![]() Watch Over You Chapter 3A Chapter by VirgoAvatarWatch Over You Chapter 3 Hugo's POV After getting dressed into some more comfortable, I went back to my son's room & found him on his bed reading one of his textbooks. I smiled sitting down joining him. Hugo: Enjoying reading? Nick: Yeah, just looking it over for now. Hugo: *Checks out the course title* U.S. History huh? Oh man, that stuff is kind of dry. Nick: *Laughs a little* It can be, but its essential to learn about I guess. Hugo: Mm-hmm, so tell me something. Nick: Like what? Hugo: Anything you want. Nick: *Laughs again* I think besides your class, this history one will be my favorite too. Hugo: Really? Nick: Yeah, you're always my number one favorite though. Hugo: Aww, thanks I appreciate that. But why history, you've haven't taken much interest in it previous years? *I could tell already something was different. My son's face was all lit up just by talking about the topic & I knew it couldn't be the actual subject itself or at least thats how I felt* Nick: *My whole face heated up recalling the same scene again; smiles* Hugo: *Seeing him blush & space out, brought about a smile of my own* Was I wrong, is your history teacher a girl? Nick: *Shakes head* No, you were actually right he's a guy & his name is Joe Adam Anderson. Hugo: *Raises a surprised eyebrow up* Really? Hmm, well guess I was right on the money then. I definitely haven't met him, what's he like? Nick: *Tells him more about Mr. Anderson recapping everything I'd seen & even told him about what had taken place. I pretty much told him everything except for my new feelings for Mr. Anderson. I couldn't believe it, I'd always said to myself that I'd never fall or get a crush on a teacher, but here I go & do it anyways. It wasn't a big crush, but I did know that felt something for him* Hugo: *Hearing him recap for me, made me feel like I was right there along with him, if anything Nick is very detailed & I'm glad for that cause in a way it feels like I don't have to worry about missing a beat. The way this Joe had entered his class had me questioning him a bit, thats certainly never happened before but I guess it certainly did today. And with the exchange between him & Nick, I saw his blush return & he was smiling so it prompted me to ask him after he finished about it* So you have a second favorite then, this Joe correct? Nick: Yes. *I admitted* He seems really cool. Hugo: Yeah, I get that from you've said. I'll have to meet him sometime, you said his parents were teachers too at Milton? Nick: Yeah, but I do find it kind of funny he was still late. Hugo: Me too, but you know me I'll find out & get the scoop, how's that sound? Nick: *Giggles* I think I had a new nickname for you, Inspector. Hugo: I like it. *Lays down next to him; takes his textbook putting it on his desk for a moment returning to him* I'm tired what about you? Nick: *Wipes eyes a little* Now that you mention it yes, its been a full day but we still have four days more to go before the four day weekend. Hugo: Oh yes, the Monday off for Labor Day thank God huh? Nick: You sound like Donie. *Remembers him then* Oh my God! Hugo; *Sits up alarmed* What's wrong? Nick: I forgot I left him & went straight to find you after school. I kind of ditched him, oh my gosh I feel bad now. I gotta go over & see him. Hugo: Whoa, you ditched your best friend? Nick: I did & I shouldn't have. I'll be right back, I'm going to go over to his house. Hugo: Okay, could you call me if you decide to stay over there please? Nick: Will do. *Gives him a quick hug; then leaves my room walking towards the front door opening it to go out closing it behind me. I walked over to his front door arriving at his place in less than a minute. I knocked once waited, I couldn't hear the sound of anyone coming so I tried the doorbell. After waiting for some time & still no response, I looked down & went back home & found my dad still in the same place napping. I laid next to him quietly not wanting to wake him, but he then opened one eye to look at me* Hugo: Back so soon? Nick: There's no one home by the looks of it, nobody's answering the door & I don't see Idylla's car. I think they might be out. Hugo: Oh well then, just take it easy & relax, they'll be back eventually. Nick: *Nods* But I still feel guilty doing that earlier, I don't know what I was thinking. Hugo: You were just in a hurry I'm sure, its understandable. Nick: *I thought I was, which was true but then I don't know. I just blew him off rudely still* Why I'd do that? Hugo: *Plays with his curls* Its okay, don't beat yourself up about it. Nick: *Relaxes a little* Hugo: Feel better? Nick: Yes, how do you do that? Hugo: Lets just say I have the magic touch. Nick: *Chuckles* Dad. Hugo: *Kisses his head* Now sleep or relax whichever. *Closes eyes* Nick: Okay, just as long as you don't snore. Hugo: I do not! *Protested* Nick: No comment. *Closes eyes too* Hugo: *Smiles; soon falls asleep* Nick: *For me I tried to sleep, but my mind was way too busy & hard to shut it off. My mind kept replaying that exact moment, I didn't look at Donie's face but I'm sure he was confused & for sure hurt. Its not like me just to run away like that. Then a thought occurred to me, when I'd been watching Mr. Anderson I think the reason I fled so fast more than anything was embarrassment. I didn't want Donie to question me or see my face, but even more I didn't want him to taunt me for liking a teacher. While its a silly reason to just run, to me I didn't think about his feelings but now I wish I did cause I'm now going to have to explain myself somehow. Yep, this was not the something I exactly pictured happening or what I meant earlier but it had happened & it was time to move forward* Donie's POV I tell you grocery shopping seemed to drone on forever & while I knew it was important, but still it was just a little on the boring side. I'd almost wish I'd brought my gameboy or something to keep me busy. This is where most of the time Nick & I would go over to the magazine aisle & check out things. And while I tried to do that same thing, my mom wouldn't let me go by myself so I just walked with her up & down the whole store. And eventually we had to repeat this process cause my mom likes to get the best prices & that basically means going from grocery store to grocery store including not not limited to the following: Albertsons, Ralph's, Vons, Stater Bro's, Target, & sometimes Walmart, Trader Joe's, Fresh & Easy, Dollartree & 99 Cent Only Stores (definitely not my favorite but according to my mom there are a lot of deals there obviously cause the price/name). Two hours later, we finally arrived back home, while didn't make to all the stores we made it to The Gap & mom bought a pair of new jeans & three new shirts, which I gotta say were cool. After helping her put all the groceries away, I told my mom I was going over to Nick's & that would be back shortly before dinner. She of course was perfectly okay with this & I headed over to Nick's place. I brought my key of course knowing that Hugo always locks up his house as does my mom naturally & everything else too, just for the sake of being safe. Turning the key & entering in, I shut the door & looking around. They were certainly home, but there were no sounds at all. So I headed for Nick's room first expecting him to be there & I was right. I smiled seeing him curled up in his bed sleeping beside Hugo, both zonked out. Immediately I put it together that they must have come home & taken showers & just crashed probably after talking. I didn't blame them, while I was tried early I felt more awake now. I still wanted to go to the beach but I couldn't find it in myself to wake either Jonas up. So instead of hanging there like I was, I burrowed one of Nick's many sticky notes & wrote him a message putting it on the front of his shirt & left to go back home. It was like 5:20 now, so I decided to take a shower. Less than eight minutes later I finished washing up & everything & got dressed into just a pair of shorts & just a regular shirt that had a picture of a super Mario. So for the time being I decided to watch some TV & found one of my favorite shows on ... Tanked. It comes on Animal Planet all the time & its funnier than heck. Its about two guys that are the build aquarium tanks, they're the number one tank builders in the world. Nick & I watch all the time & even Hugo & my mom too, its definitely a favorite for all of us. Nick's POV The next time I woke up, I found it to be 7:30 PM wow I really tried. I found dad was still napping, guess he's even more so. Since it was drawing close to dinner time, I decided to start. But first I needed to choose what I was going to make for the both of us. I thought about it for a couple minutes before deciding. I remembered a recipe that I'd seen while watching one time with dad during The Dr. Oz Show & I'd made it before in the past & it proved to be very simple & good at the same time. Since I'd made it before, I knew the ingredients by heart: a whole wheat tortilla, two portabella mushrooms sliced, one eggplant cut into two large slices, 1/4 cup canned tomatoes, two tablespoons of shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese, 1/2 teaspoon of chopped garlic & finally one cup of steamed spinach. So basically I grabbed all those ingredients & the needed tools & began. First I preheated the oven to 375 waiting till it was ready & then I put the tortilla in toasted it till it was crispy. Then I sprayed a baking sheet with a nonstick spray & put both the eggplant & mushroom slices on it & cooked it for 20 minutes while I also steamed the spinach. Next in a smaller container I mixed the canned tomatoes & garlic together & then set it aside. Then when the tortilla was ready I removed it from the oven & put the eggplant slice on top, then the tomato mixture over it, then the cheese & next the spinach & lastly the mushroom & any other remaining ingredients. The last & final step was to bake for about ten minutes or until the cheese had melted, so I placed it carefully back in & set the timer. Clapping my hands together, I washed them & then thought about a smoothie as well considering that dad had promised earlier, but I guess we'd have to do without the ice cream part cause it was getting late & eating sweets are night can keep a person up late cause of the sugar. So for the smoothie, I grabbed a hold of four bananas & peeled them & put them into the blender. Next I got some frozen mangos out of the freezer & put some in & lastly I added Trader's Joe's unsweetened coconut milk & a little touch of honey & put the lid on top of the blender & started it. I knew this would make a louder noise but unfortunately it had to be done it order for it all to mesh together. Hugo: *Hums a little; smacks lip waking up then hearing sounds coming from the kitchen I guessed, must mean Nick's up. I wiped my eyes & got off the bed & walked slowly over from his room out to the living room towards the kitchen spotting my son cooking like a master chef. Did I mention that he loves to cook, I find it so sweet we're always cooking for each other. I decided to be quiet & watch for a few moments. From what I could tell, he was making something for dinner that was in the oven & then to drink a smoothie. That reminded me of the promise I'd made to him & Donie, looks like Nick had just beat me to it. Just as he finished the smoothie before turning it off I sneaked over towards behind him & wrapped my arms him* Aww! *I cooed* Nick: *Nearly jumps out of my skin* Dadd! Hugo: That would be me, this looks & smells great Nicky mmm. *Breathes it in* Nick: *Chuckles; unplugs the blender* Well I figured that I should start everything seeing how you were so wiped. Hugo: I see & I appreciate it immensely. *Unwraps my arms from him getting plates while he got the glasses & straws* Nick: Your welcome. *Takes out the pizza from the oven sets it down to cool; also gets the pizza cutter* Hugo: *Returns to his side helping him* Mmm-mm can't wait to dig in. Nick: Hungry? Hugo: Starving actually. Nick: I thought so, & thats exactly why I'm prepared. *Slices the pizza for him & I, places equal slices on a plate for each of us & carries it to him* Hugo: *Goes over to pour the smoothies & brings them over to the dining room table setting it down; sits down along with Nick; tries the smoothie first with the bendy straw* Nick: *Watches him; also tries the smoothie with him* Hugo: Ooh, Pina Colada my favorite. Nick: And mine. *I added in* Well enjoy. *I gestured* Hugo: I believe I will. *Begins to eat with him* Nick: *We ate together in quietly enjoying both the smoothie & the pizza. When we finished, I cleared the plates & began to do the dishes, but dad came over & stopped me* But these are piling up ... *I started* Hugo: I can take over, I think you have someone you need to see. *Points to the sticky note on his chest* Nick: *Looks down peeling the note off reading it silently ... Hey Nick, I'm back home now sorry if you tried to find me & mom, we went out shopping & stuff. I saw you & Hugo sleeping, so I'll guess I'll catch you whenever, peace Donie* Dad I'm gonna to ... Hugo: *Nods* Go ahead, I'll finish up here just remember not to be out too late, 8:30 at the latest alright. Nick: Okay, I'll be back thanks dad. Hugo: Have fun. *Waves; goes to finish up the dishes* Nick: *Waves back; leaves to walk back over to he Sae's; knocks on the door waiting again* Idylla: *Opens the door up* Evening Nick, come in Donie's in his room watching Tanked. Nick: Cool, thanks. Mm, smells good in here. Idylla: Thanks, just finished eating dinner going to finish cleaning up now. Nick: Us too. *Smiles; goes over towards Donie's room finding him laying on his bed; knocks on his door getting his attention* Hey. Donie: *Turns back to see Nick; smiles sitting up* Hey, have a nice nap? Nick: Yeah, actually it was nice. I came by earlier but you were gone. Donie: I know, sorry about that mom kind of sprung it on me last minute, hey check it out I got some new threads. *Shows him* Nick: *Looks at them* Neat, dude. Donie: Yeah, more clothes but they're cool I like them. Nick: *Sits on his bed* Listen about after school, I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did. Donie: *Folds my arms; chuckles trying to play it down* You make yourself sound like you committed a big crime or something. Nick: *Looks down then back up at him* Well none the less it wasn't nice of me & I felt bad about it. Donie: *Shrugs it off* Don't worry about it, no biggie. Nick: You sure? Donie: Totally. *And really I meant it, but still I felt a need to ask him ...* Was there anything wrong earlier when that happened? Nick: I um ... *I hesitated wondering if I should tell him* Donie: *He usually doesn't hesitates, we tell each other everything well almost everything. Maybe I should just let it go?* Nick: *About to say more when he cut in* Donie: Its okay, don't feel like you have to tell me I was just wondering if you were alright. Nick: I am. *I promised him* Donie: Cool then. Hey Tanked is on wanna watch with me a little bit? Nick: You kidding, yes! *I smiled* Donie: Awesome! *Instantly happy; joins him sitting on my bed watching the episode with him. We watched it for a good hour & even in that time Hugo had a brought over a sample of Nick's amazing smoothie & boy it hit he spot, he's like better than Jamba Juice its crazy. Soon enough it was time for Nick to leave, so I gave him a high-five & bro-hug & said night to him. After brushing my teeth, I headed for bed & laid down thinking for the longest time. I had wanted to know what was up with Nick, but something told me not to pressure him. Whenever Nick's ready to tell me, I'm sure he will. He hardly ever keeps secrets, I believe I'm the only one of us thats doing that right now just cause I'm prolonging the inevitable, but for now I still want to wait no matter how much I should just tell him, I keep on going back & forth between yes & no. And whenever I did finally fall asleep I dreamt of Nick & I again, but strangely it was continuation of our kiss by the monkey-bars. If I wasn't sleeping or at least I think I am, I would swear that looks so real. Just to feel his body that close to mine in that kind of embrace when we wouldn't have to pull away & could just be together where we just feel the same about each other ... would be amazing* Nick: *Going back home, I returned to my house & went to my room laying down trying to go back to bed even though it was still early, I had to get into the routine of this. I was almost going to tell Donie that I might like Mr. Anderson but then he cut in & for once I couldn't help be a little relieved. Maybe these feelings I should just keep to myself for now, maybe I'm just going through something & they'll just pass on. In terms of crushes & that kind of stuff, I'm kind of out of my element. I don't have any experience when it comes to any of that, I can only go from what I've heard, seen in movies & on TV, read in books here & there. Honestly I don't have any clue about the subject, but something tells me not to stress on it. I just like him, no biggie. Plus I'm a dude, I'm making too much of this. So with that realization I fell asleep & woke up the next morning for school & going through the same routine of getting up & getting dressed & making lunch while dad made breakfast & we left for school & arrived this time at 8:05. So I headed straight over to science & met up with Donie who was already there & so began class once again* Nick: *For science we had a section review on chapter one because already we had a small test scheduled in two days on Thursday morning, so we spent a lot of time on that. Ms. Knox went over it in great detail & this is where I took a lot of notes, & while Donie tried to pay attention ... I knew I'd have to help him understand it a little more. But she promised us all that the test would be a simple one, & while its still not exam so thats still a positive. Once period one was over, we received notice from all the P.E. teachers that we wouldn't be dressing out for the rest of the week due to the extreme heat temperatures & that we could spend time in MPR (also know as the Multi-Purpose Room or lunch hall whatever you wanna call it). We got to spend the whole period in there, at least it was well A/C-ed & they played a movie for us: TMNT (the animated version of Teenage Mutant Turtles) which I gotta say is another favorite of ours. Trust me when I say we have a lot of favorites on the list, & this is definitely one of them. Donie & I enjoyed it a lot & had fun, but sadly period two came to end & then we had to mosey on over to math* Nick: *Once again, Donie's dream come true class or not. But we both made it through it, mostly we went through a lot of equations & how to work them out. Next in period three, Donie & I headed over to my dad's class seeming once again to enjoy this class a lot more than the others, but I still had my hopes held high for history to come in second place for me. Dad mostly went over today on guitar basics just to refresh some of the students memories & also gave us a packet for terms going over them individually. The best part & highlight was when dad began playing on his piano & singing a song of his that he personally wrote along with many more. This one I feel is his song for mom, it made me smile as he sang the lyrics* Meet me on the corner of close and soon I'll have a song in my head And my hands on a tune Nothing lasts forever So I figure I better Take you forever For now Meet me in the lobby of destiny I'll have a ribbon on my shoulders And a halo over me If nothing lasts forever I guess I better Take you forever For now Under a clock By an information desk I'll be there will bells on By an old oak A fountain in the park Just don't be long By the ticket counter for love in spring I'll be standin' there with cupid And he can aim that thing Nothing lasts forever It's not a question of whether I'll take you forever For now Nick: *I can tell with every song that he writes it just so personal for him, that most of his songs come real life experiences. He move people whenever he sings, doesn't matter who you are ... there's just something that fascinates them, its like magic almost. And when he finished singing, all of us rose out of our seats cheering loudly letting him know exactly how much we all enjoyed hearing & watching him. By the time lunch came around, Donie & I hung around with my dad for a but again, & then both headed out for the playground. This time we hit these metal bars that are like monkey-bars but a little different. Basically there are these two very tall bars facing each other horizontally. Donie & I mostly use them just to sit on top of it, or to swing on them or hang upside-down, which we do a lot* Donie: Hugo's song was pretty awesome, wasn't it? Nick: It was. Donie: Its amazing that he doesn't have a record deal or something, he could easily become famous. Nick: And be a star? I don't know, I don't think he's into that kind of thing. Donie: Well still it would be very cool, imagine life on the road & performing to sold out concerts & traveling all around the world & all that. Nick: Yeah I know, it would be something. Donie: *Chuckles* You would probably become famous too. Nick: *Doubts this* Sure, thats going to happen. Donie: No, I'm serious whenever you sing its just ... special & moving. Nick: You're just saying that. Donie: Trust me, when I say I'm for real here. You've got such a gift Nick. Nick: *Shyly smiles* Thanks, you too you know that right? Donie: Yeah, but we're on the subject of you buddy, not me. Nick: Wups? *I tried* Donie: No "wups." Sooo only two more periods to go & this time we're hitting the beach right after we get home pretty please? Nick: Yep, yep & yeppp! No need to convince me, its set. Donie: Cool, I can't wait! Hey Nick? Nick: Yeah? Donie: *Warning bell sounds off* Mannn! Nick: *Chuckles; gets down off the bars* Come on we gotta get going. *Gets backpack* Donie: *Nods; gets my own backpack & walks with him. What was I going to say then & there a second ago? I thought maybe I was going to tell him but once again I chickened out & held back. So much for things been easy, it should be with Nick but somehow its just not* Nick: *Once up the hill we were turning to go left right around to our class when I decided to ask him something* So what were you going to ask me? Donie: *Heart catches in my throat* Nothing. Nick: You sure? Donie: *Not at all* Yeah. Nick: Okay. *I couldn't help but wonder what was up, but I didn't ask him anything more. We walked inside english class & sat down & began our next lesson. Mr. Guttman, went over for the most of the class about our spelling packet because our first spelling test was going to be this Friday so already thats two small tests coming up so definitely its time to start studying. Secondly what we went over is little exercises here & there. Soon enough the bell went off & it was on to walking over to history ... clearly I was kind of giddy with anticipation. Going inside the room, this time Mr. Anderson was sitting in his desk reading a book of some sorts. I identified it as "John Adams" written by David McCullough. I smiled & walked over to him actually starting the conversation this time* So Adams huh, how do you like it so far? Joe: *Looks up; smiles seeing who it was* Well good afternoon, Nick. Its compelling & well written. Have you read it before? Nick: Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson. Yes, I read it last year, it was very good. Joe: I'm impressed, most students here or anywhere for that matter won't even bother to look at the cover. Nick: *Chuckles; lightly blushes* Thank you, I know thats kind of true but not for me. I enjoying reading a lot. *I admitted to him* Joe: Well, then thats great keep at it. Its nice to see a young man interested in something like reading even more so a book like this one. Nick: *Heart races; nods. I don't where I even got the courage to speak to him just like I'm his best friend or something, but I did it & it felt great. Even when I sat down & he took roll, I couldn't believe it* Donie: *I couldn't believe me eyes, Nick talking to teachers other than my dad & my mom? That hardly ever happens, I mean unless he has a question (which is not usual either), I'm actually stunned & watching them two it looked like they were in a world of their own. I frowned a bit, & when I saw Nick coming back to his seat to sit back down I couldn't help but see the glowing smile & blush on his cheeks. My eyes widened in realization, nah no way. My thoughts raced, he's just making conversation. He's probably just happy he talked to him & I guess they found something in common. But thing is, I've never seen shy-Nick act this way. It wasn't a big deal, but still it got me wondering even more as Mr. A started calling our names* Joe: *That little conversation with Nick was definitely cool. Firstly I didn't see it coming seeing how he seems so shy, which a lot of kids his age are & in so I don't mind it, I remember I once was the same way too. Secondly, I find it truly something else that he had read the book. I could honestly see him easily being my favorite student among the class & maybe even the rest of my other classes. Nick Jonas, to me looks like he's a serious student & takes his education seriously. I admire that integrity, & passion to succeed. Earlier that day during lunch, I met some of the other staff members & one of them was another Jonas, particularly Hugo Jonas his dad. We talked briefly, apparently he was a music teacher. I had to envy him, I too loved music but I'd always pushed it off to the side. My main subject focus has always been U.S. History. I've always been so immersed in it for as long as I could remember. But I also wish sometimes that I'd gotten more into music too. I used to play piano & guitar & write songs of my own, but that was back in my early teens. Its been a long time since I've played or sang for that matter, that is actually something I've always kept hidden just cause my dad was always saying singing is a waste of time & that its not much of a career so I gave it up but secretly I want to get back into it* Nick: *Today's lesson we got to do the treasure hunt which was fun & then we went over an assignment concerning an early american map. Overall it went by fast, by the end of it we all left & I waved to Mr. Anderson & watched him take off on his motorcycle. I couldn't help think of what it would be like to ride one. I blushed then as I thought of being on the back of his motorcycle holding onto him as he sped off to wherever we wanted, I mean how cool would that be?* Donie: *Walking with him down the hill; watching him* Nick dude? Nick: *And to feel the breeze in my face & to just feel the freedom of being on the road that I hear so many adults talk about. They always seem to brag about how fun driving is & someday I do want to experience it & feel the same feeling too. More importantly back to Mr. Anderson, I thought of a destination for him to take me & it was down south in San Diego. We would go to Balboa Park to all the museums, the zoo & maybe even to SeaWorld. We could talk about more books we've read & we could get to know each other like just beyond what we are now, teacher & student* Donie: *Stops to a halt, puts a hand on his stomach blocking him from continuing to walk* Yo Nick! *I exclaimed* Nick: *Hears him; raises an eyebrow* Yeah, what's up? Donie: Well what's up with the dazing? Nick: Was I? Donie: Like totally. Nick: I'm sorry. Donie: You like him. Nick: *Freezes* W-what? Donie: Mr. Anderson, you like him, you guys seem to have a connection. Nick: What makes you say that? Donie: I know you Nick, you don't just walk up to a teacher after a day & start talking to him about a book he's reading. Nick: *Smiles innocently* Yeah, I know. Donie: *Resumes walking* So you like him, he's your new favorite ... Hugo's going to be jealous! Nick: *Wipes my forehead with the back of my hand; starts to walk again with him. I thought for a second he meant like like, whew what a relief; chuckles* Trust me, he's got nothing to be worried about, he's always my number one. Donie: Aww, daddy's boy! Nick: Hey, who told you that? Donie: No one, its written & stamped across your forehead. Don't worry though I won't spread the word, it'll just between us. Nick: Gee, thank you. Donie: No problem, now come on our rides are a waiting! Nick: *I nodded & happily followed him finding Hugo waiting for me & Idylla waiting for Donie. We then said our byes for now & decided to meet up after we'd changed into swim wear. I quickly went straight for my room & then put my backpack to the side & then started changing from my regular clothes to just boardshorts that dad had gotten me from Quicksilver. They were light mint green with a black large stripe across the middle & then a smaller blue stripe below it & of course it had the white logo on the left side. Lastly I got my sunglasses, black sandals, & of course a towel too* Hugo: Ooh to the beach then? Nick: Yep, you coming? Hugo: Sorry not today bud, I have some work to take care of but you & Donie have fun & be safe, maybe I'll see you two later. Nick: We will & okay. *Gives him a quick hug & then left meeting up with Donie* Hugo: *Hugs him back; waves; goes to my room to start my work* Donie: *Meets up with Nick just at the exact same time as him; has our skateboards to help get us there faster* Ready? Nick: Always. *Giggles* I'm surprised you didn't bring the boggy boards with you. *Takes one of the skateboards from his arms* Donie: I thought about it, but today I just want to swim. *Gets on my board too* Nick: *Calls to him; takes the lead in front* Thats cool, that sounds good! Donie: *Calls back* Mm-hm! Nick: *We made to the beach then pretty quickly on the boards & once down the smallish hill. We carried our boards & raced for the sand. We put our stuff down & just ran straight for the water. On the way in, I squealed at its coldness* Donie: Oh come on, Jonas just dive it like this! *Demonstrates by just exactly that not caring how cold the water is, just so long as I can cool off thats good enough for me* Nick: *Laughs; watching him; still getting used to water* Donie: *Comes back up; laughs shaking off the water from my body; eyes him* You're still in the same spot man! That won't do, now quit standing there! *Goes over to him* Nick: *Starts to run away dodging his attempts to catch me* Ha ha ha, can't catch me! Donie: Oh I will, just you wait! *Runs after him gaining speed & momentum* Nick: *Trying my hardest to evade him but like I said before he's really fast when he wants to be & right now he's completely determined on me getting wet* Donie: *Gets close enough, takes the opportunity to pounce making both of fall into the water* Nick: *Squeals again as I fell down into the water going underneath; rises back up fast* Oh thats COLD! Donie: *Laughs loudly* I don't mind it. Nick: Of course not. Donie: *Takes his arm dragging him deeper into the water till it was past our waists* Whoo hoo! *I cheered loudly submerging myself into another wave* Nick: *This time I joined him cause if not he would drag me in anyways & two I don't want him to have all the fun. So submerge after submerge we went under & under & also floated on top too. A few of the times, we had to move cause their were some kids on boggy boards that almost rammed into us & then we had to avoid the surfers too. In which they actually have their own side bit sometimes still fall into the left side which is the swimming side while the right side is for surfing side. Mainly Donie & I were having a cool time & were glad we came. We spent a lot of time in the water, but when I then I headed back to the beach to lie down & start to dry off Donie followed* Donie: Dudeeeee! Nick: Uh yeahhhh? Donie: Whatcha doing? Nick: What's it look like I'm chillaxing. Donie: Oh come you can sleep all you want later, so get up. Nick: *Shakes head* Nope, I'm staying put. Donie: Oh, really? *Grins saying those words in a smirking tone* Nick: Hey, I know that tone & don't even think about it. Donie: *Shrugs* Okay. *Sits down next to him lying down too* Nick: *Looks at him* Giving up? Donie: For now. *I just said* Nick: How shocking. Donie: Well I am known to shock here & there. Nick: *Laughs; closes eyes again* Donie: *After lying there with him for a good few minutes, I couldn't take the stillness & quietness from him so I smirked & started to tickle him* Nick: *Starts laughing* Donie! Donie: What? Nick: I should have know you wouldn't back down! *Struggles to move away but then he successfully pinned me with his body, so he was not kind of straddling me* Get off! Donie: Not a chance! *Tickles him more; on a roll* Nick: *Bursting into laughter* Seriously!! Donie: Seriously bud, I'm not going to stop, plus I like hearing you beg for mercy serves you right for just laying down & trying to go to sleep. Nick: Please! Donie: Please what curly top? Nick: Let me go! *Can't barely get it out while he's tickling me like crazy* Donie: *Stops then; grins but doesn't move off him; laughing too* You should see your face dude, its all flushed! Nick: *Growls at him; takes the opportunity to flip him over for once, but it only lasted like a few seconds cause once again he got the upper hand. But I wasn't going down without a fight (granted both of us we're already down on the sand rolling over each other)* Donie: Ha ha ha, pinned ya again. I'm just the Pin-King! *Gloats* Nick: *Sighs* I swear one day I will pin you! Donie: Yeah, you keep saying that cause right now I'm still the champ! *I smiled* Nick: *Groans* Alright you're "the champ" now can I get up now? Donie: *Chuckles, but then I looked at him & for the first time took in his features. His hair was still soaking wet as was my own, his entire chest was covered with sand & but most of all his face was still flushed, lips parted panting lightly. It was his groan that seemed to vibrate right through my own body. He had no idea how much I wanted more than anything but to kiss his lips. Part of me was screaming to just do it & another was confused telling me no don't risk it. It was so hard, finally then something brought me out of my thoughts when I heard Hugo & my mom's voices calling us* Hugo: *After finishing up my work, I met up with Idylla & we got to talking mostly about our new school year & here & there about the boys. We eventually decided to carry the conversation outdoors & go check up on the boys. We shortly found them at their usual spot, wrestling a bit (at least thats what they looked like from far away). But up close Idylla & I were a little stunned to see her son on top of mine pretty much straddled. I exchanged a knowing look her with & thats when I whistled to them* Idylla: *Seeing my son on top of Nick, I couldn't help but gasp a little. Hugo & I've been noticing this happening a lot more. When I saw my son's face, he looked so torn, he's definitely into Nick. Sometimes I want to just ask him about his feelings, but I still want him to come to me first. Hugo & I are pretty much on the same page, & whenever Donie does decide to tell us ... we're going to help him in pursuing Nick* Nick: *I don't know why Donie was taking forever to get off of me, lately he's just taking this whole pinning thing too far. Its almost starting to make me wonder why he does it so much. My thoughts are that besides bragging & bragging over & over again, he likes getting me to laugh whether it be tickling me to death or just chasing me or whatever. But whatever his reasons are he's just being classic excited Donie. He's my best friend, what can I do, you know. And as I turned to see our parents coming over towards us, I waved & smiled. Finally I was free & unpinned & able to get up on my own although my legs had almost fallen asleep I still managed to stand & ran over to them giving them a big hug wetting them in the process* Hugo: Hey sport, sharing being wet huh? *Hugs him back; smiles* Nick: Mm-hmm, just thought why not. Idylla: *Smiles; laughs* Well thank you Nicky. You boys been having a good beach day? Donie: *Shaking all previous thoughts of Nick & I; joins in on the hug; also contributing to wetting them* Yeah the best, you guys should take a swim too. Its still nice out there. Hugo: We would, but then we wouldn't be able to play a little of this ... *Reveals a big beach ball* Idylla: Surprise! *Exclaims* Y'all wanna play? Nick: Do we, thats a big yes! Donie: Oh yeah, bring it! Hugo: Cool, then lets start. In honor of the recent birthday boy, Nick would you like to serve? Nick: Sure. *I smiled taking the ball; spreads out as does all three of them; takes the first serve hitting it towards Idylla* Idylla: *Gets his serve; hits it to Hugo* Hugo: *Grins hitting mine to Donie* Donie: *Hits it back to Nick* Nick: *We continued like this for hours, once again having a blast together. It always brought about many smiles & laughs. It wasn't till the sunset (which was bright red, yellow, pink & a little blue all mixed into quite a color sighting) happened then after it finished, we walked back home this time all together, carrying our skateboards under our arms. Then we had dinner at Idylla's house, she made us all incredibly yummy bean/cheese/tomatoes/Italtian parsley all together in a big white flour tortilla. And to drink she made a delish raspberry spritzer (which consisted of seltzer, frozen raspberries, fresh mint, raspberry-falvored syrup & ice cubes). Oh my God, all together is was so good, we were all going crazy over it. Afterwards, we all pitched in with the clean-up & then by that time dad & I had to go, jut cause it was getting late & I wanted to get some studying in. In the meantime, I spent the rest the evening doing just that. Eventually I glanced at the clock, & went to take my shower getting rinsed & cleansed from the ocean's water from earlier* Donie: *After Nick & Hugo had left I decided I couldn't take it anymore, I went over to my mom's room after taking my shower & laid on her bed* Hey mom can I talk to you about something really important? Idylla: Of course, honey what's up? *Lays down with him* Donie: *Takes a breath* Mom I like Nick. Idylla: I know. Donie: No, I mean really like, I mean like a lot. I think I'm actually past the like, I love him & I mean more than like a brother, I mean I'm in love with him. *Makes sure to clear just in case* Idylla: I know, I've known for a while now. Donie: You have? Wait a minute, why didn't you say anything? Idylla: Well I wanted you to feel comfortable coming to me about this, so I just waited but Hugo & I both know about this. Donie: Wow, not the reaction I was expecting but its looking good so far. So you guys aren't you know ...? Idylla: Upset, heavens no God forbid, we're actually happy for you. We've seen the way you look at Nick & today especially, you looked so lovesick my darling. Donie: So you guys approve? Idylla: We sure do, so when are you finally going to tell Nick? Donie: Thank God! Cause I don't think I could've handled you guys freaking out. Ummm thats a bit of a problem for me lately, I wanna tell him so bad but then I don't. I need help. Idylla: *Hugs him* Of course we're wouldn't freak out over something like this, plus we did see it coming sooner or later. Donato Sae you need to be honest with him & tell him how you feel. Donie: *Hugs her back* But mom, what if he'll hates me or unfriends me or worse? I don't want to lose him, I care about him more than he'll ever know. Idylla: Oh Donie, he won't & you'll never lose him, he care's for you too so much. Donie: But not in the way I feel for him. Idylla: How do you know if you haven't even told him the truth? Donie: *Blows a raspberry* Darn it, why do you have to be right? Idylla: Cause I am, now I know you can do this. Just go for it, worst cause scenario he pushes you away, but something tells me he hasn't realized his feelings for you. And when you do become a couple or whenever, Hugo's definitely going to have that talk with Nick about what we talked about. Donie: I know, I know. Gee, thanks a lot for putting that in my head. Really? You really think so? You're not just saying that? *Coughs* Got it mom, but I doubt we'll ever be doing any of the physical love stuff well minus the kissing, if he ever lets me. Idylla: Relax, honey you're always confident & I know you've been holding in your feelings for Nick for awhile now. Its time to let them out & be free. And really really, Nick's a shy one so there's a possibly he feels the same for you. I know that, but still just in case. Donie: Wow, I am so glad we had this talk. I feel a lot better now. I thought all this time, I should just hide the truth away. Idylla: I'm glad sweetie, & I'm glad you came to me about it, thank you. And now you know, that its better to tell someone else. Donie: Mm-hmm, your welcome & thank you. Well *Claps hands* I'm going to go to bed now, I love you mom, I'll see you in the morning. Idylla: Okay, sweetie well & I love you too, see you in the morning. *Kisses his head; hugs him again; then waves; smiles brightly; fist pumps & silently mouths an exclaimed "yes!"* © 2013 VirgoAvatar |
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Added on August 17, 2012Last Updated on May 9, 2013 Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing