Watch Over You Chapter 11

Watch Over You Chapter 11

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Watch Over You Chapter 11

Nick's POV

Back at school the next morning, I met up with Donie going straight into our science class together & while we exchanged hellos & bro-hugs, Donie seemed a lot quieter than usual. For once he was focused on the lesson or (at least I think), as Ms. Knox began class. She started off with having us finishing reading chapters one to two, which were pages fifteen to seventeen. Secondly, we went over the chapter notes for those both two chapters, focusing on the Scientific Method & lastly we did something called a Pendulum lab located in the text on page fifteen. Our homework was to study for the next quiz which was going to take place on Thursday. And with the bell rang & we off to our next class then. Grabbing my backpack I started wheeling it behind me, as I followed next to Donie who was still being quiet ... so finally I decided to prompt him what was up with him.

Nick: Everything alright? *I asked casually*

Donie: *Nods* Yep.

Nick: *Nods too* You're kind of quiet this morning.

Donie: *Shrugs* Just tried I guess, the three days went fast.

Nick: Yeah, it kind of did. *Agrees. But is that the real reason?*

Donie: Guess what though?

Nick: What?

Donie: Uh-uh-uh, you gotta give me a guess first.

Nick: Does it involve our next class?

Donie: Getting warmer.

Nick: Okay. *Thinks about it while walking into the multi-purpose room with him*

Donie: Hold that thought, you can tell me your guess in a bit. *Walks away from him running over towards the fountain to get a drink of water*

Nick: Alright. *I called. And so while I thought about it, sitting down in the nicely air-cooled room with all the rest of the P.E. classes waiting for our movie of the day to begin. By the time, he came back I think I had got what he wanted me to guess*

Donie: So? *Raises an eyebrow*

Nick: We're going to dressing out soon?

Donie: Yeah, pretty much. *Admits*

Nick: *Chuckles* It wasn't too hard to guess you know.

Donie: Yeah? Well bet you can't guess what movie they're going to playing today for us.

Nick: Thats easy, we're watching Spider-Man.

Donie: Darn it, how'd you-

Nick: *Points to the movie beginning* First I recognize the opening credits & music before its even revealed the movie's name, which is coming in 5, 4, 3, 2, & 1 *Smiles back to him* see?

Donie: Impressive.

Nick: *Shrugs* Its Spidey I mean come on.

Donie: No lie, lets watch. *Laughs a little*

Nick: Lets. *I turned my attention to watch the very familiar Marvel movie, but I wondered about Donie. Okay so maybe I'd been all worried for nothing, but it seemed like something was wrong, but what?*

Ty: *Appears next to him* Hey good morning!

Nick: *Smiles. Good morning to you too!*

Ty: Ah, I see we're glowing. *Grins brilliantly at him*

Nick: *Yeah, well you of course probably knew all along & thats why you didn't want to tell me, right?*

Ty: You've got it, besides if I'd spoiled it by telling you it wouldn't have been a sur-

Nick: *Surprise, I know & thank you so much. You were right, everything turned out better than alright. I still can't believe my dad's okay with it*

Ty: Its pretty neat I got to say, your dad's one in a million cause I've seen so many dad's & while they love their kids ... they certainly wouldn't have reacted the same way yours did.

Nick: *I know, I'm so thankful you have no idea. I was so scared*

Ty: Mm. *Puts a hand on his shoulder squeezing it* I felt that from you, but I knew once he had his say in everything ... the aftermath would be comfortable.

Nick: *Are you sure you didn't hint to him or anything?*

Ty: Still in shock I see, no honestly I can say that I didn't do a single thing to help your dad realize about your crush on Joe. He figured it all on his own & he's very good. He knows you extremely well. What I want to know is how are you feeling now?

Nick: *Relieved, its like one less worry has been lifted ... it just feels amazing. I'm so glad he approves, I wouldn't never remotely imagined him saying I can actually date Joe in four years. And just like you, he seems to be convinced Joe loves me too*

Ty: I bet it does. While I knew he would, I'm surprised too that he just realized it all this soon but you know what they say "the sooner the better." Any who, you see? I told you dude, even your DAD can see that Joe is lovesick over you.

Nick: *Blushes. I guess I'm going to be skeptical until I hear the words from Joe himself, & even then ... if that ever happens ... I will probably just-*

Ty: *Chuckles* Oh, he'll say the words, you mark my words. And you don't need to faint or pass out, but if you were to ... your charming knight in shining armor will catch you, doubt of it.

Nick: *Blushes deeper. Hmm. I sighed dreamily*

Ty: I'm happy for you whirlwind, I truly am.

Nick: *Thank you. But then I ended my sigh turning my thoughts back to a new worry*

Ty: *Pouts* Don't worry baby, Donie will probably still be the hardest to still convince of you & Joe being together one day, but he'll have to deal with it in time. And as far as his quietness this morning, I would think thats pretty obvious the reason why ... just think about it & what he said.

Nick: *The answer hit me then. He knows about Joe spending time with me & dad*

Ty: Bingo, how you ask? You may not like this, but your best friend was spying when Joe came to your house personally yesterday. Who tipped him off? Well you can thank his mother for that, apparently your dad had told her that him & Nick were going to be hanging with a friend. Of course, being the curious & overly possessive (at times) bestie he is, he watched Joe come over & go into your house. And thats when he decided to hide out by the patio by the living room, watching you guys. Honestly the boy was burning with jealously. He saw almost everything & of course he followed when Joe went to wake you up ... he was there. If he'd brought a can, it would've been crushed like a bug. 

Nick: *I don't believe it. He was spying on me?!*

Ty: Sorry, but yes.

Nick: *Why didn't you stop him or something?*

Ty: The reason for that is simple, he needed to see it. And I know thats not what you want-

Nick: *No its not*

Donie: *Looks over at him noticing his tenseness; nudges him* You alright man?

Nick: *Turns to look at him*

Ty: You going to confront him now?

Nick: *Not now & definitely not at lunch ... oh my God lunch! Joe's invited to it & Donie's going be there too with dad & I*

Ty: Whoa, easy there just let it all go. First answer him & then we can continue.

Nick: *Nods at Donie*

Donie: You sure?

Nick: Yep.

Donie: Nick-

Nick: *You know what, I got to talk to him now else this is going to ruin the rest of the day*

Ty: Hey, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do, good luck.

Nick: *Thanks; whispers to Donie* Follow me.

Donie: *Nods once getting up with him to walk over to the door outside in the back; stands in the shade along with him* So- *Before I could begin he cut me off*

Nick: Why'd you do it?

Donie: Do what?

Nick: Spy on me.

Donie: *Eyes widen* You know? But ... how?

Nick: Dad told me you were watching in the background.

Donie: *Completely amazed, I thought I was hidden well or so I thought* Nick dude ... I'm really sorry.

Nick: *Sighs* I accept that, but I still wanna know what were your reasons.

Donie: I was just checking up on you was all.

Nick: Thanks, but I didn't really need to checked on. Just be honest with me on this please.

Donie: Fine. *Lets it all out* I was spying on you. I was watching cause of Mr. Anderson, I was confused why he was hanging out with you & Hugo & I guess I got jealous.

Nick: You know you could've just asked me instead of spying on us just to find out.

Donie: Would you have told me?

Nick: What's that supposed to mean?

Donie: It seems to me Nick, that there's something creepy about our history teacher.

Nick: Don't call him that.

Donie: Well he is, what if he's a-

Nick: He's not. You don't even know him. The reason he came over was cause my dad invited him, how is that creepy?

Donie: He stares at you a lot.

Nick: Oh my God.

Donie: Its true & I'm starting to feel you that might have a ...

Nick: A what?

Donie: A crush on him.

Nick: So what if I do?

Donie: Do you?

Nick: What does it matter to you if I like him?

Donie: So you admit you do! And yet you don't feel anything for me, your best friend. But thats not even what bothers me the most ... you lied to me. Have you been gay this whole time? And why would you crush on him? He's way older than you!

Nick: Yes, Donie I admit it. And I told you how I feel about you & now your bringing it up again. I didn't lie, I just kept it to myself besides I have that right. I've only realized recently & just wanted to figure things out. And what do you mean? Weren't you the one saying that I should be crushing on a teacher? And who cares? Its just a crush.

Donie: *Baffled* Nick, even if you didn't feel the same about me you still could've told me about how you were feeling. I could've been there for you. At that time, I'd thought you'd crush on a girl teacher not a guy! And you know what, I don't think its just a crush.

Nick: I just needed some space dude, but I still appreciate the thought. Guy or girl, its not a big deal its still a crush no matter what you think.

Donie: Understandable.You may say that but I watched you two. Was he flirting with you?

Nick: *Shakes head* You're being unreasonable.

Donie: Look regardless if you don't feel for me the way I feel for you, I still want to look out for you & I just don't trust that guy.

Nick: Donie, you don't have to worry.

Donie: But I am.

Nick: I'll be fine.

Donie: Well just know I'm always here for you.

Nick: I know,

Donie: So, besides singing songs & playing guitar, eating breakfast & whatnot, what else did you guys do?

Nick: *Fake gasps* What you mean you didn't follow us for the rest of the day?

Donie: *Laughs* No of course not.

Nick: *Ty?*

Ty: He's telling the truth, he stopped after you guys left & went back home.

Nick: *Good* Well we went to the beach & hung out there for a long time & then came back home to get ready for the concert.

Donie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up? Beach & a concert?

Nick: Yep.

Donie: Lucky!

Nick: *Chuckles* We all had a good time.

Donie I'm sure you all did. So who'd you see? Adam Levine, The Script, OneRepublic?

Nick: No, even better ... John Mayer!

Donie: Get out, for real?

Nick: Yep, apparently dad won three tickets & we just went & had a real blast.

Donie: Thats really awesome! Tell me did you get to get up on stage & sing for the whole crowd?

Nick: No, maybe next time.

Donie: Aw, your time will come don't worry. *Pats his shoulder*

Nick: I'm sure it will, one day at a time though. *I patted his shoulder back* We'd better get back in.

Donie: Yeah, come on don't want to miss the ending of Spidey.

Nick: Yeah. *Follows after him*

Idylla's POV

I'd been watching them when they'd left outside, normally they're not allowed to leave the room without permission I vouched because I knew the reason they needed to talk & why it couldn't just wait till later. Donie had seemed to be upset that Nick had been spending time with not only his dad but Mr. Anderson (Hugo had told me just to give Donie & I heads up). I understood that my son feels a deep attachment to Nick & when he's gone, he just worries about him. I also know that Donie's still hurt by Nick not returning his same feelings. I've tried to comfort him, but he feels I don't fully get what he's feeling. But the truth is that I know he's hurting, its why I brought up another friend of of his, that he'd long neglected. He seemed to take his mind of Nick that is till I found out that my son had been spying on the Jonases & their guest. While I didn't have to say anything he just honestly told me what he'd been up to after he finished hanging with his other friend. I can't say I wasn't shocked, but at the same time I understood his reasons. I knew Donie was jealous of not being able to hang with Nick. What I did to help him, was that I reminded him that its perfectly fine being a friend & looking out for that said friend, but then there's also the fact that they both need their time to themselves. I know Donie can be a little possessive when it comes to Nick, I noticed it a lot more this past week it seems. All & all, I just want to help my boys in any way I can. Watching them come back in, I smiled figuring that they had worked things out.

Donie's POV

I just don't believe Hugo saw me & told Nick, I would've been more at ease not being seen period. But then again, its just like Hugo to tattle on me & I get he was just telling Nick, but what Hugo doesn't realize its not cool. I wasn't expecting Nick to get in my face about it & be put on the spot. And while I got out my feelings, I still had a lot more to say to him but I held back. And while I get his feelings about not coming out but still, it was unfair. And now on top of that he's fallen for Joe, just exactly what I feared. As we sat back down inside to watch the movie, I couldn't even concentrate or least enjoy it cause too many thoughts of the two together plagued my mind. Regardless of what my best friend says, its definitely more than a crush for him. I got to keep an even closer eye on Joe cause if he tries anything with Nick ... he's going to be trouble if there's something I got to say about it. I won't let my buddy get taken advantage of or hurt, no as long as we're friends, I'm going to everything I can to protect him.

Nick's POV

The day went on with Algebra in which we just took a basic skills test causing 99 percent of the class to groan except for myself & maybe one or at the max two more students. I didn't mind in the least, besides its just for Mr. McCallon to get an idea of where each of us stand in mathematics. Afterwards we spent time going over the test & basically graded ourselves & then got assigned our homework pages (SQ five, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, & twelve). Once math class was over for the day, Donie & I hit my dad's class & spent the majority of the time playing a few songs he'd chosen & then he had us each play a little solo. While he let us choose whatever we wanted for the solos, he still encouraged us all to take our time & make sure its something we feel. It turned out to be fun as time just flew by onto lunch. As soon as all the rest of the students had left the room, I pulled dad aside away from Donie so he wouldn't hear us taking into his office.

Hugo: What's up?

Nick: Mr. Anderson's coming to lunch.

Hugo: Yeah, so? Oh. *Gets the point then*

Nick: Yeah, "oh."

Hugo: Idylla & talked this morning & told me all about Donie & his spying, so I take it he's jealous. She also said you guys were talking it out during her class, what happened?

Nick: We vented a lot you could say. He knows about my crush on Jo ... Mr. Anderson & he did admit his jealousy. He apologized about spying on us, which I accepted but I'm still mad at him. He doesn't trust him & thinks he was flirting with me. He also think he's creepy & while I know he was just trying to look out for me, which I get but then its I don't know ... And I still want to spend time with Mr. Anderson & you, but then I don't know how thats going to be if Donie's going to here. Apart of me doesn't want to be rude to my best friend & ask him to leave & then the other part of me doesn't want him to be here.

Hugo: *Hugs him close* Wow, only the afternoon & already its been a dramatic morning for you guys.

Nick: Dad, a little more help please I really need it. *I chuckled hugging him back*

Hugo: Well first off, thats good you guys talked it out. *Pulls back grinning*

Nick: Why are you grinning?

Hugo: You don't think I didn't hear that little slip up?

Nick: *Blushes; looks at the ground shuffling bashfully*

Hugo: Aww, so you're calling him by his name, its kind easier than Mr. Anderson this & Mr. Anderson that.

Nick: *Feels cheeks get redder*

Hugo: *Claps hands together continuing* Its all very sweet. Okay, but back to business & all your impending thoughts hmm? I know its seems like Donie knowing about your feelings for Joe is stressful, but its also good he knows too. Its just like another worry has been lifted. And while I totally get his reasons for spying on you, he's a good friend even though he sees you more as his soulmate. Its okay to be upset at each other, best friends can't always be really besties without some sort of little fights & whatnot its apart of life. Donie obviously just feels threatened by Joe, which is why his desire to watch over you is going on overload now. *Chuckles* He doesn't trust Joe cause he doesn't know him personally yet, even still while you & I are still getting to know him ... I can see that Joe isn't the type to hurt others. Let me tell you if that were the case then I wouldn't have allowed him to come anywhere near you. As for the flirting, I'd say it was subtle hints from both of you, but clearly Donie doesn't like it or understand it yet. Its normal to think Joe creepy from his point of view, he's just thinking of you. He just wants to protect you, its very admirable but at the same time you're feeling burdened by it. The thing that you got to understand this is Donie we're talking about, so let me ask you this ... Do you want to put your best friend first this time like he is for you, or push him away & cause him to snoop again & feel hurt by being pushed away from the one he loves?

Nick: *Slumps down into a chair*

Hugo: At the end of the day, who have you known longer & who's been there for you besides me & Idylla & before that mom?

Nick: *Looks at him* You know how to make things tough don't you?

Hugo: Well if it was me, I would've already have my decision, but since its not, its up to you just let your heart guide you, it won't lead you astray.

Nick: *Nods taking a long breath*

Hugo: *Walks over to him putting my hands on his shoulders squeezing gently*

Nick: He should stay, regardless of what I want its not fair to him.

Hugo: *Nods* Thats my boy, see this way he can get to know Joe & decide in time if he feels like you two will be good together in the future.

Nick: I guess, but for the time being he's not going to like hanging with him.

Hugo: Give it time.

Nick: I will. *Gets up to walk back with him back over towards Donie*

Donie: Everything good fellas?

Hugo: *Looks to Nick for him to answer*

Nick: *Smiles* Yeah, everything's good.

Hugo: *Coughs hinting to him*

Nick: Mr. Anderson is going to be joining us for lunch.

Hugo: *Adds in* He's interested in getting back into music & asked us the day before if it was cool to hang with us.

Donie: Oh, I see. *Shrugs while inside ... I'm growling softly* Cool then.

Nick: Are you okay with this?

Donie: *Not at all* Sure.

Ty: Liar, he's practically growling. If he was mad before, he's even more so now.

Nick: *Goes over to Donie looking at him*

Donie: *Looks back at him*

Hugo: *Can feel the tension in the room from them, so if there was any time as any ... Joe walked inside waving to us* Hey Joe. *Waves back*

Nick: *Turns to face Joe; instantly brightening up thanks to his presence* Hi Mr. Anderson.

Donie: *Sees the look on Nick's face & how its so happy as is Joe's; frowns inwardly*

Joe: Hey guys, good to see you. Man am I starved. I brought leftovers from my dinner last night, I made mushroom ravioli. *Nods at Donie seeing him then* Hey, Donie Sae right?

Donie: *Nods* Yeah, thats me. *Wants to narrow eyes at him but knows Nick & Hugo are watching me*

Joe: Cool. So how's your guy's day been so far?

Hugo: Its been good so far, still hot.

Donie: Which means no dressing out in P.E. still, but thats going to end soon.

Nick: Its been crazy a bit, coming back, but you get back into you know. What about yours?

Joe: Yeah tell about it this heat wave seems insistent, but its still ideal for the beach. *Chuckles* I wasn't a fan of dressing out much either, playing sports is fun though. I hear you guys have been watching movies, gotta say you should enjoy it while it lasts. *Looks at Nick* And I hear you, I woke up & remembered it was Tuesday but you know what its been a good one. *Nick just smiled nodding in turn*

Hugo: Ah the perks of being close to the beach

Joe: Got that right.

Donie: What kind of sports did you play? *Asks him then* And yeah we've been watching daily movies, its cool & we are enjoying it, beats working out in this heat for sure.

Joe: A little bit of each, football, soccer, & basketball. I used to be on a team for each back in my middle & high school days, but I got out of it to pursue teaching credentials at college. And yeah I agree with that. *Begins to eat my food while taking in them in between bites*

Hugo: *Gets my lunch that I'd stored in my new mini fridge that I had gotten installed over the break so I wouldn't have to go back & forth to the office's staff break room; sits back down* I see, so ready to get some music in?

Joe: You kidding, of course. *Grins big*

Donie: Who's your favorite artist right now? *Asks him another question; pulls out a packed sandwich my mom had packed for me with fruits & veggies naturally alongside in baggies*

Joe: There's so many good one's besides John Mayer, I gotta say I'm a big fan of: Alex Clare, Jason Reeves, Matthew Morrison, Maroon 5, Owl City, & Gavin DeGraw, but I have loads others.

Donie: Nice, those guys are all definitely awesome. Nick & I we're fans of those artists too.

Nick: *Nods* They each have a quality about them that just draws me in.

Donie: *And there would be the mature side of Nick coming out*

Hugo: And while I don't know really much about those guys, I know that I'm a fan of jazz & easy listening, but I do throw some pop & rock into the mix & r&b too.

Nick: Nothing wrong with that, its a nice mixture. 

From there we continued to eat & talk & then afterwards we started our jam session. Naturally we all took turns using the piano since there was only one, playing random songs & tunes & whatnot. Donie joined in a lot singing out his smooth rap swagger style, while Joe & I just did some amazing runs & of course dad naturally just stole the show. It was all really fun, till the warning bell sounded off & it was time for us to part ways. Dad was lucky cause he got to stay right where he was, as for Donie, Joe & I, we all had to climb up the stairs going upward to our classroom areas. Joe walked alongside us recapping things & how great we all sounded together. I giggled inwardly, in all honesty he sounded so amazing. He's not shy when it comes to getting into his music & losing himself, its so cool hearing & watching him. Shortly we parted ways, of course we'd be seeing him back in history ... I just couldn't wait. Donie & I went our way towards english class with Mr. Guttman, where we did a second spelling lesson, a check sentence diagnostic test, & also did a mask activity & read a poem called "I Am."

It all went by quite fast, & finally it was period six, U.S. History time. Of course I smiled big entering Joe's class as Donie followed behind me probably eyeing Joe with a glare. Soon as the bell sounded off class began & Joe started things off with a bellwork assignment for us to complete from the board (bellwork number three), then next we did an explore chart which was interesting & also a timeline activity worksheet. And towards the end of the lesson it consisted of a small lecture which drew me in & by the end of class, I blinked & it was time to go. I pouted a little & then Joe caught my eye, & I blushed. He came over towards me smiling & my heart was acting up in the process.

Joe: You were really into the lecture weren't you?

Nick: *Nods* It was fascinating.

Joe: Thats good, I know for a lot of the students its kind of a boring subject but, I like to make up for that by making it ... *Grins* less eye-glazing.

Nick: Well you succeed. *I told him*

Joe: Thanks, I'm glad it comes off as fascinating.

Nick: *Smiles shyly* Your welcome.

Donie: *Taps Nick's shoulder; getting a little annoyed by them being off ih their own world*

Nick: *Turns back to him*

Donie: Ready to go? *Standing up waiting for Nick*

Nick: *No* Yeah. *Packs up my things; gets my roller-backpack wheels out the door*

Joe: Well boys, I'll see you both tomorrow. You both have a nice rest of the day. *Gets my teacher textbook & my keys carrying them under my right underarm.

Donie: Bye Mr. Anderson. *Waves even though I really didn't want to*

Nick: Cya tomorrow, Mr. Anderson & thanks, you as well. *Waves*

Joe: *Smiles lastly at Nick waving; locks up my room walking around the corner up the mini hill towards my motorbike*

Nick: *Continues to watch him leave; sighs*

Donie: Nick come on.

Nick: *Ignores him*

Donie: Nick.

Nick: *Watches as Joe gets on the bike as he took off fast, once he was fully gone from my line of sight I turned back to face Donie* Hm?

Donie: School's out, so you can quit staring at him.

Nick: Dude, what's with the attitude?

Donie: What do you mean?

Nick: Donie come you know me just as well as I know you.

Donie: True, okay well I'm just still not all jumping for joy over your feelings for Joe.

Nick: I know, its unexpected. *Begins walking with him down the hill towards our parents*

Donie: I'm sorry though for acting like a jerk, just know-

Nick: You're always here for me.

Donie: Actually, you can always count on me.

Nick: Thanks, Don.

Donie: No problem-o. So what should we do once we get home?

Nick: Study & start our homework.

Donie: No way! Its too soon, come on we seriously just got out. How about a bike ride to the movies or something?

Nick: Which movie did you have in mind?

Donie: Whatever one we want.

Nick: *Chuckles* Not actually dude, we're not exactly old enough for rated-r films.

Donie: One day & then we can see The Expendables 2!

Nick: *Laughs again* Or Prometheus.

Donie: Yeah that too!

Nick: One day perhaps yeah.

Donie: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Well I'll see you in a bit. *Sees my dad*

Donie: Cool, later Nick. *Waves running off towards my mom's car*

Hugo: *Watches him get inside* Why hello.

Nick: Hiya!

Hugo: *Begins to drive as Nick buckled up* So how was sixth period?

Nick: Awesome! *Recaps for him*

Hugo: *Can feel his excitement radiating from him; chuckles* That right?

Nick: Yep.

Hugo: I detect more subtle flirting.

Nick: From him yes, I'm not really good at it.

Hugo: Aw, don't say that it'll just come natural to you. So Donie did he-

Nick: He ruined the moment at the end, but whatever you know.

Hugo: Like I said he's just being protective of you.

Nick: A little too much, yes I know. He wants to go to the movies on our bikes.

Hugo: Do you want to go?

Nick: I don't know, what if he thinks its a date?

Hugo: Then if he tries any funny business, just come back home or better yet call me & I'll come get you.

Nick: I'm not sure, I should get to my homework & ...

Hugo: Knowing you, you'll be right on top of it & besides a hour or two or more isn't so bad.

Nick: *Shrugs* Alright I guess I'll go when you put it like that. *Giggles*

Hugo: Just remember he doesn't have to force you into being with or liking him back, okay?

Nick: Noted.

Hugo: Thats my boy.

Nick: Dad.

Hugo: What?

Nick: You're such a fuddy-duddy.

Hugo: *Winks* And I'm proud of it.

Nick: *Laughs with him as he continued the drive home*

Back home, I brought in my roller-backpack & set it in its corner & then headed over to meet Donie who was more than ready to go. We headed out on our bikes towards the local theater which was conveniently located very close to the beach & its pier. Once we parked & locked up our bikes, we both walked towards the box office & we got our tickets & headed on in. Donie bought us popcorn, while I carried two waters. We went inside our theater number for our movie just in for the opening credits premiering taking our seats near the front but not close to the big screen. We both decided on Wreck It Ralph, just cause it seemed like to a cool new animated film. And as it turns we thought right, it was really chill. Afterwards we biked back home eventually convincing Donie it was time to start on school work. We spent about an hour & half going through everything minus P.E. of course. By the end of it, it was time for dinner & this time Idylla came over to join us as we all ate together watching a new episode of The Voice together. Towards the end of the night after my shower, I laid in my bed just thinking when I called on Ty.

Ty: Hey you.

Nick: Hey.

Ty: Quite the day, whirlwind.

Nick: Yeah, no kidding. *Smirks a little*

Ty: *Lays next to him* So you feel a little better about things?

Nick: A little yeah, I'm just glad Donie didn't try anything tonight.

Ty: *Nods* He won't yet, he knows better but that won't last for long.

Nick: Great.

Ty: Hey, at least it all went well right?

Nick: It did.

Ty: So relax.

Nick: *Yawns sleepily; nods*

Ty: *Kisses his cheek* Sleep well.

Nick: Mm-hmm, thanks you too. *Falls out*

Ty: *Smiles falling asleep next to him*

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Donnie needs to find someone else to like. If he pushes himself on Nick he may loose him as a friend all together. I love the flirting Joe & Nick do with each other. I can't wait for more.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Added on November 7, 2012
Last Updated on May 9, 2013
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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