![]() Watch Over You Chapter 8A Chapter by VirgoAvatarWatch Over You Chapter 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Idylla's POV Donie: Mom, you had no idea how it felt ... so just stop okay ... Nick's made his decision. *Already tired of talking about this with her cause clearly I should except it & move on* Idylla: But honey, you love him like a lot. Donie: I know, but its not helping you trying to say "not to give up" to me. Idylla: But I mean it. Donie: *Shakes head* I'm going to bed mom, but thanks for the talk anyways. *Leaves the room finally* Idylla: *Whispers* Goodnight son. *I was only trying to help, but maybe for once I was going a little overboard. I just thought somewhere in my heart of hearts, Nick felt the same too. Maybe Hugo & I have truly misread it all along* Donie's POV I know she meant well, but seriously I should've maybe reconsidered telling her. I walked into my room, pushing the door open & falling onto my bed face first. So I tried & epically got turned down flat, yep sure didn't see that coming. Now I kind of wish I'd kept my feelings locked up or more bottled up. I sighed, its a bummer & embarrassing. But I think it might be time to move on from this ... which is going to be hard cause its Nick. Why me? Ty's POV Nick: So ... *I began as we began flying up into the air like he had the previous night* where are we heading this time? Ty: Well I have many places I could think of, but I would rather hear your destinations. Nick: *Thinks for a moment* Can we travel along the coast up north? I mean I see it here & there from the five freeway when dad drives me, but I don't always get to see everything that hugs its shores. Ty: I like it, I'm down! *Takes his hand flying us towards the ocean to start our journey along the shore* You sure love the beach don't you? Nick: Yeah, its awesome what's not to love? Ty: Mm, very true. Nick: *Begins to see the water coming closer into view* Wow. Ty: *Watching his reactions* Nick: *Looks back him; smiles happily* What? Ty: Nothing, I just love seeing you smile. Nick: Do you? Ty: Very much so. *Tells him* Nick: Aww. *I cooed a little* Ty: Ha ha ha. Nick: So tell more please? *I prompted him knowing he'd know what I meant* Ty: Of course. Well besides being your full-time GA, I've always loved since I was thirteen ... writing music, singing/rapping, mixing tracks, performing in front of others, listening to artists like Earth, Wind, & Fire & Bill Withers which are my ultimate favorites. *Sings* Its a lovely dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. *In a Bill Withers voice* And lets see, I'm maturing. and it's no longer my goal to be a Power Ranger. Now my goal is to be Blade. Step one, baby: Awesome military- esk haircut. Nick: *Eyes sparkle; chuckles cutely* Oh yeah? A vampire slayer over a Power Ranger? All I can say dude ... is whoa. Ty: Yeah I'm such a little weirdo huh? Nick: Pretty much, but you're still a cool guy. Ty: Right back at you Nick, gotta admit I do admire your shine. Nick: *Blushes* Wait did you say you could rap? Ty: *Stops flying for a moment; grins a lot* Yes. Nick: I want to hear you, please? Ty: For you, of course. *Continues to grin creating a good beat with a nice mix; adds in a mike begins rapping* Un, Yeah .. Lets take a minute to be honest for a second I've been on your TV screen ever since I was 11 I'm not trying to show off I just know that you won't forget it When I spin it You'll be saying Is this kid really legitimate? Well maybe legit If I never was a star a broke down car But said I had a Ferrari When I was really eating at Arby's And every one of my bills was tardy If thats what you wanna do then cool I mean the rags the riches is what we learn about in school But we also learn that ryhming is something you shouldn't do And that being a rapper means that you ain't telling the truth ... right? Nick: *Moving head to his beat; beaming. I watched as he closed his eyes at times & lost himself in his rap. And when he finished I was like ...* WHOA! Man ... you're really good! Ty: You think so? Nick: I know so dude, I really liked it. It was cool & you rapped on the spot. Did you just come up with it? Ty: Thanks & I'm glad you enjoyed it, yeah pretty much. You know I got more & even a part for you too, its a totally different song from this one though. Nick: *Smiles* You've been holding back a duet song? Ty: I've been working on it for awhile now, & I just figured out the main chorus for you to sing. Maybe tomorrow we can work on it together? Nick: Sure, I'm game. Ty: Awesome, I promise it'll be so fly. Nick: As fly as actually flying? Ty: Even flyer. Nick: Oh, yeah well we'll see soon enough right? Ty: You bet. But in the meantime, I bet anything you want a little more of closer look. *Takes him lower to hover right above the water; touches it* Try it. Nick: *Leans to touch the water; gasps as I felt the coolness of it; laughs* So unreal. Ty: Hmm. *Grins; flicks a bit of sprinkles to him wetting him only a little bit* Nick: *Squeals* Hey! Ty: Wasn't me. *I continued to grin* Nick: Yes it was. *I laughed doing the same to him* Ty: *Smirks stilling our flight over the water; pulls him up to hover over the water. If was like we were standing on top of the water* Nick: *Looks around at his movement; stutters* W-what are you up to? Ty: *Holds his hand still flying flying above him; restarts to fly the both of us once again* Just watch & enjoy the view. Nick: *At first I didn't know what he meant, till I looked down. A smiled formed on my face, I could feel it growing. It felt like I was water skiing as my feet dangled so close to the water beneath me; giggles at the amazing feeling* Ty: *For me it was all about making him smile again & again, bringing him joy & happiness just like this. And even though its a little thing, he's having the time of his life ... & that right there makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. Not that I'm trying show off every little thing I can do, I just want to show him what I see on a regular daily basis. I want him to see the beauty & wonder on the world like this, cause it will leave one in awe. Eventually I leaned down to sweep him into my arms continuing our flight north. Eventually I arrived at our star destination revealing it to him, as we hovered gently down to stand on the pier of Santa Monica* Nick: *I smiled very excitedly. I knew exactly where we were now, I'd been with my dad a few times in the past. It was a favorite spot of mine, just cause of the the beach, the pier itself with its neat roller-coaster & giant Ferris wheel, carousel, arcade & more* You know me well. Ty: I do. *I told him* So which ride first? Nick: The roller-coaster duh! *Takes his hand leading him towards it* Ty: Cool! *I ran along with him letting him lead me towards the line, good thing there wasn't much of line & we got a seat together fast on our first of many rides on the coaster for the night. We screamed & threw up our hands time after time going around each curve & sudden drop & twist of the track speeding on. Watching Nick & feeling his mixture of emotions made it even more satisfying to know he was having a blast. It was as it should be, he's still so young & got many years ahead of him, just been a teen right now is good for him. After about ten straight rides in a row, we got off. I followed Nick as he wobbled a bit to a nearby bench* You alright? *I wanted to check* Nick: *Smiles* I'm awesome, that was fun! Ty: *Grins* Sweet, yeah it was. Nick: *Sighs happily; revealing my thoughts aloud to him even though he pretty much knew I'm sure* Its just been so long ... since I've just ... had a really good time like this. Ty: *Nods; turns serious* Its why I brought you here, plus you need more fun in your life no offense Nick ... but I don't want feel alone, cause you're not, you won't ever be. Nick: Thank you so much. *I stood up* I needed this & you're right, I know. Ty: Anytime, whirlwind. I also have a surprise for ya so close your eyes & I'll lead ya. Nick: Okay. *I closed my eyes & waited. I soon felt his hand grab onto my wrist leading me carefully towards wherever we were going. In my mind I assumed he was taking me towards another ride or perhaps a game to win a prize. A few minutes later, he told me to open my eyes & when I did my mouth dropped open. There ... right on the small stage set was Joe ... as in Joe my history history aka Mr. Anderson. I blinked rapidly* Am I dreaming? Ty: *Folds arms* Nope this is the real deal, he's up there singing so enjoy the show. Nick: *Freezes like a statue* What if HE sees me? Ty: Then he'll see you. Nick: He might come over & talk to me though. *I started to get nervous* Ty: Relax, ace that'll be a good thing trust me. Nick: But I, how do I explain ... who I'm with? Ty: Leave it to me, now shush ... your man's about to sing. Nick: I ... *Suddenly Joe's voice spoke through the mike & sounded loudly from the speakers & I just turned back to face him, completely stuck in my spot. I couldn't believe he was here of all places & on the same night as I was. Thats when I realized Ty had planned this, he must have been watching his moments. Maybe I can sneak off before Joe notices me ...* Ty: *Nick was right, I had planned this whole night, but it was even more perfect when Joe happened to be in the same area too. I knew it would be great for the two to hang out outside of school, this way Nick could relax more easy. And as for Nick's thoughts on sneaking off, as much as I know he didn't want Joe to notice him ... it was something I knew in the end after nerves were long gone ... he'd be more comfortable. So with that I loudly called aloud before Joe could finish* Do a duet! Nick: *Instantly hisses at him* Ty!! Ty: Duet, duet, duet! *I began to chat & soon enough the crowd surround him was chanting the same as well. The only one's who were silent were Joe & Nick & just like that I made sure to shine a random spotlight on Nick specifically ... & thats when Joe's eyes locked on Nick's. I transformed fast while all other attentions were distracted, into Hugo for Nick so just in case Joe asked who he came with this way Nick wouldn't be left to stutter out a excuse or lie* Joe's POV That dream had been so real to me, while little bits of it was faded ... others were so clear & God ... I almost felt like I was actually kissing Nick & touching him. That morning I woke up, I felt different ... I'd never fantasized about a student before. I smiled of that short week I'd gotten to know him & already thanks to that & the dream ... I think I've fallen for him. All day I thought about it, I never thought of myself being gay or actually liking someone who was still a child. That thought alone made my heart clench, it was against the law to engage in relationships with minors. Things like teachers & students dating was something more appropriate maybe in college, but in middle school ... it was like a taboo. Even with this in mind, I still couldn't seem to shake myself of Nick. What was about the kid that made me ... fall like this? No girl, women & certainly no guy has ever made me feel like I am feeling now. I knew I needed to clear my head, so I spent most of my time hanging up north by Universal Studios & eventually just went into the theme park & while it took my mind of Nick for mostly the rest of the afternoon. It wasn't till the evening when I decided to chill & hang out at Santa Monica Pier. It was there that I found a cool thing going on with stage & a sign saying karaoke. At that sight I went for it, but funnily enough once I got started singing a song ... I shortly got many requests for me to stay up & continue cause honestly tonight not many were wanting to try & do any singing, so I shrugged & stayed up there singing more songs. Five songs later, I was taking a short break getting some water ... & when I got back on the stage, I was about to tell the audience who had stuck around since I'd gotten up there ... that I was going to call it a night ... but just like that someone shouted "duet." And pretty soon all the rest of the crowd was too, guess they were up for more, but thing is who was going to get on stage with me & sing? And just like that a spotlight shined out on a random person & my eyes locked on the said person. At first I thought I was dreaming all over again, but I felt the nice breeze flow & the audience smiled & clapping trying to convince him to come up on stage with me. I was off the stage in a flash & the crowd parted as I came over to him. We stared at each other for a few moments. It was Nick, my student & the boy was taking over my mind with every second ticking by. He looked like a dear caught in headlights, frozen in place & shocked. Ty: *Coming up behind Nick, I waved & greeted Joe & then whispered to Nick* Go on buddy, go sing with him its fine. Nick: *I broke eye contact with Joe & looked at Ty ... or rather him posing as my dad & nodded. There was no running now, not that Joe was in front of me standing & still the crowd was eager apparently for the duet. I walked over to Joe & waved shyly* Hi ... Mr. Anderson. Joe: *Smiles back* Hey Nick, so you going to sing with me? *Leans over to him as we walked towards the stage* You know you don't have to if you don't want to. Nick: *Shakes head* Its alright, I'm sure it'll be cool. But ... what song do you want to sing? Joe: I have one in mind. *Whispers my choice song in his ear* Do you know it? Nick: Know it? *Grins* Its a favorite of mine. Joe: Mine too. *Seems like every time we're together, we find more in common. Whatever the reason, our paths have crossed tonight ... I'm smiling ear to ear either way* Alright guys, please welcome on stage a future musician ... give it up for Nick Jonas! Nick: *I waved as the people seemed to cheer louder even though I hadn't said a word to them. I smiled finally speaking after they had quieted down a little bit* Hey everyone, thank you. We've chosen a song, its a familiar one ... hope you enjoy it. *I nodded at Joe & he began first* Joe: *I found the song in the tracks & pushed play as the stringed instruments started off the song perfectly & waited to start* I need another story Something to get off my chest My life gets kinda boring Need something that I can confess 'Til all my sleeves are stained red From all the truth that I've said Come by it honestly I swear Thought you saw me wink, no I've been on the brink, so I nodded at Nick for him to join in with me & together we sang the first chorus. Tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time, don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away Nick: *I took in a breath & took the next two versus. Once again singing with Joe had made me forget about the rest of the world ... it was just us two singing, letting the music show us the way & guide us. And so far it was getting the crowds attention cause in the back of mind I could hear their cheers, whistles & whoops of praise. And so I continued on ... blushing lightly feeling all eyes on me including Joe's* My God, amazing how we got this far It's like we're chasing all those stars Who's driving shiny big black cars And everyday I see the news All the problems that we could solve And when a situation rises Just write it into an album Send it straight to gold But I don't really like my flow, no, so Joe: *Oh how I could listen to his voice endlessly, it was so amazing. I hadn't forgotten the last time we'd sung together & even hearing him on his own, my God ... I just love his flow. I smiled entranced by him hearing his emotion & joined in with him. Singing with him brought out my passion & comfortable connection that came so natural every time we were together, I'd noticed* Tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears I'm sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time, don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away Nick: *A musical break gave a chance for us to catch our breaths for a brief few seconds. For the next verse we broke it up back & forth having fun with it* Oh, got no reason, got no shame Joe: Got no family I can blame Nick: Just don't let me disappear Together: I'ma tell you everything So tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears *I pointed my to my ears with a finger* Sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away *Nick raised his hand up* This time, don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away So tell me what you want to hear Something that will light those ears Sick of all the insincere So I'm gonna give all my secrets away This time, don't need another perfect lie Don't care if critics ever jump in line I'm gonna give all my secrets away *Gets closer to Nick* All my secrets away, all my secrets away *Smiles as we ended it awesomely* Nick: *Joe & I added on some little vocalizations at the end & smiled high-five each other, while the audience was now scream-cheering* Joe: *Finally after it quieted down the crowd seemed to move on towards a new source of entertainment watching a group of dancers. Thats when Nick & I got off the stage & started to walk towards the edge of the pier towards the water* That was so awesome, Nick. Nick: It totally was. *I put my hands in my pockets* You were great, you owned the stage. *I smiled shyly* Joe: Well you know what you owned it with your voice ... that alone caught everyone's attention. *Including mine I wanted so badly to tell him* Nick: *Blushes ducks head down* Hmm. Joe: *Then & there it was hard cause all I wanted to do was tip his chin up & look into his eyes & lean in to kiss him. But instead I asked him ...* So you here with your dad I saw earlier, where'd he go? Nick: *Looks around not seeing any sign of him actually Ty was no where in sight. Ty?* Ty: Yes? Nick: *Where'd you go?* Ty: I'm nearby, look just tell him you don't know. I could be in the bathroom, maybe checking out something ... its okay to leave you alone with him a few minutes before I come back being my father-self for you so go on, answer him. Nick: *I shrugged* I'm not sure, he's around here I'm sure. Joe: Oh, cool. I just wanted to make sure were still on for going to the zoo tomorrow in San Diego, he said he was bringing you too. Nick: He did? *Looks at him* Joe: Yeah, it'll be a lot of fun. I don't know about you but its been forever since I last visited, & I miss it just cause I enjoy seeing all the different species in one place. My favorite's are the polar bears, zebras & the giraffes. Nick: Oh my God yeah same here. *I smiled beaming at him* I love those three you listed, but for me I love wolves most of all. Joe: Nice. *I complimented him* Nick: *Giggles* Yeah, so what brings you here tonight? Joe: *Shrugs* Just getting out of Sunnyside, for the day ... I like to drive & see the sights. I was mostly at Universal- Nick: Studios? Joe: The one & only, yeah. Nick: Thats awesome, its such a cool place! Joe: Isn't it, that all the other theme parks too ... but my absolute number one favorite is Knott's Berry- Nick: Farm? *Eyes light up* Thats mine too! Joe: Get out really? Nick: Yeah, I've been going there for as long as I can remember. I love KBF! Joe: *High-5's with him* Same here, its western themed & just the best need I say more. Nick: *Nods* I agree 100% & more. Joe: *I was about to say more when a girl came over to us. She was smiling big as she greeted as both* Hi there. *I waved & crotched down to her level* Girl: *Hugs her vanilla teddy bear; giggling* You two were so great up on stage! Joe: *Smiles* Why thank you & what's you name? Girl: I'm Liza, nice to meet you Joe & Nick. *Waves at Nick happily* Nick: *Leans down to her level* Hi Liza, its nice to meet you too & thank you. Joe: Well Liza thats a beautiful name you have there & very nice to meet you as well. Liza: Thanks. Well I just wanted to tell you two how cool you both were, I got to go now my family's waiting for me. Oh but before I do, you two make a cute couple, bye guys. *Waves again running back to her parents* Nick: *I was about to thank her even more, when she said the ending part ... I blushed brightly* Bye Liza. *I waved* Joe: *Waves too chuckling* My she's a real cute kid. *Stands back up* Nick: *Stands up too; looks down the entire time trying to hide my blush* Joe: *Looks at him* You okay? Nick: *Nods; looks at him; heart flutters at the look in his eyes. In my mind it was like he was concerned* Yeah. Joe: You know she was just joking on a couple thing. *I stated as he nodded again, even though I found it sweet hearing it said aloud by a small/little girl. Looking into his eyes, I could see he was slightly embarrassed, so I tried to lighten the mood by asking if he wanted to join in a friendly game of basketball. He smiled quickly accepting which made me smile too. What was it about him that brought about such peace, such serenity in a way just from being with him? Even as we played & tried to shoot some hoops in order to try & win a huge oversized stuff-dinosaur, I quickly forgot about all surrounding people & details. It was just Nick & I* Nick: *Taking turns we took our shots, while it was kind of hard cause it was way taller than I was ... I knew it would be probably easier for Joe, just cause he was taller that I was. But he too for some reason wasn't quite able to make it either. Suddenly as I about to shot the last ball, he said my name & I turned around to see him directly behind me. I swear my breath just caught in my throat & my heart was thumping fast again* Joe: Go for it Nick. *I grinned* You can do this. Nick: *I nodded & took a breath steadying myself into position to shoot. And with an almost curve I took the shot & waited. Right then & there, my eyes widened as the ball made it through the hoop. I was overcome with joy then, I just exclaimed & whooped* Joe: *Watching him get excited about his victory shot had to be the cutest thing I'd ever seen in a long time. I was still grinning big when I went over to him* Awesome score Nick. *I high-5ed with him again* Nick: Thank you. *High-5's back; holding my t-rex prize* Couldn't have did it without you. *I said truthfully* Joe: Ah, sure you could. And wow thats even bigger up close it seems. Nick: Yeah no kidding, not sure where I'll put it. Joe: You'll think of something I'm sure. Ty: *Comes back over to them. As much as I disliked ruining their moment together I knew that it would be odd for Hugo just to disappear like that & be gone for long* Hey guys, whoa thats a cool t-rex. Nick: Hey & yeah it sure is. J ... *I almost slipped* Mr. Anderson here helped me win it. Joe: I just encouraged him was all, in the end it was all him. Ty: That right, well good work both of you. And sorry I was gone for long, I had some chilly cheese fries that I guess didn't agree with me. Joe: *Chuckles* Its all good, I know exactly what you mean but hey they're still so good. Ty: You got that right. Nick: *Chili cheese fries Ty, come on dude* Ty: *I thought it was a good excuse* Nick: *I guess but its still cheesy* Ty: *And that my friend, is why it works* So by the way, you sounded awesome up there on stage. Joe I see you having a solo career probably nearby in the future. Joe: *Smiles* Thanks Hugo & oh how I wish. Nick: You should do it Mr. Anderson. *Adds in* Joe: One day maybe yeah. Ty: So any who, who's up for some more games? *Gestures to the booths just ready for people to come over & play* Nick: Me. *I raised my hand* Ty: What about you Joe? Joe: Sure, why not lets go for it. Ty: Cool. *And Nick* Nick: *Yeah?* Ty: *He's SO into you. Oh man if you could hear his thoughts* Nick: *What, get out* Ty: *I'm like serious, he wants you the only thing holding him back right is me. And of course as much as I would love to disappear that might just look funny again just taking off. By pretending to be your dad, I can't just let you roam with a teacher alone. Although Hugo does trust Joe so far in real life, he's yet to feel comfortable with him & you hanging about alone, you get me?* Nick: *Wow & yeah I do* Ty: *Aww, I know I wish you could just go for it too. But who knows maybe soon Joe will make a move on you for real. He's already been thinking you all day, why do you think he drove up here? He was trying to take his mind off his thoughts of you, but all & all, the dude's happy to see you. Mainly he was digging you when you were singing, by the way you two were just so natural up there. I see nothing but an amazing twosome happening* Nick: *Yeah if only, he knows I'm too young & I know he's too old ... getting together is definitely not around the corner sort of speak. So thats why, he mentioned that earlier which I'm sure you watched. I was in awe when he started to sing, its like a spell taking over me. I want to be closer to him, but at the same time I can't. For now hanging with him like this is so fun. So you planned this all from the start didn't you? You knew he was going to he coming here & you brought me here at the same time* Ty: *Forget the age difference, you two are Ying & Yang remember? You're made for each other, I feel it strongly from both of you. And as for your relationship, lets just say its in the works. The closer you get together, the more both of you in the end will be saying "I love you" in no time. And yes I know, when Joe sings you beam beyond belief. And like I said the closer the two of you get, the better, just let it all flow & happen, take it day by day & you'll see. Yep, you got it sunshine. I had it all planned, its just luckily the dude was heading up here & the timing was perfect* Nick: *What about the zoo thing & the girl, that you too?* Ty: *Actually nope & nope, those happened all on their own. Hugo was going to surprise you by taking you & of course he was going to mention Joe. I just think it was cool for Joe to tell on his own, hearing it from him ... oh my gosh you were surprised & happy-excited at the same time. As for Liza, I thought that was THE cutest thing ever. I don't know how its possible but that little girl is ahead of her years & saw you & Joe as a couple* Nick: *Huh was expecting those answers, but I'm happy regardless & on the Liza subject, I'm still stunned on that* Ty: *Don't worry, it was a rare little occurrence. But she's right you two did give off a couple vibe, at least for me. The others watching thought of you as brothers, father & son, & even nephew & uncle* Nick: *Say what? They thought we were related? How's that, we don't look anything alike* Ty: *I beg to differ, you two do look similar. And if were to look at Joe's teenagers pictures, you'd see it too. But anyways, I'm sure you want to get back to the fun. I pointed to the game Joe had chosen for the three of us* Together we played for hours & time just seemed to still just hanging with Hugo & Nick, both of whom were just great guys, Nick especially. Although shy & reserved most of the time, its what I liked about him. To me though he just was a cool boy & spending time with him was nice. It seems to me, Nick is going to be on my mind no matter where I go. I've come to terms tonight while he might be my student, he can be a friend ... the both of us can be friends. I respect him & his dad a lot, & eventually I do want to spend more with Nick ... but I've got to do it subtlety. I don't want to be labeled as a creeper or worst pedophile, but I still can't deny that I feel something for Nick. And if I'm correct I'm getting that he might feel the same too. While he might of tried hiding the fact, I saw his blush many times. Its cute when he does so, cause he bites his lip or looks away or shuffles his weight. He might very well have a crush on me, just as I have a crush on him. Eventually towards the end of the night, we said our byes & headed off our ways wishing them both a good night ... & still I couldn't wait to hang with him & Hugo the next morning, aka Sunday morning. In the meantime, I left on my motorcycle & headed home. Nick Jonas ... I smiled, how that name meant a lot to me as did its owner © 2013 VirgoAvatarFeatured Review
1 Review Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on September 27, 2012Last Updated on May 9, 2013 Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing