![]() Clearly All Hallow's EveA Story by VirgoAvatar1SHOT SUMMARY: JOE'S A MONSTER KING THROWING HIS ANNUAL HALLOWEEN BASH, NATURALLY INVITING EVERY SPOOK-TACULAR SUBJECT IN HIS KINGDOM. WHEN A CERTAIN SHY, KEEP-TO-HIMSELF CUTE ZOMBIE COMES INTO THE SCENE, JOE'S INSTANTLY SMITTEN WITH HIM. TIME FOR THE YOUNG BOY TO MEET THE HANDSOME KING, IN ONE CLEARY UNFORGETTABLE NIGHT. STARRING: JOE JONAS & NICK JONAS MONSTERS MENTIONED: DRAGONS, ZOMBIES, VAMPIRES, WEREWOLVES, FRANKENSTEINS, GHOSTS, WITCHES, WIZARDS, MUMMIES, DEMONS, & ALSO FANTASTICAL BEASTS LIKE UNICORNS & FAIRIES. ORANGE = NICK BOLD = JOE Cleary All Hallow's Eve (CAHE) "All subjects are acquired to attend, by order of his Majesty the King" is all the dark raven paper said, with all the letters addressed in cursive blood red. I sighed putting down the invite or rather the command to come, when clearly I was one who didn't want to. Its not that I don't like parties, I mean they're alright, but I don't like that the King's enforcing his "subjects" to come to his annual celebration of All Hallow Eve's that happens once every year. A knock on my door sounded ringing throughout & drawing my attention as I got up unhappily to see who it was. Who goes there? Another knock more harshly followed by an "Open up!" As much as I wanted to ignore it, whomever it was, was clearly persistent & annoying, so I reluctantly opened up. Yes? A palace guard stood at my door sporting a look of disgust as he spoke. By order of The King, he's not requested all subjects to be escorted to his castle for the party. Of course, The King would, nothing out of the ordinary. <I sighed again> What if I don't wish to be escorted? Then you'll be brought by force, its your choice. So either willingly or not, just figures ... as much I'd rather stay at home I'd also rather stay in one piece tonight. Fine. <I nodded followed him outside to find two horses ready to take us to the palace. The guard got on his trusty steed easily without hesitation while I on the other hand ... was clearly having difficulty> Well?! <He snapped> I'll just walk, I'll still get there. Will you? In your state I highly doubt it, now get on the horse. But I- Get. On! <I winced a little from his tone & exhaled> You wouldn't happen to have a stool or something maybe to make it easier? The guard just smirked & whistled to another guard nearby. The other guard just roughly grabbed my arm. Ouch, hey easy I might- Break? Good, you're too fragile & God that smell ... ugh ... He threw me on the horse as it let up a loud yelp of surprise as it began trotting forward as both guards broke into a fitful of laughter keeping in the lead. Thankfully I'd remained all in tact for the time being, but still it didn't soothe the fact that I was on the horse uncomfortably. In that short journey from my home to the palace or castle, whatever you really want to call it, we arrived. Once again the two guards had a laugh getting me off the horse (who by now equally didn't like me either) & threw me down on the ground causing the two to cackle almost in laughter. Nice going there! Hope you had a nice trip! They both just exclaimed & then walked off leaving me. Good, I thought. I don't need them anyways, as I got up softly. I was extremely thankful that I hadn't lost any parts yet, it was rather amazing cause by now usually its not as easy. Finally standing up I walked or rather limped inside. Before I could get fully inside though, two ugly looking goons stood at the door blocking my way, oh how I hate mummies. Invitation. <They demanded> Seriously, they force us to attend, escort us, & still demand an invitation? I took mine from my pocket & showed them not wanting to deal with them frankly any further. They looked it overly throughly like as if it was some sort of fake copy or something & nodded together. Proceed in. Not even bothering to thank them I just walked past them finally inside & instantly my eyes just widened. Wow, talk about a shindig this is pretty massive ... I mean not only the castle but with all the subjects together like this its even more so. Not knowing exactly where to go, I just stood still for awhile taking it all in. Everyone was here no doubt about, most of which were dancing, while others mingled, drinking whatever they wanted, & eating as well. In all honesty I didn't know these people, just cause I'm not much of a mingler. I prefer to be off on my own, but mostly thats cause of the way I am. People usually take one look at me & scoff. I've learned over the years not to take it personally & I guess if I were them, I'd behave the same way but maybe a little less, i'd at least act more humane. <Just then the lights went out & a voice spoke> Welcome subjects to my humble abode, thank you all for coming. Are you all having a good time so far? At this they all screamed, howled & cheered all of them ... except me. Awesome, well continue then. <The mysterious voice spoke, although I think I had a pretty clear idea of who it was. The lights came back up but only dimly very dimly , after all with this kind of party you don't need much light anyways. ~The King's POV~ I eyed my subjects from the shadows high above watching them all go on about their little affairs & whatnot. My gazed fixed then on a boy who clearly seemed frozen to his spot. Anaka who is that down there? <Points to him> <She looked over in the same direction & narrowed her eyes> What does it matter my King? I wish to know more. <She huffed & used her abilities to gain every once of information on the boy, a useful ability for her being a witch> His name his Nick Jonas, currently & newly 20 years old, has no known family or friends, likes to spend his days alone. He feels forced to be here tonight & resents it. Along with that he always been made fun or & treated unfairly, & basically just been shunned like the freak people see him as. <I growled at her loudly silencing any more rude insults from her even if she was saying them to me> Thats enough. Sorry my King. <Bows lowly to show she didn't mean any disrespect> Excuse me, Anaka. <Begins to walk away from her> She just bowed again & nodded staying where she was, before going back to her previous conversation. I wandered down the stairs, straight over to the boy not caring if I had to part my subjects who were mostly dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Good evening. <Grins at Nick> His eyes looked into mine & just nodded in greeting. Enjoying yourself? <Asks> He shook his head, still clearly refusing to talk. Why not? He just shrugged, might I add very cutely. I don't see why though. Finally he spoke & it was enough to block everything else out but the sound of his voice. I'm not really into being here is all, I don't belong at such things. Do you say that because you're a monster? News flash my friend, so is everyone here, even the King himself. We've got it all here: vampires, werewolves, frankensteins, ghosts, witches, wizards, mummies, even unicorns & fairies ... & then there is also the two of us as well. <His cheeks blushed a little as he looked down shyly before speaking again> No to the first question & I do know all that. So why then are you clearly unhappy on this All Hallow Eve night? I don't like being forced to do things & coming here was one of them. Just cause the King wants everyone here, doesn't mean that all of us have to respond. I would be much more content being back inside my home. As if this night is bad enough, just cause its the last night of being in this state of mine. <Nods understanding exactly where he's coming from; further intrigued by him> I see & I get that, a lot of us get that. A lot of us over the years, transforming back into monsters for thirty-one days isn't always easy, but still we all deal with it in our own ways. Just think tomorrow morning, you & all the rest of us with be back to our normal selves. What good is normal, if being a monster still haunts you? Oh, how I hear you on that one. The trick with that is to take your mind of being a monster, I mean if you don't mind me saying ... you're a very adorable zombie. <Again he blushed> Thanks, I guess, but you don't have to say that. I mean it. <Clarifies> Why? <He prompted> Because just look at me, what do you see? <He looked at me for a long time> I see a dragon before me, an amazing diamond like dragon. And what else? To me you look much cooler than most monsters, its almost if your more mythical than anything. Its quite neat. And so are you, see what I mean? You think you're a monster, well so do I. There have been many times when I wanted nothing more than to not be cursed forced to be in this form. Its hard being trapped in a body like this. Trapped? But at least you're beautiful ... I mean unlike at me. <Gestures to himself> Beautiful huh? That by far is the best compliment I've ever been given. Its true you are, I wish I were a dragon. Do you now? Well I'm sure its better than being a falling apart, rotting & horrible looking zombie. Do you know of dragons? A little yes. Then answer me this, what do we consume? <He just shuddered at this question> Exactly, I eat meat which a lot of times I have no control over. Do you know what its like to feel that? Mind some things deserve to be food, while others don't especially the innocent. Still think me beautiful? <He gingerly touched my scaly arm> I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Its fine, but now you know. Listen, why don't we get out of here, huh? What do you mean? We're required to be here, how can we leave? Lets just say, I know a way. Did you forget my wings? <Shows him> <He stared in awe> They're like ice, whoa. And even sharper & just as cold. Follow me if you dare. <Grins; begins to walk towards the balcony area; begins to spread my wings, so ready for flight> <Should I follow him? Should I risk sneaking off with a stranger? I shut away my thoughts & followed him> Wait up, where are we going? No where in particular, just out of this monster-fest for the moment, care to join me? Do you mean climb on your back? You follow me, good & yes thats the general idea. I don't know .... What's not to know? Well I don't know how about falling off & breaking my already fragile self apart? I won't let you fall. Promise? I promise. Hmm. Come on, we both could use an adventure. Very well. <Agrees> Um, I'm going to need a little help- <Doesn't get to finish the words when he carefully guided me on his back> Wow. Hang on tight, Nick. <Takes off> <Closes eyes; gasps> Don't be scared, I've got you. <Chuckles> Wait how'd you know my name? A fellow monster informed me. What? Wait .... who exactly are you? Do you really want to know? Yes. My name's Joe Jonas. <Eyes finally open up? You're the King?! Yeah, that would be me. I would think it was rather obvious. You ... I ... you tricked me! I did no such thing. Then why didn't you tell me sooner? What's the point, royal or not I still feel your pain Nick. <Sighs> Is there anything else I need to know? Actually, there is one thing. What's that? You haven't looked around yet. <Blinks; beginning to notice my surroundings> We're flying. Mm-hmm, watch this. <Dives down to show him all I can do in my dragon form> <Squeals in delight hanging on> Is this suppose to sway me? Depends, is it working? I'll let you know. By the way, is this the fastest you can go? Nope, want to feel the full force? Sure. Okay, you asked for it just hang tight my little zombie. <Flies up higher just to dive into an even faster speed> <Squeals even louder holding onto his neck tighter. The wind factor was really coming at us in its full force, as Joe flew faster & faster, speed just taking him completely over till eventually I yelled at him to get his attention> Alright, I get it! You're fast! <Stops flying at that speed, slows down to a nice comfortable pace> Better? So much better, for a moment there it was such a rush. The good kind I do hope. Yeah, the good kind thank you. Your welcome, anytime. Can I ask you something? Ask away. Do you ever think our curse will be broken? One day perhaps, or as my council has informed me ... we can learn to control our transformations & limit the thirty-one days to one day eventually, they're working on it. Really? Are you serious? Yes, they're very close to a breakthrough. You & I & the rest of the subjects should be very excited by this. For sure, thats awesome news. I do hope they can help us all. Fret not, Nick ... remember after tonight All Hallow's Eve is over & we'll go back to being normal humans. Can't wait, but thanks for tonight. This has been really fun. What makes you think the rides over so soon? It isn't? Not until either of us has said so & right now I could fly with you for the rest of the night. <Blushes> Me too, it isn't everyday I get to be up in the air like this on the back of a dragon King. Well its not everyday, I meet a person I can relate with like this. Same here, but how come ... I mean you're the King. Even being so, it isn't all its cracked up to be. At times it just feels nightmare, that is until I saw you. <Chuckles> So you're saying right now, this is like a dream, at least the good kind? Oh yes, the very good kind, don't you agree? I do. And for the record, I'm sorry for being so reluctant earlier. Don't even worry about it. You can make up to me. How? Just relax & enjoy the ride with me to both our heart's content. <Giggles> Alright then. So we flew all over the kingdom eventually settling on a mountain very close to its top. From here we could see the castle, the town, the forests from all around & more. We sat in silence staring & also taking in the stars that were lighting the sky along with the very bright & very full moon. Joe? Yes? This is too amazing. Is is, but you know what is even more amazing? That I haven't lost a limb or body part yet? <Laughs> While that is good, thats not what I really meant. <Leans in to look into his eyes seeing his blue blush come back> You're really cute, Nick. Thank you. <Breathes only a little> <Smiles nuzzling his cheek gently> What are you doing? Nuzzling you. Why? Cause I want to. But don't you think- I don't care about you being zombie or how you smell, that doesn't matter to me. But its- Shush. <Continues to nuzzle him> <Relaxes into him; sighs very contently> Nick? Hmm? Be mine. What? Be mine. <Looks at him> Yours? Yes. You want me? Very much yes. You're not just teasing me? Not at all, I'm being honest. But why would you want me? I want you because I like you & because I haven't stopped smiling since I laid eyes on you. So you were watching me? Only a little, you did stand out being frozen like that. <Chuckles> I guess I kind of did. So how do you feel about me? I think I ... like you too, just because you've been incredibly sweet to me & made this night a brighter one for me. I'd do anything for you & I'm happy you feel the same. <Gently kisses his forehead> <Closes eyes; shivers> <Smiles wrapping my wings around him concentrating on helping him feel warmer> <Falls asleep in his warmth thanks to his body & wings> <I watched him fall asleep & sent Anaka a message that I would be back shortly in time to end the party, but for now I wanted to spend time with Nick with him in by my side in this moment. Laying my head I drifted off along with him & fell out> <The next time I woke up, I shifted to find Joe's eyes closed with his head wrapped around on the ground next to my head. I smiled at this, while this his been far from what I imagined the evening going ... I was liking this moment. As much it felt so right laying there with him like this, I knew he still had a party to return to. I mean what is a party without its King. So ever so gently I said his name> Joe, wake up. Nmmm? The party. <I reminded him? They need you. <Groans> I need my Nick, more than they need me. <Giggles> That may be, but they still must be wondering about your whereabouts. <Rises; looks at him> Very well then, I guess its back to the palace or castle or whatever they call it these days. Are you a mind reader or something? <Gets up with him> No, but I do hear gossip from the subjects & all that. <Laughs> I'm sure you do. Climb on, too cute one. That my new name? For now, till I see your human form tomorrow, which I'm sure is even cuter. Guess you'll find out, soon enough. <Climbs back on him as he took on his flight> And I'll get to see you for you. Excited? <Smiles> You could say that. Oh, Nick your a teaser. And oh, Joe you're such a smooth King. Been working on it for years, but for once its lead me straight to the most beautiful person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing & spending time with. Likewise, my King. Call me Joe, baby. Joe, my Joe. And you're Nick, just my Nick. Uh-huh. Shortly we arrived back his palace as I slid off his back & landed carefully on the ground. Shall we? We shall. <Walks with him back inside as he quieted down the party once again> Subjects, friends, everyone I thank you for coming tonight, until the next All Hallow's Eve I bid all of you farewell. <They bowed & proceeded to leave, leaving just Nick & I> <Bites lip> Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning. You will, but I'd like to ask you ... <Waits for him to continue> If you would like to spend the night here in the palace? <Flushes unable to speak> In your own room of course. <Why do I get the feeling he really means his room & with what I said next, maybe it should've stayed in my mind> Your room is fine. You sure? Yes. If you're sure, follow me. <Begins to walk in the direction of my room> <Shyly I followed him till he stopped at the door letting me go in first> I'm afraid I'll have to fly around so I don't break the door even though its big, its not big enough for me to get through. I'll join you in a flash. <Walks away> <Nods going inside his room. That sucks if you can't even get into your room, I imagine he's broken it many times in frustration. I knew if I were him, I'd do the same thing. Its not easy being his massive size. And as I went fully inside, looking around I found a large bed clearly (that was definitely fit even for him) that was black in color, very soft to the touch as I sat on the edge of it. His room was also large enough for him to fully stand inside. It was fitting for a king, but like mine it just seemed ... lonely. At least it felt that until I heard the sound of wings fluttering over to his private balcony landing gracefully. <Smiles> A nice landing. <Laughs> Thanks, I do try to go for the graceful way. Mm-hmm, quite a bed you have here its like gigantic. It is, & its funny cause when I turn back into a human after the thirty-one days, I don't need the rest of the space no longer. <Walks inside climbing on the bed alongside him laying beside him> Well you're still lucky cause its quite comfy. I think I'm even luckier now that I have someone to share it with. <Flushes> <Leans down to peck his cheek with my mouth> <Giggles> Time to sleep. <Starts to close eyes> Mmm. <Lays with him, also closing eyes> Goodnight, baby. Goodnight, Joe. ~The next morning/ Nick's POV~ My eyes started to flutter feeling the warmth of the sun falling on them, most likely thanks to his large windows allowing it to shine through. I awoke then sitting up seeing the sunlight coming through quite brightly, looking around my gaze settled on my hands & then on my body. I was back to being human. My skin wasn't pale, currently it had more color back to it. I smiled happily, thank goodness. Thats when I remembered Joe & turned to take him in, immediately I blushed & gasped. Joe was so handsome, & while I called him beautiful in his diamond dragon form, in his human form he was even more so. He stirred then & caught my eyes. Morning! <He grinned instantly taking me into his arms to hug me tightly> M-morning, Joe. <Blushes; returning his hug> <Pulls back to kiss him> <Gasps, relaxing into it; responds back moaning softly> <Lays him down on his back not breaking the kiss; whispers> We're human. Mm-hmm. You thinking what I'm thinking? Shower? Not exactly, but that would be nice as well. <Takes his hand pulling him up to carry him bridal-style towards the en suite> <Smiles laughing at how excited he is, while at the same time I felt the same too. We spent the longest time in his tub cleansing each other to point of laughter, while engaging in some heavy making out & touching. Returning to his room afterward we got dressed & headed to his formal dining room for breakfast. After that Joe was requested to attend a council meeting with his advisors whom of which were back to being human as well. It was there that Joe & I found out that the council had come up with a way to control all our transformations after all. And so the cure was one day a year of being a monster, while all the rest of the 364 days were free to be human. At this news we all rejoiced & celebrated, for this Joe took me around the world for another adventure. In that time we grew a lot closer mostly cause we were boyfriends & in love & engaged to be married. After a beautiful ceremony & reception, we retired away to his room> <Kissing Joe> We're married. Yes, we are my beautiful diamond, I love you. <Giggles> And I love you, my King. Baby. Alright, my Joe. <Continues to kiss him> <Whispers> So next October 31st ... <Presses a finger to his lips> Ssh, clearly it will be All Hallow's Eve. Can't wait? We shall see. <Smiles as he pulled back in for a kiss> ~THE END~ Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Find light in the beautiful sea I choose to be happy You and I, you and I We’re like diamonds in the sky You’re a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I’m alive We’re like diamonds in the sky I knew that we’d become one right away Oh, right away At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays I saw the life inside your eyes So shine bright tonight, you and I We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Eye to eye, so alive We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Palms rise to the universe As we moonshine and molly Feel the warmth, we’ll never die We’re like diamonds in the sky You’re a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I’m alive We’re like diamonds in the sky At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays I saw the life inside your eyes So shine bright tonight, you and I We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Eye to eye, so alive We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond So shine bright tonight, you and I We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Eye to eye, so alive We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond © 2012 VirgoAvatar |
1 Review Added on October 31, 2012 Last Updated on October 31, 2012 Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing