![]() Watch Over You Chapter 4A Chapter by VirgoAvatarWatch Over You Chapter 4 Donie's POV I smiled hearing her. It was great knowing that I now had her & Hugo on my side. And to think before I even told them, I was pretty much wearing myself out on my own, but now that I've told someone it just feels so much better. I guess I should've done it sooner & saved myself the headache but whateve's. And as I went to bed, I couldn't help but be excited for tomorrow. All my thoughts now were focused on the ways to simply tell Nick, but eventually being tired got the best of me. But the next morning when I woke up bright bushy-eyed, I knew I was eager just to tell Nick. But then as I got ready & all that jazz & arrived arrived at school early as usual with my mom (meanwhile she wished me lots of luck) ... I thought to myself today is only Wednesday the third day of school. Not that it makes a difference, but there's just two more days till the four day weekend cause of Labor Day, so maybe it would be better to hold off till Saturday. While I know it would mean more waiting for me, I have to consider that the next two days are two small-ish tests & in no way do I want to stress or confuse or even throw Nick's studies cause I know its important to him. Heck its important to me too, cause I gotta pass. So in short, I'd just have to wait some more, which wasn't a big deal because I'm been waiting all this time, what's a little more you know. Donie: *Finally when Nick arrived & we walked to science together, I couldn't help but just smile even though I always did. To me this smile was a secret kind of smile that was just even happier than before. Now mind you, I know that I'm not so sure how Nick will react to my news & everything, but I also know that I just got to do this. In Ms. Knox's class she mostly was going on & on about today's lesson, which brought a lot of us to take lots of notes & to listen carefully. I was more psyched for P.E., & this time we got to watch Happy Feet 2. Which Nick & I had seen the first film, we still laughed & enjoyed this one too* So favorite part? *I asked him knowing what his answer would be, but still liked hearing it from him* Nick: Thats easy, the ending song "Under Pressure" when everyone comes together to set free the penguin nation. Donie: Knew it, yeah that part is awesome. Mine would be the opening sequence, Gloria & Mumble can sure start off the movie with their talents. Nick: Mm, thats true. And not to mention all the new characters are, cool even Sven. Donie: *Laughs* Don't know about Sven, dude but I agree with all the others. Any who, so you ready for our two tests? Nick: Yep, you? Donie: Uh well I could use a little extra reviewing, you know. Nick: *Gets what he means/wants* How about after school then? Donie: Sure & then afterwards we can chill. Nick: *Chuckles* You always want to chill. You gotta get out of summer mode. Donie: *Nods agreeing* I know that, but I a lot of us can't help it. Nick: *Continues laughing* You'll work on it I'm sure. Donie: Maybe. Nick: You best do so, cause school's for a year till the next summer vacation. Donie: True, but there's also some days off & beautiful & fun Christmas vacation. Nick: You & your days off & vacations. Donie: What? Like you're not thinking about it too. Nick: Not actually. Donie: Well you soon will be. Nick: When it comes closer to it, yes maybe. Donie: So I got an idea, wanna play some guitar & strum it after our study-fest? Nick: Sure, its been a while plus you've been writing a lot of songs right? Donie: *Yes but only for you* Nah, just been playing & singing cover songs. Nick: Cool, can't wait to hear them. Donie: *Grins* Sing me a little something. Nick: Why? Donie: Cause I want to hear ya, sing "Under Pressure." Here I'll start, you do Gloria's parts. Nick: What, why me? Donie: Cause you do them the best, now come on. *Sings starting off the beginning going into it* Pressure Pushing down on me Pressing down on you No man ask for Under Pressure That tears nations down Splits a family in two Puts people on streets Nick: *Watches him in amusement as he raised his eyebrows at me suggestively to do my part & sing with him; rolls eyes smiling joining in softly* Um ba ba be Um ba ba be De day da De day da It's the terror of knowing What this world is about Watching some good friends Scream ... Donie: Let me out! Nick: *Continues; forgets about the fact that others could be watching us; Donie continued adding in at times with me* (Pray tomorrow) Pray tomorrow (Take me higher) Take me higher (Pray tomorrow) Pray tomorrow (Take me higher) Take me higher Why Oh, why Tell me why (tell me why 4x) Can't we give ourselves one more chance Why can't we give ourselves one more chance Why can't we give love give love give love give love (give love 13x) Every day, every night, every hour 'Cause love's such an old fashioned word And love dares you to care for The people on the edge of the night And loves dares you to change our way of Caring about ourselves This is our last dance (This is our last dance) This is ourselves Together with Donie: (Penguins of the world unite, Strength in numbers, we can get it right, One time!) Donie: *High-5's with him* Nicely done Nick & thats why my friend, you sing Gloria's part so well. Nick: *Laughs; pushes him* Thanks a lot. Donie: Can you sing that one part again? Nick: Which one? Donie: From "Why" to "this is ourselves." Nick: *Sings it again for him, this time all on my own* Donie: *For some reason, I couldn't get enough of him singing that particular part. He sounded amazing & when he finished he got actual round of a applause from other students. My Nick was getting his recognition* Nick: *I blushed lightly seeing girls & boys actually clapping for me. In all honesty I wasn't used to attention like this. It actually felt quite nice* Donie: Go Nick! See dude this is EXACTLY what I've been saying all along, you've got the voice, you should be showing it off. Nick: *Shyly looks down; shakes head* I don't know about that, Don. Donie: Well I do. *Wants so badly to raise his chin; instead just tells him* You're destined to shine man. Nick: *Smiles* Thanks, we'll see. Donie: *Okay so first thing I should do is send in Nick's many CD's that he self-recorded & that way he'll be the one to see exactly what I mean* To the future of my good buddy Nick Jay! Nick: Sssh, not so loud! *I told him* Donie: *Shrugs* The world will know one day. Nick: *Laughs; gets up just in time to head to Algebra with him* Well on to your favorite class. *I teased him* Donie: You just gotta bring that up. Nick: Don't fret or stress. Donie: Right, just think positively & RUN! Nick: Or try to pat attention & not zone out? Donie: That too perhaps. Nick: *We walked in direction to math & once there, we instantly went into lecture after roll was called by Mr. McCallon. We did some equations that were addition integers in general. From what I could tell, Donie was staring at it the material like he had no clue what do. I knew I'd have to help him in this, but thats what friends are for. We help each other all the time, whether we may need it or not. Thankfully it ended again real fast & we both made our way to my dad's. I know that math just puts Donie in a bored/confused & pretty much sleepy mode which is why I think going over my dad's class is the perfect cheerer upper & way to lift his spirits. Today in class, we got our instruments & started practicing scales & then afterwards we had a fun jam session. Donie & I, & pretty much all of the other students really got into it. After dad's class ended, we stayed in his room to eat but this time he had to run to the office but he still said Donie & I could stay. So we both nodded & began eating together, at least till Donie said he wanted to get some french fries from the cafeteria* You know you're going to be standing in line for awhile right? Donie: I know that, but its french fries & I really want them, so line or not I'm going to get them. Wanna come with? Nick: *Shakes head* I'll stay here, but thanks. Donie: No worries okay, be back soon hopefully. *Hopes; waves leaving to off towards the cafeteria. In a sense, I kind of wished he would tagged along with me, but I get that even we need time & space away from each other, since we're always hanging together constantly at both home & school* Nick's POV After finishing up my lunch, I walked over to dad's piano & began playing another song. I guess I was still in the Happy Feet 2 mode so I played "Bridge Of Light" sung by Alicia Moore or aka Pink who does the voice for Gloria now. While I played, I sung the lyrics, seeing how I was all alone & I decided to let go & sing it out. If only I knew at that time, I wasn't as alone as I thought I was Joe: *I was glad lunch had arrived cause I was looking forward to visiting Hugo & talking to him more about his profession. He told me what room he primarily teaches, so I eventually found it. When I was near to the front door, I stopped hearing someone starting to sing & play piano. I quietly opened the door as my eyes spotted Nick as the source of everything. My mouth fell open briefly. I closed the door as quiet as possible not wanting to stop him from starting his performance, as I leaned back against the wall & watched & listened to him. I couldn't believe it, he could play & sing. And as he began, I found myself grinning widely. I admired his passion & how he immersed himself into the song, even though I'd never heard it before. I assumed it was a cover of something, just what exactly I hadn't the slightest idea* Nick: Just when you think Hope is lost And giving up Is all you got, Blue turns black, Your confidence is cracked, There seems no turning back from here Sometimes there isn't an obvious explanation Why the holiest hearts can feel the strongest palpitations That's when you can build a bridge of light, That's what turns the wrongs all right That's when you can't give up the fight That's when love turns nighttime into day, That's when loneliness goes away, That's why you gotta be strong tonight, Only love can build us a bridge of light When your feet are made of stone You're convinced that you're all alone Look at the stars instead of the dark You'll find your heart shines like the sun Let's not let our anger get us lost And the need to be right comes at way too high a cost That's when love can build a bridge of light That's what turns the wrongs all right That's when you know it's worth the fight That's when love turns nighttime into day That's when loneliness goes away, That's why you gotta be strong tonight 'cause only love can build us a bridge of light Deep breath, take it on the chin But don't forget to let love back in That's when love can build a bridge of light That's what turns the wrongs all right That's when you can't give up the fight And that's when love turns nighttime into day, That's when loneliness goes away That's why you gotta be strong tonight 'cause only love can build us a bridge of light Only love can build us a bridge of light ... Of light ... Of light ... Nick: *Finishing it with the ending notes; smiles sighing. What caught my attention then was the sound of clapping. I looked to my left expecting it to be Donie, but my heart clenched a little bit seeing it wasn't Donie, but in fact Mr. Anderson. I blinked fast & swallowed trying to speak & when I finally did it was soft & kind of squeaky* Good after Mr. Anderson. Joe: *Chuckles; walks over to him* Good afternoon Nick, sorry to intrude but I was looking for your dad, but instead I found you. That was an amazing performance of yours there. Nick: *Cheeks warm up a lot. He knows my dad?* Thank you, I was just um messing around you know. *Tries to play it down* Joe: Well it was very cool for just messing around. I played a little when I was your age. *Shares with him* Nick: When you were fourteen? Joe: Yep, it was awesome. And just between us Nick, I also sang a little too. It was all fun stuff though while it lasted. I'm actually wanting to get back into since its been so long seeing how now I'm almost twenty-four. Its why I'm here, I miss having fun with music. Nick: *He was actually telling me things about me, I couldn't believe it. Wow so thats means he's into music just like dad & I. That alone made me smile a lot. Already it seemed like we having more in common everyday* Really? Well I'm sure my dad can help with that & maybe I can too. I too have always loved music, I play the piano, guitar ... *Lists the others revealing a little about myself to him* Wow, you're so young. *Bites lip then. Now where did I get the gall to say that?* Joe: *Leans against the piano smiling down at him* Yeah. That could be great, I look forward to it. And wow thats quite stellar Nick, so you're going to be a musician then? *Chuckles* Its true, I get that a lot. Mind if I sit with you? Nick: *Blushing now. My eyes were wide, I almost wanted to pinch myself to see it was all real cause it all seemed too good to be true* I'm not sure actually, I mean I love everything about music, but I guess I'm a little hesitant about it being a career for myself you know? *Admits; looks at him. Even with our age difference, it feels like we still connect. It feels different from when I'm with Donie, dad or Idylla. This feels comfortable & nice, I like it* Sure. *Smiles shyly, making more space for him* Joe: *Sits down next to him; breathes, nodding understandingly* Thats how I felt similarly too. My dad always thought singing & playing music wouldn't ever be a suitable line of work for myself, he always pictured me as a teacher & so did I for that matter. But sometimes I wish, I could've experienced the other side you know with music. Who knows maybe we both could make it one day. But all dreaming aside, I just like letting loose. I woke up this morning thinking I really just want to play the piano. Nick: *Listens; nodding mostly* Yeah I guess so. Then go for it, give it a try Mr. Anderson. Joe: May I? Nick: Of course. *I smiled* Joe: Alrighty then. *Begins to play a few notes at first not getting right, till I shifted myself a little & then began again this time getting it better than before* Nick: *Hearing him play made my heart soar. I closed my eyes feeling every note he played, I could hear the sound in my mind almost like an echo. It was even cooler when he started to sing something I knew pretty well & decided then & there to join in* I'm a little pawn still in your game And you ignore my advances I turn my head and I look away But I can't control my eyes are on you Oh, you're on the run and I'm chasing you Feels like war with all your glances I'm just a boy without a clue And I can't control following you But it's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me I know you better than you know You can fight but it's not over I say to stop but you start to go I guess that means it's L-O-V-E I say to look but you turn away I say we put our best foot forward Will you believe, come next to me Oh, why can't you see, I'm begging you, please But it's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me ... (Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah ....) And I'm knocking on your door Baby baby, please now Falling on your floor Baby baby, please I keep knocking on your door Baby, baby, please now Falling on your floor Baby baby, please But it's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me It's alright, alright with me Joe: *When Nick joined in with me, we just sung it out with our hearts & had a blast with it. We both were smiling & bouncing our heads to the song while we sang. I wasn't expecting him to join in, but I was glad he decided to. He's got skills & I truly mean that. And when he hit the lyric of "baby, baby, please" with me, I already knew I wanted to hear it again* That was incredible Nick. Nick: *Exhales. I just sang with him. I just sang with my teacher! I've never done such a thing, not even with dad in class. But here I was smiling bigger than ever exclaiming happily back to him* It was, you're were amazing Mr. Anderson! Joe: *Chuckles loudly* I can say same the same about you Nick, you're crazy talented. Nick: *Blushes brightly* Thank you, but you seriously are too. You're like a pro. Joe: Why thank you, I appreciate the feedback a lot. Well this had been an quite the lunch. *Recalls that it is still lunch, looks at watch* And we still got time left but not much, I hope I didn't keep you from eating did I? Nick: *Shakes head* Not, at all. I eat before I started singing. My dad would've been here too, but he had to go to the office & my friend, Donie left to get a snack. Joe: I see, well its been a real pleasure hanging with you Nick, maybe we can do it again sometime? Nick: Definitely, that would be so cool. *I smiled again* I'm always here for lunch. Joe: *Nods* Sounds great, I look forward to playing piano & singing with you again. *Gets up* I'll see you later then, bye Nick. *Waves; walks out of the room* Nick: *Waves bye* Okay me too, I'll see you later Mr. Anderson. *Watches him leave; dreamily sighs* Joe's POV I continued to smile as I left the music room walking back up to my classroom's location sitting at my desk, chuckling softly. I knew from first glance when I saw Nick & he told me his name, that he was something special. And now I'm further convinced that he really is. I was already excited to visit him again & just get lost in the moment like we had. It was like we were in a studio & we've been working together always. It didn't matter we were ages apart or teacher & student. I've always wanted to do something like that & experience that feeling of creating & now I have & already I want more. We flowed & matched. It was just the two of us, our voices meshing together perfectly. I wish I didn't have another class & that I could just go back, but I knew I would have wait again. I'd first have to get permission from Hugo to go back because if anything I didn't want this be secret. For the first time in a long time, I just was so giddy. I'm grown-up but screw it, I can still have my fun & this time I won't have my dad telling me no. I'm going to pursue this & see where it takes me. Donie's POV I came back shortly ready to say "ha ha ha" to Nick's face when I'd show him my fries that I'd gotten pretty fast. However, I knew I'd gotten lucky but I still wanted to brag just a little. Just when I was about to enter the room, I heard singing, while I heard Nick's voice ... I also heard someone else's. I peaked through the door & my mouth dropped open, seeing Mr. Anderson sitting next to Nick's side singing with him while he played the piano. I don't why, but seeing that made me burn with jealously. Why's he sitting next to my Nick so close? And why are they singing together? Nick's shy, he doesn't do things like this. Is he changing? So many thoughts raced through my mind & none of them answered a single thing. I just frowned watching them. I even gripped the door hard & I swear if it was a soda can or something ... it would've been probably completely crushed. Nick & him were smiling & being like they were when they first met. I listened further when the finished the song & heard all of the rest of their conversation. If I didn't know better, I'd say this teacher was flirting with my Nick & it stung me a lot. I didn't like the feeling at all. I've never experienced anything like it. Even though I kept calm on the outside, on the inside I was almost screaming. Nick was blushing & he almost appeared to be returning the flirting, but knowing Nick, he was still oblivious & he was just excited & being his cheerful-self. Quickly then I heard Mr. Anderson getting up & I had to leave closing the door quietly so they wouldn't know I was there (hopefully). I ran off to the left side & waited till he had left fully before entering the room. Nick: *Continues to smile even when Donie returned; waves in greeting then* Hey dude, get your fries? Donie: Yeah, I did. *Shows him* And the line was pretty short, got it fast. Nick: Oh? *Finds it odd, but here & there it does happen & one can get lucky* Thats good, how were they? Donie: Yeah, very & they were so good. So what was that all about? Nick: *Smiles at first then tilts head to the side* What was what? Donie: Singing with Mr. Anderson. *I stated, already getting bugged at the mentioning of it* Nick: *Stands up in time for the bell to ring; grabs my backpack* You saw? Donie: Yeah. *Nods; walks with him waiting for an answer from him* Nick: Oh man, it was so cool! *Starts getting happy all over again* He really likes music & he plays, & sings oh my God. He was looking for my dad originally but then we got to talking & it just turned into a total awesome time. He wants to get back into playing & singing, cause he hasn't played or sung for a long time. Donie: *Great I thought. I'd honestly haven't seen Nick excited about something like this before, I mean I know he appreciates & loves creating music. But what's the big deal, so what Joe can play & sing, so can Nick. And supposedly, he just wants to suddenly get back into playing & singing, but I can't help but be skeptical about this so called Joe's intentions. Specially after seeing how close he was to Nick & how he made him blush & smile, Nick's face was lit up happily. Its a look I've seen but this one was like even happier* I see. Nick: I already can't wait till his class & he wants try it all again. Donie: Nick? Nick: Yeah? Donie: *I don't want to be a downer or overly jealous, but I also got to protect him in case. I don't think I like Joe really much, cause somewhere in my mind it seems like he's trying to flirt with him & if so that would mean he's being a pedophile* Just be careful buddy. *I warned him* Nick: What do you mean? Donie: That teacher got really close with you today. Nick: *Blushes recalling it* Not that close. Donie: Oh believe me it was close. Just keep an eye on him, he might be a ... Nick: *Frowns* Donie's he's not like that. *Knows what he means but prefers not to say the actual word* Donie: Oh yeah & you've known him for what ... three days barely. *Reminds him* Nick: *Shakes my head* I can't believe you would think that. Donie: Nick, I'm just saying ... Nick: You shouldn't judge a person like that, its not cool. Donie: I know, but I'm just concerned about you. Nick: You needn't be, I'll be okay. Donie: Well thats kind of hard considering we are best buddies, we always look out for one another. Nick: Donie. Donie: Yeah? Nick: I appreciate the concern, but like I said Joe's cool. *Defends him* Donie: *Nods not wanting to fight with him over something so silly, but I know in my heart I'm right. I'm just trying to look out for him whether he needs it or not* Nick: *Once in English class, after starting the lesson my thoughts drifted momentarily off to replaying Donie's words. How could he misinterpret it like that? In no way was it like the way he's suggesting it was. I went from beaming like crazy to frowning. I couldn't help but be a little upset, whatever was in Donie's mind was just ... wrong. But then it also got me thinking, I'm not exactly experienced in well if someone was actually interested in me. I guess cause mainly I don't really even know what the signs are. Maybe it would be wise to have a small chat with my dad just in case. I don't believe that Mr. Anderson is the type to fall for a student & seduce them or whatever. It was just innocent & hanging out right? I shook my head inwardly, I needed to focus on class* Donie: *I could tell he was thinking over what I'd said. I knew it all had to be said. I just hoped I was wrong about the whole situation & it was just as Nick wants to believe but I also saw Joe's face. He seemed to be really into Nick, cause its the same look I send him but this was a little different but I can't really seem to figure what exactly it is. No way am I going to let a teacher try to steal him away. He's way too old & if he knows what's good for him, he better just back off. I'll definitely have to keep a closer eye on him now with Nick & vice versa. Nick's way too innocent still to understand certain things & while I am too, I know a little more because I've done some small research. Mainly little things like reading online tips on flirting & getting a crushes attention. I've also heard things on TV about crazy older & scary looking men who committed acts involving pedophilia. I won't let that ever happen to Nick, I just hope that all these conclusions I'm jumping to aren't right & he is right, please let him be right* Nick: *After Mr. Guttman's class, Donie & I walked in silence towards Mr. Anderson's class. Immediately stepping into the room, I was greeted by him & again I felt myself melt slightly* Joe: Hey Nick. *Waves* Nick: Hi, Mr. Anderson. *I smiled feeling my earlier emotions when I was with him come back at full force* Joe: *Smiles equally* Donie: *Sends him a disapproving frown; sits down behind Nick keeping my eyes locked on both of them* Joe: *Takes rolls & then begins the lesson* Nick: *All negative thoughts Donie had made me think of where replaced with inner joy because I honestly found his class so interesting. His way of teaching was different, but then captivating. He clearly enjoyed his subject matter, but he also loved music. He could do both, I thought. Teachers can double major & more. He doesn't have to give up his dream. I could see him on stage performing. While picturing that very thought, I saw myself next to him sharing the stage. I blushed, why was I now in the daydream? Its just supposed to be him, not me. For whatever reason, I pushed my newly found thoughts out of my mind & went back to focusing on his lecture. By the end of his class, we said our byes & waved to each other. This time I didn't watch him get on his motorcycle even though I really wanted to, I knew Donie was watching over me. In silence we walked together & met up with our parents getting in our separate cars. Once inside my dad's I finally asked him my questions at hand* Hey dad, could you tell me a little about basics of flirting? Hugo: *Raises an eyebrow* Whoa hello. Nick: Sorry I'm just curious. *Fighting the urge to turn red* Hugo: You got a crush on someone buddy? Nick: No, I don't *Maybe?* Hugo: Uh-huh. *Smiles* Well does someone else have a crush on you perhaps? Nick: I don't think so. Its just that I don't know, I think I should just know a little more on this subject just in case for the future. Hugo: Very well. *Continues to drive home while speaking to him* Okay so for flirting, smiling is the key, among of course eye contact, also just by the way you sit, or the way you move & walk & so forth. All that can convey flirting, its actually simple & a good way to meet someone & see if you connect. Nick: *I coughed when he said "connect." That keyword alone made even my ears probably turn red; nods for him to go on* Hugo: Just by making that connection by maybe finding something in common could spark interest. Okay so basic flirting tips: among laughter, giggling, chuckling, touching & all that. Basically flirt moderately meaning don't go for it too hard or make it too easy cause then sometimes people lose interest, but don't worry about this one too much after all you're still young & will have plenty of time to improve your flirting skills in time. Also tip #2, don't make it always all about you, but don't pay much attention to this one cause it can go both ways just meaning this is how you get to know each other & ask questions leading to overall things you may have in common just so long as you don't overload or overwhelm them. Tip #3 be interested in what your crush is saying & always ask questions, it continues the conversation & shows that you're interested in them & what they're saying. Overall be confident, cool & collective, you know relaxed, charming & funny, witty & most important: yourself. Nick: *Commits everything he's saying to memory; nods silently* So how do you know if a person's crush is interested in that said person? Hugo: There's a a lot of ways, lets just say that if a guy was interested in a girl. For example, he would number one tell someone, meaning he wants someone else to know about liking his crush. Two, there's the look, this one's almost hypnotic in the way he or she might keep their eyes lingering on their crush & just smile. Three, the conversation where he or she could be getting close to you or asking you questions pretty much indicting they're interested in you. Four is one of my favorites: he or she definitely likes you a lot of they keep up showing up unexpectedly. Maybe your crush is asking about your schedule or has been watching where you go. Ooh a good sign is if you look at your crush or they look at you & either of you is blushing & one of you say a little "Oh, hi" or "Hey so & so" ... its basically a subtle way of saying yes I'm interested in you. So from there you should just stop acting shy & go talk to your crush & go for it. And I can go on & on about this cause I know flirting & crushing well. May I ask what brought this on besides being curious? Nick: I just figured it would be good to know, I was thinking about it a little & realized I didn't know much concerning it. And being fourteen I guess, its good to get a grip on things. I'm not saying I want to date or anything or have someone in mind, I just wanted to prepare myself just in case. Hugo: I see, makes sense *Pauses* that also reminds me it might be beneficial to have another separate talk about puberty & all that. Nick: Dad! *Gasps* What on earth brought that on? Hugo: Well like you said you're newly fourteen & your bodies going through its changes which is perfectly normal & nothing to be embarrassed about. Plus bud, it is time we talked about this. Nick: *Blushes* I'll try & keep that in mind. Hugo: *Explains about the stages of changes from vocal, muscles coming in, how the chest gets broader, facial hair growing in various areas such as the face, legs, chest, & under the arms. Also I introduced him into the idea of shaving as well. Then of course the awkward stuff, well at least for Nick ... stuff concerning his penis & testicles growing bigger & longer. I also explained in detail about erections, wet dreams, what it means when your voice breaks, about sudden mood swings, smelling differently, & etc. By the end of our car ride, Nick's eyes were the size of an owl's almost. I chuckled ruffling his hair* Don't worry much about it, it may or may not happen this year but at least you know a lot more now, sorry if it was a little graphic. Nick: *Bites lip* Its alright, you're right I needed to know all this even, thanks dad. Even though I'm pretty sure I need something else to distract me now aka study time with Donie, so I'll be in my room whenever he decides to show. Hugo: *Grins; nods* Ten-four sport, I'll be in my room in you should need me. Nick: Got it, thanks. *Waves to him; goes to my room; gets set up for the studying session* Hugo's POV Okay its official, one Nick's realized Donie likes him or two he likes Donie back or three he likes someone else. And based on everything Nick asked me & acted, I honestly have no clue which of the three options it is. Of course I lean towards option one or two, if not one. As for option three, that one is a whole different thing. Nick could've fallen for someone, but question if so who? And what gender, I still haven't the slightest clue if he's going to lean towards boys or girls or both. I want to assume guys, but I'm not entirely sure. He's never really shown interest in girls his age or even girls in general. I recall this one time when a girl was trying to talk to him in preschool according to Donie ... he hid behind him & Donie ended up talking with the girl & later asked Nick why he was so shy. All did was shrug & say "I don't know her Donie, I only know you." Upon hearing this, I knew Nick would be always attached to Donie & even now he still is. It makes me wonder about them now, I had a conversation with Idylla & last night Donie came out to her about Nick finally. Thats actually why I left Nick & Donie, cause she said she wanted to talk to me. So I met with her at the office & we walked outside after eating & she revealed all about her conversation with him. Didn't I tell you that he loved my Nick? I just knew it, I was most pleased hearing the news. I was like finally, now its time to help him get together with my son. Its one of those things that Idylla & I, being parents should just let it all happen on its own, but with the process its taken Donie just to come to terms with the truth ... he's going to need our help. I just hope Nick has or will develop similar feelings, else Donie will be crushed. But even so, something tells me he won't give up. He's seriously stuck on Nick. Nick's POV After getting all my texts organized & all my needed supplies, I took off my shoes & socks & decided to take a quick mini shower so at least I could cool myself down. I only took like five minutes rinsing myself & then got out feeling so much better & fully refreshed. I grabbed a towel to wrap around my hips & I walked back into my room not really looking up, about to turn left when I heard a sudden gasp. I looked at the source finding Donie sitting on my bed with his mouth hanging open. Nick: *Blushes brightly* Donie! Donie: *Chuckles* Well hello my wet curly bud, nice to see you too. Nick: *Grips my towel tighter* Dude! Donie: What? I've seen you unclothed before, no big deal. *In fact its the truth, while it usually doesn't happen a lot, I don't mind it but this time ... I was staring directly at him. I swallowed continuing to stare at him. Maybe waiting two more days would be harder than I previously thought* Nick: *Goes to the left side of my bed from my angle & pushes him off my bed making him get up & off it; pushes him out of my room shutting the door behind him* Donie: *Before I could protest or give an explanation, he pushed me out directly & shut the door. Okay, one rude & two, what? So I was staring, is that a crime? Maybe just a little boarding on creepy too, but you wouldn't movie if you saw what I was saw. I groaned softly hitting my head back against the door, dang it* Nick: *Shakes head. I don't know what's with him anymore. Sometimes I think he just wants to embarrass me lately. I almost want to call of the study session now, but I know that I promised to help him. I just had to shake off this weird thing & get past it. When I was fully dry & clothed, I opened the door watching as a sitting Donnie fell backwards with a small thump; laughs a little* Ready to study? *I asked* Donie: Yeah. *Gets up* You know you could've given a guy a warning. Nick: Yeah, maybe next time. *Sits on my bed* Donie: Whateve's I guess. Hey sorry about- Nick: Don't worry about it, just don't do it again. Donie: Promise, scouts honor. *I grinned* Nick: *Chuckles* Alright so we'll start with Ms. Knox's science test first, she said it would be only six short questions, so easy pesy. Donie: If you say so. *Sits in his bed too; gets my own text starting to go over things with him* © 2013 VirgoAvatar |
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Added on August 23, 2012Last Updated on May 9, 2013 Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing