Watch Over You Chapter 7

Watch Over You Chapter 7

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Watch Over You Chapter 7

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Ty's POV

I didn't need to watch them no longer when I made Nick visible for Joe, from there I knew it would flow & they would be more than fine. I knew Joe's intentions & I knew he wouldn't ever harm Nick or hurt him, more over I know he cares deeply for him. And if anything by Nick spending time with him now, they can form an even stronger bond. I knew Joe had fallen for Nick & vice versa, but now that he's with him right now, half of him will think its just a dream but another half will find it so real & make it harder for him to forget. I decided that it was good for Nick to stay the night, but by the morning I transported Nick's body back home. Of course he didn't know of this now yet, but he would realize it when he does open his eyes. For the night being I slept & woke at 6:00 AM to transport Nick back. I almost wanted to leave him there & let Joe discover him for real, but I knew Nick wouldn't appreciate the thought & plus I did say to him that its wise not reveal certain things ... things being that I'm helping him, which explains how he's there with Joe in the first place. Back to Nick though, he looked so peaceful in Joe's embrace, as he slept so soundly. In Joe's arms, he looked smaller & skinner but still very adorable. Once Nick was back home in his own bed, I made him visible again & erased the copy of him & left him to be. If he should need me then I'd reappear, cause I know everyone needs their space & time to themselves, I don't want to smother him like Donie seems to.

Hugo's POV

I awoke the next morning at 10:30 AM & after stretching & finishing up my business in the bathroom I went over to check on Nick. I found him still sound asleep, I didn't blame him though. That first week of school always takes it toll on the students, including the staff & I. I yawned & decided to lay with him for a bit, until my stomach rumbled softly. And while it didn't wake or stir him, I carefully got up afterwards & headed for the kitchen to make us something. It was saturday morning & it was already 87 degrees in the house, just cause I decided not to use the A/C for a bit, so I had opened the windows for a bit to left some fresh air in. As it turns out, it was still way too hot & even though it was the the last day of the month for August, according to the weather this heat wave was far from leaving & going away. Between Nick & I, we both prefer the fall & winter more over, I mean summer's great for the beach & all that, but this summer particularly has been a brutal one. I knew by running the A/C it would make the gas & electric bill sky rocket up, but I also knew that this sort of heat was hard to bear & neither Nick nor myself were even outside, so I shut the windows closed & turned on the button once again. I tell you there's only so much humidity a person can take before you say cooling off pays off. As I headed back to the kitchen I started to prepare a good breakfast for the both of us, so by the time my son decides to wake up ... it will all be mostly likely ready for him.

Nick's POV

Suddenly my body felt a lot cooler, I started to shiver a little. I used my hands to feel around for Joe, but I found no body next to mine. Thats when I opened my eyes & looked around. I was back in my room, I sighed a bit in disappointment & also in relief cause had I stayed it would've been a tough conversation. The night's memories brought a big smile to my face, though in his arms it had felt so nice. I slept so peacefully, I mean I always usually do but I can't really explain it ... but this is different, a good different. I grinned touching my lips he'd actually kissed & I blushed. We'd kissed, he'd held me, he had been on top of me briefly, we slept together but not in the way adults say it cause we actually just slept & cuddled of all things. I continued to smile happily as I got up out off my bed. When I stood up, I felt a rush. It felt like ages ago when I last stood up, I mean that flight with Ty was so amazing guess I still felt wobbly I suppose you can say. But I managed just fine, I mean walking is great, but flying ... man that was something else. I wouldn't mind flying all the time, but I guess a mix of both would require for me a little more time to adjust. Suddenly I smelled something in the air, mmm ... I detect breakfast in the making. With that I opened up my door & went over to find my dad sitting at the kitchen table digging at his plate. I tried to tip toe over to him so he wouldn't hear me since his back was facing me & couldn't see me, hopefully or so I thought.

Hugo: *Smiles putting down my fork* Mm, good stuff. *I mused to myself*

Nick: *Creeps over towards him softly; just about to surprise him*

Hugo: *Grins; turns my head to see my son* Morning sweetheart, sleep well?

Nick: *Blushes at being caught* M-morning, um yes I did. How about you?

Hugo: Like a rock. *I assured him; chuckles at his caught stance* You can unfreeze, nice try at trying to sneak up on me though. I still get you a "A" for effort, gotta work on your technique more & maybe then I'll be *Clears throat to fake gasp; smiles* you know?

Nick: *Pushes at his shoulder* Thanks. *Looks at the breakfast* Looks & smells great.

Hugo: It sure does, give it try, but first give me a hug. *Opens my arms to pull him into a bear hug*

Nick: *Giggles as I hugged back* Love you too.

Hugo: Love you more. *Rubs his back; pulls away after a few moments*

Nick: Mm-hmm. *Goes to sit in chair; starts to eat* So what's on the agenda today?

Hugo: I thought I'd let you pick, name whatever you like.

Nick: Well I was thinking swinging by the beach maybe do some surfing this morning.

Hugo: Catch some waves, soak up the sun but mind you its intense out there.

Nick: I know, thats why I wanna be in the water.

Hugo: I see, makes sense plus I think its a swell idea.

Nick: You're going to come right?

Hugo: Nah, I think I'll pass for today. I'm going to be meeting up with a few friends later on to go sportfishing.

Nick: Really? Thats cool, when are you leaving? 

Hugo: Probably in a hour since its nearly 11:00 AM now.

Nick: Okay, well have fun & be safe alright?

Hugo: Okay dad. *I teased him*

Nick: I'm serious, you're sometimes more accident prone than me.

Hugo: *Promises* I promise I'll be accident-free & on guard, its just fishing bud.

Nick: I know, but still.

Hugo: Relax, but I do appreciate the concern.

Nick: *Finishes up eating along with him; begins to clear his plate & mine, begins to start dishes until he spun me around by my shoulder before I could get the sponge* What's up? *I asked him*

Hugo: I can take care of this, you go on & have fun.

Nick: Its okay, I don't mind besides I have some chores to do.

Hugo: Its alright, I'll take of them later when I get back.

Nick: Meaning later, no offense dad but we gotta keep things clean. I'll do them, no worries alright?

Hugo: But-

Nick: *Chuckles* No buts, I've got it.

Hugo: *Sighs* I promise I'll get it all next time.

Nick: Don't worry about, its cool & okay.

Hugo: *Hugs him for a bit* I'm going to get ready.

Nick: You do that. *Smiles at him watching him walk off. I thought it was nice he was going to have some time to himself, I mean its not often I see him spending time with other guys & having fun without me. He's like Donie sometimes in the aspect to be there for me. I'm glad he'll get his time to enjoy himself & so will I, I love my dad & being with him & now that I have Ty & met him, I feel better than I did before. He's comforted me & is helping me a lot & so far though ... what have I done to return the favor?*

Ty: *Appears next to him leaning casually next to the counter next to the sink where he was at; grins* You don't have to do anything in return.

Nick: *Jumps a little not expecting him* Good morning to you too, what's up? And I know but still ...

Ty: *Kisses his forehead briefly; smiles twirling his curls playfully* Good morning whirlwind, just checking on ya. And don't worry about it, plus soon as your dad leaves I have a good fix for this whole cleaning situation.

Nick: *Folds arms leaning my weight back against the sink* Why do I get the feeling you & dad are treating like a girl?

Ty: *Chuckles* Not so, little one. Well your dad is concerned cause he knows how hard you worked this first week of school & everything & only wanted to give you a break. And as for my intentions, I agree too & also cause you shouldn't have to worry about it. I personally think its better to preserve those soft hands.

Nick: Hey I'm not that little. *I protested* But I do get you, except for maybe that last part. My hands aren't that soft.

Ty: I know, just teasing son. *I winked* Actually they are, you've just never taken the time to see it for yourself.

Nick: *Gives a skeptical pout* Sure they are, but anyways ...

Ty: *Disappears for a moment*

Hugo: *Comes back in dressed & carrying my gear* Well I'm off my boy, call me if you should need me, be safe & I'll see you later. *Waves to him; leaves the house to go outside to start up the car & put my things away in the trunk*

Nick: *I was about to say more to Ty, when I saw my dad come back into the room looking ready for his planned day. I chuckled a little & nodded* Alrighty, I will, you too see you dad. *Waves; watches him leave then says when he had shut the door* Bet he's also leaving just cause he wants to give Donie his chance to tell me his feelings. He really wants me to be with him doesn't he?

Ty: *Reappears to him; standing upward this time* That is actually true on both accounts, but remember thats only what he wants. Right now its all about what you want Nick. So tell me even though I know already, how'd you enjoy your night with Joe?

Nick: I thought as much, but I get why. *Smile widens at the mention of Joe* It was ... amazing. You probably heard what he said & I still can't believe it. And we actually kissed! My lips ... *Goes to touch them again, they feel so ...

Ty: Tingly. *I finished for him* I know & yes I did hear & see everything. It was all quite sweet, I told you there was nothing to worry about, you two are just meant to be.

Nick: My heart was beating so fast, past anything I'd ever felt before. *Continues* I'm still shaking from the aftermath. I shouldn't be so swept away by all this, but I am.

Ty: Its alright to be, you're happy I can see it in your eyes & feel in your heart. You feel wanted & loved.

Nick: *Shakes head yes* But still it will be hard to see him in class, what if he remembers & doesn't think it was just a dream?

Ty: He won't be able to explain it to himself, no need to be concerned. He'll still continue mostly likely with his teacher relationship with you, but eventually maybe he'll come by to talk to you.

Nick: *Eyes widen* About?

Ty: About you, captain oblivious. Come on, you were doing so good yesterday.

Nick: I know but what I mean is ... is he going to talk to me at school personally or come to my house?

Ty: Can't say actually cause he hasn't made his decision, but I'd probably keep both options open just in case. Although you might think that by him coming to your house is farfetched & way too unlikely to happen, the thing is he might surprise you in the type of things he'll do when it comes to you.

Nick: Really?

Ty: Really my friend.

Nick: *Smiles again, as I continued to do so after turning around to go back to the dishes*

Ty: Ah-ah-ah, like I said no need to worry about them or the chores. *Makes them all clean & the entire house completely spotless* See?

Nick: *Looks around surprised at how the house seemed to transformed just like that* Wowie.

Ty: So now thats taken care of, did I overhear plans of the beach & surfing?

Nick: Yeah, it'll be fun, lets go. Do you know how to surf?

Ty: It does, I'm in & yes I do. *Changes my clothes to boardshorts & does the same for Nick* There you go, white's a nice color on you.

Nick: *Looks down at myself* Huh, thats again really neat but weird. Are we going to fly?

Ty: If you want, its up to you. I know you loved it the other night.

Nick: *Sighs* But I shouldn't use you always for the chance to fly, when we can just walk. Will you become visible for others to see?

Ty: I will for you & I guess for others too. And I don't mind, you don't have to feel like your taking advantage of me just cause I have wings.

Nick: Right, well I still want to walk for now & maybe fly later for sure. Seriously though your wings are sweet man.

Ty: Okay then, walking it is & thanks very much. *Extends a hand for him to take*

Nick: *Blushes again at the small gesture* W-what if people .... *Links my hand with his*

Ty: *Smiles walking with him out of his house down the street* Picture just the two of us & all others not there.

Nick: Thats kind of hard though considering.

Ty: Well once again it is up to you. I do it just cause I like having your hand in mine, but it is understandable if you're not ready to come out.

Nick: *Walks on with him holding my hand; admits too* I like it as well, & I am nervous about coming out but I guess its something that I will have to do eventually. I guess for the time being I have nothing to worry about for real, the real worry will come when I tell Donie I don't feel the same way. I just wish there was an easier way to tell him.

Ty: *Gets a brilliant idea then* What if I told you I have a simple solution for you on this whole matter?

Nick: I would say lay it on me, I need advice on this big time.

Ty: Okay we all know Donie loves you a lot & wants you, but what if he had some competition?

Nick: Do you mean Joe? Cause Donie won't back down from him, I'm sure.

Ty: Nope, actually I mean myself.

Nick: *Stops walking briefly* You serious? You want Donie to see you? Okay ... now I'm confused.

Ty: Yes I am. It would be easy & you could relax easier as well. I would be doing this for you, to help.

Nick: But you're six years old than me, I definitely think that Donie & dad & even Idylla will not approve of me dating you, no offense dude.

Ty: None taken, well on the age subject ... I could make myself your age & you & I could date & that way Donie will back off.

Nick: I don't know about this Ty, honestly. It would only present more problems, just cause of dad. He won't like me choosing someone else over Donie & neither will Idylla.

Ty: I know its a different kind of idea & a bit crazy too, I agree but I could easily convince your dad & Idylla that I'm serious about you. I'll go with you to school, spend more time with you, take you out on dates & stuff like that. And then they'll see & accept us in time.

Nick: But that would mean we need to be dating right now & how's that going to work out? I haven't talked about you to anyone & no knows you at all except me. You would have to ask me out out like today.

Ty: Unless you admit to Donie that you like someone else right now & that'll stun him for a bit before he contemplates his next move on you.

Nick: Great ... decisions. *Resumes walking just cause it was getting too hot standing in one direct spot* It is a good idea, but then it just seems hard too.

Ty: *Walks with him keeping at his side* Want me to become a girl then? That would probably help more & it would be less crazy.

Nick: *Blinks; shakes head no* No you don't have to change yourself for me.

Ty: Its alright, I'm willing to do it.

Nick: You don't find it weird?

Ty: At times yes, but hey once again its all for you so I look at it as a positive. So what's it going to be?

Nick: If I date you as girl, Donie might not back down once again but maybe if I date you as you are, just a younger version than maybe it will convince him to give up his pursuit of me. But then again what if he doesn't? What if he sees this whole plan as a challenge to continue to fight for me?

Ty: You make many great points & concerns. The probability of him continuously pursing you is a indeed a factor, but I won't make it easy for him & if you truly serious about Joe, you will be honest & get your point across loud & clear & then he will move on & find someone else.

Nick: *Takes a deep breath nodding* Either way I go, I've have to turn him down even though he's my best friend since forever. I do have to do this for myself, I am serious about Joe. But that also brings me to ask, is Joe serious about me?

Ty: He clearly is & will be as time goes on, I can feel & sense it in a way, plus I'm also hoping as well.

Nick: I see. *Smiles* I hope so too. And my last option, just to stay single without you in the scene ... will be just too much I think too, cause then its like I'm an open target for him.

Ty: Exactly, you've got the "X" pretty much stamped on your forehead baby.

Nick: *Chuckles* I guess I do in a way. *Smiles; finally we arrived at the beach & I just took a lot of breaths inhaling the salt air as I felt a little nice soft breeze* How about we put the whole deciding thing on hold & catch some waves?

Ty: Sounds good to me. *Makes two surfboards appear; hands him one* Here you go.

Nick: Awesome, thanks. *Starts to run towards the water*

Ty: *Runs with him into the water*

Nick: *Together we paddled out a good distance & than sat upright on our boards & waited for a good wave. Ty caught one first & I just sat & watched. He paddled & stood up & totally rode the wave back to shore pretty much. I cheered from my spot loudly & clapped. When he paddled back towards me, I just grinned impressed* That was awesome man!

Ty: Thanks, I do try. *Winks* You're turn, whirlwind lets see what you got. *Gestures for him to catch one of his own*

Nick: *Chuckles* Alright, here goes nothing. *Leans on my board; paddles fast to catch the next wave. Just in time I stood & kept my balance, rode the wave for a good few moments before I jumped back into the water*

Ty: *I paddled over to him; smiles* Nice, you've got skills.

Nick: *Chuckles* You too. *We continued for hours surfing on & off, but mostly Ty was being silly doing all these tricks pretty much defying gravity. I kind of tried to do the same, but for me it didn't really work ... instead it resulted in a lot of falling off the board back into the water, but still it was a lot of laughs. Eventually I started to paddle back in, while he followed* Think I need a little break.

Ty: I agree, I'm kind of beat too. Wanna lay on the beach?

Nick: Yeah. *Picks a spot not too far from the water; begins to lay back on the wet board, at least until Ty put a hand on my shoulder* Something wrong?

Ty: Nah, its just I have this. *Offers him a newly fresh beach towel for him & I to crash on* Its much more comfy & not as wet.

Nick: *Shrugs* Cool, works for me. *Helps him spread it out; sits down with him & then lies back; sighing contentedly*

Ty: *Follows his same motion; laying next to him; looks over at him*

Nick: What?

Ty: Nothing, mister all wet & sandy.

Nick: Speak for yourself. *Pokes his stomach*

Ty: Yeah, but moreover you look hot when you're all wet.

Nick: *Blushes* You're going to kill me with all this flattery.

Ty: *Strokes his wet curls* What can I say, honestly I couldn't be happier than I get to be your GA.

Nick: *Smiles shyly* I'm glad you are too, ... I-I'd be lost without.

Ty: Hey its alright, I'm here now & I'm not leaving you.

Nick: *Closes eyes letting his words sink; smiles* Thank you so much.

Ty: Your very welcome.

Donie's POV

I woke up a little after noon, today was the day to tell Nick. Even my mom had come in to remind me cheerfully. I knew I couldn't back down, not now that I finally had support from mom & Hugo. I can do this. I just gotta find Nick & say what I've should've said for awhile now. Still I worry about his reaction & what's to come, but I still have grin & bear it. Whatever happens, happens I guess. So with that, I swallowed my fears & maned-up. After getting a inspirational pep talk from mom & a healthy/fulling breakfast, I headed directly over to Nick's house. I used the spare key & went on inside, firstly noticing how clean everything was ... wow Nick & Hugo must've went all out. Second, I went into Nick's room finding it empty so I then tried Hugo's standing in the doorway & sighed. Guess they're gone, which is kind of a bummer. Maybe I should try the beach, thats mostly likely the next place Nick will go unless Hugo & him at out & about driving in the car. So with that I left the Jonas house locking it back up, to tell my mom that they weren't there, but that I would try the beach next. Once again she wished me luck & I changed into my boardshorts & a t-shirt & grabbed my skateboard which would get me there in no time. Nick buddy I hope you're there right now.

Nick's POV

Ty: *Smirks suddenly; laughing* He's coming.

Nick: *Eyes fling open; heart beats fast* W-who?

Ty: Donie, he's on his skateboard as we speak, he's coming to tell you finally in person.

Nick: *Instantly up on my foot* Shoot!

Ty: Don't worry, we can leave in a snap remember.

Nick: I can run & ride all I want Ty, he's still going to find me & going to tell me sooner or later. I just have to face it.

Ty: You sure?

Nick: Not really, but I need to do this. I don't want to lead him on or think he has any future chance with me, cause I just don't feel the same for him.

Ty: You're a brave one Nick, would you like me to hang near just in case from the side lines visibly?

Nick: Please. *Nods*

Ty: You've got it & one more thing ... Nick?

Nick: Yes?

Ty: *Gives him a reassuring hug* You've got this.

Nick: *Smiles returning the hug gratefully* Thanks, Ty.

Ty: Your welcome, I'll be over here. *Pats his shoulder pulling away; starting to walk away*

Nick: *Takes a breath trying to calm myself. Its just Donie, just your best friend. He'll understand ... I hope*

Donie: *Shortly I arrived at the beach, getting off my skateboard carrying it looking for Nick in the usual spot. I began to walk on top of the sand heading more towards the water so I could get a better look as I continued to walk along it. It was a good seven or ten minutes maybe before I almost gave up, until I suddenly spotted him on beach towel sitting up actually waving at me. My heart raced & I gulped, okay ... here it goes. I ran over towards him kneeling down in front of him giving him a quick bro-hug* There you are! I've been looking for you, I was hoping you'd be here.

Nick: *Stiffens a bit; slowly returns the hug; stammers* I-I'm sorry.

Donie: *Pulls back noticing his change; frowns a bit* Nick? Is there something wrong? Are you alright? *Looks at him carefully*

Nick: I-I'm fine.

Donie: You're a terrible liar, bud. You didn't get hurt did you? Are you feeling well? *Eyes widen* You didn't get stung by a stingray or anything right?

Nick: *Shakes head; clears throat; blushes lightly* No, I'm not hurt & I'm feeling fine, I promise. And God no.

Donie: Then why were you stammering? You only do that when you're nervous & being shy.

Nick: Never mind that, what's up?

Donie: *Doesn't want to let the topic go, but I suppose it was time* Okay then ... *Sits next to him taking a deep long breath* I have something pretty important to tell you, actually its something I've been wanting to tell you, but I've been holding back & too afraid to say it. Nick ... I'm ...

Nick: *Nods waiting for him continue*

Donie: I'm gay.

Nick: I know.

Donie: Before you say anything let me explain *Starts* ... wait you do?!

Nick: *Nods*

Donie: *Frowns* Did ...

Nick: No dad & Idylla didn't tell me, I figured it out.

Donie: *Actually in shock* Whoa ... so you're not weird-ed out by this?

Nick: Not really, no.

Donie: *Searches his eyes, doesn't see any hate or disgust; feels a sense of hope* Oh my God.

Nick: *Pats his shoulder lightly* You okay?

Donie: Yes & no, man I thought you were going to-

Nick: Freak out?

Donie: *Grins laughing* Yeah actually yes.

Nick: *Chuckles* Well I'm not, its fine you can relax.

Donie: *Sighs happily relieved* Thank you. *Pauses* But thats not just the only thing I wanted to say ... with me being gay ... Nick I really like-

Nick: Me? *Finishes for him*

Donie: You. *Freezes; whispers* Y-you knew that too?

Nick: I realized it, you're constantly flirting with me & trying to get me to notice it ... & after all this time I finally do.

Donie: *Too shocked; really can't believe what he's saying; stammers again* S-so how do you feel about all this?

Nick: *Looks into his eyes* Donie, you've always been there for me, my best friend though everything ... in times of low & high, you've been so awesome.

And now that I finally know how you truly feel about me ... I want to say first how much I'm flattered & touched by your feelings ... but honestly ... I don't think of you in that same way. To me you'll always be my brother ... I'm sorry.

Donie: *Heart clenches; closes eyes sucking in a shallow breath; whispers* I just knew it.

Nick: *Confused* You knew what?

Donie: *Looks back at him; grips his shoulders lightly* I just knew you wouldn't like me back cause otherwise that would be just too good to be true & it would be my ultimate fantasy coming true. I respect your decision still Nick & I understand, I'm sorry too. I hope we can still be friends. *Hugs him*

Nick: *Pauses for a moment before hugging him back* Thank you, Donie & of course we can.

Donie: *Holds him for the longest time before pulling back* Really?

Nick: Yes really.

Donie: *Smiles* I'm glad, cause otherwise I think I would literally be depressed without you in my life, bud.

Nick: I feel the same. *Smiles back; notices for the first time his beachwear* You wanna go surf for a bit?

Donie: What, you kidding of course I do?! But I don't have a board with me.

Nick: Not to worry, I've got a spare right next to me.

Donie: Sweet! *Takes it examining* Whoa, this is nice. Where'd you get this?

Nick: Um ... someone left it behind.

Donie: What? Thats totally crazy, why would someone leave a cool board like this one behind?

Nick: *Shrugs* Don't know.

Donie: Well whatever the case, I'm so borrowing it! C'mon lets go, I'll race ya! *Takes off my t-shirt throwing it on the beach towel; re-picks up the surfboard*

Nick: I'm right behind you. *I followed laughing while grabbing my board & heading back out to the water. Ty?*

Ty: Yes baby? *Still by my spot keeping an eye on him*

Nick: *What do you think of what he said?*

Ty: He's being truthful & sincere with you for the meantime, but once again he'd holding himself back. He was close to kissing you but he reframed from it. He wants very badly to convince you to like & love him back.

Nick: *Great, so I'm in for a long run sort of speak then?*

Ty: I'm afraid so, but you did good. He'll let you be for a awhile till he comes up with new plans. Oh & in the meantime, you might want to keep the whole crushing on Joe thing to minimal cause he still has his thoughts about that. And he's more than determined to do anything to protect you.

Nick: *Got it & good grief, I'm so not use to all this*

Ty: Forget about it for now, you two have fun alright?

Nick: *Smiles. You're right, thanks*

Ty: No prob.

Nick: *For the rest of the day, Donie & I spent a majority of our time in the ocean, at least till our stomachs were rumbling & we headed back home. Luckily Idylla, was preparing lunch & had finished just in time for us & herself. So we both dried off & began to eat enjoying the food a lot. Idylla then gave a call to my dad telling him that we were home & at her house now. After her conversation, she said he says "Hey & glad you two had lots of fun in the ocean. My days going awesome too, catching a lot of fish, its so cool! I'll see you all later, take care & love you you guys." I smiled & chuckled, I gotta admit she does a great impression of dad. Afterwards Donie & I helped clear all the plates & cleaned up & then headed to take our own showers. I went back over to my house, Donie decided that he would meet back at mine after he'd finished. So after a nice warm shower & cleanse, I got dressed & sat on my bed. Just right then Donie popped into my room & smiled, joining with me* Hey.

Donie: Hey, whoa I'm good I timed it perfectly. So whatcha want to do next?

Nick: Hmm, its only 5:30 on a Saturday ... we could watch that awesome Yu-G-Oh! First Season set you gave me for my birthday.

Donie: Heck yes, pop it in. *Lays back on his bed*

Nick: Alrighty then. *Gets up getting the DVD box-set finds the first disc; turns on the TV & DVD player to put the movie in*

Donie: *Watching him* You're so much like Yugi. *Randomly says*

Nick: *Turns back* Yeah? And what does that make you?

Donie: Hm, a very good question. I find myself debating between Joey &Tristan, with maybe a little of Yami throne into the mix.

Nick: Okayyy.

Donie: Hey, its how I see it.

Nick: I bet. *Re-joins him on the bed pressing play*

Donie: But seriously you're so cute just like Yugi.

Nick: You think I'm cute?

Donie: *Blushes* And I say that in a very brotherly-love way.

Nick: *Ty- ...*

Ty: *Smirks* And he's flirting already, mm-hmm like I said he's DETERMINED.

Nick: *Nods silently to both Donie & Ty; focuses on watching the episodes trying to ignore Donie for the moment*

Donie: *I'm scaring him now, just great. When he goes into silent mode like that, man ... its like I can control myself anymore. I got to work on this harder. He told me clearly how he feels, why can't I just let it be? Obviously he's not into me & isn't gay. So clearly I'm making things harder. But still ... I want him. I looked over at him for a bit. Don't stare, don't stare ... resist. Somehow I went back to watching the opening episodes with him. Towards the end of it all, I got more into the show & so did Nick. It brought back good times cause it was our favorite show, right up there with Pokemon. Eventually Hugo came back from his sportfishing trip & apparently he'd went out to lunch with his buds to hang even more, which was cool. Hugo needs a breather every now & then, especially since he's a full-time teacher & dad, he just needs more relaxing time. I know cause its the same for my mom too. I get that its hard being two single parents with two teenage boys, one gay & one straight. Man ... if only ... if only*

Nick: *I swear watching this show never gets old, its just so cool ... I mean the plot, the characters, the story, how everything is put together & mainly you just get so into it. I always have a great time watching it & at times its a riot too cause a lot of times Donie & will act out certain scenes & just burst into laugher. Mostly Donie really does love Yami's character cause he's the pharaoh, confident, skilled, & overall strong. Myself on the other hand, I do tend to lean more towards Yugi just cause he's shy, smart, & as Donie put it "cute", but mostly he's just lovable & the protagonist. Yugi & I pretty similar, except I'm not that short, no matter how much sometimes Donie will call me

small fry, just to tease me. I always retort back saying I'm still growing, but then again so is he & sometimes it just seems even though I'm growing too it might be a long shot to try & even catch up him & be the taller one. Once dad came home, we clicked off the TV & listened to him brag about his day & I couldn't help but be thrilled for him. I'm just glad everything went great. He said he saw some dolphins pass by & got some very sweet pictures. Donie & also recapped our day too, & then afterwards we eventually had dinner. We all decided on spaghetti, which was classic & fun to make. Once we'd finished fully preparing it, Donie invited Idylla over to eat with us & spent that time talking & eating. Afterwards, Donie & Idylla went back home, while dad & spent some time together. It was then that I told him the truth about everything Donie had confessed to me earlier. Thankfully dad listened & at the very end, when I was done telling him he just said he'd understood too. He kissed my head & gave me a hug & said he was going to write some songs & play some music for a bit*

Nick: *My dad gets inspired a lot, so whenever he does, he immediately wants to write down his thoughts on paper & then see where it takes him. I smiled nodding & fell back onto my back. I sighed, I bet right now Donie's talking with him mom about everything*

Ty: *Appears laying next to him* He is.

Nick: I just knew it.

Ty: Well on the upside, your dad is very understanding. He won't push it any further, but on the other hand ... Idylla might press Donie to try a little more, because she's still not fully convinced you don't like her son back.

Nick: I love him solely as a brother, I just can't see myself ... kissing him or being anything remotely like that with him, its just too weird for me.

Ty: I know. Why don't we take your mind off this whole mess hmm? I did promise you flying & I always keep my promises.

Nick: *Eyes light up* I'm ready, lets go! *Smiles brightly*

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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I'm so glad Nick got the Donnie issue sort of taken care of. I hate that he has to wait so long to be with Joe. At least he has Ty to keep him entertained. Hugo is so understanding and a really great dad. I can't wait to see where they go on their flying trip this time.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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I'm so glad Nick got the Donnie issue sort of taken care of. I hate that he has to wait so long to be with Joe. At least he has Ty to keep him entertained. Hugo is so understanding and a really great dad. I can't wait to see where they go on their flying trip this time.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on September 18, 2012
Last Updated on May 9, 2013
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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