like a ray of sun

Burning through my darkest night

You're the only one that I want

Think I'm addicted to your light

I swore I'd never fall again

But this don't even feel like falling

Gravity can't forget

To pull me back to the ground again

Feels like I've been awakened

Every rule I had you breakin'

The risk that I'm takin'

I'm never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby I can see your halo

You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more

It's written all over your face

Baby I can feel your halo

Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

Halo, halo

Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby I can see your halo

You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more

It's written all over your face

Baby I can feel your halo

Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo

I can see your halo halo halo

~ Beyonce's "Halo" ~

As he finished, for the first time in a long time I had tears in my eyes. I cupped his cheeks & pulled him in for a kiss. I love him with all my heart. "Oh, Joe. Don't cry. Its okay," he soothed. I smiled, "That was so beautiful Nick. I'm crying because I'm in love & that song reminds me of you in every way." 

He closed his eyes & hugged me warmly. "And I'm in love with you." He's a miracle I swear, a wonderful & beautiful miracle. We belong to each other, he's my soulmate now & forever. 

Nick's POV

Soon enough we finished our lovely bath time & finished up with a shower. Then we got dressed, Joe said today was going to be ideal beach weather so we grabbed everything we needed & drove there. Once we got there, I took a deep breath. Ohh that smell gets me every time. The sky was a clear blue & the sun was as bright as can be. The beach was a bit packed, but we found our own spot close to the shoreline. Out from afar we could see many sailboats & people jet-skiing. Many where also in the water swimming, some surfing, & others body boarding. It all looked like fun. 

There was also this new thing going around called stand up paddling or SUP for short. It was something I wanted to try. Joe agreed always up for new adventures, but I told him I'd like to swim first. The water was cold, but now as cold as it had been a few weeks ago. I would've figured the water to warm up eventually just not in this month, but it better now. I took my time adjusting to its temperature, while Joe like the spontaneous daredevil he is ran in like a lion & diving right in. He submerged & whooped loudly. He then started to chase after me trying to get me fully wet. 

I kept running out of his embrace, but eventually he got me & pulled me over his shoulder & carried me to the deeper end dropped me in. Whew! Thats refreshing, wow!! The waves crashed over us, but we held on together. I laid back in the water & let myself float. Joe took this opportunity to put his arms underneath me & swirled me. 

After hours of playing in the water, we took some time to return to the shore to play a little volleyball. We were laughing so much & going back & forth with the ball. And for the rest of the day we body boarded & actually learned how to do SUP. Let me tell you, standing & balancing on a board is tricker than it looks. Joe got it in a snap, but I kept falling. Though I'm not one to give up & with a little help from Joe, I was doing good on my own. We paddled together from one jetty to the next. 

It was a great sport, & workout. But the greatest thing that happened while we were paddling was that we saw dolphins!! They were surrounding us, in a huge group. It was so cool seeing them in their natural environment. We marveled as they played & were feeding. They were so fast & overall awesome animals. They're definitely one of my many favorites & Joe too. We soon returned to the shore exhausted, so laid down together in the cool sand on our mat letting the sun dry us both. 

We stayed till 5:30 PM, until it got cold & out stomachs were growling. So we got off stuff & packed up & changed our clothes. We decided to get some fish & chips plus sodas to go as we walked the pier & watched the sunset. It was so romantic, the whole day was awesome. And for dessert Joe & I returned home to get dressed to go out again. He took me to The Cheesecake Factory & we got a slice of white chocolate raspberry truffle, creamy cheesecake swirled with white chocolate and raspberry. We shared it & oh my God it was really sweet. Not mention he gave me another red rose, he's the best I swear.

The rest of the evening we just walked together in the open air mall, looking in different stores. Once it reached 10:00 PM we went back to his place & took another shower together. And then we snuggled up together & watched How To Train Your Dragon. Something are animated films are just so cool to me. 

Finally after it ended we fell asleep in each others arms, tired from our day. This is where I belong with Joe. And we're getting married!!! 

[A/N: Link to Nick's song here:]

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 2 (Classes & Introducing Me)

Joe's POV 

The morning I woke up early because I had a statistics class at 7:30 AM, & then one more other math class after that later in the afternoon. I looked at Nick sleeping like the sweet prince he is. I didn't want to wake him up & neither did I want to leave without telling him where I'd be. So I wrote a note: Good morning beautiful dear Nick, I'm sorry I wasn't here beside you when you wake up. I have two math classes, one early morning & one other in the afternoon. I love you & I'll call you as soon as I'm finished with the first class. If your don't hear from me, I will pick you up at school okay? I wish you a wonderful day & I can't wait to see you! Love, Joe. 

Next I showered & dressed & eat breakfast, then got in my car & drove to my class. Good thing it wasn't too far away from where Nick was. Gosh these days all my thoughts are of Nick. I'm so thankful for him & I can't wait till the wedding. 

7:15 AM. Perfect timing, just enough to get to class & wait till it begins. So far its been a great class for me, its not very difficult like some say it is. But then again, maybe that's because I'm a math lover. The class is full of many students & our professor does an excellent job in explaining everything clearly. I'm confident that this class will be another  "A" to add to the list of already aced courses. Overall the quarter for me is going very smoothly for me. 

I can't wait till winter break through, Christmas & Nick, two of my favorite things together. I'm thinking of planning the wedding then, but I want to consult with Nick first & see what he thinks. I want it to be very special for him, & I'm willing to do whatever it takes to do that. Though its the middle of October right now, I don't want too carried away with the planning because there are other important dates coming up for the both of us. 

Our finals, Halloween, Thanksgiving, & I'm sure other things. Speaking of Halloween, I usually don't dress up but this year I want to change that. My parents are throwing a neighborhood party for the night & its going to be a costume ball. So this means, I'll have to get a costume & Nick too. Well, as long as I'm with him I know its going to be fun. And besides I know my parents, when they get into something ... they really get into it. 

Nick's POV 

The sound of my alarm buzzed at 10:45 AM, ugh. Truth be told I'm not a morning person. I sleepily yawned & stretched, trying to at least shake the tiredness away. I shut it off, any longer & that noise would drive me crazy. I have 45 minutes till my guitar class. As I rolled out of bed my eyes focused on a envelope with my name on it. Joe. I smiled & opened it reading it silently. 

Aww, he's always thinking about me. It honestly was the same for me, its like we couldn't stand being apart after all this time we've never known each other. I called him back, but got his cell. I know he's in class but I still wanted to leave a cute message. 

"Good morning sexy math loving Joe! Thank you so much for the message, you're so sweet. I know your still in class, so I just wanted to say I love you & I can't wait to see you too. I hope class is awesome & I will see you later, bye!" 

Al right, next on the agenda get showered & dressed plus breakfast. In no time at all I was ready to go. I got into my car & drove to my college, parked & walked to my classroom area. I arrived on time as per usual. Today the professor wasn't here just yet, hmm, must be running a little late. I shrugged no matter because I could use this time to practice my songs I've been working on.

Most of the other students in the room, were already focused on playing their own tunes as well. So I put on headphones to block out their sounds & focus on my own. I was playing a song I called "Introducing Me." This one I randomly wrote & even though its a funny kind of song, Joe still loved it. It goes a little something like this: 

I, I'm good at wasting time
I think lyrics need to rhyme
And you're not asking
But I'm trying to grow a moustache

I eat cheese, but only on pizza, please
And sometimes on a homemade quesadilla
Otherwise it smells like feet to me
And I, I really like it when the moon looks like a toenail
And I love you when you say my name

If you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that'll show if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, slightly amusing
Introducing me

Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
La la la la
La la la la la la la la, da

I never trust a dog to watch my food
And I like to use to the word "dude"
As a noun, or an adverb, or an adjective
And I've never really been into cars
I like really cool guitars and superheroes
And checks with lots of zeros on 'em
I love the sound of violins
And making someone smile

If you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that'll show if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, possibly amusing
Introducing me

Well, you probably know more than you ever wanted to
So be careful when you ask next time

So if you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that'll show if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, hopefully amusing
Introducing me

Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo to
Doo doo doo doo

Introducing me 

I really liked how it came out. Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought so. A girl was standing in front me, clapping. I took my headphones off just when she started to say, "Hi There. That was so cool that tune. Did you write that?" 

Normally others don't ever approach me like this, but she seemed like a nice person. "Hi, um thanks. Yeah its just a little something I wrote." She nodded & offered her hand, "Thats awesome. My name's Heather. What's yours?" 

"Nice to meet you Heather. I'm Nick," I replied shaking her hand. "Likewise Nick. Seriously that song could be a big hit. And I like the lyrics you chose." 

Oh dear God, I guess I never stop when I get into my own world. So I sung it out loud, way to show off Nick, oy. I blushed embarrassed, "Thank you. I, ... don't usually sing out loud like that ..." 

She nodded & smiled, "No worries, you sound amazing trust me." 

"Thanks. So, ... are you working on a song too?" 

"Yes & no. Yes to working on a song, but no it's not something I wrote on my own. Its a favorite song of mine from a group called Paramore. Have you heard of them?" 

"Sounds cool. Yeah I'm a fan of their music, got all their songs. Which one's your favorite?," I asked.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 3 (Stuck On You & New Friends)

Ep 3 link: 

Listen to song here: 

2nd song here:

She said, "Stuck On You." 

"Wow, thats mine too. That & "Let It Go." 

"Its a really great one. You wanna hear it, you sing & I'll play?" 

"How, ... about we try & sing it together?" 

"Sure thing. 1, 2, 3 ...," she counted & started playing while we began singing.

I heard you driving in my car then in a frozen bar

And I claimed I didn't care for you

But your verse got trapped inside my head

Over and over again, you played yourself to death in me

I thought I'd drop you easily but that was not to be

You burrowed like a summer tic

So you invade my sleep and confuse my dreams

Turn my nights to sleepless itch

Stuck on you till the end of time

I'm too tired to fight your rhyme

Stuck on you till the end of time

You've got me paralyzed

Holding on the telephone, I hear your midrange moan

You're everywhere inside my room

Even when I'm alone I hear your mellow drone

You're everywhere inside of me

Stuck on you till the end of time

I'm too tired to fight your rhyme

Stuck on you till the end of time

You got me trapped inside

I can't escape your incessant whine

When you beam it out all across the sky

No, I can't escape

(Stuck on you till the end of time)

Your insipid rhyme

(I'm too tired to fight your rhyme)

When you shoot it deep

(Stuck on you till the end of time)

Straight into my mind

~ Paramore's "Stuck On You" ~

The second we finished, we looked around to find the whole room watching us. Suddenly they broke up with cheers & clapping. Wow! Heather & I hi-fived each other & took a small bow together. Just then the professor came into the room saying, "Nick & Heather, that was excellent. Great work." 

Oh My. God! Now a thank you from Mrs. Swanson. Heather & I exchanged "I can't believe it" glances. Before she returned to her seat, she whispered in my ear, "That was AWESOME! Meet me after class, so we can talk more?" I nodded & she gave a thumbs up & walked away. 

For the next two hours we practiced a variety of things & also got one-on-one instruction. The class went by quick, & the minute I walked out of the room I heard my name. "Nick! Over here!," Heather called & motioned to come over to meet her. 

Just as I was walking to her, another girl reached her was saying "What's up Heather?" Heather replied "Awesomeness. I have someone you gotta meet." 

"Nick, this is Val. She's also a big fan of Paramore & plays the drums. Val, this is Nick. He's a guitar player & songwriter." 

Val shook my hand & smiled, "Sup Nick?" 

"I'm good. So are you two in a band together?" 

They both replied, "Yep. We sure are." 

"So are you a solo artist Nick?," Val asked. 

"Yeah, for now. But I have a ...," I didn't know if it was a good idea to reveal about being gay just yet. 

"Ooh, let me guess. You have a ... boyfriend?," Heather asked. 

Somehow I couldn't help but blush giving myself away. "Yeah. But, ... how did you know?"

"That's easy Nick, Heather & I just are good at reading people. Occasionally we don't always get it right, but I'd say 99% of the time we are. So who's the guy? Does he go here? Is he a musician too?," Val went on. 

"Whoa whoa whoa, Val. Slow down girl, we'll play 20 questions next time. Right now we gotta get to music appreciation. Listen Nick, its been too cool talking with you. Let's all hang out sometime & talk, okay?" 

I laughed & smiled, "And I got to run to piano class. Yeah next time for sure. See you girls!" They waved & said bye while running off. Well, this has been an interesting morning singing in class & meeting two new friends. I can't wait to tell Joe. 

30 minutes later I made it to my piano class, which has 15 students including myself. The classroom itself was small, but enough room for all us to be in. We started with simple scales & a few other exercises. Time flew by once again, & once I got out I noticed my cell had a message. Joe once again: "Hey baby! I'm onto my second class & then I'll be finished. I'm sure you're finished so get some lunch & or hang out in the library till I come & get you. I love you!," he said while making kisses sounds into the phone. 

I giggled softly, he's a sweetheart. My stomach was a little hungry for something. So I made my way over to the other side of my campus & up to the cafeteria. I got a veggie sandwich with avocado, tomatoes, spinach, & mozzarella cheese. And to drink I got a strawberry banana smoothie. It was like 71 degrees today & cloudy. So instead of sitting outside, I decided to stay inside & eat my lunch. At the same time I was researching an oldie but goodie sound I had heard on the radio before I got to school. Once I finished eating, I walked over across to the 3 story library & used one of their computers. I logged on & typed in the lyrics I had heard, looking for a match. 

Just like that thanks to Google, I found my song. This was the one I wanted to sing for Joe tonight. A lot of time passed while I continued to look at music & movies. Next thing I knew, I was getting another call. "Hello Mr. Awesome!," I said happily. 

"Hello Mr. Angel! I'm almost to your school, I'm sorry I kept you waiting class went a little over the usual time. I'll be there in 10 minutes, I'll see you soon baby!," he went on. 

"Its okay, I've been on the computer doing some random searching. I'm looking forward to seeing you. Okay, bye baby!" We hung up at the same time. For the time being I went outside for a bit for some fresh air. Wow, its cold out here! Thank goodness I brought my jacket. But it looks like I got my wish, nice fall weather. And my sexy prince is coming to sweep me off my feet. 

The minutes went by fast, as he then called me back & I ran off speedily to meet him. Once he saw me, he got out of his car, & ran over to me. We might have looked like two lovestruck guys running to each other almost in slow motion, but both the looks on our faces ... we couldn't care less about the world. I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, while he held my face & kissed me super long & passionately. We got so lost in the kiss, we didn't mind the soft sprinkles that were coming down. 

As we both pulled as breathlessly, we just looked up & just laughed together. He carried me off just like I was, to his car when I realized something. "Joe, what about my car?" His eyes widened, "Uh-oh. I forgot about that. Well, we could leave it here right till later & come back for it?" 

I laughed & shook my head, "No, that won't work. I gotta have my car baby. Tell you what, you drove all this way just to get me. I'll just follow you on back home." He pulled me in close & kissed my lips. "If you want to." 

"I want to, but in the mean time ... give me a ride to my car so I don't get too wet?" He opened the car door for me & motioned me, "I'd love to. I don't want my baby getting sick." So I got in & he drove me right over to my car. I got out quickly, & got into my own. I started it up & I saw Joe make a sign meaning go first. I smiled & drove along while he followed me closely behind. Dear God, what a man!

We got to his place shortly after & we both parked our cars. Together hand & hand we raced hurriedly into his condo. We ended getting a little more soaked so we ran off into the shower & turned it on hot. We took off our clothes & got right in. Mmm thats ... sooo nice. 

"Its even nicer with you here baby," he kissed my neck. I moaned & pushed him back playfully. "Save it for later," I winked. He pouted cutely, but we moved on to scrubbing each other. Once we finished, we got dressed into matching flannel pj's & boxers. We sat down on his bed & laid they're staring into each other's eyes.

Joe's POV 

"You're so beautiful," I said while playing with his bouncy curls. He smiled, closing eyes eyes. "So are you," he said. "So, tell baby boy how'd your day go? I'm sure its much more interesting than my math day," I winked. 

He began with, "Oh you wouldn't believe it Joe. I was playing my song, you know the one with the random lyrics?"

"You mean 'Introducing Me' one my absolute favorites by the very talented & heavenly Nicholas Jerry Jonas soon to be husband to me?"

"Right, right & right. I was playing that exact one & as usual I somehow sung out loud while playing & this girl in my class comes over to me & tells me that my songs great. I found out her name's Heather & she's likes Paramore you know that group that I listen to a lot. Anyways, we performed our favorite song of them & got a standing ovation from the class & professor! I couldn't believe it, it was so cool!" 

"And then after class I talked with her & met a friend of hers named Val. They said they want to hang out with me sometime. And, the weirdest thing of all was that they knew I was gay & had a boyfriend." 

I grinned, "Aw, my baby's making new friends, thats great. I'm happy for you, I mean besides myself you need some friends to hang out till I get there" He rolled his eyes at this & smirked. "Mmm-hmm. But seriously, how'd did they like know?" 

"Well, look at me I sort of knew & plus was really were hoping you were gay. I don't know honestly, some people are just good at that kind of a thing. Overall, it sounds like like a fun day. And recognition from the professor too, that's my rock-star!," I winked. 

Nick's POV 

"Speaking of rockstars, I found this song earlier & I just fell in love with the lyrics & want to sing it for you right now." He sat up & grinned, "Well by all means, get up there & strut your stuff angel." 

I put up one finger signaling 1 minute & went off to get the instrumental music to go in the background. Once I set up everything I started singing ...


It happened the moment

When you were revealed

'Cause you were a dream

That you should not have been

A fantasy real

You gave me this beating baby

This rhythm inside

You made me feel good 'n feel nice 'n feel lovely

Gave me paradise


Shouldn't I realize

You're the highest of the high

if you don't know then i'll say it

So don't ever wonder

Don't Ever Wonder

Shouldn't I realize (Shouldn't I realize)

You're the highest of the high (oooo)

If you don't know then I'll say it 

So don't ever wonder (Yeah)

So tell me how long (Ah uh)

How long it;s gonna take until you speak baby

'Cause I can't live my life

Without you here by my side

You gave me the feelin' feelin', in my life so...

Shouldn't I realize (Ooo)

You're the highest of the high (Ooo ooo)

if you don't know then i'll say it

So don't ever wonder (Wonder)

Don't Ever Wonder

Shouldn't I realize (Shouldn't I realize)

You're the highest of the high (That you're the highest of the high)

If you don't know then I'll say it 

So don't ever wonder

Don't ever wonder

Shouldn't I realize 

You're the highest of the high (Oooohoooo yeah)

If you don't know then I'll say it (Uh huh)

So don't ever wonder (Don't ever...don't ever wooonnnder)

Oooooo Don't ever wonder...

~ Maxwell's Ascension(Don't Ever Wonder)" ~

Once I finished he got up & embraced me very lovingly. Before he kissed me, he said "That was perfect Nick. I love it & I love you." The rest of the evening we kissed & gave each other massages. He's such a romantic man. My Joe ...

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 4 (Rain, Thunder, & Lightning)

Nick's POV 

The week went by speedily, between school & exams, I'm beat. I'm just happy its over & its the weekend, exactly one more week till Halloween. Joe & I have talking about things, & we both agree that our wedding will be in December. He says what ever I want, he'll make it happen. Joe ... Mr. Amazing. I told him just a small wedding with his parents & my friends Heather & Val are coming too with their boyfriends. Its going to be so beautiful, & the greatest thing of all we're going to be joined together in holy matrimony. Our dreams have true, its like we were destined to find each other. Thank you heavens, I'm beyond thankful. 

Today its raining like cats & dogs! And there's been some serious thunderstorms & lightning crashing in the sky all night, it was kind of hard to sleep. Luckily I had Joe there as he pulled me closer against his body & I forgot everything. Right now he's at work just probably standing there looking like the same handsome guy I met from the very beginning. I giggled at the thought. I know he has a full scholarship that's paying for everything for attending his university. Though he insists that his two chocolat jobs are worth keeping because he gets a freebies. He's so adorable when he comes homes excited saying something like: "Honey I'm homeee! Who ordered the peanut butter cup?!" 

Even though its only a few hours, I still miss him. Since its pouring outside, I'm grounded in his house. I've already taken two naps & watched a little TV. Whoa, that was a loud crash of thunder, its been going on for awhile. At least the earth is being cleansed by the rain. I like the rain, it means winters right around the corner. Joe & I where thinking of spending our honeymoon somewhere in winter wonderland. Another thunder crash, wow what a rumbling sound! "Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain," I sang. My, there's just so much of it I love it. Its my kind of weather. 

I also like watching it & listening to its sounds, & thanks to Joe's condo I can see pretty much everything. I see the freeway cars moving, people with umbrellas, & some occasional planes making their way to the airport. So much hustle & bustle. I'm glad I'm inside just able to watch. 

I sighed, one more hour till Joe comes home. And knowing him, he'll bring home something. He loves surprising me with delicious treats. He's also continuing to do very well in all of his classes, that's my intelligent loving man. We've been congratulating each other on our successes. Both us aced our exams & are fully prepared for anything that comes our way. Whoa, there goes a bright flash of lighting. It only lasted less than a second, but wow it was like pink & white. 

My classes especially have been so fun, its almost not like school. I enjoy it immensely, & I'm learning so many new things. I think I'm starting to grow as a musician. My professor, Heather & Val, Joe & his parents, all really believe I have talent. They all believe I would succeed as an artist. Its really flattering, & I'm going to work on actually performing for others. Who knows, one song is all it could take & I might be discovered? 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 5 (Getting Home & Oh Yeah)

Joe's POV 

2:59 PM, done with work & home to my sweet baby. It hasn't been a busy day, in fact it was pretty much slow, no chocolat buyers today. Which means I get to bring home something new for Nick. Oh God ... I can't wait to see his precious face & kiss those lips that are so kissable. 

I grabbed my coat & umbrella & rushed to my car, after clocking out. Its really poring out here. I have to be careful while driving, I heard its been like this the whole day. Between the thunder & lighting, its all the sounds I could hear while I started the car. Only 15 minutes & I'll be home to hug my baby. 

Just as I turned to go on the down ramp to the freeway, I noticed all the cars were dead stopped. Oh no, come on guys. Al right, think Joe. Its not too far away, but at this speed I'll take longer getting home. So I sat for almost 5 minutes & got off the freeway, forget this. I'll just take the streets, that'll save me time. So I drove, stopping at each light but making better time than I was previously. 

Just before, I heard on my radio a new song by an upcoming pop group called Big Time Rush (BTR). Their song was called "Oh Yeah." 

~ Listen to song here with lyrics: ~

I've seen these four guys on Nickelodeon, they're great, but my Nick's 100% rocking. I just know he's a superstar & he'll go far with his music. He connects with his music & lets go of everything when he's singing or playing a instrument or both. He's a genius no doubt. And best of all I get the chance to see him construct everything from the arrangement to the lyrics. His songs are like him so much, & the emotions he puts into them is very meaningful. 

Its only a matter of time before people discover who Nicholas Jerry Jonas is. And when that day happens, I'm going to be there every step of the way to cheer him on & love him. I can see the magazines now: a star is born & its Nick! Or something like that, whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be big. 

Meanwhile, the streets moving along steadily. There are a few slow drives being cautious, which is a good thing. But I still don't want be to slow, I want be at the speed limit. The pouring has slowed a bit, but I'm sure it'll pick up soon. 

Tonight for dinner I plan to make fish & rice for the both of us. I called Nick earlier asking him, he thought it sounded delightful. He tried to convince me, that he could make it for me. I insisted that I cook, because I actually have something else I want him to do. 

Ah, finally home sweet home. I rushed up to my door & before I could stick my key in the door, it sung open fast. "Joe!," said a very happy Nick, while he jumped into my arms knocking both of down to the ground. 

Good thing, Mr. Cutie pie landed on top of me. Gods me looks so sexy! "Wow! Hello sweetie, I (kiss) missed (kiss) so (kiss) much (kiss). He said, "Me too handsome, me too." 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 6 (Something Smells Fishy/Stronger (Back On The Ground)

Nick's POV 

I smiled big, "So, how was you day? You see the rain & everything? They said its going to be like this tomorrow ..." Suddenly I stopped talking & just looked at Joe who was just staring at me with love & lust in his eyes. Whenever he did this, I never failed to blush. 

I watched at his gently cupped my cheeks saying, "How did I get so lucky to have a lovely man like you?" I giggled & shrugged, "Fate, baby." 

"Mmm-hmmm. Well its sweet sweet fate indeed. Now, as much as I want to remain in this position with you, I'm sure you're hungry right?" I nodded & got off him, but before I could fully stand up he grabbed my hand pulling back down. 

The next time I looked up, he was on top of me ... & pinning me down with his weight. I laughed, "Okay I give. Food time?" 

He shook his head & kissed me every once of passion. I gave in & moaned at the power he had over me. His touch & kiss sent chills all of me & I felt nothing but warmth, so much warmth. I knew he was so aroused, so I pulled away breathing heavily & kissed his forehead. "I love you too." 

With that he grinned & got off me, while helping me up. "And I love you." Even as I placed my hand in his, I still stood up wobbly. His kiss still had me feeling butterflies & more. Lets call it a Joe rush. 

Joe's POV 

I took his hand & led him over to the piano, "Sing for me baby?" He snapped out of his daydream & sat at the piano. "Any requests?" 

"Something written by you," I winked & walked over to the kitchen. As he thought of the right song, I got out everything I needed & put it together to cook. Thats when he began to play: 

~ Listen to Nick's song here ~ 

I watched in awe as he sang out every word filled with heart & soul. In that song, I got lost in his voice & the way he hit those high notes. He closed his eyes, he was so deep into the song. It gave me absolute chills, didn't I mention that he's passionate with his music? One word: phenomenal!

I clapped & raced over to hug him spinning in circles, "You (kiss) are (kiss) so (kiss) wonderful (kiss)!" He blushed & murmured, "Thank you. But its nothing next to you Mr. On-Fire." 

I grinned sexily, "You know it baby. Seriously, though I can just feel it. Somethings going to happen & your career is just going to take off like a whirlwind, I guarantee they'll be calling you from all over just to sign you." 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 7 (Superstar & Just Desserts)

Nick's POV 

"Well, until then I think I'm still in school & I want to finish. I don't want to quit, I still want to graduate & transfer to your university." 

"Trust me, you'll do both or finish school first then become a superstar," he stated. I crossed my arms & turned y body left & right. "You think its that easy, Joe? What if they want me to drop out?" 

"It won't happen. If they want to work with you, they have to allow to continue with school. And if they don't understand that, than maybe there not the right people to handle your music career. Its your dream Nick, not there's. You make & decide whatever you heart tells you. Thats why I believe so strongly, you'll be the best this generations ever seen." 

"Mmmm-hmmm. And you're not just saying that because you're my biggest fan?," I raised my eyebrows. 

I watched & was silently laughing while he walked over to me like cat stalking its prey & wrapped his arms around my waist, "I mean it Nick. You're meant for greatness, I see a very bright future for you. People of all ages will love your music & will come to your concerts just to hear your voice & play. I am your biggest fan, but you're also the one who holds my heart." 

With that leaned into kiss my lips multiple times. Can anyone say swoon major? "Okay, I'm convinced." 

"Awesome & not only that but dinner is ready my darling," he said while food. In less than a minute, he had everything set & I think we were ready to dine. Together we prayed & say amen, & ate. Joe's cooking never ceased to amaze me, he's got a way with food. He's just superb. 

As we ate, he talked about how business was slow, while I told him about all the things I did. Once we finished, we pulled out a small bag & handed it to me. Didn't I tell you he's the king of surprises? I opened it & came face to face with a new chocolat. 

"Its a divine creation, here, " he said while coming over to me & taking a piece & putting it in my mouth. "What do you think?" I chewed slowly letting the taste fill my entire mouth, "Mmmm. Its really ... good. What is it?" 

"Chocolat chili. It starts off sweet & then turns spicy. I tried it earlier, its really something isn't it. I'm glad you like it baby, because I have one more surprise." I watched as he pulled out something from the refrigerator & got two plates & forks bringing it all over to me. "Voilà, I present the traditional & very yummy, pecan pie à la mode." He then got the vanilla bean ice cream & brought it over serving everything perfectly. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 8 (Divine After All)

Joe's POV 

He looked at me happily, but then he smile disappeared. I asked, "Is everything al right? Is it too much?" He shook his head & just stared at the dessert. "Are you full because if so we can save this for later or whenever you want it?" 

He pressed his lips together & spoke, "Are trying to make me gave weight Joe?" As I was about to take a bite of my slice of pie, I dropped the fork hearing the clanking of metal. "No, of course not Nick. I just thought you'd like it is all." I didn't want Nick to be upset, so I tried to apologize. I haven't ever realized Nick was trying to watch his weight, I mean not that he had to. He body was small & fit. Maybe I've been over doing it with the sweets, maybe he's tired of them. 

"Joe, Joe. Relax, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't dream of turning down such an enjoyable treat. But you'll have to come on with an idea to burn these calories." I sighed relived that I haven't did something wrong because dear God, I wanted to do nothing wrong ever by Nick. "You trickster you!" 

He giggled & ate, "You should have seen your face. You were so worried, your impression was so funny. I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to joke like that. Seriously though, you have to come an with an idea. 

"Mr. Fun & Games, you think its funny? I'll show you funny," I said wickedly. With that I got up from my seat & walked straight over to him kissing him with such intensity. I licked every trace of the dessert in his mouth away. When I finally pulled away, "Mmmm. Now, I don't know about you but that was DIVINE after all." 

He was breathless. Good, & I added, "Finish up. Because we have quite a night a head of us," I growled hotly. His eyes were as wide as a bush baby. I went back to my seat & finished the slice at the same time as him. I quickly rinsed the dishes & put them in the dishwasher & pulled him with me. The second we entered our bedroom, I pushed he back against the bed & pounced on him. 

We both groaned at the heat & closeness of our bodies against each other. I pulled off his clothes & mine quickly aching to feel his smooth body against mine. By that time I was super turned on & I sweating letting my eyes wander over every bit of him. I then grabbed a condom & slipped it on & went into him gently. He moaned loudly & arched his back high. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 9 (Erotic Love)

Still Joe's POV

"Uhnn, Joe," he moaned. I began to move fast, his moans were really setting me off. My whole body burned with fire & my mind focused on one thing & one thing only. Nick. With every thrust, his voice grew louder while his hands tightened around my back. His grip was strong, but so nice. The pressure was very nice. Being inside him was sexy, its like we fit together as one. My hands roamed & touched every part of his body, gripping. Nick's so irresistible, I can't help but want more. 

I let my fingers travel up & down rubbing. God his skin is so smooth. I kissed his lips hard, traveling down to his neck then to his chest. I nibbled enjoying it immensely. And his curls, I loved tangling my fingers in them. Nick has my heart. 

Nick's POV 

The faster Joe goes I continue to lose myself in him. I love him so much. His groans are just loud as my moans. The pleasure is off the charts, its so erotic. I love how his strong hands touch my skin. The heat between us right now is undeniable. I swear it will consume us both. I can he likes when I let my hands dig into his back, gripping & lightly running my fingernails against it. 

I feel like I'm soaring but even better cause I'm with Joe. Heavens I love being close to him. I treasure our time together whether it be this or whatever we do. His lips are such a fiery touch to mine. I'm in endless pleasure, pure ecstasy. I love how he can be gentle, but then very strong & passionate. I'm forever lost in him. 

"JOE!," I screamed feeling so super aroused. "UHNNN!" I whined as I felt him squeeze my thighs while also rubbing them quickly. Thats when I wrapped my legs around Joe's waist squeezing him tighter & tighter. 

Joe's POV 

I loved when his sweet thighs wrapped around me, Nick was taking me higher & higher. Every sound & reaction made my heart pound faster. "Oh .... Nick," I groaned. His moans only made me go faster. 

Suddenly he let out a really loud scream & he flipped me over & moved on top of me. "OHH. Gods, NICK!" He kissed me fiercely & I hungrily accepted his lips moving with mine. As we kissed, I moved my hands to his chest & rubbed him in circles feeling the erectness of him. I pulled away & leaned down to grab each other in my mouth, sucking lightly while also biting. 

"OHH! JOEE!," he whimpered. I flicked my tongue over them enjoying the taste. "Mmmmm, oh Nickk," I whispered. His thrusts started to slow & thats when I felt him collapse into my neck. At this point we were drenched in thick sweat, hearts pounding out our chests, & breathing heavily. "You ... al .... right ... baby?," I asked. 

Nick's POV 

I heard Joe's question but my breathing was still all over the place, so I responded by kissing his lips sweetly & then pulling away nodding. "Do ... you ... want ... to ... continue?," he asked. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him on top of me & I smiled. He knew what I wanted & granted our wish. 

The next morning Saturday I woke up with smile. I still felt tired, but then a little hungry. I looked over at a Mr. Sleepy, still blanketed in warmth. I giggled silently & I hopped out of our bed & found royal purple full-length robe to put on. It was only 10:00 AM, but after our late night .... we'll lets just say I'm so exhausted. I went over to the fridge & decided to make oatmeal. It only took a few minutes to get all the ingredients & then mix them all together in the pot on the stove. 

As I finished up, I put a portion in my bowl & Joe's. I placed it on the table & began to eat, it was hot but nice because it was kind of nippy outside. Eating warmed me up fast, mmmm good stuff. Just as I putting my bowl in the dishwasher, I felt a pair of familiar strong arms wrap around me tightly. "Morning Joe," I said knowingly. 

I felt the arms hold me tighter as he said, "So it is me, but what if it was someone else? Would you still react this way?" I laughed pft & turned around just to jump in the air. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 10 (Beautiful Vocalizations)

Still Nick's POV 

"Ahhh!," I screamed. I heard him chuckling, as he took off his mask. He smiled innocently, "Happy Halloween?" I shook my head & rolled my eyes, "Nice mask, but I thought you wanted to keep it a secret till we go to the party?" 

"I wanted to, but then I was going crazy holding it in. I just wanted to see your reaction," he grinned widely. 

"That so? Well you sure do know how to wake up a person mister," I said while gesturing for him to sit down & eat his food. I took my seat beside him & watched his start to eat. "Well?" 

"Well what?," I said. "Aren't you going to tell me what your going to be for the party?" I put my finger to my mouth curving it, acting like I was thinking about it. "Nope. After all its a surprise, just because you couldn't hold it in doesn't mean I can't." 

"Aww! Come on Nick, I wanna know. Please with sugar on top?," he begged. Apart of me wanted to give in, but what fun is that? 

"I'm sorry Mr. Reveal-Everything, but you're just going have to wait & find me. Trust me, you'll know who I am when you see me," I reassured. "But, but, but ...," he started. 

"No buts Joe. Its final & decided. Now its beautiful saturday morning, what's on the agenda for today?" He let it go for now, but by the stars I know he'd try again to find out, he's a persistent man I tell you. "Well .... how about little bit more of last night?"

My eyes widened, he's still aroused. Oh. My. God! To be honest I'm so weak, any more would just make me wanna go back to sleep. Plus I'm a little sore, so I shook my head & said, "Maybe later baby. You enjoy your breakfast & I'll be back." I barely got up when he grabbed my waist & pulled me to him. He slammed his lips on mine, & once he let go I felt so breathless. "I love you Nick." 

I blushed deeply & said, "I love you Joe." I tried to leave but he wouldn't let go. "Where do you think you're going?", he asked. I giggled a bit & tapped his tip of his nose. "To. The. Shower. Of. Course." 

"Now will you let me go?" He pretended to think about the idea, "Do I have to?" I smiled & nodded. He sighed & reluctantly released me. Just as I walked off he said, "I'll be there a sec." 

"Okay," & with that I went to the shower. Once inside I took off my robe & hung it up behind the door on the rack. I turned on the shower to hot & got in once the temperature was satisfactory. I washed my hair first then began to wash my face. Then I moved to my body & just as I was scrubbed my chest I saw he him come in with a huge smile. 

Joe's POV 

"Why hi there my love," I said while looking him up & down. "Looking beautiful baby," I winked. He blushed, "Hi yourself. You look striking." He then returned to washing his body. I grabbed his wash cloth, "Allow me." 

He nodded as I continued to do what he was doing but more slowly. "Hows the feel?" He leaned against the wall for support & closed his eyes, "So ... nice." I moved to his arms, getting a fit of giggles which made me smile. Then I moved to his thighs, not missing any areas in between. I chuckled when I heard a small moan escape his lips. I massaged the cloth in circles to scrub his thighs even more. 

Thats when his moans increased in volume, echoing off the walls. The beautiful vocalizations of Nicholas Jerry Jonas, mmmm oh God. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 11 (Showering/Something Different)

Still Joe's POV 

I must admit he turns me on so much, but I respect him & his wishes, all except not telling me what he's going to wear to the party. That I won't let go, I grantee he'll spill. Nick's headstrong sometimes, but that change. I have my ways of getting my baby to come clean. 

So I continued to scrub, eventually turning him to face the wall so I could his back & everything. The view is marvelous, once I got around his small hips I was kind of struggled to stay in control with my libido. I mean if you could see what I see, oh man ... he's so sexy mixed with shyness & cute innocence no matter how many times we may connect. 

The curve of his hips, his small shoulders, his thin legs, those thighs that call me to always touch, that small bottom thats so cute, his long arms, his whole body is a dream. I could get lost in it. 

Nick's POV 

I know Joe's so super aroused right now, thats why I have to distract him & let him finish up alone. At that moment, even though everything he's doing ... feels heavenly I stepped in the water & rinsed off & climbed out. I watched his face drop & mouth opened. I grabbed a towel fully wrapping it around me & smiled sincerely shrugging understandingly. He nodded & smiled lovingly. 

I know Joe respects what I want & will do whatever it takes to keep that way. Just another reason I love about Joe. If I wasn't weak, I'd be up for more our pleasuring time. Today I wanted to do something different. So I dried myself off & got dressed warmly. I looked through the morning paper searching for something eye catching. Just when I didn't think there was anything worthy, I found exactly something good. 

I immediately got my cell & called to get more information. I learned that there were still seats available, so I booked them. Then I got out a pair of warm clothes for Joe. I also got my camera that I keep with me in my bag lucky for me I keep up with charging it. Lets see what else do we need, oh! I know, scarfs. I grabbed a midnight blue color & for Joe a olive colored one. I also got of each matching color beanies to keep our heads covered as well. 

Okay, every thing's pretty much set. Just waiting for Joe. I'm so excited, I've always wanted to do this kind of thing. And its going to be so awesome because Joe's in my life. The storms over, so yeah its cold but that won't stop me from going. I know I said I felt tired, but that was before I knew about the event. I'm fully awake now, the shower was the perfect waker upper. 

I wonder if we'll actually see a sighting today, I mean according to the paper now is the season. I really hope we see something, I always wanted to capture the moment on film. 

Joe's POV 

Alrighty all clean & ready to snuggle with Nick. Just as I walked out of the bathroom into our room, I found him fully dressed & with his bag. "Nick? What's going on?," I asked. He turned around from looking out the window. His outfit looked very sexy, he's all bundled up but he still looks hot. He smiled brightly saying, "Joe get dressed fast. I have something big planned, you're going to love it." 

I looked over at the outfit & accessories all set to go, "Say no more baby. I'm a going." With that I put on everything & grabbed his hand leading him to my car. "Where to?" We both got in & buckled up. "Drive to the coast & I'll give you directions from there."

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 12 (I Love It & I Love You)

Still Joe's POV 

I nodded & started the car, soon enough we were traveling down our long street to access the coast. It took like 15-20 minutes. The rest of the way Nick guided me. Did I mention that I love it when he takes charge? Mr. GPS, he's knows his way very well. He remembers directions so easily. It only takes him one time to travel there & he'll remember what way we came & which way to get home. My baby's a genius. So for the time being we listened to music from an assortment of some of the music industries top musical hits, some pretty awesome while others we both agreed its time to change the channel. 

Personally I only loved hearing one voice & I know you know who that voice is. He sang some of his new songs & on some when I knew the lyrics I joined him. I tell you I'm so glad its the weekend, after a long week of school & work its time for something entertaining. And I still haven't a clue to where Nick is taking me, but I don't mind one bit because I'll probably get it when we get there. For a saturday morning the traffic is not bad, its been a smooth ride. 

Nick's POV 

"Al right, turn right here Joe." He nodded & turned, we then parked & got out of the car together. "Sooooo, what do you think?" He looked around & when he looked back at me, I knew he was happy at my decision. "I think ... I love it," he said & then came over hugging me close, "And I love you." 

"Thank you. And I love you. Come on lets, go check in," I said leading him to the small building. We went inside & went right over to the main register. "Good morning, how can I help you?," said a cheerful woman. 

"Good morning," we said in unison, "I made a reservation this morning for Nick Jonas." She nodded & looked down at her list, "Of course, here you are. Okay, that'll be $35.00 & your docking area is right over there at #5," she said while pointing. 

Joe's POV 

I nodded & stepped forward to pay for the tickets. She thanked us giving me a receipt & wished us a great trip. Together we said bye & walked over to our dock # & boarded. I handed the guy our tickets & we got on, just as I was about to ask Nick where he wanted to be he rushed off to the very front. I smiled & followed him. We looked out at the water which was a nice blue, but also kind of grayish. There were seabirds flying all over, SUP & kayakers going by, & other water crafts as well. I took this moment to fetch Nick's camera & take a picture of him. 

As the boat was starting, I got a little carried away snapping pictures of him. He laughed & said "Okay lets save the memory for the trip okay?" I inclined by head, "One more pic, this time you & me." He beamed & we got closer together as I held the camera facing us & snapped the picture. Then I shut off & watched along with Nick, as we took off. 

The boat wasn't particularly full with people. Just Nick & I, & 10 others. As we got out to sea, the temperature got colder & the wind was picking up. But the sun was still visible through the clouds. It was around 72 degrees, but out here I'm sure its a bit lower. A few minutes later we got a message from the captain upstairs that there were some sea lions up ahead. Nick instantly grabbed the camera & awaited the sighting. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 13 (Holy Humpback!)

Nick's POV 

Just then we arrived at the location of the sea lions, there were quite a few of them. They looked so cool, relaxing while some were swimming around in the water. Some were even falling into the water, it was so cute & funny at the same time. Joe & I smiled watching them playing & barking. Some were so big in size & others were small. Overall they're such adorable animals. 

Just as I finished up taking the pics, the captain alerted of us of a very big sighting not too far way from us. I bounced up & down excited. "OMG Joe!" 

He watched me & chuckled, "I know 'OMG,' this is going to be awesome. You, are very awesome," he continued to say while pecking my lips. I pecked his lips back & went back to watching the water. This is one in a million chance & I really want it to happen. Its so cold, but I'm not moving from this spot. Thankfully Joe knows me so well & wrapped his arms around me, building heat together. I giggled & continued to be on lookout, just as he was too. 

We were traveling through the water fast bouncing up & down at some points. It was kind of fun, it reminds me of a see-saw. Along the way, other boats of all kinds passed up from charter kinds to sail boats & more. Even jet skis were speeding away in some directions, racing by the looks of it. 

Pelicans flew above us gliding in a perfect formation & hovering over the water. We watched in awe as life everywhere surrounded us. We even saw some flying fish & a group of porpoise whales. That was among the other amazing things I got to see & Joe too. So far it was becoming a really stupendous day. 

And then at last the moment I've been waiting arrived & I was shaking with so much excitement, I had to give the camera to Joe because I just couldn't hold it still. We came across 2 adult humpback whales. They were so big! It was so beautiful, I couldn't believe. Thank you God! Everyone was now crowded at the front of the boat like us talking & snapping pics away. While the captain was informing us about them. ~ Information here: ~ 

Joe & I watched in pure amazement as they breached out of the water, the RAREST sighting ever & here they are doing it! I hugged Joe close, both of us smiling uncontrollably. We were rendered absolutely speechless. I even blinked unconvinced that this was really happening. And sure enough, its real very real. Dear God, thank you so so much for this. I'm filled with so much happiness. God bless these wondrous mammals. Seeing them in their natural habitat was wonderful, & they're headed on their yearly migration to Hawaii. They travel such a far journey from their home braving dangers & making their way there to give birth to their offspring. Its incredible! And its just amazing because they pass through our waters to get there. 

I could watch them forever here with Joe. But I know they're moving toward their destination & our time sadly was up. I wish we could stay, but we had to return to the mainland. I felt Joe grab my hand, I looked at him & we exchanged a warm smile. We went inside the cabin & he ordered us two hot chocolates with whip cream. I must say it was a very nice solution to my freezing body. Even with all the bundled-up-ness, I still managed to feel the power of the wind. We drank together, me of course close to Joe. We talked non-stop of our events & viewed our pics. I couldn't wait to get them developed. 

The entire trip was five hours from noon to 5:00 PM. After we arrived back, we drove to a nearby restaurant called Macaroni Grill. I ordered the mushroom risotto (a true favorite of mine) & Joe ordered the grilled salmon & two strawberry lemonades. The dinner was enjoyable & for our dessert ... we shared a very satisfying tiramisu. Afterwards we rented two movies from RedBox called "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" & "Oceans" in honor of our day. Both films were really great. Towards the end of the night we re-showered & watched reruns of "My Wife and Kids." By that time we were wiped & fell asleep, Joe spooning me with his hands wrapped over me. Mmmm .... a blanket of Joe. Good night .... 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 14 (A Whole New World Part 1)

Joe's POV 

Today was already wednesday & Nick still haven't revealed to me what he costume choice was. I tried everything from kisses, teasing & more. And still nothing, he's keeping it locked away, just like my adorable prince would do. I decided if he's going through that kind of lengths, I'll let it be. But when the moment comes, I'm not holding back my passions of holding close against me. 

Just then I saw my Nick enter from the door, he's finally home! Off my feet in an instant, I raced over & embraced him fiercely with a hot kiss & warm hug. He dropped his shoulder bag to the ground, as I pushed him against a wall, earning a loud moan from him. "Hiya Mr. Luscious-Curls," I breathed with my forehead against his & noses touching. 

His knees buckled underneath him, when my hands caught him holding him to me. I further deepened the kiss, that when I finally pulled away he was gasping for breath. I too was breathing heavy, & as I stole a peak at your lips I got entranced by them & leaned in biting & tugging on them. He moaned even more, leaning his head back against the wall. 

I took this even opportunity even further grabbing both of his hands & pinning them above his head. All & all is trapped in my grasp, unable to move or get away. How I loved this moment ... mmmm. I played more with his lips, groaning at his incredible sexiness. He whined & struggled, "Joooee." With my right hand I help Nick's wrists in place, while my other hand I sneaked my hand up his shirt to his chest. He shivered at my touch, but with my hot hands he'd be warmed up in no time. 

I rubbed in circular motions, feeling his chest hardened. I could feel myself losing the control I tried do deeply to keep in tact, but with its different. With him, I just have so much more than lust & passion for him. Its powerful thing called love. I found that because of him. And as we continue to explore each other, we become even more bonded. 

I couldn't take it any longer, I freed him of his skinny jeans & shirt, leaving him in purple boxers. What a sight! I slid him down the wall carefully, using my free hand to take off his sneakers. With fingers like lightning they were off, seeing how we'd be eventually sweating like as if we were in a hot jungle, I took off his socks. Then with easiness & tenderness I picked him up my arms. I carried him off to our room & paced him on his feet. 

He was now position perfectly in front of the bed, with me directly in front of him. I kissed him hotly & pulled away my eyes never leaving his. I began to remove my clothes, now we we're both equally in our boxers. He shyly smiled at my halloween boxers that were orange with black with small pumpkins. I held up one more finger as I went to get my final piece I needed to be with him. I put it on swiftly & went back to him. 

We stared at each other for a few minutes, taking in every feature & trace of emotion. He blushed when he saw my erection clearly in plain sight. I smirked & lifted his chin up. His face became redder & I moved my body closer to his. I watched in enjoyment as he backed up against the mattress, trying not to fall back on it. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 15 (A World New World Part 2)

Still Joe's POV 

This only made we get even closer, pushing me more. Eventually he lost his balance & he watched as he fell back against the bed. God .... SO sexy. I climbed on top of him letting my full weight settle gently on him. He moaned once again, feeling our skins touch. He bit his lip & dreamy gazed at me. Whenever we were together like this, it felt like the heavens opening up to us. Our passion for each other got hotter & hotter by the minute. We no longer needed the clothes to wrap around us, just the slight breeze of coldness that seemed to roam the air. 

His eyes were like slits half opened & closed at the same time. They looked like two pairs of shining starlights that my heart sigh. I caressed his face, loving the feel of his softness of him. I felt him melting at my touch, I traced his lips that were shaped like hearts. I bumped my nose to his lightly rubbing mine against his. We breathed in each other, our chests rising & falling together. 

I ran my fingers through his hair exploring its perfect texture of endless curls. He arched slightly, feeling his chest press up against mine. This gave me an idea, I rubbed our bodies together creating yet an another amazing feeling. "Unnn, ohhhh, Joeee," he moaned. His body so small underneath mine, I desired nothing more than to endlessly touch all over him. I found his belly button & traced in circles watching in awe as he giggled softly. 

He tried to move my hands away, but I wouldn't let him. Instead I stopped for the moment & quickly grabbed his thighs & rubbed them fast. He yelped & moaned even more. This time he grabbed my hair twisting the ends a bit. I groaned at the feeling, loving every second of it. Then his hands trailed down my chest, as he traced my chest & stomach. Oh God! How long could I possibly hold it in any longer.

I took my hands off his thighs & tugged his boxers off his hips. And in the next second, I took mine off as well. He gasped as I plunged into him groaned extra loudly, "Niiccckk!" I moved fast within him, losing myself in so much pleasure. This time I wanted to try something a little new, I wrapped my arms around his back & leaned my weight off him, causing myself to sit upright along with him. He moaned, "Unnnn ooh." 

I then kissed him over & over again, while my hands found his legs making them wrap around my waist. I pushed in & out of him, both of us becoming very intoxicated by our intense love making. 

~ Many Hours Later ~ 

Nick's POV 

The time was now 1:00 AM & Joe I had just finished our most amazing passionate love making. I tiredly said "That ... was ..." But before I could finish my words I fell asleep like a light. The last thing I remember was Joe kissing my forehead & saying "Me too baby. I love you. Good night sweet one." 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 16 (Joe Time)

Joe's POV 

Sunday arrived quicker than I expected, but now its here. I'm already at my parent's house just getting myself ready for tonight. Meanwhile, both of them have been back & forth non-stop getting together everything. They even hired some people to help, so this whole turnout would look awesome & professional. From what I've seen so far, it looks like it'll be quite a shin-dig. I'm so excited, after all this waiting & the moment has finally arrived. Whew! 

The rest of the days in between, Nick & I just went through our regular routine of school & school & work for me. With whatever free time we had together after our schedules & school work, we relaxed. Seriously though I can't believe its October 31, the last day of the month! Its so crazy, it seems like just yesterday I met Nick. And every single say since then has been a dream come true. My one & only soul mate, who will always have my heart. 

So okay, I bet your all wondering about my costume choice? Well I think I speak for myself when I say its a perfect fit. So hand tight, cause Nick & I will be revealing our selves in good time. For the moment, I've been making extra sure that my entire outfit is looking off the chain. Yes, I'm primping & its all for Nick. Like I said before, I wouldn't have just dressed up this year without Nick in my life. 

Truth be told, like without him was kind of empty. I mean, yes, I have excellent grades & scholarships. I've always been dedicated to getting every goal I set complete & finished. And I've enjoying working both of my jobs & I'm so grateful for my parents. However, it just seems after 21 years its all I've ever done pretty much. Yes I've hung out with my lifetime friends from high school & now some new ones from the university, but what I was looking for was a real relationship. 

Call me old fashioned, but I've always believed just like Nick in finding that one special someone to spend the rest of your life together. Thats why my previous guys I dated just turned out to be just friends. Both whom I keep in touch with cause they're great guys. One was straight & I've known him for a few years, he was my first real boyfriend, I guess you call him. He was in one of my math classes & he ended up being my partner to work on assignments together. He was a lot like myself, except for one thing. 

I thought the whole friendship from the beginning was a nice one, though after spending a lot of time with him & of course I developed a crush you could say. Apart of me wanted to just keep a secret & see if he liked too. But things didn't exactly work out that way. You see, the feelings were kind of overwhelming just because I was really attracted to him. Still, I didn't want to be to forward or cause him to feel differently. After some time, he began to notice my behavior was different because I did all the work myself before he could any of it & other things. So the time came to tell him. I explained myself calmly & carefully. And by the end, he was weirded out by my confession, but honestly in the end thanked me for telling him the truth. 

I learned all the time I thought he was sending small signals to me, he was not gay or bi, but straight. After hearing this, I was pretty much embarrassed for assuming the wrong ideas. I properly apologized & ever since that day, we've been friends. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 17 (Terror Time?)

Nick's POV 

Oh dear! Look at the time, I can't believe its 5:30 PM already. The parties already probably started. I quickly finished whatever grooming I had left to do in a snap. One last, look in the mirror ... al right check. I'm ready to go, just got to get in the car. So with that I grabbed my keys & headed to my car starting the engine & heading off to Joe's parents house. Joe had insisted that I let him pick me up, but I wanted things this way instead. I know he'll just be realize why & forget everything once we find each other. Its Halloween, whoo! 

Joe's POV

Alrighty I'm all set & as for my past stories, I'm going to put that on hold for now. Its terror time! Hahaha, well lets just say its at last night & time to party! Thats when I made my way downstairs & found everything & everyone having a great time. Its early though, so the real fun is about to begin soon. I must commend my parents & the decorating team, they sure do know how to make the house look spook-tacular! The whoa do my parents know a lot of people, it looks like the whole neighborhood al right & more. Lucky its a big house & our outside area surrounding the it offers plenty of space for all these guests. 

So far I see my parents, my mom's Cleopatra & my dad's a covered up mummy. A lot of these people have some great outfits on. I see lots of superheroes & villains, some fantasy like creatures like Avatar & Twilight. And plenty of disney princesses for the kids, along with the boys in their karate kid & ninja turtle outfits. Overall it looks fantastic, but the only persons missing is Nick. 

You see my plan was to find him first & make my way over, I have it all laid out in my mind. Well in the mean time, might as well eat. I picked up a slice or two of cheese pizza & also a cupcake. I also found my mom's cake, mmmm so tempting, but I have a lot to carry ... so I'll be back! 

"Joe dear? Would you be a doll & go take these beverages over to Nick's friends please?," my mother asked just before I could get to a clear spot to eat. I sighed & carefully put down everything & made my way other to them. "Thank you. And I must say your costume looks wonderful! I'm sure that Nick will just love it," she winked as she disappeared back through the crowd. I smiled a bit & found the girls & their guys. 

"Hey Heather. Val & ... guys," I said while handing them each a drink. "You enjoying the party?" Both girls smiled & waved, while their two dudes nodded 'sup.

"Are you kidding?," said Val. "Its too cool!," chimed Heather. "Yeah! What she said. And thanks for the drinks, man your parents sure know how to throw an excellent party. I'm so ready to get dancing! What do you say, H, ready to take the dance floor?," Val said. 

"Heck yah! Lets go, Jeremy & Sam ~ BTW Jeremy's with Heather & Sam's with Val ~ whooooo!"

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

Contains episodes of MCS 1-16 & PPP 1-17, enjoy ^_-

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sounds like someones about to get jealous. kawaii!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

good job I'm not a great reveiwer so that's all I can really say.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 16, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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