![]() Watch Over You Chapter 18A Chapter by VirgoAvatarWatch Over You Chapter 18 Nick's POV The next morning arrived & within seconds I leaped out of my bed turning off my alarm. I looked at myself in the mirror & already I was sporting the biggest smile yet. Friday was finally here, tonight was all I'd been waiting for now & its here. No longer am I feeling anxious or scared of going, in fact I feel confident like nothing can bring me down. I'm relaxed & ready to go through the day so I can get ready for the night to come. The dance starts at 5:00 PM & ends at 8:00 PM, plenty of time to have some serious fun & lots of dancing of course. Nick: God I'm so happy, I can't wait! *Says aloud unable to hold back my happiness* Ty: *Chuckles appearing before him, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to greet him* Morning sunshine, really bright-eyed & bushy-tailed I see! Nick: Mm-hmm! *Nods* I'm not going to lie, I am & good morning to you too. How are you? Ty: I'm doing great, thanks. *Flashes him a big smile* So you just ready to skim through school huh? Nick: Yes. I know I've got to try to dial down the excitement, but I don't think I can. Ty: Hey don't stop smiling on my account, besides who wouldn't be excited? Nick: *Laughs* Exactly. Wish it was after school already. Ty: Wow, somebody is seriously way happy. Thats what I'm talking about! Nick: *Blushes; can't resist doing a little spin on my heels but as I did this my feet accidently fumbled causing me to fall back on my bed* Opps. Guess I lost control there. Ty: *Walks over standing right at the foot of his bed in the front close in between his slightly dangling legs, hunching over looking at him* Guess you kind of did, no worries it was cute. *Leans in to kiss his forehead* Nick: *Closes my eyes; breathing shallowly* Ty: Nick I ... *Begins* Nick: Hmm? Ty: I know you're going to have a good time tonight. *Finishes* Nick: *I opened my eyes then seeing an almost sad look in Ty's eyes before he quickly covered it up with a smile. I continued to look at him wishing he'd tell me what was wrong. The more I noticed, the more I started to worry. Ty's acting strangely. Its not just been today, its been happening on & off it seems. I thought back to every moment we've shared so far, seeing if anything at all would help me narrow down what it could be. And then ... suddenly my eyes widened in realization, it hit me like a ton of bricks* Ty you-you like me. Ty: *I knew he'd see it eventually, but what I didn't think it would be this soon at least not today. Once again, it was all because of me. Closing my eyes & hanging my head I spoke the words & the truth* Yes, but its more than that. Nick, I love you. Nick: *Whispers in shock* Y-you do? Ty: I do. *Nods again feeling like its all I can do at this point. I've laid it on the line & now he knows* Nick: For how long Ty? Ty: Since the very time we met in person. The connection happened & over that time its just grown more & more everyday. I tried to fight it & stop what I was feeling. I even tried hiding it & forgetting about it but ... I just couldn't. Look, I don't want to confuse you or ruin the happiness you were just feeling seconds ago. I just didn't expect you to figure me out let alone today, not that I doubted that you would. I'm sorry Nick, I know I'm an idiot & stupid for laying this all on you like this. I should go. *Goes to leave from my position above him* Nick: *Stops him by grabbing his arm* No, don't go. Ty: You want me to stay? Nick: Yes. Ty: As you wish. *Goes to sit on the bed staring at him* Nick: *Sits up facing him; repeats what he said before* You love me. *Thinks aloud piecing everything together* The signs have all been there. Why didn't I see it sooner? Ty: You were busy with thoughts of Joe & Donie. Nick: You're ... jealous of them both. *Goes on* More so with Joe. Ty: I am. And yeah after all he is your soulmate. Nick: And you think I'm yours. *Finishes summing it all up* Ty: I know, not think, but it doesn't matter. Nick: Of course it matters. And why are you apologizing? You can't help how you feel. Ty: Its exactly why I'm apologizing, I shouldn't be feeling like this ... not with you. Now I'm blowing my mission & duty right out of the water. Nick: Hey, you're not ... unless your going to- Ty: No I wouldn't force myself upon you like Donie or stoop to trying to break you up with Joe. Nick: You're not? Ty: No, because I love you too much to do either of those things. And I can't just swoop in make you fall in love with me. You belong with Joe. Nick: Ty. *Hugs him* I love Joe, but I also love you. Ty: I know, *Hugs him back* but not like you love Joe. Nick: You're wrong. Ty: Nick? What ... are you saying? Nick: I love you Ty, how you love me. Ty: Its not possible, its brotherly/a family kind of love. Nick: Look inside & see for yourself then. Ty: *Gives in looking in Nick's mind & heart seeing & feeling what he's feeling towards me. In that moment, I returned back to him gasping* Nick ... I ... you ... you really ... Nick: Yes. I realized it right now. Ty: *Stunned* But ... what about Joe? Nick: I love him still. Ty: I see. Just ... more than me. Nick: I'm sorry. *Tears began to spill from my eyes* Ty: Don't be. *Wipes away a few tears of my own before it could show on my face* I'm just happy to hear you feel the same is all, whether its more or less ... at least its something. Nick: This is going to change everything isn't it? Ty: No, because you still are meant to be with Joe, thats where your heart lies. Nick: But Ty. Ty: No buts Nick I love you & this is the way it has to be. Nick: Maybe ... Ty: Don't even tempt me with "maybe." Nick: I'm just saying it might be a good to go through with your idea when Donie confessed his feelings to me. Ty: To become your boyfriend at school? Nick: *Blushes* If you want to. Ty: As much as I would love to do that, I can't. Your mother will definitely interfere then & who knows what the consequences would be if I disobeyed her. Nick: But you were willing to disobey her before, what changed? Ty: She gave me a reality check, told me to back off. Nick: Yeah, from helping Joe & I. Ty: Yes, that. Nick: She didn't say to back off your feelings for me. Ty: Nick don't make this harder on me, please just don't. Nick: I'm not trying to. Ty: Just go get ready for school. Nick: Ty ... Ty: No, you go on we'll talk about this later. *Leaves him* Nick: But ... *Sadly watches him go* And just like that my morning went from happy to unhappy. I still couldn't believe what I'd figured out. Ty out of all people ... was in love with me? And most surprising of all I love him in return. But then again its more so ... shocking. How had I not seen this sooner? I feel so naive & at the same time ... unsure of all this. Okay, when I say I love Ty I mean it, but he is right. My feelings for Joe are stronger, even though we haven't been together very long. As for Ty, he's only just come into my life as well even though he's been watching over me since birth. When I look at him, I do feel content & relaxed. I enjoy spending time with him. He's helped me with so much already. He's been there for me minus the last Donie incident, though I know his reasons now. Ugh, I almost wish this haven't happened, but then what is the point of about delaying that moment. I figured him out. He wouldn't have said anything otherwise or so he admits. So from the very beginning back when we first met, even then he was smitten with me? How could I be so blind. I'd been the same way not knowing about Donie, its unbelievable to me that I wasn't able to recognize the signs a second time. Its all so much attention, from my best friend, from my history teacher, & now my guardian angel. I'm not used to all this. Hugo: *Opens up Nick's bedroom door* Morning getting ready? Nick: *It was a good thing dad interrupted my thoughts otherwise I'd almost completely forgotten about going to school let alone eating breakfast* Morning, yeah I am. Hugo: Okay well no rush, I'm still getting breakfast in order. *Asks him then noticing his facial expression* Everything alright? Nick: *Blushes* Mm-hmm. Hugo: You sure? You look a little stricken. Nick: *He's right I do. I want to tell him ... but I can't & even more I not sure I will ever able to. So I lie & try a believable smile* I was just thinking of what would mom think of me going to my first dance. Hugo: *Gives him a gentle smile; walks over to give him a hug* I'm sure she's ecstatic. She'd be happy to know you're going & that you're going to have a grand time. Nick: *Nods; returning the hug* Hugo: Cheer up bud, tonight's the night! Nick: You're right, how could I forget. Hugo: Thats my boy! Now you get yourself dressed & I'll see you out in a few. Nick: Thanks, dad. Hugo: Welcome son. *Pats his back; leaves the room closing his door on the way out* And while dad had a point, I knew I couldn't let all these plaguing thoughts consume me right now. So with that I returned to what I had felt prior to figuring out Ty. I wasn't going to forget the Ty situation, I was just going to push it away for now. I've got to let it go. After getting dressed & eating a fulling breakfast with dad, we headed out towards Milton. Thank God its Friday at last! Classes went on as usual, going on one-by-one. Algebra stood out the most cause we had out first test for Mr. McCallon. Of course I'd studied & prepared well prior, but I still took my time to solve every equation. As for Donie, he steered clear of me which I'm also glad he's doing so. One less person to deal with thats crushing on me. Though ... & I kind of don't like admitting this I do wish I had someone else to talk to about what's been going on now that I have Ty in on the crushing. I almost think I need a feminine opinion, but then again who could I randomly select & more importantly trust? Not that I'm judging, but I don't think any of the girls on campus would actually be a good choice. Except maybe one. Idylla: How you holding up? *Asks him noticing that he hasn't been taking any interest in free time like he usually does* Nick: I feel like I'm on a teeter totter moving up & down continuously. *Admits to her* Idylla: I get that. Anything else? Nick: Have you ever been in a triangular romance? *Blushing; can't believe I'm saying this aloud & to her of all people* I-I mean like having three people like you at the same time? Idylla: No, I can't say that I have. Must be quite the drama though, you haven't been watching soap operas now have you? Nick: No, not at all. Idylla: Just checking. Then why the sudden interest? Nick: Well I was just wondering is all. Idylla: Wait a minute ... Nick: *I froze. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea to ask all this right now* Idylla: Nicky are you trying to tell me something? Nick: *Shoot, oh God what do I do? Oh dear, I set myself up for this. I should've stayed quiet. Now what am I going to say to her cause I know she's not going to let up* Idylla: Honey, its alright, you can tell me just it let it out I won't judge. Nick: *Man ... I can't believe what I'm about to say* Yes *Pauses* I am trying to tell you something. The question is actually about me. Idylla: I see. O-M-G! *Gushes like a fangirl* Nicky's got some teenage crushes! So there's two more that like you? Nick: Yep. *Blushing big time; cups my hands nervously together; looks up at her* Wait you seem ... excited? Idylla: Yes! This is great! Nick: Uh ... I think I'm missing something here. Why are you excited? Idylla: Nick you're getting attention & you're noticing it. Of course I'm excited because maybe one of them you'll like back? Tell me more please. While I know Donie isn't the one for you, who are two mystery people? Are they boys? Do they go to school here? Are they in your classes? Nick: *I was not expecting this kind of reaction. If anything this shocks me. Its almost if she's dropped her teacher & adult persona & morphed back into a teenage girl. While its weird ... this may be my only chance to release some of these worries little by little, it would do me some good. Well here goes nothing ...* Okay then. Both are boys & yes they go to school here. *Ty not at all, but I'm afraid I can't say otherwise* They're not in any of my classes, but I've seen them around. Idylla: *Squeals* Awww! Nick: And thats it. Idylla: What, no details? Nick: Uh-uh. *Smiles at her pouty face* Idylla: Okay, I guess you're titled some secrecy. So they both like you right? Nick: Yes. Idylla: Do you like them too? Nick: Mm-mm. Idylla: I see the dilemma now. Nick: Good. Any advice ... any at all that could help me even if its just a little. Idylla: Well my dear, you've come to the right person & while I might not know too much about exactly what's going on with these two other boys or who they are ... I think you should try to find out which one you would actually like to possibly date & then go from there. Find out who you get along with the best & who's comfortable. See who sparks your interest the most. And get to know them both throughly before you decide though, you don't have to make a decision straight-up. Maybe being friends with them for now is probably the best thing. Just don't lead them both of them on cause after all you can have them both as friends, but you can only have one of them as a boyfriend. Nick: *Only one. That part echoed in my mind on repeat. She's right. I can't choose both of them, thats wrong. Now I feel embarrassed from before when I had asked Ty about giving the whole boyfriend-at-school a try. Oh God* Idylla: Its okay, Nick just breathe. *Touches his shoulder* Nick: *Nods taking a breath & letting it out* Idylla: Better? Nick: Yes, for now. Idylla: Remember you don't have to decide everything today. Nick: I know. Idylla: So for now just relax. On the upside, I hear a certain someone is making their way to the dance tonight! Nick: *Chuckles* Yep I'm going. Idylla: I'm so happy for you. You're going to have fantastic time, I just know it. Nick: Thanks, I'm sure I will. I was most thankful she didn't ask if I was going with anyone. I gotta say it was really nice to talk to her about all this stuff. I'm so thankful for Idylla, what would I do without her? Thanks to her, I was able to snap out of it & join in on a basketball game taking place. It was a good game, but it ended fast cause of the bell signaling it was time to re-dress in my regular clothes. From, P.E., to math & then finally to dad's class when lunch came, I had been expecting Joe to stop by ... but he never showed up. While I was curious about where he'd gone or what he was up too, I shook it off & eat my lunch with dad. Finally when the warning bell sounded, I sighed happy that I only had two more class periods to go. I grabbed my backpack & waved to dad on my way out & headed for Mr. Guttman's. On the way there I found myself trailing not too far behind Donie. So silently I followed & went into class ignoring him as class soon began. Mr. Guttman started things off by handing us back our spelling tests. Shortly afterwards he brought up about our previous nights homework which was the masterpiece paragraph assignment. At first I thought he was just going to have us pass them forward to him & he'd collect them & review them on his own. Instead he had at least five of people volunteer to read their papers, one of those being Donie. Four others decided they wanted to get it over with as well, so with he thanked everyone for sharing & then finally asked for them to be handed in. For the rest of the period we went over a next spelling lesson in our packets. Our next twenty words consisted of the following: mulberry, pacify, muscular, sanctify, punishment, cultivate, subsequent, justify, amplify, multiply, gratify, multitude, substitute, Calvary, majesty, pantomime, cavalry, radical, marigold, & patronize. All I'd have to do to memorize them is to rewrite them over & over again till I get the official spelling of them down & I'd be set to memorize the new twenty words, no biggie. When the bell rang ending english, I smiled inwardly & happily packed up my stuff & headed around the corner to Joe's. Once inside I found, him resetting what looked to be a chess board. He nodded at me when he caught me staring & I returned it. Once I was in my front row seat, I got my needed materials & waited for his command. Joe: Alrighty, class happy Friday. *Happy Friday was repeated back from all my students & at this I could own smile wider* I suppose you'd all wondering how each or you did on yesterday's exam? *A lot of nodding commenced* Very well, I shall call you one-by-one to give them to you. Nick: *I anxiously awaited my name. I figured he would go by last name, but as each of the rest of the kids came up I saw his order was completely random. Just when I thought I'd been skipped almost again (how familiar) I heard my name called, but before I could even stand up from my seat ... he personally came over toward me & gave me my exam* Joe: Nick Jonas well done. *Hands him his exam* You scored the highest, a perfect score congrats. *Claps; as does the rest of the class* Nick: *Blushes; a little stunned* Thank you. Joe: Your very welcome. *Smiles before retreating back to the center* Now then I bet you wondering what's on the agenda for today. Well never fear, its very simple. We're going to go over class notes number three & when thats finished which should be fairly quick you guys can have some free time since I know everyone's focus is primarily on tonight's first school dance of the semester, am I right? *At this I got a lot of excited cheers & enthusiastic nods* I thought as much, well lets get to it cause the sooner we get this done the sooner you guys can chill. Watching him go over the notes, I could sense he was just ready to be done with class as the rest of us were. Its kind of surprising because I'd thought it wouldn't show it, but he's making it pretty obvious ... well at least to me though nobody, but me would be concerned. I giggled softly able to hide the smile. Looks like I wasn't the only excited one for the tonight. He spent about fifteen minutes talking about the notes & then just like that he was finished. Not bad, I thought to myself. Joe: *Claps hands pleased to be finished* Okay, so thats all. For the next twenty minutes remaining of class you can talk, read, or whatever you like as long as its not overly loud. I shall be playing chess in that time, if anyone would like to play its fine with me. Donie: *Immediately raises a determined hand* I will. Nick: *My eyes widened as soon as I heard who had volunteered as I looked in the direction of Donie. He wasn't looking at me, but he was definitely looking at Joe with a smirky look on his face. What was he up to now?* Joe: Excellent, come on down then. *Pulls up a spare chair for him* Donie: Cool. *Gets up from the chair; goes to walk down the aisle towards his desk taking a seat* I couldn't believe my eyes, what was he doing? If I didn't know better I'd say he's just doing this challenge to impress me. And if thats so, he's just wasting his time. What is he even thinking? Does he think just because he's going to play against Joe in chess that this is going to make me come running up to talk to him & forgive him? My eyes narrowed then in another realization. He thinks he can win, but then since when can he play chess? Does he even know the rules or the game at all? As I watched the match commence I noticed that all the other students were watching & murmuring quietly to each other. Already they had an audience & its only just begun. I noticed that both Joe & Donie were very focused & made calculated plays. While I'll never say it aloud, Donie was fairing quite nicely. On the other hand though so was Joe & if anything I hadn't a shadow of a doubt that he'd be the victor in the end. Time went on as they continued to make their moves & until finally ... the end came. Joe: Checkmate. *Smiles; moves my final piece* Donie: *Frowns* Joe: Great game though. *Offers my hand* Donie: *Shakes his hand firmly; nodding* Yeah. *Gets up from the chair going back to my seat* Even though it was quick as he moved fast past me down the aisle I still saw his disappointment & even irritation clearly written all over his face. I bit my lip for a moment feeling sorry for him, but then turned my attention seeing that Joe had yet another challenger at the front. While this second game wasn't as intense or long as the previous one, Joe still won. Funnily enough no one bothered to try a third game ... guess everyone seemed to know that Joe was unbeatable. I'd almost considering giving the game a whir, but I changed my mind. I knew how to play chess, but I was too shy to actually go on up & play. So I just continued to watch as Joe accepted the two victories humbly & began to reset the board then go on to reading a book. Eventually I drew my eyes away from him & tried to focus on busying myself with something else. But before I could do that, I felt a tap on my back from behind. I turned slowly finding Donie had changed his seat. Oh boy ... Donie's POV Donie: Hey. *I tried to greet to him* Nick: *Looks at him blankly, but still returns the greeting* Hi. Donie: Listen um ... I was wondering if we could talk about what happened ... you know? Nick: *He wanted to do this now? Sighing I shook my head* No thanks, maybe some other time. Donie: Oh ... okay. *Pauses* How about after school? Nick: I can't. Donie: How come? Nick: My dad will be waiting for me as per usual, I can't keep him waiting. Donie: Alright, well how about your house or mine whichever you want. Nick: Donie *Finally says his name* not today okay? Donie: I don't see why not? Nick: *He really wasn't going to let this go so without hesitation I told him what I originally didn't want him to know* I'm going to the dance tonight & I need to get ready. Donie: *Astonished* Really? With whom? Nick: Alone. Donie: I don't believe it. Nick: Well I am. Donie: No, I meant I don't believe you're going on your own. Nick: Well, dad's going to be there so technically I'm not that alone Donie: Nick, you know I meant a date. Seriously no one asked you? Nick: Why the concern? Donie: I'm just really surprised is all. I thought someone would definitely ask you unless you're not telling me because you're still mad at me ... but I get it if you are. Nick: You're right, I'm still mad at you. And I already told you the truth. Donie: I'm sorry Nick, I really am. Nick: *Nods* Donie: *Continues* Well I hope you have a fun night in the meantime & whenever you want to talk about things ... just give me a call or come over okay? Nick: Thanks & okay. *Turns around to face the front* I'd expected this, but I didn't want to end the conversation even though I could tell he didn't feel like talking to me. But I also knew pushing him & further annoying him wasn't the way to try to get him back a friend. And also I still have my doubts about Nick going to the dance without a date. I have a sneaking suspicion about Joe crushing on Nick & I intend to keep a close eye on him. I don't know what it is about this history teacher that has me so riled up, but I can't stand him really. Thats one of the reasons I challenged him, I thought if I could just show Nick that I could win against him ... maybe then he'd start to actually see me. And here I go again, ever since I made the mistake of kissing him my feelings have been all over the place. One moment I want to respect him & give him space & let him forgive me on his own. All the while I can't stand the wait, its driving me crazy. Its what mostly pushed me to do all this today at the end. I can't take it no more. I understand how Nick must be feeling & I'm trying to be the friend he wants & deserves, but at the same time I can't shake the love I feel for him & my own selfish needs. Our kiss, it keeps replaying in my head at almost all hours, night & day. I can't shake it off. Since then I've also had many more dreams of Nick & I fully making out. Its also embarrassing because its been turning me on way too much. The one thing I'm not is ashamed. While I know its not helping me in winning Nick back, its strangely helping me get my Nick-fix. Yeah I'm calling it that, I have no better name at the moment. Of course while I'm enjoying the dreams, I know its far from reality ... bringing me back to here & how. Shaking my head, this sucks. I'm so torn. Why did I have to be grounded?! I should be able to go to the dance with Nick. But knowing Nick, he probably won't even let me come near him if I did come. I would easily sneak out from my room & deal with my mother's ranting later & risk it all to go ... but not actually getting Nick to stay & let me talk to him ... he just won't let me I know it. Just look at today, a few moments ago. I'm still surprised I even got that much out of him talking-wise. Maybe I should just sneak out regardless if I get to talk to Nick or not. I have to keep an eye on him & especially Joe. I don't trust that guy. And I know Nick has feelings for him. I wish I'd never mentioning Nick trying to get a crush this school year, while I'd said that pretty much jokingly ... I never thought it would actually happen ... let alone a crush on a teacher way past his age. It does burn me when I think about it, the jealously. No matter what though I've got to protect Nick whether he thinks he needs it or not. That settles it, I'm going. I'm sorry mom, I don't like disobeying you, but for Nick I'd gladly take the risk for him & only him. I have to do what I gotta do & what I believe is right. Donie: *Finally the bell rung signaling the end of school for the day, thank God. I grabbed my stuff & headed out waiting for everyone to leave. I turned around to find Nick & Joe remaining, just as I thought. I wasn't going to leave yet, not when those two were the only ones in the room. Just as I was observing them in a conservation I felt a hand grab my shoulder turning me away* What the heck? Who are you? ???: None of your concern Donie. Now why don't you leave & go on home. Donie: *Glaring at the boy who was definitely older than me* How do you know my name? I don't know you & more importantly dude you can't tell me what to do. ???: Its insignificant & either way, you're going to do as I say either way. Donie: What makes you think so? You wanna fight dude cause I will. Otherwise beat it & leave me alone, I'm busy protecting someone important to me. ???: While I'd like to beat your skinny a*s to a pulp for all the crap you put Nick through I'm actually not going to do so. Don't think for one second your the only one who's looking for him. Donie: *Eyes widen* How do the know Nick? Are you stalking him- ???: He's a friend of mine. And no I'm not, but you are. Donie: A friend? *Completely skeptical* Thats impossible you're lying. Nick doesn't have any friends but me. ???: Am I? Its actually the truth man. You may see it that way, but its no longer true. Nick has me too. Now for the last time, go on home with your mother, Idylla. Donie: I don't know who the heck you think you are or what you're playing at, but I'm not going anywhere. ???: *Rolls eyes* Okay, I'd tried to warn you, no mister nice-guy. *Shrugs casually* Donie: What it that supposed to mean? *About to say more when I suddenly blacked out* Ty's POV Finally I got that boy to shut up, like sheese. Okay, I know what you may be thinking, but I had to do this. He wasn't going to leave Nick & Joe alone, mainly Nick. I had to something & act quickly. I'm Nick's guardian angel, I'm sworn to protect him & protect I will. All I did was stun Donie basically & send him to the school nurse where they could call Idylla & inform her of his whereabouts no harm done. He won't remember meeting me or spying on Nick & Joe. While I know it was a huge risk to do this, I knew it had to be done. Nick's got enough on his plate & tonight's his night to enjoy it. Instantly just as I thought I was summoned back to heaven by Denise in that moment. Ty: Hello Denise, good afternoon. *Greets her cooly* Denise: Good afternoon Ty. Do you know why I called you here? Ty: *As much as I could just make a joke of it I knew it was the wrong time so I just nodded* Yes, but before you say anything I want to say firstly that I know this was completely against protocol, but it was necessary. Denise: I know. Ty: Well then good, cause furthermore- ... sorry what was that? Denise: I said I know. *Smiles* Ty I saw what happened & I know your reasons behind it too. Ty: Okay ... so am I in trouble then? Denise: Luckily not, but that was a very risky stunt. Ty: *Sighs relieved* It was, but it worked right? Denise: Yes it did. *Gives him a hug* Good work & I see Nick finally figured you out. Ty: *Nods sadly* He did. And I really wish he didn't. Denise: *Hugs him tighter* You knew it was only a matter of time, he's a smart boy & plus after all the time he's spent with you ... it was getting pretty obvious. He doesn't hate you you know, he does love you. Ty: I knew he would too. *Chuckles* Yeah. *Goes on* I know he does, but Denise help me out here: who exactly are your rooting for Joe or me? Denise: *Pulls back from the embrace to look at him* Ty you know its not about that, its not a competition ... but if it were I'd have to say Joe ... however I do feel you have a chance. Ty: I don't see that. Nick can only choose one. Denise: You're right, don't fear Ty because your time to get your chance is arriving fast. Ty: Okay, so you're saying what exactly? Denise: You of all should know what I'm saying. Nick spoke of his idea earlier this morning when you last talked to him. Ty: *Eyes widened* No way ... you mean you'd allow me to date your son as a cover to throw off Donie? Denise: Of course, but its more than a cover. I know you both love each other. Also because Nick needs someone a little closer to his age for the time being. Ty: Wow ... I was not expecting a yes from you, but still Its six years versus ten years for Joick. Denise: The six is better for Nick till his old enough to properly date Joe. Ty: So basically you'll let Nick & I be together, but as soon as Nick turns eighteen I get tossed out for his real soulmate ... *Sighs shaking my head* yeah thats a splendid plan. Denise: Honey I know its hard, but at least for four years you can be together with him. Ty: *Groans* I wish it was permanent though. Denise: I know. Ty: But its not, ... so four years it is. It is better than nothing. Do you really believe Nick will still get me a chance? And how is all this going to work exactly? Denise: I do believe, just talk to him instead of running away. Its going to work how you & Nick ultimately decide its going to, it isn't up for me to decide. I wish you the best of luck & all the happiness in the world. The only thing left to regard is about Donie, while I don't approve of showing yourself to him or stunning him by lapsing his memory, what's done is done. In the future, if you want to hide "Joick's" conservations from Donie just show him a illusion. *Visually shows him what I mean by this* Ty: I gotcha & thank you Denise, truly what would I do without you? Denise: Your welcome. *Chuckles* You'd probably break all the rules. Ty: No. *Sing-songs* Denise: Go on now. *Waves to him; sends him back to my son* © 2013 VirgoAvatarAuthor's Note
Added on November 22, 2013 Last Updated on November 22, 2013 Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing