![]() In A DreamA Story by VirgoAvatar![]() Short stories & oneshots Joick/Jick themed![]() In A Dream (IAD) Joick/Jick Oneshots Part One: Coming To Life Nick: Aahh! *Screaming as I ran away fast from the now alive object .... PAUSE .... My name's Nick Jonas, fellow archeologist & explorer at your service. I'm currently visiting Egypt (for the first time ... & maybe the last time ever). It was like any ordinary day of work till my good friend & co-worker aka my older brother ditched me leaving me completely alone. But let me rewind the day to this morning when I woke up, shall I? Kevin: *Wakes up my baby brother with a loud alarm sounding from my speaker intercom hand-held projector thing-a-ma-bob* Nick: *Falls abruptly out of bed with a startled yell* Kevin: *Laughing* Time to wake up Nicky! Nick: *Wipes my face tiredly* Dude! Kevin: Yes dude? Nick: Not cool! Kevin: But I thought it was cool! Nick: *Mutters* Why couldn't I have been an only child? Kevin: Oh come now sport, what fun would that be, hmm? Nick: What time is it? Kevin: Its 9:00 AM. Nick: Really? Kevin: What don't believe me? You can check it yourself. Nick: *Gives him "I'll do so look"; looks at the clock seeing the time as he said it currently was* Hmm. Kevin: Told you so. Nick: Right, so what's with the early morning wake up then Kev? Kevin: What a brother can't wake his younger brother up to say hi? Nick: Spill man. *Folds arms giving him an intense truth spill look* Kevin: Alright you caught me, I confess. *Waives hands; surrenders* I've got us two tickets to fly to ... *Pauses for effect* Nick: To where? Kevin: What, don't care to guess? Nick: With you? Probably not a good idea cause it'll take forever. Kevin: Not true. I'll give you hint, you're going to love it & you've always wanted to go. Nick: Great, that really narrows it down. Kevin: Okay, I've got an easier clue, hold on a sec. *Gets up leaving his room; shows with my finger I'll be back in a flash* Nick: Okay, seconds over! *Calls; stands up from my bed stretching my arms* Kevin: Ha! *Appears at his door* Ta-da, now you can re-guess! Nick: *Finishes stretching to inspect his new attire; doesn't even try to hide my laughter* You look like me when I'm doing work, but adding a sense of Egyptian effects, so I'll just go with Egypt. Kevin: Correct brother-o! *Bows at him* So what do you say, you in? Nick: How could I pass it up? But might I ask how your funding this little expedition? Kevin: One word baby bro, this: *Holds up my card saying its name to make it sound even cooler* My Sapphire Chase. Nick: Your credit card in other words? Kevin: Precisely. Nick: Okay then. So what's in it for you? You don't exactly like to dig my friend or even find anything considered remotely ancient. Kevin: You bring up a brilliant inquiry Nicky. I'm not only hoping, wishing & praying, but begging you'll find something to make us ... *Eyes fill with dollar signs* RICH! Nick: *Shakes head* And I should've know better. Kevin: What? You'll find something I know it & when you present it to the museum they're going to be ecstatic & pay you & I the big bucks. Nick: Mm-hmm, so the credit's being split this time I see? Kevin: Well naturally I can't just leave out your name, you're my brother & of course you get credit. Nick: Gee, thanks. Kevin: But you're still in right? Plus I have everything booked, if I cancel now I wont get a refund back. Nick: Calm yourself, we're going but guess what Kev? Kevin: I'm the best brother ever? Nick: You will especially since you're going to help me this time. Kevin: Thats right! I'm going to- Wait what? Nick: You heard, so better go get started packing. *Gestures him to go* Kevin: *Pouts; mutters* Oh man. *Leaves his room going to my own; not exactly thrilled about helping. I should've seen this coming* Nick: *Chuckles. He is so easy to convince sometimes. After getting dressed in proper clothes for our adventure-to-be, I headed downstairs & found Kevin coming down right behind me with his usual casual clothes. He made sure to make fun of mine, as I made us breakfast. When it comes to cooking Kevin's not always enthusiastic about it, which is why I do it most of the time. He prefers to read the morning paper & to listen to his music, preferably Rick Astley. Soon as we ate & I cleaned up & did the dishes, we headed out with our suitcases. Kevin had just one & a backpack while I had two suitcases & a satchel* Kevin: Dude what's with all the gear? Nick: You never know what I'll need, so I brought the essentials. Kevin: Mm-hmm, I can tell man. Its only going to be a couple of days. Nick: Says you. Kevin: Look thats all I could afford for now, the bloody plane tickets were ridiculous. That alone ate the budget right there & until you- Nick: *Folds my arms; clears my throat* Kevin: I meant: until "we" find something, we can't afford luxury first class seats. Nick: We could if a certain someone would stop spending so much of our earnings. Kevin: An excellent point Nicky, I promise from here on that I'll be a better brother. Nick: For real? Kevin: You have my word, but just know one thing. Nick: What thats? Kevin: If you don't find anything if any chance, that promise might be a little harder to keep you know what I'm saying? Nick: *Rolls eyes* Just drive Kev. Kevin: Okay, right then. *Nods* To the airport! Nick: *Chuckles. Thats another thing about him, he's completely 100% silly & childlike sometimes* Kevin: *Starts the car; buckles up along with Nick driving us from our house towards the airport. And in so, it took about an hour & two minutes to get there. And after parking close enough & getting a receipt, Nick & I grabbed our things & walked towards our airline: EgyptAir. We checked in & headed through the security check-point, probably taking the longest there just cause is always takes time to get through the line & so forth. Finally after all that, Nick & I re-put on our shoes & grabbed our stuff walking towards our gate number. We sat down & waited for our our economy class to be called & then when we got abroad we put our things away above in the stowaway compartments* Nick: *Takes my window seat* Kevin: Aw, man I wanted the window seat. Nick: You snooze you lose bro. Kevin: I'm the oldest dude. Nick: So what? Kevin: I know thats gotta count for something. Nick: Nope. *Grins brightly* Kevin: On the return flight, we'll see about that. *Warns* Nick: *Chuckles* Try all you want dude, I'll just win again. Kevin: That right? Nick: Oh I know its right. Kevin: Want to make a bet? Nick: Depends on what the winner will get besides the seat? Kevin: Okay check it *Finishes buckling up sitting next to him* out the winner not only gets the seat, but you name what you want in reasonable terms & its done. Nick: Yeah? Kevin: Yeah. Nick: Interesting, so does that apply to you if you should win? Kevin: You bet your beige clothes partner. Nick: *Blushes* I prefer the color neutral. Kevin: Whatever it is, so amigo do we have an accord? Nick: Sure. *Shakes his hand* Kevin: Awesome. So wonder what'll be the in-flight movie & lunch dish. Nick: Guess we'll just see, but you know Kev that the lunch isn't complimentary. Kevin: What? Why not? Nick: Don't rightly know, but thats what they just said. Kevin: I didn't hear that. Nick: Thats cause you don't pay attention to everything. Kevin: Whatever, thats just not cool. They better have a good movie & free drinks. Nick: Now that, they do have. Kevin: Very good. Nick: *Chuckles* Just sit back, relax & enjoy the flight. Kevin: Certainly will do bro. Nick: *Smiles cheekily at him; looks out the window as the flight began to move on its wheels* Kevin: *Stares in the same direction. At least I'm able to see a little* Nick: *Soon as we came to the main runway, the plane made its way at full throttle & took off with a mater of seconds* Kevin: Whoo! *Whoops* You gotta LOVE taking off! Nick: *Laughs* No kidding. *So in time the plane climbed higher & higher till it got to its cruising altitude. Soon as we reached that they started up the movie for the flight & as it turns out-* Kevin: Good Luck Charlie, Its Christmas?! Oh come on, don't they have something like Skyfall or The Avengers at least? *Begs* Please? Nick: Settle down bro. *Pats his shoulder* Its still a cute movie. Kevin: You would say that. Nick: You could always listen to music? Kevin: Oh yippe. *Comments; pouts* What will I find there? Justin Bieber or- Nick: I'm not fooled. Kevin: What do you mean? Nick: You're trying to distract yourself from something by lightly bashing a Disney Original Movie & a fellow favorite artist of ours, no matter what you may be saying right now ... so what's up with you? Kevin: You gotta promise if I tell you not to make fun of me. Nick: But you still get to make fun of me? No deal. Kevin: Alright, alright I'll can the jokes. Nick: For the rest of the trip & more. Kevin: Done. Okay, so I'm just *Sighs* afraid. *Mumbles* Nick: Come again? Kevin: I'm afraid! *Yell whispers* Nick: Yeah, I know just wanted to hear you say it a second time. So what of? Kevin: M-M-M .... Nick: M-M-M what? Kevin: *Gets a grip* Mummies. Nick: Mummies? Dude, have you been watching The Mummy again? Kevin: No, just kind of just thought of it randomly. Nick: Okay, so I repeat: what's the problem? Kevin: Do you think they exist? Nick: Oh sure, just dead ones anyways. Kevin: I'm talking about one coming to life man! Nick: I know & to answer that I'm going to go with ... no. Kevin: Why did you pause? Nick: I didn't. Kevin: You did so. Nick: You getting hysteric on me Kev? Kevin: Not yet, but I am freaked of the possibly of finding a real live mummy. Nick: Dude relax, there won't be one alive I already told you that. Kevin: I hope so. Nick: I know so. Kevin: You better be right, cause I don't deal with mummies! *Decides to take a nap* Nick: *Mumbles to myself* He's so flipping out over nothing, mummies pssh. *Many hours later after a long flight we arrived in Cairo. Kev & I got off our plane & headed with our things out of the airport* So where we staying? Kevin: Um uh. *Scratches the back of my neck nervously* Well ... Nick: *Gapes at him* You don't have a place to stay? Kevin: Well I do, but its not exactly the Ritz Carlton. Nick: Exactly where is it then? Kevin: *Says it fast* Insidethepyramids. Nick: What? *Accents the t* Kevin: Inside the pyramids. Nick: Inside one of the seven wonders of the ancient world? Kevin: Yes. *Grins guiltily* Nick: No wonder you were previously nervous. Kevin: Now you get me, thank God. Nick: So how did you pull that off, access inside is usually always forbidden. Kevin: It cost me a pretty penny to do so, but we're set. We just got to get over there. Nick: Fine, of course I don't have a problem with it, but I'm sure you will. Kevin: Whatever you do Nick, don't wake up any dead mummies. Nick: I'll try my best, you try not to do the same hmm? Kevin: Very funny, I won't be able to cause I don't speak the language ... thats your department. Nick: Thank you very much, I'm proud of it. Kevin: Just- NIck: I get it Kev, no waking up dead figures. Kevin: *Smiles feeling a little relieved* Glad we have an understanding. Nick: Glad one of us is sane. Kevin: Huh? Nick: Nothing. *Chuckles inwardly. Shortly we made our way to the pyramids, going inside of the biggest one: Giza* So this is our camp? Kevin: Yeah, pretty nice right? Nick: *Looks around eyeing things* It'll do. Kevin: Thought it would. So best get some shut eye, you- Nick: Kev. Kevin: Okay! "We've" got a lot of work to do & yes I'll be actually helping. Nick: Cool, thats all I wanted to know. Goodnight bro, cya you in the morning. *Goes inside the tent leaving him for a moment, silently counting* Kevin: *Runs after him* H-hey wait up! Nick: *Smiles* Five. Kevin: Bro not cool to leave me hanging out there, its kind of creepy. Nick: Take it easy. Kevin: Well anyways, goodnight, Nick. *Goes to lay on my my side of our shared tent, getting into my sleeping bag* Nick: Night man. *Puts our only light out for the moment* Kevin: Its a little dark in here. Nick: *Smirks; gets into my sleeping bag* Thats the point of night. Kevin: Dude, I mean it ... I can't even see you. Nick: You're eyes will adjust eventually. Kevin: Doubtfully. Nick: Just go to sleep. Kevin: I'll try. Nick: *Chuckles. In less than fifteen minutes he was out like a light snoring loudly as per usual. As much it would be just too easy to freak him out & re-wake him, I'll save the theatrics for now besides tomorrows another day* Nick: *The next morning, I woke up first. Kev was still fully sound asleep, man he can certainly be a heavy sleeper. So I just got up took care of my business & drank some water. For breakfast, I just ate a good assortment of fruit I'd brought along. After eating my fill, I started to get my essentials for exploring & digging. I'll let Kev sleep & then when he does wake up, he's definitely going to help me. So wandering off & leaving my sleeping brother I just walked away. While some areas were still dark, some areas were lit thanks to the sunlight coming through. A few minutes I heard a loud shriek sounding from the camp, it was Kevin's voice. Guess he's awake now, guess that didn't take long, I just chuckled to myself* Kevin: Morning Nick . *Yawns & stretches* Sleep good? *When I didn't get a response from him I looked around expecting to see him but found an empty sleeping bag* Nick? *I called from loudly; still doesn't get any kind of response* NICK! *Gets up fast, tripping over my sleeping bag* Nick! Oh my God! NICK!!! *Starts panicking; shrieks* Nick: *Tip-toes back to him spying him flipping out & saying something about the mummy must come alive & taken me or worse. The poor guy was scared & hysterical now & as much as I could stoop to his level with story idea of his, he really does seemed genuinely worried. So I came out of hiding & tapped his shoulder* Kevin: *Jumps into the air* Look whoever or what you are, get the heck away & stand back! I-I know karate & I'm not afraid to use it on your butt! Nick: Kev. Kevin: I mean it, I will go all- Nick: *Sighs; laughs quietly turning him around to face me* Kevin: Nick? Nick: Hello & good morning. Kevin: Nick! *Hugs him tightly* Oh man, don't ever do that again! I thought something had gotten you & I was alone! Nick: *Hugs him back* Sorry, I won't just calm down okay? Kevin: Whew. *Sighs seriously relieved* Okay, sorry. *Lets go of him* So what's to eat, I'm starved. Nick: Take your pick of fruit. *Points to it* Kevin: Hmm, not exactly what I had in mind, but guess it'll do for now. *Takes a seat & begins to eat till was fully satisfied; gets back up* So where we going first? Nick: Well since I was already previously in that direction *Points in the direction showing him* I'd say that way. Kevin: *Nods* I can deal with that, lets go then. Nick: You sure you're okay Kev right? Kevin: Yeah, I'm all good now. But just tell me was that apart of a prank from you bud? Nick: Good & no it wasn't, would you like one? Kevin: No thanks. Nick: Thought so. *So with that Kevin followed me to my previous spot, so in time we began exploring. Here & there Kev complained a bit, but mostly he did help me, so thats all that matters. Shortly we got so into when suddenly a low voice groaned sounding like it was not too far behind* Okay Kev really funny, quit playing. Kevin: Dude *Looks at him* that wasn't me. Nick: Well it wasn't me either, so who else could it be. Kevin: I don't know, but it sounded spooky. *Hears the voice again; starts to shiver* I knew it! *Whisper yells* Nick do something! Nick: Stop it Kev, get a freakin' grip man. Its just the wind. Kevin: Gimme a break Nick, thats what they always say in the movies & its never the wind! Nick: Stand together, lets go see what it is. Kevin: You freakin' insane?! You go! Nick: You're going too. Kevin: No I'm not, I'm out of here. Nick: Kevin get back here! Kevin: No, I told mummies were real! *Run fast screaming* Nick: *I was about to go after him when I just yelled at him even though he was already far gone* Fine, leave! I'll just explore on my own, darn fradey-cat, pssh. There's no such thing as- *Begins to walk away almost ramming into a something hard; gulps looking up slowly to find exactly what Kevin had been screaming about. I didn't move, now I knew how Kev had felt. The mummy was deceased looking as could be before was standing before me completely alive. It just groaned at me & thats when I bolted in fear* Aahh! *Screams as I ran away from it. But then I felt strong cold hands pull me back causing me to fall back into the sand. I went down hard & coughed. The figure just stood over me trapping me & leaned in close to my face. I didn't move, I just blinked totally afraid* What do you want? *I whispered* Mummy: *Speaks in Egyptian to him knowing he could understand me* Nick Jonas I presume? Nick: *Speaks hesitatingly back in the same language* Y-yes. Mummy: Good! Nick: Good? Mummy: Yeah, I thought for a minute you weren't the right guy. Nick: And who are you? Mummy: *Tells him my name* But I prefer to be called Joe even though its not what I've been called in the past. Nick: And what is that you want? Joe: First I need you to help me out of these wraps. Nick: What? Why should I? Joe: Because its very stuffy in here & I want to be free, I'm not going to hurt you if thats what you think. Nick: You need to do some explaining before I free anything. Joe: Thats a reasonable request. Simply I've been trapped in my sarcophagus for way too many years. As written on my tomb, the only way I'd come back to life is feeling the presence of my soul mate. Nick: *Stops his story* Soul mate? Uh ... you don't mean- Joe: That would clearly be you because I've never woken up, not since I was mummified. Looks like I've found you Nick. Nick: And how'd you know my name? Joe: Easy, as you are clearly my soul mate cause your presence was so near I awakened & all details & more, I now know everything about you. Nick: That so & do you? Joe: Yep & yep. Nick: When's my birthday? Joe: September 16, 1992. And why don't I just tell you what I know, you're a archeologist & love finding ancient things. You have a brother Paul Kevin Jonas the Second, born November 5, 1987. He's the one that ran off scared & screaming like a girl. Now back to you, you're very intelligent, charming, & also quite quiet sometimes. You & Kevin live together & support each other. You're 20 years old & still haven't had a serious relationship, because you're still struggling with who you are. You're a secret hopeless romantic & you want one day to be married & to raise a family of your own. You recently shaved your curls because you wanted to look more mature & less childlike, which is why you try to act older than you are & are sometimes made fun of for it. Nick: *Shivers; eyes widen; puts up a hand for him to stop* Joe: I can go on more. Nick: No I think you've said enough. Joe: You okay? Nick: Not really. I don't know how you know all that about me. This is all crazy. Joe: Don't blame you, its a lot to take in & just accept. Nick: *Nods* Answer me one question. Joe: Anything. Nick: Why me? Joe: As my soul mate? Nick: Yes. Joe: Thats easy Nick. You were destined to be wake me up & meet me. Nick: I-I was? Joe: Hmm, you were. I'm glad its you. Nick: You are? But I'm a stranger. Joe: Doesn't matter to me. Nick: So its all just fate? Joe: Yes, I believe it is. Nick: *Nods* Could you let me up please? Joe: Of course. *Helps him up gently* Listen Nick, I'm really sorry I scared you & your brother. I didn't mean to come across as a monster, but I know thats how I appear to you right now. Nick: *Allows him to lift me up so that I was standing with him; gives him a forlorn look deciding then* I'll help you, follow me. Joe: Thank you, Nick I appreciate it greatly. Nick: *Nods again, leading him over my camp area. I grabbed one of tools & helped him out of the wraps carefully as we sat down together* Joe: So I get the feeling you're not exactly thrilled by all this, right? Nick: What's not to thrilled by, I meet a real live mummy & he tells me I'm his soul mate. Joe: On the plus side, once I'm out of this disgusting confinements you'll change your mind. Nick: *Raises an eyebrow* So now you think I'll just fall for you once I see the real you? Joe: You will. Nick: Cocky aren't you? Joe: Well, when your a King & have been waiting all this time, one can get a little yes. Nick: Hmm. Joe: I'm not all disappointed at all, you're beautiful Nick. Nick: *Blushes then* Joe: I mean it, you are. Continued ... Nick: *Shifts a little trying to dismiss his thought of me; continues to unravel him till he was bare & showing fully standing in front of me; gulps a little looking up at him trying hard not to look down* Joe: *Smirks; finally speaks in English* Like what you see? Nick: *Turns away from him* Joe: *Follows him & continues to speak only in English to him; wraps my arms around his stomach* I think you do. Nick: *Feels him; blushes hard* Joe: *Kisses his neck; smiles* Nick: *Closes eyes; moans at the feeling* Joe: Mm, sounds like I'm not wrong. Nick: *Gasps as he spun me around to face him as he tipped my chin & leaned in to kiss my lips; eyes widen* Joe: *Softly kisses him; holding his body to mine, as my fingers brushed up & down his shoulders & arms* Nick: *I didn't push him away & neither did I fight back. In short I was stunned & frozen, but in a more relaxed way. As his fingers touched my arms & shoulders, I shivered. It felt so nice, instead of thinking it would be cold, his hands were strangely warm & comforting. When he finally did pull away from my lips, we both opened our eyes at the same time. I smiled at him shyly* Joe: *Grins back at him* Nick: *I minute ago I didn't think this would've be my reaction to him, but overall I didn't seem to mind. In fact crazy enough, I leaned in waiting for him to meet me halfway* Joe: *Chuckles; immediately leans back towards him. I cupped his cheek gently bringing him back closer to me & pressed my lips to his, this time he responded back & I just smiled into our kiss* Nick: *Wraps my arms around his neck, happiness spreading through me as I began to reel in our tender kiss* Joe: *Wanting to make the moment even better, my hands then wandered down his spine & back towards his butt cheeks grabbing them* Nick: *Gasps bucking into him; feels his hardness* H-hey. Joe: *Pulls back from the kiss to look at him smugly* And now he speaks. Nick: *Blushes* Joe: Nice arse by the way. Nick: *Pushes him lightly* Joe. Joe: *Laughs* Its still true baby. Nick: I can't believe all this. *Suddenly says* Joe: I know, kind of strange right? But I hope the kind of strange thats good. Nick: *Smiles* Its a good strange. *Confirms* Joe: I'm glad to hear that. Nick: *Starts to walk towards the tent* Joe: *Follows him* Where ya going? Nick: To find some clothes for you. Joe: Aww, so you want me covered up huh? Nick: Well y-yes, I mean it would be better & if Kev- *Stops & then yells* Oh my God, Kevin! Joe: What you mean your big scardy-cat big brother? Nick: Yes him. I got to find him. You get dressed please while I go try to find him. Joe: No need, I know where he's at. Nick: You do? *Turns around to face him in time to see him putting on a pair of black boxers over his thighs & hips* Joe: Yep, he's actually waiting for you outside contemplating what he should do. Nick: How do you know this? Joe: Easy, your brother didn't go too far. At least while he's within a good range, I can still feel his presence & know what's going on with him & of course his location. Nick: Okay, well you stay here. I got to face him alone & make sure he's not too shaken up by all this. Joe: I'm coming with you. *Finishes putting on a pair of jeans & a t-shirt, adding a pair of sandals that seemed to fit me perfectly* Nick: No, Joe you gotta wait here. Joe: I'm afraid I can not. Nick: Why? Joe: I don't want to leave your side. Nick: *Blushes* B-but it'll only be for a few minutes. Joe: Doesn't matter, whatever the length of time ... I don't want to be without you. I've been without you for too long, no longer now that I've found you now. Nick: *Blush darkens; sighs* Kevin's not going to understand this. Joe: He will, maybe not as easily as you did, but he will eventually. Nick: Alright then. *Exhales* Follow me. Joe: Gladly. *Takes his hand* I'll be by your side. Nick: *Bashfully smiles* I'm only going to hold on for the remainder of the walk, once we get closer to the exit I'm going to let go. Joe: I understand, I don't really like it but I get it & will respect it. Nick: Thank you. Joe: *Nods* Your welcome. Nick: *Rambles then* What the heck am I going to say to him? Where do I begin? Joe: Want me to explain? Nick: I don't know if thats such a good idea. I need to ease you in gently, but how is the real question. Joe: I could show him my wraps if that would help you? Nick: Thats nice of you, but- Joe: Don't stress it Nick. I can always show him a little magic. Nick: *Stops walking* Magic? Joe: *Grins* Mm-hmm. *Shows him what I mean; makes a gold necklace appear in front of him* For you. Nick: M-me? *Stammers* Joe: Yes, its my gift to you, one of many I promise you. *Allow me; helps him put it on; smiles brightly* Very becoming. Nick: *Feels it against my skin; touches & traces it curiously* Joe: Do you like it? Nick: *Looks at him* Its very nice, Joe but you didn't have to give me this. Joe: I wanted to. You'll learn one of my favorite things that I already know I'm going to love is showering & spoiling you, along with loving you & taking care of you & much more. Nick: That is so .... Joe: *Stands still awaiting him to continue* Nick: Cheesy, yet so romantic. So you're trying to woo me? Joe: Yes. And I will continue to long after we're married & have a kid of our own. Nick: *Almost laughs* Marriage? A-a kid You mean adoption right? Joe: *Nods* Eventually in time we'll get married, although I do admit I wouldn't mind here & now. And as for adopting, no I actually meant try having a kid. Nick: *Laughs now* You serious Joe? Okay no to the marriage, we just met. As far as I'm concerned a date is still due here. And did I miss something, we're both dudes neither of us can conceive a kid of our own, its just not possible. Joe: Alright, so the marriage is on hold & of course, baby. A proper date is definitely in order. And actually, I have the magic to make it happen. Nick:Thats better. *Breath hitches* Y-you do? I-I ... w-w-e ... this is so s-suden ... Joe: *Kisses his cheek* Mmm. I know, thats why also in time we'll discuss this matter again whenever you're ready. Nick: Thanks, I guess. But back to Kevin, c'mon. *Takes his hand pulling him forward* Joe: *Smiles at him; enjoys letting him lead the way* Nick: *Before we could step out of the pyramid, I let go of his hand & walked directly with Joe towards Kevin. He was mumbling to himself still freaking out, in one hand he was staring at his cell probably debating who he should call for help without sounding crazy ... while in his right hand was a couple of matches? Where did he get those* Kevin! Kevin: *Gets out of my trance; looks up to see Nick coming over towards; instantly drops the things I was holding except for my cell, standing up to crush Nick close to me in a hug* Oh my God, Nick! You're okay, oh my God! I was so worried, I've been freaking out like maniac sitting trying to figure out a way to help you. I'm so sorry that I chickened out on you like a baby, that was not cool ... I shouldn't have done that. I didn't want to leave you alone like that, especially with that ... *Shivers unhappily* thing. Nick: *I hugged him back closing my eyes. At least he was alright, maybe not mentally right now but physically he was fine. I just let him talk & let it all out, waiting patiently till he finished* Kev, its okay really. I'm doing just fine, I was so worried about you too. I don't blame you for taking off like that, you were scared ... hey so was I. I get it, you don't need to say sorry so no worries okay? Listen, are you feeling better now? Kevin: *Lets out a breath* I'm better now that you're here. Nick: I'm glad, so about that whole ordeal- Kevin: Who's the guy? *Stops hugging the life out of my bro, points towards the guy hanging close to both of us* Nick: *Looks at Joe then back to Kevin* You better sit down for this. Kevin: *Nods not getting what's going on; expecting an explanation from my little bro* Nick: *Claps hands together* So ... first of all you were right, mummies do exist- Kevin: I told you so! Nick: Yes you did. Anyways, that one that freaked us both out at first well- Kevin: Please tell me its gone dude. I don't ever want to go near one again. Nick: Kev. *Sighs* Can you let me finish please? Kevin: Sorry, yes. *Zips it* Nick: As I was saying, basically you see this guy here right? Kevin: Yeah, so? Nick: *Gestures to him* He's the mummy. Kevin: *Laughs out loud* Ha ha ha, thats a good one Nick! For a moment, I thought you said that dude's "the mummy." *Air quotes* Nick: *Folds arms keeping my facial expression serious* That is what I said. Kevin: *Stops laughing then; looks at the guy then at Nick* You can't be serious dude. He's just a regular guy in casual clothes kind of mixed with your look. Sorry dude! *Shouts at him* He's mistaken you for someone else! Nick: Kev! I'm serious here, he is the mummy & he can prove it. Kevin: *Stands up to inspect the dude eyeing him scrutinizingly* Well the "mummy" prove yourself. Joe: *Speaks then to him* As you wish Paul Kevin the Second. *Creates a mist of imagines of what happened within the last ten minutes & more* Kevin: *Shocked; yelps* Aah! You are the MUMMY! Nick, get behind me. *Grabs Nick's arm pulling him behind me protectively* Don't come any nearer to us, mummy-dude- guy-thing! Nick: Kevin! Kevin: Sssh, I got this, this time. You may have "powers" or whatever but I'm not going down without a fight this time. Nick: *Steps away from Kevin's hands holding me away from Joe trying to show him its alright* Kevin: Nick! What are you doing, get back here. Nick: No, didn't you see everything he just showed you. *Looks at Joe* You might want to replay our part a little slower for him. Joe: *Nods once; shows Kevin what Nick wants* Kevin: *Eyes widen; finally shuts up* Joe: *Watches his face go from shocked to angry to confused & to pissed off* Kevin: You! *Looks at Joe* You kissed my brother, gross dude oh thats it, I'm going to kick your as- Nick: *Stops him* No, Kevin you don't have to do that. Kevin: *Struggling against Nick; wants to get pass my little bro* And why should I? The dude touched you & stuff! Nick: Kevin, its okay. Kevin: How's it okay? Nick: *Whispers into his ear* Apparently we're soul mates. Kevin: *Looks at him like he's absolutely crazy* Soul mates?! Dude did he mess with your common sense or something? Did he hypnotize you, cause I know you don't just kiss random strange guys or mummies for that case, you're not even- Nick: No, no & actually I like Joe & I am. Kevin: Say freakin' what?! Nick: You heard me the first time. Kevin: *Stops struggling then* You like guys? Nick: *Nods* Yes. Kevin: Since when? Nick: *Shyly averts eyes* For awhile now, I just never told you or anyone ever till ... now that is. Kevin: Seriously? Nick: Seriously dude. Kevin: *Looks at Joe* And you like him? Nick: Yes. Kevin: You both just met though. Joe: *Helps Nick then; puts arm around his shoulder* That may be, but I know a lot about him & you. As for him getting to know me, we've already talked about a date. Nick: *Blushes, smiling* Kevin: *Blows a dull raspberry* This is crazy weird & really unbelievable. Nick: Thats kind of what I said too. Kevin: This doesn't make any sense. Nick: Life does that a lot. Kevin: So I take you've found your ancient treasure? Nick: *Blushes* In a way yes. Kevin: *Mutters* Very weird. Well guess this ends our trip. Joe: *Adds in* I wouldn't say that. *Reveals a statue past the size of Kevin* See? Kevin: Holy buckets! *Exclaims* Thats HUGE! Oh my God! *Realizes then* We're rich, we're so rich! You dude/mummy, can you make any more of those? Joe: As many as either of you shall need. Kevin: *Laughs loudly* That'll work. Dude, *Claps a hand on his shoulder happily* I now approve of you. Whooo-hooo! *Jumps up & down very excitedly* Nick: *Rolls eyes* Sorry you'll have to excuse him, he's got an obsession over gold shiny objects & making money. Joe: No worries, if it'll please him & you, I'm happy to do it. Nick: *Chuckles* Just don't over do it, he'll take advantage easily. Joe: I see. So now thats settled, what do you say I get this statue to any museum you want? Nick: How'd you- Joe: Told you I know a lot about you. Nick: Hmm, interesting. Kevin: *Comes back over to them* So mummy dude, do you have a name? Joe: The name's Joe. Kevin: Cool, Joe. Well I have a question does this mean we don't need to worry about the plane seating for the trip home, cause lets face it economy sucks big time. Joe: Of course I can change both your seats from that ... right to first class, where you both should be. Kevin: *Grinning wide* I love this guy! Nick I definitely approve! So what are we waiting for, lets get out of this crazy hot heat & go home & cash in the GOLD, c'mon! *Gestures for them both to follow me back to the airport* Nick: *Face palms myself* Oh brother, typical money-crazed Kev so classic. And he just loves you cause you just made pretty much all his dreams come true. Joe: *Chuckles; keeps an arm wrapped around his shoulders as we walked away following in Kevin's direction* Its fine by me, besides I enjoy making dreams coming true. Nick: *Remembers then* Oh my gosh, our luggage & suff- Joe: Already packed & following us invisibly. Nick: *Looks behind me* You for real? Joe: Oh absolutely for real, see? *Shows him exactly what I mean* Nick: *Laughs* Whoa! Joe: Yeah, you know I got that a lot when I use to do this for people. Nick: Its unreal, I wouldn't have guessed magic actually existed. Joe: Well it is, its just been a secret. Nick: Hmm, probably for the best. So I guess we're going home now? Joe: If you want, wherever you want I'll take you & Kevin both, although I do prefer to just spend time with just you. Nick: Smooth & once again romantic. Joe: Mmm-hmm. So what's it going to be? Nick: Home for now since Kev's so eager, we can always come back to Egypt another time. Joe: Thats right. Nick: *So just like that Kevin, Joe & I caught a new flight back home ... this time sitting in first class. While the seats were a lot bigger & much more roomier, & of course included three meals, snacks & the drinks, Kevin was practically floating in heaven. Joe & I on the other hand spent most of time talking, asking each other question after question. By the time we arrived home at our airport, we headed back home ... Kevin called it a night & while I showed Joe our guest bedroom for now till we go on a date. As much as he wanted to share a bed with me (& maybe I with him), it was just too soon ... at least thats how I first thought till I heard my bedroom door open up creaking slightly. I then heard footsteps as a body climbed into my bed & snuggled me to its side* Joe? Joe: Well hi. *Greets him* Sorry did I wake you? Nick: No, I was awake anyways. Joe: Something on your mind? Nick: Or someone. Joe: Oh? Tell me more. Nick: *Hits his elbow smiling* Its obviously you. Joe: Mm. Okay I can explain myself, I know you told me to stay in the guest room & sleep there for the night till we got to know each other better or at least go on our first date ... &the more I thought about it ... the more I realized I just couldn't stand being away from you. And I promise its only for sleeping purposes, it will be that way until you tell me when you want to go any further. Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa thats an earful but I get it & accept it. The truth is *Sighs* I don't want to be away from you either, its a strong feeling ... I'm sure its like yours. *Blushes* Of course its going to be just sleeping. Joe: *Smiles; kisses his neck* That makes me happy hearing you say that & of course, baby. *Closes eyes* Do you think you'll sleep easier now? Nick: *Feels myself starting to relax; nods* I think so, thank you. Joe: Your so welcome, goodnight. Nick: Goodnight. *Falls asleep in his warm comforting arms drifting off with him. The next couple of days went by fast, but in short it all went amazing. My exhibit for the museum was a complete success & of course Kevin was crazy happy & giddy but not of his excitement was about the money, he was also really warming up to Joe & I dating which brings things to us ... our first date was a lot of fun, Joe went all out & serenaded me all night. Since then we've been spending loads of time together, even returned to Egypt while Kevin took a trip to the Bahamas. One month later, Joe asked me to marry to him & in so ... I happily agreed. For us, we didn't want to wait to be together any longer, which is why it was so easy to say yes to him. Our wedding was so fun & beautiful, it was the best day of our lives & with Kev crying at the very end, we just couldn't stop the smiles & hugs. Then for the honeymoon, it took place in New Zealand, in which our days were spent mostly in the water ... swimming & whatnot. In the, end Joe & I are so happy together, oh but before I wrap this little tale up ... one more thing, we're expecting our very first child together in approximately nine months* Nick: What should we name him or her? Joe: Hmm, would you like to know the sex first? Nick: You know?! Joe: Yes. *Beams* Nick: Oh my God! Of course I'd love to know. Joe: We're having a boy of our own. Nick: In that case I think I have a name. Joe: Lay it on me, baby. Nick: How do you feel about ... Finn? Joe: *Kisses him* I think its perfect. Nick: I love you. *Kisses him back* Joe: And I love you. *Hugs him* Nick: *He's so right, its perfect* Bonus Part: Kevin: What? *On my cell with Nick & Joe* Nick: *Tells him the great news* Kevin: *Faints for moment* Nick: Kev? ... Kevin? ... Kevin! ... Bro are you okay? Kevin: *Clears throat* I'm good! I'm still here, sorry I kind of- Joe: *Tells Nick* He fainted. Kevin: Pretty much. *Shrugs* Nick: Oh Kev, you sure you're alright? Kevin: Excellent now, well congrats you two! So does this mean I'm going to be an uncle? Nick: Thank you Kev & sure is. Kevin: Awesome! I'll be the best uncle ever! I'm so psyched! Nick: You sure will. *Knows he will be* Kevin: One last question guys before I let you all go ... is the baby going to be a baby mummy? Joe: Actually funny you mention that- Kevin: Oh my God, it is going to be isn't it?! Excuse me a minute .... *Screams just like I did when I met Joe face- to- face in his mummy form* Nick: Kevin get back here! *I tried to tell him; looks at the call seeing its been disconnected* He didn't let you finish. *Looks at Joe* Joe: *Shrugs* We'll tell him next time or maybe at the last minute to freak him out? Nick: Joe. *Chuckles cutely* Joe: I know, just kidding we'll tell him next time. *Winks* Nick: Thats more like it. *Pulls him in for a kiss* THE END Part Two: 2013 Jason: *Calling Nick waiting for him to answer* Nick: *Picks up my cell; sees J calling me* Hello? Jason: What up Nick? Nick: Nothing much man, just hanging. Jason: Oh c'mon you mean you're still at home when its New Years Eve? Nick: Yeah ... so? Jason: So what I mean is that you need to get out & have some fun & party. *Says it though like part-tey* Nick: I'm good, I'll pass you go on & have fun, I've got work tomorrow anyways. Jason: Dude thats not till 2:00 PM, you can sleep in all you want or heck call in sick. Nick: Not going to happen, besides I'm fine with just staying in. Jason: Thats so boring though. Nick: Is it? I can watch all the cool parties & stuff on TV thanks to all the programs on the lower channels so it'll be like I'm not missing a thing. Jason: But you're missing it really cause you're not outside. Nick: Its alright, besides you'll recap pretty much everything I didn't see later on or tomorrow. Jason: Whatever then dude, guess you're just going to be stuck inside your apartment all night, I'll call you tomorrow then, bye. *Hangs up* Nick: *Before I could say anything else he hung up on me* Hmm, thats odd. *Usually he's not so rude. Wonder what's eating him? I just shrugged it off as & went back to watching the usual New Years event with Ryan Seacrest* Jason: *Smirks as I just looked at Nick's name on my cell. He's not staying not tonight, not on my watch. So with determination & plan, I headed straight for Nick's place. Lucky he wasn't too far away from my own apartment, but by motorcycle its really fast. Once I arrived in front of Nick's apartment complex, I a parked alongside the street & went up the stairs & took an elevator to the very top (Nick loves living up high & with a view like his ... I sure don't blame him). Usually Nick prefers I knock instead of just barging in always uninvited, but recently I got a spare key made so I can go & come as I please. So pulling out the spare I put into the key lock & headed instead finding him sprawled out in his bed watching TV just as he said he would be doing. Oh brother, but never mind it still won't interfere with my plans* Nick: *Almost has a heart attack* Jason? ... How'd you get in? Jason: Lets just say I have my ways. *Goes to turn off his TV; walks over to sit on his bed* Nick: Uh what are you doing? I was watching that. Jason: Opps, my bad. Here's a thought why not forget watching it & come out & live it huh? Nick: I already told you that I- Jason: So? You're think I'm going to just take no for an answer? Nick: *Sighs* So you just came over to get me out? Jason: Yeah, even if I have to drag your butt kicking & screaming. Dude you act like you're fifty years old or even older, when in reality you're newly twenty ... come on & live a little. Nick: Thanks for calling me old. What does it matter to you anyways? Jason: I care about my accountant dork that's always working, who's also forgotten how to have fun. Nick: *Considers this. He might have a good point* Jason: *Knows I've struck a cord, continues* I promise it'll be mega fun. Nick: And you don't mind me tagging along? Jason: *Laughs* Had I minded do you think I would've gone through all of this? Nick: *Laughs with him* Guess not. Jason: So what's it going to be, willingly or non-willingly? Nick: Willingly & only cause you won't stop bugging me into I say yes. Jason: *Excitedly gets up* Awesome & might I add finally! Get dressed quick okay & oh don't forget a coat, gloves & a hat ... its FREEZING out there tonight. Nick: Will do. *Gets off the bed going towards my closet to find something to put on* Jason: *In the meantime I headed for the kitchen snacking on a bag of garlic pita chips that were crazy good (Nick gets them all the time, they're so addicting & very favorable)* Nick: *About fifteen minutes later I came back fully dressed & ready to go* Alright J ready. Jason: *Eyes trail over him; chuckles* Looking good man! Nick: Thanks, see you're killing my chips there. Jason: Ha, ha, ha yeah sorry can't help, they're just that good. *Puts them down* Alright lets go then. *Goes to his door* Nick: *Follows him; locks up my apartment* Jason: *Walks towards the elevator getting in with him; then we headed down the front stairs going straight over to my bike handing him my extra helmet I keep always on hand just in case* Here you go man.
Nick: Thank you. *Puts it on* So where's this party at? Jason: You'll see when we get there, climb on back. *Nods to him as I mounted my bike gearing up to leave* Nick: *Puts on the helmet; sits down behind him* Okay all set. Jason: Kay, hold tight back there! *Takes off speedily; nothing like the the thrill of the wind flying in your face* Nick: *Grips him tight; closes eyes. Now I'm used to being on his bike like this, but guess the way he takes off like a Speedy Gonzales I'm always at first a little nervous. Minutes flew by fast & soon enough I found he had stopped at a red light waiting for the the green-go-sign, taking a shaky breath thankful that he'd slowed down ... just like that the light changed & ended my quick break & again J took off so fast. He's got this need for speed & while its heart racing & all that, its sometimes too much at one time, of course if I ever voiced these thoughts of mine he'd just just dismiss it & be like: chillax Nick, let loose once & awhile or something like that. More time passed & then finally he stopped & parked* Jason: Here we are my friend, the party of the night. You okay back there? *Asks after he didn't say anything* Nick dude? Nick: Yeah. *I'd just about lost myself, but quickly regained my cool; gets off the bike taking off my helmet handing it back to him* Jason: Good. *Gets off taking his helmet & mine putting them away securely* For a moment I'd thought I'd lost ya. Alright so one more thing before we go on in ... here *Retrieves something handing it to him* put this on. *Gets my own putting it on* Nick: *Looks down at the item he'd handed me* What's this for? Jason: Oh! Did I mention this is a kind of masquerade kind of party? Nick: No. Jason: Well it is & its gonna be sick! Who knows you could meet someone here maybe & get a kiss or more. *Winks suggestively* Nick: *Blushes* I don't think so. Jason: Well don't write it off just yet, just be open kay its a party after all. *Begins to walk with him into the incredibly large white tent* Nick: If you say so, I'll give it a chance. Jason: Thats my Nick! *Swings an arm around his shoulder* Nick: *Walking inside it appeared even more huge than outside & talk about crowed ... they're were tons of people dancing, laughing, drinking, shouting, eating ... mingling & whatnot. There was a a DJ & a pretty good sized dance floor taking up a lot of the space* Wow. Jason: What? *I shouted* Nick: *Shouts too* I said wow! Jason: Oh, yeah isn't it?! I told you so! So catch you later okay! Nick: Wait! *Grabs his arm* Where are you going? Jason: I've got a date! Now why don't you get yourself one huh? Shouldn't be too hard, good luck. *Pats his shoulder leaving him* Nick: *Stands there watching him disappear into the crowd. Guess I shouldn't be so surprised. I sighed, well might as well go find a place to sit down or at least hang out so I'm not in the middle here on my own. So I walked finding a spot & just stayed there watching others, they were all having loads of fun loosing themselves in the moment* Jason: *Searches for my date working my way through the crowd* ???: *Taps his shoulder then* Looking for someone? Jason: Yes. *Doesn't turn around thinking its a girl wanting some attention* ???: Thought so. Looking for Gabe? Jason: *Eyes widen; turns around to see a young teen boy in front of me dressed up looking pretty hot with a mask* Gabe? ???: Hey, PJ. *Winks; then goes to hug him* Jason: *Hugs him back* Hey. *Smiles a lot* How'd you find me? ???: Easy, who else has blonde hair & cerulean eyes like you. Jason: A lot of people actually. ???: Well they don't compare to you. So care to take this conversation somewhere else ... somewhere a little more private? *Tugs at his hand* Jason: *Smirks* Eager aren't we? ???: Yes! Its been too long since we hung out & its New Years nearly & I wanna spend time with my boyfriend. *Whispers that last word into his ear leaning on my tippy-toes to reach his height* Jason: *Whispers back* C'mon then. *Leads him towards a private attached room thats secluded from the rest of the party* Good code names by the way, Bradley. Bradley: *Smiles proudly* I thought you'd like them. *Shyly leans up to his face near his lips* I missed you, Jason. Jason: I missed you too. *Touches his cheek* Bradley: Kiss me. *Begs hims* Jason: *Chuckles* Oh how I want to baby, but we've walked talked about this before ... we have to wait till you're a little bit older. Bradley: *Groans* But the age difference isn't too bad. And I got taller, I'm 4'10' now & I know you're 5'8" so at least we're close in height almost. Jason: Baby. *Reminds him, taking his hand* You're newly fourteen & I'm twenty-one, you know the rules ... I promise we'll be together soon enough. *Laughs* I noticed that, you're growing up, my sweet baby. Bradley: Fine, but we can still dance together in public right? I mean most people won't even be paying any attention to us. *Blushes* Yeah, so are you. *Nods at him* Jason: Of course, but nothing too intimate okay? Even if both of us want to be closer to one another, we gotta resist no matter how ... tempting it may be. *Wraps an arm around him* Thanks baby. Bradley: *Blushes more* I'll try Jason, but its not going to be easy. *Remembers* So where's Nick? Jason: Probably just watching others too afraid to join in. Bradley: I thought as much, thank goodness I brought my bro along. Jason: Awesome, so where is he? Bradley: Last I seen him he was on the dance floor dancing. Jason: Think we should help him find Nick? Bradley: Guess we should, after all that was the plan. You bring Nick & I bring my bro & we set them up & whatnot. Jason: Exactly, so shall we find them? Bradley: We shall & Jay? Jason: Yeah baby? Bradley: You look really hot tonight. Jason: *Ruffles his hair a little* So do you. Bradley: *Giggles loving the attention & sweet affection from him* Thanks. Jason: C'mon lets go find Nick. Bradley: Right behind you. *Follows him in search of Nick* Nick: *Meanwhile, after many minutes of standing & standing & even more standing I was thinking of just leaving & going home, maybe even catch a cab. Just as I was about to actually move other than shifting my weight back & forth from foot-to-foot ... a guy blocked suddenly blocked my way* Excuse me. *I tried to get past him* ???: Nick? Nick: *Looks at him strangely* How do you know my name? ???: *Chuckles* Guess you don't remember me & by all Bradley & Joe's descriptions of you I was hoping I got it right. I'm Joe. *Extends a hand* Nick: *Shakes his hand; still doesn't know who he is* Joe: *Sees this, tries again* You know Bradley? As in my little brother who always hanging around with your friend, Jason. Nick: Oh, ... Joe. *Now I remembered him* Sorry I guess its just been awhile, how are you? Joe: Doing great, what about yourself? Nick: Great too. How's *Trying to remember what he does for a living* ... Joe: Work? Nick: Yeah. *Nods* Joe: Its awesome! I've been doing a lot of big assignments lately & recently I got one of my photos included in a magazine! Nick: Really? Wow congrats, thats really cool Joe! Joe: Thanks. So what about you? You're an accountant right? Nick: Yes. *Blushes knowing that its not exactly the coolest job, but it pays the bills & its a living* Its been same old same as always, long work days but its great I like it a lot. Joe: *Nods* Thats good. *Chuckles warmly* So *Smiles at him* want to dance? *Asks him randomly* Nick: Oh ... I-I don't dance. Joe: *Understands* No worries, I'll lead. *Winks* Nick: *Blushes* But really I'm not good, I'm not really coordinated when it comes to dancing. Joe: Then I'll show you. *Extends a hand for him to take* Nick: You sure? Joe: Trust me I don't mind. Nick: *Smiles a little* Okay. *Takes his hand letting him lead me out to the dance floor* Joe: *Finding a good spot, I started to dance showing him my moves* Just watch me & then you try & you can give it your own style, make it your own. Nick: Kay. *Watches him; chuckles. He was slick & definitely had lots of swagger. His moves seemed to come naturally* Joe: *Comes back to him* Alright your turn, show me what you've got. Nick: *Exhales; moves with the music getting into the beat* Joe: *Smiles widely. I knew he had it in him* Nick: *Suddenly the song changed then; stops dancing hearing the lyrics play* I feel so close to you right now It's a force field I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal Your love pours down on me, surrounds me like a waterfall And there's no stopping us right now I feel so close to you right now Joe: Awesome, some Calvin Harris! C'mon Nick you were doing so great, keep it up! *Dances with him* Nick: *Dances with him deciding to let go* (Dance beat plays) Joe: *Takes his hand pulling him in closer & closer as we continued to dance* Nick: *Smiles allowing him to bring me closer to him* I feel so close to you right now It's a force field I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal Your love pours down on me, surrounds me like a waterfall And there's no stopping us right now I feel so close to you right now Joe: *Twirls him then* Nick: *Giggles at this spin on things* (Dance beat plays) Joe: *Pulls him close, in & out of twirls & spins, adding in a few bouncing up & down on toes moves to jazz things up* Nick: *Following & mimicking his moves, I just beamed having a blast dancing with him* Joe: *It felt like just the two of us, no one else ... all others faded & didn't matter nothing but Nick & I, here & now* Nick: *Every time he pulled me closed I laughed happily, oh God just being here with him ... I'd almost forgotten what it was like to just forget about the rest of the world & just have fun* Joe: *Sings the next verse* And there's no stopping us right now (Oh) Nick: *Follows his lead singing the second one* And there's no stopping us right now (Oh) Joe & Nick sing together: And there's no stopping us right now (Oh) I feel so close to you right now (Dance beat plays) Joe: *When the song had faded into a new one, we both caught our breath, looking at each other, laughing, smiling* Nick: *Chuckling & beaming* Jason: *Finds them then; smirks in their direction* Looks like they find each other. Bradley: Looks like it & I'm seeing a lot of smiling & flirting going on, guess our work here's done. Can we please dance now? Jason: Of course, baby. *Leads him to the dance floor when a familiar song came on* Bradley: *Wiggles eyebrows cutely at him; dances with him* Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in So shame on me now Flew me to places I'd never been So you put me down, oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in So shame on me now Flew me to places I'd never been Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble I knew you were trouble when you walked in Trouble, trouble, trouble I knew you were trouble when you walked in Trouble, trouble, trouble! Nick: *For the rest of the night, Joe & I danced the night away eventually noticing Jason & Bradley dancing with each other having a ball* Joe: *Eyes them* Do you think they're together? Nick: Like together together? Joe: Yeah. Nick: *Shrugs* If so, they make one sweet couple. Joe: I guess, but like I told my bro he's not dating officially till he's like eighteen. Nick: Aww. *Smiles at him* Joe: *Brings my attention back to Nick* So speaking of sweet couples, how do you feel about being one? Nick: *Laughs* Is this your way of asking me to be your boyfriend? Joe: Pretty much, so what do you think? *Nervous, hoping he'll say yes* Nick: I think ... *Pauses pretending to think & drag it out making him squirm a little bit more* yes. Joe: Yes? Nick: Yes. Joe: He said yes! *Hugs him tightly* Nick: *Hugs him back; hears the countdown then in the background* 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ... Jason: *Counting with my baby* Bradley: *By his side, looking at him the whole time* 5, 4, 3 ... Joe: Two! Nick: *Along with him & everyone else* One! Happy New Year! Joe: *Pulls Nick in for a kiss then* Nick: *Closes eyes smiling kissing him back as he pulled me as close as possible to his chest; holds onto him* Jason: *As much as I wanted to do the same with Bradley, I knew we couldn't & by the look of my little boyfriend's face, he wanted exactly that ... thats when an idea popped into my head & I grinned leaning down to kiss his cheek, seeing how everyone else was too busy to notice anything* Bradley: *Not expecting the cheek kiss, I blushed brightly & I smiled. It wasn't a kiss kiss, but this'll do* Jason: *Hugs him* Bradley: *Hugs him back, clinging to him* Nick: *Still kissing Joe* Joe: *Sharing a deep kiss with him; murmurs to him* Happy 2013 Nick. Nick: Happy 2013 Joe. ~ THE END ~ A/N: Additional characters were Jason Dolley & Bradley Steven Perry from Good Luck Charlie (GLC) Part Three: Arachnid I arrived in a new land of nothing but darkness, nothing like anything I'd ever seen before. A world without light, I'd arrived ... in the land many feared. A land ... of arachnids. I was betrothed to the King without not so much as a say in the decision. I now belong to him. I have yet to meet him. But the thing is do I want to meet him? Some stranger? A King I've heard been called a monster literally. If it wasn't a responsibility being a prince, including it being orders from my parents, my own decision would've not be marriage, not like this. ???: Prince Nicholas? A female voice caught my attention then as I finally reopened my eyes, of course I couldn't see anything but I could hear & sense a presence near. Nick: Who's there? ???: Pleased to meet you my Prince & welcome you to our land, my name's Myah. Nick: *Nods not really sure if its a pleasure to be here, I pushed the thought of being rude right away* Nice to meet you too & thank you. Do you think you could create some sort of- Myah: Light? *Winces at the thought of it* As you're requesting it, of course. *Creates a small amount of light enough for him to see around himself but not far enough to see me* Better? Nick: Much, thank you again. *Taking in finally where it is I stood or actually laid, I found myself lying on a cold white tile shower with no curtain on my right side. I shivered not liking this already, noticing for the first time I was completed naked except for a very thin see-through cover wrapped around my lower half. Gasping I frowned* Where are my clothes? Myah: *Repeats the Kings orders* The King prefers you'd be as you are now. Nick: That doesn't answer my question. Myah: No matter, your clothes aren't needed my Prince. Nick: So if I wanted to look around other than being ... here, he wants me to walk around like this? Myah: Of course not, that there is a different matter. Is that what you want to do then? Nick: Yes, it is. Myah: Very well, I'll be back with your trousers then ... wait here. She left me alone for that time in being, when she returned she tossed me a pair of white silky trousers that reminded me of genie pants if I didn't know better. I raised an eyebrow catching the soft material. Myah: Just put it on, unless you prefer to go nude outside I suggest wear them. *Beginning to be frustrated with him* I wasn't amused by her tone & neither by her orders, but nevertheless being clothed was a better choice by far. I cleared my throat & motioned to her in hopes she would get what I wanted but didn't say. Myah: *Rolls eyes even though he can't see me; turns away from him* Just get dressed. *Hisses* And so I did & quickly not only because it was very uncomfortable being naked & so bare like this, but even more it was unbearably cold. Once I had them on, I felt a little better but still my chest was still unclothed. I figured Myah wasn't in a mood to get anything more for me, so I used the smallish see through cover I'd been given from the start to use it as a short of blanket or shawl. It wasn't much but it worked. Myah: Ready to leave, my Prince? Nick: Yes. *Confirms* Myah: *Moves then crawling away* Follow me. Nick: How? I can't even see you? Myah: *Groans angrily* Guess you're on your on then. *Disappears* Nick: Myah? *Waits for her to respond back but she doesn't* Myah? *I tried again & again with not so much as response* She'd actually left me alone. Squaring my shoulders I took the dimly lit what appeared to be a small lantern taking in the rest of the room. From across the shower was a large king-sized bed with black sheets, everything in the room itself was black except for the white shower & my garments. Even the lantern was black. The room itself was fairly large more so than my bedroom back home was, must be for their size else how else would they move about in such cramped living quarters. There wasn't any windows, it had nothing on the walls. There wasn't anything other than the bed. Next to the shower was just a small toilet & a black sheet covering something, curiosity getting the best of me I pulled at the sheet & in so it revealed a previously covered mirror. Why would this be covered & hidden like that? How strange ... deciding to ponder it later I wanted to get out of this dark black ruled room. I walked over to the doors greatly surprised to find two incredibly large-oversized doors. This had to be for the King himself & whomever else of his species to get through inside. As odd as it was, as I went to attempt to grab the door handle ... it creepily opened on its own. I shivered in fear & called Myah's name again, still nothing as far as I knew I was still very alone. Hesitatingly I walked out of the room into another dark hallway except everywhere I looked were millions of webs lining corners & above the ceiling. Gulping I ventured on cautiously using my only light source, continuing to walk & walk ... it never seemed to end. Above all I didn't want to run into anyone, I was already full of fear as it was. Finally I came to a large room filled with many different ways to go. It was then that I found myself lost, every way looked the exact same. Everywhere I looked were thick & eerie webs hanging & connecting from different corners. I was lost in a maze, it was then that I began to pant softly. Now I wished I would've stayed back in the room. Maybe I can find my way back? But when I looked around I got so confused on the direction I'd come from. I didn't want to make a mistake in wandering down the wrong hallway. Why did there have to be so many? And its not like there was any signs or someone I could ask. I was stuck, cold & afraid. I closed my eyes wishing I was back home in my room. I don't like it here, I don't belong, this is all a mistake. This can't be where I'm going to spend the rest of my life, I refuse to believe that thought. ???: Looking for something? Nick: *Spins around* M-yah? ???: *Scoffs* Nope, I'm Rian. Nick: *Gasping almost dropping my lantern all I could see staring at me beadily in the darkness were two large red eyes* Rian: Let me guess, Prince Nicholas right? Nick: *Nods too afraid too speak to him* Rian: *Chuckles loudly* Thought so, who else would you be. Lost? Nick: *Nods again* Rian: *Snickers* Aw too bad I guess, now you get the pleasure of my company. *Moves closer to him* Nick: *Backs away* Rian: If you back away anymore from me you'll end up in a sea of webs & judging how scared you look I take it its not something you really want to be covered in. Nick: *Stills feeling my body shake more* Rian: Good Prince. *Croons* Nick: *Looks down not wanting to look into those eyes any longer* Rian: *Eying him* Interesting knew he would chose white. Nick: *Stutters* W-what do you m-mean? Rian: *Smirks* Looks like someone's found their voice. Lets just say you'll know soon enough. Nick: *Asks him something else then* C-could you please show me the way back to- Rian: To the King's chambers? Nick: *Nods* Rian: Hmmp. Nick: Please. Rian: Begging me already. *Laughs darkly* Nick: Please. *Repeats* Rian: All in good time, besides the King's not back anyways & clearly Myah abandoned you. And knowing her she probably got frustrated having to babysit a young child Prince. And now here we are & you've already met I'm guessing your second arachnid. Unlike Myah, I don't plan on leaving. Want to know why? Nick: *Not in particular, nor do I answer him* Rian: *Continues* Its rare to get to play with a human Prince so pure & innocent, this'll be fun well I'm sure for me not for you. *Moves a little closer* Nick: *Shaking like a leaf* Leave me alone. *Tries to reason with him* Rian: *Snarls* You're in NO position to be calling the shots. Nick: *Tries to flee then feeling him coming closer to me* Rian: Trying to run? I LOVE a good chase & catching prey! *Lets him run down a random hallway till deciding it was time to chase after him* Nick: *Running as fast I could clutching my cover & the lantern in my other hand I picked the closest hallway going down it. I was breathing heavy scared to death of him catching up to me. I gave it everything I had continuing to run* Rian: *Gaining on him & fast, although I could just easily stop him I really enjoy the hunt* Nick: *I wish I could loose him but nothing was looking in my favor, the hallway went on & on just like the last* Myah: *Growls then jumping in front of Rian* Enough! Rian: Well look who it is, came back to save him now My? Myah: *Tackles him* Back off! Rian: *Hisses back at her* No! Myah: If the King learns of this, you'll be banished for good! *Warns him* Rian: Do I care? All I wanted was to have a little fun girl, now get the hell out of my way! Myah: Very well! *Uses my power to render him paralyzed* Rian: *Crashes down with a heavy thud onto the ground* That whole time I remained behind her shaking badly watching them fight against each other. Finally now I could see her form better now, she was equally large in size as was he, though she seemed to get the upper hand in seconds. Myah meant business. Myah: *Growls happily* How you like be now b***h! *Groans in irritation* I always hated him. You okay, my Prince? Nick: Y-yes. Myah: Good. Lets get back then cause this definitely concludes the tour. *Ushers him to follow me* Stay close, don't want any more idiot males with egos trying to mess with you. Nick: *Follows her immediately* T-thank you for saving me. Myah: *Laughs* Don't think too much of it, plus I don't want a freaking beating from the King. If you were harmed, man he would've ... *Stops herself* lets just say you don't want to f**k with him or things that belong to him. Nick: *Inwardly shivers & winces not liking what I'm hearing* Seconds later we arrived back at the King's chambers & again the door opened on its own this time both of the doors opened at once. She nodded me in first & then I turned expecting her to follow inside with me. Nick: Aren't you coming? Myah: No, this is where I'm bowing out & for good this time. The King is expected back soon & I suggest you rest up for your meeting with him. Nick: B-but what about- Myah: Don't worry about Rian, he's paralyzed so he's not going to be moving anytime soon, you're safe my Prince. I must leave you now, just know if you attempt to leave this time you'll find you won't be able to. I think its best these doors remain locked until the King unlocks them. *Seals the doors leaving him* And just like the door shut & locked, no say in anything or even convincing her otherwise. I sighed finally relaxing & actually thankful to be safe again ... for the moment. I set the lantern down on the ground & climbed onto the bed pulling back the sheets going underneath hoping to generate some warm at least. I closed my eyes & images of my attacker flashed in my mind still too fresh for my liking. I winced & tried my hardest to push those horrid memories away of being so frightened & helpless. I squeezed my eyes together hard trying to steady my breathing. I really hope I'm safe in here. Now really more than anything I want to leave. What sort of kingdom is this? Its more like a nightmare, a really bad one. Already I've witnessed too much. I don't want to be trapped here. The King sounds like everything I thought he is, ruthless, evil, violent, power hungry, & above all not human. How could my parents just give me away like gift to such a creature? I'm crying now, my energy is getting low. I pray with with all my might to wake up & find it all a bad dream ... one I'd be more than happy to forget. King's POV Arriving back at my palace, I crawled fast towards my chambers anxiously eager to meet my young husband. Upon reaching my bedroom doors, Myah stopped me from entering. Myah: *Bows low* Sire. King: Rise. How's he? Myah: Exhausted I'm sure, its been a rough transition for him. King: What do you mean? Myah: *Instead of repeating verbally I showed him using my power yet again* King: *Growls angrily after seeing everything Rian had did* I'll kill him! Myah: By all means, but might I suggest something sire? King: What? *Spits* Myah: Perhaps you might want to be try a more humane solution. King: Humane? *Eyes narrow at her* Myah: Just saying your future partner is pretty shaken up over everything, how do you think he'll be like when he learns of Rian's insolence results in death? King: Point taken, Myah. Very well, I won't kill Rian but he's definitely banished & while you're at it erase his mind. Myah: As you wish, sire. I'll see to the task right away. King: Very good & Myah? Myah: Yes, sire? King: Thank you for defending Nicholas in my absence. Myah: *Bows* It was my pleasure, sire. *Leaves him to be* Entering inside both double doors opened as I went on in, everything was as I'd left it except for the addition of having a boy lying in my bed tucked in. He looked worn hence asleep as can be. I wish I hadn't been gone so long now. I'm thankful that Myah was there to protect my new treasure from harm, had she hadn't been there ... I don't want to even imagine what could've happened. I wanted nothing more to finish off Rian, I was fuming beyond belief. Thanks again to Myah, she made me see a different alternative. Looking down at this sleeping angel, I can see she was right. He's very young, younger than I'd imagined him to be. I've been told he's so pure & innocent, but what they'd left out was ... so perfectly beautiful. So this was my Prince, my partner, my husband, my lover-to-be, my mate. I could live happily at last, with him I knew even maybe for the first time in my whole entire being ... I could have a chance at love. Of course I'll have to woo him & work hard to gain his trust. In time I pray I'll earn that right, for him to trust me & not fear who & what I am. I know I've been called a monster & worse, its all true. I am one. Its why I proposed this marriage, I knew I needed someone ... to help me change ... become less of a creature of darkness. I needed someone who's light shines bright, someone exactly like who is now lying in my bed. He's mine now, he belongs to me. I have my savior, my salvation, my light in this wicked world of nothing but shadows. I watch him intently studying my Prince very carefully taking in all he is on the outside. From what I observe, I'm loving every about him. His brown thick curly hair upon his head, his milky white skin, his pink lips, his freckles adorned on his face, his long eyelashes & I bet soft to touch eyebrows. I'm confident if I were to touch him I wouldn't be disappointed at the soft skin from head to toe. Soon I remind myself, I'll have that pleasure. I wouldn't dare touch him in this monster form. I don't want to scare any further. I want to show him that I can & will change for him, that I will become better. He stirs then & right then & there my heart leaps in fear I've woken him & just like he rises so in quick attempt I move out of range of light from the lantern on the ground not wanting him to see me just yet. Nick: *Awakes gasping* H-hello? .... *Trembles* I-is someone there? Its now or never I tell myself, shallowing I speak to him. King: Forgive me my Prince, I'm sorry I startled you. Nick: *Doesn't recognize this voice* W-who are you? King: My name is King Joseph, its a pleasure to meet you at last. Nick: *Heart races thumping loudly in my chest as I shallowed nervously replying back* I-I'm Prince Nicholas. Joe: *Nods* I'm very sorry to have woken you up in the midst of your sleep & even more sorry about your earlier encounter. *Tries to keep my voice even tempered* Nick: *Nods back looking down not bothering to speak of the incident* Joe: *Feels everything he felt from the moment he'd first woken up with Myah. Instantly I felt terrible & ashamed, my whole world & subjects including myself is scaring him to death. He wants nothing more than to leave this place. I should've known this would happen. I can't expect him to be happy he's here with him, but I can hopefully in time change his mind about things ... me, especially his feelings of me. He knows everything I am & is judging me harshly by it, not that I blame him. I would do the same if it was me. I want to take fear all away, but how do I start? He's right in the sense we're both complete strangers to each other, nothing more at the moment. Still ... I want to show him everything is alright, assure he's safe with me* Nick: *I can feel him staring at me, but I refuse to look into his eyes. As far as everything is concerned, I'm still very afraid even with his apology. It might be a pleasure to him, but its not to me & I don't think it will ever be. I don't want this life, not with him. I don't care to get to know him. I don't wish to even speak with him. I roll on my right side, my back now to him. I don't care to look at him. I've already seen enough, all these imagines which we continue to haunt me. I wish he'd chosen someone else, why did it have to be me? Of all the princes why ME? Even more so why did my parents so easily give in & give me to him? What did I ever do to deserve this? Is this punishment? Is my fate to be chained here forever with this creature? At that point of his thoughts, I couldn't take it any longer wincing with every sentence it had shattered my heart. Joe: *Tells him through our mind link in which he's about find out about. Nicholas I'm so sorry for everything, I truly am* Nick: *Eyes widen in fear* Joe: *Please you don't have to be afraid, let me explain. The moment you awoke a few minutes ago allowed me to gain access to all your thoughts inside your mind. Its a special connection for us to get to know each other & understand one another & in time grow comfortable to use it as a form of communication when spoken words aren't necessary* Nick: *Y-you're invading my personal space now? What makes you think I want you to know what I'm feeling, thats private* Joe: *And once again I'm sorry for that, but I needed to share this with you. I understand but I want to help you* Nick: *If you really want to help me you'd send me back home & choose someone else* That hurt me, every word. This wasn't going the way I'd wanted it to. I bowed my head in shame. He resents me. Nick: *Shockingly I heard everything he was thinking & feeling in turn. I sat up then actually forgetting my fear of him to look at him. What I could make out faintly was a large body standing near the doors* W-why? *I needed to know the reason* Joe: *Answering him without lifting my head* Because of your light, because of everything I've heard you to be ... a humble, shy, & above all there's a good aura about you. Nick: I don't understand. Joe: I don't expect you to. Nick: *Apart me didn't want to know what he meant, but my curious side always got the best of me* You want me to help you? Joe: Yes. I know being betrothed to someone like me is the last thing you'd ever want, but I still want to make a change if not for myself ... then for you. Nick: Why for me? You don't know me. Joe: I know you're special & I already know I'm drawn to you, I can't choose another now. I may not know you, but I want to try if you will let me. Nick: *That caused me to blush. Why did his endearments effect me then? Back home I've never been called as special & neither has anyone shown interest in me like this ... its all so new to me* Joe: *Smiles for the first time actually satisfied that I could create such a reaction from him just like that. Thats because it suits you & you like being valued that way. Anyone who hasn't shown you any interest is in my opinion a fool. You're very special, so beautiful* Nick: *My cheeks warmed more at this. I wasn't used to this form of communication where he could easily see through & feel my mind. Hearing him say that though rendered me speechless. T-thank you* Joe: *You needn't thank me because what I've said is true. How others haven't dawned on the realization don't see you. But piccolo I see you for all you are* Nick: *Nods to him, chuckles ever so softly at the pet name. You think me small & young don't you? I am though* Joe: *At first yes, but seeing you awake I find it very adorable. How old are you?* Nick: *Shyly I looked down & shifted a little answering him. I'm sixteen. H-how old are you?* Joe: *Sixteen. I smiled. What a perfect age still a boy onto growing into a man soon enough. I chuckled. This might be a bit of a shock, but I'm thirty years old* Nick: *Just when I thought my blush was gone, it came right back at full force. And it wasn't him mentioning how he seemed to like my age. It was his age that shocked me. I'd expected him to be older* Joe: *You mean like 100 right?* Nick: *W-well ... kind of?* Joe: *Finds this fairly amusing. Sorry to disappoint but I'm still a young arachnid. Others though in my Kingdom are among that age not so much Myah & ... Rian. Once again anger took over mentioning the traitors name* Nick: *Its still a fourteen year age difference though. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise to me, but it is. I really am the young one. I'm a child compared to him. He's at least a man. I'm just a boy. Wait since when am I comparing myself to him? But then ... I felt his wrath towards Rian for almost ... W-why did he-* Joe: *Oh, Nick. I wished I could hold him then, but I knew I couldn't. Our age difference makes no never mind to me. You may be young & yes a child & a boy, its alright I promise you. I'm confident in time you'll continue to grow into a even more beautiful man. And as for Rian, his motives were corrupting him because he was aroused. He's an evil sick son of b***h for even coming near you, let alone trying to touch you. Thats why I wanted to ...* Nick: *Y-you want to hold me? You truly see me as this way? Wincing & still blushing I bit my lip. K-k-kill him? D-did you-* Joe: *Yes. I want nothing more to pull you into my arms. I detest this form & even more because its repulsive. I'm ashamed to be in your company like this. You being here soothes me though. I see you Nick, all of your beauty. As for Rian, no I didn't* Nick: *I felt my heart beat faster. I could imagine him doing that, but why did I see instead did I see a human figure in the darkness holding onto me closely like I was the only thing that mattered in the world. I could feel how much he hates himself. I didn't expect him to feel so remorseful & even more so ... feel how much he already values how I view him. To him its like he's saying he doesn't deserve me. I-I soothe you? Admittedly being showered with adoration like this was doing something to me, I felt shy & my body felt warm too now. I hadn't expected that ending answer, but then before I could ask--I saw exactly what went down when he arrived ... with his conversation outside the doors with Myah & what exactly happened to Rian* Joe: *You are the only one that matters the most to me, you are my world as far as I'm concerned. And I do value how you see me because I want to change. I don't deserve your kindness or love, I humbly hope I can earn that from you. Sighing I continued explaining to him how even in our short minutes of speaking at last ... already I feel calmer. Its feeling I haven't feel in a long time. So this is what it feels like. I'm pleased my thoughts of him are showing his soft side, one I definitely want to continue to see & learn more about. No more of those two for now, may I ask you to stand?* Nick: *This side of him, I had no expected & it was throwing me for a loop. But it also was making me see him in a new light. He sounds sincere & I believe him. By trusting him for now, I hope I'm making the right decision. I'm less in fear, but still very wary of this whole situation. Knotting my suddenly nervous fingers together, I don't know why I complied with his request but I pulled from the sheets & covers rising from the bed standing still close it just for safe measure* Joe: *Speaks aloud then* Come closer ... please. Nick: *Looks down questioning this* Why? Joe: I wish to see you closer standing as you are now. Nick: *Again complying I walked slowly over in front of the bed moving a few steps away from it ... almost close enough to him but not too much* I-I'm not comfortable moving any further. Joe: I understand & where you are is absolutely fine. *Eyes him up & down* Nick: *Trembles under his gaze* W-why are you staring at me? Joe: I'm admiring you. Nick: *I understand what that means but I don't get why* Joe: Because of you I choose that garment for you. *Points to his trousers with one of my many legs* Nick: *Eyes widen as I caught sight of one of his hairy covered skinny legs pointing in the direction of my pants. Trying my best not to freak out I gulped* W-which reminds me ... want to explain why I was left in shower lying freezing cold & n-naked? Joe: *Feeling his fear I quickly retracted my leg away from his sight* I originally wanted to be here for your arrival but my duties prevented that. When humans travel from other Kingdoms & come into mine ... well they always arrive as you did. Its a common, which is why I sent Myah to welcome you. As for the cold factor, I'm sorry for that ... we're all so used to the temperature, I didn't even consider changing it for you but now I will. *Assures him making the room warmer for him with my power* Nick: *This is normal & common? Shaking it aside I added in more* Thank you. But then why did she say you w-wanted me to be naked that you 'preferred' me that way? Joe: I'll admit it the thought did cross my mind, but I knew it was inappropriate & how she knew that I would think like that ... she knew it was an obvious temptation for me. I won't lie I do want to see you like that, but I won't push you to show me. Only you get to decide that in the end. Nick: *Fidgets gaping at his explanation* Joe: I want to earn your trust Nick, I don't want to force you anything. I just want to be with you, take care you, protect you & love you. Nick: *I nodded hoping he really meant what he said, blushing in turn yet again* Joe: I mean every word & I will prove it to you, I promise. Nick: If you say *Yawns sleepily then trying not to show it* ... so. Joe: *Chuckles fondly* I see you're tired, its okay you can go back to sleep if you want. Nick: *Takes him up on that suggestion climbing back into the bed* Joe: *Smiles* Sleep well. Nick: You too. W-wait where will you sleep? Joe: Don't worry, I'll be near. Rest your eyes piccolo. Nick: *Blushes wrapping myself in the familiar sheets & blankets whilst murmuring one last thing* Good night-t. Joe: Goodnight, my Prince. I watched him for the rest of the night even when he finally relaxed & fell back in the comfort of sleep. Soon enough ... he'll wake again in the morning & he won't find me. I wanted to tell him before he fell out but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He's been through a lot for one day. Plus learning of a curse isn't something easy to bring up. At least tomorrow he won't fear me, but he'll be confused. I'll explain though how it works & hope for the best. Nick's POV Waking up the next morning, at least I think it was ... though I guess I couldn't assume anything. Its not like there was an alarm clock or anything to remotely to tell me the time of day or night. I sighed & rose from the comfort of the warm sheets & covers taking time to stretch & testing my limbs. Joe: Morning Nick. *Creates light allowing him to see everything in the room excluding myself* Nick: *I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the light, also seeing a transformation from a completely black room to a white one. I didn't see anyone in sight though* H-ello? Joe: I'm here. Nick: W-where? I don't see you. A-are you invisible? Joe: Not exactly, I'm ... *Admits bashfully* hiding. Nick: Oh. *I bit my lip* You don't have to, its okay if don't you want to come out. I won't be scared. Joe: Okay ... *Decides then* I'll come out, but try & keep an open mind is all I ask. Nick: *Nods* Joe: *Allows myself to appear from being blended in to the now white walls. Everything was white, everything in the whole room* Nick: *Gasps seeing a man walking slowly over to me* Joe: Its me, Nick. *I tried to reassure him* Nick: K-king Joseph-h? Joe: Yes, though you don't have to call me that. I go by Joe too. *Smiles at him* I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing & what my ears where hearing. This is Joe? This whole time, I thought he just a arachnid. Now he shows another side of him? His human-self? Already this was shaping up to be very confusing. Joe: Allow me to explain piccolo please? I could only nod waiting for him to shed some light on the explanation. Joe: Okay. *I breathed thankful he was willing to hear me out* So with being an arachnid or spider as its commonly named ... our species have been cursed for millennia's maybe even more. We weren't always like this, we weren't always eight-legged freaks. We were all human first. Why we were cursed to become hairy monstrous creatures of darkness & webs was beyond us. To this day its still unknown, but our curse has a bit of an upside. Every other day we are able to become human. And today is that for me & the rest of my subjects. But this will only last till midnight & when you rise tomorrow morning I will be back to being a spider. Its a pattern, it goes on endlessly. While a lot of us are grateful for the temporary effect, we all wish it would stay permanent. After learning the truth about him, after he'd finished I just stayed quiet. It all made sense now, why he disliked being what he was. Him being a human now made it more comfortable., but apart of me didn't want to judge anymore than I already had before I knew the full story. Joe: *Slumps understanding his complete silence hearing all his thoughts* Nick: *After so much silence, I got off the bed & went over to him standing before him* Joe: *I stared at him partly in confusion & in hopefulness that he was giving me a chance* Nick: *We stared into his each others getting lost for some time when finally I just hugged him* I'm sorry about what I thought & said about you before. *Whispers* Joe: *He was hugging me. He was showing me compassion. I couldn't believe it. Unmoving I just stood there at first not sure what to do until he whispered those words to me* You don't have be sorry, when its all my fault I'm- Nick: Sssh. *I told him him softly, smiling into the hug chuckling* You know you can hug me back. Joe: You want me to, really? Nick: *Chuckles again* Yes, I'm not afraid anymore. Joe: But I'm a- Nick: I know that, but its okay. Joe: You ... accept me? Nick: I do. Joe: That easily? Nick: *Nods* Yes ... Joe. *Speaks his name for the first time* Joe: *Feels a wonderful warmth swirling in me as I grinned in what felt like ages for me as I hugged him back* You spoke my name. Nick: *Pulls back to see him staring at me with a different look* I-I did. *Shyly smiles* Joe: Oh thank you, Nick. *Gingerly takes his hand kiss the top of it tenderly* Nick: *Full on blushes watching him in fascination. This why yet another side I wouldn't have pictured. Honestly it had been an interesting 24 hours. I went from fearing everything here including him to actually beginning to care about him* Joe: *Randomly asks him after letting go of his hand* Would you like some breakfast? Nick: *As he mentioned breakfast, my stomach spoke for me causing my face to heat up from embarrassment* Y-yes. Joe: *Smiles warmly at him* I figured so, I'll make something for us both. Have any favorites? Nick: Well ... I-I ... Joe: Don't be shy, I'll make anything you want. Nick: *Shifts weight to my other foot* Well I really like french toast. Joe: An excellent choice. I'm on it. Nick: But um ... where will you cook & start? I don't see a kitchen. Joe: *Chuckles* Doesn't mean its not there when I need, especially now that I have another to feed. Watch this. *Shows him the kitchen* Nick: *Eyes blink* Wow, so it was there all along? Joe: Yep. I usually keep it invisible when I turn into you know cause I don't need it then. Nick: Makes sense, you need space to move. Joe: And also I don't eat that kind of food. Nick: R-right. *Nods trying not to think of that* Joe: Sorry. Nick: Its okay. Joe: You don't have to say that, I know its gross & sickening. Nick: *Grimaces but still tries* You can help what you eat when you have a stomach to fill. Joe: Its a way to look at it. *Works my way around the kitchen staring my preparation* I watched him take all the needed ingredients & essentials curiously. He seemed to know exactly what to do. And in no time I could smell the food's aroma floating in the air. It smelled so good. Is was then while watching him I really took in every detail of him. He was taller than me by a few feet or maybe more. His skin was similarly the same color as mine, we matched. It also occurred to me that he was wearing all white as well, a thin v-neck that showed his chest ... wait why did my eyes linger there. Moving on he was wearing boxers that framed him well, oh God now I'm staring down there too. What's with me? Shaking my creeping blush coming up, I forced myself to focus on other details of him. He had the same brown eyes & eyebrows while his were much more bushier than mine. I giggled inwardly at their thickness. Around his lips was a small patch of facial hair growing in a bit, making him look even more handsome. Wait what did I just think he is? Fighting my thoughts & stupid blushing fit, I took in his chest ... all the way down to his bare feet. He was a strong toned man. He definitely well fit. Great now I can't look away. Earlier it hadn't affected me, why now? Maybe its cause you were too caught seeing a human Joe instead of the arachnid Joe. Wow you're really gotten into calling that fast, Nick. First he was a King I wanted nothing to do with & now he's a human .... a guy just like me but older. I bit my lip, age is the least of my worries. He really does seem gentler being human, now that I think of it. His tone isn't harsh or erie, its actually ... has a nice warmth to it. Joe: *Shaking him out of his many thoughts, I carried a tray over to him complete with a glass of milk & a jug of buttermilk syrup. I placed in front of him on the bed, grinning at him* For you my Prince, enjoy. *Winks* Nick: *Stammers while blushing all over again* T-thank you. Joe: My pleasure. *Bows at him soon going to get a tray of my own to join him on the bed eating together* Nick: *Taking a bite of the toast after pouring a good amount of syrup on them, I savored the taste & moaned appreciatively* This is so good. Joe: Well I do aim to cause such reactions. *Laughs, while taking a bite as well* Mmm, it did come out great. Nick: So you always cook like this? Joe: When I'm human yes, plus there's nothing like a home cooked meal. I really enjoy it. Nick: What sort meals do you like to make? Joe: I like a wide variety. I have a long list, but my top favorites are pizza, cheesy fries, spaghetti, bean & cheese burritos, & hummus. Nick: *Laughs* Thats quite the top five there. Joe: What about you? Nick: Hmm, where do I begin? I really like to eat fish, any kind like butterfish, salmon, flounder, trout, swordfish & ahi. I also indulge other seafood like clams, shrimp, crab, lobster, calamari, mussels, & oysters. Joe: *Starts to swallow* Oh my gosh now I'm craving all these, they sound all so good. Plus its been a long time since I've had those kind of foods. I think the ahi sounds like an excellent choice for tonight for dinner. As for lunch how about we do a fish stew or something? Nick: Sounds awesome to me. *Beams* Shortly after finishing our breakfast & talking details on our meals to come later on, Joe took our trays away back towards the kitchen. Nick: You need help with the dishes? Joe: None at all. *Puts them in the dishwasher* Nick: *Chuckles* I thought for a moment you'd use your power to magically wash them. Joe: Well there is that option, but I don't think its needed this time, its why I have the dishwasher. Nick: Uh-huh I see that. *Goes to wash my hands at the sink* Can I ask you something? Joe: *Plops on the bed patting my now full stomach* Ask away. Nick: *Looks at him through the now uncovered mirror* Why was the mirror covered before when I got here & why was everything so dark? Joe: Oh, thats another thing when I'm my spidery-self I'm much darker when it comes to moods so I change my entire decor to black & hide the mirror because I don't wish to see myself not even one glance. So naturally when I'm human I prefer the entire room & everything in it to be white, it calms me. Nick: *Nods getting his reasons* I-is that why I awoke in a white shower & had that thin white ... cover? Joe: Yes & by the way just for the record you looked so ... Nick: So w-what? Joe: Sexy. *Looks at him intently catching his eyes in the mirror* Nick: *Blushes since I can't seem to stop when I'm around him* I-I'm not. Joe: *Stands up going directly behind him to hug him resting my chin on his shoulder kissing his neck* You are never doubt that Nick. Nick: *Watching him do that & feeling him, I fell back against him* Joe: Piccolo I want to be honest with you, I want nothing more than to kiss you on those luscious looking lips of yours but I also don't want to frighten or push you if you don't want this. Nick: *Opens my eyes to see the longing & adoration in his own eyes* You may, I want you to. Joe: *Surprised* You want me to? Nick: *Nods; waits watching him* Joe: *Gently turning his body to face me, I searched his face one last time before leaning in to connect our lips for the first time* Nick: *The kiss was soft like a feather, so sweet. I fell into him not sure what to do with my hands keeping them at his chest to keep me upright* Joe: *That kiss was everything I was hoping it would feel like. Nick's lips fit into mine perfectly. It felt like we belonged here. I cupped his cheek tracing his soft skin loving the feel. I'm kissing him & touching him & he's letting me. There's no more fear. There's no disgust or loathing (not that he was like I do with myself usually quite harshly but still he wasn't overjoyed to be here). I want him to see who I really am. I want to show him how I feel about him, how one day I hope we can come to love each other ... be devoted to one another* Nick: *Smiles feeling & hearing all his thoughts & feelings, pulling back from our kiss only to say ...* I think I already do. Joe: Nick I- Nick: I know you already do now. Joe: Oh my God ... I feel this from you. Nick: Sssh, just kiss me & show me you love me. Joe: *Carries him to the bed leaning above him* Nick thank you so much just for being here with me. Nick: *Smiles* Thank you for showing me there's more to you than meets the eye. Joe: I'm finally happy & as peace. *Admits to him* Nick: I'm glad, & I'm happy too now. My handsome arachnid. *Blushes* Joe: My sexy brunette beauty. *Leans down to kiss him* And thats how I feel in love with my King, I gave him another chance & now we're both happy together. He was right, we belonged together & its true. We connected ... we're what each other needed. I love him. THE END A/N: piccolo = means "little one" in Italian. A fond little endearment for Nick from Joe.
Part Four: Another Holiday
Suddenly I felt a person sit down on the seat next to me with a loud plop. I turned to face the person seeing a young man with brown messed up hair pretty much out of breath. ???: Hi there. *Greets cheerfully* Just made it. *Nods in the direction of the flight attendants locking up the boarding door* I just nodded & said a soft hello & turned back to look outside my window once more. ???: *Buckles up* Anything interesting out there? I turned back to face him again shrugging a little. Whilst this all might be coming out a bit rude or a lot, I didn't really want to talk. I was too busied with this flight taking off & getting me home, its been a long time as it with all the delays. ???: *Nods too but goes on* My name's Joe & you are? *Extends a hand waiting for him to return the gesture* Not one to forget my manners I gave him my name & shook his hand back. Joe: Nice to meet you Nick. So where you headed home to family? Nick: *Sighs guess he wasn't going to give up talking so I decided to at least talk back to him* Yeah, to my son. Joe: A son huh? How old is he? Nick: He's five years old. Joe: Congrats. Nick: Thanks. So what about you? Joe: Same, going home to see my family for Christmas. I've been gone on business but I luckily managed to get a flight out although it took some work. I'm journalist, I just finished a new story & I'm so ready to spend the holidays happily you know with loved ones. Nick: Thats cool. So you just lucked out on getting abroad this flight, must of been hard. Nice, what sort of story? Yeah I hear that, me too. Joe: Yeah. And it was, but it was worth it. Oh it was a story on one of my friend's son ... he's a surfer & he was competing on the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia. It was so awesome! Nick: *Chuckles at his enthusiasm showing a smile* Neat, so lots of choice waves? Joe: You bet there was, got some great pics too & of the course the story & interviews, it was really a blast. The only bummer was having my roundtrip flight back to Texas delayed cause of the weather causing me to have to get a new flight & here we are now on the way home. Also too they tried to put me all the way in the back in economy & of course to me that was just unacceptable so I had them switch me as close as I could come to the front. And I gotta admit I like this way better & plus I got to sit next to a cutie pie such as yourself. I would've said something to continue the conversation but that ending comment caught me off guard. I felt my face heat up majorly & I averted my eyes. Its been awhile since I've felt this shy, no one's ever called me that ... not that I'm freaked out by it ... its just a surprise ... the nice kind. Joe: *Notices his hesitation* Did I say something wrong? Nick: *Stammers bashfully* N-no I just ... I'm its ... Joe: Its random. Sorry its just the way I am, I blurt out a lot of stuff without thinking a lot. Nick: Its fine, thank you. Joe: For what? Nick: For saying that. *Looks at him* Joe: Your welcome. *Grins* So what about yourself Nick, tell me about your story. Nick: *Smiles back* Well I'm a elementary school teacher, I teach music. I've been teaching for a year now. Joe: Wow! Thats so chill, must be a great. You really must love music & kids. You're so young, how old are you? Nick: It is, its a my favorite thing really. I do love both, its a rewarding & fun career. *Blushes* I'm twenty-one. But I do get that a lot about not looking my age. Joe: I can tell, you're lighting up just while talking about it. Really? Huh double wow, I wouldn't have guessed that. I was thinking you were like seventeen or eighteen. Nick: *Shyly smiles* Yeah, really? Thanks I guess. How about you, how old are you? Joe: For real really & no problem. I'm twenty-four, now I on the other hand pretty much look my age. Nick: No kidding. *Teases lightly* Joe: *Chuckles; waits for him to continue his story very much interested in hearing the rest* Nick: Continuing on, I'm a single parent recently. My girlfriend broke up with me. Joe: What? Oh man that sucks, I'm sorry. What happened & how are you holding up? Nick: Its alright, I'm fine. It just wasn't working between us, she didn't love me like I thought she did & she didn't want nothing to do with our son. At the beginning she was happy to be pregnant & having a son together, but then after he was born she changed her mind saying she couldn't do this & left. Ever since then I haven't heard anything from her, not even a phone call or a letter. She's probably long moved on & so have I, well not relationship wise but just stopped thinking of her & focused on my raising my son. I admit its been hard raising a baby boy all by myself, but I've managed & there's not a day that I've ever regretted it. Joe: Holy shoot dude! *Exclaims earning a few shushes & glares coming from other people of course I ignored them all. But for Nick's sake I lowered my tone* I can't believe she would do that. Thats unfair & uncool. How could she leave you & her own son? That makes me mad right there, cause to me she's made the biggest mistake of her life. You're a beautiful & sweet guy Nick & I'm sure your son's just as amazing. *Puts a hand on his shoulder* I gotta hand it to you for going through it all on your own, it doesn't sound easy but from what I can tell you've done an awesome job. Nick: *Flushes bitting my lip* Thank you for that, Joe it means a lot. And really its alright, these sort of things happen. I moved on from it & while it still hurts me from time to time, it reminds me of what she lost out on. Joe: Darn straight. *Nods firmly* You the man, Nick! Nick: Thanks. *Giggles a little* Joe: Anytime. So what's your son's name? Nick: His name is Logan, but I call him Logie for short. Joe: Aww, thats adorable tell me more. Nick: He mostly looks like me, white skin, brown eyes & brown curly hair developing. He's my baby boy & I love him so much. Joe: Oh my God, he's exactly like you then. I wish I could meet him. Nick: I could show some pictures when we get into the air if you want? Joe: Sure. Whoa wait we're not flying yet? Wow I could've sworn we were already. Nick: We're about to. The safety video just finished too. Joe: Alright, about time. And yeah, but they're all the same old same on every flight you know? Nick: Still ... *Tries not to show how uncomfortable I've become* Joe: *Notices the tension* Not a fan of flying? Nick: No its not that, I just don't like the this storm thats been rendering a lot of the flights useless. Joe: Oh, I getcha yeah its scary no doubt about it, but you gotta remember to just to relax. Just think about how it'll be over soon & we'll be arriving in Texas in no time. *Overhears the pilot talking about the time it takes* See only three hours & a half, that'll go by fast. Nick: *Holds onto the seat handles tightly gripping them looking forward as the plane sped up gearing up for the take off* Uh-huh. *Meekly says* Joe: *Puts my hand on top of his* Relax, it'll be alright. Nick: You think so? Joe: I know so. Nick: You seem so sure. Joe: Cause its New York, we'll fly out the storm & be storm free, what flight's complete without a little bump in the road well in this case it would be bumps in the air from the wind & storm. Just relax baby. Nick: *Overlooks everything only hearing the nickname; blushes* B-baby? Joe: Yes. Okay so we just met, I'm just come out & say it Nick ... I'm gay & I already know I like you. I hope thats okay, if not I'm sorry & we can just be friends, if you want to. I was stunned, but in a good way. He's random much, but honest at least. Say something back Nick! Nick: I ... um ... I like you too. Joe: You don't have to say that if you don't feel it, you don't need to spare my feelings. Nick: *Tries again blurting out the truth* I'm gay too, I've just never you know ... had another guy like me or at least show interest like this. *Looks away embarrassed* Joe: *Gently turns his chin to face me* Well once again its their loss & my gain. And I really do like you. And to prove it how about after Christmas we go on a date? Nick: Really? You want to with me? Joe: Yeah of course, but the question is to you want to? Nick: Sure, I'd love to Joe. Joe: S'awesome. *Leans over to peck his cheek; grinning happily cause of him* Nick: *Giggles savoring the moment* Joe: So now thats settled, I fear I once again interrupted your story. Nick: *Beams still giggling softly* Its okay, well so anyways my home town is & always been in Dallas, Texas & same goes for my parents & sister. My parents are also teachers as well, they work at the university together ... my mother in language arts & my dad in music. So its just, me & Logie, mom & dad, & of course my younger sister Nalli she's nineteen. And basically I was in New York for a few days before Christmas celebrating my best friend's wedding which was a lot of fun. I was originally supposed to leave this morning from JFK but of course the weather made it nearly impossible for flights to get out so I stuck hanging out at the airport on standby waiting for the next available flight & now here I am. I'm just so eager to get back home now cause I miss my family, but most of all I miss Logie. I wanted to take him with me, but I just thought I'd make it back sooner than this. Joe: *Listening to him nodding* I see. We're both Texas guys then, thats awesome & wow you got quite the family there. Well for what its worth even though this storms delayed us both, I'm glad were here right now together. Don't worry baby, Logie will see you really soon. In the meantime why don't we play twenty questions but instead of stopping at twenty why don't we just keep it going you know ... sound good? Nick: Yeah we are. *Agrees* Yeah, I love them all so much. Thats so sweet, I'm glad to be here too ... you've made me feel a lot better. *Laughs* Well then its not exactly twenty questions, more like on-going questions. Joe: Either way, wanna play? Nick: Why not. Joe: Rad. Okay lemme think here ... so what's your favorite holiday other than Christmas? Nick: Ooh, just one? Joe: *Chuckles* At least the next one in line that comes close if you want. Nick: Hmm, I'd have to go with forth of July but its also tied with Thanksgiving. You? Joe: Very nice, great choices. For me I really like Thanksgiving too, but I really love ... Easter. Nick: Easter? Aww! Joe: I know, its the whole tradition with the eggs, decorating & finding them & enjoying the treats & all that good stuff. Nick: I feel the same, plus who can resist all that. So what's your favorite color? Joe: Every color of the rainbow! Nick: *Laughs* Seriously though. Joe: I really like blue, but greens a close second. And you? Nick: For me blue & purple. Joe: A royal combination, yet very suiting for you. I just blushed & we continued our questions pretty much going way past the twenty mark. In that time I forgot about the storm & relaxed. We continued to learn a lot about each other & in turn shared pics of our family & friends. I showed him pics of Logan & I & he just couldn't get over how much he really did resemble me. Joe thought of Logan as my twin & I just giggled. I learned his mom & dad were successful doctors & he had no brothers or sisters but he godfather to the son of his coworker who'd he'd did his story on while in Aussie. Exactly three hours & a half later, we arrived very smoothly just like Joe predicted we would. After we landed & we both got our luggage Joe & I walked out together. Joe: So this is it? Nick: Guess it is is, but we're still on for after Christmas right? Joe: Oh definitely cutie pie, I wouldn't miss it. *Pecks his cheek warmly* I'll miss you a lot. Nick: *Blushes* I will too. You've been great Joe. Joe: Right back at you Nick. *Winks* Nick: *My cell went off, the ringtone was my father's* I better go, I'll see you soon. Joe: See you soon, baby & Nick ... Nick: *Looks into his eyes waiting* Joe: Merry Christmas. *Hugs him* Nick: Merry Christmas, Joe. *Hugs him back* After embracing & holding it for as long as I could I waved bye to him & answered my cell. My parents were here at the airport apparently so I headed off & found them ... all of them. The one that caught my eye the most was Logan. I ran over to them as fast I could calling each of their names. I hugged them all tightly & cradled my son in my arms earning many smiles & happy sounds from him. It was so good to be home. Two days later, the day after Christmas ... Joe: *Knocks on Nick's house grinning anxiously awaiting to see my baby & hug him. It had been a perfect Christmas, but it had also felt like a long time since I'd seen my cutie pie. Seconds later he opened the door & I grabbed him into a fierce & loving hug* Hello Nick! Nick: Hello Joe! *Hugs him tightly* Joe: Its so great to see you again, you look beautiful. Nick: *Blushes* Its great to see you too, thank you & you look charming too. Joe: Thanks. So you have a nice Christmas? Nick: Only the best & there's someone I want you to meet. Come on in & make yourself at home, I'll be right back. Joe: *Nods happily walking into his house* I can't wait! *I eagerly exclaimed looking around his place* Nick: *Comes back into the living room with Logan in my arms clearing my throat* Joe I'd like you meet Logan, my baby boy. Joe: *My smile instantly doubled as my eyes fell on the his son* Hi there Logan or Logie as I've heard from your dad, I'm Joe. Its so nice to meet you & I just want to say you look adorable in your suit & tie. Nick you have a bundle of joy, he's so cute just like you. Nick: *I blushed watching Logie smile & wave at Joe excitedly. I then shifted Logie into Joe's arms & I just couldn't stop smiling. They were getting along so well, we spent a good hour of our date just playing & having fun hanging with Logie together. Eventually my parents & sister joined the scene & got to me Joe. Everyone really seemed to love Joe, it made me happy to see they approved. Of course we spent another hour or two talking & then by that time Nelli reminded my folks about the date & that seemed to snap them out of it. They apologized, of course Joe & I didn't mind it much. We hugged them all & said our byes for now & headed out. Joe took me out to my one favorite pizza places & had ate & afterwards he took me ice skating where we could look at the stars together & just enjoy each others company whilst moving on ice. All & all ... it was a wonderful first date. Joe: *Back in front of Nick's house walking him to the door* That was amazing, Nick. Nick: It really was, thank you Joe. Joe: Your welcome, trust me its one of many romantic dates to come. *Winks* Nick: And I look forward to every single one. *Bites lip turning around to face him* Joe: *Smiles fondly leaning into kiss his lips* See you tomorrow then? Nick: I'll be waiting. *Responds kissing him back smiling as he held me close to him* Joe: *Pulls back eventually* Sleep well, baby. Nick: You too, night Joe. Joe: Goodnight, Nick. *Watches him go inside; does a happy dance singing* Joy to the world. When I close my eyes All I do is think of you And I wonder if you feel the same way too Will tonight be the night That everything will be just right? Beneath the wreaths of green I see it in my dreams We're all finding our way Through another holiday Wrapping hopes and dreams In angel's wings tonight Time to give and receive But the only gift I need Is to share this day and every day with you On my Christmas list There's a wish I hope will come true That this holiday brings me one step closer to you Let tonight be the night That every star's a diamond light The smile in your eye's A beautiful surprise We're all finding our way Through another holiday Wrapping hopes and dreams In angel's wings tonight Time to give and receive But the only gift I need Is to share this day and every day with you What do I see (What do I see) In the morning light My yuletide dream became reality We're all finding our way It's the greatest holiday Catching hopes and dreams On angel's wings tonight You're my heart, you're my home You're the hope I've always known When I share this day and every day with you (Joy to the world) We're all finding our way It's the greatest holiday Flying high on my angel's wing tonight You're my heart, you're my home You're the hope I've always known When I share this day and every day with you (Joy to the world) Share this day (Joy to the world) Day with you Share this day Day with you (Joy to the world) Share the day Just me and you (Joy to the world) Me and you (Joy to the world) Share this day (The End) A/N: The song is "Share This Day" by Josh Kelley Part Five: Hey Tonight's the dance & I need a date. Who should I take? I take my time to analyze my choices. As I take a glance at everyone in my five period class, I just frown cause no one's appealing to me. This isn't good, I don't want to go on my own. Maybe in my next & last class I'll find someone? I hope so cause I'm running out of time. [Time skip to period six] So after sorting through everyone thats when my eyes settled on the most perfect & cutest boy I'd ever seen.
How did I not notice him before? Has he always been in this class? He was sitting in the very front of the room where I was in the middle almost to the back of the class but not quite. He looked like that kind of kid that takes school seriously, geeky & so ... cute ... just my type. He had brown super curly hair, white skin that was mostly covered by many layers of clothes, preppy particularly & although I could only see the back of him .... I could tell he was very focused on paying attention to the teacher. So between eyeing the time, I just continued to watch the curly brunette too bored to care for whatever lesson was going on. Finally when class was dismissed & the teacher had left, it was only just two of us left since he was slowly putting his stuff away ... what more of clear & way too ideal opportunity to talk to the unnamed boy. Hey. *I smiled at him leaning my hand on his shoulder getting his attention* Boy: Hey. *Nods shyly* That made me smile even more, looks like he's shy one too, I can dig that. I'm Joe. *Introduces myself* Boy: I'm Nick. *He tells me* Very cool to meet you Nick, hey I got a question for you. Nick: Okay. *He waits for me to go on* Want to be my date tonight at the dance? Nick: *Turns a shade of pink* W-what? So I repeated myself & just smiled hoping he would say yes. Nick: Why me? *He questions* Why not, Nick? You're cute, it'll be fun what do you say? Nick: *Turns even pinker* Sure-e. He stutters, & that blush ... it all screams so adorable to me. And best of all the shy cute brunette said yes. Awesome, I'll pick you up. Nick: *Speaks up* Its okay, I'll just meet you there. You sure? Nick: Yeah. Okay, see you tonight then can't wait. *Grins walking out of the room* [Hours later close to the dance's start time] I was ready to go looking good if I do say do. I left & arrived at the dance just in time. It occurred to me that I hadn't set a particular spot to meet Nick at, no worries I knew I'd spot him easily cause he stands out to me. Though I don't know him, I really want to. Its weird to feel like this so fast, but I'm cool with it cause I know tonight be great. It wasn't long after my eyes focused on Nick coming into the dance looking handsome. I walked straight over to him extending my elbow for him to take so I could escort him with me. Hey. *Greets him* You look cool. Nick: Hey. *Blushes* So do you & thanks. Your welcome & thanks too. So wanna dance? Nick: I don't know if thats such a great idea. Why not? Nick: Cause I'm not a dancer. Neither am I, don't sweat it. I'll lead & show the ropes. Nick: Okay, but don't expect much. Hey cheer up its Valentines Day. Nick: *Chuckles* So? Soooo ... its all about hearts, love, chocolate & mushy stuff & yada yada. Nick: And you forget flowers. Ooh, speaking of ... *Presents a single rose for him* This is for you. Nick: *Blushes taking the rose* Me-e? Yeah, you are my date & I. You like it? Nick: *Nods happily* Yes. Cool, I was hoping you'd feel that way. *Takes his hand leading him to the dance floor* Nick: *Follows him mirroring his moves well at least trying to* At first he was all stiff & reluctant to move with me but I quickly changed his mind & showed him. He opened up & smiled. There's that cuteness again. We just danced & when a familiar song came on we both sang to her lyrics, not caring about others. When you take my hand, Your face is all I see And all the walls they go black, Like a movie scene My feet start to move, What you do to the stinolium It's like the perfect dance floor Put your hands by my waist, I hear the violins And one step is all it takes, And then my head spins I don't see the walls at all Since the minutes we stepped away from this place We're dancing and then the world disappears We're dancing to music no one else hears It's magic, it's like we're stopping time When your heart beats mine When we're dancing, dancing, dancing When we're dancing, dancing, dancing When we're dancing World is soft like a blur, All I see is color Hardest fall, so it hurts, When we're with each other You're a sweet song bird when you're singing in my ear Goosebumps run down my skin when We're dancing and then the world disappears We're dancing to music no one else hears It's magic, it's like we're stopping time When your heart beats mine When we're dancing, dancing, dancing When we're dancing, dancing, dancing When we're dancing I think that we could live for moments like this The sweetest romances Feels like there's all this magic And we just got to grab it When we're dancing We're dancing and then the world disappears We're dancing to music no one else hears It's magic, it's like we're stopping time When your heart beats mine When we're dancing We're dancing and then the world disappears We're dancing to music no one else hears It's magic, it's like we're stopping time When your heart beats mine When we're dancing When we're dancing, dancing, dancing When we're dancing, dancing, dancing When we're dancing Nick's smile was enough to make lean & kiss his lips. Of course he was expecting the kiss & neither was I but the moment felt so right. He didn't seem to mind, though still shy & tentative at first he relaxed & kissed me back. Be my boyfriend? *Whisper asks him* Nick: *Beams giggling like a cute little kid* Yes. And that right there made my night & whole world. So to show exactly what he meant to me, I told him I'd be right back. I quickly raced to the stage & got my guitar & began my song for him. Used to live in a world Where everything was flat Could you imagine that? All the colors were the same White black and a little grey Yeah, pretty much the same And I came from a town Where the birds, they never made a sound And rockets never left the ground Used to live in a world Where everything was flat Could you imagine, could you imagine, could you imagine that? Oh oh oh oh oh oh You're like a rush of blood to my head You're like, ice water running down my neck You're like hot coals under my feet Had my eyes shut I must've, I must've been asleep Yeah I must've been asleep Now the sky is really bright Now the water's really clear I felt the earth leave my feet As I drift off into the atmosphere Baby you're out of this world What are you still doing here Cause a guy like you and a guy like me You're too good for me, my dear Oh oh oh oh oh oh ... You're like a rush of blood to my head You're like, ice water running down my neck You're like hot coals under my feet Had my eyes shut I must've, I must've been asleep Yeah I must've been asleep Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na ... You're like a rush of blood to my head You're like, ice water running down my neck You're like hot coals under my feet Had my eyes shut I must've, I must've been asleep Yeah I must've been asleep Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na ... Yeah I must've been asleep Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na ... You're like hot coals under my feet Had my eyes shut I must've, I must've been asleep Yeah I must've been asleep Yeah I must've been asleep Yeah I must've been asleep Nick: *I smiled recovering from being shocked finding Joe singing on the stage listening to him. We saw only each other, it was so sweet of him. He was actually dedicating a song to me, that alone made my heart beat wildly in my chest. I'd never thought I'd be here with Joe. I had a boyfriend now & I smiled even more because of that. Soon as he finished singing the crowd & I applauded him. He came back over to me grinning pecking my lips in the process* Did you like it? *Asks him* Nick: I loved it. *Tells him* *Chuckles* It was all for you Nick. Nick: Thank you so much. *Hugs him warmly* Can I return the favor? You want to sing for me? Nick: Well yes, but follow me first? *Nods* Lead the way. Nick: *Leads him outside of the dance clearing my throat to explain first before singing* I want to sing just for you, but I'm sorry I just couldn't get up on stage & do it. Thats alright, I get that. *Smiles widely excited to hear his voice* Nick: *Smiles happy to know he's not upset; starts to sing to him* You got that fresh way of talking It could be four in the morning And you're making me trip My heart skip, skip the beat You know that this is amazing Please tell me why you're hesitating Let's risk it all, risk the fall tonight Take the rope and climb Close your eyes Love will take you high We'll be sitting on top of the world Baby, you and I were born to rise So just hold on tight We'll be sitting on top Sitting on top of the world Oohh oohh Oohh oh oh oh oh oh Oohh oohh oohh I hear the wind in the trees And I'm weak in the knees When you're holding me close Got tingling toes tonight You got me so elevated You wanna jump Why you waiting? Let's risk it all, risk the fall tonight Take the rope and climb Close your eyes Love will take you high We'll be sitting on top of the world Baby, you and I were born to rise So just hold on tight We'll be sitting on top Sitting on top of the world Oohh oohh Oohh oh oh oh oh oh Oohh oohh oohh Oohh oohh Oohh oh oh oh oh oh Oohh oohh oohh I'm begging you, begging you Got my loving hand out I'm begging you, begging you Got my loving hand out I'm begging you, begging you Got my loving hand out Begging you, begging you Begging you, begging you Take the rope and climb Close your eyes Hold on tight We'll be sitting on top of the world Baby, you and I were born to rise So just hold on tight We'll be sitting on top Sitting on top of the world Take the rope and climb Close your eyes Love will take you high We'll be sitting on top of the world Baby, you and I were born to rise So just hold on tight We'll be sitting on top Sitting on top of the world Oohh oohh Oohh oh oh oh oh oh Oohh oohh oohh Sitting on top of the world We will be, you and me We will be sitting on top of the world Listening to his beautiful voice was the best. And by the end of the song, I couldn't help but pull his face in for another sweet kiss. Then we when went back inside to the dance, hand-in-hand. Nick: Hey Joe? *Asks after another song had ended* Yes Nicky? Nick: *Cheeks turn pink* What made you ask me out? I held him close & slowed danced with him into the next tune answering him. You caught my attention, I just finally noticed you. I wish I had sooner, but I'm glad to here to be with now & together. *Kisses his nose* Happy Valentines Day Nicky. Nick: *Giggles satisfied with his answer* Happy Valentines Day Joe. And then we kissed again & then went back to dancing, yeah tonight was real good, already can't wait for the next Valentines Day. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3> Part Six: Reluctance Mrs. Jonas: *Hears a car horn beeping from outside* Nick sweetie could you get the door? It must be Kevin & his son.
Nick: *Gets up from the couch putting down my book* Sure mom. *Goes to open the door greeting Kevin first* Hey Kevin, come on in! Mr. Jonas: Thanks Nick. *Gets out of the car closing my door walking alongside with Nick, but then I looked back at the car* Just a second. *Facing back to Nick then goes to tap on the window of the my car* ???: *Rolls eyes barely rolling down the window to talk to my dad* What? Mr. Jonas: Joe come on you've got to come in. Joe: I don't want to. *Gives him a frown* Mr. Jonas: Joe get out of the car. Joe: Or what dad? Not going to include me in on spending time with your new wife & son? I'd be more than happy to hang out right here. Mr. Jonas: Please don't do this now, just give them a chance & come inside. Joe: *Shakes head* No thanks. Mr. Jonas: Fine, its your choice then. Whenever you're ready, come on in. Joe: Whatever. Mr. Jonas: *Sighs turning back to walk towards Nick giving him a "I'm sorry about that" look; goes inside with him* Hey Nick! *Hugs him happily giving him a better & excited greeting* Nick: *I'd watched Kevin talk with his son ... which now whom was going to be my new stepbrother, guess the guy wasn't too thrilled with the idea & didn't have any desire to come inside & meet us. Kevin had mentioned him before from time-to-time but now I can see why he's waited this long to have him meet my mom & I. From what I've heard from their conversation & observed the guy's rude & unwilling to leave the comfort of the car. Kevin had said Joe was his only son, eighteen years old (about three years older me), a senior (while I'm a sophomore), has brown hair which its shaved down to really short & brown eyes. Getting him out of my mind for the moment I watched my mom greet Kevin giving him a kiss & a big hug. I smiled dreamily happy that my mom was happy. After our sweet hug-fest we all sat at the dining talking about for the longest time about all sorts of things till Kevin's son finally decided to come inside slamming the door in the process. Dude's got issues I noted* Mr. Jonas: *Gets up from my seat going over to the source of the loud noise knowing very well who it was* Nice of you to join us son. Joe: *Rolls eyes* I only came in cause its boring out there, might as well at least watch some TV or something in here. *Plops down on the couch instantly grabbing the remote* Mr. Jonas: *Takes the remote from him* Ah-ah-ah, not before you at least greet- Joe: *Huffs getting up again stomping over towards my stepmother & stepbrother managing a reluctant nod* Hi. *Goes back to sit down* Now give me the remote. Mr. Jonas: Joseph Adam- Joe: What? Mr. Jonas: *Sighs* I know this is hard on you, but acting like this isn't helping. Joe: Whatever. Mr. Jonas: *Gives him the remote shaking my head* I hope in time you'll give this all a chance. *Walks away from him back to my wife* Joe: Not likely. *Mutters to myself* Mr. Jonas: That boy sometimes. *Rubs my temples* Mrs. Jonas: *Embraces him* I know honey. Its just like you said he just needs time. Nick: *Yeah apparently a lot of time, & a major attitude adjustment. Deciding to take my leave I walked away to retrieve my book off the small end table beside the couch Joe was sitting at* Joe: *Looks to my right eyeing my stepbrother. He was picking up a book clearly for school written all over it. Eyeing him more I found he looked a lot his mother Denise I think it was, same curly brown hair & eyes & same white skin. He wore a simple plaid long sleeve shirt with jeans & white socks on & glasses. Although he didn't say anything as he quickly got what he wanted & headed upstairs probably to his room, I'd thought he'd at least say something. Seeing they're wasn't anything on I decided to follow him. A few minutes later I found his room, he was sitting at his desk reading the same book he'd taken with him. Looking around his room, it was all organized & neat. His bed was made, his whole room was spotless & simple, seemed the boy likes blue a lot. He still hadn't noticed me so I cleared my throat getting his attention* Sup. *I nodded at him* Nick: *Jumps in my seat; book falls from my hands looking over to see Joe leaning by my doorframe actually speaking to me; nods back* Hi. Joe: *Smiles at him chuckling* Scared you didn't I? Nick: Kind of. *Admits* Joe: My bad, so what's your name? Nick: I'm Nick. Joe: Fits you. *Smiles even more* Nick: Thanks, I guess. Joe: Sure thing. You always wear glasses? Nick: *Blinks nodding* Yeah. Joe: Never thought of getting contacts? Nick: Not really. Joe: Good. Nick: *Tilts head in confusion at that* Joe: *Decides to go for it* You look cute with glasses. Nick: *Blushes not at all sure what to say back* Joe: *Smirks* So *Continues* since we're stuck with each other pretty much might as well know even though I wasn't happy-go lucky with this whole marriage thing between our parents ... I think I might have a change of heart thanks to you. Nick: Me? *Not sure what he means mentioning me* Joe: Yeah. Nick: But I didn't do anything. Joe: You've gotten my attention. Nick: Um ... Joe: *Chuckles* Guess you're not so smart with everything as you appear to be. Let me spell it out for you, want to hang out with me? Nick: We are hanging out. Joe: *Laughs again* So cute. I mean on a date. Nick: *Blushes furiously* W-what? You're kidding right? Messing with me? Joe: Not at all, I mean it. Come on, lets ditch this place. Nick: Um you're my stepbrother, we can't date & I'm not- Joe: Not into me like that? So what about the stepbro thing, its not like we've related though blood. Nick: Its not right. *Tries to argue* Our parents would- Joe: Freak out? Probably, parents smair-rents. Nick: *Sighs shaking my head* You're crazy. Joe: Thank goodness for that, if I wasn't I wouldn't be me. Nick: *Chuckles* And did I mention weird? Joe: The good kind I promise. Nick: Sure, says the stepbrother who's just met me for the very first time & who's asking me out on a date. Joe: So does that mean yes? Nick: It means that you're just acting out & trying to- Joe: *Grabs him showing exactly what I mean; kisses him right on the lips* Nick: *Gets cut off by him before I could finish my sentence. The second I felt his lips I stopped talking & froze on spot. I looked at him with wide eyes, he'd grabbed me so fast. I felt my heart hammer in my chest, swirling with confusion I couldn't even think what to do. Eventually he pulled away from my lips smirking at me with a wink* Joe: Still think "I'm acting out?" Nick: *Blushing so much, I can feel it heating my entire face. I feel shocked, mad, sort of fluttery & at the same time happy* Joe: You liked it I can tell Nick. Why deny what you're feeling & just give me a chance. I'm a good guy when you get to know me. Nick: Gotta way with words don't you? Joe: *Wags my eyebrows* That would be me. Nick: *Giggles* So modest. Joe: So Nicky *Decides to call him now* wanna be with me? Nick: But my mom & Kevin- Joe: They don't have to know not at the moment, you know? Nick: But we'd need to eventually tell them. Joe: Keyword eventually. Nick: So pretty much we'd have to date in secret. Joe: Don't be so sure, once my dad sees how I've taken to you ... he'll be jumping for joy. Nick: Hmm. *Smiles seeing his side of things* And my mom would think I helped you eased your attitude coming into a new family. Joe: See they'll be overjoyed let me tell you. Nick: And they won't think of it as dating, but bonding. Joe: Major bonding. *Grins brilliantly* Nick: Joe Jonas? Joe: Yes Nick Jonas? *Plays his little game* Nick: I'll go out with you. Joe: Sweet! Lets go! *Grabs his hand* Nick: Whoa wait now? Joe: Why not? Nick: I um- Joe: You look sexy trust me. Nick: *Blushes* Joe: C'mon stud, I'll lead the way. Nick: *Giddily follows him taking back my hand before either of our parents would see us holding hands; briefly lets them know we're leaving to go hang out together ... at this their expression alone are excited-ecstatic-blown away-suprised & yup overjoyed all in one. Once outside the house, Joe & I broke out into laughter at their priceless expressions* Joe: God, that was just too good! Nick: I know, but they're happier than ever. Joe: And you know, me too all thanks to you Nicky. Nick: *Shyly smiles* I didn't do much. So where are we going? Joe: *Reconnects our hands grinning* To dinner first, what sort of food do you like? Nick: I like that idea first, hmm I love pizza. Joe: Who doesn't?! *Beams* Pizza it is! Then afterwards want to go to the beach while its still sunny? Nick: I'd love to. Say Joe? Joe: Yes? Nick: *Pecks his cheek* Joe: *Hums in happiness* Nick: Sorry that was cheesy. Joe: Not at all, though I did love our first kiss. Nick: Me too. Joe: *Stops walking; presses a sweet kiss to his lips cupping his cheek* Nick: *Closes my eyes kissing back, leaning into his tender touch on my skin* Joe: *Lifts him up into my arms by his hips* Nick: *Wraps my legs around his waist; giggling at being lifted from the ground* Joe: *Pulls back to grin at him; decides to carry him like this while resuming walking* Nick: *Blushes* People will stare. Joe: Let them, they don't know us. Nick: So you're going to carry me the whole way? Joe: You bet you're cute glasses. Nick: You're so different than what I thought you were like. Joe: Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment. But I assure you the jerk side of me is long gone. Nick: Yeah? Joe: Mm-mm, cause now I've got someone worth smiling for. Nick: Romantic. Joe: *Winks* And I'm just getting started, just wait till I serenade you. Nick: You sing? Joe: Not a whole lot, but here & there & for you Nicky most certainly yes. Nick: *Smiles at him. Minutes later we arrived at the best original pizza this side of the west golden coast* Oh my God, I love this place! Joe: Me too, its my favorite since I was a little kid. Nick: Me too! *Exclaims* Joe: Nice! *Sets him down outside of the restaurant's entrance, retaking his hand to lead him inside the classic place home to some of the most delicious pizza I've ever tasted. The recipes never seems to changed & its why I love it. Going up to the counter to order, I got Nick & I a large cheese pizza* Nick: *When Joe ordered & payed, he turned to me & asked me where I wanted to sit. I choose a seat next to the old & sweet jukebox playing catchy doo-woop tunes* Joe: Don't you just love this place? Nick: I do, its timeless. Joe: Not to mention, top notch simple & so good pizza. Nick: Oh yeah. *Stomach grumbles inhaling the sweet aroma of pizza* Mmm-nnnn. Joe: Gotta love pizza. Nick: For sure. Joe: *Ten minutes later a young teenage girl brought our pizza & our utensils, thanking her we dug right in adding of course parmesan cheese & oregano. We both enjoyed it till the very last slices; burps finishing* Excuse me, I don't know about you but I'm so stuffed! *Pats my happy full stomach* Nick: *Chuckles* So am I, what do you say we walk it off? Joe: Onto the beach. *Grins* Nick: *Smiles getting up out of my seat walking with him out towards the beach with him. Once again he held my hand as we walked side by side, so closely. Once we reached the end of the sidewalk & found the soft cool feel of the sand we kicked our shoes & socks off & ran for the water* Joe: I'm gonna beat you! Nick: Dream on! Joe: Watch me! Nick: Not if I win first! *Runs even faster reaching the ocean before him* Joe: *Chuckles loudly* Okay, okay & as per winner ... you get a kiss. *Leans into kiss his lips* Nick: *Returns the kiss affectionately* Joe: *Swoops him into my arms turning in circles in the shallow waves* Nick: *Laughing* Joe: This one's for you Nick. *Begins to sing to him then taking a good breath* It's undeniable ... that we should be together ... It's unbelievable how I used to say that I'd fall never The basis is need to know, if you don't know just how I feel, Then let me show you now that I'm for real ... If all things in time, time will reveal ... Yeah ... One ... you're like a dream come true ... Two ... just wanna be with you ... Three ... boy it's plain to see ... that your the only one for me ... Four ... repeat steps one through three ... Five ... make you fall in love with me ... If ever I believe my work is done ... then I start Back at One (yeah yeah yeah) So Incredible ... the way things work themselves out ... And all emotional, once you know what it's all about babe ... And undesirable ... for us to be apart ... Never would of made it very far ... Cause you know that you've got the keys to my heart Cause ... One ... you're like a dream come true Two ... just wanna be with you Three ... boy it's plain to see... that your the only one for me Four ... repeat steps one through three Five ... make you fall in love with me If ever I believe my work is done ... then I start Back at One ... Say farewell to the dark of night ... I see the coming of the sun ... I feel like a little child ... whose life has just begun ... You came and breathed new life Into this lonely heart of mine ... You threw out the life line ... just in the Nick of Time ... One ... you're like a dream come true Two ... just wanna be with you Three ... boy it's plain to see ... that your the only one for me ... boy and ... Four ... repeat steps one through three Five ... make you fall in love with me If ever I believe my work is done ... then I start Back at One. Nick: *Listening to him sing that particular song to me, I felt my heart flutter. I'd never had this kind of attention before, its ... nice & flattering* Joe: *Finishes smiling at him to see his reaction setting him back down on his feet* Nick: *Standing again, claps at his performance* That was amazing Joe! Joe: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I take requests too, anytime. *Winks* Nick: *Blushes chuckling pushing his shoulder playfully* Joe: Your turn. *I nodded to him* Nick: Sorry? Joe: *Chuckles at this explaining to him* Your turn to sing for me. Nick: *Stammers shyly* I-I don't sing. Joe: *Raises an eyebrow looking at him intently* Nick: I-in front of people. Joe: Please? I won't judge. Nick: I don't know ... Joe: How about if I close my eyes? Nick: *Nods* That could work. Joe: Awesome! *Closes my eyes waiting anxiously to her his voice* Nick: *Trying to think of what to sing to him* Joe: *Senses what he's thinking* Just sing whatever you want. Nick: Okay. *Takes a breath beginning to sing a favorite tune of mine* Here we are On earth together It's you and I God has made us fall in love It's true I've really found Someone like you Will it say The love you feel for me Will it say That you will be by my side To see me through Until my life is through Well in my mind We can conquer the world In love you and I You and I, you and I ... I am glad At least in my life I've found someone That may not be here forever To see me through But I found strength in you Cause in my mind You will stay here always In love you and I You and I, you and I You and I, you and I You and I In my mind We can conquer the world In love you and I You and I, you and I You and I ... Joe: *Listening to him I was far from disappointed, it was like hearing the angels sing except it was just one brunette curly-haired cutie angel; beaming uncontrollably* Nick: *Finishes hesitantly looking at Joe waiting for him to say something* Joe: *Envelopes him a hug hug* You. Are. An. Angel! Nick: *Blushes heavily not expecting such an excited response* You think it was okay? Joe: Way beyond okay, more like I'll never be the same again ... Nick your voice is so beautiful. It moved me. Nick: *Smiles hugging him back so happy* Thank you, no one's ever heard me till now. Joe: I feel honored, you just shared the most incredible moment with me. Thank you so much, Nicky. *Hugs him tighter* Nick: Your welcome. *Smiles* Joe: I loved your take on Michael Bublé's song. And just so you know ... I've found strength in you too & I want to be with you for as long as I can. I love you Nick. Nick: I knew you'd get my meaning, I'm *Shyly looks into his eyes* not always good with words, but when I sing its easier for me ... & I love you too Joe. Joe: *Seals my love with a kiss* Nick: *Kisses him back murmuring in between* Not so reluctant huh? Joe: *Smirks into the kiss murmuring back* Long gone, now that I have you. You're mine. Nick: All yours. *Agrees. All in one day, I got a stepbrother & boyfriend ... & you know what ... I couldn't be happier* I was so lost, didn't know what to do with myself I was my own worst enemy I was lost and know I needed help Then you came along and saw the state I was in You picked me up, when I was down Showed me how to live again I say thank you for pulling me through I'm a lucky man I didn't know what life was but now I understand This is precious love, precious love No, I can't let it go This is precious love and it's teaching me Everything I need to know This is precious love, oh it's precious love No, I can't get enough Oh, I'm down on my knees, begging you please Give me some more of that stuff Oh, its love, love, love, love, love, precious love Oh, its love, love, love, love, love, precious love Oh, I got so distracted by people all around Whispering sweet nothings Filling my head with doubt So I gave up, it didn't take long For me to see the one thing that I was missing Was standing in front of me I took you for granted, thought the grass Was greener on the other side I was wrong and its taken so long for me to finally realize This is precious love, precious love No, I can't let it go This is precious love and its teaching me Everything I need to know Oh this precious love, oh its precious love No, I can't get enough Oh, I'm down on my knees, begging you please To give me some more of that stuff I say a prayer and send it to you That my heart will always be true Life won't be the same without you So I say thank you I'm a lucky man I didn't know what life was but now I, now I understand Understand, understand Oh, this is love, love, love, love, precious love This is precious love and its teaching me to be a better man This is precious love, precious love No, I can't get enough Oh, I'm down of my knees It’s there that I see, it must be from heaven above Yeah, its is love, love, love, love, precious love Its is love, love, love, love, precious love Love, love, love, give me love, give me love Love, love, love, love, precious love - Fin - A/N: Joe's song: Brian McKnight's Back At One, Nick's song: Michael Bublé's You And I, ... & ... Ending credit song: James Morrison's Precious Love Part Seven: Belong Together Riding the subway home from a long day at work; 4:00 PM I closed my eyes listening for my stop ... 3, 2, 1 ... I opened my eyes at the precise time knowing it was time to depart. I grabbed my backpack getting up from my seat heading out falling in line with the crowd. It was busy, clumped, crowded pretty much the usual. Once up the stairs by then it was raining hard so I hurried towards my apartment building slipping on the concrete but managing to get inside. Taking the elevator up to fifth level, I found my keys & walked down the hallway surprised to find a man leaning on my door. Biting my lip I slowly walked towards him clearing my throat trying to catch his attention. As in why are you here? I wanted to say aloud. The man was dressed in a nice suit looking at me now, eyes meeting. "W-who are you?" I asked the stranger. Pushing off from the door he'd been casually leaning against waiting for said boy to show up, he greeted him. "Hello, guess you don't recall our date then?" Not that I wouldn't mind reminding him. Date? Blushing & averting his gaze I was dumbfounded; so caught off guard from the mysterious stranger. Continuing I explained "We met the other night at the library. You were looking for a book leaning on the ladder too far & almost fell. I caught you just in the nick of time." Eyes widening at the memory I wanted nothing more to disappear now too red with embarrassment. "Joe" I said his name not looking at him anymore. Nodding pleased now he seemed to remember. "N" I smiled patting lightly at his arm. Taking in his rather soaked-self I suggested "We should go in, you must be cold." Shyly & still altogether very passive I nodded at last putting my key to my place. Before I could open the door he opened the door for me allowing me to go on in first with him following me closely behind. Turning on the light I sighed & turned back to him fidgeting unsure of what exactly to do. "Its alright" I assured him. Deciding to speak softly I relaxed with that notation. "I'm sorry." Giving him a soft smile, "Do you want something to eat while you get warmer?" "Sure" my stomach rumbled loudly letting him know exactly how hungry I was. Pressing a gentle kiss to his temple while rubbing his arm up & down soothingly "I'm on it." Instantly I felt much warmer just by his touch & lips on my skin. I longed to lean more into his touch. It felt safe. It felt right. "Thank you" I smiled at him. "My pleasure" I smiled right back at him moving away to begin making him & I something to eat. Walking to my bathroom I stripped my clothes & took a hot shower. Thoughts of meeting Joe replayed in my mind. The reason I'd first accepted the date in the first place because I'd felt something stir within me. I've waited to meet my dominate for a long time. I feel Joe is that person. Deciding to make baked mac & cheese, I found everything I needed to start the process. Smiling whilst multitasking I thought of Nick or N as I affectionately nicknamed him. The second I saved him from the almost hard fall I knew he was my submissive as I gazed into his eyes. He was so shy, eyes averting mine, blush staining his adorable cheeks melting ever part of me. I just knew he was the one. Following my heart I asked him out, happily he'd said yes & here I stand now. After the dinner; 4:30 PM "That was so good, thanks for that." "Anytime, N" I just loved calling him that. Turning pink or red whoever knows my face warmed, "So what now?" "Want to dance?" "We don't really have any music." "We'll create our own." Nodding & trusting him letting him take my hand leading me to an area of my living room which had more space to move about ... let alone dance in. Chuckling whilst fumbling I told him "I-I don't dance much." "S'okay, a secret little neither do I much anyways." "Really? You seem good at it." "With a little practice, it comes naturally." Suddenly he dipped me, feeling like I was floating in the safety of his arms I beamed at him. He equally returned my smile & then leaned forth a little to press a tender kiss to my lips. Returning it I kissed back whispering to him "Guess this means ..." "We belong together, mates, submissive & dominant." © 2013 VirgoAvatarAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on December 25, 2012 Last Updated on March 19, 2013 Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing