Watch Over You Chapter 9

Watch Over You Chapter 9

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Watch Over You Chapter 9


Nick's POV

When at last we'd parted our separate ways, I couldn't stop or hide my grin ... not by a long shot. While it was almost like a date, it was so much fun.  Even on the way back home with Ty, I kept my smile in tact. Everything we did from playing games to riding on the roller-coaster again with Joe & Ty still posing as my dad, from singing on stage with him ... I mean talk about an awesome night. It was a bummer to see it end so soon, but I was still psyched for tomorrow. But then I got a thought, voicing my concerns aloud to Ty.

Nick: What if he starts talking about tonight with my dad tomorrow?

Ty: Well on this subject, I have options for you. First, I could stop Joe from bringing it up by diverting him from telling Hugo. Or second, I could also just let Joe go on & have Hugo tune his voice out like he didn't hear him & thats where he'll just give up talking about to him & turn to you.

Nick: Either way sounds fine I guess, but I do have one more concern ... what about Donnie?

Ty: On the Donie subject, he's not going to be coming although he'll really want to once he finds out where you guys are going, but instead he'll just go hang out on his own ... maybe catch up with a few friends he's neglected for a long time since he's been crushing on you.

Nick: *Sighs rubbing my tired eyes with my hands* I don't think I'll ever get used to him having a crush on me.

Ty: I know, thats why you two maybe could use a little space. I know your both best friends, but every now & then you two have the right to do your own thing.

Nick: Yeah, I guess you're right. *And with that thought in mind, I went to sleep & I assumed Ty did so too. The next morning, I woke up first & went over to my dad's room finding him snoring loudly in his bed. He had all his covers & sheets tossed to the side & his hair was all bed-haired, in which I just giggled at this. Knowing my dad so well, I knew he'd been up late writing songs of his. I tip-toed over to his pages of sheet music that were laying on top of the silver greyish chair that was to the left of his bed. His room was so awesome, from the modern & open concept feeling to the little things. Mostly I loved his double door patio access & of course the sleek & very cool gas electric fireplace right next to them. Not to mention had a nice LED flat screen that sat on top of a dark wood dresser for us to watch our favorite movies & TV shows. He also had about five plants in the room, just making it flow even nicer & on each side of his bed were end tables with a lamp on top of them. Lastly when I laid on his bed it was always cool to look up at the ceiling to see not only a fan but a huge area encased in wood. To me it was like if you ever turned his room upside down, you could certainly walk on the wood like it was flooring*

I smiled reading over what he'd written in the previous night & imagined how it would sound. He's so brilliant & I just love hearing him sing. While he, Donie & now Ty & even Joe say I'm really talented ... I just always think back to my dad & how amazing he is. I just know he will change the world with his music. After I'd finished looking over his newest masterpieces, I looked back at my dad. He was still in his wondrous sleep mode & I couldn't say I didn't blame him. Usually he wakes up first & has to wake me up, but it still isn't that early. I looked over at his clock & it said 10:15 AM. On days off, I guess you could say before school even started I liked sleeping in till like 10:45 or 11:00 AM, sometimes a little over till noon, but not usually over that. My dad & I love our sleeping-in-days, its like heaven to us. So being as quiet &

discreet as I could, I slipped into his bed & laid next to him. Though he didn't stir, he smiled & I knew instantly that he was awake this entire time.

Nick: Good morning. *I sing-songed softly*

Hugo: *Wraps arms blindly around him* Morning buddy, happy Sunday.

Nick: Happy Sunday. *I smiled* How long have you been awake?

Hugo: Since I heard you come in, you know I hear good.

Nick: Yeah? I'm kind of surprised with that snoring, I would think you were so far gone in slumber.

Hugo: I was, but also convinced you I was asleep.

Nick: That so? And what was the purpose of that?

Hugo: Simple to do this. *Starts tickling him in his secret tickle spot; grins opens up eyes*

Nick: *Starts laughing* Heyyy!

Hugo: *Eventually stops to let him catch his breath; still grinning* I gotta surprise for you.

Nick: *Jokes* Thanks, but I think one tickle-fest is enough.

Hugo: Actually this is way better, we're going to go somewhere down south today with a friend of mine.

Nick: *Even though I already knew what it was, I still wanted to hear it from him* Oh yeah, where down south?

Hugo: SDZ.

Nick: Awesome! *I smiled big now that it was confirmed*

Hugo: So with that in mind, what should we have for breakfast hmm?

Nick: How about ... *Whispers into his ear*

Hugo: I like that sound of that already. *Starts to get up* Well then I'll get to that & you get dressed, meet you in the kitchen.

Nick: Deal. *Exchanges high-fives with him; slides off his bed going back to my room. I opened up my closet & looked through it picking out a blue t-shirt & a pair of jeans. Just as I was about to go find dad, I stopped & asked* Ty you there?

Ty: *Joins next to him* Of course, what's up & morning. You look great. *I nodded to him*

Nick: Morning & thanks, just getting ready.

Ty: I see, someone's just ready to see a certain history teacher.

Nick: *Blushes* Yep.

Ty: Cool, well go on & eat, fill your stomach, I'll be around.

Nick: Okay, I'll holler if I need you.

Ty: Noted, have fun.

Nick: *Waves to him runs over to my dad to help him with the breakfast*

Ty's POV

I knew that more than anything he just wanted to spend time with just Joe & his dad today, which is why I didn't appear to him even when he first woke up. Besides interrupting such adorable father & son moments like that, is just not cool. Besides Nick needs his time with them, & by backing off slightly Nick will learn to be more comfortable hanging with Joe though this time he'll be with Hugo as well. While I'm here to help, I also don't want to just baby Nick too much. I know he's strong enough to figure certain things out on his own, while at the same time I'm still here for him. Watching them eat their breakfast together & begin to talk about their day ahead of them, I ate some breakfast of my own. Shortly the two finished & cleaned up & headed out. Hugo drove them down the five freeway down south just as he'd hinted to Nick from before. Just to save them a longer journey, I made sure to follow them overhead clearing any building traffic making them invisible & the same went for Joe who was also traveling a ways in front of them on his motorcycle. I smirked, Joe had gotten up at exactly 10:00 AM & gotten dressed & eaten his own share of breakfast then moved on to traveling down to the zoo just as the Jonases were. For Joe, he was even more excited just to get there & naturally to see Nick. While he was psyched about the animals, he was even more so about Nick. He truly was into Nick & couldn't really stop himself from thinking of the teen boy.

Joe's POV

Well so far so good, there hasn't been that bad of traffic this morning which is sort of odd considering how busy it usually is. Though I don't always travel down south, I definitely recall from time to time this freeway being more backed up. But hey whatever the reason, I'm grateful for it. This way I'll make to the zoo in no time. Its another hot day, for right now while I'm driving at least there's that breeze thats nice & cool blowing at my face as I continue on. And for the occasion, I just wore a leather black jacket on the road while underneath it I just had a white & orange striped tank topped with a pair of black pants & same color sandals. All & all I was ready to take a tour & check out the animals alongside Hugo & his son. I honestly couldn't wait, there's just something about Nick that makes me happy & then there's a need to be be with him continuing to get to know the shy cute curly-haired brunette.

Soon enough I got off the exit turning left going down the street eventually turning left again to get into the parking lot. I chose a spot as close to the entrance as I could. I then parked & started to remove my helmet & took off my jacket, putting it away securely in my bike's compartment. Afterwards I walked over to the ticket booth & purchased one for myself. I really wanted to pay for Nick & Hugo's tickets, but I wasn't sure it was honestly okay to do so. I haven't known either of the Jonas guys long, but Hugo looks one to take charge & pay his way & for Nick's. If anything I don't want him to ever realize how much I'm into his son, the last thing I want is for Hugo to jump to conclusions that there's something going on with Nick & I & while there subtly is ... its all innocent & it'll stay that way till he's older & perhaps maybe then we pursue a relationship one day. I've already admitted to myself that I like him a lot, but what's more important right now is just being his teacher first & friend second & let it go from there.

Just as I was looking around waiting for the guys, I heard my name & I turned to find Hugo coming over with Nick. Immediately I started walking over to them to meet them halfway.

Joe: Hey!

Hugo: Hey Joe, good to see you.

Nick: *Waves to him* Hi Mr. Anderson.

Joe: Right back at you both, so *Claps hands together* how was the ride?

Hugo: Very smooth, I think.

Nick: Yep. *Agrees*

Joe: Thats good, you know mine was too.

Hugo: Was it, guess its our lucky day. Have you already got your ticket?

Joe: Yeah. *Nods*

Hugo: Alrighty, I'll be right back then with ours. *Goes to the ticket booth*

Joe: *Nods again; turns to Nick* So you excited?

Nick: Definitely, I honestly don't know where we'll start.

Joe: Me too. *Chuckles* Hmm I know its a lot to see, so how about we work to the right?

Nick: Why right?

Joe: I don't, just sounds right.

Nick: *Laughs*

Joe: *Sings* Just turn right.

Nick: *Eyes widen* Wow.

Joe: Its just a little song I wrote recently.

Nick: I'd love to hear it.

Joe: Sure. *I promised*

Nick: *Beams* So did you know that this place first opened in 1915, & its about 99 acres also housing 3,700 animals & more?

Joe: No, actually I didn't gotta say thats very cool though.

Nick: Yeah it is, I like random little facts like that.

Joe: *Smiles* Thats good, you know what they say knowledge is power.

Nick: Mm, that it is.

Hugo: *Comes back over to them; hands Nick his ticket* Alrighty all set.

Joe: Awesome, after you two. *I gestured as Hugo walked back towards the entrance in the lead, Nick right behind him with myself rounding at the end. Inside the gates, we all saw the sign of Front Street marking the very first street of many ways to go to*

Hugo: So which way guys or should we do a bus tour ride first?

Nick: Maybe later dad, after all each of us were just sitting this entire time getting here & its better to stretch our legs.

Hugo: An excellent & fair point, which is why my boy you're in the lead.

Joe: *Awaits Nick's decision*

Nick: How about we go right & start with *Looks at my map* the Urban Jungle?

Hugo: Works for me.

Joe: Me too, plus on the way is the very cute ...

Nick: Koala bear, which are arboreal herbivorous marsupials-

Hugo: *Chuckles* He'll do that a lot, he's knows his facts very well.

Joe: I see, I was just saying to him thats so great.

Nick: *Blushes; hopes its not coming across as annoying for Joe; starts to walk along the path keeping to the right side of the street just in case of the bus that rides down the same way. In no time we were gazing at the soft & fuzzy grey bears along with other cool species from Australia. We watched the koala's chew on their favorite food which was mainly eucalyptus leaves munching happily barely noticing our presence. Moving on we spent a lot of time checking all the Urban Jungle had to offer. We saw brown & black bears, mountain loins, monkeys, sea otters, baboons, cheetahs, leopards, meerkats (which definitely reminded me of The Lion King), ostriches, rhinos, gazelles, ox's, but the highlight of it was the giraffes by far. They stood the tallest walking around in their exhibits, so graceful & gentle. I'd always cherished seeing them above all the rest of the animals just admiring them as they went about their lives. And plus it just felt so up close & personal, they were different sizes from baby to adult, & to me it was just too cute*

With every new animal species we stopped & checked out, it just seemed to get cooler & cooler by the second. There were no words needed, just watching each individual specie was enough to render all three of us speechless. While surrounding kids & families & all others cooed this & that with each other, we just all grinned & chuckled. We eventually continued on to the Asian Passage & then on to Africa Rocks, hitting up a lot of awesome looking animals. Then we made our way back towards the Elephant Odyssey seeing creatures like vultures, rattlesnakes, donkey's, llamas, camels, & of course the main kings & queens of the entire space ... the humungous elephants occupying the space in their own care center just for them. Of course we spent a lot of time watching them, what always wowed me personally besides their size was the way the were so curious sometimes coming so close to us staring at us. Naturally you just stare back watching them eat & whatnot.

Hugo: *Just like Joe & Nick, I too was just like wowed by all the animals & so was everyone else passing on by to check every single one out. Our next stop was the Polar Rim, which was made up all the Arctic & Antarctica familiars like polar bears, caribou, arctic foxes & more. Then onward we saw zebras (my absolute favorite), eagles, flamingos, & lots of other birds, which led us to the next big area for us to scope called the Lost Forest. It was quite a large space as we walked it not missing a single area. We continued seeing animals like: gorillas, more monkeys, hippos, crocs & alligators, tigers & more cats. Our last two areas of the park was the Discovery Outpost which was home to Wedgeforth Bowl & the Clark Theater for two different performances that we of course caught while eating lunch together. Our last sights were the reptile house & anything else we missed. Then finally we decided to take the bus which took us around the whole place, but at least this time we just sat back & just got to enjoy everything all over again. We saw everything we could & stayed till just about closing time, which was 6:00 PM. It was then we parted ways with Joe saying bye for now. I drove Nick & I back home arriving again in record time back at our house*

Nick's POV

It had such an amazing day, I was still reeling once again in the awesomeness of it all. First of all we walked the entire zoo & took the tour bus too, so really it was a full day. The animals were just the coolest, every single one truly was unique. And just hanging with my dad & Joe was so fun, while we made small comments here & there, we mostly just appreciated the sights of taking in everything together. Amazingly the day had lasted almost forever, it was a shame when Joe had to go his way. If only I could go with him, but I knew I couldn't but maybe one day. I still wanted to hear his song & any others. In turn I'd share my own shyly & together maybe we'd just sing together since it was growing to be most comfortable feeling in the world for me, just as I was growing comfortable just hanging with him. And as it turns out, Joe didn't mention the previous night to my dad as we toured the zoo throughly. It wasn't till I got home, after eating dinner together & then showering & laying with my dad reminiscing the day's events.

Nick: *Cuddled up next to him* That was just so fun.

Hugo: It was, I think you'll be smiling like that forever you know.

Nick: *Chuckles lightly pushing his elbow* Very funny.

Hugo: I'm serious, you're happy are you not?

Nick: I am. *I sighed nodding*

Hugo: Me too, buddy. *Hugs him*

Nick: Mm-hmm. *I closed my eyes*

Hugo: You know I think I have an idea.

Nick: What's that?

Hugo: Well Joe & I were talking about him coming by the music room more, seeing how he's been getting back into his music, so I asked if he'd like to join us for lunch. But before anything I want to make sure its alright with you first.

Nick: *My eyes snapped opened & I looked at him for a while* Of course I don't mind.

Hugo: You sure?

Nick: Positive, Mr. Anderson's a very cool guy.

Hugo: Oh yeah, cooler than me? *I prompted him*

Nick: Maybe a little. *I teased only a little*

Hugo: *Laughs* I see he's grown on you too then, alright then the next time I see him or talk to him, I'll let him know its all good.

Nick: Cool, he's probably very excited for it.

Hugo: Oh he is, kind of reminds me of us you know & how music just lights the both of us too.

Nick: Well its only the most natural feeling ever. *I reminded* In music we find connections & more.

Hugo: Music will always soothe the soul.

Nick: That it will.

Hugo: Sweetheart?

Nick: Yes?

Hugo: I was wondering if you to like to surprise Joe tomorrow with a chance to see ... *Creates drumroll*

Nick: See what? *I eagerly wanted to know*

Hugo: If you'd like to invite him to see John Mayer live in concert. *Grins; showing him the three tickets*

Nick: Oh my God! *Sits up fast* Where you'd get those?!

Hugo: I secretly won them recently & have been hanging on to them just waiting for the perfect moment to tell you.

Nick: I can't believe it, thats AWESOME!

Hugo: So I take that as a definite yes?

Nick: You think? *I beamed; giggling excitingly* Wait do you think Mr. Anderson will want to go?

Hugo: There's a possibly yes, if he's not busy which I think he said he wasn't.

Nick: Dad?

Hugo: Yeah?

Nick: Thank you so much!

Hugo: *Smiles* Your welcome.

And with that I fell asleep in his room, super happily for another day I'd get to spend with Joe. I don't know what my dad's up to or if its Ty, but whatever the case I'm not really concerned with right now. The main thing I hope is that Joe will be free & will want to go with us. It'll be just stellar, & best of getting to see one of my favorite artists live in concert with my dad & my crush, how much more awesome can it get?

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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That was perfect. I loved how they all just enjoyed each others company while looking at the animals. I can't wait to see how Donnie acts when Joe starts coming to their lunches at school. The concert will be great maybe Joe & Nick might hold hands or hug that would be so cool.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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That was perfect. I loved how they all just enjoyed each others company while looking at the animals. I can't wait to see how Donnie acts when Joe starts coming to their lunches at school. The concert will be great maybe Joe & Nick might hold hands or hug that would be so cool.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on October 9, 2012
Last Updated on May 9, 2013
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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