Watch Over You Chapter 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17

Watch Over You Chapter 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Six chapters are included here


Watch Over You Chapter 12

Nick's POV

The next days went on, kind of quietly till Thursday, but let me back up first. Wednesday had been simple for them most part but I'll get to that eventually. In Ms. Knox's class our work consisted of our very first opinion log that was due that same day, also we continued on with the reading of chapters one & two & its notes plus the Scientific Method, also finishing the Pendulum lab, & a section review on page nineteen where we had to do questions one through three, then there was the workbook pages we had to do which on pages three through six, & last but not least ... she reminded of us our second quiz tomorrow Thursday. And as an added bonus she threw in an extra credit assignment in that was optional, of course I was going to do it & encourage Donie to do it too naturally. In P.E. we watched an early Christmas movie, called Arthur Christmas (probably suggested by Idylla cause she loves animated movies & anything Christmas related, but then again ... who doesn't?). By the end of it, Donie & I were spinning from how fast the story line had went, but overall it was a sweet movie. I enjoyed it a lot also cause the voice of Arthur was done by James McAvory, whom of which is one of my favorite actors. I first heard about him in X-Men: First Class, which he was quite awesome in as well. Besides music, I love great movies & their actors & actresses.

After the movie finished, came math class which of course focused on new lessons & equations & how to solve them, capital boring for Donie, but for me ... I follow it with no problems. For Donie though, I'm afraid it just meant me being his own personal tutor. Ty's brought to my attention that when I do try to help him like all the time I did in the past, he is listening & focusing for the most part, but by the end of it ... he's more into focusing on me. So today I was going to break it to him if he wasn't going to start focusing on the actual math, then I couldn't continue to try & help him.

Thankfully in dad's class it always brought the perfect cheerer-upper to the day besides of course Joe's class of course cause nothing makes one smile like playing music. And in no time, lunch time had begun ... time for Joe to come to visit, but before that I told dad & Donie I'd be back, I had to make a stop at the restroom. After I'd finished, I walked back towards the music room walking in the direction back to the stairs that would lead me down the hill to my dad's room.

Ty: Heya. *Appears next to him; hovering next to him as he walked on* So looking forward to Joe time?

Nick: Yup.

Ty: *Chuckles folding arms* But you'd rather have him one-on-one again, right?

Nick: Yeah, but I should just push those kind of thoughts aside.

Ty: Or *Reminds him* make it a reality & bring out that smile that only comes when Joe's around.

Nick: Say what? I don't have a smile just for him.

Ty: Oh, yes you do.

Nick: No I don't.

Ty: So do.

Nick: *Raises an eyebrow; looks at him expectantly*

Ty: I'm right, you know?

Nick: Maybe.

Ty: *Chuckles again*

Nick: Okay you're right. *Gives in*

Ty: I know, so loverboy want me to make this a Joe-only invite?

Nick: How would you mange that?

Ty: Easily, I could just bring Donie's friend to bother him to hang out & as for you dad, I could just have Idylla call him to talk, but of course there's other possibilities too.

Nick: I see. *Asks him then* Am I being selfish asking for this?

Ty: Not at all, don't even think that. If anything Nick, you put their feelings first before your own. So if you just want a little time with Joe without the other two guys, I can do it, but if you don't want it to happen right now, there's always other times. Its up to you, man.

Nick: *Stops walking; thinks about it for a few moments spacing out. Before I could say my answer, I came face to face with Joe; gasps softly* Mr. Anderson.

Ty: *Knows his decision, makes it happen* You're good to go whirlwind, do have fun. *Winks leaving them to be*

Joe's POV

Joe: *Walks over towards Nick; greets him* Hey Nick, good afternoon.

Nick: *Blushes a little, didn't expect to run into him this soon* Good afternoon. *Smiles; waves a little*

Joe: *Grins a lot. He's so adorable*

Ty: *Repays that thought into Nick's head so he could hear him*

Nick: *Blurts out without thinking* Y-you think I'm adorable?

Joe: *Does a double-take* What?

Nick: T-hat is um ... I .. nothing.

Joe: *There's no way he could've heard that, I just said that in my mind*

Ty: *Oh, brother. Guess they just need a little push. So I got behind Joe & pushed him to fall into Nick; brushes hands together*

Joe: *Feels something push at my back, just as I was about to turn & find out the source of it, I felt myself falling forward & before I could regain my balance I fell onto Nick knocking the shy boy down to the ground*

Nick: W-woah! *Gasps out softly; instantly pins this on the only person I know capable of what just happened. Ty!*

Ty: *Chuckles. He's gonna thank me one someday*

Joe: Nick you alright? *Now lying on top of him; close to his face*

Nick: *I could feel my heart beating hard, past running around the track in P.E. kind of thing, more like out of my chest almost. I was blushing madly, I couldn't speak let alone move. My eyes looked into his, our eyes were locked. He looked concerned, while also just as surprised as I was. I swallowed a little, I think I'm paralyzed*

Joe: Nick? *Says his name again*

Ty: *You've got to snap out of it Nick! I don't want to push anything farther, but I guess I'll have to. So with a sigh, I pushed Joe's back again causing him to start to roll as he reacted quickly cradling Nick into the safety of his arms, making the two lovers-to-be roll down a small grassy hill. Of course before they could make it down to the bottom, I slowed their speed so neither one would be hurt & also just so Joe could end up on top of Nick again. And with that, I just grinned & this time I let them be ... alone as they should be*

Again I felt that weird push at my back making me roll towards the right, but the thing about that ... it pushed us over to he small-ish hill. Acting fast, I grabbed Nick closer to protect him. We rolled together till we reached the bottom in a matter of seconds. It had been a quick rush, immediately I looked to find myself back on top of Nick on the concrete next to the music room.

Joe: Nick, oh my gosh are you okay?

Nick: *My eyes were closed as I yelled while we rolled downwards. Once I felt we had reached the bottom & had come to a complete stop, I let out a shaky breath. I could feel a familiar weight on top of my small body. I opened my eyes to find his looking at me again. Unable to speak just yet, I just nodded shyly. He's so close to me right now was all I could process at the moment*

Joe: I'm glad, whew. *Sighs* That was weird, I couldn't sworn I felt something or someone push me. *Looks around seeing if anyone was nearby, but as things would have it ... there wasn't anyone around ... wow even weirder*

Nick: *Ty was going to get it. Anyone could see us, but then all my thoughts ceased when I saw Joe look back at me. I breathed shallowly as I looked up at him*

Joe: *Turning back to look at Nick, I saw his blush re-forming back on his cheeks. I smiled a smiled & spoke to him, this time aloud* You are so adorable.

Nick: *Blushes even more; can feel my crazy heart beat starting up again. He's just saying that I think?*

Joe: Nick ... I actually have a confession.

Nick: *Is he ...?*

Joe: I thought I could just hide away my feelings, but right now ... I just can't anymore.

Nick: *Eyes widen; completely frozen waiting for him to continue what he's trying to tell me*

Joe: The truth is *Blinks while smiling even more* I've fallen for you.

Nick: *Smiles then, feeling a whole new sensation talking me over quickly & in the moment I told him the truth* I like you too, a lot actually. *Admits to him*

Joe: Wait you do?

Nick: *Nods vigorously* Since I first-

Joe: *Finishes for him* Met you.

Nick: Yeah. *Breathes*

Joe: Wow.

Nick: You're not just joking & saying that are you? *Asks him then*

Joe: *Shakes head* No of course not, why would you think that?

Nick: *Looks at him shyly* Our ages. *Whispers*

Joe: Oh. *Realizes* Right. I know this is highly inappropriate & everything, but it doesn't matter to me. I can't stop this feelings for you.

Nick: Neither can I ... Mr. Anderson.

Joe: *Chuckles* Call me Joe.

Nick: Joe. *Giggles*

Joe: *Hugs him then; still on top of him*

Nick: *Surprised by the hug bringing us closer back together just like when we were rolling down the hill; hugs him back closing eyes living in this moment with him*

Joe: Nick?

Nick: Hmm?

Joe: As much as I'd love to stay like this with you right here, we better get up.

Nick: *Pouts pulling back* Right, school. *I reminded the both of us of the impending reality*

Joe: *Kneels up first taking his hand to pull him up along with me*

Nick: *Stands with his help; feels a wobbly feeling in my legs almost making them tingly*

Joe: We'd better go into your dad's room before he comes out to look for you.

Nick: *Nods agreeing with him, although Ty promised a dad/Donie-free lunch, I was still wary of things*

Joe: *Together we walked around the corner & went inside the room, while I expected to find his dad & his friend, Donie ... I gazed around the room to see no one even around* Where'd everyone go?

Nick: *Explains to him then* Donie's with a friend eating lunch & dad's talking to his mom up at the office, also eating lunch.

Joe: Really?

Nick: Yeah. *Nods in confirmation; closes the door; stumbles out my next words* S-so ... what now?

Joe: *Turns back to him to find he'd seated himself in front of the piano; grins going directly over to him to sit alongside him* We can play songs & sing together if you want?

Nick: *Smiles* I'd love to but, what ... about just happened between us? *Whispers*

Joe: *Exhales* I've thought about this great deal before I even decided to tell you. And now that its out there, I got one thing I just really want to ask you.

Nick: What is it Joe? *Blushes; finally I could call him by his first name in front of him*

Joe: Can I kiss you? *Leans in towards him*

Nick: *Nods once* Mm-hm.

Joe: You sure?

Nick: Yes.

Joe: *Nods leaning in, closing my eyes along with him*

Nick: *Stays still not wanting to mess the moment up; waits for him*

Joe: *Gently I pressed my lips to his, while my hands working around his hips bringing him closer to me*

Nick: *In that split second, I felt my whole world spin. It felt so wonderful. We were kissing. Joe was kissing me. At school*

Joe: *Nick's lips were about the softest lips ever, but what was driving me more was just kissing him, finally just kissing Nick. This had been like the dream, but now it was actually happening right now. I was awake & he's in my arms. I continued to kiss him gently, not wanting to scare him away before I could make him mine*

Nick: *His kiss made my face & whole body warm up. How was it possible to feel so warm? All I knew was that, I could stay like this always. Everything was forgotten, nothing mattered just Joe & I kissing for the first time for real*

Joe: *Pulling back I smiled & pecked his lips*

Nick: *Whispers breathlessly* W-why are you pulling away?

Joe: *Cups his chin with my right hand* So you can breath easier.

Nick: *Pants a little* I-I am breathing.

Joe: *Pecks his lips again* I can tell.

Nick: Joe?

Joe: Yes?

Nick: Come back. *I blushed hard*

Joe: *Knows what he means; grins connecting our lips*

Nick: *Takes this chance while we still have it, to kiss him back*

Joe: *Can tell he's getting more into our kiss now, follows with him*

Nick: *Moans then*

Joe: *Pulls back then; eyes fill with pure adoration; kisses his forehead* We'd best not get too hot & heavy just in case.

Nick: Agreed, but I-

Joe: I know I want to kiss you a lot more, believe I do.

Nick: *Blushes; looks down*

Joe: Before we start acting like teacher & student, I want to ask you another question.

Nick: *Looks back up at him*

Joe: How do you feel about being my boyfriend, Nick?

Nick: *A smile adorns my face; nods* Only if you get to be mine.

Joe: Definitely yes.

Nick: Then yes.

Joe: Cool.

Nick: Cool. *I repeated again after him & we both just beamed together*

I'm his lover not his mother 

Why you starin' at each other? 

What's your problem? 

I'm not his keeper, I'm his teacher 

Ho, 'n it goes deeper 

What's your problem? 

I can't control these feelings I have inside 

I had to let go, let go of my pride 

Age is a number 

Don't steal my thunder 

Can't love no other, other, other 

You're my boy, 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

My boy, my boy

Where's the blame, where's the shame? 

We're just two hearts come together 

What's your problem? 

He's not a boy, not a toy 

He's man enough to understand 

What's your problem? 

I can't control these feelings I have inside 

I had to let go, let go of my prize 

Age is a number 

Don't steal my thunder 

I can't love no other, other, other 

You're my boy, 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

My boy, my boy

Don't mind tellin' you baby, she says he's my boy 

My boy, my boy ... 

Yes, you're my boy, 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

Keepin' you inside so they don't see that you're my boy 

My boy, my boy

So with that, we spaced ourselves so it would appear we weren't sitting so close, no matter how much both of us wanted to & began the jam session. I honestly loved singing with Nick & I could tell he felt the same about me. It was just interesting cause I wouldn't have guess Nick to actually return my feelings for him. But now I've realized all the signs its been there I just didn't notice it sooner just writing it off as his shyness, with the blushing, smiling brightly whenever I'm near, but mostly the way we just seem to connect. Its only the second week of school & already for the first time in a long time, I've fallen for someone. While that person is underaged & a minor, I'm still don't pay it any mind. I don't know what it is about Nick, but I really feel something for him. I have a strong feeling its love, but with him I have yet to find out if he loves me back. But hey, its just only Wednesday & now that Nick knows & I know he likes me back, I'm happy enough. Eventually Nick & I, started to eat our lunches talking in between bites, till finally his dad & Donie came back into the room. As we greeted the two other guys, we all just broke into another jam session just cause they had both eaten their own lunches already. It was still fun & in the end when the bell rung it was time to get going. While Nick & Donie went in the same direction as me, I walked alongside them till we had to part ways. Waving to them both, they went to the right while I went straight ahead into my class & began my lesson. Only one more period & I can see Nick again.

Nick's POV

Once in Mr. Guttman's class Donie & I took our seats & so began english class. First off on the agenda, we got back our check diagnostic tests, then focused on our literacy term for the week plot, next the "I Am" poem & lastly we worked on a new spelling packet. And when the bell sounded the end of period five, I got up after I had put away my things & walked around the corner of classes to Joe's. Of course in class, we still had to act as how we always were, but on the inside I was bubbling with excitement. I, Nick Jonas ... had a boyfriend! Me. And with my history teacher! Its unreal, yet its not a dream. I can't describe it, but its amazing. Ty was right. Donie was right. Dad was right. But still does he love me like I do him? Can I still hope? So many questions, but regardless of them, I still payed attention to his lesson in which we started with bellwork number four, a new explore map, continuing the timeline activity, & lastly we read a lot from our history texts. By then of his class, he announced our very first exam would be next week probably next Thursday. So from here & until then, we'd be getting a study guide to help us with that & he will be going over it with us in great detail.

Saying our byes to him for the day, I left with Donie, but still I turned to watch Joe leave. I smiled at him waving as he did the same. Again I watched him take off on his motorcycle & leave. I pouted a little inwardly & began my walk back down the hill with Donie who was talking about hitting the beach again, while this time I just didn't feel like hanging with him. All I could think about was Joe, & of how I just wish I could go hang with him instead. But I couldn't just leave my home & go to Joe's even though Ty had brought me over there once, I still couldn't just wander on over there. Moreover, I still had to give Donie a reason for declining the beach.

Donie: So cya you after you get changed alright?

Nick: Not today, dude.

Donie: What?

Nick: I'm just not up for it.

Donie: Why not, its the beach.

Nick: Maybe another day, I'll catch you around. *Waves to him going over to my dad's car*

Donie: *Shrugs; disappointed* Alright, later man. *Waves back to him; goes to find my mom*

Nick: *Gets in the car* Hey.

Hugo: Hey bud. *Begins to drive* So listen Idylla & I talked at lunch this afternoon & she says Donie's been trying to distract himself from his crush on you, but it hasn't been easy. Idylla thinks that maybe its best he spend a little time from you. We were just both wondering what were your thoughts on this?

Nick: Honestly, I know exactly how much he likes me even loves me, so I can understand what he's feeling. I think it might be good for us, I mean maybe he can learn to work on controlling himself when he's around me.

Hugo: Has he tried anything yet?

Nick: Not yet, but that doesn't mean I've let my guard down just yet.

Hugo: Its going to be hard for him, just cause your his first love.

Nick: *Looks down* I know. I just wish he didn't feel that way for me.

Hugo: It might take quite some time, but Donie will get through this. We'll be there for him.

Nick: Of course & yes we will be, cause we're like family. I love him like my brother, always have, always will.

Hugo: Good. So did you & Joe have a good time hanging out?

Nick: Yeah, he really loves playing piano.

Hugo: Besides loving you.

Nick: *Blushes* Dad!

Hugo: What? He does.

Nick: *Smiles. I really hope he does* Uh-huh.

Hugo: I hear there's a dance coming up you know.

Nick: *Shrugs* That right?

Hugo: Yep sometime next week, you going to go?

Nick: No, I'm not into school dances.

Hugo: Aw, come on now why not?

Nick: *Chuckles at him* Well when is it?

Hugo: Well at first it was going to held during period five & six, but its just still too hot. So its been changed to about 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Nick: After school huh? Well thats better, cause if it would've been during school, I would've still said no thanks.

Hugo: So does that mean you'll go since its going to be in the evening?

Nick: Nope.

Hugo: But Nick, you've never went to a dance before don't you think it would be fun to go this time? Its your last year at Milton.

Nick: There's no one to go with. While I'm sure Donie would just flip out if I remotely asked him to come, he'd think its a date for sure.

Hugo: Okay but did I mention that all teachers will be there too, so you know what that means right?

Nick: *Gets it then* Mr. Anderson will be there.

Hugo: Sweetheart you can call him Joe, its fine by me.

Nick: Dad.

Hugo: I swear it.

Nick: Okay so Joe will be there, b-b-b-ut-

Hugo: Easy buddy don't get so flustered about this. Did you think I meant him & you dancing together?

Nick: Never crossed my mind.

Hugo: Really? Not even a little?

Nick: No cause you just brought the whole dance thing up.

Hugo: A good point, but still you should go.

Nick: We'll see.

Hugo: I know you will, plus you might not be able to dance with Joe just yet as in a slow dance kind of thing ... but there is potential for an innocent dance.

Nick: An innocent dance, dad where do you come up with these things?

Hugo: I don't know, I just make these things as I go along you know? But what I mean you two can dance cause clearly Joe will see you're not getting your groove on or what it is you kids say these days.

Nick: Oh boy. But I'm not much or a dancer.

Hugo: That can change in a moment.

Nick: Yeah?

Hugo: Oh yeah.

Nick: Dad I swear I don't get you sometimes.

Hugo: I know, thats what makes it fun. Plus I just know want my boy to have a good time.

Nick: *Chuckles* You're so weird.

Hugo: Don't tell me you wouldn't want to dance if he was there with you?

Nick: I'll be frozen, I won't move if he asks me to dance with him.

Hugo: Oh my baby boy.

Nick: Daddd.

Hugo: One of the main things of being a teenager is having fun, the good kind of fun. I bet you you'll change your mind in a week's time.

Nick: That a "bet" bet?

Hugo: Maybe?

Nick: Well is it or not & if it is what are the stakes?

Hugo: Okay it is, say I'm wrong you decide not to go for whatever reason ... you can choose what you want within reason of course.

Nick: And if you're right?

Hugo: Then I get to watch & take photos, you gotta have memories in the scrapbook.

Nick: Oh man, dad.

Hugo: So is it bet, son?

Nick: *Shakes my head* This is silly, but fine its a bet.

Hugo: Cool.

Nick: Dad?

Hugo: *Parking the car in front of our house* Yeah?

Nick: You might want to lay off watching too much TV. *Teases him*

Hugo: Oh speaking of that, there's a marathon on so I'm going to be watching my show for the rest of the evening.

Nick: *Rolls eyes knowingly, he's a fan of Chicago Fire; unbuckles seatbelt getting out with my roller-backpack in tact* Alrighty then, guess I'll be in my room studying, reading & whatnot.

Hugo: You want to watch with me? *Gets out to following him as I locked the car up*

Nick: Tempting, but I'll pass.

Hugo: If you say so, if you change your mind you know where to find me.

Nick: Got it. *Now inside, watches as he walks past me into his room. I just smiled. And he's the adult? I walked towards my room putting my backpack aside in its usual spot. In the meantime, I decided to first take a shower & started a load of laundry. After a good nine minutes I finished & got out of the shower drying up & getting dressed into just a simple t-shirt & boxers, since it was just going to be me for the rest of the night it looked. So for the first hour & a half, I did my homework & caught up on all my reading. Towards the end when I'd finished, my stomach rumbled so I decided to get a snack so I headed for the kitchen & made myself a little salad with tangerines, tomatoes, raisins, candied walnuts, blue cheese, crushed chucks of hard-boiled eggs, spinach & arugula all thrown into the mix. While it may seem a little gross at first, its actually very good. Mom & dad introduced to me it & I just love it, its definitely one of my favorites.

Ty: Looks like a nice salad, can I join? *Sitting with him at the table, with my left hand propped under on sitting; grinning*

Nick: You!

Ty: Why hello to you to you, baby.

Nick: Do you realize what you did today?

Ty: Lemme see, correct me if I'm wrong okay? I brought you & Joe together closer & he admitted he likes you & you like him & now you're boyfriends. Did I miss anything?

Nick: No, but you didn't have to press him into to making him tell me.

Ty: Think of this way, at first I was going to let it be & let him tell you on his own, but by the time he stops worrying about what you're going say & think, while the the same thing is going on with. You're worried about what he feels or not for you, so I just knew I just needed to help you two out a little bit. I'm sorry if I overstepped things, but I'm not sorry because I feel you're ten times happier now because of what Joe told you.

Nick: You're right, I am much happier. I was just shocked you did that.

Ty: I know, I saw your guys' faces.

Nick: Thank you Ty though, thanks to you he told me how he feels.

Ty: Your welcome, but he was going to tell but when was what was getting to me. It could've dragged on & on, & both of you wouldn't say anything in fear ... so I made things simple.

Nick: And now I actually have a boyfriend. Oh my God. *Smiles at the very words*

Ty: Yeah, thats my baby. You've got your very first boyfriend.

Nick: Mm, its so weird but at the same time it just feels so wonderful.

Ty: Aww's, so wanna go see him?

Nick: Ty, you know I can't regardless of dad being preoccupied with his show & whatnot, I just can't.

Ty: Thats too bad, cause he really wants to see you. In fact, he's wandering the beach just in hopes you'll stop by.

Nick: *Laughs* Thats a good one.

Ty: Don't believe me? Alright well see for yourself. *Shows him by transporting him & myself over to the beach over to Joe *

Nick: *Eyes blink fast; gasp yells as I felt my body rush from my house to where Ty was taking me to*

Ty: *Hugs him* You can open your eyes baby.

Nick: Are we back on the ground? *Keeps them closed*

Ty: *Chuckles* We are.

Nick: Good. *Lets out a breath*

Ty: Thought you loved flying?

Nick: I do, but that I wasn't expecting. What's up with you today?

Ty: I'm really just into getting you & Joe together, just as is your dad.

Nick: Oh don't remind me. You sure you're not posing as him?

Ty: I can honestly say that I have not. Your dad just senses something special with you two. He's got a good eye. Now do you want to become visible?

Nick: *Smiles* Do it, Ty.

Ty: Done. Hope you have a sweet time, baby. *Leaves him*

Nick: *Becomes visible; Ty had transported me by the bathroom knowing that there wasn't anyone nearby at the moment. I looked down at myself thinking that I was still in my same clothes, but seems as though I was now wearing a orange shirt & beige shorts along with brown sandals, with sunglasses on top of my head, not bad thanks Ty; smiles, then I walked down to the beach finding Joe. I tapped his back & waved to him, looking up at him* Hey there, looking for me?

Joe: *Turns around; smiles instantly* Nick hey! Yeah actually I was, I mean I was hoping you would show up.

Nick: Guess we found each other.

Joe: Guess so. Is Hugo with you?

Nick: No, he's back home gearing up to watch Chicago Fire.

Joe: Does he know your out here on your own?

Nick: *Not really & while I don't want to lie to him, I just can't tell the truth yet. One day I will though* Yeah, he said it was okay.

Joe: Donie coming too?

Nick: No, he's busy. I hope & coming no where near the beach, please hear that one Ty*

Ty: Noted, he's watching reruns of Tanked & mixing it up with video games. *Lets him know*

Joe: So its just you?

Nick: Yep, but now I'm with you.

Joe: Awesome, I mean I like hanging with Hugo too & your friend, Donie but I really like hanging with you the most.

Nick: *Giggles* Same here.

Joe: Want walk along the shore?

Nick: Sure.

Joe: So what have you been up to since you got home?

Nick: Studying, reading, homework my usual routine. I take my studies & grades very seriously.

Joe: I can tell, thats really great. May I say that your admire your drive.

Nick: *Blushes* Thanks.

Joe: *Chuckles*

Nick: What?

Joe: Nothing.

Nick: Come on what is it?

Joe: Its just I was thinking about you know even though we can't exactly hold hands in public, I was just picturing it.

Nick: For real?

Joe: Yeah. So Nick, I wanted to ask you earlier but didn't get the chance. How long have you been into guys?

Nick: *Blushes* This is going to sound kind of lame, but it was actually the first day I saw you.

Joe: Get out.

Nick: No, I'm not kidding. I've never had a feelings for a guy before, you're my very first.

Joe: Well I'm honored Nick, & just between you I, you're my very first boyfriend too.

Nick: No way, I can't be.

Joe: Its true. I've never dated guys before or asked any out.

Nick: So did you have a girlfriend?

Joe: Once when I was back in high school, it was one of those sweet high school romances senior year.

Nick: What was her name?

Joe: Lica.

Nick: What happened with you two?

Joe: Well believe or it not, I was a shy boy like yourself back then. We first met in history class or all places. She sat to the right of me in class. While at first we started off as friends for the longest time, it wasn't till our last year as seniors that we started dating. It lasted for about a year till we graduated & we went our separate ways. She moved to Texas & got a scholarship, while I pursued going to college & getting my degree & teaching credentials. Honestly, we both knew we'd drift apart, but we still keep in contact, she's still a close friend.

Nick: Wow, thats kind of shame you two drifted apart.

Joe: Yeah, it was but I knew she wasn't the one I loved the most. Since then, I've been in & out a couple relationships that didn't last either. It was only recently that I realized I wasn't really into girls anymore. I came to grips with what I wanted, so I've been just hanging back on the dating. Now I realize that I made the right decision cause I've been led straight to you.

Nick: Do you think it was fate?

Joe: If it is then, I'm a believer.

Nick: *Smiles shyly*

Joe: What about yourself? I know you said you've never dated a guy or had feelings for one. Its hard to believe a cute young boy like yourself hasn't been taken.

Nick: *Blushes* I um ... well if you really want to know, you know Donie?

Joe: Yeah. *Nods*

Nick: He's gay & has a crush on me. In fact he just admitted to me recently.

Joe: Hmm, see I knew it. I just knew another one would find your adorable. So how'd you react?

Nick: I was shocked. Even though he told me how he feels, I just ... couldn't tell him that I felt the same. To me Donie's been my brother, my best friend, my only friend for that matter. We've been super close from the first moment we met. And now out of the blue, he tells me he likes me but I know its more than that. I know he's in love with me & I still can not return his love.

Joe: I would be too, if my best friend hid the truth from me. You didn't realize it sooner? You sure you only see Donie as a brother & best friend?

Nick: No, I didn't see the signs. It was so obvious too, but I was still oblivious. And I promise you I don't, the very thought of him kissing me ... makes me grimace. While he said he understands, he still doesn't want to give up. And now he knows, that I like you.

Joe: *Offers for a solution* I was too, even with the signs with you. If I'd just recognized it ... *Trails off* I wish I would've told you, but I'm glad I told you now & I'm just even more glad that you like me too. *Chuckles* I see, so its truly is just a friendship for you but clearly not for him. Does he really? Did you tell him?

Nick: *Shakes head no* No, he confronted me because he got jealous of me hanging with you over the weekend. Remember when you came to my house & we played music & everything?

Joe: Yep, I really enjoyed spending time with you & Hugo.

Nick: *Smiles big* So did I & dad. Well Donie was spying on me the entire I was home. I confronted him yesterday about he admitted to the spying. He just came up with his own conclusions about liking you.

Joe: So I take it thats the reason he didn't appear to like me when we were at jam session.

Nick: Exactly, he doesn't trust you but I want you to know I do, trust you.

Joe: Its alright, I mean he's entitled to have his opinions & I get it, he's just being protective of you. And thank you Nick, I'm happy to hear you say that.

Nick: *Continues to recap the rest of the conversation of Donie & I from the previous day so Joe could better understand everything; finishes after a bit* I'm sorry I've been pouring out a lot of stuff, sorry.

Joe: Don't be, now I know about more, thank you for telling me. I think what surprises the most is Hugo knowing, & he's really alright with us dating?

Nick: Not till I'm eighteen according to him.

Joe: Wow.

Nick: I know its all crazy right?

Joe: Yeah, but a good kind of crazy.

Nick: So Joe ...?

Joe: Yes?

Nick: How's this going to work? I mean as we are right now, we can't really date.

Joe: Thats true, but I think for now I like we're this heading already. As far as I'm concerned I'm just happy to have you in my life.

Nick: I do too. I guess I'm worried for the moment.

Joe: Well Nick I promise you for as long as you want to be together, I will respect your feelings. I care for you a lot, I want you to know that. For the moment, I think its best we maintain as we've been before we kissed this afternoon.

Nick: Oh, Joe. *Beams at him* Mm. *Agrees* Yes cause now we've kind of cheated, but I liked the kisses.

Joe: I did too.

Nick: A lot?

Joe: Definitely a lot.

Nick: *Giggles; continues to beam*

Joe: You've got a beautiful smile.

Nick: *Blushes* So you do.

Joe: *Grins; splashes him a little with my foot*

Nick: *Squeals* H-hey!

Joe: *Whistles casually like I didn't do anything*

Nick: *Does it back him; laughs*

Joe: *Dodges him expecting him to do exactly that* Ha, ha!

Nick: Oh yeah?

Joe: Yeah.

Nick: You better start running!

Joe: If you say so. *Starts running but not too fast, wants to see want kind of pace he'll set*

Nick: *Takes off bumping into him* Gotcha!

Joe: Whoa, very well done you're quite fast.

Nick: I can be when I want to.

Joe: I'll take a note to remember that.

We continued like that for awhile it seemed splashing each other & chasing each other, just focusing on the two of us. Eventually I knew I had to return home, so he walked me back to my house.

Nick: That was a blast.

Joe: Sorry, we can't do more for our first date.

Nick: First date?

Joe: Mm-hmm.

Nick: *Smiles brightly* Well for the first date, I loved it, thank you.

Joe: Your welcome, I'll see you tomorrow.

Nick: Tomorrow.

Joe: Say hi to Hugo for me.

Nick: I will.

Joe: Well, goodnight Nick. *Gives him a hug; whispers in his ear* Sleep well, little one.

Nick: *Blushes; hugs him back* Goodnight Joe & you too.

Joe: *Lets him go watching him go back inside his house; starts to walk back home*

Nick: *Dreamily sighs*

Ty: So I take it went good?

Nick: Mm-hmm. *Continues to walk towards my room*

Ty: In dreamland I see, wow sounds like it was quite the sweet day for you.

Nick: The best.

Ty: Thats great, way to go.

Nick: *Lays on my bed; asks him* Is dad still watching his shows?

Ty: Yep.

Nick: Kind of thought so. Could you do me a favor?

Ty: *Winks* Already done, baby.

Nick: *Looks down at my new pjs*

Ty: And if you were wondering, you're clean again.

Nick: How'd you-

Ty: I have my ways.

Nick: Thanks, dude.

Ty: You bet.

Nick: I'm going to go hang with dad, see where he's act in the marathon.

Ty: Cool, I'll catch ya around.

Nick: One last thing.

Ty: *Smiles* What's that?

Nick: I'm really thankful for today.

Ty: Thats everything & more that I wanted to hear. *Gives him a hug; leaves him then*

Nick: *Goes to find my dad watching his show in his room laying on his bed; joins him. Mom, if you hear this now ... I'm so happy, I miss you & love you & thank you for sending Ty. And mom ... guess what ... I have a boyfriend, his name is Joe Anderson & he's my U.S. History teacher*


Watch Over You Chapter 13

Nick's POV

Nick: Morning! *I greeted Donie meeting up with him to go to class*

Donie: Morning, wow someone's really happy. What's up?

Nick: Nothing just feeling extra cheerful today is all.

Donie: Uh-huh, right. *Takes my seat next to him*

Giggles to myself. He wouldn't get it just yet, but I just can't stop smiling. So shortly when Ms. Knox's class began we started the days lesson, which just went on by like any other day. In period two we finally got to dress out for P.E., even though the temperature was still quite hot ... it was time no more movie period. Donie & I met back up after we'd both changed into our P.E. clothes & started to walk towards the rest of our class standing on their numbers awaiting Idylla. The uniforms were basically grey t-shirts & shorts. On the t-shirt was our school's name & our mascot the black panther*

Donie: *Something was definitely up with Nick, he was like in la-la land* Dude?

Nick: Yeah? *I pretty much sing-songed*

Donie: You gotta spill on what's with your giddiness today.

Nick: Nothing I told you.

Donie: Liar. *I accused him*

Nick: Call me whatever you want. *I'm still not telling, not by a long shot. Even if he guesses I'm not going to admit it*

Donie: *Eyes narrow* Does this have something to do with Joe?

Nick: *And he's quick to hit it spot on; shakes head* Nope.

Donie: *Keeps eyes the same way*

Nick: *Also he can narrow his eyes & interrogate me all he wants, I'm still not going to confirm anything*

Donie: Hmm.

Nick: *Bursts out laughing*

Donie: Nick?

Nick: You look so serious man, loosen up. *I swatted his back*

Donie: *Raises an eyebrow* What the heck?

Nick: Never mind, just get to your number. *Walks over to mine*

Donie: *Doesn't really want to do class right now, too concerned about Nick. Its got to be that darn history teacher, he's not smiling for any other reason. Reluctantly I went & stood on my number with my arms folded*

Idylla: *Blows a whistle beginning our first class session* Morning guys & girls! How are you are doing? *I asked them*

Donie: *All saying good at once, she just continued*

Idylla: Good to hear, well the movie break's over so now begins the actual fitness & all that good stuff. Let me take roll first & then we'll start with basic stretches.

Donie: *Great, time to warm-up I guess except its not so great cause the black top is not exactly nice & cool, but rather scolding hot*

Idylla *Goes through roll call in the meantime*

Nick: *Hums in my head*

Ty: Ooh, smitten & fallen aren't we? *Floating above him watching him*

Nick: *Smiles big. Yes*

Ty: *Chuckles* I'm so glad for you Nick, really.

Nick: *But none of this could of happened if it weren't for you*

Ty: While I was hoping for a little thank you, I knew you two had it in you to come together. I'm sorry that it all seemed pushy at the time, but now you see why. I just wanted you to see for yourself & also I just wanted you to be happy.

Nick: *Thank you so much Ty. I'm so happy*

Ty: Your so welcome, little dude. So bet you're looking forward to the lunch date right?

Nick: *Chuckles inwardly* Well its not a date, but still I look forward to seeing him*

Ty: Yeah. Want me to ward away jealous Donie & your dad away?

Nick: *As much as it would be nice to be alone again, I have to restrain myself here. I just don't want those two to always be blown off you know? Plus I also don't want my dad to catch on to what's going on*

Ty: Okay as you wish, but just know Joe's restraining himself too. He really does want to spend more time with you. And as for your dad & best friend, its okay every now & then to get some time to spend with Joe without either of them being suspicious. And I know exactly what you mean, I think its a good idea too even though I want you two to have your time together, you guys definitely will. Well I'll leave you to P.E. & all that good stuff stud, I'll catch ya later alright?

Nick: *You know it & thanks again*

Ty: You betcha. *Winks & leaves him*

So for the rest of class after the stretching & warming up, we spent class playing our very first session of basketball. We all got broken into teams, lucky for me Donie got put on a separate team. Sometimes he & I can get a little competitive at select sports, but mostly its just all about having fun & a good game. Shortly after a lot of games, it was time to change back into our regular clothes to go to the next class. I decided to hit the bathroom & change in there, just to clean & wipe away my access sweat. Whew, its like a desert out there in terms of weather. Quickly afterwards I joined up with Donie & we headed to Algebra & then after that we headed to my dad's class & then came lunch. This time of course, Donie, dad & I stayed in class & began eating & waiting for Joe to show. About ten minutes I finished my lunch & headed over to the piano to start playing a song.

Hugo: *Just smiles continuing to eat as I watched him go towards the piano*

Donie: *Watching him too. I wondered what he was going to play*

Joe: *Walks in then about to say sorry about being a little late, but then I saw everyone's attention on Nick who was situated at the piano. I grinned & kept silent, I certainly didn't want to interrupt this moment*

Nick: *Sings my song I'd written & kept hidden all this time*

Whoo-ooooh, oh yeah ohh yeah

I've been wasting my time

I've been losing my mind

I've been running races

Still don't know what I've been chasing

But my eyes still can't see

Bluer skies that wait for me

And I'm on my way... hey

It's time for me to fly

Its time for me to soar

It's time for me to open up my heart

and knock on Heaven's door

It's time for me to live

It's time for me to sing

It's time for me to lay down all my worries

and I'll spread my wings

Time for me to fly

The earth can be a heavy ride

When the clouds are in your eyes

But I feel a calling

I will rise, I won't be falling

And I'll escape the gravity

And I'll reach my destiny

And I'll fly away... hey

It's time for me to fly

It's time for me to soar

It's time for me to open up my heart

and knock on Heaven's door

It's time for me to live

It's time for me to sing

It's time for me to lay down all my worries

and I'll spread my wings

Time for me to fly

The gates of Heaven will open wide

I will be

I will rise

There won't be comprimise

As I take to the open skies

I'm gonna fly

I will fly away

I will fly away

I will fly away

It's time for me to fly

It's time for me to soar

It's time for me to open up my heart

and knock on Heaven's door

Its time for me to live

It's time for me to sing

It's time for me to lay down all my worries

and I'll spread my wings

Time for me to fly

You know what time it is

It's time for me to fly

It's time to fly away

Time for me to fly

I will fly away

I will fly away

I will fly away, yeah

Lay down all my worries

Lay down all my troubles

Fly ... IIIIIIIIIIII ... whoo!

I will fly away

I will fly away

I will fly away


I will fly away

I will fly away

Hugo: *My smile got bigger & bigger as Donie & I just listened. I'd known my son had written some songs on his own though never shared them before, but my God ... it was like inspiring & so moving, my boy never fails to amaze me. He's going to be star no doubt in my mind*

Donie: *Eyes widen. I've always wanted to hear Nick's secret songs he'd written on his own, but he would never share them no matter how much Hugo & I & even my mother begged him to. And now he was finally singing one for us, I was blown away. I knew Nick had amazing skills writing songs but I didn't know it would sound so angelic. I was smiling so big now, my best friend's been hiding all this time & wow, I'm so psyched for this moment*

Joe: *I listened to every lyric, every note he hit & sang, the boy just blew me away. The song itself was just astounding. I've never heard such a beautiful voice like Nick's, not ever. He's so special & this right here proves it. I walked in at just the right time to catch just about the greatest performance in history (no pun intended to my teaching subject of course). I literally had chills just listening to him. His music & message was so uplifting & so positive. It was heaven sent & more, I loved it. I could just listen to him forever & I know I would never tire of hearing him. Oh my God when he hit those high notes, my heart skipped a couple of beats. I could hear him loud & clear, my God he's so soulful & humble. I felt all his emotions & it just brought so much happiness to me. Nick is amazing, so amazing*

Nick: *Letting out a breath, I just smiled & turned around from the piano to see my dad & Donie standing up clapping loudly; blushes*

Donie: Nick ... I ... wow! *I couldn't even talk, he'd sung so beautifully*

Hugo: *Goes over to give my son the biggest bear hug ever* Mmm my boy! You were riveting!

Nick: *Laughing* Dadd-d!

Hugo: My stars, Nick ... thank you. *Kisses his cheek* Thank you so much for singing your song for us.

Nick: *Looks at him* Oh dad. *Smiles* How you know it was mine?

Hugo: I felt it was, everything lyric you sang it came straight from you heart.

Nick: Thats because it did.

Hugo: *Hugs him tighter*

Nick: *Hugs him back* Aww dad.

Hugo: I'm sorry, I'm just so excited!

Nick: Its okay, you're so silly.

Hugo: *Chuckles setting my son back down on the ground*

Nick: *Giggles* Good to be back on the ground.

Donie: *Goes over to him* Really Nick that was cooler than cool!

Nick: *Smiles at him* Thanks. *Looks to the side to see Joe there; smile immediately widens brightly* Hey Mr. Anderson.

Joe: Hey Nick & Hugo & Donie. *Claps hands* Bravo Nick, what a performance!

Nick: Thank you.

Donie: *Frowns at Joe showing up; just nods at him curtly*

Hugo: Hey there Joe. Looks like you arrived just in time to hear Nick.

Joe: Yeah, no kidding. Is that an original? *Asks Nick*

Nick: *Nods* It is, one of many.

Hugo: Adds in* And the first he's ever shared with any of us.

Donie: *Also says* Like ever.

Joe: Is it now?

Nick: Yep.

Joe: Well kudos to you Nick, your song was awesome! *Pats his shoulder*

Nick: *Chuckles* Thank you, its a favorite of mine.

Joe: I can see why, that sounds like that one could easily be a hit.

Hugo: I couldn't agree with you more, Joe.

Donie: Nick's destined to be an artist & top the charts. *Brags about him*

Nick: You guys. *Blushes*

Hugo: Don't be shy buddy, its all true.

Joe: Your dad's right Nick & Donie too, you've got everything & more to just move the world with your songs & voice.

Nick: You all really think so?

Hugo: Definitely yes!

Joe: So yes!

Donie: Yes indeedy!

Nick: *Chuckles softly* I guess we'll see soon enough.

Joe: Introducing the amazing, no the inspiring Nick Jonas. *Paints a picture for him*

Hugo: *Agrees wholeheartedly* Mm-hmm, there we go now we're talking.

Donie: So does this mean that you accept your destiny to be a star? *Asks Nick*

Nick: I do, on one condition though.

Hugo: What's that?

Nick: Each of you sing your own solos, something each of us haven't heard yet since I shared one with you.

Donie: Ooh! *Excitedly waves my hand* I'll go first!

Hugo: *Chuckles loudly* The stage is yours Donie. *Takes a seat in a chair as does Nick & Joe*

Donie: *Originally I wanted to play this for Nick & Nick alone, but right now will do. I walked over to take a seat at the piano & began to play a song of mine well mine now that is*

I can't win, I can't reign 

I will never win this game 

Without you, without you 

I am lost, I am vain, 

I will never be the same 

Without you, without you 

I won't run, I won't fly 

I will never make it by 

Without you, without you 

I can't rest, I can't fight 

All I need is you and I

Without you, without you 

You! You! You! 


You! You! You! 

Without... you 

Can't erase, so I'll take blame 

But I can't accept that we're estranged 

Without you, without you 

I can't quit now, this can't be right 

I can't take one more sleepless night 

Without you, without you 

I won't soar, I won't climb 

If you're not here, I'm paralyzed 

Without you, without you 

I can't look, I'm so blind 

I lost my heart, I lost my mind 

Without you, without you

You! You! You! 


You! You! You! 

Without... you 

I am lost, I am vain, 

I will never be the same 

Without you, without you 

Without... you

That song ... it sounded familiar where had I heard it before? I thought for a few moments & that it hit me. It was one of David Guetta's & Usher's songs. I thought I had said for each of them to sing a song they'd written on their own. Why was he singing a cover song? Not wanting to interrupt him, I just listened & watched him. He started the song with a soft piano melody that made me see the song differently. It grabbed me ... it was gentler & as Donie began to sing along with it ... I feeling struck me. And even as he got deeper & deeper into the song I got chills. He was singing this for me. Despite it not being his, he's making it his with the way he's singing it right now. He's crying out, he wants me to hear him ... understand what he's feeling. He really does care about me, by singing this song he's pouring out his heart. Donie I hear you, I get it ... I really do but still no matter how much you try & try ... I just can't return your feelings for me back.

It also makes me sad, he's touching my heart but still I'm rejecting him. I just wish he wasn't in love with me. I don't want to hurt but him continuing to try to pursue me is only going to continue the hurt. I should've kept quite about asking for him to sing a song. I wasn't thinking & I didn't know he would've chosen a song like this playing it in front of my Joe & my dad. Oh God, both my crush & dad are right here beside me. This is now beginning to get really awkward just cause dad obviously knows how Donie feels about me. And Joe ... he may very well just realize exactly what's going on. What if Joe tries to talk me into dating Donie? Someone my own age? What if after listening to Donie pour his heart out convinces Joe that him & I shouldn't be together?  Calm yourself Nick, don't jump to conclusions not since Joe actually feels the way I do. No matter what I want to be with Joe, I just hope he continues to feel that way.

Back to Donie, my God he's hitting some high notes & practically immersing himself into singing & playing on the piano. Its like he's wanted to sing this all along. Knowing him for as long as I have ... he probably wanted to sing this just for me but regardless of the extra two guys being here he's not fazed at all. He's putting everything out on the line, its almost too much. Dear God, what have I done?

Donie's POV

This one is for you Nick, listen good cause this is all for you no one else. I've been working to get this song just perfect & now its time for him to hear it. I don't care for Joe being here & as for Hugo ... I'm fine with him being here. Its Nick's presence that I'm focusing on. I want to show Nick exactly what I've been feeling lately. I don't want to lose him to anyone especially not Joe. Regardless of what Nick's not saying or telling me, there's something going on & I'm determined to find out exactly what it is. Nick's mine, as far as I saw him first & its true. While Nick may not feel the same about me, I'm still hoping I can make him see. I only want him to see the truth & forget an confusion & silly crushes on a certain history teacher. I want him mostly to see me, for him to see that without him ... I'm literally nothing & can't go on. Whatever it takes I will fight for him, I'll always fight for him. Neither no one or nothing can change my mind. I may come on strong, but its all for Nick. He's all I want, I know it in my heart.

Please Nick, just see me for once, maybe just picture us together ... anything to make him feel something other than friendship. I sang my song for him giving it everything not holding back an inch. I've rehearsed this enough, it means a lot to me sharing this with him. Now he'll see how serious I am & how deeply I care for him. I'm hoping for a positive outcome, but it doesn't mean I'm not prepared for him to still reject me. Of course he won't say much when I finish the song & playing. Naturally he say something good & won't get into anything till maybe later. He's too shy too talk about such things in front of others. I bet he hasn't told Hugo about being gay. Although knowing Hugo he'd take it well I'm sure of it, he's like Nick but more outgoing & definitely understanding in a cool way. Back to Nick though with his shyness, its also while I love him. He's always been a quiet one, its one of the many things I adore about him.

( A/N: Watch the video on YouTube of Donie singing the song: )

Hugo's POV

Oh boy, I could only think as Donie sung his song. I knew it was directly intended for Nick. I got to give props to Donie for his determination, I know this must be hard for him with Nick not feeling the same way. With that song I could see he was really hoping to win over Nick, it makes me feel for him so much. Sadly in the end though, I just don't see this going the way Donie wants it to.

Hugo: *Clapping along with Nick & Joe* Bravo Donie, way to go son!

Donie: Thanks Hugo. *Smiles turning around to face him & Nick*

Nick: *Bites lip nodding* Great job & song.

Donie: Glad you liked it, dude.

Joe: Really nice job there Donie. *Comments as well*

Donie: Thank you, Mr. Anderson. *Bluntly says*

And clearly Donie is not a fan of Joe's, just the way he dismissed him. At least when Nick & I praised him he actually smiled brightly.

Nick: *Nudges my dad's shoulder* Your turn.

Hugo: Don't mind if I do. *Takes Donie's place on the piano sitting down getting reacquainted with the keys; pulls out a recorder I made for the instrumental part of the song I was about to play cause naturally it all goes together* You'll recognize this one, Nick. *Begins singing & playing as the recorder provides the rest of the song*

I remember the days 

of just keeping time 

of hanging around in sleepy towns, forever 

Back roads empty for miles 

well you can't have a dream 

and cut it to fit 

but when I saw you, I knew 

we go together, like a wink and a smile 

Leave your old jallopy 

by the railroad track 

we'll get a hip, double dip, tip toppy, 2 seat pontiac 

So you can rev her up 

don't go slow 

It's only green lights and alright 

let's go together with a wink and a smile 


Give me a wink and a smile 


We go together like a wink and a smile 

Now my heart is music 

such a simple song 

singing again, the notes never end 

this is where I belong 

Just the sound of your voice 

the light in your eyes 

Your so far away from yesterday 

Together, with a wink and a smile 

We go together, like a wink and a smile

The second I finished singing ending the song, Nick came over to give me a hug.

Nick: My favorite song. *Whispers to him*

Hugo: *Winks* How I know, curly q.

Nick: *Blushes* Daddd.

Hugo: I love you too buddy, glad you enjoyed it.

And one by one, Joe & Donie voiced their thoughts of the song as well bringing a smile to my smile as I thanked them.

Hugo: Thanks very much guys, now I believe we still have some time for Joe to go, you're up. *Gives a thumbs-up sign getting up from the piano & moving to take a seat in the student chairs with my son & Donie.

Joe's POV

Joe: Welcome Hugo & thanks. *Stands up to walk over to the piano taking Hugo's recent place, as it was Donie's & then Nick's. I cleared my throat turning my head* This a song I wrote awhile back, its always meant a lot to me.

As I turned back to begin playing all I could think about who else could inspire this song now better than Nick. Its like it was meant just for him the more I began to realize. Closing my heads putting my heart on the line feeling it deep in my soul I sang letting the song speak for itself.

Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart

Of what it means to know just who I am

I think I've finally found a better place to start

But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are

Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing

I need to find you

I gotta find you

You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me

I need to find you

I gotta find you

Oh yeah

Yeah yeah

You're the remedy I'm searching hard to find

To fix the puzzle that I see inside

Painting all my dreams the color of your smile

When I find you I'll be alright

I need to try to get to where you are

Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing

I need to find you

I gotta find you

You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me

I need to find you

I gotta find you

Been feeling lost, can't find the words to say

Spending all my time stuck in yesterday

Where you are is where I want to be

Oh next to you... and you next to me

Oh I need to find you... yeah

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing

I need to find you

I gotta find you (yeah, yeah, yeah)

You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me

I need to find you

I gotta find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing

I need to find you (I need to find you)

I gotta find you (I gotta find you)

You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me

I need to find you

I gotta find you

Yeah, yeah... I gotta find you

Nick: *My ears were in heaven just listening to him as he shared his song with us. It was beyond cool to just watch, & that voice ... it sends shivers up body also causing my face to flush. I found myself mouthing the words along with him. Even though it was the first time hearing his song, I felt so natural to me. I wish I could join him, maybe perhaps in time. Next to him is where I want to be. Oh Joe*

Donie: *I didn't care much for Joe's song, my focus was locked on Nick's reaction. He was trying hardest not to smile, but still couldn't hold back. Joe was winning Nick over just like that, melting him practically. That alone didn't sit well with me, I just frowned in distaste*

Hugo: *Call it lovers intuition or whatnot but I certainly recognized a love song when I heard it. But more over it I felt it was directed at Nick, I smiled over at my son finding him beaming. That along made my heart warm, whether this whole Joe teacher situation was just a crush or real love it was still sweet picking up messages like this. Truth be told Nick's eyes were shining, he was really happy unable to hide it. Why should he try to, specially when he too senses the song may very well for him. Wow, between Joe & Donie ... my son's caught both guy's hearts*

Joe: *Turns around to face everyone* So ...

Nick: That was AMAZING! *Immediately exclaims joyfully*

Joe: You really think so?

Nick: I know so.

Joe: Well thanks Nick, I appreciate it a lot.

Hugo: Yeah, Joe well done hear hear!

Donie: *Oh how I wanted to say something not praising but I knew I couldn't & not wanting to look too sour I managed to get out a smallish compliment* Cool song.

Joe: Gee thanks guys so much! *Grinning; warning bell rings then* Guess that wraps on the music for now, time to get to our classes gents. See you around Hugo.

Hugo: That time already huh, alrighty boys see you later. Okay bye Joe. *Waves to him & the boys*

Nick: See you dad. *Waves to him walking out with Donie & Joe*

Donie: Bye Hugo, later! *Waves at him*

Joe: *Outside of the music room now walking ahead of the boys* See you both in period six, that was a lot of fun! *Waves to both them smiling mostly in Nick's direction*

Nick's POV

Nick: *Nodding* Sixth period & mm-hmm!

Donie: *Suddenly interrupts* You going stop smiling over there over him?

Nick: What do you mean?

Donie: I think you know.

Nick: Not really.

Donie: Dude you've all lovesick if I didn't know any better.

Nick: Over whom?

Donie: Playing innocent isn't going to work for you Nick. I know something is going on between you guys, I can see it & feel it.

Nick: Don't be ridiculous Donie nothing is going on.

Donie: Liar.

Nick: I'm not.

Donie: Yeah right.

Nick: What's your problem?

Donie: He's my problem! *Shouts* Did you even hear my song for you?

Nick: Donie you don't have to shout okay. And yeah I did, it was great.

Donie: I do since you're playing clueless on me. And just 'great' Nick, it was for you.

Nick: I know it was, but it doesn't change that I still see you as a friend. I knew you wouldn't let this go, but you've got too.

Donie: What so I can let Joe sweep you right out from underneath my nose, heck no!

Nick: *Groans* We'll talk about this later, we've got class.

Donie: Fine, whatever.

Nick: *Ty?*

Ty: Right here, baby came on the scene soon as Joe left. Want me to beat some sense into your BFF there?

Nick: *Fights the urge to chuckle. No its alright. Its just he's kind of just ruined the last 40 minutes*

Ty: Don't let him ruin it for you. He's just jealous as 'heck' as he put it. He's just sour cause his song didn't come close to the smiles you Joe's brought to you.

Nick: *I'll try not to. I'm grateful for Mr. Guttman's class but on the other hand I wish I could be back with Joe. I guess I shouldn't have smiled so much over Joe's song. I pretty much revealed my feelings*

Ty: I know exactly how you feel. Well on the upside you'll see your lover next period. Yeah pretty much, but you know what so what? Hugo's so happy about it, its only Donie's who's upset. He sure didn't have to yell at you.

Nick: *Inwardly nods taking my seat in English class as the lesson began. Thanks for the talk, Ty*

Ty: Anytime, Nick. You hang in there. *Wraps my arms around his shoulders giving him a invisible hug*

Nick: *Smiles for a moment before finally getting into the lesson for today*

Mr. Guttman had us start with a pre-test then he moved us on to our spelling units which always a fun part for me. Also we did a recognizing sentences activity & lastly got our homework assignments. Shortly it was onto period six & Donie hadn't said anything to me since his little outburst. It hurt to make him feel upset, but he still shouldn't jump to conclusions even though I've fallen for Mr. Anderson, Joe. I called me a liar, which I admit I am but it still wasn't what I wanted to be called*

Ty: Baby you may be lying to Donie, but you're not a liar. You're choosing not to tell him & more over its not his business no matter how much he cares.

Nick: *Its just hard hearing him that from him. I know he means well, but still ...*

Ty: Don't let it get you down, not when there's a certain teacher that can wipe those negative thoughts from your mind clean.

Nick: *Joe, my boyfriend*

Ty: Thats right, boy now you quit those thoughts else I might really have to do something drastic like seriously whoop me some Donie-butt!

Nick: *Easy Ty, I get the picture but thank so much for cheering me back up*

Ty: Thats what I'm here for, now go on in & enjoy U.S. History, try not to smile to hard. *Chuckles letting him be*

Nick: *I'll try my best. I walked into Joe's class finding him clearing his white-board with the eraser. I smiled but quickly hid it as I took my seat in the direct front as I got out my supplies waiting for him to begin*

Joe: *Turns then dusting my hands together* Hello class ready to begin? *A lot of nods* Alright then, thats what I like to hear.

We began with bellwork number five, then did some reading aloud & a worksheet. It went fast like always, almost in a blink. Surprisingly soon as the bell rang ending school for the day, Donie took off fast & left. I sighed guessing he didn't want to bother to talk to me let along wait & walk together like we always do. As I was finishing packing up my things, I heard something being put on my desk. I looked up & found a small grape flavored Jolly Rancher in front of me.

Joe: For you, thought you looked kind of down towards the end.

Nick: *Blushes; smiling picking up the candy* Thank you, you're sweet.

Joe: Your welcome. So what's wrong? *Kneeling in front of his desk*

Nick: Donie's madly jealous of us. He thinks somethings going on & while I told him there's not he didn't believe me & called me a liar. I'd told him we'd talk about it later, but he just took of soon as the bed sounded. And I'm sorry I'm telling you this, its not your problem its mine. *Looks down*

Joe: I see. Hey, hey, hey *Tips his chin up lightly* you're not a liar you're as truthful as can be. And its fine, Nick don't worry. I can understand what Donie must be going through & I'm sorry if I'm complicating things.

Nick: *Blushes even more* You're not, before he even yelled at me about all this ... I was so happy.

Joe: I saw that. I was hoping you'd see the song was for you. It just seemed to click for me then & there, it was meant for you. I'm sorry that he yelled at you, perhaps you & him should work this out clear the air between each other.

Nick: *Nods* You're right, but it is selfish that I don't want to leave?

Joe: No, I don't want you to go either but I'm sure Hugo's waiting for you, can't keep him waiting. We'll talk more soon, promise in the meantime ... *Whispers into his ear* I'll see you tomorrow, Nick.

Nick: He is. *Nods knows he's right* Okay, tomorrow bye *Whispers his name* Joe.

I got up from my seat then & walked to end of the classroom just about to leave when I turned around to glance at Joe once more smiling & waving bye before I walked out. I grinned in happiness as I continued down the hill rolling my backpack behind me. I felt better now, even though things with Donie hadn't been all the way resolved ... Joe's words repeated in my head. As I soon found my dad waiting by his usual spot, getting in & buckling up we left school & headed home.

Hugo: Interesting day huh? *Begins*

Nick: Yeah, you said it.

Hugo: So how'd things go with Donie?

Nick: Ugh, downhill. *Creates a blowup noise using my hands to signal it too*

Hugo: That bad?

Nick: That dramatic. *Fills him on the rest of it*

Hugo: So in a nutshell Donie's jealous?

Nick: Yep. I know I have to talk to him about it, but I'm afraid that he'll still push me regardless of what I try to say. He's never acted like this before.

Hugo: Don't worry my boy, first its better to wait give you both some needed space & then you can try clearing the air. As for being afraid you just have to be firm, remind him to respect your decision. I know, but he is your best friend & its natural that he feels overly protective & possessive as I've said before.

Nick: *Sighs* I'll try not to & I think you make a good point. *Nods* Thanks dad.

Hugo: Anytime, prince.

Nick: *Rolls eyes chucking*

Shortly back home, we went on inside & dad went about making some food for us while I headed for my room putting my roller-backpack in its usual spot next to my desk. I decided to take my shower first & afterwards got dressed in comfy clothes heading back to see what dad had whipped up. He had ended up making a killer meatless-lasagna. He'd changed the recipe a bit & it worked in his favor cause it was so good. By the end of the meal, both our stomachs were so full & very happy. On that note, we cleaned up together & retired to our rooms. For awhile I spent a majority working on homework & reading getting what I needed to be done. Finally afterwards I put away my school work & sat on my bed just relaxing for a moment breathing softly.

Hugo: *Walks into his room holding the phone then* Its for you.

Nick: *Guess it was time; nodding I took the phone as he left giving me my privacy* Hello?

Donie: Hey Nick.

Nick: Hey Donie.

Donie: Look about today ... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything. I shouldn't have called you a liar.

Nick: *Taking in his words carefully examining them before I spoke back* I forgive you.

Donie: *Continues on* I was out of line before. I know you must feel hurt- Dude, you do?

Nick: Yeah, I do.

Donie: Just like that?

Nick: Mm-hmm yeah.

Donie: Okay ... *Stunned* I just thought-

Nick: I wouldn't be so forgiving?

Donie: Yeah, least of all to me for being such an idiot.

Nick: Well you tend to be that sometimes.

Donie: Which is why I'm really sorry.

Nick: I know you are, its alright.

Donie: You sure?

Nick: I'm sure.

Donie: I'm glad, I still feel like I need to say more though for the way I-

Nick: You were jealous of something that doesn't exist.

Donie: Yeah & I know it just me being crazy weird.

Nick: I get that but man you got to understand that you & I will always be friends.

Donie: *Swallows* I accept that.

Nick: Good. I don't want things to change between us or for you to try & convince me otherwise okay?

Donie: Okay, I promise I won't bother about Joe or trying to convince you.

Nick: Thank you.

Donie: No problem. So now thats cleared, we're all good now right?

Nick: Yeah, all good.

Donie: So wanna hang out?

Nick: Not tonight.

Donie: No worries, you let me know whenever.

Nick: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.

Donie: Cya tomorrow Curly-Q. *Ends the call*

Nick: *Pushes the end button on the phone getting up to put the phone back in its rightful place. Afterwards I headed to dad's room finding him watching a TV special about Michael Bublé promoting his latest album To Be Loved*

Hugo: Air cleared then? *Asks him as he laid down on my bed next to me*

Nick: Yeah, I just hopes he means what he said.

Hugo: I'm sure he did.

Nick: *Nods* He better.

Hugo: *Chuckles* Guess we'll see. I knew it was only time till you would have guys fighting over to win you over.

Nick: *Eyes widen in shock* Dad!

Hugo: What? Its kind of true.

Nick: Its just Donie.

Hugo: And Joe too.

Nick: You're going crazy on me too now?

Hugo: No, I just sense things.

Nick: Ha ha, you're so funny.

Hugo: *Gives him a hug* I know I am.

Together we watched as Michael performed songs while dad & I sang along to them recognizing 10 of the cover songs. One in particular a Bee Gees original stuck in my mind as I soon fell asleep smiling with it in my mind thinking of Joe singing it.

There's a light,

A certain kind of light

That never shone on me.

I want my life to be

Lived with you,

Lived with you.

There's a way (There's a way), everybody say,

To do each and every little thing.

But what does it bring

If I ain't got you (If I ain't got you),

If I ain't got you? (If I ain't got you)

Baby, you don't know what it's like.

Baby, you don't know what it's like

To love somebody,

To love somebody,

The way I love you.

In my brain

I see your face again.

And I know my frame of mind.

You ain't got to be so blind.

And I'm blind, yeah I'm blind.

I'm a man (I'm a man),

Can't you see what I am?

And I live and breathe for you.

Oh, but what does it do

If I ain't got you (If I ain't got you),

If I ain't got you? (If I ain't got you)

Baby, you don't know what it's like.

Baby, you don't know what it's like

To love somebody,

To love somebody,

The way I love you.

Oh baby, you don't know what it's like.

Yeah, you don't know what it's like.

Yeah, you don't know what it's like.

Baby, you don't know what it's like

To love somebody,

To love somebody,

The way I love you.

To love somebody,

To love somebody (yeah),

The way I love you.


Watch Over You Chapter 14

Ty's POV

I smiled watching Nick dream happily of his boyfriend, as far as I was concerned I'm smiling too for them. Mission so far accomplished very well, even with the whole Donie biz. I'm still keeping my eye on that boy, I don't want Nick to be stressed out dealing with him every time. I gaze over at Nick's alarm thats going to go off in like two minutes. I bite my lip torn, I don't want to wake him from his pleasant dreams but then again he has to wake up anyways. Making up my mind I switch off the alarm clock hearing its soft click. Looking back at Nick I lean down to press a soft kiss on his cheek.

Ty: Nick ... *Softly says to him* time to wake up baby.

Nick: *Wraps my arms around my pillow snuggling it; shakes head a little clinging to blissful sleep & dreams*

Ty: *I knew this would be hard so I pulled out the big guns sort of speak & pecked his lips* Come on little dude, Joe's a missing you too.

Nick: *Awake now; blushes pushing Ty away* Ty!

Ty: Yes? *Chirps accenting the s*

Nick: *Sits up giving him a look then looking at the clock* I was having a good dream.

Ty: I know you were, its why it was such a bummer to wake you put you didn't have much time to sleep anyhow see the time? *Nods in the direction of the clock*

Nick: Point taken & also good morning. *Stretches getting up from my bed*

Ty: Good morning & might I add happy Friday.

Nick: Happy Friday indeed. Its been quite a week if I do say so.

Ty: Yeah no kidding just think after today you'll have the weekend to chillax with your man.

Nick: How do you figure that genius? *Walks to my bathroom*

Ty: *Follows him turns my back allowing to take care of his business* I can make things happen for you two, let you hang out & maybe have a proper date.

Nick: *Trying to fight the blush* Ty aren't you forgetting about my dad?

Ty: Hugo will be fine with you hanging out with Joe, no worries.

Nick: No worries? He's not just going to let me go hang out with Joe are you crazy?

Ty: *Laughs* Trust me if you just ask him, you'll see.

Nick: I don't know.

Hugo: *Knocks on the door then* Nick?

Nick: *Eyes widen* Yes?

Hugo: Just checking on you, you're up good I'll make us some breakfast.

Nick: Sounds good, be out in a few minutes.

Hugo: Take your time, no rush.

Nick: *Sighs*

Ty: Easy there, its alright he didn't hear you hear you talking to me.

Nick: You sure?

Ty: Positively.

Nick: I trust you. In the meantime I got to get ready, we'll discuss Joe & I later.

Ty: Whenever you want. *Nods leaving him*

Nick's POV

After selecting what to wear & eating a sweet breakfast with dad, we headed off to school. First off in Ms. Knox's class we went over our quiz which Donie & I got perfect scores on. Then we read chapters one through three, did a review, & started a lab. In Idylla's class we played some team sports which again was fun but wish the heat would just die down you know. In Mr. McCallon's we got our new homework assignments & went over the previous nights. Then on to dad's the second highlight of the day next to Joe's class, we practiced some new songs. Finally when it came to lunch after eating, Donie said he was going to hang out on the blacktop playing some handball. He'd asked me to join but I declined, while I love playing handball I just wasn't into today. As for dad, he went out for the get something to eat for once so for once I was alone.

Joe: *Knocks on the door entering on in calling* Hey Hugo, Donie- *Stops looking around* Hello?

Nick: *Smile brightens immediately at the sound of his voice* Hey. *Waves shyly from the piano turning to face him*

Joe: Hey Nick. *Grins* Where's the guys?

Nick: Well dad went out to get a bite to eat for lunch & Donie's playing handball.

Joe: Aw, I see. So why didn't you join Donie?

Nick: I wanted to stay here ... *Blushes* just in case you came & you did.

Joe: *Nods joining him on the piano seat* To be honest I'm glad you stayed & you're here. *Whispers into ear* I missed you.

Nick: *Face heats up* I missed you too.

Joe: Aren't you glad its Friday?

Nick: Yes.

Joe: I was planning on asking Hugo if you two were available this weekend to hang at the beach.

Nick: You were?

Joe: Yep. Are you guys free?

Nick: I am, but I don't if he's got something planned.

Joe: No problem, guess we'll find out.

Nick: Joe?

Joe: Yes Nick?

Nick: *Blushes leaning over to peck his cheek*

Joe: *Stunned; blinks; smiles then* Thank you.

Nick: Your welcome. *Smiles bashfully back at him meeting his eyes*

Joe: *Looks around before leaning in closer to his lips* You have no idea how much I want to kiss you.

Nick: *Breathless feeling his breath so close; gulps*

Joe: I want this kiss to be special for you, its your second one right?

Nick: *Nods. How does he know that? Why wouldn't he know Nick ... you're so obvious*

Joe: But before I lean any further are you sure this is okay?

Nick: Yes, I'm sure. *Please my eyes beg him*

Joe: *Smiles like a goofball* You're so adorable.

Nick: So are you. *The words just spill out of my mouth before I have time to think; stammers* I-I ... I mean handsome.

Joe: *Chuckles* Thanks. Right back at you, to me you're both & more. *Leans in finally touching his feathery soft lips hearing his moan* Sweet music to my ears.

Nick: *My eyes closed at the same time his did & we connected. I felt a spark immediately as I moaned*

Joe: *I curved my right hand around the back of his head feeling his curly hair bringing him even closer*

Nick: *I was falling, this was even better than what I'd dreamed. All that mattered was him, his kiss was gentle*

Joe: *Smiling I rubbed my forehead on his & pulled back only centimeters from his lips panting only slightly*

Nick: *Words seemed to escape us both, opening up my eyes I smiled too. I hugged him then whispering into his neck* Thank you.

Joe: Anytime. *Hugs him warmly enjoying the feeling of him, everything about him is so beautiful*

Nick: *As much as I wanted to stay in his arms, I knew it couldn't last much longer so pulling back I blushed & he understood*

Joe: Wouldn't want to get so caught so early in our relationship. *Winks*

Nick: *Smacks his arm lightly laughing* Its why we got to be careful.

Joe: So wise.

Nick: So amazing. *I complimented him*

Joe: So wonderful.

Nick: So charming. *Grins*

Joe: So beautiful.

Nick: *Smiles so much* So handsome.

Joe: So Nick.

Nick: *Laughs* So Joe.

Joe: So angelic.

Nick: So stellar.

Joe: So talented.

Nick: So kind.

And in so our "so" game kind of went on & on for as long as we could go on, till the warning bell rang. I sighed disappointed to have to leave, it feels like the time just flew. He saw my face & gave my arm a rub sending a tingly sensation down my back. In his eyes I saw such warmth as he silently comforted me. Normally I wasn't like this so dreamy & off into space in my own world, the more time I was spending with Joe ... I was really just enjoying it. This was quickly evolving into much than just a crush.

We said our goodbyes knowing we'd see each other in the last period of the day. I couldn't wait for that time. As he left & I following rejoining back up with Donie was going on about how I'd missed an awesome game ... when honestly I was barely listening to him. While I tried not to smile giving myself away, it was kind of hard but eventually I knew I had to hide my inner happiness. Later on I let it out, for now I just nodded at Donie & headed to Mr. Guttman's class, where at least we got to watch a movie. 

Wow was I changing that much already? Of course I focused on the movie & understood why it was relevant, but I also for the first time thought it was a little boring. Maybe because I would rather be in Joe's class listening to him talk about his favorite subject.

Ty: Forget the academics for a second Mr. Lovesick-boy.

Nick: *Ty's voice broke my thoughts & I blinked sitting up in my seat. Hey Ty*

Ty: Hey Nick, don't think I don't know you & Joe today ... all I can say little dude is congrats!

Nick: *Of course you did, ever hear of privacy?*

Ty: Yeah, but I just want to make sure he doesn't try anything funny.

Nick: *Ty, he's not like Donie*

Ty: For the moment, after getting some lip action today Joe's going to be craving more of you now.

Nick: *Ty!*

Ty: Hi I'm Ty: the guy who tells jokes that ultimately end up offending someone in the immediate vicinity. Nice to meet you. Just saying dude, but got to say he treated you so sweetly.

Nick: *Chuckles inwardly smiling. I know he did, thats why you don't have to worry about him*

Ty: As your guardian angel, its my duty to watch over you & now that you have Joe, I'll be watching over him too. While he's a great guy, he's an older guy Nick & he has needs.

Nick: *Oh my God, please don't tell me-*

Ty: He's not thinking of sex, not yet but of making out more with you yes.

Nick: *I prefer the term kissing*

Ty: Either way, he's so into you. And I do trust him to respect you & treat you right, but just keep in mind just in case. And in that I mean be careful cause you might just turn him on.

Nick: *Okay, okay, okay thats enough of that*

Ty: Got to get use to this kind of talk eventually baby, but I suppose not in the way I'm verbing it.

Nick: *I know & yes exactly*

Ty: Mainly you guys were feeling sparks left & right from just that kiss, man such chemistry!

Nick: *It was ...*

Ty: You can say it boy, it was magical I know. I'm happy for you Nick, I know it must me so hard to stop the smiling.

Nick: *Yes, magical. And thanks & yeah it is but I do have class & then Donie, don't want to put him on the suspicious front again*

Ty: Mm-hmm, I hear you on that. Well on the upside I see Joe wants to hang at the beach for the weekend, huh?

Nick: *Yeah, I just hope I can. If dad has something planned-*

Ty: Once again, trust me & you'll see baby it'll be good.

Nick: *If you say so, then I have no doubt*

Ty: Just one more thing sweetheart.

Nick: *What's that Ty?*

Ty: Have a blast!

Nick: *You got it*

Ty: Thats my boy, love you.

Nick: *Love you too*

Ty: Peace out, Nick.

And finally english ended all in good time, quickly heading off to my last & final class for the day. For once Donie & I walked in silence on into U.S. History. Immediately I saw him writing on the whiteboard not facing us. I smiled to myself & took my seat at the front. And when he turned he smiled & quickly masked it beginning the lesson. It started with bellwork number six, then followed by a section quiz on 2-4 & 2-3 & finishing with a re-teaching activity for 2-4. While it was all essential & interesting as always, I found myself taking in all of Joe towards the last few minutes of class. Then the bell rang & so ended school, yes!

Nick: *Getting up from my seat I walked over to Donie* I'll catch you later, I have a question to ask Mr. Anderson.

Donie: *Raises an eyebrow* Really?

Nick: Yeah, so you can go on ahead. *Nods*

Donie: *Shrugs* Okay, later then dude. *Waves walking out of the class can't help being a little confused but then it would be like Nick to ask a question but whatever*

Nick: *Waits making sure he's left for good; now its just Joe & I left in the classroom*

Joe: *Arms folding watching him* Something you want to ask me, Nick?

Nick: Um ... I just wanted to spend a little extra time before we both have to leave.

Joe: *Nods; goes to close my textbook packing up* Believe me I understand & I feel the same, but that doesn't change the fact that Hugo is waiting on you as we speak.

Nick: *Eyes widen as an idea formed in my mind*

Joe: *A smile forms* What are you up to?

Nick: Well I could ask my dad if I could ride with you?

Joe: *Grinning entirely now* As much as I'd love to give that to you, once again I'm not so sure if its a good idea.

Nick: *Knows this too & as much as I thought it was a good idea it just couldn't happen yet* You're right ... sorry.

Joe: Don't be, one day I promise you okay?

Nick: Its a deal. *My eyes sparkle as I beam at him*

Joe: *Chuckles* You bet it is, now you'd best get going. Take care, Nick. *Smiles at him walking out with him out of my classroom locking the door behind me*

Nick: You too ... *Mouths* Joe. *Waves running down the hill with my roller-backpack*

Joe: *Watches him for a few moments till he was gone from my vision before finally going the complete opposite way up the rest of the hill to my motorcycle getting on it & leaving campus to head home*

Nick: *Once down the hill I met up with dad getting in the car* Hey!

Hugo: Well hello to you too, smiley.

Nick: Its Friday! *I tell him*

Hugo: That it is & the weekend here we come!

Nick: Mm-hmm. *Okay time to ask him while he's just excited as I am* You haven't got anything planned for us this weekend have you?

Hugo: Nothing in particular, why did you have something in mind?

Nick: Um well ...

Hugo: Like for example *Blows airs* Joe asking the both of us to hang out at the beach?

Nick: *Flushes pink as rose*

Hugo: *Chuckles* Joe already brought it up I presume?

Nick: *Nods shyly* Is it ... okay?

Hugo: I don't see why not? Why wouldn't it be okay?

Nick: I don't know? I just thought you made plans.

Hugo: Relax, not this time. *Assures him* Plus after he asked me that, I'd knew you'd be more than thrilled to hang out with him am I right?

Nick: I-I *Stammers* dad he's just-

Hugo: I know your teacher & your crush.

Nick: Just my teacher.

Hugo: Mm-hmm. *Looks at him*

Nick: He is.

Hugo: Yep.

Nick: What?

Hugo: I'm not saying anything.

Nick: You're implying something.

Hugo: Maybe yes, maybe not.

Nick: Dad, c'mon no games.

Hugo: Aw, c'mon they're fun.

Nick: Dad. *Scolds*

Hugo: Okay, I confess ... I'm just teasing you.

Nick: I figured as much.

Hugo: But on all serious sides buddy, you were just so nervous & worried about just asking me about hanging with Joe. You don't have to feel like that.

Nick: I know, I don't why I was.

Hugo: I'm a cool dad. *Reminds him*

Nick: You so are. *Smiles*

Hugo: So you & Joe have a swell time at lunch?

Nick: Yeah. *Doesn't want to give too much away*

Hugo: Did he kiss you?

Nick: DAD!!!

Hugo: What, I'm only joking.

Nick: Seriously though.

Hugo: You do want him to kiss though right?

Nick: *Gives him the silent treatment*

Hugo: Your silence equals yes.

Nick: *No matter how much I want to just be honest with him, I just can't*

Hugo: But as much as you may want it my boy, you're going to have to wait.

Nick: *Oh dear Lord, if he only knew*

Hugo: He ever tries anything funny ... *Trails off*

Nick: *Okay silence isn't paying off as much as I thought as it would* No more of this conversation, there isn't anything going on.

Hugo: *Eyes him critically* Hmm.

Nick: Promise. *And I promise I'll tell you eventually*

Hugo: I believe you & once again I'm still just teasing, just love when you get all flushed & bugged.

Nick: Don't make me pounce on you, I know your tickle spots!

Hugo: Ooh, bringing out the big guns I see. Well guess you'd miss your surprise then. *Casually smirks*

Nick: What surprise? *Asks as we arrived home & finishing parking the car*

Hugo: Close your eyes.

Nick: *Not too sure about this*

Hugo: C'mon Nick, its a good surprise.

Nick: *Trusts him; closes my eyes hearing him get out of the car also hearing my door open up* What's going on?

Hugo: *Helps him out of the car taking his roller-backpack* Just hang tight.

Nick: *Waits hearing feet shuffle* Dad- *Suddenly I was splashed with water on my chest wetting pretty much everything* What the heck dad oh you're going to get it, its on! *Opens eyes in shock expecting to see him but instead .... Joe. Oh my God, Joe's here!*

Joe: *Equipped with a cool water gun; wearing sunglasses* Howdy Nick.

Hugo: Surprise! *Claps laughing taking an extra gun from Joe*

Nick: Hi? Did I miss something here?

Hugo: Guess he's not getting it Joe, care to help him out?

Joe: Certainly, Hugo. *Aims the water gun at Nick splashing him with more water*

Nick: *Yelps in surprise still not expecting it from Joe; laughs* Alright I think I get it! *Pleads*

Joe: Good, cause as of right now its battle time. Hugo your boy needs a weapon.

Hugo: I think you're absolutely right, be right back! *Dashes into the house getting a water gun for Nick*

Nick: Did you two plan this?

Joe: As much as I'd love to take credit for this, I can't. It was all your dad's genius plan might I add. He texted me a proposition this morning about this & I responded naturally.

Nick: Wow, I didn't see this one coming.

Joe: Honestly I think it was brilliant, its hot as it is & what better to cool off then with a little water in the mix?

Nick: Of course. *Laughs* Of course.

Joe: *Whispers* And best of all I get to spend more time with you.

Nick: *Blushes* And I with you.

Hugo: *Returns then with a gun for Nick* Here you go son. Alrighty gentlemen what say we take this battle to the back of the house?

Nick: *Takes the gun* Thanks a lot. Okay just as long as no one shoots till we're all back there.

Joe: No funny business guys.

Hugo: For now.

Nick: *Joe & I exchanged a knowing look & kept a good eye on him as we walked back behind the house. All three of us formed a circle & had a bit of an old fashioned stare down trying to intimidate one another. Eventually it got old & fast cause I snuck an attack on dad* Ha ha ha!

Hugo: *For a moment I'd been cut off guard but quickly got my bearings back* Oh yeah son? *Does an impression of Call Of The Wildman aka  Ernie Brown Jr. the "Turtleman"*

Joe: *Laughing so hard* I know that call! *Joins in on the fun spraying him & Nick*

Nick: *Laughing too while getting them back. We began to chase each other completely getting soaked from head to toe* Behind you! *Lightly slaps my dad's shoulder*

Hugo: Hey you little sneak you! *Chuckles repeatedly*

Joe: Oh Hugo's getting served!

Hugo: You think so Joe? *Eyes him as a target now*

Joe: *Doges his water attacks* Quick as lightning man!

Nick: *Takes the opportunity to watch them; giggles softly at them*

Hugo: Ahem. *Throws head in Nick's direction*

Joe: *Follows Hugo's line of sight; smirks* Taking a break?

Nick: *Smiles innocently* Observing more so.

Hugo: *Aims water gun at him* Uh-huh.

Joe: *Does the same* Afraid that leaves you wide open.

Hugo: Two to one looks like it.

Nick: Yeah, but you all are forgetting something.

Joe: Oh yeah? What's that?

Nick: You too are out of ammo!

Hugo: *Checks my gun; grunts* What the heck?

Joe: *Also checks finding this to be true* Clever boy.

Nick: *Aims triumphantly smiling widely* Any last requests?

Hugo: Parlay? *Jokes*

Joe: Oh wells, let it rip! *Shrugs accepting defeat for now*

Nick: *Gets them good* Ha ha ha, always said you guys were all wet.

Hugo: *Spits coughing a bit* I'll say good match guys, whew!

Joe: A very interesting tactic, so going to use that next time.

Nick: *Laughs* If I let you, that is. So what now?

Hugo: Might as well try ring the water out & I'll go get us some towels. *Starts trying to squeeze the water from my clothes*

Nick: *Shakes my curly hair like crazy*

Joe: *Watches for a moment in fascination at Nick; subconsciously licks lips. Mm-mm-mm*

Nick: *Feels eyes on me, knows very well that its Joe's; blushes lightly*

Hugo: Be right back fellas, hang tight. *Finishes ringing out as much water as I possibly could going into the house*

Nick: *Waits for him to leave before saying to Joe* I know you're checking me out.

Joe: Guilty as charged. *Shrugs again* Can't help but admire the view.

Nick: *Looks up shyly* Same here.

Joe: I'm got nothing compared to your beauty.

Nick: *Blushes fully; stammering* Y-yeah right.

Joe: I mean it.

Nick: Thank you. *Smiles*

Joe: My pleasure of course. *Gives him a high-five*

Nick: *High-fives back*

Hugo: *Comes back with three fresh towels* Here you go guys. *Uses my own to continue to dry*

Joe: Thanks very much. *Takes one handing the other to Nick*

Nick: Thanks dad. *As we all dried off, I thought of an idea* Anyone in mind for food?

Joe: Starving actually, an excellent idea.

Hugo: I'm with you two. *Claps hands* So what do we all want?

Nick: You pick Mr. Anderson. *Suggests; so badly wants to call him Joe right now*

Joe: I'm a simple guy, whatever you have the fridge I'll be good with.

Hugo: How about fettuccine alfredo?

Joe: Works for me, plus sounds already delicious.

Nick: Mm, that sounds really good. So what's the ingredients?

Hugo: Dried fettuccine, butter, shallots, parmigiano-reggiano, parsley, olive oil, salt & finally pepper.

Joe: Bellissima.

Nick: Awesome, lets do this then. *We all went inside to begin the prep work & banded all together to make the meal. In 30 minutes it was all done & we ate, adding of course a little lemon zest & oh my God it was the BOMB!* Whoa I'm so stuffed. *Pats my stomach*

Hugo: Oh yeah, another amazing meal by Chef Hugo. *Boasts*

Joe: Well done, man, like very well done my compliments to the chef for sure.

Nick: Which was actually all three of us. *Adds in reminder*

Joe: Well yeah, but Hugo was the master chef.

Hugo: *Laughs* Couldn't have done it without my two sous-chefs.

Ty's POV

I smiled watching them have their fun, though it wasn't just Joe & Nick alone on their own, they were all having a great time hanging together. Knowing that Nick was in good hands & didn't need me I left him heading for the first time in the long time it feels like back up towards the heavens. I transported myself there & met up with her.

Ty: You sent for me. *Greets*

???: I did. Do you know why?

Ty: I have an idea.

???: And what's that?

Ty: It has to do with you son naturally Denise.

Denise: *Folds arms* Correct. Ty you're his guardian angel, your duty is to watch over him & protect him as you already know.

Ty: Of course. *Nods seriously*

Denise: But lately I've been seeing you getting in to deeply involved with him & Joe's relationship.

Ty: I'm sorry if I overstepped things, I just wanted to help them I promise.

Denise: I know you do. *Puts a hand on his shoulder* However sometimes its also better to let them be.

Ty: I understand.

Denise: *Nods smiling warmly* He looks really happy.

Ty: He is. *Pictures his smile; chuckles*

Denise: Ty ... *Knowingly gives him a remorseful look*

Ty: *Waves a hand shaking it off* I know, I know.

Denise: You ever think of just saying something?

Ty: It wouldn't do any good, if I did. Its fine it doesn't matter.

Denise: It does matter to you, I can see it in your eyes Ty.

Ty: Its cool. I always knew it was a possibly that it would happen.

Denise: Because it just happens, the more time spent ...

Ty: The deeper you get.

Denise: You should give it try still.

Ty: I don't think so Denise.

Denise: Don't give up.

Ty: Shouldn't you be cheering for the other guy?

Denise: I am, but doesn't mean I haven't lost my hope for you.

Ty: *Hangs my head a bit* Man.

Denise: *Gives him a hug for a long time* Do you want to talk about it more?

Ty: I want to, but ...

Denise: You don't want to end up hurt.

Ty: Plus we both know its for the best & I'll be fine ... in time.

Denise: I'm sorry you have to feel like this.

Ty: Me too, guess we can't help ourselves with these kind of things. *Denise releases from the hug then* Thanks for that, I really appreciate this talk.

Denise: Anytime.

Ty: *Stretches then changing the subject* So how's it been up here, kind of missed it?

Denise: Busy as always, getting new arrivals, training & a lot of meetings.

Ty: Meetings? For what?

Denise: There's been discussion from head guardians about lessening guardian angels & their destined human companions interaction as in being ...

Ty: Seen & not seen, I get you. They feel we're starting to overdo our duties & get too caught up in showing off & having way too much fun.

Denise: Basically yes, you nailed it.

Ty: Its not going to be banned is it?

Denise: No, there's still a lot of back & forth discussion about it. Overall it has have to be eventually lessened.

Ty: Understandable. *Nods* Does that go for me too?

Denise: You luckily have special permission from me, so as long I approve its perfectly fine.

Ty: Got it & might I add, thank you lots.

Denise: Your welcome, just try not to abuse it too much.

Ty: No worries Denise, I'm still keeping a low profile & I only hang with Nick.

Denise: I know & you've done an excellent job so far. Although you teaching my son certain ideas that comes with age can wait a little longer I think.

Ty: *Knows what she means* Noted & again sorry for going too far.

Denise: Its alright, remember he is still fourteen.

Ty: Young & innocent, still a child in many things.

Denise: Exactly, I want him to stay that way until he's ready & grows up more in time.

Ty: You can count on me, I won't let you down.

Denise: I know you won't, I know Nick's in the best care possible.

Ty: You got that right.

We continued to talk some more about Nick, & other things for the rest of the time, until I felt Nick calling my name. Hearing him, I said my goodbyes to Denise & headed back home. I chuckled to myself, I use to consider this place my home & now I'm calling Nick's home my home. It was true now, where Nick resided I did too. Appearing directly back in his room, I found him freshly showered & in bed just looking comfy with his both his hands back behind his head. I smiled & sat at the end of the bed by his feet deeming it a good spot to hang.

Ty: *I spoke first* You called for me bud, what's up?

Nick: I was just wondering where you went.

Ty: *He knew I left, our connection has really grown stronger it seems* I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be gone for so long. I was actually summoned by your mom.

Nick: *Sits up eagerly; face lightning up* What about? How is she? Is everything alright? Is she concerned about Joe & I?

Ty: Whoa, whoa, whoa one question at a time mister. Why don't you take a breath first & then I'll tell you, cool?

Nick: Cool. *Nods; takes a breath calming myself somewhat but I was still excited & eager to hear him continue*

Ty: Okay, so you're mom called me in mainly to talk about laying back on interfering with you & Joe's relationship. She wants me to let you guys be & I promise you I will do that. Secondly, she is doing great & she's happy for you & Joe. She's been watching everything as always, she sees just how much you've been smiling more. Overall she has no complaints about you & Joe. She approves of him highly & thinks he's your perfect match.

Nick: *Listens throughly till he'd finished his last sentence* I knew it. *Smiles looking down at my hands* When you left I felt something, at first I didn't know what it was but it felt like apart of me was missing almost. I then pieced it together that it must've been you. At the time, I wasn't sure where you'd gone but then it hit me. I knew then you were with my mom. It got me thinking that you two were talking about me & stuff. So I just figured I'd call your name later in the evening after Joe was gone.

Ty: *Gives him an apologetic look* I'm sorry again that I left you. I figured I would've been back sooner before Joe left. So did you have a good time?

Nick: Its alright, I understand. *Grins* The best!

Ty: *Chuckles* I knew you would.

Nick: Know it all. *I teased*

Ty: You better believe it. *Humors him*

Nick: *Giggles some more & asks him then* Still want to that song?

Ty: You mean the one I mentioned?

Nick: Yeah, sorry it got so pushed back but if you want I'm up for it.

Ty: You're not tired?

Nick: Not in the least.

Ty: *Stares at him for moment just to make sure*

Nick: I promise, plus its still early we've got time. But, question is where do you want to do this since dad's in the next room most likely still up & likely to come in.

Ty: Oh, Nick, Nick, Nick *Smiles* I thought you knew how I rolled. *Snaps fingers cooly transporting us both to a more suited place to have our duet*

Nick: *Blinks* Whoa, this is heavy.

Ty: Like?

Nick: *Looks around at the music studio thats got everything we could possibly need to sing together like pros; nods for at this very moment I'm speechless*

Ty: I'll take that as a heck yes. I thought you & I could use the very best you know? And best of all you don't have to worry about anything, we've got this place to ourselves & plus no can see us if someone were to actually come in. So back home, to your dad should he check up on you like he pretty much does, I've got that covered too.

Nick: *Glad to hear all this* Awesome, then I guess what's left to say is: WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! *Exclaims cheerily*

Ty: My words exactly, baby! So first things first, you get yourself into that sound booth & I'll be along in just a moment while I work on the levels & all that, sound good?

Nick: Oh, yeah. *Nods heading over to the sound booth inspecting it. I had to admit it, this by far the coolest thing yet. I never imagined myself being in a place like this, its surreal*

Ty: *Joins him at last after adjusting everything just right for us; smiles hearing what's on Nick's mind at this moment* Just wait till we start. *Pulls him out of his thoughts*

Nick: *Wrings hands together nervously then* I don't why but I'm suddenly nervous. *Confesses*

Ty: Aw, of course you have nerves. Little dude, were going to take our time at this just relax & I grantee you'll be more than fine. *Assures him*

Nick: *Shyly smiles relaxing already* I trust you.

Ty: *Humbly bows to him* And I'm glad you do. *Rises back up pulling out of thin-air my song lyrics I'd written specially for this duet* So um here's the song, take a look at it. I'd like to hear your opinion on what you think of it.

Nick: *Fully relaxed, I took the sheet from him & looked it over carefully going over the lyrics; not looking up I make some notes aloud* So all of the versus I'm guessing are your parts seeing how they're rap cause of the length & rhyming?

Ty: You got it, unless you wanted to take a shot?

Nick: No, I think those parts of the song are meant for you.

Ty: You think so?

Nick: Yeah, I can picture it now. Its definitely you. I love the song from all the verses to the main chorus. Its really cool. Can I hear you rap your parts first?

Ty: *Grins immensely* I'm psyched you love it, I was genuinely hoping that you would. And of course. *I started up the song & started rapping the first verse. After the fist verse ended, I let the song go on* So this here's the chorus, your chorus I might add.

Nick: Its beautiful, I hope I can do it justice.

Ty: *Pauses the song before the second verse could begin* With your voice singing to this, that right there is beautiful. You'll make it come alive, as far as I'm concerned.

Nick: *Blushes* I don't know about that.

Ty: I know it & believe it. You'll just being glowing.

Nick: *Chuckles* Like a halo?

Ty: Mmm-hmm. *Hums knowingly*

Nick: Flatterer.

Ty: Yes, because I'm in the presence of a future artist, a star.

Nick: Okay. *Blushes again smiling bashfully* Continue on please maestro.

Ty: As you wish, Padawan. *Smirks; continues the song resuming it & raps the next two versus & then quiets letting him feel his chorus till the song ended* Ready to try it for yourself, let me hear you only?

Nick: *Takes a breath nodding* Sure.

Ty: Cool. Its all you baby, take it away.

Nick: *Begins to sing on precisely the chorus moments letting out what the song made feel. By the end of it, I looked back at Ty who looked awestruck* Uh Ty?

Ty: *Just like I thought, he did beautifully but hearing it for real ... it was even more so* Nick ... good Lord ... you're blessed. I was right you made it come alive & more. *Goes to hug him*

Nick: *Squeals at being lifted* I just sang it how I felt.

Ty: *Whirls him continuously still hugging him* You're AMAZING!

Nick: *Chuckles hanging onto him* You are too!

Ty: *After a few more moments of hugging him like that, I put him down & we just broke out into a fit of laughter* Sorry man, I just got so- so-

Nick: I know-w. I was so in awe as you rapped, now I'm definitely excited to put it all together.

Ty: Ready to duet! *I confirmed*

Nick: Whoo! *Smiles as I heard the song start we shared a look, time to sing* Yeahhhhhh, hey.

(1st Verse) Ty:

They say I'm young but my purpose is

The inspiration of a nation innovation 

Til I change the talk into a conversation

I'm like a doctor and my patients are anxiously

Waiting healing all the hating 

Thats faking in the paper chasing

Its hard to live up to these expectations

That I'm facing and gain the admiration

Of an older generation Nick: Oh!

That's why I'm pacing back and forth

Contemplating, meditating how to use what I've been taught

As a positive force 

(Chorus) Nick:

Oh this is who I am Ty: Its all good y'all.

I wish you'd understand Ty: I feel free yo.

Its time to set me free

My Guardian Angel

No no matter what I do Ty: They try & stop me.

I'm still apart of you Ty: But they can't stop me.

I hope you'll always be

My Guardian Angel

Mmmmmm, hey yeah

(2nd Verse) Ty:

I wanna be the greatest in the world

Not for the money, or the fame, or the boys

Not for the car keys, jet skis, or the vacation to the West Indies

- Ty & Nick together: But simply 'cause love it -

When I write I'm like a puppeteer

Pulling my strings til the melody sings

And it honestly makes me spread my wings

You calling me out

without your mind

Send that thought back down your spine

I'm on the ground

It's on the line

Road signs say both ways at the same time

Most days I can't wait to rhyme Nick: Oh!

Express my stress elevate and shine

Progress, regress

Each step's climbed

So I take that test and I testify

(Chorus) Nick:

Oh this is who I am Ty: Its all good y'all.

I wish you'd understand Ty: I feel free yo.

Its time to set me free

My Guardian Angel (My Guardian Angel)

No no matter what I do Ty: They try & stop me.

Oh, I'm still apart of you Ty: But they can't stop me.

I hope you'll always be

My Guardian Angel

(3rd Verse) Ty:

I feel so misunderstood

- Ty & Nick together: 'Cause my intentions were good

If you can only see that poetry can hide in the hood -

The passion in philosophy of possibilities Nick: The possibilities.

Every dream is in my reach

I'll find my freedom in this beat Nick: Hey!

Follow me now it's a brand new ground

Swallow your pride I'll make you proud

All of my life I've lived out loud

We just preached to different crowds

(Chorus) Nick:

Oh this is who I am

I wish you'd understand

Its time to set me free

My Guardian Angel!

Oh this is who I am

I wish you'd understand Ty: Its all good y'all

It's time to set me free Ty: I feel free yo. (Oh, it's time to set me free)

My Guardian Angel

No no matter what I do Ty: They try & stop me.

I'm still apart of you Ty: But they can't stop me.

I hope you'll always be

My Guardian Angel

Nick: *And with the end of that, Ty & I exchanged big high-fives & returned home but not being saying one last thing before I closed my eyes* Best day ever. *Smiles*

Ty: Only the best for you little one, sleep well. *Whispers*

[A/N: The following are inspiring quotes that fit well for Ty & Nick:

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."

"The love of my life is the love between friends."

"A Friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway."]


Watch Over You Chapter 15

Nick's POV

The next morning, I woke up excitedly rushing into my dad's room pouncing him out of a deep sleep.

Nick: Wake up!

Hugo: *Groans sleepily* What time is it?

Nick: 10:00 AM.

Hugo: Okay, right. *Goes back to snoring*

Nick: But-

Hugo: No I didn't forget about the big time beach day, but you must've forgotten its Saturday & I still want to sleep in please, thank you very much.

Nick: Sorry. *Understands. I'd nearly forgotten that dad likes his weekends so that he can still sleep in*

Hugo: Hey, no worries. *Opens one eye patting his shoulder*

Nick: *Smiles a little before leaving him. Poor dad, I feel guilty*

Ty: *Appears in front of him; arms fold scolding him* Yeah Nick, you shouldn't be waking your dad.

Nick: I know, I just didn't think when I went in.

Ty: Cause you're already thinking of hanging with Joe. *Sums up*

Nick: Maybe I should tone down the Joe excitement. *Deduces*

Ty: Hey, its your dad he gets it & knows. He feels guilty just like you do, like father like son.

Nick: *Nods; struggles to hide my yawn*

Ty: Heard that, why don't you go back to bed yourself.

Nick: I don't know.

Ty: Well I do, just close your eyes. I'll lay with you, want me to sing a soft tune?

Nick: Okay, why not. *We went back into my room as I laid back down on my bed closing my eyes as he climbed in next to me*

Ty: *Begins to sing a little of "Come Back To Bed" by John Mayer*

Nick: *LIstens recognizing the song immediately, bringing a smile to my face as Ty continued on till the end* Such a great song.

Ty: Thought you'd enjoy it. *Absentmindedly I played with his curls*

Nick: *Laughs quietly* Why does everyone do that?

Ty: *Knows what he means* Its soft to the touch, you can not help it.

Nick: What if one day I shaved it all off?

Ty: Boy you want your daddy to have a heart attack, tsk tsk.

Nick: I know, what am I even saying. *Covers my face with my hands*

Ty: Calm yourself, I'm sure you can give it a try in the near future.

Nick: You think so?

Ty: Hey once you mature a little more I bet Hugo will be cool with it.

Nick: What's your opinion?

Ty: Mine? Well honestly your curls are your trademark, they're apart of you but I'm sure they're not always easy to manage.

Nick: Sometimes. *Admits*

Ty: But if I'm to be honest with you little dude, I think they're a keeper on you.

Nick: Yeah?

Ty: Oh yeah.

Nick: And you're not just saying that just cause they're soft & as I've heard cute.

Ty: I'm for real, cute & soft, like I said they're you.

Nick: Well thanks for the reassurance.

Ty: Anytime, man.

Nick: *Opens eyes again* I can't really sleep anymore. I know I'll get up & make breakfast.

Ty: Too late, Hugo's got you beat to the punch.

Nick: What? I thought he wanted to sleep in.

Ty: Yeah that was after he realized that he wasn't all that much tired anymore, just like you. So he got up & decided to get a head start.

Nick: Hmm, what a sneak.

Ty: *Laughs* So while he's wrestling up some grub for you & himself ... have you decided on what you're going to wear?

Nick: I didn't even think about it. *Gets up from my bed going straight for my closet rummaging through it*

Ty: How about those dark navy blue boardshorts & that *Points to it* grey tank?

Nick: *Shrugs* Those will work. *Takes them both*

Ty: Want some privacy to change or you want me to just zap them onto you?

Nick: Zap me huh? Sounds freakishly awesome & scary at the same time.

Ty: Its quick & easy. And I promise painless, no need to afraid.

Nick: Okay, as long as you say so.

Ty: Cool. *Zaps the clothes from his hands making the appear on his body* Done, check it.

Nick: Wow, that was ... weird & actually *Looks in the mirror* so cool!

Ty: Looking good, dude.

Nick: Not too scrawny?

Ty: Not in the least. You're a growing boy, & still turning heads.

Nick: *Blushes* Just Joe & don't even count Donie.

Ty: I wasn't counting either. *Slips*

Nick: What? *Looks at him through the mirror*

Ty: Never mind.

Nick: *Shrugs* Okay. I'm going go help my dad, see you later?

Ty: Absolutely, enjoy & have lots of fun.

Nick: Will do. *Smiles waving him bye as I left my room*

Ty: *Stays in the now empty room, sighing taking a seat on Nick's bed. Looks like my tasks getting tougher & tougher, but I can't let this shake me pull it together Ty*

Nick: *I found my dad in kitchen finishing up things* Busted! *Exclaims*

Hugo: *Turns around; smiles cheekily* Hello sport!

Nick: Mm-hmm going back to bed I see.

Hugo: Well I thought you would be hungry & frankly so am I, plus I couldn't sleep anymore.

Nick: Sorry again for interrupting your sleep.

Hugo: Its alright, besides its a beautiful day in the neighborhood & I say its more than a perfect day for the beach if I do say so myself.

Nick: *Nods while glancing outside* Yep. *Looks back at him* So what did you make?

Hugo: Oatmeal with raisins, milk, brown sugar & of course with the best of all ... some shredded coconut!

Nick: Smells so awesome! *Inhales the aroma savoring it appreciatively*

Hugo: Oh yeah, dig in son.

Nick: Don't mind if I do. *Sits down taking the spoon to take a bite*

Hugo: How is it?

Nick: *Nods happily* Mm-hmm! *Gives a thumbs-up gesture*

Hugo: Its how I roll, what can I say.

Nick: *Swallows; laughs a little*

We spent the rest of the time eating the warm & delicious oatmeal, after we'd finished dad & I grabbed our stuff for the beach & we drove down. We found a good spot, really close to the shore. So far it wasn't too crowded, which was good. Dad & I found a spot close to the water & settled our things in the meantime. The sun was directly overhead high in the sky & it was getting pretty hot definitely time to go in. I really wanted to wait for Joe, but I also wanedt to get in the water.

Hugo: *Notices my son's dilemma* Go on in the water, Nick. Joe will turn up shortly.

Nick: *Blushes* You sure?

Hugo: Of course. In fact I'll race you! Last one to get fully wet is a rotten-egg!

Nick: You're on! *We both took off into the water; squeals at the temperature*

Hugo: *About to dive in fully when Nick just fell back under a small wave drenching himself. I followed in suit & went under*

Nick: *Coming back up I shook the water off me & wiped my eyes looking around for dad, but I didn't see him*

Hugo: *Resurfaces next; whoops loudly* YAHOO!

Nick: *Chuckles loudly; tackles him playfully trying to knock him down but its not as easy in the water with waves rolling in every second*

Hugo: Nice try, bud! *Easily moves causing Nick's pressure trying to move me to fall back underneath the water*

Nick: *Rises back up* Man.

Hugo: Bravo for effort. Want to go further out, but not too much?

Nick: Sure, so long as I can still touch the sand.

Hugo: I have an easy fix for that here climb on my shoulders.

Nick: *Smiles taking him up on the offer* Okay.

Hugo: *Lifts him up* See I've got you.

Nick: Yeah, question is can you keep upright without a wave knocking us both over?

Hugo: Who do think you're taking to? I'm a mountain, I'm unmovable! *Jokes boisterously*

Nick: *Rolls eyes* Okay mountain, whatever you say.

Hugo: *Lifts him up higher then supporting his weight; grins*

Nick: Oh no! *Gets immediately what he's up too* Dad, wait a minute!

Hugo: Sorry too late! *Uses my hands to throw him off to my left*

Nick: *Braces myself; holds my breathe; closes eyes as I felt the water surround me. I came right back up fast, exhaling* Daad!

Hugo: Hee hee *Chortles* want to go again?

Nick: What is this, throw-Nick-in-the-ocean-day?

Hugo: Yep. Didn't you get the memo?

Nick: Ha ha, very funny. *Pushes his side*

Hugo: Ah. *Floats back in the waves* So nice.

Nick: *Does the same. Reminds me of free falling & making snow angels. The water's perfect, all is missing ... suddenly a loud whistle caught my attention & I stood back up to see who or what was the source of it & I came face-to-face with Joe*

Joe: Hey guys! *Whistles trying to get their attention then successfully capturing Nick's* Hey Nick. *Grins; waves*

Nick: *Looking at him, my mouth almost dropped open. He was shirtless wearing black boardshorts & grinning a thousand-watt winning smile. He's here. He came. He's really here! Snap of it Nick!* H-hey Joe!

Joe: Started the fun without me did you? *Nods in the direction of Hugo whom of which are drifted a little to the right*

Nick: I wasn't sure when you were coming.

Joe: Thought I'd just show up, found you guys easy.

Nick: I'm glad you did. Thats good.

Joe: Me too. You look ... *Eyes Nick up & down* cute.

Nick: *Normally when dad, Idylla or even once upon a time ... when my mom called me cute, I'd always be embarrassed & whine about it. But this time ... this time was way different. Him saying it was different, a good different. But at the same time, it reminds me that I'm still a kid. Or to him a cute kid. Still I blush shyly smile* Thank you. *Tries to compliment him back* You look cool. *Did I really just say that? I wanted to smack my face with my palm*

Joe: *Chuckles* Thanks. You know as much as I'd love to continue this moment, I think we best alert your dad. *Points*

Nick: Good point. *Ruefully smiles, why do I keep blanking out on dad every time I think of Joe. Even now I barely want to move, focus dad first. We walked through the water over to my dad finding him pretty relaxed* Uh dad, this is your wake up call.

Hugo: *Opens one eye* Thanks for that. Oh, *Sees Joe then* hey Joe.

Joe: Hey Hugo, having a good time so far?

Hugo: Only the best. *Nods* You all continue, I think I'm going to continue to float for awhile more.

Nick: But you could float far away.

Hugo: I'll keep an eye, I'll be fine. You two go on ahead.

Nick: *What's he up to?*

Joe: *Chuckles* Relax away then.

Hugo: Thanks guys! *Grins closing my eyes; listens carefully to the waves*

Joe: *Turns back to Nick as we walked back through the water* Want to race?

Nick: Sure. Which direction, south?

Joe: Sounds good to me. Ready set go!

Nick: *Using both my arms I propelled through the water keeping up with Joe all the way. When it seemed like we'd gone farther then we wanted, I called to him* Think its a tie?

Joe: Tie! *Agrees; points to the direction of the shore*

Nick: *We swam towards the shore standing back upright breaking into a jog. Thats when I got an idea of my own* Tag you're it! *Pushes him quickly before running fast*

Joe: *Eyes widen; amused grins accepting the challenge* I'm going to get you!

Nick: *Time to step it up & kick it into high gear before he can catch up to me, I used everything I had*

Joe: *Laughs clearly impressed, it only fueled my ego to speed up*

Nick: *Turning around I saw he was gaining momentum; continuing to breathe I kept my speed*

Joe: *As fast as Nick was, I eventually caught up to him & tackled him grabbing his waist into my chest flipping him around so I landed on the sand on my back with him on top of me. I chuckled in triumph* Gotcha.

Nick: *Catches my breath; huffs* So you do ... nice tackle.

Joe: *Pats his back; closes eyes as my head laid back on the sand* Mm-hmm. *Content just like this*

Nick: *Laughs watching him, still feels like collapsing*

Joe: *I opened my eyes to look at him staring into his*

Nick: *Blushes; ceases my laughter suddenly realizing my position on top of him right in public no less; clears throat making a motion to move off of him*

Joe: *Something came over me then, I grabbed him by both of his arms holding him in place. I just didn't want him to move yet. I knew where we were, that we can be seen by everyone but right now they didn't matter. Its like somethings pulled me into him*

Nick: *I'm not sure what's going on but either way I'm frozen. I wish I knew what he was thinking right now. He looks do concentrated on me. Our eyes are locked, I can't even break it. My heart is starting to beat fast even more so than when I was running ahead of him*

Joe: Nick. *Is all I say*

Nick: *I shivered not sure why I did so, but just the way he said my name like that ... my blush deepened*

Joe: *I want to kiss him, but I know that its far from impossible. Reluctantly I let him go & apologize* I'm sorry.

Nick: What for? *Not exactly sure what he means*

Joe: *Smiles helping him up standing with him* For holding you in place like that.

Nick: I ... didn't mind. *Sheepishly smiles*

Joe: *Continues to smile; rubs the back of my head* Neither did I. *Confesses* But thats beside the point, I should've controlled myself better.

Nick: *Whispers then leaning in* Does that mean you wanted to kiss me?

Joe: *Nods* I put us, mainly you in a compromising situation. I wasn't thinking.

Nick: *Slightly stunned I tried to help him take his mind of it* Do you want to ... um want to go boogie-boarding?

Joe: *I'm grateful for his suggestion & of course I take him on it* You kidding, sure.

Nick: *Smiles* Cool. *We walked back unaware that my dad had been watching us secretly from the water*

Hugo's POV

Nothing goes pass me, I saw Joe long before Nick spotted him first. I knew he would find us, mainly Nick & go towards him. I'd planned it this way, also naturally I suggested for them to go off & have their fun while I relax ... in all reality I was actually using the time to spy on them. Thats right, couldn't pass up the opportunity plus I do need to keep an eye on them after all Nick is my only son. I trust Joe to a good degree, but he's still an adult like myself. I couldn't hold back my smile when I saw them have their race, one by sea & one by land. As they began to get farther away from my slight line, thats when I broke out my special bin-nocs & used them to continue to see what they were up to. What I saw next, was somewhat predictable & fairly innocent to any onlooker but then ... I saw how they were just frozen in place looking at each other. I could tell Joe wanted to kiss my son, which is a big time deal ... but at the same time I could tell he knew better. They both stood up & walked back down the shoreline back towards me. While I do find that the two of them would be a sweet couple together, I do still have to remember that my son is not old enough to date his history teacher just yet. 

Its weird I know, I'm not over there to break up whatever may or may not being going on but the thing is I find it all very endearing. Its all innocent fun, so I'm surprisingly alright with it. So long as it continues to remain that way I have no problem whatsoever. Looking back at Nick, I feel my heart clench ... my boy needs this. Besides being loved by myself, Idylla & Donie & the spirit of Denise ... he needs Joe too. I feel in my heart this is good for him. Its a strong feeling, seems since I met Joe & how Nick just lit up talking about him ... its like it was almost meant to be. Now as I look up to the sky, its almost like ... Denise agrees too. Oh Denise, my love, I miss you so much. I wish you were here now.

Denise: Oh Hugo, I am, in spirit as you feel in your heart. *I wish he he could hear me now as I appeared directly above his head*

Hugo: *I love you*

Denise: I love you too, always.

Hugo: *Wipes my eyes; sniffing a little bit*

Denise: *I wanted more than anything to hold & reassure him. Hugo you've done so wonderfully with Nick. You've both carried on without me & continued to live your lives. I'm so proud of you both. I love both of you with all my heart. Continue to trust in Joe, my love ... he is key & important to Nick. I have faith in them & you, everything will be fine. I'll always be here watching over you guys. And with that I faded back home, I couldn't be gone too long without consequences*

I don't know exactly what was happening, but I knew I felt peaceful & even though I may be just thinking to myself ... its almost if I feel reassured. It must be a sign. Thank you, I smiled gratefully. I really needed that. Shortly I returned to the shore & met up with Nick & Joe. They were currently grabbing boogie-boards & naturally I joined in on the fun. We all raced back towards the water charging & belly flopped on each of our boards paddling to find waves to catch. We did this for the longest time, racing & whooping loudly. By lunch time, we took a break to dry off & get something to eat. Good thing there was a little place that served pretty good fish & chips, which we all got & dug hungrily into enjoying them immensely. To top it off, we all got shakes to go with it. I chose a peanut buttercup kind, which man is as smooth & creamy as it comes. Joe got an oreo cookie kind & Nick of course got his mint chocolate chip favorite. I tell you between amazing fish, french fries, & a cool shake ... its all so good together.

Hugo: So what's next guys? *Pats my now full stomach*

Nick: How about a walk? We need to work off this food.

Joe: Do we have to? *Pouts* How about basking in the sun?

Hugo: Hmm, a little bit of both sounds good to me.

Nick: Alrighty, come on then. *Gets up throwing away my trash*

Joe: *Follows them grabbing my finished plate*

Hugo: Along the beach?

Nick: *Laughs* Where else?

Joe: Besides its still hot out, the water's been awesome today.

Hugo: A perfect cooler for us then.

Nick: Exactly.

Joe: I don't know about you guys but I'm so stuffed.

Hugo: I hear you, I think we all are.

Nick: Which is why we needed to walk before we crash.

Joe: Makes sense, plus I was only teasing.

Hugo: Always the teaser aren't you Joe?

Joe: You got me all figured out, Hugo. *Chuckles*

Hugo: Yes. *Begins to speak in Latin* Tracta eum iure.

Joe: Volo. Ut scitis?

Nick: *Looks back & forth between them inquisitively*

Hugo: Non facile est videre.

Nick: *Okay clearly they're having a conversation, so I went ahead & looked around for shells*

Hugo: *When I thought Nick was a good distance from hearing us I continued back to Joe back in english; nods in Nick's direction* I don't want him to hear us.

Joe: I get it. And let me guess, this is the part when you're going to tell me to stay away from your son?

Hugo: Nope. *Shakes head no*

Joe: So what then? Have me arrested?

Hugo: No, unless you touch him then we'd been having a totally different conversation.

Joe: Understood. I'm sorry, I know what I'm feeling is wrong.

Hugo: *Shrugs* Don't be, its not so wrong. I have nothing against two guys liking each other, or perhaps loving each other I should say.

Joe: *Eyes widen*

Hugo: Relax, Joe I can just tell the way you look at Nick. I had that same look when I met my wife.

Joe: I really do care about him, a lot.

Hugo: I know & thats why I'm content.

Joe: You seem that way. If you were anyone else this wouldn't end so well. Which brings me to why you're so okay with this?

Hugo: Joe, Joe, Joe. *Grabs his shoulder* Lets just say I have a good feeling between you & Nick. Its been so long it since I seen him smile so much like that. He trusts you. He's comfortable with you. You two together are just like two peas in a pod, you just belong. Since we lost Denise to the accident, Nick's been so quiet & still is a lot of times. At times he's closed-off & has protected himself inside his shell. While I, Idylla, & Donie we've all done our best to make Nick happy ... its worked & made a difference. But then ... he met you & I saw something light up in him. I know that feeling very well & I just knew then. I knew he would fall you & you for him. As a dad, you're right I should be overreacting, overprotective, maybe verbal-threatening ... but I'm not & I won't be.

Joe: Wow, Hugo you're really an amazing father seriously.

Hugo: Thank you for that. Its tough being a single dad, but I've managed pretty fair so far.

Joe: I'd say more than fair, you've done a heck of a job, major props to that man.

Hugo: You think so?

Joe: I know so & I want to say more than anything, thank you for trusting me.

Hugo: You earned it. Just remember his age though & try to control the urge to kiss him & we're absolutely cool.

Joe: You got it. *Agrees, I owe him that & he's on my side right now I don't want to lose that*

Hugo: Excellent. I have few more guidelines.

Joe: Okay, shoot.

Hugo: I don't mind you guys hanging out without me, whether it be at school in the music room or for example right now while we're at the beach. I do mind you being in my house with him, without me present. And definitely no motorcycle rides for a while ... its just too dangerous. Now on to PDA, I don't mind friendly hand holding, hugging, wrestling, & stuff such as that ... but no kissing of any kind now till at least age eighteen. As for dates, they're alright as long I pick him up after they're finished. And no to him coming over to your place, unless I'm there. And If I ever hear or see that these guidelines are crossed, your relationship with him is over.

Joe: Got it all. *Nods firmly*

Hugo: Great. One last thing, you'll have to be wary of Donie.

Joe: Because he's crushing on Nick & been his best friend since forever?

Hugo: Precisely. He's the closest friend Nick has right now & pretty much the only one. Donie can be possessive with him & overprotective. I'm sure he suspects something is up too. So you'll have to dial down your affections at school & kept it professional as possible. He could tell someone & spill the beans & have you easily fired & there won't be anything to stop it. Its for the better that you maintain your guys' student & teacher persona.

Joe: I've seen that. Nick's already told me about Donie giving him a hard time about it, heard it caused a rift between them. I understand it all, but the one thing I don't get is why doesn't Nick feel the same for his best friend. He clearly loves Nick & is his age, it makes sense.

Hugo: It did cause a lot of tension actually, Donie's having a hard time being rejected of course because its Nick his best friend. It is hard, no lie & he's upset & refusing to give up. That is one of the problems, my son already told him how he feels about him. He sees him as his brother, he doesn't like him back that way.

Joe: So he's persisting & continue to try to win Nick over. *Sums up* But Nick refuses to give in.

Hugo: Yeah. And while I would've thought those two would wind up being together, Nick just doesn't see it happening & I respect his decision.

Joe: Do you think as he gets older he might change his mind?

Hugo: I'm unsure, but I don't rule it out as an option.

Joe: Me either.

Hugo: There is still much time for Nick to grow up & go through changes.

Joe: Mm-hmm right. Which is why I if he should ever develop feelings for Donie, he should be with him in the future.

Hugo: Interesting you should say that, illuminate me.

Joe: I do love him & maybe he does love me, but he still young ... change is inevitable.

Hugo: Thats true, but guess we'll just have to wait & see.

Joe: Right & in the meantime, I am enjoying our time now.

Hugo: Just as I thought. Hey what do you say we *Starts whispering the rest into his ear*

Joe: *Listens & nods eagerly* Oh, count me in!

Hugo: Charge!

Joe: Whoo-hoo!

Nick: *I continued to find cool shells here & there along the water's edge while my dad & Joe talked. I thought of eavesdropping but decided against it. It couldn't being anything to worry about, right? They're just talking & now whispering ... wait whispering. I turned around to find them running towards me yelling & shouting like little kids. Oh boy its an ambush it seems, time to run again! But before I could fully take off, they caught me easily & hoisted me up high causing me to squeal loudly* Guys!

Hugo: Yes?

Nick: What's going on?

Joe: *Chuckles* We thought you could use a little boost, what do you think?

Nick: I think ... I'm up high. *Looks around*

Hugo: Well naturally you deserve the best view & what better than up a little higher?

Joe: Thats right ... Prince. *Adds in*

Nick: *Hearing that familiar nickname from Joe instead of my dad, was something so different & completely ... amazing. I blushed in addition* Why did you have to tell him dad?

Hugo: Can't hide the truth forever, buddy sorry.

Joe: Don't be embarrassed, Nick I think it suits you very well.

Nick: *Blush spreads further* Thanks.

Joe: Besides its much better than being called "DJ Danger."

Hugo: And don't forget about Hugo-Bear! *Reminds him*

Nick: You're both right, you're guys' is much more embarrassing.

Joe: Hey I resent that! *Playfully defends*

Hugo: Oh yeah Nicholas Jerry Jonas. *Brings up*

Joe: *Ears perk up curiously* Jerry, hmm very interesting thank you for that Hugo.

Hugo: Anytime.

Nick: Dad!

Hugo: What he's titled to know the facts.

Joe: Plus I like hearing your full name, its very fitting

Nick: Thank you. *Can't seem to stop blushing*

Hugo: Anyways how are you liking the view son?

Nick: I love it, but you guys don't really have to carry me.

Joe: Nonsense, a Prince doesn't walk when he can be carried.

Hugo: Joe's right, you're royalty my boy.

Nick: Oh brother. Does that make you guys my subjects?

Hugo: For the time being.

Nick: Come again?

Joe: Now Hugo!

Nick: Wait what's going on?

Hugo: *We both started to run carrying him into the water* I think you know what time it is.

Joe: Time for a cool off!

Nick: Oh ... great! *Goes flying into the flying; holds my breath just in time when my body came in contact with the water*

Hugo: *High-fives with Joe* Nice work.

Joe: You too.

Nick: *Comes back up; laughs* Oh you guys are so getting it, you best start running!

Hugo: Ooh, is that a threat?

Joe: I think he means it Hugo. *Tries my hardest not to smile when saying this*

Nick: *Smirks* Fine, you guys were warned! *Charges towards them*

Hugo: Run?

Joe: Run! *Nods*

Nick: Yeah you two better run!

Hugo: Keep up with me, Joe!

Joe: No problem, but you know Nick's a fast one!

Nick: Thats right!!

Hugo: Step on it then!

Joe: Plan on it!

Nick: That all you guys got?! *Eventually catches up to them piling on my dad first* Got you!

Hugo: Oh! *Fakes groans* I've been hit, carry on Joe!

Nick: *Shakes head taking back off to catch Joe*

Joe: Uh-oh, kid on my tail, kid on my tail!

Nick: Ha! Got you now! Who's the kid now? *Piles on him*

Joe: Whew! *Lets out a tired breath* You're just too fast.

Nick: Thank you very much.

Hugo: *Joins them still trying to get my breath back* Why ... don't ... we ... take ... a ... a ... oh ... a ...

Nick: A break? Yeah why not.

Joe: Cool with me. *Wipes my sweat away from my forehead with my elbow*

Hugo: *Walking back towards our towels we crashed on the sand with loud "ompfts."* Oh, yeah.

Nick: *Giggles* Sun feels so nice.

Joe: You said it, ah yes. *Stretches relishing the warmth with open arms*

Joe's POV

Today's been so great, I can't begin to describe it. I'm at the beach relaxing in the sun with my boyfriend & his dad, life's awesome. Even the talk with Hugo went surprisingly well ... Hugo is truly the coolest dad I've ever had the pleasure of meeting & knowing. It doesn't get any better than this. Hanging with them both its always a blast, I'm just so glad to be here. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Between the sea breeze, the sun, the crashing sounds of waves ... seagulls, people ... its all tranquil. Suddenly I was broke out of my thoughts when I heard snoring, softly rolling onto my side propping my arm up to see the source of it.

Nick: *Covers my mouth giggling; points to my dad*

Joe: *Chuckles too. I should've known, I shook my head smirking* Guessing he's tired?

Nick: You think? He's wiped it looks.

Joe: Know the feeling, might of taken in the same direction if not for that snoring.

Nick: Same here, it woke me up too.

Joe: What should we do?

Nick: Well I still wanted to lie down & drift off too, but its kind of hard with hearing him in my ears.

Joe: Me too, hey I got an idea.

Nick: I'm all all ears, what do you got in mind?

Joe: Well clearly we all need some R&R, but without the snore-fest *Whispers to the out-cold Hugo* no offense.

Nick: *Smiles; nodding in turn* Mm-hmm, go on.

Joe: Here's the plan. We give him space & we get our own. *Gets up grabbing my towel* We'll just move a little bit so we don't hear him, so he doesn't think we ditched him, you know?

Nick: I like it, simple & good enough for me. *Gets up too; picks a spot not too far from dad but not too close that we could still hear him snore away* Mm, much better.

Joe: Indeed-y.

Nick: *Lays down closes eyes*

Joe: *Studies him*

Nick: *Smiles* What's so fascinating?

Joe: You are.

Nick: Not really.

Joe: Well you are.

Nick: *Smiles* Go to sleep, Joe.

Joe: In time, I'll drift.

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Eventually inso we both drifted away, just like Hugo ... its kind of hard to resist when you're this relaxed it just happens. Its a nice feeling to relax like this, gotta love it. It wasn't until much later in the afternoon, I re-awoke wiping the sleep from my eyes & any sand that had blown in my face. My eyes first found a red-orange sunset close to touching the water. Wow time had flown right on by just like that. I shrugged not caring, finding then a body next to mine still sleeping. Smiling, I found it to be Nick right beside me. I figured one of us must've rolled toward one another, but I wasn't too sure which one of us. Looking to my right, I found Hugo with folded arms but instead of a pissed-off-back-away-from-my-son-look he was sporting a smile & interestingly equipped with a camera. It dawned on me that he must've definitely taken pictures of us while we sleeping hmm clever man, I chuckled to myself.

Hugo: About time you woke up, thought you would be out for the rest of the night. *Jokes*

Joe: *Shrugs* You should talk mister snore loudly.

Hugo: Ah, I know sorry about that.

Joe: No worries, its all good.

Hugo: I see that. *Nods at Nick still by my side*

Joe: You don't know who moved first do you?

Hugo: In all honestly, it was actually the both of you.

Joe: No way.

Hugo: No joke, I swear.

Joe: Huh, I'll be darn.

Hugo: That makes two of us.

Joe: You want me to move away?

Hugo: If I did would I be sitting here smiling at you two?

Joe: Guess not, take some good pictures?

Hugo: Only the best, my boy's got to have these.

Joe: *Laughs* Lucky.

Hugo: You can have one or two on one condition.

Joe: Oh yeah? What's that?

Hugo: Can you wrap you arms around him like you're hugging him?

Joe: Seriously?

Hugo: I'm serious.

Joe: You're a crazy kind of dad, but hey you're cool. *Gently hugs Nick so I didn't wake him; looks at him affectionately*

Hugo: Oh thats perfect! *Whisper yells*

Joe: *Smiles* This has got to be the funniest, yet sweetest thing I've ever done.

Hugo: Same here, Joe. *Gets plenty of shots of the two of them*

Nick: *Begins to stir* Hmm?

Joe: Hey. *Greets him*

Nick: Joe? *Blinks looking into his eyes seeing that I'm really close to him; glances to the right finding my dad with a camera; quickly gets up* I um ... you see *Stumbles with my sentences* ...

Hugo: Give us a minute, Joe.

Joe: Sure. *Nods; pats Nick's shoulder reassuringly walking towards the water*

Nick: Dad I-

Hugo: *Hugs him* You guys looked so sweet.

Nick: Huh?

Hugo: Its okay Nick, loosen up sweetheart. I'm not freaking out if thats what you're thinking.

Nick: Really?

Hugo: Really. I told you I'm fine with Joe & you.

Nick: I thought all this time you were just pulling my leg.

Hugo: Nope. Don't worry Joe & I talked about things, its all good.

Nick: I knew it! So thats why you went into a different language mode.

Hugo: Pretty much, had to make sure to let him know where I stand on you two.

Nick: You sure you're fine with this?

Hugo: He loves you Nick & I know you love him. You guys need each other, you've found someone who makes you happy.

Nick: *Blushes* Dad, I don't want to you think I've been unhappy & unloved all this time before Joe came into the picture because I have been happy & very loved.

Hugo: I know that son, but this kind of love & happiness is something I'm unable to give you, but I know Joe can.

Nick: You're incredible & awesome as they come.

Hugo: I know. *Winks* Now enough napping & I know snoring *Laughs* time to watch the sunset!

Nick: Yes! *Both of us got up & joined Joe*

Hugo: *Grins standing up with them both*

Joe: *Lifts Nick onto my shoulders holding him securely; smiling big*

Nick: *Smiling brightly; giggles enjoying this moment with my dad & of course my boyfriend watching as the sun quickly faded away from our sight. Directly afterwards we headed back to my house, taking showers & eat dinner together while watching some of favorite shows*

Hugo: Man I love this show.

Joe: Me too, these guys are awesome aquarium builders. I really liked the design on the Coney Island Applebees tank.

Nick: Me too, that was so massive & they went all out, its very cool.

Hugo: Thats true, but the cake tank was good too quite ingenious.

Joe: And sweet.

Nick: Definitely sweet. *Agrees; eyes the time seeing its just about over* Oh man its done already, that was fast.

Hugo: I know, seems like it just started. Gotta love Tanked.

Joe: *Looks at the time* Oh whoa, yeah no kidding. Well guys I see its getting late, I'll catch you all again on Monday. *Stands up*

Nick: *Stops smiling; kind of disappointed*

Joe: *Sees Nick's expression; gives him a hug* Hey, you okay Nick?

Nick: *Hugs him back* Yeah.

Joe: You sure?

Nick: Mm-hmm. You have a nice Sunday.

Joe: You too. *Ruffles his curls* And thanks again to both you for letting me hang out with ya, I had an awesome time.

Nick: So did we. *Smiles*

Hugo: Anytime, Joe see you around & have a great rest of the weekend. *Nick & I walked him to the door seeing him off watching as he gathered his things & drove off; looks at Nick as I closed the front door* Time for bed.

Nick: Okay. *Walks to my room*

Hugo: *Follows him* Sleep well, son. *Tucks him in; kisses his forehead* Night.

Nick: Goodnight dad. *Smiles closing my eyes as he turned off the lights*

Once back home, I flopped on my bed & stayed up a little extra writing a song for Nick. When I'd finished I was just grinning with excitement, I was positive he was going to love this. I just couldn't wait till tomorrow when I could surprise him. Sweet dreams Nick, I thought as I soon fell asleep.

A/N - Latin translations:

Tracta eum iure = treat him right

Volo = I will

Ut scitis? = So you know?

Non facile est videre = It wasn't that hard to see


Watch Over You Episode 16

Ty's POV

As soon as I saw Nick go to bed, I just smiled & turned in for the night too. When I awoke again on sunday morning, I found myself hovering over Nick's bed above him. I stretched & floated back down to the carpet standing upright. It was currently 10:40 AM, still early enough. Nick needed his sleep, I couldn't bring myself to wake him from his slumber so I laid down beside him quietly. I stared at him for the longest time watching him breathe. I bit my lip, I was so tempted to kiss his forehead. Just as Denise had predicted & expected, things are progressing for Nick & Joe's relationship nicely. Hugo's on board & as happy as a clam. However Nick still has Donie to be concerned with & that boy is going to keep on fighting till he wins Nick over. Eventually I would just love to step in & show off with Nick, which might anger him more but I don't know if it will be cool with Denise, mostly likely not. Suddenly then Nick stirred & opened his eyes more than anything surprised to see me so close to him.

Ty: Hey good morning.

Nick: Good morning. *Smiles slightly* What'cha doing?

Ty: Oh ... you mean why I'm hovering over you & watching you sleep?

Nick: Yeah that.

Ty: *Shrugs* Got caught up in the moment I guess.

Nick: *Chuckles* You do that often?

Ty: Probably too much. *Admits* Does that bother you?

Nick: Its alright, maybe a little weird but as long as its just you; I'm fine with it.

Ty: Just "me?"

Nick: Well yeah you are my guardian angel after all, you can't help watching over me.

Ty: *Nods* Yeah, its all part of the job description. *Changes the subject* So anyways, I see you had a major blast just like I thought you would.

Nick: It really was, everything ... man just wow. *Dreamily rants* Its also so surreal.

Ty: I figured you'd love it. And I knew Hugo would single out Joe for a little talk.

Nick: Jeeze, that part of it I was worried about for a moment till dad talked to me about it. Its unbelievable how accepting he is of everything.

Ty: If anything, Hugo's the man seriously.

Nick: I know, I'm so happy how it all turned out & that he thankfully approves & is even strangely encouraging a lot of things.

Ty: He's super cool in my book.

Nick: Mine, too. *Pouts then*

Ty: Missing your boyfriend already I see.

Nick: Yes, but he's got his life & things to do.

Ty: Doesn't mean that he's not thinking of you.

Nick: *Blushes* And I of him.

Ty: Ha ha ha, so this is what a lovesick Nick looks like.

Nick: Gosh, I guess I am huh? Well its sunday & I got to snap out of it & probably get out of bed.

Ty: Yes, but its natural to continue your thoughts of him you know.

Nick: If I did that, I would waste the day sort of speak & who knows what dad has planned this time.

Ty: Why don't you find out then?

Nick: Yeah, I think I will see what's on the agenda.

Ty: Cool, little dude.

Nick: Be back.

Ty: Take your time.

Nick: *Nods giving him a wave as I left my room*

Ty: *Watches him exit the room* So lovestruck indeed. *Says to myself*

In that time, I watched & listened to Nick conversing with his dad about the day's plans. Apparently Hugo got invited by one of his friends to play some golf, so naturally he asked Nick if he wanted to join him. The way Nick saw it, he figured it was best if he went just by himself ...  saying something along the lines of him enjoying more quality adult-time basically. Geniunielly Nick was thinking of his dad & concerned for him to have some fun with his guy friends. Hugo had made sure to ask just once more just in case, but Nick insisted he should just go & have a great time. I laughed next, just cause Hugo had narrowed his eyes thinking that this was some sort of plan to go hang with Joe. In all honesty Nick defended himself vouching that he didn't have no such plans in mind. Trust me Hugo its all good, besides I predict a little face-timing action instead. Shortly after convincing Hugo that he would be fine on his own, he returned back to his room.

Ty: So it went good I see.

Nick: Yeah, but honestly I wasn't expecting him to questioning my motives.

Ty: I don't know man, they seem pretty questionable to me.

Nick: *Blushes* What are you trying to insinuate?

Ty: Oh please. *Scoffs* Playing coy are we? Lets just say I read & see right through it. You secretly want to see Joe.

Nick: *Plops on my bed with my hands & legs spread* That may be true, but I know better than to disobey my dad.

Ty: Thats my good boy. So what'cha going to do with all this free time then hmm?

Nick: Well wanna go play some basketball? *Suggests*

Ty: Ohhhh-ho *Accentuates* would I!

Nick: Yeah?

Ty: You're on Jonas.

Nick: Awesome, let me change then. *Gets back off my bed bouncily*

Ty: Want the quick version or your version?

Nick: As much as I liked the quick version, today I'll stick to my version besides I'm in no hurry.

Ty: Fair enough.

Nick: Thanks though.

Ty: Anytime, just say the word.

Nick: Will do. *Gets dressed*

I waited for him patiently in the meantime getting a basketball ready at hand spinning it on one finger skillfully. I hummed to myself excited to hang out with him & play the game. If anything I thought with Joe in the picture our time to spend together would start to become limited but seems like I was forgetting the part of Hugo's rules for Joe. I get that Nick wants to naturally spend time with Joe, but even that has its limits. I'm grateful & ecstatic that he's chosen me to hang with for the day. Minutes later Nick came back into his room dressed & ready to go.

Nick: Ready my friend! *Grins*

Ty: Sweet, lets do this then! *Follows his lead outside to his personal set of hoops* You can start.

Nick: You sure?

Ty: Positive. *Winks*

Nick: Okay. *Takes the first shot taking a breath making it straight into the hoop*

Ty: Whoop! 

Nick: And its just the first shot!

Ty: Got drop it like its hot. *Counters stealing the ball to make a shot of my own*

Nick: Nice.

Ty: And I'm just warming up baby.

Nick: Yeah, well so am I.

Ty: Tell you what why don't we up the stakes huh?

Nick: What did you have in mind? *Shrugs; eyes him curiously*

Ty: Winner gets to choose whatever he wants the losing opponent to do.

Nick: Doesn't sound too promising.

Ty: Oh come now, you can get me do whatever you want & vice versa.

Nick: *Teases* Don't I already get that?

Ty: Not all the time, child. *Playfully retorts back*

Nick: "Child?" *Gaps; a bit offend*

Ty: *Chuckles* Well technically you are.

Nick: Okay then you'll have no problem then losing to a child. *Smirks accepting his challenge*

Ty: Sorry sweetheart this is where I'm going to take the win.

Nick: Don't count on it. *Steals the ball from him making another basket* Gotta keep up old man.

Ty: Oh-ho-ho-ho thats a low blow.

Nick: I can do this all day.

Ty: So can I.

Nick: If you can keep up.

Ty: Oh, I can keep up.

Nick: Show me.

Ty: It'd be my pleasure Nickster.

Nick: *Gets into position; focused*

Ty: Bounce baby bounce. *Begins to run towards the hoop to make a shot*

Nick: *Jumps up to block him*

Ty: *Watches as Nick's hands just miss the ball as it makes it in* Sorry too bad.

Nick: *Runs after it* Ha ha ha, my turn dude.

Ty: Thatta boy, keep up the positivity.

Nick: Exactly, I'm going to keep it up.

Ty: I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

Nick: Ready?

Ty: Ready.

All games & small talk went on as we made many baskets back & forth, honestly it seemed like we were pretty evenly matched. Nick & I play to win. We're focused & play fair. Neither of us refuse to throw the towel in, we're both determined more than anything & still having loads of fun. It might all seem like a competition perhaps in a way ... but its still just a game & we're enjoying every second of it. Its another great day, sun shining brightly & hot as can be but it doesn't stop us in fact it encourages & stimulates us. We're go-getters, but in all fairness we do need a little lunch break.

Ty: Time out!

Nick: *Catches my breath leaning both my hands on my knees, my body bent* What's up?

Ty: I think we should get some lunch, what do you say? *Walks with him back into the house towards the dining room*

Nick: I think ... thats a great idea. *Follows along with him*

Ty: Me too. *Nods in agreement; holds the ball in my right arm underneath my armpit* What sort of grub would you like my man?

Nick: Something cool, I think a sandwich comes to mind.

Ty: Mm. *Grins* With avocado, sliced tomatoes, mushrooms, parsley, cheese & mayo topped with a rustic loaf.

Nick: *Licks lips* I'm sold.

Ty: Awesome, two sandwich's coming up. *Makes them appear on the dining room table with all the essential materials* Time to dig in.

Nick: Mm-hmm. *Joins him sitting down grabbing hold of the sandwich taking the first bite* Oh! So good.

Ty: Right?!

Nick: *Munches enjoying the sandwich a lot*

Ty: *Eating right along with him; wipes my face with a napkin from time to time*

Nick: *Soon finishes; begins to pick up my plate to clear it when Ty stops me* 

Ty: Allow me. *Makes both of our plates disappear* Got it all taken care of.

Nick: Show off. *Teases; stands up*

Ty: You know it. *Stands up with him* So wanna continue the game?

Nick: I would say yes, but don't you think we're evenly matched?

Ty: Now that you mention it yes we are.

Nick: So what should we do?

Ty: We both won then as far as I'm concerned, its a tie. So we each can pick something, you can choose first.

Nick: Really?

Ty: Absolutely go for it.

Nick: Alrighty, well *Blushes* I've always wanted to ... *Leans over toward him whispering into his ear*

Ty: *Listens carefully hearing his secret innermost wish; smiles genuinely* A very interesting request buddy, what made you choose that?

Nick: *Blushes even further* I've always wondered what it would be like.

Ty: Got'cha. Well baby, I'd be more to happy to fulfill your wish. Time for me to work my magic. *Claps hands together rubbing them together to begin*

Nick: *Blinks suddenly as I felt my body begin to transform. It was a weird feeling almost like I was shrinking in size. Suddenly instead of two hands & standing upright I was now four-legged & covered in fur* Wow. *Speaks; blinking*

Ty: *I was grinning as I marveled at his transformation. I'd known exactly what color to make him, the white just fit him. I transformed next matching his size making my color black. We're like yin & yang now* Testing testing, one two three. *I spoke up too*

Nick: I didn't think we could still talk in this form. *Turns my head to the side curiously & cutely*

Ty: *Chuckles* Well thats cause I made it this way, its easier. And might I say you make the cutest wolf I've ever seen. *Makes a giant rectangular mirror appear for us to see our reflections* Oh yeah we look good!

Nick: *Walking towards the mirror I gasped at my reflection. I really was a wolf, & a white one at that. And next to me Ty was a black wolf, at least we contrasted well* I can't believe it. *Smiles*

Ty: You'd better believe it. I think it was an awesome wish, you shouldn't be so modest.

Nick: I thought you'd laugh at me.

Ty: Nah, never boy. This is cool, trust me. We're animals! *Grins wolfishly*

Nick: *Laughs* Yeah we sure are. Oh, oh, oh ... *Tries out howling* awhooooooooo!

Ty: *Joins in on the laughter* Thats the spirit!

Nick: Ha, ha. This is amazing. If only ... *Trails off imagining a wolf's natural environment*

Ty: Baby, you know I can turn those thoughts right into reality.

Nick: Really? How? We're in my house still.

Ty: Watch & see. *Surprises him by changing everything around us ... instead of Nick's house we now stand in a snowy forest* Ta-da. *Nods proudly* This what you were thinking?

Nick: Yes, oh my God. *Looks around in awe smiling at the snowflakes falling all around us. And beneath my new paws was actual snow! It was cold but so nice* This is too good to be true. *Blinks as the flakes fall right on my nose*

Ty: Speechless once again, I see. Told you I could do it.

Nick: Yeah, no kidding. Is it all a illusion?

Ty: To us no its real, but to anyone else it is a illusion. I've only make it feel real for the two of us, wouldn't want any snoopers like Donie say for example to come around & see the inside of your house has become Alaska.

Nick: *Laughs again* Wicked awesome & oh yeah he'd freak out literally.

Ty: A lot I bet. Anyways, want to explore this forest more?

Nick: Do I? Yes! *Runs in a circle happily*

Ty: Ha, ha, ha I knew it, come on then. Let us test these paws of ours.

Nick: *Can't seem to stand still any longer; takes off using my legs to break into a run through the thick snow*

Ty: *Howls excitedly; keeps at the same pace right with him*

Nick: Think you can keep up with me, Ty?

Ty: Oh, I know I can.

Nick: Oh yeah? How about we see. *Speeds up*

Ty: *Begins to quicken my pace eventually passing far in front of him, turning in a circle I pounced on him playfully biting lightly at his fur*

Nick: *Giggles howling* Oh man.

Ty: What? Didn't think you'd get caught this fast?

Nick: Pretty much, I am fast.

Ty: Guess Nicky's met his match. *Grins nipping on his ears*

Nick: *Whines* H-hey, easy on the ears!

Ty: Sorry can't help it, must be instinct. *Licks him on the cheek fondly*

Nick: *Laughs; laying onto the snow*

Ty: We make a cute couple, don't you think?

Nick: Huh? *Looks at him*

Ty: You know like a pack.

Nick: Na-uh, you said couple.

Ty: Did I?

Nick: Yes you did.

Ty: Opps?

Nick: *Shakes head* You're such a jokester. *Licks lips; gets up* Come on I still want to explore this while I can. *Begins to take off running again*

Ty: *Stands in the same spot watching him; sighs*

Nick: *Continues to run along sniffing the air; jumping up to catch falling snowflakes & chasing them*

Ty: *Too busy watching his every movement, as he takes in the wonder*

Nick: *Jumps high flipping myself over in the process*

Ty: *Runs over to him; eyes him* Having fun?

Nick: Mm-hmm. *Smiles*

Ty: I'm glad.

Nick: Why so serious?

Ty: I'm not. *Tries to deny*

Nick: Yes you are, I can tell.

Ty: Nah. *Insists*

Nick: What are you trying to hide?

Ty: Hide? Nothing Nick, you silly boy.

Nick: Don't you silly me mister. *Raspberries him*

Ty: *Chuckles; licks his face*

Nick: *Giggles* That tickles!

Ty: Gee, thats the point.

Nick: Well cut it out!

Ty: Nope, I think I'll just stay right here.

Nick: Ty!

Ty: That would be me.

Nick: Hee hee hee! *Can't stop giggling*

Ty: *Enjoying this all too much*

Nick: Quick taking advantage dude!

Ty: Or what?

Nick: *Uses my hind legs to throw him off me* Ha take that!

Ty: Ooh impressive.

Nick: *Howls* Come on, I think I see a creek?

Ty: Yep! Nature's water source, & might I add fresh as can be.

Nick: *Runs along with him to its edge lowering my head to take a drink* Mm-nn nice & cold.

Ty: Refreshing.

Nick: Oh, yes. *Agrees*

Ty: *Licks my lips; getting more water lapping it up appreciatively*

Nick: *Continues to drink till I got my fill then curiously walking over to climb on a fallen log using it as a bridge*

Ty: Hey wait up, little dude. *Joins up with him*

Nick: *Turns around* Where do you think this leads?

Ty: Don't know, but guess we'll find out.

Nick: *Sniffs* Its safe right?

Ty: *Nuzzles him* It is, I promise & besides you have me here to protect you.

Nick: *The reminder makes me smile* Thank you.

Ty: Your welcome, its my pleasure. Ready to continue?

Nick: *Nods* Yes, lead the way T.

Ty: *Chuckles* Onward then N. *Moves across the wood bridge as Nick follows behind me*

Nick: *Following the bridge, we came across a frozen plain of sorts. As I stepped out onto it I felt & heard a strange sound come from it*

Ty: Its alright Nick, its just a frozen lake. That sound was the water beneath the ice.

Nick: You sure it wasn't the sound of ice breaking?

Ty: Nope, I won't allow that to happen ever. Don't you trust me?

Nick: Yes. *Whispers*

Ty: *Nods* Then to further prove myself stay here & just watch.

Nick: Okay.

Ty: *I took off in a fast paced run using all my weight to gain even more speed to show Nick exactly what I meant. The more I ran the more I assured him it was safe out on the ice. Although I too would be in fear in his shoes, thats why I want to ease his mind & worries. This ice is solid, I'm making it that way. If I wasn't with him then this would be the furthest thing from safe, it would be just plain stupid & suicide. The ice would indeed crack & it would become extremely dangerous. Thankfully with a little magic, all that can be withered away to nothing* See? *I called to him*

Nick: *Watching his every move, at first I was very fearful that he was playing with the impossible by trying to control something that naturally can't be controlled ... but it seems he proved me wrong. It must be his magical abilities, for without them it wouldn't be so safe. Nodding & of course trusting my guardian angel I joined him following in example starting to break into a fast run. All fear left my body, now it was all replaced with an adrenaline rush running wildly throughout me. What I felt now was unmistakably awesome & amazing all at the same time. We ran freely chasing each other frolicking on the ice. It was undeniably cool. Laughing I looked up to the sky & grinned howling happily*

Ty: *Of course I could just sit there & watch him all day, but I too wanted to join in on the fun & howl with him towards the sky*

Nick: *As I continued to do so, it was then my stomach growled in hunger making me cease my howls & causing me to blush*

Ty: Hungry?

Nick: *Bashfully nods* Apparently I am.

Ty: Well then shy one, what would you like? Some deer, elk, rabbit, squirrel ... *Continues to ramble on other animals*

Nick: *Eyes widen in shock* What? I ... no, definitely none of those!

Ty: *Laughs* Gotcha! I was only kidding!

Nick: Oh?

Ty: Yep. We may be animals, but it doesn't mean we're going to eat like them.

Nick: Thank goodness because otherwise I would've lost my appetite.

Ty: You & me both buddy. So what would you really like?

Nick: Um, something involving fish sounds good to me.

Ty: Excellent choice, I think I have just the thing in mind.

Nick: Cool. *Lays down on a patch of snow next to the lake* You know I didn't think I'd be hungry so fast.

Ty: Well when your a wolf lets just say you work up an appetite quite a lot so don't fret. Wham-o! Here you go, baby. *Gives him a nicely cooked & warm piece of salmon on a white plate*

Nick: Mm. *Inhales its smell* Love that smell.

Ty: I'm with you, its aromatic. *Helps myself to a salmon of my own* Bon appétit!

Nick: *Nods digging in as well. It was weird eating without forks but honestly it was easier this way. We ate together taking our time to appreciate the fish savoring everything that it had to offer. And while it was semi messy, it was still a fantastic meal*

Ty: How was everything? *Asks him after finishing my last bite*

Nick: It was very good, my God.

Ty: *Grins* Knew you'd dig it.

Nick: *Chuckles* Thank you, it was very fulling.

Ty: Heh heh, your welcome & yeah it sure was. *Clears our plates at this moment*

Nick: *Burps; blushes* Oh excuse me.

Ty: *Chuckles a lot* Such a polite wolf.

Nick: I'm still human after all.

Ty: True true, but might I say you are rocking the wolf look awesomely!

Nick: *Smiles* Thanks, for all this ... & you are too you know.

Ty: Yeah & your welcome & thanks. Its been fun being an animal! *Bursts into laughter*

Nick: *Joins him in the laughter* How original.

Ty: Guess I couldn't hold it back any longer. *Shrugs casually eventually letting my laughter die down; exhales loudly*

Nick: Can I ask you something? *Begins*

Ty: Sure, anything, speak your mind.

Nick: Is ... *Pauses before continuing* Joe really truly into me?

Ty: *Slightly stunned at this question* Of course he is, you've seen it first hand, Hugo too, heck even annoying Donie & don't forget yours truly. What brought this on? *Asks him*

Nick: I don't know. Sometimes I just feel like its all a dream, that everything has been happening so perfectly. Plus I am newly fourteen, as much as I try be strong & mature ... its not always easy to be as confident & secure all the time. I just worry if Joe will continue to like me.

Ty: *Walks over to him licking his face to calm him* I hear you loud & clear. Well if anything Nick its been an amazing dream then, but its truly reality though. And I know you're feeling insecure & worrying about these such things but hear me when I say he likes you & more than that he loves you, adores you, cares about you ... all the above.

Nick: I know, & what a reality it is. *Nods flushing a bit* I know this, but still ... I can't help ... *Trails off*

Ty: Nicky, you'll see in time that all these fears are nothing compared to the love he feels for you.

Nick: *Sighs* I know you're right, I guess I'm scared still.

Ty: *Kisses his forehead* You have nothing to fear, you're loved Nick never forget that.

Nick: Mm, I won't.

Ty: Good. *Closes my eyes relishing in this moment*

Nick: Ty?

Ty: Yes?

Nick: I love you.

Ty: *Heart hammers in my chest fast; tries not to choke on my words* I love you too.

Nick: You're the best. *Snuggles into his warmth*

Ty: I try. *Humbly reminds him*

Nick: *Falls into him; eyes closing*

Watching him fall asleep onto me like that ... was about the most sweetest moment yet but nothing could top those three words he'd said. Even though he had said it in a platonic way, it still struck right through my heart. Damn. I hadn't expected him to say them to me, but upon rewinding our moment ... if I had read his thoughts I would've seen it coming & would've been more prepared for it. For a split second I thought with just a tiny bit of hope that he actually reciprocated my feelings in return but no it was a false hope. He'd always see me as just his guardian angel, probably the same as Donie ... just like a brother. Sighing I shook my head, way to keep it cool Ty ... giving him all the advice in the world & trying to ease his worries on his concerns with Joe ... when I'm secretly hoping & wishing ... he'd just choose me or at least see me the way I see him. He probably knows, I've been way to easy to read lately ... I might as well just stamp a sign on my forehead saying "I'm in love with you." Everything I've been doing ... calling him baby, sweetheart, acting flirty, being protective ... heck the sighing alone ... I've been way too obvious.

I should break away & save myself the hurt, but I can't stay away from Nick. It's not his fault, its mine. I've succumbed to falling for one I'm watching over, assigned & bounded to. Its a bummer in a way but then again its also a wonderful feeling. I don't regret it & neither am I ashamed of my feelings however ... I do wish I at least stood a chance be just be recognized. If only ... no don't even finish that thought. What's a matter with me? This isn't a game, Nick's a person. He's not a prize to be won, nor is secretly wishing that both Joe & Donie were out of the picture ... wouldn't help anything. Never would I just push my way in, no I do want a fair chance but then again do I deserve one? Am I being fair? Am I thinking of myself or Nick? Of his feelings, of all that is happening in his life at this moment? Exactly Ty ... its why you haven't let these feelings get the best of you till now. I've been trying to keep it together but the more time I spend with him ... the more I feel like I'm coming undone. 

Nick holds a special place in my heart, always has & always will -- I never fail to remind myself ... & feelings or not ... I can't allow myself to slip into temptation. He just said I love you, don't take it farther in it's meaning. Be yourself but ease down the flirting. Be the guardian angel he needs. I know in my heart he's destined to be with Joe, & I can't interfere in this no matter how it could easily change. Nick belongs with Joe, I have nothing against them being together. I wish both of them only the best. Still ... somewhere in a impossible fantasy I picture a future of us. Nick choosing me, loving me. I smile continuing it. 

Nick: *Wrapped in a warm & loving embrace smiling*

Ty: Warm enough?

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Ty: *Kisses the side of his cheek* I love you.

Nick: And I love you. Still can't believe it.

Ty: Neither can I, its just like a dream right?

Nick: Yes, but best of all its reality.

Ty: And we're here together.

Nick: Forever. I'm so lucky.

Ty: I beg to differ, I'm the lucky one.

Nick: *Giggles* We both are.

Ty: *Turns him around looking into his brown eyes staring straight into them*

Nick: *Blushes*

Ty: *Leans in to kiss his lips*

Nick: *Closes eyes leaning into his kiss murmuring* Just like our first kiss.

And just like that my fantasy is gone, my eyes open up hearing a voice on outside of Nick's house calling his name. Great timing I thought, quickly returning Nick & I to our human-selves, the snowy forest disappearing ... leaving him to lie on the sofa & I hovered above watching as the voice used a key to enter inside.

Donie: Nick? *Looks around for him*

Ty: Well hello annoying-oh-bestfriend-forever. *Goes to the door leaning with one hand against the well; of course I'm not allowing him to actually hear me but I still continue to talk* Guess you really know how to interrupt a moment.

Donie: *My eyes found Nick sleeping soundly on the couch causing mine to widen in guilt; walks over to him very quietly to look at him*

Ty: Oh sure just invite yourself in & my all means sleep-stalk your crush. You should feel guilty dude.

Donie: *God he's so cute when he sleeps*

Ty: Now there you actually do have a good point.

Donie: *Kind of weird he's sleeping at this hour; looks at the clock*

Ty: Oh gee sorry he can't get a nap after spending time with me, so what if its already 3:00 PM.

Donie: *Shrugs not having the heart to wake even if I didn't really want to hang out with ... seems like thats been lacking lately & I wanted to change that*

Ty: Well best try your luck another time, now scat man. *Makes a shooing gesture* Go on now, get.

Donie: *Leaves him locking the door behind me returning home*

Ty: Good, he's gone, nosy little brat. *I murmured*

Nick: *Begins to stir then* Hmm?

Ty: *Eyes focus back on Nick* Sorry buddy did I wake you?

Nick: No, I waking up anyways. *Smiles* What's up?

Ty: Nothing much, just had to return the both of back to human cause Donie just stopped by like a second ago.

Nick: *Sits up; stretches* Show me?

Ty: Sure. *Nods replaying the last few minutes of his arrival back of course not letting him hear his thoughts or mine*

Nick: *Rolls eyes seeing what he was doing* Stalking me now, typical Donie.

Ty: *Shares* Thats what I thought.

Nick: Huh, well guess it was time to come back home in a sense. That was really so much Ty, I gotta hand it to you & thank you big time.

Ty: Ha ha no problem & I'm glad you enjoyed it that much cause I did too. We should do it again sometime, we could try other animals ... anything you want.

Nick: That would be sick! *Exclaims*

Ty: Yeah definitely!

Nick: Well I better go see what Donie wanted exactly, but first tell its not about trying to woo me.

Ty: Nope for the time being, he just wanted to hang with ya. He thinks you guys haven't hung out for awhile.

Nick: Uh-huh. I guess he sort of has a point, but ...

Ty: Its okay Nick, we have all the time in the world to hang out plus hanging with best friend is important.

Nick: I'm sorry.

Ty: Don't be.

Nick: I'll be back.

Ty: Its all good, you take you time & if he tries anything you can holla at me.

Nick: Good to know. *Stands up* I'll catch you later then?

Ty: Whenever you want, its a deal plus you still owe me my win/wish. *Reminds him*

Nick: Hope it'll be as good as our wolf quest.

Ty: You'll see eventually, now go on later Nick. *Waves; disappears*

Nick: *Waves; leaves to go see Donie* Later Ty.

Nick's POV

It was almost reluctantly I left Ty to go find Donie back at his home playing video games. I watched him there for a bit & bit my lip. It was still weird to think he was crushing on me. Me of all people? Its unbelievable to me. Well the point is that no matter how much my best friend make want to get with ... (just thinking that makes me shiver & not in a good way) me its not going to happen. The more I think about it, the more grossed out I get. He's like my brother, I can't just shake that feeling & fall for him. Thats when I got an idea ... why hadn't I thought of this before? Since I don't like him back like he would like me to (whoa kind of a tongue twister) that doesn't mean he can't learn to like someone else. This is my solution to everything. Once I can find someone to interest Donie then maybe then I'll be off the hook? In a way I think its full proof, problem is ... how am I exactly going to do this?

Donie: *Looks up then to see Nick watching me looking deep lost in thought; chuckles to myself; pauses my game standing up to wave at him walking over to him* Hey!

Nick: *Blinks snapping out of my thoughts* Hey sorry. *Waves back*

Donie: No worries. What's up?

Nick: Thought I'd come over to hang, I see you're playing games.

Donie: Cool, I actually just came over to suggest that same thing but you were knocked out on the couch & didn't want to disturb you. Yeah, been playing for a while on & off. Wanna join me?

Nick: I see, well thanks for sleep stalking me. *Folds arms* And sure. *Nods; smiling taking a seat on the floor taking his spare controller specially for me*

Donie: *Sits beside him resuming the game; shrugs defending myself* Well not like I was there a long time man, plus you looked adorable.

Nick: *Yep I really need to formulate my plan there's no doubt about it; decides to ignore him asking him a question* So where's Idylla?

Donie: *Not fazed by this* She's at the gym working out, you know her always keeping busy & healthy but by now she's probably taking a break with her girlfriends so its just me & you.

Nick: *Why do I not have a good feeling about this anymore? I didn't say anything in response*

Donie: Hey lighten up Nick, no need to be shy. *Wins the round of the game* You're practically handing me the win. 

Nick: Take it easy dude. And no, I'm not.

Donie: Come give me a challenge.

Nick: Careful what you wish for.

Donie: Better bring your a-game.

Nick: Lets go then.

Donie: Thats more like it.

Nick: *Chuckles forgetting for the moment of his maybe alternative motives; gets into the game eventually beating him two times in a row* Ha I brought it!

Donie: *Laughs* You sure did, nicely done man. *Exchanges high-fives with him*

Nick: *High-fives back with him* Thanks, good game.

Donie: Wanna a snack?

Nick: No I'm good.

Donie: Ya sure?

Nick: Mm-hm.

Donie: Alrighty, if you say so. I'm going to get some raspberries.

Nick: Okay.

Donie: *Leaves him heading to the kitchen getting them*

Nick: *Stays behind sitting in silence before switching the game from on to off turning on the regular TV programs. I went right for channel thirty-five aka Animal Planet & found Ernie Brown Jr. on. I recognized the episode as "Night of the Digging Dead," one of my top favorites. It contained a lot of live action & it was very funny too, with the whole almost Phantom Of The Opera music playing at one point when the sun went down. I swear that part gets me every single time, its just classic. David "Squirrel" Brady & Neal James were pretty spooked. I watched intently as Ernie did his rabbit call luring the critter in. It was awesome & when Ernie caught all three of the elusive red foxes, I was just in complete awe that man is crazy but is so fast when capturing them*

Donie: *Comes back in then with a slice of pizza, raspberries & a can of Canada Dry; sits beside Nick watching the TV* Oh! *Whoops* Looks like I came back just in time, why didn't you holler sooner that this was on?

Nick: Too caught up in all the fun I guess.

Donie: I get it. *Does the call*

Nick: *Chuckles joining in with him while we watched the marathon & of course getting to watch the newest episode whilst having a great time enjoying it to the fullest. By the end of it, we were almost dying of laughter ... I even fell over to my side clutching myself trying to contain it but it was useless cause the Turtleman is just that entertaining & more*

Donie: *Trying to regain my breath back with him, but its proving to be difficult cause once you think you're done laughing it out ... we both start back up again & maybe its crazy & overdoing it but so what? We can't contain ourselves when we're watching something this funny & awesome, trust me its the bomb. Eventually Nick & I just crashed on the floor lying on our backs my head next to Nick's only his body was facing the opposite direction than mine. His was facing towards the left & mine was towards the right, but our heads met in the middle. I grinned at him finally able to speak properly & form actual words* You okay?

Nick: Yeah, unbelievably content. You?

Donie: The same naturally. *Stares at him taking in his features, eyes closed inhaling & exhaling throughout, lips parted curving into a happy smile with his hands cupped together sitting & relaxing comfortably on his stomach. I bit my lip fascinated by him. What happens next, I can no longer seem to bother to control. I keep my eyes trained solely on him as I stealthy prop myself up & hover over him on my knees while quieting my breath trying my hardest not to alert him to my presence just yet. My body is above his lingering & holding my weight. My eyes still focused on him as he's still not aware of me. I silently pray that this won't end badly, as I swallow my fears closing my own eyes to press my lips down to meet his kissing him for the first time*

Nick: *The second I felt pressure on my lips, my eyes sprang open instantly widening at the sight in front of me. I was horrified with what my eyes saw. My best friend was leaning down kissing me! That alone broke the initial shock & I finally reacted. I raised my right palm & swiftly smacked him on the cheek disconnecting his lips on mine*

Donie: Ah! *Grimaces as I pulled my body back & lips retreating for the moment in shock; touches my cheek looks as him in disbelief* Nick what the heck?

Nick: Save it. *Shoots back at him; shakes head disapprovingly standing up*

Donie: *Stands up too; grips his arm* Please lets just talk about this.

Nick: *Eyes his grip on my arm; eyes him anger for the very first time ever* Let me go.

Donie: Please Nick, let me explain.

Nick: There's nothing you can say that I want to hear, so once again let me go. *Struggles*

Donie: Buddy-

Nick: *Shoves him roughly; had it with him leaving with haste*

Donie: *Goes after him yelling his name*

Nick: Leave me alone!

Donie: I won't!

Nick: Don't make me call Idylla or my dad cause I will. *Threatens*

Donie: Nick just listen I kissed you because I love you, don't you understand?!

Nick: *Stops recoiling snapping back at him* Don't you understand I said I don't feel the same & you took advantage anyways!

Donie: *Full on screaming back hurting inside from the sting of his words* How would you even know if you don't give me a chance! I'm sorry I did it this way, but I'm not sorry I kissed you!

Nick: You crossed the line!

Donie: I did it to prove myself!

Nick: I don't care, your words mean nothing at all!

Donie: I get you're angry right now, but just stop it okay! I love you whether you want to hear it or not! You belong with me, can't you see it?!

Nick: I'm beyond angry! You should've stopped yourself but you didn't, you disrespected my feelings & forced yourself upon me! And I don't belong with you & now I know I never will!

Donie: Nick! *Embraces him even though he's fighting me* Don't say that!

Nick: Let go, you're no best friend of mine! *Says the words I never thought I'd ever say to him* I HATE YOU! *Frees myself from his embrace as I ran for my house tears almost blinding me as I slammed the door hard locking it all the way heading straight to my room locking that too going right for my bed*

Tell me who you are today

Did you leave the best with the words you won't say

Different man, different heart

Now we stand worlds and worlds apart

Underneath the ruins at night

A broken rhythm keeps running through my mind

Color it is all I see

But I don't bother the remains of you and me

And I trust you to kill me with your love

Your words mean nothing at all

I trust you to kill me with your love

Your words mean nothing at all

Lives touched with lies in this room

Vacant memories haunt me through and through

Descending from this high

Silence fills the void with a fire dye

And I trust you to kill me with your love

Your words mean nothing at all

I trust you to kill me with your love

Your words mean nothing at all

And I trust you to kill me with your love

Your words mean nothing at all

I trust you to kill me with your love

Your words mean nothing at all

Your words mean nothing at all

And I trust you to kill me with your love

Your words mean nothing at all

I trust you to kill me with your love

Your words mean nothing at all

I couldn't believe it ... my eyes were watered with tears of anger, hurt, betrayal, denial, & mainly sadness. My heart was still beating uncontrollably, all these feelings combined together we're killing me.

Nick: Ty! *I cried sitting up on my bed; sniffling in the process as I waited for him to appear. I blinked & sat waiting & waiting ... & waiting & no one appeared* TY! *I continued to try again, refusing to give up wondering where he could possibly be now. Where is he? Why isn't he coming?*

For an hour I screamed & called his name repeatedly & got nothing. By the end I gave up numbly & fell asleep. So much for my guardian angel ... in the moment I needed him the most he didn't come.

Denise's POV

In that moment I summoned Ty to join back in heaven knowing all along what Donie's intentions were & how he planned to secure them. It had been heartbreaking to watch my son fight with his best friend & say those hurtful words to him & even more to see him crying his eyes out. I wanted more than anything to see him right then & there. But I couldn't & neither could Ty. The reason it did this because I knew that he would've interfered & caused a scene. As much as it pains me to admit, the thing is Nick needed to handle this on his own. As easily as Ty could've stepped right in & shown himself, he would've risked his identity & more importantly further compromised his mission. Even afterwards, I had to hold back Ty from going to Nick's side even though he needed him. This is a hard moment for him, my son feels betrayed & taken advantage of. He's hurting, I feel his pain shoot right me & I know that the only person that Nick needs more than anything is his father. Sending the pain & hurt to Hugo, I continued to watch as my husband left everything he was doing behind in a heartbeat & got directly into his car driving as fast as he could to get back home to Nick.

Ty: *Pacing back & forth like a madmen*

Denise: Everything will be amended.

Ty: How can you be so calm?

Denise: My belief & faith in my two guys.

Ty: But now you made Nick hate & not be able to count on me!

Denise: Ty do not yell.

Ty: *Takes a breath* I'm sorry, but I'm dying here I want to go to him.

Denise: I know, but you have to be patient.

Ty: *Sighs heavily; laughs lightly* Sorry again, but if you hadn't noticed I'm not the most patient person here.

Denise: You must learn. Its hard for me too, Ty.

Ty: *Nods knowing it is* Was it all necessary?

Denise: Yes, because Nick needed to confront Donie & vice versa. No, because now its caused a bigger rift between then before when Donie first confessed to him. Donie did only wish to prove himself to Nick, but he failed to do in the right way. He's a teenager, there's only so much control you have at that age till it gets the best of a person.

Ty: *Growls* No kidding he pretty much jumped his bones!

Denise: He only kissed him Ty. *Reminds*

Ty: I know that & saw it. *Further growls again in complete frustration* I don't like this.

Denise: I know & neither do I. I feel incredibly sad for Nick & Donie.

Ty: I could care less about Donie, my main concern is Nick & Nick only.

Denise: Its mine too, which is why you care so much. You love my son.

Ty: I do & I'd love more than anything to be at his side.

Denise: *Smiles* Thats my only wish. I love my son & my husband, I wish I could be there with them now.

Ty: Please hurry Hugo. *Nods; praying*

Denise: *Looks back at the screen monitoring him* He's close to the house.

Ty: Thank God.

Denise: He's got a plan for all of us. *Trusts; bows my head*

Ty: I do hope so. *Bows my head as well*

Hugo's POV

The moment I felt a sting in my heart feeling pain & hurt ... while seeing an image of Nick's face in my mind, dropping everything & not even caring about anything else, I ran hurriedly for my car getting in & starting it up fast. I got on the freeway heading back home as fast I could, trying to not be frantic & abide by the speed limit. I didn't know what was happening but whatever it was ... I knew Nick needed me. And with that determination, I made it home in record time parking & getting out of my car to head to the front door. I pulled out my key unlocking both the top & bottom locks heading inside searching around for Nick. When I didn't see him anywhere I headed right for his room, my heart pounding in my head. I'd never been so scared in my life, not since ... not since Denise. Trying to keep fear & worry from getting the best of me, I gripped his door handle finding his room locked. I frowned. Thats strange, Nick never locks his bedroom door. I tried calling his name & knocking loudly but I got no response. I was starting to get really scared, so without hesitation I fell back & rammed the door with all my strength breaking it in.

Groaning loudly I recovered quickly & stopped in my tracks finding Nick sleeping on his bed. Oh .... thank you God, I breathed heavily relieved more than anything. Thank God he was safe. I walked over to him sitting in his bed making sure he was still breathing & indeed he was. Oh God ... he's alright. He's not hurt. Knowing that eased a lot of the fear & worry off my shoulders. But now I couldn't shake the feeling I still felt in my heart. The only way I'd get any answers would be to wake my son from his slumber & verbally ask him. I was torn between letting him sleep or waking him to find out what happened. Regardless I needed to know, once I knew at least what had happened ... then after talking with him ... he could go back to sleep. So with that I gently shook my son's shoulder trying to wake him up.

Hugo: Nick?

Nick: *Rolls away from the voice* Go away.

Hugo: Nick sweetheart wake up.

Nick: Don't touch me Donie.

Hugo: *My eyes widened at the mention of Donie's name coming up, instantly I began to piece together what this all was about & it all started to make sense. I touched Nick's face speaking to him again* Nick its dad, wake up son.

Nick: *Eyes open up then; blinks confused* D-dad?

Hugo: *Gasping I saw his eyes were red & puffy; my fingers also feeling his tear stained face* Yeah its me.

Nick: Oh thank God. *Hugs him crushingly; sniffles*

Hugo: *My heart breaks in two seeing him in this state* Nick what happened?

Nick: Donie. *Says the name sourly; recaps the story for him not leaving out anything of what Donie said & did & of course what I said & did. By the end, I slumped falling back against my bed as he laid down with me*

Hugo: *Hugs him tightly not letting go knows he needs every bit of comfort right now* I'm so sorry Nick. I just knew I shouldn't have left you alone, its all my fault.

Nick: *Whispers voice breaking* Its not your fault, please don't blame yourself dad. I shouldn't have been so naive.

Hugo: Nick, you're not naive. You're as smart as they come & more. *Kisses his forehead* I should've been here to help ease the tension & the hurt.

Nick: I just feel so drained.

Hugo: *Nods* Would you like me make something for you? Get you any water?

Nick: *Shakes head* No thank you, I appreciate the thought but I'm not hungry or thirsty right now. I just want to go back to sleep.

Hugo: *Wipes his tears away; continues to hold him* Alright, I'll stay here with you.

Nick: Thank you.

Hugo: Of course son, anything for you. You'll get through this, I know you will. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself & I love you, but Nick ... hate is a strong word.

Nick: *Whispers one last thing before falling back out* I love you too & I know it is ... I can't take it back now but ... in time I'll see.

Donie's POV

He hates me. He officially & forever hates me. I went for it & look what it got me, I just lost my best friend since birth. Was it worth it? Why didn't I control myself better? Why did I have to kiss him? Now I've successfully destroyed my friendship with Nick without even meaning to. So this is what heartbreak feels like ... all them movies, all those songs about it ... it happens all the time ... & here I am now. I feel numb. I wish I had just could rewind it all. I wouldn't have did it. A kiss no matter how great it felt ... it wasn't worth losing Nick. Nick is everything to me. How could I do this to him? I groaned & tossed & turned in my bed. No matter how many times I tried to close my eyes & go to sleep knowing that tomorrow was school ... my mind kept replaying his words: "I hate you." It cut me like a knife. I froze in time, losing my breath like I just got punched in the gut but worse. It hurt me, physically & mentally. Damn it. No, no, no! No matter how much this hurts me ... this isn't about me ... its about Nick & right now I hurt him! How could I hurt the one I love? How could I just betray his trust yet again & yes try to take advantage, he's right. I've got to make this right, I can't lose him. I won't let him go. So he doesn't love me? So he won't return my feelings? So what?! I can't be without him. I need to regain his trust back. I don't how I'm going to do this or if he'll ever forgive me, but regardless I've got to try. Nick's my best friend & I'm not giving that up. Not ever. I'm so sorry Nick. I messed up big. I will win you back as a friend, no matter what it takes.


Watch Over You Chapter 17

Nick's POV

Three days had gone by since the whole Donie fallout & since that time we haven't spoken once, made eye contact yes but no words. If he knew what was good for him he'd just stay away till I was ready to confront him. The whole ordeal seemed to put my mood in an upset one. While I was still focused on school & all, I still didn't feel like myself. But it had helped a lot talking with my dad, I'm grateful for him being there for me when I needed someone. I just wish I'd trusted my gut feeling about Donie & had just left, it would've been better. But then again would have? With his feelings being so strong & not going away overnight obviously ... I have to admit even if I had avoided it then ... there was always the next day & onward. Thankfully another familiar & grown-to-be-very-close face came back explaining in detail exactly why he wasn't there when I'd called for him. After hearing Ty's story & where my mother's thoughts were coming from ... it all made sense but still it didn't ease the hurt.

This has never happened to me before. This is all truly new to me. I mean one second I'm having a fun time with my best friend & the next he's laying his lips on mine. Every time I've replayed the moment back in my mind, I've grimaced & groaned in irritation not all happy that it happened. But then again I'm not the only upset one right now. Dad is pretty mad at Donie too & Idylla as well. She'd even come over after school without Donie to say how sorry she was & gave me a big hug assuring me that everything was going to work out between Donie & I (friendship wise mind you). She'd been shocked at Donie's behavior just like the rest of us, in fact she'd had a long talk with him regarding the subject ... I can imagine it was not a good one in the sense that Donie had caused the whole problem in the first place.

Who topped dad & Idylla both in the being mad-at-Donie-department, was Ty ... he'd definitely been the maddest of all us. I could understand why, he never really did like Donie from the beginning & now with his thrown into the mix its a fact. Ty had wanted so badly to confront Donie face-to-face, however my mom didn't want him to interfere & really neither did I. I know Ty meant only the best & wanted to look out for me, but beating up Donie or verbally yelling at him wouldn't solve anything. Besides I'm sure he got more than an earful from Idylla.

The last one to pretty much to hear about the news was Joe, unfortunately I wasn't strong enough to face him yet so I had dad turn him away for the time being. First of all it saddened me to do this, but I just didn't feel up to talking about this with him. And when we locked eyes on Monday's class & the following two days, I saw a look of being sorry fused with patience & understanding. It made me smile, but then made me feel guilty for avoiding him. Joe hasn't done anything wrong. Finally after dad's class had ended I went up to him & asked him if he could find Joe so I could talk to him & say how sorry I was for acting like this.

Hugo: On it son. *Winks knowingly*

Nick: *Blushes* Dad.

Hugo: Mm-hmm. *Grins toothily; leaves him alone to find Joe*

I sighed knowing that the sooner Joe came over, the sooner I could explain my behavior even if he understood what was going on with me. I'm sure dad told him the whole story. Gosh it was embarrassing, as I covered my face with my hands then spinning myself around to face the piano to lay my hands & fingers down on the keys. I needed to de-stress & music was the best way to handle it. I began to play letting it take me over, calming & easing my mind in no time. Soon enough I heard the sound of the doors opening up & I smiled happily turning my body around ceasing playing finding Hugo & Joe walking together towards me.

Nick: Hey. *I greeted both of them; waving*

Hugo: Hey son, found him for you.

Nick: *Blushes again* Thanks dad.

Hugo: No problem & anytime.

Joe: Hey Nick, *Waves back at him* how are you holding up? *Asks him in a concerned manner; goes to stand in front of him*

Nick: *Looks down shyly then back up* I'm feeling better little by little. Listen ... I wanted to apologize for distancing myself, its not like me & I'm sorry.

Joe: *Pats his shoulder* Don't be & hey cheer up *Smiles at him wanting to lift his spirits* I get it all. Its not an easy thing & I can see where Donie's coming from.

Nick: *Smiles again; nods* I do too, but still its going to take some time till I forgive him.

Hugo: *Chimes in sternly* He's definitely grounded in my book from hanging with you as far as I'm concerned.

Nick: Exactly. *Nods firmly*

Joe: Nick before you write Donie off can I ask one thing?

Nick: That depends, what is it?

Joe: How ... did you feel when he kissed you?

Hugo: Awkward! *Sing-songs*

Nick: *Feels my face reddens/heating up all the way to my ears* Angry.

Joe: Anything else?

Nick: Shocked mainly, one thing is for sure I didn't enjoy it or remotely like it. Why did you ask me that? *Eyes suddenly widen in realization* Oh no way! *Jumps up shaking my head declaring once & for all* Okay guys listen up, I'm not & I mean it ... I'm not getting together with Donie. I love him solely as a brother nothing more.

Joe: *Chuckles at his sudden very cute outburst* Okay then, looks like I have my answer then.

Nick: Were you worried I fall for him?

Joe: *Guilty smiles* The thought did cross me.

Hugo: Me too, heck I thought you two would be practically hitched already. *Confesses*

Nick: Oh, GROSS! Dad ... C'MON! *Grimaces totally grossed out*

Hugo: *Erupts in laughter along with Joe* See .. Joe ... nothing ... to ... worry ... about. *Says in between laughing heartedly*

Joe: Wasn't worried, but thanks anyways Hugo. *Rolls eyes amusingly*

Nick: *Shakes head; mumbles laughing a little* And you guys are the grown ups.

Joe: We are. Anyways what I was trying to get at was to see if you had any feelings for Donie, that you weren't willing to admit maybe but now I see its completely one-sided unrequited love.

Nick: *Nods* I thought as much, but it it true. Honestly Donie will never hold a candle to you. *Blushes realizing I'd said that a loud* I um ...

Hugo: Too late Nick, you said & we both heard it. I knew you had it bad!

Joe: *Laughs; grinning at Nick's reaction* Thank you for saying that Nick & trust me when I say I care for you just as much & more.

Hugo: *Kicks back in my desk chair, smiling big watching them* So hug already guys sheesh, its fine its just the three of us right now!

Nick: *Immediately buries my face into Joe's chest hugging him as his arms wrapped around my body*

Joe: *Hugs him tightly enjoying having in my arms; rests my head on top of his curls smiling like a fool*

Hugo: *Not wanting to spoil their interlude, I zipped any further cutesy comments that so wanted to come out & just smiled pulling out my smartphone taking pics of them silently as I could*

Joe: *Suddenly remembers lunch then; pulls back only a little to face him* Did you eat yet?

Nick: *Shakes head* No, kind of forgot till you mentioned it.

Joe: Hungry?

Nick: Starving actually.

Hugo: *Puts away my phone then; pipes in then whipping out lunch* Here you guys go. *Gives them each their own; settles back into my chair beginning to eat* Your welcome. *Inclines head*

Joe: *Whispers* I think your dad's a magician.

Nick: *Actually giggles at this notation; whispers back* I think its a close guess. *Begins to eat along with Joe enjoying the food, happy to be easing away the hunger*

Hugo: Hmm, guys? *Looks at them*

Joe & Nick: Nothing.

Hugo: Uh-huh. *Resume eating*

Joe: *Laughs a little*

Nick: *Joins in*

This is exactly what I needed. Whatever feelings of hurt or any pain left my mind. I smiled at Joe & my dad, together they were quite the cheer-upper team & I loved them for it. If only I hadn't shunned Joe before, I could've started feeling better even sooner. I suppose it in a way it was meant to be just like this. I'm so thankful I have both of them in my life. And it never fails to make me smile when I see how sweet my dad is being with Joe by my side. God I'm so lucky to have a dad like mine. He is the coolest person ever. And Joe ... my boyfriend is an amazing spirit lifter. He's everything I could ask for. My guy ... my history teacher, he's just the best. When we'd finished our lunches we naturally went right into our jamming session taking lots of turns to take the spotlight & shine in our own moments, it was a blast. And when the warning bell sounded, we headed off, all except for dad of course, luckily he was already in his classroom & ready to go leaving Joe & I to walk up to our classes up the steep upward hill. Time for period five then onto Joe's class.

Joe: So ready for the exam today? *Walking with him up the hill towards the stairs heading to both our classrooms*

Nick: Yes. *Nods very sure; walking right along with him keeping up the steady pace*

Joe: *Sees the confidence, inclines head* Excellent, I wouldn't expect anything less. *Pleased & impressed*

Nick: Its why I studied & read everything I could to properly prepare myself.

Joe: Thats my boy. *Compliments him endearingly*

Nick: *Blushes; shrugging modestly* I love school.

Joe: Me too. *Winks* Especially when it comes to my favorite student.

Nick: *Resists the urge to hit his arm lightly instead further blushing silently*

Joe: *Chuckles* One more thing ... *Whispers* baby, I look forward to seeing you at the dance tomorrow night.

Nick: *Smiles bashfully nodding eagerly* Me too, I can't wait.

Joe: Awesome, well I'll see you next period. *Waves to him going inside my classroom*

Nick: *Waves back* See you then. *Continues on to English*

I couldn't wait for the dance, in the moment I'd almost forgotten about it. I can't believe it was tomorrow night, that came so fast! I chuckled to myself, looks like dad's winning our bet since I'm clearly not missing this dance. I blushed recalling dad's previous statement that it would be "potential for an innocent dance." Oh man, I really wasn't much of dancer I mean seriously I don't dance. I'm completely awkward when it comes it, I don't really have much rhythm. I bit my lip anxiously.

Ty: Say no more, I can help Nick. *Assures him right at that moment*

Nick: *You sure? I'm kind of hopeless when it comes that kind of stuff*

Ty: Baby trust me it isn't rocket science & I can definitely help.

Nick: *Okay, then after school I need a lesson & thank you*

Ty: You've got it dude, no problem I'll be there.

Nick: *Speaking of lessons ... do think my dad might want to help contribute in helping me too?*

Ty: Do you have to even ask? *Chuckles* He's got plans for you Nicky in the works.

Nick: *Great, anything that I should know ahead of time?*

Ty: Seems all good to me, he's just really excited for you & of course to help. Plus he's got the camera ready to go, you can bet your socks he's going to be taking plenty of pictures so you'll have everything scrapbook-ed for sure.

Nick: *Thats just like him too. I repeat what I've said in the past: he's so weird*

Ty: You love it. Oh, *Adds in* & best of all, Donie's grounded from attending so now you have absolutely no worries now.

Nick: *I thought so. Oh my gosh, you're right. It really is going to be no worries*

Ty: What'd I tell ya? In the meantime, I'll let you go & concentrate on your lesson. Good luck on the exam, know your going to ace it so I'll see you after school at home.

Nick:*Thanks a lot Ty, sounds awesome see you then*

Back in English class Mr. Guttman was having us work on our newest spelling packet & then we moved on to the current spelling test (which are pretty easy I memorize the assigned words fast). Finally our assigned homework was called a: masterpiece paragraph, which is basically an extremely "specific", very descriptive & seven or more sentences paragraph (easy enough not a hard assignment at all). By the time the bell rang ending period five, I was reeling in anticipation & out of my seat quick already packed up & ready to head on to Joe's class. Trying to hide my smile & utter happiness threatening to show all over my face, I walked around the corner & headed inside finding Joe writing something on his whiteboard. In big letters were: Exam today! Below it was a picture drawn of the exam & in the right hand corner he was demonstrating what should be written there. In so, I sat down quietly & got out two number-two pencils setting them on the right side of my desk (I kind of pride myself of being prepared especially when it comes to exams, tests, quizzes, etc ...). It was too long before Joe turned around & smiled down at me as I returned it with a smile of my own.

Joe: *Waits for the final bell signaling the beginning of period six to finish before saying to my class; claps hands together grinning* Alrighty guys settle down & happy thursday to you all.*Inclines head; then points to the board* As all of you know, today is our first exam so I just want to go over what I've drawn here on the whiteboard. *Knocks on the board behind with my the backhand of my knuckles* I'm not an artist, but this a mock version of the exam you'll be getting shortly. In the top right corner I need you all to first write your name first & last, then the date which is September 12, 2013 or 9-12-13 for short either way is fine, then period six & lastly my name: Mr. Anderson. *Points to each category in the list as I spoke to them making sure they got it all down* Clear so far? *Sees a lot of nodding & hears yeses as well* Very good, well then looks to me like you're all ready to go then. *Begins handing out the exams going row by row* I'm going to start passing out the exams right now, you'll have the entire period to complete it & when you've finished please hand them back to me. You may start as soon as you're handed your own exam. And after you've finished you may read quietly, but no taking please until everyone is done so we can respect everyone working on them until all the exams are handed in & good luck to you all.

And so began exam time, I followed Joe's rules to the T. As soon as he handed me an exam & then passed the following exams back to my row behind me, I started immediately taking my time reading every test question carefully examining it before I would choose my best answer. It took some time but I managed to use almost the entire period to complete it. I finished with about ten minutes to spare. Happy with completing the exam to the best of my ability, I stood up from my desk & walked to Joe's desk handing him my finished exam.

Joe: Thank you, Nick. *Smiles kindly while taking his exam*

Nick: *Nods in response shyly; smiles in return; goes back to my seat pulling out a book to keep me busy in the remaining time left which isn't too much but its something*

And just like U.S. History is over & everyone is gathering their stuff together to leave except for me. I linger waiting to make sure everyone is gone for sure before standing up with Joe.

Joe: I'm sensing an "A" here. *Grins pulling my pile of exams safely away in my portfolio into my backpack*

Nick: I'm hoping so.

Joe: Oh, I know it is.

Nick: *Chuckles* Guess we'll see tomorrow?

Joe: Definitely, going to go home & grade them.

Nick: Cool, well then I'll see you tomorrow. I better get going.

Joe: *Walks with him out of the classroom; locks up behind us* Sounds great & me too, see you Nick.

I waved back at him as I made my way down the hill bouncily almost. I was excited & nervous concerning the dance, but I knew it would be fun no matter. This was my going to be my first dance ever which also kind of put pressure for me to get some dancing lessons in. I knew I was in good hands between dad & Ty, I knew I would be fine. With a confident & ready-to-go attitude I continued to walk till I met up with my dad & got in the car as we left school.

Nick: Hey! *Greets excited chirpily*

Hugo: Well hey you to you!

Nick: So before you say anything about why I'm smiling so big, I'm sure you could probably guess why.

Hugo: Hmm, you aced the history exam?

Nick: Well I hope so, but thats not it.

Hugo: You're excited for the weekend?

Nick: Not exactly it either, more excited for something else. Come on dad quit playing I know, you know.

Hugo: I got it!

Nick: Finally. *Playfully rolls eyes*

Hugo: They're serving fish sticks tomorrow!

Nick: Oh my God, dad! No, thats not it either!

Hugo: You sure?

Nick: I'm positive.

Hugo: Well then golly what else could it be that's so exciting unless ...

Nick: *Tells him then not waiting for him to further guess wrong* The dance is tomorrow night! Joe's going to be there & yes I'm going! *Blushes; tones my voice down now continuing back in my regular tone* And I need your help with the dancing part.

Hugo: *Grins from ear-to-ear; fist pumps* Yes! Finally you said it, I was beginning to think you weren't going to there for a moment. I knew all along my boy, how could I forgot a thing like this, come on give me some credit. *Nudges his arm* And besides I had to have a little fun with you. Looks like I won our bet, knew I would. *Gloats; continues on* You'd be crazy to pass up the opportunity to go to a dance with Joe. As for the dancing help, of course I'll help & when I've finished with you you'll be dance savvy.

Nick: I knew it! I knew you knew, you stubborn man! *Chuckles humorously* Of course I didn't forget it, I was just expecting you to bring it up first before me. But anyways, credit & fun all aside, yes you did win so settle down okay ... & I hope so because if you haven't noticed I stink at dancing.

Hugo: Hey I'm a stubborn-lovable man thank you very much! *Corrects teasingly* Alright alright, you're anxious & excited I see. Got it no worries Nicky you just need some pointers & then you'll be good to go, easy peasy.

Nick: Ha ha ha, Mr. Comedian. Okay, I'm trusting you here. *Reminds him*

Hugo: I know & I'm going to help you no problem.

Nick: I'm holding you that.

Hugo: Relax. Oh my gosh, before we go home you need a tux!

Nick: *Blushes* But dad I-

Hugo: No buts, its formal & this is your very first so its a big deal.

Nick: So where are we going to go to get one? The mall?

Hugo: Nah, there's nobody there who sells them. I actually got a friend who owns a shop, nearby the mall though, so we'll just go there.

Nick: But isn't it going to be expensive?

Hugo: Not to worry, plus you deserve the very best Prince.

Nick: Dad don't go too overboard, okay?

Hugo: Lighten up, this is all about the experience. You want to look handsome right?

Nick: *Stammers* W-well I ... yes ... yeah I do.

Hugo: Then there you go. And I know Joe's going to want to look his best too, plus I'm taking pictures remember; so I just know both of you together are going to look absolutely charming.

Nick: *Face heats up; murmuring* What did I get myself into?

Hugo: I heard that, seriously sweetheart I'm just excited for you. Please just let me spoil you okay?

Nick: Okay. *Gives in; smiles a little*

Hugo: Awesome! This is going to be fun!

And it was exactly as dad had pictured it, just as he'd said he took us both to his friend's shop where I met Sam or as dad liked to call him Sammy. Sam was a great help, he found just the thing for me & it fit just right. When I looked at myself in the mirror to gaze at my reflection I almost didn't even recognize myself it almost seemed like a different person, a different kind of me. Maybe it could be I'm just not into this or mainly that its all a first for me. I do want to look nice but I also kind of want to blend in. By the end of it, dad paid for the tux for me & I thanked him. From there we headed back home where dad made sure to dedicate plenty of time to helping me with the dance lessons. In the beginning we joked & were laughing way too much, but in time we got serious but not serious keeping it still fun as I followed his expert advice. Surprisingly it wasn't as hard or bad as I originally thought it was going to be. I guess I'd pretty much psyched myself out, but now I was loosened up & getting the idea. 

Hugo: Dancing is fun & about feeling free. *Tells him*

Nick: Got it, fun & free check.

Hugo: There are no wrong moves, its also about the music & expressing yourself. Feel the two & let it just take you away.

Nick: Cool. I feel so much more confident now that you helped me dad, thanks so much.

Hugo: Your welcome & I'm glad, thats what I like to hear. *Bear hugs him tightly* Way to go son! So want something to eat, you hungry?

Nick: Sure, what do you got in mind today?

Hugo: Let me think. Hmm, what do think about us making Michael Symon's Smoked Salmon & Crème Fraîche? I know I have it booked-marked. *Looks for the recipe finding it in a matter of seconds* Ah-ha gotcha! Okay so it just basically in a nutshell calls for a pizza crust, four tablespoons of olive oil, 1/4 cup of the crème fraîche, four tablespoons of capers, 1/4 Lb of smoked salmon (mm-mm!), finely chopped chives, 1/2 of an onion & lastly salt. According to online, it says is simple to make & takes around 30 minutes tops.

Nick: Sounds interesting & different, I'm in.

Helping dad make the pizza was pretty fun, I find it fun to cook & help prepare cool meals like this one. I've got to hand it to Michael Symon, in the end when we pulled it out of the oven after letting it cool down we dug right in & boy was it enjoyable. Well at first it seemed like an odd combination it turned out to be delicious. Thats why I love watching The Chew on ABC, its such an awesome show & you can learn so many different recipes its amazing. I think our favorite part was adding the smoked salmon, just combining that with pizza ... is just perfect.

Hugo: That was pretty good stuff.

Nick: Yeah, I'll say. *Helps clean up*

Hugo: Thanks son, here let me help too. *Joins in*

Nick: No worries & alrighty, thanks. *Together we cleaned up pretty quickly*

Hugo: I don't know about you but I'm beat.

Nick: Me too, its been a long week.

Hugo: I'm going to take my shower then & probably take a little nap.

Nick: Cool. I think I'll eventually do the same, but I want to get my homework finished first.

Hugo: Okay, take it easy don't forget to drink plenty of water in between.

Nick: No problem. *Nods as he did too; gets some water to take with me, as we walked to our rooms heading in our separate directions. When I closed my bedroom room for privacy I called on Ty*

Ty: You summoned me master? *Grins*

Nick: Ha ha ha, genie I did. While I think I get dancing more now, I just wanted to see if there was anything you wanted to add to what I've learned from dad.

Ty: Ooh, so shortening the lesson are we while dad's in the shower?

Nick: Kind of it. *Closes one eye cutely*

Ty: Its alright, I can work with that. *Snaps fingers turning on the music*

Nick: Um-

Ty: Relax, your dad won't be able to hear anything & we can turn it up as loud as we want & it'll be fine. Now let me demonstrate some of my moves. *Begins to show him exactly what I mean*

Nick: *Eyes widen as he begins an intense & fast choreography to Usher's "Euphoria" in 40 seconds* Whoa.

[ A/N: Video for this here: ]

Ty: *Smiles* I know right?

Nick: Its awesome, but I think I need a little something not as fast please, not that wasn't cool I mean.

Ty: Chill, that was for fun. *Holds up a hand to stop him; smiles* What I wanted to teach you was a little on the lines of slow dancing.

Nick: *Blushes* You know this won't exactly happen mostly likely.

Ty: Just in case, you got to be ready. *Stands in front of Nick close enough to put both my hands on his hips* Step one.

Nick: *Gasps; awestruck*

Ty: Its okay, just breathe.

Nick: *Does so; still blushing*

Ty: *Smiles warmly* There you go. Now I need to put your hands on my shoulders.

Nick: *Follows his directions slowly* But this is usually the girl's position.

Ty: It may be so, but you're not a girl. Just don't think about that so much, its irrelevant. Just trust me kay?

Nick: *Nods putting my trust in; tries not to think about it too much*

Ty: Now we're going to step together, step together, step together. *Repeats as we moved together side by side keeping contact & as well as eye contact; grins* There you go Nick, easy-pesy so far right?

Nick: *Chuckles; nodding in agreement* You're right.

Ty: Mm-hmm & as much as we go on just like this, we also gotta spice it up. *Spins Nick*

Nick: *Continues to laugh in surprise as he spun me before bringing me back towards him*

Ty: And ... also maybe then a little something like this will happen. *Crouches over slightly to place a kiss on top of his left hand*

Nick: *Feels the blush instantly return*

Ty: And lastly the grand finale. *Dips Nick back*

Nick: *Laughs softly* Wow!

Ty: Yeah, thats how I do. I love to wow one. *Grins mischievously moving him back up; hands still connected*

Nick: You sure this is a slow dance?

Ty: Spin-off version yes. You like?

Nick: *Chuckles again* Yeah, but like I said I'm not sure if this will be likely happening.

Ty: Well now you're prepared & set, tux & everything. How you feeling?

Nick: Ready & really, really excited.

Ty: Alright, awesome! *Sing-songs* So now you've got all the moves like jagger no pun intended, you best finish up that homework of yours. Afterwards I have a little surprise if you recall from our wolf-out experience.

Nick: Your wish/request. *Remembers*

Ty: You know it.

Nick: Sounds like fun & thanks again for the little lesson.

Ty: Your welcome, just call me whenever you're ready.

Nick: Will do, see you in a bit.

Ty: Look forward to it. *Suavely says right before letting him be; turns off the music*

As I sat down at my desk & pulling out my textbooks, planner, binder & everything else I needed ... I began to organize what I should do first. I worked my way from science, to math, then on to english & finally history. There really isn't homework for P.E., but knowing Idylla that could always change but I figured with all the physical exercise we do we've got enough going on. And usually dad's homework is practice, practice, practice not that I take it lightly but I'm always practicing honestly its music ... its a no brainer. I managed to finish in an hour & half, a record time. Mainly it was mostly reading, writing & solving equations ... nothing too time consuming. When I made sure everything had been completed & checked off my to-do list, I stretched & decided to check up on dad before I take a shower of my own. Leaving my room, I walked over to dad's & found him sprawled on his bed clearly he's been snoozing for some time.

I smiled & tip-toed away so he could get some rest, after all dad works hard. Heading towards my bathroom, I took my shower taking time to relax & unwind. Mm, nothing like being fresh & clean. I shampooed my hair twice rinsing throughly & washed my face & of course the rest of my body. Shortly afterwards, I turned the nice cool water off & dried myself off carefully & got dressed into a grey t-shirt & black shorts. It was then I realized I'd forgotten to start the laundry, so I did that measuring precisely & folding any remaining clothes left in the drier & hung the one's that regularly resided on hangers. Next, I took out the trash from the house walking outside to put it inside our garbage bin. Man it still blazing hot & it was only 6:00 PM. I shrugged & turned around to head back inside. Suddenly a sound caught my attention & I looked down to find a black cat with big brown eyers looking straight up at me.

Nick: Hello there. *Kneels down petting it*

Cat: *Blinks; meows at him*

Nick: *Looks around for its name tag but I don't see one*

Cat: I see you don't recognize me Nick. *Says in a familiar voice*

Nick: *Eyes widen; I should've known it was him* Ty?

Ty: Uh yes, who else would it be or do all neighborhood cats just show up on your property & meow hello?

Nick: *Laughs then ceases* Wait, what if someone sees or hears you?

Ty: *Shakes head* There's nothing to worry about, remember when I'm with you I only allow you to hear & see me so no one else can.

Nick: Right, sorry. *Sheepishly smiles* So what's with the cat look?

Ty: I thought it would be obvious to what I'm going for here, but looks like I gotta explain myself. After the wolf quest, lets just say I got inspired to continue to chain of transforming into animals.

Nick: I see. Say what's with you & the color black? Thats the second time you chose it, I mean not that I'm complaining just curious.

Ty: Haven't you heard that curiosity killed the cat? *Chuckles before continuing* Just kidding, I just like black sometimes not always though. So you ready to become a kitty cat yourself?

Nick: Sure. Can I be a white one then? I like white.

Ty: You sure can. *Makes it happen turning Nick from a human to white cat making him the same size as myself* Looking good.

Nick: Thanks, you too. But ... exactly what are we going to go?

Ty: Well I figured we'd go for a run.

Nick: Alright, that sounds cool. Ready set go! *Takes off; loves running*

Ty: *Anticipates his speedy take-off, by heading on right after him* Whoo-hoo!

Nick: *Chuckles* Enjoying yourself?

Ty: Oh totally, its not everyday I become yet another animal.

Nick: Really? Home come?

Ty: Guess I never thought about it till now.

Nick: *Jumps off from a high curve from the sidewalk then landing on my feet perfectly; still running* Wow, well at least you get to see what its like now.

Ty: Yeah & I'm really loving it so far & oh by the way, nice moves.

Nick: Thank you, I want to see what I can do you know?

Ty: I feel you. *Suddenly hears a bark then* Uh-oh stray canine species approaching on our heels!

Nick: What?!

Ty: Speed up!

Nick: *Does so, looks behind* Can't you talk to him?!

Ty: I would but he's not exactly up for talking at this time, can't you tell?

Nick: So he thinks we're chew toys?

Ty: Yup! Come on we're cats, we can ditch this dude!

Nick: Okay so then what's the plan?

Ty: We can climb he can't, that tree Nick!

Nick: Got it! *Runs with vigor towards the high pine tree using my claws to climb up it pretty easily*

Ty: Right behind ya! *Follows right behind him as we both got as high as we could from mister bark bark & jaws; hisses at him loudly* Scat dog be gone!

Nick: *Sitting on a sturdy tree limb staring down at the still barking dog* Man that was close one. *Catches my breath*

Ty: I know. Wait a minute! *Creates a tennis ball for the big lug to catch* Fetch boy! *Watches snickering as he took off after eagerly* That always does the trick!

Nick: *Shakes head* Why didn't you do that sooner?

Ty: And what miss all the fun & excitement, not on your nelly.

Nick: You & your adventures.

Ty: Yep, just living for the thrill.

Nick: And the fun. *Knows what he means; takes time to look around then* Its nice up here.

Ty: Yeah, not to mention it comes with a sweet view.

Nick: For sure, I can see the ocean from here.

Ty: Actually, I was talking about you. *Goes to lick his head*

Nick: *Giggles* Ty! Always so suave.

Ty: *Looks at him hard then wishing almost that he could just see*

Nick: Ty? *Stops giggling; looking at him* Everything alright?

Ty: *Closes eyes; sighs* Yeah, I'm fine.

Nick: Anything you want to talk about?

Ty: *Says instead convincing him that nothing was wrong* Well now that you mention it baby, I think we should change skins. I have just the thing in mind.

Nick: Want to change already?

Ty: Yeah, there's plenty to explore.

Nick: But only so much time, I can't be gone too long.

Ty: I know. One more then, it'll be our last & we can pick it up some other time whenever you want.

Nick: Okay, one more.

Ty: You're going to like this one. *Transforms Nick first then myself* Whatcha think?

Nick: *Eyes widen as I now found myself with a pair of wings instead of paws* Oh my God are we birds?

Ty: Yep, hawks to be exact. I thought I'd go for a brown this time. And for you I really think the white suits you.

Nick: Thanks. This is awesome! But wait how are we going to fly?

Ty: With our wings silly, we can use them.

Nick: But I've never flown.

Ty: Neither have I, but how hard can it be? Besides we got to give it a try some time ready to take our very first flight Nicky?

Nick: Sure. *Freaking out*

Ty: Don't think just feel. *Reminds him after taking my first flap from the tree*

Nick: *Follows in suit. At first I thought I was going to fall, but then with the help of my new wings I quickly learned how to fly* I'm flying! *Amazed; laughs*

Ty: We're birds! Whoo!

Nick: Oh my God! *So elated; continues to climb higher following Ty as he did random spins & spirals showing me exactly what we both could do. We glided, we soared, we were at one point touching the clouds when we flew towards the ocean in the distant. It was all so amazing. So this is what it feels like to fly like a bird in this case a hawk, having wings oh my gosh its indescribable. When I used to dream of flying, I couldn't even come close to what I'm actually feeling & doing right now. I'm flying gazing at everything I can in such wonder. It brings tears to my eyes, I feel so privileged to be experiencing this. This surpasses what I thought it would be like, this is out of this world. I Nick Jonas, am taking flight. I could stay like this forever if I could with the wind, the sun & its warmth, the sea breeze, all the sights & smells ... all of it is its truly amazing*

Ty: *Senses everything he's feeling. It was exactly everything I'd hope he'd feel. I want to show him stuff like this. There's nothing like seeing that gleam in his eyes & how joyful he looks as he's enjoying every second of it. I feel the same. He appreciates this. He's so humble & thankful. Its because of this I want to share all I can with him. There's no words needed for these kind of moments, just watching him I can see all I need. I know he's happy. Thats the whole reason I wanted to do this with him. I wish we could stay too, but I know its not like we can't ever do this again ... whatever he wants, whatever kind of animal ... it can happen he just needs to say when. Suddenly I sensed Hugo was waking at that precise moment & while I could easily make him nod off again I knew he should return home. So with that, I transported us both back into Nick's room resuming our human forms in the process*

Nick: Oh man. *Lays back in my bed*

Ty: I know.

Nick: That went by so fast.

Ty: It did.

Nick: It was righteous.

Ty: It was. Remember Nick, we can go again anytime alright its never over kay?

Nick: *Nods* I'm glad, cause that was so perfect.

Ty: Well I better go your dad's on the way in, see you tomorrow.

Nick: See you tomorrow. And thank you so much, that was a lot of fun I enjoyed it.

Ty: *Bows* Your welcome & me too. Night. *Vanishes*

Even after Ty had left & dad came in to check on me & afterwards we then headed to watch some TV together ... all I could think about was flying. It was too incredible of a feeling to forget. I ended up falling asleep in dad's bed, the last thing I remember was him carrying me back to my bed laying me down to tuck me in just like he did as a child. I heard him whisper goodnight & I love you. I faintly responded back, before slipping into dreamland picturing the next time Ty & I could fly again. Between dreams of that & slow dancing with Joe, all I know is I slept with a soft smile on my face in peace.


© 2013 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

Chapter 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 = complete
Chapter 18 = posted 11/21/13 :-)
Chapter 19 = in the works

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Oh my god! There so damn cute! Can't wait for more of chapter 14!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Aww they are so cute together! Donie is getting on my nerves! Like Let Them Be, Dude! Anyways, Can't Wait For More Of This!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

That was the best chapter so far. I love how Ty pushed them together. They are the cutest couple. I really like their first kiss & date. The end where he talks to his mom is the best. I can't wait for more.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on November 16, 2012
Last Updated on November 22, 2013
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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