![]() Watch Over You Chapter 5A Chapter by VirgoAvatarWatch Over You Chapter 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nick's POV After many hours of going through everything back & forth, we finished & decided to get a little snack consisting of fruits & veggies & for a bit the junk food part we both eat a separate pack of M&M's & afterwards returned to my room. Next we grabbed our guitars & began just strumming lazily just chilling for the longest time. Here & there Donie sung a couple of his favorite cover songs & I added in my own as well. I laid my back against the wall while playing, but then as I looked off to the side my thoughts began to race back to Mr. Anderson. It hit me then, was Mr. Anderson flirting with me after all? I mean all the signs that dad had said were there clearly, wasn't it obvious or what I over thinking this whole thing. I looked up then briefly to find Donie staring at me & while I wanted to desperately talk to him about this, I held back & decided not to. As much as I may want to ask him questions & find out more about his opinion, he seems to be thinking negatively on the whole situation. But then if held this all in, it was just kind of ridiculous. Just as I was about to say something ... Donie & both jumped at his mom calling her son's name. We exchanged looks & we bro-hugged for a moment & then he left with Idylla. I then took my final shower after Donie left & then afterwards once I finished, I watched some TV with dad for a little bit & then went to bed. The next few days of school went by quite fast, on Thursday we had picture day (which isn't exactly my favorite thing in the world taking pictures for the yearbook & for parents to purchase of course, but it still was alright). And of course, Donie & I had our first science test & we graded them ourselves meaning that we switched our test papers to the person next to us aka on my side was Donie. We both got perfect six out of sixes, in which we high-fived to celebrate. I told him it would be an easy test the harder one's are yet to come. And on Friday we worked on chapter one & two notes, so a lot of writing there.Then in P.E. we watched on Thursday Finding Nemo & then on Friday a sweet oldie but goodie classic ... Homeward Bound. And then for math we were assigned four math problems & to read chapter one & two of the math text. And for orchestra both days we worked on a lot of songs mostly getting into new techniques & other cool things. And then for english, on Thursday we started doing a lot of reading assignments & for Friday we took out first spelling test which was almost a snap for Donie & I. Lastly in history, it wasn't exactly what I pictured especially for Thursday. At lunch I was hoping for Mr. Anderson to come back like he said he would, but he never did but again it was just one day. When I got to his class with Donie, I found in his place a sub teacher named Mr. Aguilar. I couldn't but feel disappointed to see that. It was only the fourth day of school & he was already absent? I didn't allow myself to think anything more it, but still it was a kind of a bummer. That same day when Mr. Anderson was absent, we worked our on very first bellwork, then followed directions for the map & lastly worked on a opinion log. While on Friday's class Joe returned but gave no reason to why he'd been absent (but then teacher's are entitled to their business), where we worked on bellwork number two, finished up class notes, & had a lecture about early americans. By the end of class, Mr. Anderson briefly said bye to all of us & waved to me, before he zipped out of the class & left. I was curious, but definitely not nosey. I was grateful for the weekend coming up, maybe it would take my mind of Mr. Anderson. Finally after getting home, I decided to take a small nap feeling a little tired. Both dad & Donie left me alone in peace, while I slept. In my subconscious I could've sworn I saw Joe appearing at my house knocking on the door. I dismissed that as wishful thinking/dream & just my mind going crazy on me. Why would he visit me personally? I think somewhere along the line or as least I hope my mind stopped its swirling thoughts & actually rested. I slept for about two hours & when I woke again I just blinked staring around my room. My room was darker cause someone had closed my window & blinds, mostly likely dad so I could sleep & shut the door. It was quiet & soundless, odd but perfect for sleeping though. I wiped my eyes & continued to stare looking at everything. I knew I should get up & see what dad or Donie & Idylla were doing, but I just felt slightly lazy. ???: *Speaks to him* Too stumped & tired over everything huh? Nick: *Sits up then hearing the voice; looks around not seeing anyone* Hello? ???: You can't see me yet, but I see you. But let me back myself here, I'm being rude. *Shows myself; seated at his desk facing him legs crossed; waves* Hi Nick, I'm Ty West. Nick: *Blinks; feels my back hit the wall* How did you get in here? Ty: Lets just say I have my ways & I will explain it all, if you let me. Nick: *Looks at more. He was a brown chocolate skinned boy, I'm estimating four or five years older than me, with dark black very short curly hair. He looked sort of familiar, but at the same time he didn't. While I wasn't afraid yet, but I was still didn't like the feeling of a stranger in my room. I was prepared to scream for help & possibly protect myself, but seeing how I don't know much about self defense I was leaning more towards the screaming idea. He didn't look the type to cause me any harm, but I don't want to assume anything. I'll allow to explain for now I guess* Okay. *I nodded for him to give me an explanation* Ty: Well, I'm here mainly to help you out Nick, I've been watching over you since you were born. I was sent by your mom, I'm your official guardian angel. Nick: *Frowns; fells tears forming* What? Ty: *Shows him a message directly from his mother, Denise* Denise: *Visual message* Hello sweetheart, happy fourteenth birthday. *Smiles* My how you've grown. *Sighs* I miss you everyday & your father. I've been watching you both, I'm glad that you've two have stayed strong & positive together. Hugo's done beautifully raising you. And I'm so proud of the young man you've become, Nick. I wish I could be here right now with you & your dad. The rules forbid me to see you physically I'm afraid & I'm bending them just by sending you this message. But for you my dearest son, I knew I had to send this to you & let you know you're not alone. I'm so thankful also to Idylla & Donie, all these years they've been the closest family members as can be. I know they care for you so much & love you dearly. You have three people who surround you always, but I want you also to have your own guardian angel. I know its hard to accept & its different, but please allow Ty to help guide you. He is a close & dear friend of mine. His sole purpose is to watch over you for me & be there for you. I understand though if you feel you don't need him, in that case I only want you to know how much I love you Nick. I wish you all the best my son, take care. *Blows him a kiss ending the message* Nick: *Tears that filled my eyes now spilled freely down my cheeks flowing almost in rivers. I choked back a soft sob not wanting to seem like a crybaby, but it was hard. I always secretly hoped mom was watching over us like this, but never did I picture it being reality. So all this time, for two years she's been watching over us. My heart clenched, as I wiped my tears away. When I'd finally calmed down, I spoke quietly to Ty* Thank you. Ty: *Nods sympathetically* Your welcome, Nick. Nick: *Sighs softly* So you're my guardian angel? Ty: Yes, but only if you want me to here. Nick: No, I want you to. You know my mom & she knows you, so of course I want you to stay. I'm sorry for my reaction earlier. Ty: Don't sweat it, its a normal reaction. If I were you, I would've found it crazy too. Nick: *Nods* It is, but its also a miracle. Can I ask some questions though? Ty: Mm, thats a great way to look at it. Of course, ask away. Nick: Well ... *Begins; plays with fingers* You said you were watching me from birth right? Ty: Yes, I was. While I didn't know the future of you or your parents, I was assigned directly to you. Nick: Oh, I see. So um you've always been there? Ty: I have, but I've kept myself invisible. Guardian angels don't usually always reveal themselves unless its requested by another upper angel aka mom. Nick: *Gets the idea* So when mom ... *Can't bring myself to say the word* Ty: *Nods sadly* Yes, when the accident happened I met with your mother guiding her on the process of becoming an angel, while she isn't a guardian angel like me she still watches over you. Nick: So there won't ever be a chance of seeing or talking to her directly? Ty: I'm afraid not Nick, direct contact is strictly forbidden. Nick: *I nodded again quietly; looks down* Why appear now? Ty: Well mostly your mother has seen how different & new this week at school has been for you & sent me to help you out. While your dad, Donie & Idylla have helped you a lot, they're are still some things inside your mind that you might need to talk about more with someone other than those main three aka thats where I come in. Getting to the point, your mom knows about your crush on Joe Anderson & also about another crush, but this one I don't know if you're fully ready for. Nick: That is true. *Admits; blushes then* I um ... *Pauses* Hold on what other crush? Ty: You sure you wanna know? Nick: Yes, please. Does Mr. Anderson have a crush on me? *Hoping a little* Ty: I can't reveal that quite yet, its actually someone else ... someone close to you. Nick: *Searches in my mind trying to think of who it could be, after several moments I was officially stumped* I'm sorry but I don't know who it could be. Ty: Seriously? Nick: Not a clue. *Tells him honestly* Ty: *Gives a surprised tilt of my head; exhales* Very interesting ... your biggest crush is your best & only friend ... Donato Sae aka Donie. Nick: *Eyes widen in shock* No. *Shakes head* Ty: Its true. *Confirms* You've been pretty oblivious to all the signs, yet you figured about your feelings for Joe quite quickly. Donie's pretty much in love with you dude, he's always been. And now with your little teacher crush, he's madly jealous & wants to tell you his feelings this weekend, preferably tomorrow. Nick: I don't believe it. *Can't seem to wrap my mind around all this* Donie's gay? Ty: Yup. Nick: And he loves me, like really loves me? Ty: Oh yeah, the dude's lovesick over you. Would you like to see a replay of everything that went on with him recently? Nick: *I knew it was a huge invasion of his privacy, but I couldn't help but say yes. I couldn't believe it, Donie my best friend .... of all people he loves me?* Ty: Very well. *Shows him a video montage of Donie's inner thoughts, feelings & also conversations that Nick wasn't aware of, including the coming out conversation between him & Idylla* Nick: *Watching & listening to everything that Donie had said & went through. When I saw the daydream he had of kissing me that day when we were running towards the monkey-bars, it made me blush furiously. He'd been holding in his feelings for me all along. It all made sense now, why he was acting the way it was, unbelievable. I can't believe I never realized it. Every time he smiled, laughed, looked at me, hugged me, & ect ... he was being as obvious as could be & still I didn't see anything or think anything of it. I've been leading him on unintentionally, I felt bad now. But worst all, my heart clenched again & it wasn't a good feeling. Even dad & Idylla had known all along & didn't tell me. I should've realized it sooner, I don't get why I didn't* Ty: Whoa, whoa, whoa whirlwind. *Gets up from sitting, walks over to Nick to put a hand on his shoulder* Its alight. Nick: You see & hear everything I'm feeling & thinking? Ty: Yes & only because I'm your guardian angel. Your mother can too, just because she's still bonded to you. Nick: Ty, I don't get it why didn't I know about Donie? Ty: Easy, little dude. *Pats his shoulder* I'll explain: you've always solely saw Donie as a brother, like a real brother. its basically why you don't have any romantic feelings for him because of that reason. Nick: *Closes eyes processing his words; agrees* I think you're right, he is like a brother to me. Ty: Indeedy, thing is he doesn't share that same feeling like you do anymore, he's way past brothers ... its more like brotherly love now except the dude's not related to you. Nick: *Criss-crosses my legs* What am I going to do? He's going to tell me & I don't even know remotely what to say to him. I mean how could he hide this from me so long? Ty: Its simply because he thought you would realize the truth or come to have feelings for him, but neither happened. Nick: *Chews on inner lip* I've never been in such a situation. I don't want to hurt him & at the same time, I have to tell I don't feel the same way towards him. Ty: Its a hard thing, mind you. Thats why I'm here to help as best as I can. Did you every consider, possibly maybe giving him a chance seeing how Joe is ten years older than you & an adult? Nick: *Blushes* But I ... I mean I know that, I uh .. Ty: Its okay. Your mom & I feel how hard this is for you but you must fully know the pros & cons here. Yes Joe & you have lots in common & have connected but there is still the fact about the age difference. Nick: *Nods knowing that he's absolutely right, there's no denying it* I know & I understand that. But it is just a crush right, I'm not in love or anything like that. Ty: *Smiles* Actually you are, I feel it in your heart. Nick: I can't be, I don't know him fully. Ty: You don't have to, & neither does he have to know all about you. From the short time you've already spent together, like I said a connection has been formed. Nick: But he doesn't feel the same for me, I'm just a student. There's no way he was ever love me back. Ty: Don't be so certain Nick, he's capable of feeling love for you. Nick: But he wouldn't ever pursue it & neither would I because I know its just as forbidden as my mother coming to see me. Ty: It is, but in certain situation rules are made to be broken. In this particular case of teacher & student, there is possibly but it would involve a lot of waiting. Nick: You mean try & have a relationship when I reach legal age? Ty: Precisely. You're fourteen now & he's twenty-three about to be twenty-four September first, so this Sunday. So at age eighteen specially due to the laws & I quote according to: "California Penal Code § 261.5 261.5. (A) Unlawful sexual intercourse is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person who is not the spouse of the perpetrator, if the person is a minor. For the purposes of this section, a 'minor' is a person under the age of 18 years and an 'adult' is a person who is at least 18 years of age." And: "(B) Any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ..." you can date him & vice versa. So with that in mind Nick, you'd have to wait till probably age twenty-one just to engage in sex. Nick: *Blushes hard* Ty: You are human teenage boy, & your hormones will from time time act up, just saying. So when your eighteen, Joe will be twenty-eight & when you're twenty-one he'll be thirty-one but then there is that saying where "age is just a number." Its a ten year age difference mind you. Nick: *Continues to blush* Its unrealistic though, he won't just wait for me. Ty: If he loves you, he will. Nick: No, he won't. I'm just a kid. And it won't work, its probably best to stop myself from feeling this. Maybe I should give Donie a chance, he is at least my age & dad wouldn't disapprove of dating him like he would if I ever mentioned Mr. Anderson. Ty: So you'd be willing to let your best friend have a chance & see if it changes your mind? Nick: Maybe, yes. *Nods* Ty: You're scared I know, its okay to be. I'm not pressing you though Nick, the choice is ultimately yours & yours alone. Nick: I am. *Looks at him* I know, but I shouldn't dote over someone I can't have. I have to chose Donie. Ty: You don't have to do anything you don't want to, why make yourself unhappy or lie to yourself & be unfair to one who loves you for real. Nick: *Rubs my temples* When did life get so complicated? Ty: Its the awesomeness of being a teenager, its difficult at times but fun too. Nick: *Laughs* Yeah, I suppose so. Maybe I should just ... *Doesn't finish the sentence* Ty: *Knows what's in his mind; offers advice in turn* Nick you don't have to choose anyone yet you know, but just know that Donie will be the most persistent just because he's your closest friend. Nick: Great, so he's going to break me down till I go out with him? Ty: Yeah, pretty much he's a determined one & he's got he's sights set directly on you. Its why he doesn't like Joe as competition, as you seen his his thoughts & everything. Nick: Its so crazy, I can feel his want & need pretty strongly now & its kind of scaring me. Ty: You don't have to be, not if you confront him first before he does. Nick: But its going to be harder now, I mean what if he doesn't take no for an answer & tries to kiss me? Ty: We both know he really wants to, & its highly likely to happen but there is still time for you to get in how you feel before he can kiss you. Nick: By telling him I don't love him in the same way, its going to be tough. Ty: In the end Nick, he has to consider your feelings too not just his. And while it will be tough for the both of you, it all actually needs to happen in order to move along. While he will try to pursue & convince you, you have the option of telling him no & turning him down. Nick: But I'll hurt him by doing that. Ty: Yes, he will move on from the hurt. Nick: How does my mom feel on all of this? Ty: Denise feels that it is your choice to choose who you want to be with, but to know nothing is permanent & forever. She is leaning more towards Donie just because of the age difference, but she approves of Joe just because she knows you're even happier when you're with him even if its been a short time knowing one another. Nick: Oh good grief. I'm so confused Ty a few days ago I never would had thoughts about being gay & I now I really think I am. I've never thought of the possibility that I could be bi, gay or straight; any all those terms defining what you are, but I guess not who you are. Ty: And still you have plenty of time to decide which of the three options you are, but you won't know if you don't try & find out. Nick: No pressure. *I tried to smile but it faltered* Ty: Don't worry, you'll figure out things. Nick: Well can I ask your own opinion of this since I know what mom's, dad's Idylla's, & ultimately Donie's are minus Mr. Anderson's? Ty: Of course, well if it were me Nick I wouldn't be pressured to decide so fast. But since you kind are in this kind of predicament, & if I were in your shoes & felt how you felt ... I would be with the one I love & wait for Joe. Nick: Really? Ty: Yes. Nick: *Blushes* But it would be such a long time before we could even remotely be together. Ty: True, but in that time it would give you both the necessary time to get to know each other like I said before to the point of seeing if you two are really meant to be or not. Something tells me & Denise that you'll choose Joe in the end & perhaps give Donie the chance for the time being. But thats only our thoughts, what matters is yours & do let us or anyone else influence what's in your heart. Nick: *Lays down on my bed; thinks for the longest time* Ty's POV I know for him he thinks he had to decide all this right now, but really he doesn't. Donie would just have to understand regardless & as for Joe, both Denise & I know all his thoughts & everything. But of course if I'd told Nick how Joe feels then his decision would be more influenced. And now since Nick knows about Donie at last, he's already recognized the signs of Joe liking him & vice versa. I definitely believe that Nick & Joe are destined to be with one another. No matter how much Donie may love Nick, Nick may or may not pursue a short-term relationship with him just to experience it & wait for Joe, but ultimately Nick would leave Donie & continue to still be in love with Joe. That kind of love, is like that of soul mates. Nick is the yin & Joe is the yang. When it comes to Donie, Nick may develop some feelings for him but they will never match the feelings Nick feels for Joe. While I say never, that all could change in a blink. This is only my own personal take on things. If Nick did fall in love with Donie, it would be something & it wouldn't be shocking, but still I don't see it happening that way. On to Nick's sexual orientation, I see him being mixed so probably bi, & for Joe ... definitely fully gay & that goes double for Donie. The reason I would think bi for Nick is because he's still unsure of him. The boy hasn't experienced a crush let alone love or an actual relationship, so there's still a lot for him to explore & of course find himself. I understand that by telling him everything & introducing him to guardian angels is a lot of take in one day, but in short he needed to be informed of it all. Nick's an intelligent & kind soul, but when it comes to crushes, falling in love, relationships, flirting & all that romance stuff ... he's a novice. And while his dad & Idylla can explain things, Nick's still holding back a lot right now. He's scared & thats fine. That is exactly why I'm here now, I knew I had to appear to him directly after school, but I also knew he needed rest before I spoke with him. As his guardian angel, I'm all about being there for him & watching over him. Call me a friend or whatever he wants, in the end I'm still going be right with him through all this. Denise knows its times like this that Nick really needs his mom, & while I'm not exactly a female, I can still help him. At least with me, he doesn't have to hide things or feel afraid. I know everything there is to know about Nick. For me I like to think of myself of an extra protector & advisor to him, but in a more personal way just because our own connection. Ty: *Lies next to him; gives him a hug to comfort him* Nick: *Blushes a little* I'm sorry. Ty: Don't be, you don't ever have to apologize to me. Everything you're feeling is absolutely normal. You don't need to feel bad for anything, whatever you feel ... its alright to release all those feelings, you're letting me in thats good, you'll feel better in the end. Nick: You sure Ty, cause I don't want seem like I'm a handful or a burden. Ty: Protecting & watching over you will never be that, I assure you. Nick: *Smiles hugging him back then; snuggles into his warmth* You feel so warm. Ty: Thanks, I try. *Pulls him closer; smiles then getting an idea* I could make this even better. Nick: How? Ty: *Grins; winks* I'm a guardian angel remember so lets just say we're got special abilities we can perform. *Transforms myself into Denise then* Nick: *Eyes widen as I blinked fast; gasps* T-ty? Ty: Its still me. While I know I'm not Denise, I can still be her for you if you want. *Says in Denise's voice* Nick: *Blushes again* You sure it isn't weird for you to do this for me? Ty: Not at all, your wants & desires within reason, I can try to fulfill. I can be anyone for you. *Back to my regular voice* Nick: Anyone? Ty: *Nods* Anyone you want. Nick: Even me? Ty: *Transforms into him* Yep, easy-pesy. Nick: *Chuckles marveling at him* Whoa, thats cool & weird at the same time. Ty: *Smiles back at him* I'm glad you think so & even better I'm glad it makes you smile. Nick: What else can you do Ty? And by the way, you can be yourself right now. Ty: *Returns to myself; grins brightly* I'm glad you asked. The question is actually what can't I do? I can't bring loved ones back from being dead thats one, two I can't see the future or predict it, & three I can't go back in time to change anything in the past. Those main three are my only limitations. Nick: I thought as much for the first one, but all good to know overall. Ty: Mm-hm. Hey, I got an idea to help you out things if you'd like hear it? Nick: Sure, I'm all ears. Ty: *Re-pulls him closer; stares into his eyes* Would you allow me to kiss you? Nick: *Heart races in my chest against his chest; blushes feeling my entire body warm; breath comes faster* Y-you want to kiss me? Ty: To help you figure out your feelings, I'd be willing to do it for you. Nick: *Gulps; nervous* Ty: Of course, I understand you're nervous & this would be your first official kiss, again you must be the one to decide. Nick: *Mind reeling in thoughts; closes eyes; takes a lot breathes to calm myself & my mind as I reached my decision* Ty you can kiss me. *I breathed; opened my eyes slowly; still blushing madly* Ty: *Nods once* As you wish. Would you like me to be Donie or Joe rather than be myself if that makes you feel more comfortable? Nick: No, stay yourself please. Ty: *Smiles; begins to lean in closer to his lips* Nick: *Leans in too; closes eyes; gets an imagine of Joe & moans softly when his lips pressed against my own. My heart was beating almost out of my chest. It felt like a million tiny sparks filling my mind & body just from the simple & soft kiss* Ty: *I could feel his heart beating wildly & everything he was feeling. I could tell he liked it, the feel of it was sending him into overdrive mostly cause even though he hadn't asked for me to Joe he was picturing him in his mind. And when he moaned, I couldn't help but feel like I'd helped him achieve a decision. I pulled away then watching him pout cutely* I see you liked it. Nick: I did. *Nods; exhales shallowly; requests then* Could you become Joe please & do it again? *Averts eyes while asking him* Ty: *Chuckles* It won't change my style of kissing you, you realize that right? Nick: *Continues to look at anything but him; nods once* I know, please Ty. Ty: *I could feel his hormones starting to act up at the thought of me becoming Joe for him, but as I said I would do it for him & in so I did; transforms into Joe* Nick: *Blushes harder seeing him as Joe, licks my lips subconsciously* Ty: *Smirks playing the role of Joe for the moment; leans back into kiss him keeping it very slow & soft* Nick: *This time I kissed him back; my heart accelerating once again from the amazing contact. Suddenly I wished it could be more, but I didn't know how to achieve it* Ty: *Licks his lower lip* Open up your mouth & I can show you if you want. Nick: *Slowly opens my mouth not knowing what to expect, waits* Ty: You sure you want me to kiss you like this? Nick: Yes, please. *I begged* Ty: *Smiles; goes back to kiss his lips then I entered his warm mouth immersing myself into the kiss fuller* Nick: *Moans louder. I felt his tongue touch & wrap around my own. I couldn't help but feel hypnotized but this new source ... of what I didn't know ... what was all this called?* Ty: *Answers him in Joe's voice* Its called pleasure, baby. Its something that'll make you feel so good. Nick: Oh my gosh. *I whispered* Ty: You want even more don't you? Nick: Yes please Joe. *I begged* Ty: *Resumes kissing him deeper; rolls on top of him* Nick: *Moans in his mouth; doesn't know where exactly to put my hands* Ty: *Smiles; pulls back for a moment* Well for one you could put them here *Grabs his hands to thread though Joe's hair* or ... *Moves them to wrap them around Joe's neck* or wherever you want. Nick: *Blushes so much; likes where my hands are now; presses a kiss to his lips* M-more. Ty: Oh you're turned on baby aren't you? You want me, you want me to kiss your innocent lips? Nick: Yes. *Eyes half-lidded* Ty: *Grins; returns to his lips going slower this time not wanting to overwhelm him, but also being very gentle knowing this is all a first for him* Nick: *Moves lips; continuously moaning softly into the kiss. Suddenly I felt myself feel different down below & I pulled back nervously* Ty: You're fine, looks like you know a lot more now. How do you feel? Nick: So ... *Blushes* warm & tingly all over. Ty: *Chuckles* That would explain the sparks & the happy smile you're displaying. Nick: I felt it & I feel so happy, thank you Ty. Ty: Your very welcome. And what do you reckon? Nick: I think I might be gay. And two, I think I have an ... *Gets all fidgety; doesn't really want to say it aloud* Ty: Aw, well congrats Nick you've gotten your very first erection. You learned about those earlier I recall. Nick: *Face flushes* I did, but dad didn't say what to do to make them go away. Ty: Well there's two options here; first mastrubation which you would be doing on by your own hands or allowing me to assist you with it & the third option I think you're way too young for. Nick: *Shivers a lot* You mean touching myself? Ty: Yes, or I can. Nick: What's the third option? Ty: Its an adult thing, but you will soon know one day, its called a blow job. Meaning a person would take your penis & suck you off till you come, its also called oral sex. Nick: *Gasps loudly* I-I-I ...*Stammering a lot* Ty: And your last option is to do go take a shower & rinse off & it'll go away. Nick: *The shower option seemed to be the my best bet embarrassment wise. The oral sex was definitely a no & as for the other two, I was torn cause one would mean me doing it by myself & the other would mean him touching me. I had definitely not planned getting an erection* Ty: *Chuckles* Its not something that is actually planned, it just happens whenever one gets turned on, its the most natural thing in the world. Nick: I-I get that, I'm just new to all this. Ty: That you are, may I make a suggestion? Nick: S-sure. Ty: Try out touching yourself I'll leave you alone for the sake of your privacy, but if you find you don't like it just call me back in & I can help try the second way. If that doesn't work for you, then definitely shower, sound good? Nick: *Gulps; thinks about it quietly. This certainly was an uncomfortable situation for me, but what did I have to lose. I needed relief* Okay, I'll try the first one, but what if my dad or Idylla comes in or worse Donie? *I'll be beyond embarrassed* Ty: You needn't be concerned about either of them, your dad has passed out from his long work day, Idylla is currently busy cleaning up her house & Donie is busy playing games to take his mind off telling you his secret. Nick: Whoa okay then, I guess I'm fine. I'll call you should I need you. *I blushed looking down* Ty: Remember you can do that verbally or in your mind, either or I'll still hear you & take your time. *Winks & disappears leaving him to do his business* Nick's POV Nick: *Takes a deep breath. Okay. I didn't know really what do exactly so I just decided to rub myself on the outside with my clothes on. I wrapped my hand around my member stroking it slowly. While I was still blushing, it felt better than I expected it to be. I started to pant a little bit as I worked my hand. Eventually I got more used to the feeling & closed my eyes tighter together when I picked up more speed. In a matter of seconds, feeling something building inside & I couldn't help but cry out in pleasure. I slumped tired out from shaking like a leaf on my bed, as my hand fell lazily to the side. When I opened up my eyes, I looked around dazed* Ty? Ty: Yes? *I asked him* Nick: I'm done. *I blushed; sits up* Ty: *Appears back in front of his bed; grins* Aw, you came. *Points to his wet shorts* Might want to shower & put those clothes in the washer. Nick: *Nods sheepishly* I guess I should. Ty: But before you do that, how do you feel overall? Nick: Honestly? So ... relieved & it just felt good. Ty: Good to hear. © 2013 VirgoAvatarReviews
1 Review Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on August 27, 2012Last Updated on May 9, 2013 Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing