

A Story by VirgoAvatar


10:00 PM - One Night Before Halloween - Joe's POV

Okay so here I am ... alone & apparently looking for trouble. Its not my fault. .... Or it kind is. See let me backtrack a little earlier ... I started a little marathon of classic spooky movies going from thrillers to cartoons in the end. I finished it up with Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island at the end of my recapping. So it got me thinking, why let Scooby have all the fun? I mean even though he's just an animated & cherished character, doesn't mean that it doesn't inspire one to go find a mystery of your own. So now you see why I'm here. I'm out for an adventure, to find something & I've got just the place in mind.

I live in a small town surrounded by thousands of trees & with the mid end of October so has Fall begun where all the leaves are turning to colors of brown, yellow, & red. Lets just say its an excellent spot to search for a mystery. And this house I've got in mind is got to be like one hundred years old, seriously its an old house. For one thing its condemned (at least on the outside it looks) no one goes into it, its become a long forgotten ... till now that is.

Rumor has it that: inside lives a spirit (if you believe such things) so here I stand now. I sighed & walked up the the three steps to the front porch examining the front door. Hmm, boarded shut ... alright so that way is out. Plan B?

I turned to walk towards the right side finding a window ... but still no way in which it was also boarded up. Huh, maybe if I go around the back?

I retreated for the moment back down the beginning steps & went around towards the back. Looking past the trees surrounding it & the thick grass that hasn't been cut or tended to in ages ... I finally found a way in.

Thats kind of weird that the back door of the house would be partially be open. Maybe its home to some critters like mouses, rats & such ... good thing I'm completely unafraid & ready to find myself a ghost or whatever inhabits here.

"Get ready, get ready, ghoul cause I'm about to find you once & for all."

I decided to state my business uncaring if it heard me or not. Perhaps maybe I just wanted to alert my presence? 

Yeah I'll just go with that.

Moseying along I whipped out my trusty flashlight turning it on shining some light on the situation. Much better now, I thought.

By shedding some light I was able to see exactly how spooky this place was ... covered with dust everywhere ... not to mention the smell.

Its amazing to me that its still standing seeing how its so old.

"Go away."

Came a voice that certainly didn't sound amused.

"No. Show yourself."

I demanded back.

The eerie voice laughed cryptically not even bothering to answer me.

"Well then I guess I won't be leaving till you do."

I snickered back crossing my arms looking around everywhere not knowing exactly where I should be looking.


It still insisted.

"No can do. Might as well corporate."

And I really was hoping it would cause I honestly don't want to spend the night here.

"So you're really going to stay here till I appear?"


Take the bluff, take the bluff, I continued to repeat.

"And once I do, you'll leave?"

"After I ask you some questions, I will, you have my word."

"Why should I believe you?"

I rolled my eyes in agitation.

"You're just going have to."

"Since I do not get visitors often ... I shall trust you for now"


I smiled.

Way too easy.

"Don't freak out once I appear though."

What's that supposed to mean?

"I won't."


I waited then expecting it to appear in front of me.


Suddenly I felt a chill behind me & winced slightly.

"I'm here."

Turning around slowly I came face to face with the so-called ghost & as soon as I did my mouth dropped.

"Holy ..."

"Shush, I told you not to freak out."

It blinked & shook its head.

Standing in front of me I'd expected a white or even possibly green glowing see-through Casper-like ghost ... but that certainly wasn't it.

No, this ghost had a human form, yet was still pale & see-through.

And get this ... this ghost was a him. More like a teenager-looking boy.

He possessed brown curly hair, definitely would've never pictured that.

Same color eyes that seemed soft & innocent, not as cold as I thought they'd be.

Pink thin lips, that had an interesting curve.

White teeth when he spoke, wow so there's the white I'd expected.

Strangely he appeared to be the same height as myself.

The final observation was & I still can't believe my freaking eyes right now ... is that this ghost-boy was wearing clothes.

Specifically a blue & black plaid long sleeve shirt along with a pair of skinny black jeans topping it with black All Star converse high tops.

All matching & very fitting clothing not mention he just looks like a regular kid ... just a few years younger than me.

"Are you just going to stare at me all night?"

He finally broke the silence.

"No ... I just ... wasn't expecting you to look like this is all."

"What am I supposed to look like?"

He raised a curious eyebrow.

"Never mind. So what's your name?"

He put his hands behind him rocking on his heels of his shoes for a moment before he spoke again.

"My name's Nick. What's yours?"


I internally chuckled.

He looked like a "Nick."

"I'm Joe. Nice to meet you."

I greeted by nodding, opting out for a typical handshake.

He frowned.

"Thats rude."

"What is?"

"You didn't even bother to shake my hand."

"You're kidding right?"


"O-kay ... you're a ghost .... meaning you can't shake my hand ... follow me so far?"

"Mocking me & supplying what I already know is just plain stupid."

"So then we're good then."

"Clearly you didn't learn manners."

He sighed & let it go.

"Anyways ...."

I wanted to so move on too.

"Anyways how old are you?"

"Sixteen. How old are you?"


Man I knew he was young, just as I thought he's only a kid.

"Before you ask me more questions, I have one to ask of my own: why are you here in the first place?"

"Truth be told, I wanted to find myself a ghost & I heard this was the best place to find one"

"Well, you found me. Now what?"

"More questioning. Why do you look like you do?"

"This is the way I've always looked, even when I passed duh."

"Which was when ... exactly?"


"Okay, so you don't want to tell me, thats fine. Look if its any consolation, I'm sorry."

"Its okay."

For a ghost he's really embracing it well.

"So what happened to you?"

"Going into how it happened ... I'm not comfortable with sharing or talking about it."

"Fair enough & understandable. Okay, so why'd you pick this house?"

"Its the perfect place to be alone & undisturbed."

Till now that it is.

"I see. So you didn't want to be found. But then how have people heard about you then?"

"People create rumors all the time, you obviously followed them here ... others just didn't. Many don't believe it anyways."


I wasn't going to lie or beat around the bush.

"So I'm your very first visitor."

"Yes, the only one brave enough to venture on in."

"Why thank you."

"That was a compliment. I didn't invite you."

"Ooh snippy. You're kind of hot & cold for a ghost you know?"

"And you're stupid & rude for a human."

He shot back.

"Hey, I know I'm kind of jerk but I just had to come here & find you."

"Well then if thats all the questions ... goodbye. You can see yourself out."

Goes to turn away from him.

"Wait a sec."


"You can fly huh?"

"Yes, I'm ghost smart-one of course I can fly."

"Perfect. Could you demonstrate?"

"What am I a science project? You got your questions & you've overstayed your welcome."

"Come on lighten up."

"Lighten up? How would you feel if you were being questioned & pressed to do this & that?"

"I would be bugged & probably crack eventually ... come on please Nick. Its not everyday I get to meet a living ghost."

I gave him my most enticing look I could muster ... charms don't fail me now.

He only rolled his eyes clearly annoyed.

"Fine. Then you leave afterwards & no more requests."

Nodding for the moment I waited for him to do something.

One second later he hovering over the floor & in the next he was flying around me.

"Happy now?"

Smugly I smiled & clapped.


He proceeded to land back in his original spot in front of me & fold his arms.

"Good, then goodnight."

He was determined for me to go, but I just couldn't.

"One last question I promise: Can I come back tomorrow?"

His eyes actually widened in surprise throwing him off guard at this.

"Why would you want to come back?"

"Duh man to see you."

I decided to mock his word from before playfully.

Weirdly & unexpectedly his cheeks turned almost like a shade of rosy pink. So ghosts can blush ... thats honestly kind of cute.

"I-I don't know."

He stammered.

"What's not to know? I just want to get to know you even though I know you don't want to."

"Are you going to expose me now you know about me for real?"

He tried to change the subject.

"No, I'm not a ghost hunter & while I'm psyched I actually found you I'm not going to boast to the world. You can trust me."

He still seemed weary & unconvinced still.

"Look Nick, if its cool with you I'd like to hang with you. So what do you say?"

Please say yes.

Still thinking about it, he bit his lip & stared at me like he hadn't a clue why I was being so persistent.

"I guess ... its cool."

Whoo! Knew he'd give in ... eventually its all apart of the Joe-charm.

"Great, then I'll see you tomorrow night."


He agreed.

"Same time? Or would you prefer earlier?"

He only shrugged.

"Whenever is fine."

And now he's all passive? Wow, talk about agreeable one moment & the next not so much.

"Works for me. Since I'm not really a trick-or-treater person, I'll just come straight here."

He raised an eyebrow.

"You don't like Halloween?"

"I love it, but I'm willing to give up the dressing-up in costume bit & the candy to come here."

"How chivalrous."

He teased.

"Trust me this is so much better & worth it."

Besides who needs candy when you found exactly what you were hoping to find.

He laughed lightly before composing himself.

"Aw, don't stop laughing on my account. I knew you could lighten up."

"Right ... well night. See you."

He ducked his head but not before I caught another peak of his blush returning. Finally he disappeared from my vision.

I was bubbling with so much excitement as I just smiled & left out the same way I had come in. This is rad. Already I couldn't wait to see him next.

11:00 AM - Halloween Morning

The moment I finished with breakfast, I made my way straight over to Nick's place eager to see what he was up to & such. I wonder if he sleeps? Or does he stay awake always? This & plenty of other questions were bubbling inside my mind.

Also besides the million questions I may have ... there is more to this visit then just learning about him being a ghost. This may seem odd & completely silly but I think he's cute. Don't know exactly what it is about him, but he's captured my attention.

Plus I wasn't expecting him to look so normal-ish, which again I don't know much about ghosts & stuff ... but I still wouldn't have pictured him like he was. The thing is today I'm hoping to accomplish more conversation wise. I want to try to get him to open up to me.

But I also gotta remember baby steps.

From what I can tell so far, he's too closed off & reserved. I think he wants to talk to me, but he's putting up a front. Well hopefully not today.

Finding my way same as before inside his house, I called for him.

"Good morning Nick!"




"Oh Nick?"



So he does sleep perhaps. Well then I best try to find my ghostly little guy. Thinking upstairs was probably the most logical spot he'd be I went up in search of his room.

Creek, creek, creek.

Man ... this place is pretty creepy.

And great more dust, cobwebs & spiders ... yikes.

Taking a left I tried the first room closest to the stairs. The room itself was huge almost like two rooms combined into one. And there right on a mattress on the floor near the window was Nick sleeping soundly.

His face was angelic & seeing him like this brought a smile to my face. I mean how could you not smile at a moment like this?

He's in a deep sleep it looks like. Guess thats why he didn't hear me.

I can't wake him.

But I sure can watch him.

Is that creepy? Eh, I'm doing it anyways.

Its a miracle he can sleep in here, I sure as heck couldn't. Maybe he's used to it? If so gotta give him kudos for that.

Honestly whatever his story may or may not be, I do feel sad for him. He must have had a family, probably in town. But if its that case I should know him.

I thought about everyone in town & not once did I recall ever meeting a Nick ... or a human Nick before. Then again he said it happened recently & thats most likely why I don't know him.

But boy would I like to now. Looking at him sleep like that, I feel I could fall for him. He's attractive to me I admit it. Its just a shame cause if he wasn't a ghost & still alive ... I'd definitely want to make him mine.

If only, if only ... but maybe I should try ... its worth a shot.

Suddenly his eyes starting fluttering like a butterfly's wing & up he sat from his bed instantly spotting me.

"What time is it?"

"Morning to you too. Its 11:26. Have a nice sleep?"

He stretched his arms above his head & just nodded.


He finally greeted back.

"About time."

I teased & added in.

"Where's your manners?"

He just chuckled & floated up from his bed titling his head to the side in a cute manner.

"You're early."

"Yes, but you didn't state a time so I figured it'd be a good one."

"Okay, fair enough. But why the rush?"

"Still don't see yourself as a big deal cause I do."

"Not really, I'm just another spirit lingering here to finish whatever unfinished business I may or may not have."

"And speaking of spirits ... I was wondering if you wanted to share some more about yourself."

"So eager & curious to know."

"You know it."

"I don't even know where to begin."

He shrugged unsure & shyly.

"Well, why don't you start at the beginning hmm? Your bio till now."

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to share yours?"

He asked me.

"Sure would, only after you share yours? Cool?"

"I guess."

I smiled & fist pumped.

"Before I do, would you like to sit down or do you prefer to ... stand? I know its not really clean at all in here, but the bed's not so bad."

He blushed as he offered me his bed to sit on.

"Sure, thats mighty kind of you."

I took the offer & sat down.

Better to be comfy than to cramp up standing cause by the look on his face ... this isn't going to be a short story.

And it wasn't.

I listened learning about him more & more as he went on. So in a nutshell he'd just moved here only yesterday. He'd been traveling on his own cause as I learned he's an orphan & has always lived life on the move especially since he's a teenager.

He's been looking for the right spot to settle. He wasn't looking for an overcrowded or an overpopulated city. No he wanted quiet, seclusive, a small town ... well he sure found it here.

Anyways he figured that this little town would be a perfect fit for himself & just as he was exciting about settling here ... a car came swerving from the opposite of the road almost hitting him while he was driving along a bridge over a river. Nick had gotten out of the line of fire, but it wasn't over.

His car went straight over the edge falling into the water below & as much as Nick tried to get himself free from inside ... he couldn't get out & ... in the end it resulted in his death. He'd described it as a horrible experience ... & it was from the way he shuddered at the memory.

The next moment he woke up shocked that he was still alive. He found himself on the river's bank confused & scared. The first thing he'd noticed he could see through himself & that he could fly.

"I thought I was in a strange dream, but then I realized it wasn't one."

"Man ... thats terrible, I'm so sorry."

I apologized feeling sick to my stomach, feeling all kinds of sadness for him.

"Its fine its not your fault. Its tragic but it is what it is."

"But do you know why you're a ghost? Do you think you have unfinished business to attend to before you move on?"

"I thought of it as my second chance in a way. Its possible that I have some something to do ... but what it could be is the real question. I don't have the slightest clue what I need to finish."

"Maybe it involves your real parents?"

I tried.

"Not likely, they've been dead for some time."

"What happened to them?"

"Same as me, a car accident."

I gasped surprised.

"I know. Sadly to say I have no other living relatives so it isn't that."

I wanted to give him a hug so badly, but knowing I'd go right through him was frustrating.

"But Nick ... you must have someone out there who cares for you? A girlfriend? A best friend?"

I listed.

He only shook his head sighing.

"I don't."

"Thats impossible."


I swallowed unsure if I should continue what I really wanted to say & voice aloud to him.

"You can say whatever it is you want to so badly say ... if you want to that is."

He tried to soothe.

Okay, deep breathes ... this may be too early to regard but I've got to speak my mind.

"The reason I think its impossible is cause look at you Nick. You're about the cutest guy I've seen in my life & your a ghost. And somehow thats making you even cuter to me. I find it hard to believe there's nobody out there that doesn't have those same thoughts is all."

Blushing instantly he looked down wringing together his fingers nervously unable to meet my gaze whispering next:

"You ... think I'm cute?"

Golly YES with that modesty, I'd be a fool not to fall for him.


I assured him.

He gave a quiet laugh.

"Thats a first."

"Well then everyone out there is an idiot & they missed out big time."

Further laughing sheepishly:

"Stop. I can't be that appealing."

"Dude you are, don't try to play it down. Have confidence in yourself, you're a regular cutie pie."

"I don't know about that ... does this mean you like me?"

"Honey pie sugar bunch ... thats exactly what I'm saying. Of course I like you."

He beamed still shocked at this revelation.

"I love that song."

"Me too. Its a good one. So what about you Nick ... do you like me?"

Shyly he nodded.

"I do even though its kind of weird."

"What's so weird about it?"


"W-well ... we just met & already we're saying things ... like this. I-I'm not alive, you shouldn't like me Joe. I'm a spirit."

"I don't care, I feel something for you & since we're saying things ... how would you like to get out of here & go on a date?"

He stood up abruptly pacing or hover pacing I stood say.

"Come on, what's the problem?"

"I can't go outside."

"Why not? Casper sure as hell could."

"Don't turn it into a joke, please. I just can't okay."

"Is there something else you're not telling me?"

"I'm afraid ... if I g-go out there in the daylight ... moonlight whatever -- that I'll disappear & finally be gone."

He admitted covering his face with his hand.


Was all I could say.

Great now I felt like an even bigger jerk.

"Okay, so no outside. Then we'll just have to do the date here."

"How? Its dirty all over & creepy. I mean I barely like it here. I only stay cause I'm afraid to leave ... so I'm stuck."

"Leave it to me, I'll clean this place."

"Thats too much work, you don't have to do that."

"But I want to, for both of us."

Smiling he nodded not believing that someone would do this for him.

"But where will you even begin?"

"Thats an excellent question, one I'm still thinking through but what I am thinking firstly is this room. I'm assuming its your main room you stay in right?"

"Pretty much."

"Its cool cause its a pretty huge room."

"I thought so too when I chose it, but it wasn't the reason I did. Come here."

He floated over towards the window & pointed to the outside.

I stood up from his bed walking over to follow him & gazed outside seeing the view. Now it made sense why he'd chosen this room. You could see just about everything ... including the stars in the sky.


I breathed.

"Exactly what I say daily whenever I look out. You wanna see an even higher-up view point?"

"Sure. For real it goes higher?"

"Mm-hmm. Follow me, I'll show you."

He made towards the hallway occasionally glancing behind him to see if I was keeping up with him & in which I was. Even though NIck was a ghost, he was still easy to keep up with ... unless he was teasing me by going medium slow.

That is a thought to consider.

Trucking up the spiral staircase he then came to a stop at the patio window & pointed outside once again.

I walked to its edge, unable to help myself I opened up the patio doors & walked outside onto the patio itself. This reminded me of a light house, only without the light.

You could see even more up here, the whole city in fact.


"I think I can see my house from here."

"Really? Where is it?"

"About four houses away ... see?"

"I think so, hmm thats really close by to here."

"Sure is."

"So I see you like it."

"Of course, its a killer view. You know I misjudged this house, its cooler than I originally thought it was ... even if it still needs a lot of work."

"Mm, for sure. Its okay & yeah it does. Are you still sure-"

"Yep. Besides the sooner I fix & spruce it up the sooner we can have our date."

I winked at him.

That reminder did it for him bringing back his blush that I so adored seeing.

It was then that I noticed he was still inside the house while I was outside.

"You don't have to be afraid Nick. I'm sure you won't disappear."

He shook his head.

"I'm sorry I wish I believed that."

"Maybe in time."

He rolled his eyes at me & sighed.

"I'm a bugger I know."

I joked.

He laughed in response.

"That you are, but you ... are an adorable one at that."

"Aww, thanks babe."


I shrugged.

"Don't like?"

"No I do ... its just ... I guess I wasn't expecting to ever be called that."

"Well get use to it, cause that & baby ... I think works perfectly for you."

"If you say so."

"Well then as much as I could easily stay up here & stare at this view all day & night with you, I best get to work."

Walking back inside we retreated down the staircase & back to his room.

"I wish I could help you."

"Its fine, besides I'm up for the challenge."

"Well you definitely have yourself one here."

"Yeah no kidding. But I think we need a little music, do you think?"

"That would be nice, its always so quiet."

"Exactly my point. Its why I brought my iPod Touch, gotta have that with me at all times really. So what kind of music are you into?"

"Rock, country, R&B, singer/songwriter, blues, alternative & pop."

"Wow, cool same as me but I also like to include: dance, jazz, easy listening, indie rock, reggae, techno, & rap/hip hop."

"I like all those too. Really even rap?"

"Awesomeness. Yeah, on select songs but I like to do my own rapping & singing sometimes."

"You sing?"

"You betcha. What about you?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Sweet. Give me a sample then."

"W-what right now?"

"Yes, come on this I wanna hear."

"What about the cleaning?"

"Don't try to change the subject, I'll get to it don't you worry, but right now I want to hear you sing. Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

I begged him cause I really did want to hear what he sounded like when he sang. If its anything like his speaking voice then damn ... I'm already hooked.

Bashfully chuckling he began to sing a ditty:

Saturday night and my head is spinning
I wonder whose heart I've been sinning for
A cold rain blows on my window
A soft scent gone from my pillow

One more step that I've been takin'
Yes and one more heart
I don't need no more breakin' of

All the red lights how they all
Burnin' down the highway
I remember when the wind had blown my way

But the wind blew down my line
Yeah the wind blew down my line

The man on the street, each day I'm passin'
A small bite to eat is all he's been askin' for
Oh, cold stares is all he's been yielding
Oh, and now I know that empty feeling

Yeah, the wind blew down my line
Yeah, the wind blew down my line
Yeah, the wind blew down my line

And when he finished the song he grabbed his arm looking down:

"Yeah ... that wasn't all that good."

Immediately shaking my head I grinned fiercely & told him how I felt about it.

"First off, you're amazing in every way! Secondly, you dig Amos Lee too?!"

Nervously laughing he nodded blinking cutely.

"You think so? And yeah I love all his music, he's my favorite."

"Nick I don't think, I know & I believe so. Your ... voice is crazy good. And wicked awesome by the way, he's mine too."

"Thank you. So ... um will you sing for me? Its your turn."

"Your welcome. And of course, I'd be honored to."

I cleared my throat knowing the exact song I wanted to sing for him:

Well if you ever become one of them
Listen up real closely 
Cause I won't tell you again, boy
And even though I know the bad times never hurt you
A run in with the wrong crowd
Can never, you never hurt

If you believe in yourself now sometimes
Then I'll believe in you

That there's reasons darling you'll never know
And I can't even start to explain how they go
Yeah there's reasons I'm asking you now to hold on
Yeah and don't you leave me alone in this life
Yeah, in this life

Hey, I see what you're doing now
I've seen a lot of things but never quite like that
Because before long I'm gone and I'm not coming back
And once I leave you know that I am never yeah, never 
Oh coming back to this place in my life
Cause I'm all that you have 

But there's reasons darling you'll never know
And I can't even start to explain how they go
Yeah there's reasons I'm asking you now to hold on
And don't you leave me alone in this life

....  ....   ....  ... ....  .... .... .... .... .... ... ......

If you believe in your self now sometimes
Then I'll believe in you 

But that there's reasons darling you'll never know
And I can't even start to explain how they go
Yeah there's reasons I'm asking you now to hold on
Yeah and don't you leave me alone in this life
Leave me alone in this life

The beginning, middle end, & the ending itself consisted of guitar playing ... & knowing that I air-guitared & hummed right along to the song at each of those parts. And when I was done, Nick's face said it all.

He was elated ... & that for me was all I'd wanted to achieve.

"You were amazing!"

He told me.

"Well, thank you very much. So were you know you. And now since we've heard each other sing, I think its time we combined our voices. What do you say?"

"Like a duet?"

"Sure. It'll be fun, plus this will boost my energy while I tackle this mess. Your voice & mine together is going to epic I can feel it already."

"Then I'm in, anything I can do help & I do like the sound of fun."

"So do I. Quick question, though you think this place has any cleaning supplies?"

"Not that I know of. I'm lucky that there was even a mattress in this room. All the other rooms are empty as can be."

"Dang it, okay so I'll have to run back home. No problem, I'll bring everything here."

"Do you have something mobile to bring them all in together?"

"Yeah, I'll bring my car this time on the way back. Be back in a flash okay?"

He nodded whilst settling back on his bed.

"Alright. See you soon."

"See you soon baby."

I promised & swiftly headed out from his room & out of the house flying almost hurriedly back to my house. Once I arrived, I grabbed everything I know I needed & then some. Nick's house is not exactly a renovation I mean its got walls & flooring. Its solid for the most part. It just needs a little love is all & it will be so much better.

Cause honestly it is a nice house, just got to get rid of the dust, webs & anything else lurking & it should be good to go. As for electrical & pluming ... guess I'll find about those soon enough.

Loading up my car with all the stuff ... I added in a few chairs so I could at least sit afterwards ... to take a break. I also made myself a sandwich seeing it about 1:00 PM now & my stomach was beginning to rumble.

I decided to take it to go, rushing to get back to Nick. I wish he could've come along with me. Again ... though he's opened up a lot to me today which I was hoping for ... I'm just really glad he did.

It looks like I gained his trust, which I'm grateful for cause it means we're making progress.

And when this is all & said & done, I'm looking forward to our date. Ghost or not, I'm into him & I'm determined to win his heart.

Imagine it ... a ghost boyfriend .... stranger things have happened out in the world .... this is just one of those things that couldn't be helped or prevented. And I couldn't care less if its strange or not, point is I like Nick a lot.

After parking in front of the gate in front of the house, I began making trips back & forth with all my supplies. Finally when I got everything inside, I took a breath & got to it. With that I started up my playlist & put it on continuous so we could both jam & rock out to every song. Good thing I lots of songs cause we so needed the music!

Hours rolled on by as Nick & I continued to sing to every familiar song to the top of our lungs while I did all the cleaning. I'd made a lot of progress in Nick's room & the other two bedrooms as well. I also got to the hallway, the two staircases, & the final level of the house with its four patios that actually looked like a small cross to me.

"Looking good if I do say so myself."

I surveyed my work so far.

"Yeah it looks much better. You want to take a break now? You've been going at it for a long time."

"Maybe yeah, thats a good idea. I still have the living room/downstairs whole area to tackle & then I think thats it. No offense, but I'm not going outside to work on the shed in the back, cause one its locked & two I think its better if I just leave it be."

I sat down on one of the chairs I'd brought with me so I could properly rest.

Nick just chuckled hovering in front of me.

"Man you're really fast, I can't believe it. Thats fine by me, whatever is in the shed can stay in the shed. "

Catching my breath & taking a good long swig of my water bottle I nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, well guess I had so much energy & when I'm put to work I intend to get everything I can done. Ha ha ha, not curious what's inside there either huh? ... What if there's a mummy living in there? Or a vampire asleep? Or maybe even a-"

"I can see that, you're a workaholic. And hey ... cut that out. There's no such things as vampires & as for mummies they're usually found in Egypt so I think we're good."

He broke in before I could possibly list more crazy creatures.

"Hey yourself. You never know, mean look at you ... ghosts exist."

"Thats different & technically you weren't suppose to find me."

"Good thing I persisted & did."

I waggled my eyebrows suggestively.

He gave a small huff of annoyance but still smiled regardless.

"You're a strange one Joe Jonas."

"Yeah, its what makes me fun though."

"And crazy."

He teased in addition.

"And cool."

"And a dork."

"An adorable dork?"


Laughing at that I clapped my hands:

"Alrighty I think I'm ready to go now."

"Already? But you just only sat down."

"Don't worry about me, trust me when I finish I'll crash for sure. But in the meantime, I'm so close."

"But I really think you shouldn't push yourself so much, no matter how close or not."

"No worries Nick, I'm good I promise."

"Dubious. Hard to believe."

"Gotta just trust me on this, like you did before."

"Alright ... I hope you know what you're doing."

"No sweat, okay?"

I gave him a positive thumbs up gesture trying to only ease his concerned-self.

Two hours went on by as I finally finished the bottom level in victory.

"Whoo! See what'd I tell you? Looks spic & span to me."

"Yeah it does. You sure you're okay?"

"Exhausted yes, definitely need a shower ... & hungry. What time is it by the way?"

Glancing at my iPod he checked:

"7:00' clock."

"Dark already, well thats explains why I can barely see in here if not for the lamp I brought with me from home. You think you'll get some trick-or-treaters?"

"Hopefully not if they know what's good for them."

"Aww, can't say I disagree. I would rather have you to myself the rest of the night."

Turning a shade of pink he smiled a little before breaking into a full on grin.

"Tell you what, since I'm all kinds of filthy & dirty why don't I go back home & take a shower & make a meal for myself ... & then come back here & begin our date ... hows that sound?"

"Deal, the cleaner the better. Wish I could change my clothes & eat with you."

He pouted & oh my gosh ... did I really want to lip lock with him.

"Exactly what I was thinking. And don't worry sweet thang you look adorable as you are. As for food, I'm sure you miss it I can't imagine life without it ... so in that case, why don't I bring my laptop so we can watch a movie. Any favorites in mind?"

"That would be awesome. Anything non-Halloween or horror please, everything else is okay."

He told me unable to fight his natural instinct to blush even more whilst telling me.

"Kay-o you got it. I'll be back as fast I can."

"Can't wait."

He smiled.

"And Joe?"


"Thank you so much for everything."

"Hey ... anything for a pretty ghost such as yourself. See you real soon, babe."

With my parting words, I headed on back home & did everything I needed to do. First starting with a shower & throwing my clothes straight into the washer starting a load. Secondly getting dressed stylishly wanting to impress Nick & thirdly getting a bite to eat. When I was ready to return to Nick, I grabbed my laptop & portable speakers & a little few surprises I wanted to wait to reveal in person & headed back to Nick's in a jiffy.

"Honey I'm home ... again!"

I called cheerfully.

Appearing back downstairs he positively beamed at me.

"Welcome back. And might I say ... you clean up very nice."

"Thanks, I aim to please & I was hoping to catch your eye."

"Well you succeeded."

"Oh by the way, this is for you gotta make a good first impression."

I showed him his gift.

"You got me a rose?"

"Yep, hope you like it."

"I love it."

He bashfully looked down & back at the gift.

"You didn't have to you know?"

"I know. I wanted to & besides you deserve it mister."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Well then shall we?"

"We shall."

He floated up the stairs with me following close in step, but before he could go back into his room I stopped him.

"What is it?"

He asked worry laced in his voice.

"Stay here, I want to make this perfect & memorable for you. No peaking okay?"

Nodding he laughed & stayed behind while I went inside taking my secret surprises ... setting everything up. I did a double take making sure it looked good & returned to him.

"Okay now its ready, come on in."

"Should I close my eyes?"

"If you want to."

Deciding to close them he floated inside the room.

"Okay now open them."

Watching him gasp & break into a bright smile, I knew all my hard work had payed off.

"You did all this for ... me?"

"Yep, thought we needed a little romance not sure if you're one for candles."

Chuckling happily he nodded yes.

"I love them. I can't believe you did all this, this is ... amazing."

"Not amazing as you, baby."

"You are you. So ... what movie are we watching?"

He went over to lay on his bed & as I joined him, pushing play on my laptop to start up the film.

"You'll see, its another surprise."

"You're full of them tonight."


"So sweet."

As soon as the opening credits started up, I watched as his eyes widened at the surround sound.

"Guessing you like?"

"Yeah, I love Star Trek Into Darkness & these speakers are making it even more awesome!"

"Cool. I'm glad you love it, & hell yes its why I brought them along!

For the next two hours & fifty minutes we watched the movie together ... in between voicing our thoughts & opinions on everything ... made it all that more enjoyable.

"You know Spock is pretty hot for a Vulcan."

Nick randomly began as soon as the ending credits rolled on.

"Oh ... really? You find Zachary Quinto hot or the character?"

"Both actually."

"Wow so you like older men then. To bad he's taken, got himself a boyfriend I heard."

"I know, but a guy can still dream can't he?"

"Oh so now you're dreaming of him?"

I crossed my arms.

"Well, why not he's charming, tall, & witty."

"And you forgot unavailable."

"Don't be jealous."

"I'm not."

"Yeah right, you so are."

"Not so."

"Oh yeah? Then why do you look like you're ready to pummel the laptop screen?"

"Okay, fine I am jealous. There I said it."

"Aw, Joe you don't have to be. I was just joshing around, I'm sorry."

"You're lucky cutie, cause I would so be tackling you for that little stunt."

Wiping the laughter & smile away, he began to sulk.

"What's wrong?"

He looked saddened as spoke.

"Its not fair ... because even if you did I wouldn't be even to feel you."

"We could try it, maybe you're wrong about that?"

I leaned closer towards.

He immediately flew away from the bed.

"Or not try."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, its okay Nick. We don't need to touch. We can see each other & talk."

"I know. Anyways its late, shouldn't you be getting home?"

"Well actually ... I was thinking of spending the night."

"No! ... I mean no, maybe some other time."

"Why not? I thought we were having a good time."

"We are, its just that ... there's no food here & as we discovered no working pluming. We both know you need to eat & eventually use the bathroom."

"So what, I can manage without food & If I need to go I can just zip on outside if I need to."

"Okay gross & no way."

"Please Nick ... I don't want to go home. You know you want me to stay."

"Well yes I do-"

"Well then good its a done deal then I'm staying."

"Okay then ... but there's another issue."

"What is it this time?"

"There's only one bed."

"Yeah, I've noticed. So?"

"Um ... only one of us can sleep on it."

"Nonsense. We can sleep on it together."

"I um ..."

"What's the problem Nick? Do you not want to share the bed?"

"I ... well ... when you put it like that ..."

He fumbled with his words.

"Its fine I get it, no need to say anything."

"You do?"

"Yeah. And just when I thought you were just starting to trust me ... guess I was wrong. I'll just go home then. See you."

I began packing up my stuff leaving in a huff.

I thought he'd at least follow me or try to stop me or say he was sorry & invite back in ... but he didn't. Nor did he say anything as I left & headed home for the final time of the night.

I can't believe him.

I don't understand what was the big deal. Its not like I was going to try anything with him, regardless I can't anyways ... he doesn't have to be worried about that.

So what could be the reason?

As I laid awake, it continued to linger on my mind. No matter how I tried to shut my eyes, tossing & turning trying my hardest to get comfortable ... I couldn't. Finally giving up for the moment I got up from my bed & got some water.

Quenching my nighttime thirst, I headed back to my room & finally ... in time fell out.

9:00 AM The Next Morning - November 1st

I'd totally missed Halloween. I gave it up to hang out with Nick & what did I get ... a fight in the end. Even now as I sat up from my bed & looked at the time ... I frowned.

The whole thing was still bugging me.

I need to go talk to him & find out what's up.

Why was he so against me staying with him?

What was his deal?

All these questions were filling my mind one-by-one, I needed answers. I deserved at least an explantation.

As soon as I finished my breakfast, I grabbed my keys & got into my car & sped over to his house. Locking up & walking on towards the back, I was just about to go inside ... when sometime caught my eye.

The shed ... it wasn't locked anymore.

But both its doors were closed.

What the heck?

I walked over to it inspecting it. Did someone break in? And if so what for? What's in there anyways?

Pulling the door open ... my mouth dropped open once again.

Holy crap ... ... ...

My eyes were wide with shock for there in the shed was Nick but not as I thought he was.

"Nick ...?!"

"J-Joe ...?!"

He jumped.

What the hell is going on here?

"I can explain!"

Huh, thats an understatement.

"You better start talking."

I demanded.

"O-okay. You best sit down."

"I'm fine with standing."

"A-alright. First off, I really want to say I'm sorry for last night. I knew I should've just told you the truth ... but now here you are & you've discovered it on your own."

"Apology not expected. Nick what the heck is going on, the truth please. Were you lying this whole time? Playing with me? Ridiculing me? Getting your kicks, is that what it was?"

He nodded not meeting my eyes.

"Yes I lied. And no none of those."

"Then why?"

"The truth is ... I'm not a ghost or a spirit. I made it up. The reason I did it was, I needed a place to stay & everywhere I tried was too expensive & I didn't have enough money to afford a hotel. So I chose this place & came up with an idea just in case anyone came looking ... to just scare them away with an illusion of a ghost-lookalike me."

"So you created the rumors. But I don't get how you did it. How were able to project a ghost?"

"You've seen Scooby-Doo, right? On one of their original first season episode's they featured a ghost doing the exact same thing I did."

"Hassle In The Castle."

I thought back knowing the exact episode & knowing it well.

"Thats the one."

"That is so .... so .... so ...."

Nick shut his eyes & prepared for the worst.


"What ...?"

I started laughing.

"Thats freaking brilliant! You little liar genius ... you!"

Thats it I couldn't help I went over to embrace him ... for the first time.

"You're alive!"


He squeaked in surprised.

"You're human!"


"You ... son of a gun, man! You had me going!"

I hugged him tighter.

"U-um ... Joe ... you squeezing me."

"Yeah, I know."

"You're not mad?"

"Not anymore, cause guess what baby?"


"You're coming with me. No more ghost shenanigans."

"But ... I-I ... we ... you ... this-"

Shutting him up with a kiss did the trick silencing any further protesting from him.

"Does this mean-"

"Wanna be my boyfriend Nick?"


"Good, cause you're all mine now mystery solved case closed. Lets get out of here."

"Heh heh. I couldn't agree more."

"But we'll be back for sure."

"Oh yeah why's that?"

"We need ... a place to plan dates & other stuff."

I winked.

He blushed furiously.

"We'll see."

I kissed him again, wanting to reconnect with his lips over & over again. We made out for awhile & then left the shed locking it back up.

"By the way ... how'd you get the key?"

He only grinned & waved a playful finger at me.

"Don't you know a ghost/magician doesn't reveal his secrets.

"Huh ... we're see about that."

Another scary night 
Another spooky fright 
And we just might be in danger 

Oh the ghost is here 
And it's always a fake 
The ghost is here
There's no reason to shake 
The ghost is here 
Oh give us a break 
It's fake 

Another ghoul attack 
He's breathing down our backs 
So we're making tracks for the exit 

Oh the ghost is here 
It's a crook in a suit 
The ghost is here 
He's protecting some loot 
The ghost is here 
Oh give him the boot 
He's fake 

It doesn't matter where we go 
We know 
A ghost is gonna show and so 
We look for the bogus 
We look for the scam 
Every time the ghost is a sham 

We see an eerie light 
And if the mood is right 
Then we just might sight a monster 

Oh the ghost is here 
It's our frightening task 
To face our fears 
And the creep in the mask 
Until the ghost is here 
There's no reason to ask 
He's fake

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

This is my Halloween treat to you readers, enjoy & Happy Halloween!!

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ok i wanna read more, please do another episode or something

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on October 29, 2013
Last Updated on January 3, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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