Watch Over You Chapter 6

Watch Over You Chapter 6

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Watch Over You Chapter 6


Nick's POV Continued ...

Nick: *Blushes* I can't believe I just did that.

Ty: Don't worry the shock will come & go, need I mind you you did say it felt good.

Nick: Yeah I guess, I think I better get cleaned up. What time is it?

Ty: About 6:30 PM.

Nick: Cool, well I'll see you in a bit I guess?

Ty: Unless you want to talk while you're in there?

Nick: *Blushes* B-but I'll be ...

Ty: Go ahead Nick you can say it, naked. Its okay & I actually don't mind it but if you don't want me to see you, I can sit on the toilet seat or stand & still talk to you, its up to you whatever you want.

Nick: Before I make a decision can I ask a question?

Ty: *Chuckles; kisses his forehead* You are so cute, its no wonder your guys are into you, you know?

Nick: *Tilts head in confusion; still blushing*

Ty: You'll learn to be less oblivious soon. For starters, you never have to ask me if its alright to ask a question. You can speak you mind & heart to me & I promise in return I'll answer every single of your questions to the best of my ability.

Nick: Right. *Notes this* So what exactly are you in terms of ... *Trails off*

Ty: And trust me when I say that in time, you'll grow more comfortable with saying things like sexual orientation. But to answer you properly, I am actually bi myself, I'm into both girls & guys.

Nick: *Finds this concept interesting* How'd you know though?

Ty: I didn't at first, but I eventually thought about it more & realized it. For me, it wasn't too hard. I was comfortable with it & I knew it overall was who I was & I've been that way ever since.

Nick: Oh. *Wasn't expecting his answer* I wish it was easy like that for me like it was for you.

Ty: It could be, you're just beginning whirlwind. *Winks*

Nick: *Looks down shyly; standing by my bed now rocking my feet back & forth*

Ty: Man you're such a cute one.

Nick: *Blushes* Thanks. *Starts to walk towards my bedroom's door opening it up* You can follow me. *Decides*

Ty: Cool. *I just smiled*

Nick: So am I the only one who can see you?

Ty: For now yes. I won't make myself visible for anyone but you.

Nick: So that means I can't tell my dad or anyone about you?

Ty: You can in time, but for now I think for you its best to keep just between us. I know that might be hard considering you & your dad especially tell each other everything, but this might be one of those things where its harder for a father to understand.

Nick: So no to telling him, Donie & Idylla. *Concludes*

Ty: Unless you really want to explain this to them, then mostly likely no,

Nick: You're probably right, while I don't like keeping things always to myself I gotta a feeling that its best for it to stay a secret. *Walks into the bathroom* Um *Blushes* could you turn around or cover your eyes or something?

Ty: If you want me too, then as you wish. *Goes into the bathroom with him; turns around to give him his privacy & also covers my eyes just to ease his worries* Better?

Nick: Much. *Nods; begins to strip myself of my clothes*

Ty: You know even though I can't see you, I could easily do so but I'm not, I bet you just as cute when you're naked though.

Nick: *Blushes* Is this apart of your job description, flirting with me or what's the word being a perv?

Ty: Good, at least you're recognizing it now so I'm serving you good training basically & also having a little fun at the same time.

Nick: Why do I get the feeling its more than that? *Steps into the shower starting the water*

Ty: *Smirks* Even better, you getting the picture. Lets just say our connection is ...

Nick: A little past platonic?

Ty: I like that, yes I think that sums it up perfectly. Plus if I could make this triangle, into a square that'll make things a little more interesting.

Nick: Y-you wanna date me now? Exactly what kind of guardian angel are you? Does my mom approve of this?

Ty: Relax, its only a thought & you will come to know I do tease here & there, its my nature. And I'm the kind of angel that is somewhat a flirt, but when it comes to my responsibility over you I'll give over 200%. And as for you mom, she's no stranger to my tactics & while it might be a little shocking for her since sometimes I can come on strong, she understands what I'm trying to achieve. But if you don't like how I present myself towards you, I can change it.

Nick: Its alright, you're just trying to help me right?

Ty: In any way possible.

Nick: Mm, & I appreciate that more than I can say.

Ty: Its my pleasure.

Nick: *Continues to cleanse myself with talking to him* So tell me about yourself starting from the beginning.

Ty: My full name is Ty Jamal West, I was born on August 15th, 1992 in the heavens closer to Louisiana. So I'm currently 20 years old right now, that puts me six years ahead of you mister, add four more years & you've got Joe's age. 

Nick: Whoa, I have got to work on estimating ages more. *Giggles a little* Jamal? Doesn't that mean the "handsome one"?

Ty: No worries & it sure does Jerry.

Nick: *Blushes* Hmm.

Ty: Don't worry, I think its suits you.

Nick: I don't really use it though.

Ty: Neither do I use mine, but you know how family members & friends are.

Anyways, I'm an only child living with both my parents. I was actually born an angel naturally. Both my parents are guardian angels & were born as they were too. I've always been waiting for the day when I would find & connect with my destined to be person/human I would watch over in time. It was so perfect when you were born on August 25, 1998, I was six years old at that time. You were a cute one even then & I knew I was already bonded to you even though we hadn't met in person. Over the years I've been there & when Denise came to be a angel, I met with her instantly. My parents & I helped her though everything & in the end she adapted eventually, while we know its very hard to be able to watch your loved ones but ... not being able to talk to them or be with actually ... its a lot harder.

Nick: Yeah, you're right. Really? A born angel ... thats cool & at the same time hard too, or at least it sounds. *Blushes* So how'd you know besides feeling it, that I was the one you'd watch over? *Smiles* Meeting you now & hearing all this, I'm feel so much better & at the same time, I know exactly how she feels, dad & I miss her so much.

Ty: *Smiles too* Yep, its cool though cause I get to do something thats really fulfilling & that helps in a positive way & experience what's going on in your life & more. Well ... lets just say Nick besides feeling it, its also like choosing too. While I was meant to be a guardian angel, I had to be trained first & then spend time going out to try & find well the one. My parents said I would be able to feel a strong & powerful pull towards the said person. And while you think it would take a long time to find the one because its a big world no doubt about it, its actually easy to do so. Our way of searching is flying over cities & around the world pretty much & zoning in on that exact feeling. And thats exactly how I found you, I'd almost passed the hospital you were in but then I stopped in mid-air & followed & found you then. And everything just clicked & fell into place & I just knew. I'm just glad to finally meet you, I've always wanted to but knew when the time came  ... I would make myself visible to you. And I know, I feel that from you & her. *Hugs myself then*

Nick: *Suddenly stops scrubbing my body with my cloth* Ty?

Ty: *Continues to do this* Don't be afraid, its our physical bond. When we're close in range I can do this. While I know you're in the shower, I can still give you a hug & you'll feel it & so will I when you return it.

Nick: Aw ... *Pauses; hugs myself then* thanks.

Ty: Your welcome. *Grins; gets an idea using my right hand to kiss my own hand radiating that same thing to him*

Nick: *Blushes a lot; repeats the same gesture* W-what was that for?

Ty: Cause your adorable, Joe's such a lucky man, mm-mm. 

Nick: *Heart leaps* Oh man, now my GA loves me too?

Ty: Of course I do Nick, both platonically & romantically. 

Nick: Wait, romantically?

Ty: Bordering on friendly & flirty heavily mind you.

Nick: But not for real?

Ty: Oh its real, baby. *Puts my right hand over my heart*

Nick: B-but ...

Ty: But you love Joe Anderson I know & there's still the Donie situation, but both of them have yet to be with you or at least get their shot ... before you mostly likely chose your history teacher.

Nick: *Blushes again; resumes scrubbing* Its wrong though to like .... *Wants so badly to say his first name too*

Ty: You can you know, its just us. Don't hold back, say what you want to say.

Nick: *Breathes* Joe.

Ty: *Chuckles* They're you go.

Nick: *Gasps & laughs too* I never thought I'd be calling that so soon.

Ty: Well you shouldn't worry about it, speaking of Joe ... how'd you like to visit him for a bit tonight?

Nick: *Nearly slips in the shower; eyes widen* You serious?

Ty: Yes, remember I can pretty much do anything.

Nick: *Minds starts racing; heart accelerates a lot* He's still my teacher though, I can't just visit him. Plus how am I going to leave home without dad noticing? He will definitely panic when he finds me missing, he's freak out for sure. And just showing up at Joe's front door, is going to raise a lot of questions ... questions that I can't answer without looking crazy & obsessed.

He'll ask how I got his address, why I'm here & overall he'll think I'm weird &

nuts ... stalker-like.

Ty: *Laughs a lot* Oh baby, you've got a lot to learn about guardian angles. I think its time you get a idea of it, that is if you're up for it?

Nick: I want to, but I'm just unsure I guess.

Ty: Do you trust me?

Nick: *Raises an eyebrow; begins to rinse off* Is that a direct quote from Aladdin?

Ty: *Grins* Catching on, it is .. so come on my Princess.

Nick: Oh heck no, I'm not Princess Jasmine. *Protests*

Ty: I think you are in this case & I'm your hero about to show you a whole new world.

Nick: Yeah, well guess you'll just have to prove it, impress me then.

Ty: Oh, trust when I say I will ... starting now.*Uses my power to open up the shower's sliding glass door; gets him towel passing it to him* Do you want to dry on your own or by my way?

Nick: *Blushes again at the door being slid open; gasps taking the towel quickly even though he moved it up to keep him from looking ... or at least I hoped*

Ty: No worries little man, even though I have seen you naked, it was when you were a baby so right now you're good. So what's it going to be?

Nick: Great, well thats reassuring. Hmm. *Smiles* Bring whatever it is you've got.

Ty: *Smirks* Very well, Princess. *Blinks eyes making him completely dry & clothed now in a cool outfit; offers my hand to him* Do you trust me? *I repeated*

Nick: *Smiles looking down at my new threads, takes his hand* Yes.

Ty: *Shows my wings then, allowing them to be revealed for him to see; holds his hand* Hold on tight & hang on.

Nick: *Nods; waits* Wow, your wings ... are awesome!

Ty: *Flutters them beginning to lift off the ground with him* Thanks, I think so too, its why I love them, they brought me to you. *Suddenly lifts up out of the bathroom  taking flight going through the walls easily with him till we both broke up high above his house in the air*

Nick: *It felt like that Drop Doom Ride at Sixflags, but instead of dropping down .. it was completely reversed. Ty soared directly up, I closed my eyes fast in fear thinking that I'd I hit something on the way, but just like that I felt a cool breeze from the wind. I gasped, keeping my eyes closed. I feel my feel dangling, but I wasn't falling. Was I flying?*

Ty: *Smiles touching his cheek* You can open your eyes & see for yourself.

Nick: *Slowly opens my eyes as they widened seeing where we were. I looked around first then at him*

Ty: Don't be scared, I won't ever allow you to get hurt or let you go, I've got you baby. *Leans in to kiss his forehead*

Nick: *Smiles; exhaling; lets go of the fear embracing the thrill & awesomeness of this feeling* We're really flying, I can't believe it. *Marvels*

Ty: *Grins* Told you, it would be something awesome. Impressed?

Nick: *Chuckles* Yes, it is & very much ... this is incredible. *Suddenly remembers dad*

Ty: Don't worry, there's a substitute of you thats taking your place in your bed. 

Nick: You sure that'll work?

Ty: Positive, plus he'll see how tired you are & know better than to wake you.

Nick: Okay. *Looks around more then, staring at the city lights all over, I could see the beach & pier from this view. The moon was close to full & it looked big  with its luminous glow that lights up the entire sky. The sky itself was clear & starts shined from far away. I then looked at Ty & took in his wings & tentatively reached to touch them but then stopped asking him* May I?

Ty: *Winks* Of course you may.

Nick: *Gently touches his right wing with my left free hand feeling its incredible softness in between my finger tips as I smiled brightly*

Ty: *Keeps eyes locked on him; continues to grin* Your hands are softer.

Nick: *Blushes* I don't think thats even possible.

Ty: It is.

Nick: Maybe, man I wish I had wings.

Ty: *Laughs a little* Well then allow me to your wings for you, ready to tour the town before we spy on your future man?

Nick: Sure & you're referencing Thumblina, "Let Me Be Your Wings" right? *Shyly smiles* If only. *Meaning about Joe*

Ty: *Begins to fly; continues to hold his hand; nods* I could be, mister-know every-movie. *Teases; then turns serious* Dude don't sweat it.

Nick: Well I loved certain movies when I was younger you know & I'll try not too.

Ty: Meaning you still love them now, you're still young. *Flies him towards the pier giving him a perfect close up view of it*

Nick: Yes. *Admits; smiles noticing the pier* Wow, its a lot different up here then just walking on it regularly. Can anyone see us?

Ty: I knew it & it is, its why I thought you liked to see it just like this. And no not a soul, its better this way don't wanna attract too much attention you know.

Nick: *Nods understanding; beams* This is really neat & pretty.

Ty: And romantic. *I nudged him sweetly drawing him closer to me*

Nick: *Nudges him back; tries to hide my face his neck*

Ty: *Smiles, flies the both of us nearer to the water*

Nick: *Looks down hearing the ocean; gasps. We were just above the water flying over it lowly just like a pelican almost gliding. I leaned forward a little to touch the water with left hand as we flew*

Ty: Enjoying yourself huh? *I grinned knowing it was so true*

Nick: Yes, this is even better ... so this how Superman & Lois Lane felt, wow.

Ty: Aw, well the best is yet to come & yep even better though. *Flies him higher back towards the city, soon arriving at Joe's house* Here we are, I give you Mr. Anderson's residence.

Nick: His house wasn't far from the beach, just like my home but it was a little more south. It was a nice looking home, it looked simple. I kind imagined something else for him, but looking at it in person I agreed it was most definitely him. I bit my lip as we hovered over his house, I was growing more nervous now* Isn't it wrong to spy?

Ty: It is, but he won't know you're there & same with me. And its not like you're going to tell him or talk to him unless you really want to. This way you can observe, if you like I could let you explore on your own & survey things while I wait for you outside?

Nick: No, you can come with me. I mean I know he can't see him, but still I need you please Ty.

Ty: As you wish, Nick then I'll stay.

Nick: *Takes a breath; nods* Okay, we can go in.

Ty: You've got it. *Gently hovers into Joe's house as we both landed back inside on the floor; watches as Nick let go my hand then & looked around* Hungry? *I asked him*

Nick: A little yes, but I don't want to take his food.

Ty: I won't, I can create anything you want just say the word & its yours.

Nick: *Giggles* Well then, how about eggplant parmesan with asparagus & a cream soda to drink if thats alright please?

Ty: Very to the point & mouth watering, here it comes. *Creates the meal handing it to him gently* Careful its still warm, enjoy. *Also gives him a spoon & his drink*

Nick: Whoa! *Eyes widen; takes the plate, spoon, & soda; looks around surveying where I could sit in Joe's house. I headed over towards the dining room table that seated six people & placed everything down. Just as I was about to sit down, Ty walked over to me & pulled out my chair for me & I looked down smiling* You don't have do that.

Ty: I want to, plus I told you already I like spoiling you. *Waits for him to sit down before I pushed him in closer towards the table; joins him sitting in a seat nearby*

Nick: This is too surreal, I'm in his house ... *Looks around* but is he home?

Ty: He is, he's actually upstairs which is why this particular spot dining room spot is dimly lit, I'll take care of that. *Turns on the lights brighter for him* There, thats a lot better.

Nick: *Begins to eat; talks in between bites* What you can't see in dim light?

Ty: I can & in the dark too.

Nick: Oh?

Ty: Thats right. *Winks* Don't worry about that either though, cause I can be your eyes, ears, & more. How is it? *Gestures to his meal*

Nick: First rate, this is very good but don't you want some?

Ty: Its okay, I can eat later.

Nick: No, eat with me please. You want some of mine?

Ty: *Chuckles* Thank you for the gesture, but I can just get my own see? *Makes another plate appear for myself*

Nick: Wow I didn't know you were magician. 

Ty: *Winks* Stick around, there's so much more in store. *Begins to eat with him*

Nick: *We ate together, while it was weird cause we were just hanging in Joe's house eating dinner invisibly while he was upstairs. Once we'd finished, I stood up with my plate, spoon & empty soda bottle* So do these ...

Ty: *Grins; makes them all go away, each of the items & mine cause we were finished with everything food & drink wise; brushes hands together almost clapping them* That takes care of that, ready to go to his room?

Nick: *Gulps; nods*

Ty: Allow me to lead the way. *Bows & begins to take Nick's hand gently leading the way other to the room. The door was open & we both just walked right in to find Joe strumming on his guitar a familiar song, also singing*

Nick: *Upon seeing & hearing him, I felt like all I could do was stare*

Joe: *Singing/strumming*

Walking through this strange and crowded place

Imagining your face, fighting my way through

Oh I feel you getting close with every step

With all that I have left

I'm reaching out for you

If I was blindfolded

If my memory was erased

If every sign pointed to another place

I'd still find you

I will still find you

I'd still find you

If I was blindfolded

My fingers trace the outline of your shape

and recognize the way you pull me into you

oh you're calling out to me

not saying a thing

you're everything I need

and all that I could never, ever lose

If I was blindfolded

If my memory was erased

If every sign pointed to another place

I'd still find you

I will still find you

I'd still find you

You're the gravity that's taken hold of me

every time I lose my way

it's the chemistry

more than eyes can see

and no matter where I am

I will still find you

I will still find you

If I was blindfolded

If my memory was erased

If every sign pointed to another place

I'd still find you

I will still find you

I'd still find you

If I was blindfolded

If my memory was erased

If every sign pointed to another place

I'd still find you

I will still find you

I'd still find you

If I was blindfolded

Okay so watching him like I was I forgot about everything & all my attention was focused on Joe directly. I felt the passion emanate from him in almost waves, it gave me chills. Not only did I love the song & the artist, but the way he just lost himself it in ... I was so amazed. I knew he was talented when I heard him when we sang together, but I had no idea how much more he really was. He was connecting to the words & feeling it so well. The lyrics spoke to him a lot & honestly it was like he was singing it for someone. I had to remind myself that he could easily be in a relationship with someone else his own age & be singing for them. I bit my lip, it was the truth but at the same time apart of me wished that I could be next to him for real & just ... be ...

Ty: *Smiles hugging him behind wrapping him in my arms again* His. *I finished for him* He's good, I'll give him that.

Nick: *Sighs dreamily* Yeah he is.

Ty: Aww, someone's melting right now.

Nick: I'm sorry, thats kind of lame for me right? *Snaps out of it* I'm not some chick.

Ty: So what, a guy or dude whatever can still get weak in the knees over another guy & sigh like you just did, you've got it bad man.

Nick: I shouldn't though, he's off limits & out of reach.

Ty: Ah-ah-ah, neither of those two are so, don't sell yourself short & just assume things. He's not all high & mighty, he's just a regular guy like you are.

Nick: But he's an adult, remember?

Ty: And you'll be one day too, give it time you'll get there.

Nick: Yeah, I guess. *Smiles at Joe* He's just so ....

Ty: Handsome, cool, awesome, sweet, & sexy ... let me know if I missed anything. *Smiles too*

Nick: Mm, you've got it all for him but what am I even to him ...

Ty: You're adork-able, smart, strong, passionate, extremely talented & gifted, warm & most of all humble, need I say more?

Nick: Thats just your list for me.

Ty: Yeah but I'm sure it could be his too, you want Joe right?

Nick: Yes. *Whispers*

Ty: And he will definitely want you, if he doesn't already already & mind you I have a strong feeling he does like a lot.

Nick: *Blushes* Right cause he could have anyone he wants & he's just going to choose me.

Ty: Bingo, now you're seeing it. *Taking his slight sarcasm making it intp something I can work with*

Nick: Ty I ...

Ty: *Pushes him over to him*

Nick: *Tries to stop him* W-what are you doing?

Ty: You want to be close to the man, this is your chance.

Nick: I-I ... *Trying to make my feet stay still*

Ty: I know you're a shy one, but sometimes even the shyest of people need a little helpful push in the right direction. *Successfully pushes him into Joe*

Nick: *Squeaks in surprise & in protest as I went right though Joe's body sitting on the bed just like a ghost; shocked*

Ty: Cool huh?

Nick: *Gently leans up bringing my body through Joe's stomach & back to kneel directly in front of him; blushes & shoots a look at Ty*

Ty: *Winks* C'mon little dude give him a peck or kiss.

Nick: *Looks back at Joe who's continued on to playing a new song; bites lips; heart beating so fast*

Ty: *Encourages him* You know you want to.

Nick: *Swallows my fears; closes my eyes to lean in to kiss his lips gently*

Ty: *Smiles; arms folded. Man how they grow up fast. I watched in silence & decided to make this better making what I wanted to happen a reality*

Joe: *Stops singing, put down my guitar down on the floor; blinks eyes; feels something soft & sparks on my lips*

Nick: *Opens up eyes in shock to see Joe had stopped playing & was almost if I didn't know better ... was looking straight at me* T-ty?

Ty: Just go with it, he'll think its a dream in the end but this way it will be more real & he'll remember it.

Nick: No, no, no. *Shakes head*

Joe: *Smiles touching my lips not knowing what's happening, but whatever it was it felt so warm & I liked it*

Nick: *Hears Joe's exact thoughts then* No way.

Ty: Yeah way, you just heard his thoughts cause I allowed it this time. Here's what I'm thinking, you can be visible in way ... he'll come to see it as a dream & then I'll make him fall asleep or he will on his own & the next time he wakes back up ... he'll remember a little of it & just think it was real & at the same time, just a dream but also a sign.

Nick: But isn't that influencing him?

Ty: No, cause he's into you, you even acknowledged it earlier today.

Nick: *Blinks & exhales nervously, making up my mind* Just do it, but if anything goes wrong I'm blaming this on you.

Ty: I can live with that. *Assures him; makes the idea happen* I'll be around should you need me, have fun. *Leaves him*

Joe: *Gasps as I saw a figure appear on my bed. At first all I could make out was a small body kneeling with jeans & then a shirt ... & then I recognized the figure* Nick?

Nick: *Blushes heavily as I appeared in front of him for real; nods not knowing what exactly to say*

Joe: Is this a dream? *I asked him*

Nick: *Thank God he thinks so, so I nodded again, unsure if it was a good idea to talk to him in case he asked further questions*

Joe: *Smiles* Then this is a good dream. *Leans forward to kiss his forehead* Mm, you feel so real.

Nick: *Heart beating madly; closes eyes ever so slowly*

Joe: *Hugs him then* I want to tell you ... I feel something strong for you, I knew it the second you raised you hand & told me your name, you're special Nick.

Nick: *Trembles a little. His arms felt so strong as they wrapped around me & held me, the feeling alone I wanted to hold on to forever ... I didn't want to ever let go it was so safe & warm past anything that Donie or Ty could feel, this feeling had no words, it just felt right*

Joe: *Lays back against the bed bringing his tiny frame along with mine; turns his body so we could look at each other; smiles & leans forward to kiss his lips this time*

Nick: *Leans in to, copying his movements going just as slow; breathing in through my nose; eyes start to close again. And when his lips connected with mine, I moaned softly as I felt the sparks again*

Joe: *Cups his chin with my hands; feels the sparks too; smiles kissing him softly*

Nick: Oh Joe ... *I moaned his name*

Joe: My Nick. *I pulled back & snuggled into him* You're mine. *Pulls him close; closes eyes*

Nick: *Whispers* Yes. *Smiles brightly; sleeps with him; going to sleep forgetting all worries just lying close with him was where I wanted to be ... just next to him, in sweet euphoria*

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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That was so cool. I like how Ty talked him into going to Joe's house. Then making him visible so Joe thought it was a dream so Nick can really feel how much Joe likes him. I can't wait to see if Joe say's anything to Nick when he sees him at school. I hope Donnie won't cause trouble for Joe & Nick. I can't wait for more.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


That was so cool. I like how Ty talked him into going to Joe's house. Then making him visible so Joe thought it was a dream so Nick can really feel how much Joe likes him. I can't wait to see if Joe say's anything to Nick when he sees him at school. I hope Donnie won't cause trouble for Joe & Nick. I can't wait for more.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on September 6, 2012
Last Updated on May 9, 2013
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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