![]() HummieA Story by VirgoAvatarHummie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kevin: Hey Nick good morning! *Greets him* I've got breakfast! *Speaking with a mouthful of a grasshopper* Nick: *Stirs from my sleep; opens a single eye* Morning Kevin. *Yawns* Gee thank you, you didn't have to. Kevin: *Shrugs like its nothing at all* I know, but I wanted to. Nick: *Sheepishly opens my mouth allowing him to transfer the dead insect to my mouth; chews before swallowing* Kevin: *Grinning brightly* You want some more? I would gladly get more if you're still hungry. Nick: *Finishes up before speaking* No, no its fine. That was good enough for now, maybe later. Kevin: You sure? Nick: Positive, Kev. *Stretches my wings* Kevin: Okay, if you say so. So you wanna go fly? Ooh! I found a cool place we could hang. We can watch movies together, what do you say? So yes thats Kevin, very energetic & animated pretty much all-the-time. He's a Broad-tailed hummingbird or "hummies" as he likes to call us. He's exactly four inches in length, only one more inch than me (something he holds over me when he acts like the dominate male). He's green & black with a shiny pinkish-red throat patch & a white belly. He's my best friend & been attached to me since I can remember. I don't mind his personality, there's never a dull moment with Kev, but now that I've come of age he's determined more than anything to make me his mate. I'm on the fence about it & really don't fancy him in that way, don't get me wrong he's attractive & a lot of fun to be with … but he's not the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. I've told him this, but he seems to think I'm unsure & just nervous even confused. He writes it off every time & plays it as a joke, which quite frankly can get me fed up a lot of times. Take right now with him hunting & bringing back food? He won't give up on trying to court me. Hence him proposing the movies … he's asking me out yet again. Nick: No thanks, I think I'm just going to continue my nap. Kevin: *Bummed* Oh *Pauses* um alright, catch you later then. *Flies away from the tree* Thank goodness. I don't know what its going to take to get Kevin off my back, I wish he'd take a hint or better yet just listen to me when I tell I'm not interested. There's plenty of others he could easily court, why does he have to choose me? Perhaps one reason could be … is that I myself am a Costa's hummingbird (the only one around cause usually my species range around Baja California, it was Kevin who convinced me to leave & explore further north & we've been settling here since). In length I'm three inches making me quite small indeed. I too am green & black with a little bit of a white grayish belly, but what sets me apart is … my purple throat that wraps around my eyes (its a cute feature so I've been told many times). I like the purple a lot, I think it suits me, but I do wish I wasn't so small & if anything a little bit bigger. I sigh as I try to fall back to sleep, but its kind of hard now since Kevin interrupted. Suddenly a figure catches my attention from my spot on my favorite willow tree. I like to think of it as my tree, I like this one a lot cause I get to watch things & perch for long periods of time in peace. For some time now I've been observing this human from my branch that falls very close to his bedroom. He always keeping his blinds open & I'm glad cause then I get to see what he's up to. He's very interesting to me. He's got black thick hair, white skin, brown eyes, & a very nice smile. I've yet to find out his name & or anything else, but I do know he's a musician & a very good one at that. His voice is beautiful to me for whenever he beings to sing, I start to sing too with my hummingbird voice. He stops then & turns to look in my direction & I freeze in my spot & my eyes widen. Oh dear was I too loud, I worry. Joe: *Stops singing & strumming my guitar on my bed; looks directly at my window narrowing my eyes to see a small hummingbird sitting on a branch looking at me; smiles; sets my guitar down standing up to walk over towards it kneeling quietly & carefully so I don't scare it away* Well hello there. *I greet* I feel the warmth swirl in the pit of my tiny stomach when he smiles at me then & speaks to me. I greet hello, but sadly its hummingbird speak to him (he can't understand me but I wish he could though). Joe: *Analyzing the bird; makes a comment* A purple hummingbird, wow you're quite the beauty little buddy. *Close to my window's screen, glad that I'd opened the window earlier; folds both my arms on the windowsill propping my chin on it gazing at it in wonder* You must be a male. *Concludes* I tilt my head to the side curiously & that same warmth is making me feel flushed at his words. He's guessed correctly thats a relief, it would've been awkward if he thought I was a girl. Joe: Aren't you a cute one. *Fawns over him; blinks getting an idea* I've got to get a picture of you, hold on a sec please. *Gets up quietly rushing to get my iPad* I blush further, liking the compliment. I stay as I am waiting for his return watching him grab an electronic device. I watch him hold the item up & aim it towards me. I stare at it allowing him to take his pictures. Its a nice feeling to be appreciated like this, its different from Kevin. I wish I could get to know this handsome stranger more. Joe: *Taking snapshots like crazy completely entranced by the bird's colors & adorableness* I chuckle at him. He looks so cute himself as he's taking pictures of me. I'm guessing he's probably excited for this opportunity. Not all hummingbirds stay in one spot for this long, its because I do not wish do be anywhere else but here … I'm very content where I am. Joe: *Once I felt I got enough pictures I set down my iPad & grinned* Thank you so much, I got some awesome shots of you. *Muses aloud* I wonder what kind of hummingbird you are? *Re-grabs my iPad searching on Google "purple hummingbirds"* Your welcome I say in my mind. I want to tell him what kind I am, but again its hopeless. I'm confident though on his device he'll find the answer if he just searches. Joe: Ah, here we are. *Finds it online* You're a Costa's Hummingbird. *Goes on to read more about him* Correct! I twitter happily. Joe: Huh you're quite a ways from Baja. Are you lost? *Looks at him* I want to establish some type of communication with him, so in so I shake my head no. Joe: *Eyes widen* Did you … just shake your head? Nick: *Nods. I just hoped he's not going to be weirded out by this* Joe: C-can you understand me? Nick: *Nods again* Joe: Whoa. *Exhales* Nick: *Don't freak out please I silently plead* Joe: This is incredible! *Exclaims* Nick: *Well I guess thats one way of putting it* Joe: I don't know how this is possible, but whatever the case may be I'm not questioning it … this is pretty cool. By the way, my name's Joe. Do you have a name? Nick: *Nods. I want to tell him, but how can I?* Joe: But I'm guessing you can't tell me like I can to you? Nick: *Shakes head* Joe: Hmm. *Thinks for a bit forming an idea* I think I might have a way to help with that. Nick: *Really? But how?* Joe: *Leans down to pull the screen out from the window; gestures for him to come in* Its okay, you can come in you want to its safe I promise. I watch in fascination as he removes the screen separating us. I fly closer perching on the windowsill eyeing him & everything else in the room curiously. I take his word & fly inside landing on his bed frame. Joe: Wow you're fast. *Blinks; reconnects the screen* Don't want any insects in, even though theres not too much seeing how its still winter. Okay, so I have a plan, hang on while I gather the supplies. Nick: *I nod & await; watching him get a piece of white paper, a white board, some black paint & a small thin brush* Joe: *Sets all these items on my made-bed; puts the white board down first setting at the rest on top* Okay so the basic gist of what I'm going to do is this. *Demonstrates: dips the brush into some black paint …. begins to write my name on the white piece of paper* See? Do … you think maybe you can copy this? Nick: *Nods. I can try. He moves back on the bed giving me some space as I fly down to sit on top of the white board. I grip the brush with my mouth & aim the brush to get more black paint & then walk towards the white paper writing my name as best as I can* My name is Nick. Joe: Holy crap! *Astonished; gasps in wonder* Nick: *Smiles. It worked! I'm just as amazed as he is* Joe: Nick. *Says his name* Its a pleasure to meet you. Nick: *Blushing; goes to write again* Likewise. Joe: For a small little guy, you have beautiful writing. *Tells him* Nick: Thank you. Joe: You've very talented. Nick: So are you. Your music & voice is amazing. Joe: Why thank you. So you were listening to me? Nick: *Nods* Play for me please? Joe: For you … it would be an true honor. *Inclines my head; retrieves my guitar replacing it a comfortable place as I sat on my bed* I set down the paint brush for the time being watching him play & sing. I could listen to him all day. I found myself laying down on my belly on the board looking up at him. He continued to play for me for hours it seemed. Eventually he stopped & took a break & got something to eat for himself. I followed him flying around in his townhouse from his bedroom to his kitchen landing down on an mobile kitchen island. I watched as he talked about what he was making: linguine with baby clams & steamed mussels. To me it sounded kind of unappealing, but for him he seemed pretty excited for it. I guess for him it was appetizing, I've never tried human food (I don't think its really good for us which is why we stick to nectar & insects). It takes some time for him make his meal, but the during the whole time he's talking to me where as I'm listening. Joe: So I was reading up on you, so you like nectar? I have a feeder if you're hungry too, would you like some? Nick: *Nods happily* Joe: You got it, be right back then with that. Nick: *I smile. He's really a nice guy. I feel like I could just melt listening to him & watching him* Joe: *Comes back with the feeder in tact; puts it on top of the island in front of him* Dig in little buddy. Nick: *Nods; begins to drink* Joe: *Chuckles; continues to check on the progress of my meal finishing cooking it; puts it on a plate heading over to my table with a fork in hand* Oh I forgot a drink for myself. *Gets back up getting a glass of ginger ale* We eat together quietly each enjoying our meals. When I'm satisfied enough I flew over to land on his table & stared in turn to find two fish in individual glass tanks. Joe: Oh, those are my two betta fishes meet Ziggy & Zee. *Points to the male & female* Nick: Hello. *I greet to them* Ziggy: *Puffs out showing my tail proudly* Hey there little birdie, greetings! Zee: *Flares out too* My goodness & I thought we were small! Hi little one! Nick: *Blushes* Hi nice to meet to meet you both. I'm Nick. Both of them have really pretty colors. Ziggy on one hand is completely white with a little blue in his tail & flippers & blue eyes … while Zee is a shimmering aqua-turquoise combination with a dark head & orange eyes. They're were quite stunning. Joe: *Interrupts for a moment* Can you communicate with them? Nick: *Nods* Joe: Remarkable. *Astounded* Ziggy: So Nick, what's a hummie such as yourself doing here? Nick: I'm getting to know Joe. We're communicating. *Smiles* Zee: How? Nick: *Explains* With a paint brush & a piece of paper, I can write. Zee: Like unreal! Ziggy: You don't say, wow thats quite the talent there. Nick: Thank you. Joe: *Watching in fascination even though I can't understand them* Zee: You're super cute Nick, I love your purple its so iridescent. Nick: Thanks. I love both of your colors too, they're very unique. Ziggy: Why thank you very much. *Starts a new subject randomly* So you're into Joe aren't you Nick? Nick: *Blushes; speechless not expecting him to state that out of the blue* Zee: Awww! He totally is, just look at him. He's in love! Nick: I just met him … well officially today. Ziggy: So? Like thats important, you've got to seize the moment when you fall in love. Take Zee & I, we're a happily mated pair. Zee: Indeedy we are. He's my boo. Ziggy: And you're my sapphire, I love you. *Coos in return lovey-dovey* Zee: Love you too Zig. *Turns attention back to Nick* I think its very sweet that you love Joe. Ziggy: So you going to court him? Nick: I can't. I'm a a hummingbird, he's a human. We can't be. Zee: Not true Nick, there is someone who can help. Ziggy: He's a wizard & got powers beyond powers! Nick: How do you know of him? Zee: Stories, we've heard tales of him from other bird species that happen to fly close to the trees by the windows. Nick: What is his name & how can I find him? Ziggy: His name is Tadi, he lives in down by the sea cliffs next to the ocean. Zee: Its pronounced Tad-e, according to the scoop its a Native American-Omanha name meaning "wind" ooh! Ziggy Yeah … anyways … *Continues on shaking my head on her behalf* warning to the wise Nick he's also a Golden Eagle. Nick: *Eyes widen* E-eagle?! Zee: Eagle: raptor like talons & HUGE wingspans! Ziggy: Uh Zee not helping the poor little hummie. Nick: *Speaks up* I may be small, but I'm not afraid. *Internally gulps* Zee: Right & I'm a swordfish. Ziggy: Hush woman. Nick: Okay so … is he trustworthy? Does he require payment of some kind or a bargain? Ziggy: As far as we know, he can be trusted. And yes, but he'll be the one to decide what that payment or bargain may be. Zee: It'll most likely have to be a offering of food. Nick: *Feels sick hearing the mention of that knowing what his species eat* Joe: *Finishes eating finally; pats my stomach; clears my dish & glass cleaning up* Ziggy: Take care Nick whenever you go to visit him. Zee: We wish you the best of luck, Nicky. Nick: Thank you both. *Bids them farewell just as Joe comes back from the kitchen; follows him back to his room* Joe: *Lays down on my bed on my stomach* So what did you guys talk about? Nick: *Oh dear, what should I tell him? I should tell the truth, but its kind of embarrassing. For now I think I'll wait till I meet this Tadi; writes* Just little about myself, where I used to live in Baja with my best friend Kevin. Joe: Kevin huh? Is he a Costa's too? Nick: *Shakes head* No he's Broad-tailed hummingbird. Joe: Huh, cool. *Looks it up* Wow you guys have such wonderful colors. Nick: Many of us do. Joe: Nice. *Comments* So where is Kevin now? Nick: He left I think to go watch movies. He invited me, but I turned him down. Joe: Really? How come? Nick: *Tells him my dilemma* He was asking me on a date again & I'm just not interested in mating with him or accepting his courtship. Joe: Ooh, a suitor I see. Aww, not your type? Nick: *Blushes* No. Joe: Interesting. No one you like? Nick: *Is he … implying what I think he is* I … well there is someone. *Confesses* Joe: Tell me more. *Probes* If you want to though. Nick: Well … he's handsome, kind, & a really nice guy. Joe: Sounds like you've got it bad Nick. Nick: I do. Joe: So are you going to go for him? Nick: I don't know, its complicated. Joe: You mean with Kevin right? Nick: Yeah. Joe: You should just tell your mystery guy how you feel, that way Kevin will back off. Nick: Easier said than done. Joe: Aww, don't be shy. You can do it. You're very cute, whoever you like is sure a lucky guy. Nick: I kind of am, when it comes to this kind of stuff. I appreciate the support though, thank you Joe. Joe: We all can be, its nothing to worry about. And you bet. So how do courtships work for you guys? Nick: Well we mostly do a series of swoops & swift dives trying to capture our potential mate's attention, angling as much as possible to show off our individual colors. We do this while passing close by & in turn we also emit a high-pitched shriek repeating the process about five or six times, sometimes more depending on the male. Joe: That is ridiculously cute & now come to think of it … I think I've been hearing a lot of that shriek a lot. *Chuckles warmly* Nick: Thats most likely Kevin. He's kind of too determined. Joe: I see why he would be. So I'm guessing he's way too dominant? Nick: *Nods* You've got that right. Joe: So he's protective of you? Nick: Oh, yes too much. How'd you guess? Joe: *Points to the window seeing him close to the screen* Just a feeling, but he doesn't sound too happy. Kevin: Nick! *Twittering aggressively* Is he hurting you?! I'll save you Nick, I promise! Nick: *Writes one last message* I better go, sorry about him. Joe: No worries, I'll catch you around. *Gets up from my bed to reopen the screen to let him out* Bye Nick. *Waves to him* Bye Kevin! *Grins* Nick: *Flies out fast before Kevin can charge; nods in turn to Joe* Kevin come follow me. Kevin: H-how does he know my NAME?! Nick: I'll tell you if you just follow please. Kevin: Okay, lead the way. *Scoffs at the human; follows Nick swiftly* Nick: *Finds another willow tree not too far away nearer to the complex's pool landing on the very top at the highest branch; stretches my wings before tucking them in* Kevin: Alright, start explaining things. Why were you inside that human's house? What were you thinking? And how does he know me by my name? Nick: *Sighs* Calm down first Kevin, there's no reason to be upset. Kevin: Oh so I should be calm, pftt its no biggie that my mate's completely safe & not in danger, all is just well. Nick: Kevin I'm not your mate. Kevin: Soon you will be. Nick: No I won't. I'm … in love with someone else. Kevin: You're .. what? Nick: I am. And I want to be with him. I'm sorry Kevin, but its time you face reality. I'm not in love with you, I'm not confused, unsure, or joking. I've been trying to tell you for some time now, but you never listen. Kevin: What? Where's all this coming from? *Eyes narrow* Its that human's fault! He did something to you didn't he? Nick: His name is Joe! Its not his fault & neither did he do anything to me, I've felt this way for awhile now. Kev we're just friends. Kevin: Friends? Thats all I am to you? Nick: Yes. Kevin: *Taken aback* Wow. Okay then, message understood loud & clear. Back to my questions though, I'd still like to know the facts if you please. Nick: *Nods thankfully he's finally taken the time to listen to me; begins to answer his earlier impending questions* In that willow tree I've been observing Joe from a distance. He's a musician & while he was playing one of his songs & singing, I decided to sing too because listening & watching him was making me happy. He heard me singing & started talking to me & began to take pictures. It was I who wanted to try & respond & issue some type of communication with him. So I did gestures like nodding & shaking my head. He took it quite well & invited me in & came up with an idea so could communicate even more besides what we had already. I began with writing my name on a piece of paper with black paint & a paint brush. Since then we've just been hanging out, he even played some more of his music & I listened to him. I also met two new friends, Joe's pet betta fishes Ziggy & Zee & I also talked with them too while Joe was busy making his dinner. It was all so much fun … till you intervened. Joe was great company & very kind to me. And he knew your name because I told him about you. Kevin: *Dumbstruck* Nick: Kev? I know its a lot to take in, but truly it was one of the best days of life. Kevin: He's the one. *Finally says; mumbles* Nick: I peg your pardon? Kevin: *Speaks louder* He's the one you're in love with. Nick: *Nods* Yes. *Heart beating fast* Kevin: *Shakes head* Nick he's a human, how exactly is this going to work? Nick: I realize that. I have a plan thanks to Ziggy & Zee. They've told me of a wizard who can help transform me into a human. Kevin: The wizard? *Gasps* He's an eagle you know that? He'll kill you before he grants you any such wish. Nick: I know he is, I trust he won't harm me for a price. Kevin: Nicky this is madness. You can't trust someone like him to help you. Nick: But what choice do I have? I love Joe & I want to be with him, so long as I'm still a hummingbird he & I can't be … therefore I have to do this & try. Kevin: But does Joe love you? Nick: I hope he will. Kevin: *Exhales* Dear lords this not a good plan, not good at all, but as your best friend I can't let you go alone. Nick: So does this mean you're coming with me? *Hopeful* Kevin: You bet your wings I'm coming! So I'm guessing you want to go right now? Nick: Thank you Kev. *Smiles* And yes, the sooner the better. Kevin: No problem, Nick. And thought as much, we'll what are we sitting around here for we've got an eagle to meet with. *Flies away fast* Follow me! Nick: Yep! *Follows him at an equal speed* Do you know the way? Kevin: Towards the ocean we head west towards those sea cliffs alongside the water. Nick: Have you been there before? Kevin: No, but I've heard the tales as well. I hear he's not exactly the friendly sort. Crow #1: Ooh do you got that right brother! He's a dragon! Crow #2: And he's massive, best not to anger the beast! Nick: *Gasps as I found two black crows flying directly over us* S-sorry did you say "dragon?" Kevin: Nonsense, they're just myths. These two are just trying to scare us! Who are you guys & why are you following us? Crow #1: Exactly myths, but its still a good comparison. Oh I'm Marq & we couldn't help but overhear your guys' conversation or fight I should say. Crow #2: And I'm Rin, we're twin brothers! Marq's right we heard the mention of the wizard so we decided to accompany you for a bit. Nick: Oh! Its nice to meet you both, I'm Nick. Kevin: And I'm Kevin, yeah great to meet you. Gee thanks, but why? Rin: You should be warned that the wizard is tricky & got quite the temper. Marq: Mm-hmm! He's not one to reckon with. Kevin: Wonderful. Anything else? Nick: Is he trust worthy, will he truly help me? Marq: Lets hope so. Rin: We've actually never met him in person & well we hope to never really do so. Marq: Precisely. We like how we are, living that this. Kevin: Oh how bad could he possibly be? Rin: Pretty bad, he's the top flyer around these parts. We know better than to mess with the likes of him. Marq: Which is why you two little guys are pretty brave to be going to see him. Kevin: Well its important we do. Nick: It is. Rin: Ooh, we heard sounds like quite the request. Marq: Hope you know you'll have to offer him something good for a request like that. Kevin: So we've heard. It wouldn't be along the lines of offerings of food would it? Rin: Not sure, there's no telling. Marq: But that does seem highly likely, he's a predator after all the guy can eat I'm sure. Nick: *Shivers trying to block the thought* Kevin: Alright enough of that you two, we don't need to be hearing such things. Rin: Right, sorry we didn't mean to frighten you. Nick: Its alright, I'm fine. Marq: So is this going to be a permeant change for you Nick? Nick: I'm hoping so. I'll miss flying & Kevin a lot, but I'll adjust in time. Well at least I'll still be able to see you Kevin, but I just won't be able to fly. Kevin: Which is why you gotta really ask yourself Nicky … do you truly want this? Nick: I do. Marq: Well hot damn, he's got spunk! Rin: Way to go Nick! Nick: Thank you. *Blushes* Kevin: Hey … why have you stopped? Nick: *Looks at them seeing they're heading back home* Marq: Sorry fellows this is where we part ways & say goodbye, but it was nice flying with you two & talking & such, best of luck on your venture! Rin: He's right, we don't wish to go any further, we crows don't mind taking on hawks, but eagles are a different story! Good luck to you both, be safe farewell Nick & Kevin! *Turns around flying back with my brother* Nick: Goodbye Marq & Rin & thank you! *Calls back to them* Kevin: So long crows & thanks! *Continues to fly on nearing closer to the ocean* Well that was weird & interesting. Nick: *Chuckles* They seem like sweet brothers. Kevin: Yeah & fearless as they come. Nick: Oh Kev, at least they traveled this far. You know they didn't have to, they were nice enough to warn us so least we know what we're dealing with. Kevin: I know, I'm just saying is all. Nick: Looks like we're getting closer. Which way Kevin? Kevin: Just follow the traffic below us, straight down towards the boats to the right. Nick: Got it. *Angles myself continuing to follow him; marveling the scenery along the way* Wowie its beautiful down here. Kevin: Yeah & it smells like fish & seagulls … yuck! Lets continue on I see the cliffs. Nick: *Laughs* I smell it too, its not all that bad. I see them! My goodness they're tall. Thrush: *Flies over to them flying alongside* Hello there greetings, I'm Eli the wood thrush. How can I be of help to you? Eli was brown with black round eyes & a white belly with black spots on it. He was bigger than Kev & I combined, but appeared to be gentle in nature. Nick: Good to meet you Eli, I'm Nick & this is Kevin. We're looking for Tadi, do you know where he resides? Eli: The wizard, I do …. follow me. He lives around the corner on the side of the sea cliffs in a cave all his own. Nick: Thank you. *Follows him with Kevin trailing close to my side* Eli: Why are you seeking him? *Asks Nick* Nick: I have a request to ask of him. I wish to become human & have been told he can make that happen, but not without a price. Eli: Correct. Kevin: So what sort of price are we taking about? Eli: He'll be the one decide. Kevin: Super. Eli: So you've just come along for moral support? Kevin: He's my best friend, of course I'm not going to abandon him when he's facing an eagle! Eli: Sorry I meant no disrespect. Its just that … you won't actually will be able to accompany Nick inside the cave. Kevin: On who's authority, the wizard's? Like hell! Eli: I'm afraid so master hummingbird. He'll only accept one visitor into his cave at a time. You will have to wait outside close by. Kevin: Thats complete & utter bull! Nick: Enough Kevin, if thats the way it has to be … then so it'll be done. Kevin: No, Nick I won't leave you in the clutches of that monster. Nick: I'll be fine & on guard. Kevin: But Nick, you could be killed like seriously! Eli: The wizard won't, not unless he angers him which I'm doubtful that Nick will do. Kevin: This is a disaster waiting to happen! Nick: Stay calm & positive Kev will you? Kevin: *Grunts* I'll try my best, but I don't like this one bit. Eli: *Rounds the cliffs* We've arrived. The cave is up there its impossible to miss. Good luck Nick & take great care, bye to you both. *Leaves them both swiftly* Kevin: What is it with everyone coming in joining the scene & then leaving when we're so close? Nick: Perhaps they're afraid Kevin, we should be grateful for their help. Kevin: I know, but I swear if one more species of bird comes over here I'm going to lose it. Nick: Take it easy. *Takes a breath* This is where we part for now, I'll be back soon. Kevin: *Hugs him close* Just be careful & if anything happens I'll be there in snap okay? Nick: I will, thank you Kev. Kevin: Don't mention it, just come back. Nick: *Nods* Kevin: I'll be waiting right outside here. Nick: Got it. *Flies away from him going hesitatingly into the dark cave; gulps* I mustn't be afraid. I have to swallow my fears & find my courage. With that I landed inside eyeing my surroundings. All I saw is rocks so far. I wonder if he's home? Nick: H-hello? It earns me no return response. Hmm, maybe its just … thats he's not home? If so I'll have to await his return. So following inside I explored till I neared the end & instantly I could no longer see no matter how much I tried. The light is now too far away. Right now I think I've landed inside his nest. I feel the twigs & soft feathers under my feet. Suddenly I felt movement, in alarm I fell back onto the edge of the nest looking to my left I locked eyes with a big shiny brown eye …. gulp. Tadi: Well … hello there little hummie. What is your name? *Speaks in a very deep masculine voice* Nick: N-nick. *Shaking* Tadi: Nick. *Repeats his name* I suppose you know my name. Nick: *Nods* T-tadi. Tadi: Correct small one. What do I owe the pleasure *Purrs* of your visit? Nick: *Its now or never; gulps yet again* I wish to ask you for a request. Tadi: Is that all? Nick: *Nods* Y-yes. Tadi: Very well, I'll hear your request. Nick: I was hoping o'great wizard i-if you … would turn me into a human please? Tadi: *Leans extremely close to his face* Why? Nick: *Continues* I've fallen in love with a human. Tadi: Now that is interesting a human's won your affections, how utterly delightful. Nick: Can you help me? Tadi: I can. *Draws back* For a price. Nick: *Nods* I know. Tadi: Good. My price is for you to sing for me & as well as once you become human you'll forever be one & unable to become a hummingbird again understood? Nick: *Nods again* I understand. Tadi: Fantastic. Sing then. Nick: Any requests? Tadi: Just a song of yours should suffice. Nick: Alright. *Clears throat; begins to sing for him a song of mine closing my eyes* Tadi: *Listens intently & as well as watching* I thought of my childhood, about Kevin, about Joe, & all the new found friends I'd met today as I continued to sing. I thought of how much I loved flying & what I was giving up, but in my heart I knew it was worth it. As soon as I finished my song I opened my eyes. Tadi: *Bows* Bravo little one. You have a pretty voice. Nick: T-thank you. *Bows back humbly* Tadi: And now to fulfill the end of our bargain. *Extends my wings* Follow me, Nick. Nick: *Follows him blindly almost till we reached outside the cave* Kevin: Whoa! *Eyes widen* Whats's happening? *Questions* Tadi: Who's this? Nick: This is Kevin, he's my best friend. He accompanied me here today. Tadi: I see. Well come then. *Takes off gracefully* Nick: *Follows* Come on Kevin, he said to follow him. Kevin: Okay & man is he pretty HUGE! *Whisper hisses* Everything alright? *Flies after them* Nick: Yes. *Nods* Kevin: What did you have to do? Nick: Just sing a song for him. Kevin: Thats it? Thats the terrifying, ill- tempered wizard we were warned about? Just like that he grants your request? Nick: Yes, don't question it Kev. Kevin: If you say so, but why's he flying back the same way we came? Tadi: *Answers his pending question* Nick wants to become human, then he should be become one right before his love's eyes. Nick: *Eyes widen* Kevin: So thats the plan? Tadi: Do you have a problem with that? Kevin: No sir, its a good plan. Tadi: And what about you Nick? Nick: I-I'm surprised by it, but it'll be alright. Tadi: Fret not, this way your love will know who you are & not see just a stranger. Nick: Fair enough. The sunset was happening are we continued to fly back towards my home. In truth I haven't thought about how I would break the news to Joe of who I was. I was relieved for Tadi's plan, even though I was becoming nervous. I'd been confident up until now, I can't be scared I've come this far. There shouldn't be no reason to be all nerves. Once back at Joe's complex the sun was down completely & nighttime had come. Tadi went to land directly in the same willow tree next to Joe's window I'd first entered in earlier in the day. Nick: U-um how did you know where he lived? Tadi: I saw the location in your mind. Nick: Oh … I-I see. Tadi: Are you ready little Nick? Nick: Yes. *Swallows* Tadi: Very well. *Begins to make calls* Kevin: What's he doing? Nick: Drawing Joe's attention I think. Kevin: Well way to not cause a scene. Tadi: *Stops then* He's left the house, but there is someone else inside. Kevin: Well who is it? Tadi: A man. Kevin: Yeah and? Tadi: Change of plans, Nick you'll become human now & knock on the door & go inside & wait for your love to return. Nick: B-b-but I … he will not know who I am & what if the person who's inside now doesn't let me in. Tadi: You'll be fine on both accounts. *Blows magic on Nick; makes him float straight over to the front door* Request complete, good evening. *Flies away sharply* I felt my body glowing & warming, it felt strange. I blinked & cried out for a moment … then suddenly the glowing was gone. I gasped feeling completely different. The first thing I felt was the coldness from the air temperature & so in so I huddled my body with my arms? Oh my goodness. I looked down to find arms, fingers … everything human. I laughed in wonder & happiness. Tadi had done it. I was human now. Kevin: *Flies to Nick; mouth agape seeing his new form; titters quietly* Nick: *Looks over seeing Kevin; smiles* Hey Kev, I'm human! Kevin: *Nods* Nick: So I guess that now its I best knock on the door & go inside its getting colder out here. I will miss you Kev, but I will see you tomorrow okay in the willow tree. Kevin: *Nods again* You got it buddy! Even though I could no longer understand him I knew he at least understood me & that was assuring enough. He left me then, as I started to walk towards the door. It was time to do this, okay Nick … you can do this. Nick: *Knocks on the door* I waited a few minutes not hearing anything so I tried again a few more times. Growing a little anxious I tried the doorbell next ringing it continuously. Please open up. ???: *Opens up the door* Hello, who are you? Nick: I *Gasps seeing that the man standing at the now open door looked pretty similar to Joe* J-joe? He had Joe's same eye color & hair (except it was straightened & kind of longer & definitely wilder) & was exactly the same height. Only thing is Joe has a little stubble & this guy didn't have any, it was clean & shaved. ???: Nope, I'm his cousin. The name's Ward. And you are? Nick: Oh, I'm Nick, nice to meet you. I'm a friend of Joe's. Ward: *Invites him in* Cool, well come in whew its freezing out there best get in & quick you must be cold. He's just out getting a movie to rent from RedBox. *Quickly shuts the door; rubs hands together* He should be back any minute now, want something to drink man? *Pops a Pesi can; slurps it* Nick: *Goes inside quickly; grateful for the warmth inside* Thank you & oh okay. *Nods following Ward to the familiar kitchen. *Looks at him; shakes head* No thank you, I'm fine I'll just have some water. Ward: *Shrugs* Kay. *Gets him a glass* So how do you know Joe? Nick: *Blushes* I … well I just met him today. Ward: Oh, gotcha you're a neighbor huh? *Gives him his glass of water* Nick: Thank you. *Takes the glass* Something like that. *Takes a swig of the water* Ward: Cool. *Goes to sit down at the table; pops open a bag of potato chips* Want some? Nick: *Not wanting to appear rude or ungrateful, I nodded & joined him at the table; sets down my glass in the meantime* Sure. Ward: Help yourself, there's plenty. Nick: Okay. *Takes a few chips* Thanks. Ward: No prob. *Munching* Nick: *Tries one chip; eating it slowly paying attention to the taste* Ward: *Watching him* Nick: *After one bite I'd decided I liked the chip; continues to eat the others one-by-one* Ward: *Shrugs; thinks its kind of cute* Nick: So … Ward … *Trying to make conversation* are you a musician too? Ward: Oh yeah, dude. I excel at the drums! Nick: Wow, neat! *Smiles* Are you & Joe in a band? Ward: We were when we we're younger, but we've decided we both wanted solo careers. Nick: Oh? How come? Ward: Joe & I were always haggling over the spotlight a lot, so we parted ways. No worries though, we're still on good terms. We just like to do our own thing you know. Nick: *Nods & asks him* Do you sing? Ward: Yeah I do. Thats another thing that was a bit of problem, we both wanted to be the lead singer. *Chuckles* Nick: Can I hear you? Ward: *Stops munching* Sure thing. *Sings him a song of mine I like to call "BB Good"* As I listened to him sing, I found that his voice was like Joe's, but Ward had more of a falsetto. He got so into his song that he stood up & started to air-guitar. I giggled softly watching him go crazy & just go for it. By the end his song, I was laughing at its ending cause he had stopped singing & was speaking. Ward: So what did you think? Nick: It was awesome! Ward: Like it? Nick: Yeah, its very upbeat. The endings funny too. Ward: Its exactly what I was going for. *Grins boyishly* I get that a lot on the ending. Nick: *Smiles. Suddenly I heard the sound of keys & the front door opening; freezes then* Ward: Sounds like he's back. *Calls loudly* You better have gotten something good!! Joe: *Calls back; voice coming closer* Yeah I did, check it man I got The Wolverine! Ward: Heck yeah! *Fists pumps; whooping* Joe: *Laughing* I knew you'd approve. *Comes over to find my cousin not alone* Oh. I didn't know you'd invited company, this your boyfriend you were telling me about? Nick: *Blushing; unable to form words. Boyfriend?* Ward: Nope, I didn't he said he's a friend of yours. And no, I said my boyfriend's name is Stefan. Joe: Right Stefan, I knew that. *Goes back to eyeing the stranger whom I didn't recognize* Um … sorry I don't know you. Okay, deep breathes … how can I put this without sounding crazy? I think first things first I have to just talk to him in private. I'm not so sure Ward, friendly as he may be … will take my confession as well as Joe (though if he did I'd be surprised). Nick: Actually you do. Is okay we talk about this in your room? Joe: Okay, but let me ask you this … you're not a crazy fan are you? Nick: *Shakes head* No. Joe: *Eyes him critically* Nick: I promise & if you just hear me out on what I have to say & afterwards … want me to go I will. Ward: Give the guy a chance, Joe. Joe: Okay, follow me then. Nick: *Nods; follows him* Ward: *Shrugs as they leave; goes to see what's on TV in the meantime* Joe: *Walks into my room; waits for the boy to come in* Nick: *Goes inside Joe's familiar room; decides to stand by the same window he'd let me in thats now closed & blinds drawn* Joe: *Closes my door; sits on my bed* Alright, so how do I know you? Nick: *Sighs* You met me today, … I-I'm Nick. Joe: *Chuckles* I thought you promised me you weren't crazy? Nick: Please hear me out. I'm that same Costa's Hummingbird you met. I was sitting on your willow tree outside this window. *Points* I heard you singing & then I started to too & then you noticed me. *Continues on recapping the story even showing proof pointing to Joe's iPad & even the sheets of white paper I'd used to write all my conversations to him* Joe: *At first I could only laugh thinking for sure he was insane until he continued telling me everything, with every detailed sentence I began to think otherwise. By the end, of I was stunned. I hadn't told anyone about meeting Nick. No one knew except me. That means … but how?* N-nick? Nick: *Nods shyly* Its me. *Looks down* I'm sorry to spring you on this like. Joe: *Gets up from my bed eyeing him now even more so than I did before when I first laid eyes on him. He had brown tamed curly hair & warm brown eyes. His skin was milky white & cutely enough he possessed a little subtle stubble, but not much as mine, & also a little shapely mustache shaping his lips perfectly. He also had a few freckles & after staring at them for bit they seemed to remind me of the little dipper. He was wearing a purple v-neck short sleeve t-shirt & grey stoned jeans & grey sneakers. It was his exact same purple color I'd been fawning over earlier* Wow. *I finally breathed after some time* No, its alright while its very unexpected & I was nearly convinced you were stark-raving mad you've proven to me otherwise. Man you must be cold though, here put this on. *Gives him my black wool coat* This'll warm you up. Nick: Thank you.*Blushes a little; takes the coat; puts it on; nods in understanding* Joe: So the big question now that I know its really you: how did you become human suddenly & why? *Thinks of something else then* Does Kevin know about this? Nick: *Rocks back on my feet for a moment* It … has to do with you. *Blurts out* Joe: Me? Nick: *Nods* I-I … in love with you. *Admits to him; blushing fully at this point* Earlier when I was talking to Ziggy & Zee … they figured me out & gave some advice to see a wizard that could help change me into a human for a price. So after Kevin found me with you, we talked for a while & I revealed everything. I told him how I felt about you & how me & him are just friends. He accepted it & helped me find the wizard & along the way we met some friends that also helped us. The wizard was a Golden Eagle named Tadi who lives near the ocean by the sea cliffs & for all the rest of the bird species they all fear of a bird that size, but Kevin & I found him. I had to face him alone, while Kevin waited outside the cave. He thankfully granted my request, the only price I had to pay was singing for him & understanding that my request was a permanent one. He accompanied us back here & he turned me into a human & left. And now here I am. Joe: *Just when I thought I'd heard it all I'd just been proven wrong* Holy buckets! *Smiles* No wonder you wanted to talk to me alone. *Brings Nick into a hug* You're incredibly brave & while I'm amazed as can be … one things for certain you're not alone in what you're feeling. I'm in love with you too. Nick: Y-you are? *Eyes widen; can't believe what I'm hearing* Joe: I am. *Kisses his forehead* I was actually flirting with you earlier, you're so adorable. And now you're human & even more so, you given up so much Nick to be with me. Will be my boyfriend? Nick: *Giggles* I knew it! *Gasps happily* I'd love to. *Hums* Joe: *Leans in to kiss him on the lips for the first time; holding him close* Nick: *Kisses him back adoringly; melting into his arms* Joe: *Blacks him onto my bed; falls carefully on top of him not breaking the kiss* Nick: *Squeals just a little at the movement; relaxes into the bed & the weight of him on top of me; cupping his cheeks* Joe: *Rubbing his sides; pulls back for a moment breathlessly* Nick: Don't stop. *Pouts* Joe: *Grins* Just making sure I'm not going too fast. Nick: Not at all, now come back here. *Pulls him back in* Joe: Of course my sweet hummie. *Laughs; about to lock lips with him when my bedroom door opened* Ward: *Comes in then* Guys are you done talking or am I going to have to start The Wolverine without you? *Shuts up when I finally look up from my phone* Wups I'm interrupting aren't I? Joe: You think cuz? *Rolls eyes* Ward: Sorry, but for the record I had a feeling! As your were! *Winks; closes the door leaving them alone* Joe: *Shakes head* Sorry about that, he's well … annoying sometimes. Nick: Its okay. *Laughs* Joe: I don't know what do with him. Nick: He's family what can you do. *Smiles* Joe: Yeah, back to you though … where were we? *Grins* Nick: Right about here. *Closes the distance kissing him* And that is how I went from a hummingbird to a human & found my mate (Joe loves this term). It doesn't get any better than this. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3> I knew that we belonged together Long before I knew your name And the only thing I longed for Was a sign to prove you felt the same Somehow I knew your every secret Just by looking in your eyes From the very moment I met you I was thinking of the rest of our lives Just say to me I'm gonna love you 'til the end of the time Somehow two hearts have made a friend of time Eternity, eternity is on our side I'm not afraid to say forever You have made me feel so sure 'Cause I know it's everlasting And I've never had this feeling before Keep telling me I'm gonna love you 'til the end of time Somehow two hearts have made a friend of time Eternity, I'll love you for eternity Caught in the tide And it brought me to you And now I know that dreams come true I'm gonna love you 'til the end of time Somehow two hearts have made a friend of time Eternity, eternity, is on our side I'm gonna love you 'til the end of time Somehow two hearts have made a friend of time Eternity, eternity, is on our side (is on our side) I'm gonna love 'til the end of time ('til the end of time) Somehow two hearts have made a friend of time Eternity, eternity, is on our side Eternity, I'll love you for eternity < The End > A/N: Happy Valentines Day! ^_- © 2014 VirgoAvatarAuthor's Note
Added on February 11, 2014 Last Updated on February 11, 2014 Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing