![]() Watch Over You Chapter 2A Chapter by VirgoAvatarWatch Over You Chapter 2 Nick's POV I woke up the next morning hearing the familiar buzz of the alarm clock sounding off quite loudly. I groaned a bit, time to start my final year at Milton. I pulled back my cover & sheet, getting up from my bed. First thing I did was make my bed, I have a thing about being organized & being neat. It only takes a few seconds anyways, & I think a made bed is way much better than a messy one. When I was younger, I didn't really care too much about it but now I guess I do more now. Soon as I was done, I walked over to my bathroom using it & then after finishing up & washing my hands I went back to my room & started to get dressed. I removed my white shirt & kept my boxers on. Going over towards my closet of clothes, I grabbed a blue plaid checkered shirt that was short sleeved & just put on a fresh pair of washed-blue jeans. Sometimes I wish we could wear sandals to school, but unfortunately we can't so I reluctantly put on a pair of black converses & white thin socks. I went back to the bathroom checking myself for a few seconds, I looked okay casual I suppose. Quickly I made my way over to the kitchen getting a bowl of cereal for myself when dad came into the room fully dressed professionally for his class. Nick: Good morning, looking spiffy there dad. Hugo: *Gives him a hug first* Well good morning & thank you, its actually what I was going for today. You look ready yourself too. *Eyes the box of cereal in his hands* Ah-ah-ah, I'm making breakfast no cereal. Nick: *Hugs him back; smiles* Do you think we have time? *I gestured to the clock on the wall* Hugo: Plenty of time, I'm a fast cook. Nick: *Chuckles* Can't argue with that. Do you need some help? Hugo: Maybe a little, I need ingredients please. *Turns on the stove to medium heat, putting in a light coat of extra-virgin olive oil* Nick: *I walked over towards the fridge searching for a dozen of eggs, corn tortillas, & cheese pulling all three items out carrying them over towards the counter to lay them down* Hugo: *Gets an idea of what he wanted me to make* The usual then I'm guessing then. Nick: How'd you guess? *I laughed* Hugo: Father's intuition. Nick: Uh-huh, more like you've made this many times & know my favorite. Hugo: That too. *Grins; breaks a total of four eggs disregarding them to the side* Nick: *Quickly throws them away into the trash; washes hands. In the meantime I got my lunch ready which consisted of an avocado sandwich with sliced tomatoes putting it into a container to preserve it. I also filled my water bottle up with fresh water. Naturally I like making my own lunch rather than buying it & standing in a very long time besides lunch is like almost 35 minutes & I could be standing there till the very end. More importantly though I like eating healthy, while schools try to provide us with that exactly, they sometimes don't always get something truly good. Thats why I think its so much easier & better just bringing lunch with you, no line & it opens up way more free time* Hugo: *Soon enough I finished up cooking & got two plates giving Nick his first & then getting my own & joined him at the dining table starting to eat* Mm, this is good. Nick: It always is, thanks. Hugo: Don't mention it, & look see we're still good on time. Nick: Yes, but only if we continue to eat & not talk. Hugo: A fair point. *Continues eating with him in silence. Soon as we finished eating, we both cleared out plates & put them in the sink for now. I'd have to take care of them later when I get back home* Nick: *Getting my roller-backpack while dad grabbed his briefcase & keys, we left & went straight outside to his car getting in while he started up & drove from our house to our school, which was like a 20 minute drive not too bad. I sat in the front seat next to my dad as he continued to drive & looked outside my window. It was brilliant sunny & warming up, just like yesterday but already pretty humid typical CA weather honestly; burps* Excuse me. Hugo: You're excused. *I smiled; laughing* Nick: *Laughs too* Gee thanks. *Leans over to open up my backpack to get my book, Idylla have gotten me; begins to read* Hugo: *Ongoing smile. Did I mention also that my son loves to read, especially topics on astronomy? Even books at school, he dives right into. While I enjoy reading, some topics aren't always simple & interesting to read, but doesn't mean I write them off so quickly, just saying we all have subjects that are not our best subject basically or doesn't hold interest for some* Nick: *After reading basic information that I've pretty much memorized, I looked up in time to see us arriving at Milton. I smiled & put away my book securely & got out of the car slowly* Hugo: Alright kiddo, we made it & with ten minutes to spare, oh I'm good. Nick: *Chuckles* That you are. Well I'll see you when I see you. Hugo: That would be period four. *Winks* Nick: Dadd! You weren't supposed to tell me. Hugo: I know, sorry I couldn't help it. Nick: Oh brother, what am I going to do with you? Hugo: Love me always? Nick: Oh boy. Hugo: After all you are a daddy's boy. *I whispered* Nick: *Face heats up* Dad! Hugo: *Grins; shrugs, waving* Alright, I'll see you later then. Have a good day, sweetheart. Nick: *Waves* Thanks, you too dad. *I watched him walk away into the main office & I exhaled. Okay so truth is he hit it right on the nail, but still I got a little embarrassed. But really I seriously am what he said I am, still I love my dad. Anyways, oh let me tell you about me school. It sits on a hill going upward & its about 23.7 acres. The main street to come in when parents are driving their kids starts off as a straight line then it begins to curve up climbing the hill. Next to the main street is our huge glass field & also we have a track as well that curves in an oval towards the very back. We use that for running the mile for P.E. usually or for sporting events & stuff. The campus itself is a good size, the largest of the rooms is the lunch hall/auditorim & a second contender is my dad's music room. The rest of the campus, is in different levels, while some parts of the classrooms sit on the flat concrete surface ... others climb the hill & almost sit on slant. While its an old campus, its still been a great place to go to school to. I admit I'll miss it when I do finish here with Donie, but in the meantime we're still here. Maybe this year, something will happen or be different, but mainly I do want to make it memorable* Donie's POV Right after waking up & getting dressed & eating breakfast with mom we took off for school, arriving even then earlier than Nick & Hugo for sure. Thing about my mom is she, loves to be super early. So once we said our byes, I quickly looked at the board to check what class Nick & I have for first period. And it was exactly what I wanted, it was going to be a good way to start the first morning's class. So in the meantime, I waited for Nick sitting at a table by the outside lunch area. I figured he'd be here shortly, but honestly it was a little boring. I should be socializing with the other teenagers arriving, but really I just want to meet up with Nick. But still I waved & said hi to certain kids I knew, but honestly I didn't hang too much with them so it was real short hello's/byes. I honestly didn't mind, I just sat bouncing one of my legs up & down with anticipation. Eventually I got up & walked back up towards the main office & waited there. Finally I caught sight of Nick & Hugo arriving, instead of running over ruining their father & son moment, I just smiled watching them. Soon as their embrace ended, Hugo walked over to into the office while I stood up & went over to Nick Donie: Hey man, good morning. *I waved* Nick: *I looked up to see Donie coming towards* Oh hey, good morning wow you're early. Donie: I know thanks to mom, but its all good cause I got the schedule for us for first period. Nick: Cool, so who do we have first? Donie: Ms. Knox, for science. *I grinned triumphantly* Nick: Really? So you got your wish. She was must pretty special. Donie: *Not as much as you, I really wanted to tell him* Maybe, of course I've never really met her in person you know. Nick: Oh? Well Romeo *I teased* nows your chance. Donie: Guess so, c'mon follow me I'll show ya where the class is. Nick: What's the room number? Donie: C-1. Nick: I think I already know where that is, its across the way from the library. Donie: Smarty pants. Nick: And proud of it. *I bragged a little* Donie: *Walking with him we turned right then made a quick left & went past C-2 right onto C-1* Here we are my friend, after you. Nick: *Hits him arm* Thanks. Donie: *I smiled even more following him in. Immediately we took our seats in the front of the room. Usually we sit in the front for a vary of reasons for our previous classes in the past just cause its way easier to read the board when the teacher's writing notes & such. Its also kind of nerd thing, but its whatever. Nick mostly likes it cause he likes to take thorough notes & plus he focuses even better when closer to the front. Since we'd arrived five minutes early there were some kids already seated but not much, probably the rest would show up in time or right on the dot, waiting till the last moment or something* Nick: *Upon entering the room I took in how it was decorated. It was organized & neat, & had projects most likely from students previous works like the solar system. The desks were rectangular & long, which allowed four or more students to sit at. Donie & I claimed our front row seats to the left of the room facing the board head on. Sitting down in the chairs, I set my roller backpack to my left as well & took out a #2 pencil & my binder. About a couple days before my birthday, I made sure to clean my binder of all previous things that I no longer needed, while certain things I decided to hang onto just in case keeping them in a file back in my room. I knew Donie & I would still be required to have six classes for our last semester, so I made sure to include in my binder, six tabs for each subject. Since I didn't know my schedule just yet, I'd left the labels blank for now. But now that I knew I was in science, I took out one of the white small labels & printed neatly "science" on it & put it back in* Donie: So organized. *I noted watching him fascinated* Nick: Its always good to be. Donie: Yeah, but you're kind of OCD when it comes it. Nick: Maybe. *I half-agreed* Donie: Don't worry about, its cool. So we're got less than five minutes here & school officially begins. Nick: Thanks for the reminder. Donie: Anytime. Oh! *I paused getting something from my own backpack* Nick: *Looks at him finally* What's up? Donie: I forgot one more thing to give you for you birthday, here you go. *I gave him the item* Thought you could use a new one this year. Nick: *I smiled as I took a cool plaid color planner* Wow, my favorite print too. Donie: Yep, when I saw it I knew it was the perfect fit for you. Nick: *Opens it up looking through gazing a the first page that said: 4-1-1 Student Planner ... weekly dated calendar, August 2012 - July 2013, Holidays, Two-year overview, Class Schedule, & finally telephone & addresses* Donie this is so great, thank you. *I genuinely said* Donie: *Seeing him light up even over such a small & trivial item like that made me smile in return, but I still had to careful I couldn't hold for it too long, even though I seriously wanted to* No problem, enjoy Nick. Nick: *Immediately I knew this was something I knew I was going to be using a lot. It had occurred to me that I haven't even thought of a planner & its just like Donie came through with one for me. Its cause he knows me so well, he knows I always write or try to write down import things & while I could use something more modern to keep it all electronically saved, I like & prefer the planner more so. For now I just filled my information in the section for "property of, school, & in case of emergency" fields. Seconds later I finished filling out those areas only & put it directly on top of my binder. Just then I looked up in time to see a young african women with light bronze almost skin with curly thick blonde hair, brown eyes & a beaming smile coming into the room with a roller-backpack as well (I'm always saying how Donie should have one of his own but he stubbornly prefers to carry his on his back like everyone else but then again it is his prerogative). I immediately recognized her as Ms. Knox. She was indeed very beautiful & hot as he put it, but I know she's first my teacher & second way older than me. So as far crushes go, I usually don't crush on them. I noticed then that as I looked from her to Donie, he was staring directly at her. I laughed a little & waved a hand in front of his face* Earth to Donie, you there? Donie: *Looks back at him* Of course I am. *Assures him* Why, you think I was zoning in on her? Nick: Pretty much, yeah. Donie: Was not. Nick: Was kind of too. Donie: I was just staring. Nick: *Points to his lips* And checking her out, you're licking your lips. Donie: *Yeah, I kind of am but its not for her; shrugs trying something different* Jealous? Nick: *Raises a questionable eyebrow at him* What do you mean? Donie: Never mind, she's about to start intro's best start listening. *Quiets down* Nick: *I shrugged off whatever it was he trying to get at & focused my attention; the bell rang loudly & so began period one* Ms. Knox: *I smiled clapping my hands together* Good morning class & welcome to regular science, I'm Zabrina Knox your teacher. *Writes my name on the board in cursive neatly* Nick: *Its a very cool first name for her, it fits* Donie: *That's quite the name, she's definitely proud of it* Ms. Knox: *Continues* I've been here at Milton for two years now, primarily focusing on my favorite subject which can all can guess is science. In this course, we'll be studying a combination of astronomy, chemistry, physics, & life science. Nick: *Awesome she mentioned my favorite subject as of right now. I was definitely looking forward to future assignments on the topic. As for as chem & physics, I still enjoy it but I prefer astronomy* Donie: *So while I love school & all, there are a couple of subjects that aren't my strongest. One would be this class & second would be algebra, both of which I mostly have to have Nick tutor me in but otherwise everything else is all good. P.E. & orchestra/music class are my favorites & mostly the easiest of the rest of the other subjects. English & history are alright, I like them here & there & still do well. For me they range in the middle-ish & aren't usually too hard. Nick naturally excels at every subject, once again I admire him for that & wish I could be sometimes more like than him, at least when it comes to academically. I maintain a lot of B's grade-wise & some A's, thank God I don't get any lower than that cause my mom would be like & I quote: DONIEEE! So yeah no C's whatsoever & I'll get the same lecture from Nick too, he finds them unacceptable & just averagely average. But anyways, for the rest of the time Ms. Knox aka Zabrina took roll, calling each of our names checking us off one-by-one. Shortly then, she went into more detail about the class passing out a syllabus (which I can tell you for a fact we were all going to get a lot of those today, its always a number one thing, next to the roll-call). Then after she finished up reading it off to us & even having volunteers to read it too, which I did so volunteer & let me tell you exactly why. Mostly when a teacher asks their students to read, they're obviously trying to engage us in the material. So by asking for someone to read aloud, a lot of my fellow students with just sit there & be as quiet as can be prolonging things. Thats usually when the teacher goes to plan b choosing someone randomly. So for me, I just like to get it over with & no longer be on the list to be called on again. Nick you know is the shy guy, so he'll naturally avert his eyes as much as possible* Donie: *I don't blame him, but still once in awhile I would like him to try & give it shot. He'll get picked eventually & have to do it sooner or later, he's mostly nervous when he does get called on. He's even more so, if a teacher assigns a project you verbally have to present in front of the class, he fears that a lot. I don't mind it cause I do my part & speak, but then there are times when Nick has to say something ... he does manage to get what he wants to say out, but other times its kind of hard for him. But he manages to get through it & in the end, I always smile assuring him he can do this after he's Nick & Nick my best friend, can do anything. I believe in him & I know one day he'll get over his fear of public speaking, but the meantime I'll always be there for him by his side whenever he does need me* Nick: *For the rest of the remainder of the class, Ms. Knox actually let us watch a video presentation that she put together to show us about the class. While it wasn't boring, it was actually for the lack of a better word I'd say it was very educational & thorough. The very last thing she did was pass out our full class schedules handing them to each of us making she we all had one. Looking at mine, I gazed at my classes, six as usual. Soon enough the bell ran & it was now 9:09 & time to get to our next class. Donie was up out of his seat fast, while I packed my things away & walked with him out of the class saying & waving bye to Ms. Knox as we headed for the next class* Donie: Let me see your schedule. Nick: Wow, demanding much dude. Donie: *Shrugs; taking his as I compared the two* We have all the same classes. Nick: *Laughs* When don't we, is the question. Donie: We're just stuck together. Nick: Guess so, well looks like P.E.'s next & already you get to see your mom. Donie: Oh boy. *Hands him back his schedule* Its a regular dream come true. Nick: Uh-huh cause now she can watch over you more. Donie: Greattt. *I grinned* Nick: Hey, its not that bad. *Walks down the hill with him going on the stairs with my backpack as it made noises going down* Donie: I know that, she'll keep an eye on me. I can't slack this year, she takes exercise very seriously, so she'll definitely be strict. Nick: Relax. You're good at running & sports & all that. Donie: Mostly I am, but still that mile run is hard I'm not going to lie to you bud. Nick: I know, don't look forward to that part much. Donie: Causing running five or six times in an oval while being timed, is so critical I tell you. Nick: *Nods agreeing* True that. *Finally at last arrives at the playground/backtop area; stands still waiting* Donie: *Mumbles one last thing before the bell could ring* At least we didn't get Stratton, he's like army general or something else. Nick: *Chuckles softly* Mm, you see you found a positive. Donie: *Was about to say more when the bell went off. The time was now 9:13. We all stood with the rest of the kids on the blacktop awaiting the teacher's arrival aka my mom. Thankfully for the first day of class for P.E. we didn't have to dress out just yet, meaning changing into our uniforms which are just the school's colors t-shirt & shorts & trust me they're not the greatest outfit to wear, but whatever its work-out clothes I guess. I looked up to see each of the teachers finally making their way to each of us. My mom was dressed in her own set of shorts & a t-shirt with a visor on her head to keep the sun out of her eyes after all it was hot outside* Idylla: *I blew a whistle along with the rest of my fellow staff members* Good morning kids & welcome to P.E.! Those who have Ms. Sae please follow me! *I made sure to speak loudly so everyone could hear me loud & clear. I immediately found my son & Nick instantly cause naturally those two always stood out to me, I smiled & gestured the kids to follow me* Nick: *I smiled seeing Idylla, its always good to see her. Unlike Donie I don't mind her much as a teacher cause I am after more comfortable with her & dad, than others. I know I can relax somewhat, but I do know that I'll have to maintain my grades. She too reminds me to keep at it. Following her with Donie & other kids, we gathered around her as she stood at the far right side of the blacktop kind of close to the handball courts* Idylla: Alrighty guys & girls, guess I'll take roll first. When I call your name please come up front & I'll give you each a number to go stand on to & that number will be yours for the rest of the semester, I'm sure you all know the drill already. So lets begin ... *Takes roll calling out names* Donie: *Once again, this can take awhile cause both Nick's & my last are more towards the end of her list. And cause it is P.E. there's even more students, usually a class here ranges from 40-50 students, sometimes even a little bit more but usually no more than 55* Idylla: Nick Jonas! *I called eventually watching him walk over towards me* You'll be number 20. *Smiles* Nick: *I walked over to her rolling my backpack once again; nods & goes over to stand on my number on the ground* Donie: *I chuckled inwardly. Nick's backpack on the blacktop makes an even louder sound cause its a little rougher & no matter how many times I hear, I can't help a chuckling & smiling. He's still such a cute nerd/geek. A lot of kids usually recognize him & label him as the "smart one." And its very true, he is. Eventually my mom called my name & have me my own number. I walked over & while it wasn't right next to Nick, I could still see him cause I was after all behind him now. I just nodded as in what's up* Nick: *Nods back* Idylla: *Finally I reached the end of my list* And thats everyone right? *I looked around seeing nods from the students* Excellent, okay guys. I'm Idylla Sae your teacher for this semester of P.E. as it stands for physical education. Today because its the first day & all, we won't be dressing out. But from tomorrow on & onward you all will be. So for those who are new here or returning, just to remind you all the boy's locker room is on the left & girl's is on the right. And if you still need to purchase your P.E. uniform please do so at the student store after I finish up speaking to you or during lunch, whichever you prefer just so long as you get them. Donie: *Luckily Nick & I didn't have to worry about the uniforms cause we already had them thanks to my mom, she gotten us each a pair for us so we would at least be prepared. My mom continued on about things about like being on time, to always be dressed in uniform unless you had a doctors note, & mostly what type of activities we would be doing which were things like: running the mile (of course), warming up, playing sports via basketball/football/soccer/baseball/volleyball etc ... My favorite thing about P.E. class was when we're given free time to do whatever we wanted, but that only happens once or twice during the year, maybe a little more it all depends knowing my mom it might or might not happen, but still I'll mention it. Plus we're kids, if you constantly make us work out we're all gonna drop & be like tried. My mom knows better though to forget about breaks for us, in that aspect she's cool* Nick: *As soon as Idylla finished up, she had the boys go to the locker room & the girls to their own. The purpose of this was to assign lockers for each of us, so for all us here in period two this was going to take up a lot of the time. Idylla led the girls, while the rest of the guy teachers like Mr. Stratton led us to our locker room. Once inside, we all silently waited in line to get an assigned locker. When Donie & I got ours, I found mine while he went in a separate direction to find his, which turned out to be a little farther away. I took that time to notate my number & I jotted down a note to remind myself to bring my lock tomorrow (that we have to bring on our own). This year I noticed that my roller-backpack could actually fit into the actual locker. Usually in the past i've always had to put it on top & remove my things from it & put it into the locker part, other times I left my backpack in the teacher's quarters which was a lot safer than leaving it up top* Donie: *I was bummed a lot that I wasn't nearer to Nick, but I reminded myself not to be overly weird. He's not that far away, just chill. Since when do I talk myself about Nick? I swear crushing on him, is taking over my entire mind these days. Its a good thing, but I don't want be obsessed. I shrugged off my thoughts about Nick for now, checking to see if my stuff would fit. Of course it fit just right, so now for the rest of the time ... was free time as far as the teachers had put it. I grinned grabbing my backpack & found Nick then* Wanna go hang on the monkey-bars? Nick: *Chuckles* What are we ten? Donie: Close add four more years to that number & hey the monkey-bars never get old. Nick: I can't argue with that, race ya! *I jabbed his stomach very lightly; runs out of the boys locker room ahead of him back down the stairs to the blacktop that spans pretty much all of the area, but not as big as the fields behind it* Donie: *Knows this game all-too-well; chases after him* You better run Jonas! Nick: Come & get me Sae! Donie: *Coughs. Why suddenly in mind did I picture kissing him & throwing up against the monkey-bars? I stopped running midway* Nick: *I made it there first, whoops loudly as I set my backpack over to the side. I climbed up the stairs getting a little higher up above the ground & smiled then called to him* Looks like I won, ha! Donie: *My heart was beating fast, but I couldn't tell if it was from running after him or what I just pictured. I was breathing kind of heavy. That seemed so real* Nick: Donie c'mon! *I tried calling him again* Donie: *Snaps out of it, hearing him* Oh you little cheater! *I ran over to him* Nick: Nope, I won far & square I can't help it you spaced out. Donie: *Scoffs* I did not. Nick: Did so. You should of seen your face, you looked like you seen a ghost but maybe less pale. Donie: *Oh I seen something alright, & its no ghost* Whateve's. *Climbs on the other side up the stairs* Can you make it across? Nick: Can you? Donie: I asked you first. Nick: And the answer will speak for itself, check it. *I began using my arms to cross the bars swinging myself little by little* Donie: *Watches him* Nick: *Makes it over to him easily* Uh Donie could you kind of move? Donie: *Gets back down letting him come down as well* Sure, nice job by the way. Nick: Thank you, thank you. Now your turn, & you best do it fast cause you have only a three & a half minutes before the bells rings. Donie: Got it. *Climbs back up & goes for it swinging fast laughing as I soon reached the other side* Whoo! Nick: Not bad, record time but now we gotta go. We got Algebra next at F-1 & thats all the way up the hill. Donie: Wonderful, well then we better get going thats all the way up there, someone call a taxi! *Walks fast with him* Nick: *Keeps at a quick pace knowing its necessary; laughs* Yeah, really I know. *We still gotta pick up the pace, goes up the stairs going back towards when we'd come from science going past it & the library going up to the very last hill taking the stairs & turning right past the bathroom & finding F-1* Made it. Donie: *Exhausted* Yeah, in time. How the heck do they expect us to walk that in four minutes is beyond me. Nick: *Walks into the room taking a free seat as he did the same* You'll get used to it, maybe it help build up some endurance for us. Donie: *Raises an eyebrow* Right. Nick: *Rolls eyes knowing that he's not really into rushing from one end of the campus to the other end, but we all gotta do what we gotta do. Unfortunately we don't get to chose our teachers or classroom locations but still I don't blame him ... I'm also tried from the walk but once we do get used to it I do think it'll be a lot better. Just then the bell rang & so began math class* Mr. McCallon: *Comes into the classroom setting down my briefcase* Morning students, I'm Mr. McCallon. I assume you all are in the right place, Algebra correct? *Looks at the students seeing them mostly all nod* Good, well first I'll take roll, then we'll move on to the course requirements & talk about the textbook & as for as seats go, there is no assigned seating as for now, I hope we can keep it that way. Donie; *Translation from mister Texas for sure accent: behave, stay silent & pay attention & we get to sit wherever we want* Nick: *Mr. McCallon definitely reminded me of a cowboy, he even had a hat on & a wild cheetah print I assumed long sleeve shirt which was slightly open at the top & just regular jeans. I'd estimate his age close to my dad's. He didn't seem like a guy who's your typical algebra teacher but then I guess their entitled to their own styles* Mr. McCallon: *Clears throat; begins to take roll* Donie: *Why do I get the feeling, he's going to be the hardest of the teachers so far? Maybe its the way the dude comes off, he certainly makes his statement with that stance of his* Nick: *He soon called our names, in which we just raised our hands. This class I'm sure Donie would tune out, I know math's his least favorite subject. I understand it is for a lot of kids, even my dad & Idylla, its not always the simplest of subjects to get ... it takes patience & as Donie puts it: helpppp!* Donie: *Thank God somehow the time went by faster than I expect & I was most grateful for. I was more psyched for Hugo's class next. And the bell rang, once outside the class I smiled* Math is over yes. *I raises my right balled-up fist up then down* Nick: *Pats his shoulder* Okay take easy, I know you're not the biggest fan of math. Donie: Not at all, & is it just me or did Mr. McCallon strike you as a Texan man? Nick: It did actually, especially with that look. Donie: *Chuckles* I tell you he somehow pulls it off. Nick: I think you're right. Donie: Always am. *I grinned* Nick: Sureee. *I said sarcastically* Donie: Hey-hey-hey. Nick: *Shrugs; continues walking to orchestra which again was another walk back down the hill but this time we both took a short cut passing by the D-letter labeled classrooms going over towards almost back to where science class was, but more towards the left of it. But really depending on what area of the campus you're on the angles could be different. Finally going down one last stairway down to the the S-building section, we went past S-3 & S-2 around the corner turning right to go into S-1, which my dad's classroom has been located since he began teaching. And after dad's class which ends at 12:12 its on to lunch & from there two more periods to go then done with day one. Okay so for my dad's class, he goes back & forth between teaching orchestra for string instruments like violins, violas, cellos, & double basses (the string family), then he also does guitar separately (which is the class we're signed up for right now but on the schedule they still label it primarily as orchestra) & lastly dad teaches band too (for the brass family consisting of trumpets, horns, trombones, bass trombones, & tubas). So pretty much my dad has got the busiest schedule of all the teachers here at Milton. Walking inside the large room, which instead of desks were just chairs & always equipment like music stands which were stored in the supply room. Also in the room there was a small piano & of course dad's conductor platform. I could tell upon entering that it had been a busy day for him, he'd wrote on the board some notes. Deciding to help him get more organized, I went over to the white board & used an eraser to remove his orchestra notes from the previous class. Dad likes to write a lot on the board, sometimes besides verbally explaining & handing out paperwork* Donie: *I walked over following him into the room as I briefly choose a seat knowing it wouldn't be permanent not that Hugo has assigned seating but he does like to change up things every now & then. I set down my backpack then looked over seeing Nick by the whiteboard. I smiled & stood up walking lightly tapping him on the shoulder* Teacher's pet. *I teased* Nick: *Mumbles* And proud of it. Donie: *Thats only cause its his dad else Nick wouldn't say that, I can grantee you that; bells rings then* Well then time to take our seats. Nick: Mm-mm. *I walked with him back towards our seats waiting. Just then my dad raced in fast grinning while waving towards all of us* Hugo: Good afternoon, class how are you all doing? *A lot of good's sounded together as I continued to grin* Thats good, same here except for this heat. Now I knows its hot, but this is just crazy. Nick: *Chuckles along with some others, okay sometimes when dad's trying to be funny he can be a little corny, but thats mainly why a lot of kids still love him. He keeps it real like that* Hugo: I mean ... *Continues* I saw one of the teacher's here, I won't name them ... *Mumbles name earning more laughs* but what the heck is she thinking? Its SUMMER, not fall or winter or something. Donie: *Claps hands; raising hand* Hugo: Yes, Donie? Donie: You're talking about Mrs. Alder? Hugo: I could be. *I shrugged* Donie: She wears sweaters all the time, she says its because she has low blood-pressure. Hugo: Low or not, its still crazy. But anyways, to each his or her own I guess. Okay class welcome to music we'll just call it. I'm Hugo Jonas, you can call by either name unless you have have something else? Student: *Shouts* Mr. J! *Whoops* Donie: Yo H! *I chuckled* Hugo: *Chuckles* Both are cool & fine by me. Alright so roll call, so I can check you all off my list. *Taps the clipboard* Nick: *See how easy it is with my dad, there's just something about him. He's the real deal & is definitely the best Milton's ever seen. Even as he continued after finishing his roll call, he just kept it loose & cool, its like no pressure but still he's serious but not overwhelming, he's chill. His syllabus was more creative & fun, I could tell he just wanted to make it simple & not complicate it. He went over it at a good pace & then started going into about the class, which is his favorite part. And in time, dad finished up & wished us all a good lunch. Donie & I stayed back while the others left* Good work. *I hugged him proudly* Hugo: Thanks, I do try. *Hugs him back; steals a quick forehead kiss* So having a good day so far boys? Donie: Lets just say its better thanks to your class. Check out schedule's Hugo. *Shows him* Nick: *Giggles* Hugo: *Look at his schedule; nods at each of the classes* I assume its the same for you both of two right? Nick: Yep, same classes. Hugo: Ooh Knox, huh briefly met her she's quite ... Donie: Hot. Hugo: I was going to say classy, but yours works too. Nick: She's like a model, isn't she? Hugo: That I agree with you. She's supposedly from Texas. Donie: Huh, so is our algebra teacher. Hugo; Oh you mean Ted, yeah he was born there but he was actually raised in Louisiana, but he still loves his cowboy hats. Nick: No kidding, did you see his outfit? Hugo: I did. Donie: And? Hugo: I cracked up, but gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder. Nick: Thats typical. *I chuckled lightly* Hugo: *Raises an eyebrow* Oh & you all didn't want to break out into laughter in class? Donie: He's got us there, I know I wanted to. Nick: Me too. *Admits* Hugo: And there you have it. So you boys going to eat? Nick: Yep. But can we stay in here dad please? Its still pretty hot out there. Hugo: Yeah no kidding, I see no problem with that. I just have to get my lunch back at the main office, so you boys hang here & I'll be back shortly. Nick: Okay. *Nods watching him leave; pulls out my lunch from my lunch pail starting to eat my sandwich* Donie: That looks good. Nick: It is, so good. What'd you bring? Donie: Just a regular PB&J. Nick: Too lazy to make anything else? Donie: Yep, pretty much. *Begins to eat my own sandwich* Nick: *Stops eating* You usually don't admit things without a stubborn-ish fight. Donie: Not always. *I shrugged; continues to eat* Nick: *Shrugs it off too not paying it any more mind; takes another bite* Hugo's POV As I walked up back up to the main office, I went on in waving at the staff going straight for the lunch room over to the fridge getting my lunch, Nick had prepared the exact same I'm guessing. I smiled, we're always taking care of each other. I also grabbed my water mug & headed back down the hill to my class. Just as I was about to enter, I stopped seeing a familiar gleam in Donie's eyes that he only seems to get when he's around Nick. I smiled & then entered in back inside. Hugo: What'd I miss? *I asked them* Nick: Nothing much, just eating. Donie: And talking. So Hugo what do you have for lunch? Nick: I can answer that, he has the same as me. Donie: Cool. Hugo: I thought so, thanks Nicky what would I do without you? Nick: *Laughs* Ditto. Hugo: *Takes a seat; opens up my pail taking out the sandwich; takes a bite; moans appreciatively* Mm, thats good. Donie: Okay, if you all are trying to make me jealous with your better meals its working. Hugo: *Raises a questionable eyebrow; looks to Nick for an explanation* Nick: He mean's in reference to his PB&J. Hugo: Oh, I see. Well on the upside Donie, we all have sandwiches. Nick: Thats all you got? Hugo: Its the truth. Donie: And he's right, I'll work on it. But mom did have pack plenty of fruit, look at this ... *Shows them the bag of sliced apples, oranges, & a banana* Nick: Its a regular fruit mesh. Hugo: Just think a few more ingredients & maybe ice cream & you can make a smoothie. Donie: *Whines* All man now I want one! Nick: Me too. *Shallows* Hugo: Not to worry guys, I'll make one when we get back home. Donie: For reals? Hugo: Absolutely, whatever you guys want. Nick: You're the best. Hugo: *Grins* So I've been told. So just two classes left guys, we're past half-way there. Donie: Yep, english & then history. Nick: And best of all those two classes are close together, english is room F-7 & then history is F-2. Donie: Meaning a shorter walk from english to history. Hugo: Thats good, & then you guys should be set. Jaron is a good guy, he's from L.A. & I heard he too loves music. Donie: Jaron? Hugo: Or as you two will know more soon by, Mr. Guttman. Donie: Ohh got it. Nick: What about the teacher for History, all it says is Anderson. Hugo: Anderson? Doesn't ring a bell, he or she must be new here. Nick: Get out, my dad the insider & know-it-all of all teachers, doesn't know? Donie: I'm with Nick, I'm actually shocked you got this school pretty much wired. Hugo: *Raises both eyebrows up* Well usually you're right, but this time I really don't know. Donie: Aw man, how will we know what to expect? Hugo: *Chuckles at this* Something tells me, it'll all be just fine. Nick: *Nods agreeing* Plus, all has been fine so far. Donie: And fine it will be. *Concludes* Hugo: I can only assume your last teacher will be a guy, since majority of the teachers here anyways are guys. Nick: Yeah thats probably on the spot. Donie: Mm-hmm. Nick's POV Soon enough lunch ended & Donie & I both said are byes for now to my dad & packed up our things. The walk back up from dad's class to F-7 wasn't too bad, well for me but Donie kind of lugged behind me slowly. Nick: *Laughs; calls to him* Come on Slow-bro. Donie: You calling me a Pokemon? Nick: You can take it whichever way you want, but you best hurry up we only got two more minutes. Donie: Don't rush me, we'll make it, if not go ahead of me & stall. Nick: *Stops walking waits for him to join me as he walked past huffing a little. When he was in front of me & I pushed at his back & sped up his pace a little more kind of semi-running* Donie: Hey, I've got it! *I tried to tell him* Nick: Shush, you just need an extra push. Donie: *I wasn't expecting him to push me like that, but what amazed me even more was that it worked & we got there on time, might I add* Okay so walking up on the hill on the hot day is harder than it looks. *I tried* Nick: *Rolls eyes at this excuse, but still smiles* If you say so, you're just lucky that you have me around to save your butt. Donie: The luckiest. *Of course I mean that so much, sometimes I wish he'd just see it* Nick: *Takes a seat up at the front once again, while he took a seat next to mine. This particular classroom for english looked a lot smaller than the rest, the rows for the actual desks were pretty skinny. And at the main desk was I'm guessing a 30 year old guy with brown hair similar curly hair with brown eyes & thick eyebrows (which I'm seeing a lot of these days). Hmm* Mr. Guttman: Well good afternoon class, everyone have a good lunch? *Asks them earning a lot of nods & yeses* Thats good to hear, well I'm Jaron Guttman your english teacher. So a show of hands, how many of you like to read? Nick: *Definitely my hand went up on this one & a lot others too including Donie, but I knew it all depended once again on the subject matter for him* Mr. Guttman: Awesome. Let me ask then, how many of you like to write? Nick: *On this I raised my hand again cause it was true, but mostly music but hey it still counts & I like essays too* Mr. Guttman: Okay. And how many of you just like both? *To this pretty much every hand went up & I smiled* Well I'm truly glad to hear that cause thats exactly what our two main focuses will be. So with that in mind, let me take care of roll & then I'll need a volunteer to help pass out the syllabus. Do I have a volunteer? Donie: *Raises my hand. Thats another thing I might as well help in cause too many kids just don't participate or like I keep on saying are just too shy* Mr. Guttman: Excellent & your name, please? Donie: Donie Sae, sir. Mr. Guttman: *Nods; finding him on my list* Thank you Donie, I appreciate the participation. Donie: *And you see, teacher's just love it but then they also sometimes always expect it & will kind of count on it, either way I'm cool with it* Mr. Guttman: *Takes roll; while Donie handed out the syllabuses* Donie: *Some might think this little gesture is just trying to get on the teacher's good side or simply cause they're teacher's pet, but for me I look at it as ... doing something other than saying put in a desk staring* Nick: *Its just like him to volunteer, its something he always does, its just him being himself. I could tell this was going to be be another favorite class for me, Mr. Guttman did seem kind of cool & at some points of the lecture I could swore I heard him humming a tune or something. For the rest of the class, he let us watch a video about american literature which might of put some of the kids to sleep but for me I watched it with interest. It gave information about books like The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Of Mice and Men, The Scarlet Letter, The Old Man and the Sea, The Grapes of Wrath, Moby-Dick, Fahrenheit 451, On the Road, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (probably my favorite of the list so far), Little Women, Catch-22, The Sun Also Rises, The Sound and the Fury, A Farewell to Arms, From Whom the Bell Tolls, Gone With the Wind, The Awakening, The Bell Jar, As I Lay Dying, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, East of Eden, Death of a Salesmen, The Road, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Crucible, Lolita & lots more ... the list goes on. None of the titles however are any of Donie's favorite cause for him, he prefers modern books written recently like: The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, the Alex Rider series, the Atermis Fowl series & his absolute favorite the Goosebump series (which I never really cared for but he really loves them like a lot)* Nick: *I myself prefer Eragon, Eldest, Brisngr, & Inheritance all of which is a series of books by Christopher Paolini, an American author. Those four books are just so awesome, I love them a lot just cause their captivating & the fantasy aspect of it all is also what draws me to them. Sometimes I wish we could explore books like that in english class, but who knows it can maybe happen. Sadly the movie was still going when the bell rang, now it was time to get to our very last class for the day: U.S. History here we come. Donie was already up out of his seat as usual, while I packed away my gear & then headed out with him* You were totally spacing weren't you? Donie: Yep, not going to deny it I mean come on half those titles were so I don't know depressing? Nick: *Chuckles* Well what do you except, some of them actually are. Donie: Yeah no wonder, I mean why do we got to read them. Aren't we supposed to be learning about positive things? Nick: Or maybe just how the world works & was back then? Donie: Yeah, which brings me to our next class yeah go history & yeah can I go home now? Nick: No worries dude, it'll be over before you know it. Donie: How about I just say I'm sick & go to the nurses office? Nick: You know that won't work, plus I think the nurse is on to you. She & Idylla probably had a talk & you know where that leads. Donie: Aww man, but history so old! *I complained* Great they fought wars, it was devastating & bloody ... da-da-da we're here & all good. Nick: Chillax, they only want us to know our history & how we became what we are today. Donie: Yep & I say, history is well history. Nick: You're thinking of the beach aren't you? Donie: So much! Nick: And the waves. Donie: Uh-huh. *Nods a lot* Nick: And the cool breeze. Donie: *Can pretty much see it; whines* Nick: *Pats his shoulder* Don't sweat it, its just another 51 minutes left. Donie: Great, so close to an hour equals another YAY. Nick: *Shakes head* Oh brother, what am I going to do with you. So, so far do you have a favorite class or teacher at all? Donie: Your dad's & my mom's, but thats about it so far. You? Nick: All of them. Donie: I should've of guessed it. Nick: Come on, we're here & its the last period of the day, lighten up dude. Donie: I'll try & remember that. *Walks with him into F- 2 which was pretty much right in front of F-1 where math class was. As Nick took his usual front-row-smack-in-front-of-the-teacher's-desk-spot, I took the more of the second seat behind him cause honestly for once I didn't want to be up front. He's right I just wanted to go home & change & hit the beach & leave history in the past & I mean literally too* Nick: *So finally after a pretty much full day, its at least just about almost over. U.S. History time, period six, just about 2:00 PM, & 50 minutes to go just like I'd told Donie. I understood he's tired & has already lost focus, but knowing him he'll be okay. He may not enjoy history, but he will still always participate somehow most of the time. The bell suddenly rang & it was time to begin & still there was no teacher. For a moment I wondered what was going on, it was very unusual for a teacher to be late but here & there it happened, but not so much on the first day of school ... thats mostly what students do at least some of them. Most of the other kids were still chatting, obviously not caring there was no teacher. I on the other hand questioned it, could be that the teacher is just new or is it substitute who's just lost?* What's going on? *I turned to Donie* Donie: Well for one this teacher's sure loves being on time, I say we give him or her less than five minutes or we can all just go home. Nick: Okay, who put you in charge & second none of us can make the decision to just be free to leave. Donie: But tardiness isn't acceptable for us, & its certainly no different with them. *And then just like that a guy bounded past on the outskirts on the rowed lines of desks/columns* Dang it. *I muttered unhappily* Nick: *As I turned to face the front immediately, I took my first glance upon our last teacher for the day. This one was a guy just like dad had predicted. He had a very short buzz cut brown hair, bushy eyebrows, brown eyes & facial hair. I couldn't help but pout inwardly, I've always secretly wanted to grow facial hair, but so far my face has always been so smooth, a little too smooth. But dad says that just wait one day I will get it, just be patient & I guess he's right for the time being. Anyways, back to this teacher he looked quite young a lot younger than a lot of the other teacher here. If I had to guess I would say he was like 24 although he could be 25, I'm not always too good on guessing ages but for me I'm just estimating. He looked cool too, he w***e a chain around his neck & a white v-neck shirt & blue jeans (which were a little torn/worn looking). On his right hand was a watch, what I also noticed then was that he wasn't carrying anything when he'd first entered. And when he sat down, I looked down following what he was looking at & I saw a motorcycle helmet & keys just laying on top of his desk. My eyes just widened as I continued to watch him* Joe: *As I rushed in late, I went straight immediately to my desk sitting down & getting a hold of the roll sheet & stood back up* Hey guys, sorry I'm late as you can all probably tell I'm new here to Milton. My name's Joe Adam Anderson & welcome everyone to U.S. History. Everyone in the right spot, right? *Got a lot of nods* Awesome, why don't I just take roll to start us off. As I call your name please raise your hand so I can see you are here or if you prefer to say yes or here or present, to each their own. *Begins calling names alphabetically* Donie: *What sort of teacher is this, late like seriously? He looks like ... myself & the rest of the guys in class, his head's just not in the game probably* Nick: *I had an odd feeling then as he continued to go through the list of names. I noticed mine so far hadn't been called & he had already passed the J's & was almost to Donie's. I wondered for a moment if my schedule was correct or not, I was hoping so cause otherwise that would be a little embarrassing* Joe: *Finishes the attendance, but not before adding* Is there anyone's name I missed & didn't call? Nick: *Thats when my heart raced & I couldn't just sit there, I knew I had to raise my hand even if I was the only who did so* Joe: *My eyes connected with a young boy's directly in the front & I smiled* And your name is? Nick: *Inside my heart was pounding even more as I answered him shyly* Nick Jonas. Joe: *I looked at my list & my smile widened* As yes, you're in the right place Nick. *I walked over to him standing in front of his desk as I shared something with him* My dad's name is Nick too. Nick: *I felt my face heat, was I really blushing? In turn to this peace of information that I couldn't believe he was telling me, I responded back softly* Really? Joe: *Nods; still smiling* Yes. Nick: Wow. *I smiled back in turn, feeling something else but what I couldn't really figure out what* Joe: *Goes back towards the front of the room; sets down the attendance sheet* Well thanks guys & girls for bearing with me, so as I said previously I'm new to Milton but this isn't my first time teaching. You see, I was born in Casa Grande, Arizona & then when I was about five years old my parents & I moved here to California & where we've all resided since then. I've been teaching for a year & a half now over at Jefferson Middle & I just transfered over to Milton this year just because, I wanted to experience this school & also both my parents are teacher's here. You might know them by Mr. & Mrs. Anderson. My dad Nick *Briefly smiles again in Nick's direction; continues* also teaches U.S. History & my mom teaches Psychology. Nick: *My blush seemed to come back almost immediately as he smiled at me again. I couldn't believe my eyes, I was super surprised no doubt about it* Joe: Moving on, I have class procedures for all of you. *Begins to count out copies handing them to each student in the front row to pass it behind it to the next; smiles again at Nick when I came to his row* Nick: *Takes the pile of papers* Thank you. *I continued to blush* Joe: Your welcome. *I inclined my head* Nick: *Passes back the copies to Donie only looking at him for brief second* Joe: *Once everyone had a packet, I began going through it at a steady pace & then afterwards I went over the class rules & then told my students about a treasure hunt we would be doing & also another separate paper entitled true intelligence* Nick: *As he went through everything, I payed attention listening intently to every word he said. In the back of my mind, I felt a magnetic kind of feeling but I still couldn't figure out why. It wasn't till the very end when the bell rang & 2:50 finally arrived that I realized the reason as everyone got up & began to leave, walking with Donie quietly I turned around to gaze once more at Mr. Anderson* Joe: *When the final bell rang, I dismissed my students & wished them all a great day & told them I'd see them all tomorrow afternoon. Gathering up my own paperwork packing it away into a file & putting it into a mini backpack I'd brought with me. Then I grabbed my keys & my helmet & headed for the door when I saw Nick standing by the exit staring at me* See you Nick, have a great day. *I grinned once more & waved bye to him as he just smiled back & waved shyly wishing me the same. When I'd first seen his name on the list, I'd purposely skipped his name in roll call because I wanted to single him out. And once I did, I was most glad I did so. I don't why but I almost felt a connection there for a moment & all I could do was smile. While most of the students were heading to the left to catch the bus to take them home, I went right & went up the small hill & went directly over to my parked motorcycle. I put on my helmet & got out my black leather jacket putting it on, finally mounting my bike revving it a little to start it up & then took off once I was on it heading directly for home* Nick: *It was like a daze, as I watched him walk out & turn right around the corner. I couldn't help my curiosity or sudden fascination, so I peaked around the corner as he turned & my eyes followed his walking moments soon seeing his motorbike & my eyes widened once again. My mouth felt dry as I watched him get on the bike & put on a jacket of some sorts & as he took off, I couldn't help but think something ... something I've never thought I'd ever feel ... I liked him* Donie's POV Donie: *When I heard Mr. Anderson single Nick out like that, I couldn't help feel a little jealous even though I couldn't see Nick's face, I knew he was smiling back. I frowned when I heard the line the teacher had used, while Nick is a common name but really he didn't have say that to him. If I didn't know better I'd say it was like a weird moment honestly. And even as I grabbed my backpack & headed out the door, expecting Nick to be right beside me ... as I turned around I found he wasn't. I found him back by the door watching that same teacher again & for second I got little irritated* Nick come on buddy. *I said to him, but he didn't even respond* Nick, school's out we can go home. *I tried again, but still he didn't say anything however this time he seemed to sort of follow the teacher leaving still watching him clearly. I too stared in awe as the dude took on his motorcycle, so the dude's got a little bit of swagger so what? This time I walked in front of Nick's line of sight even though the teacher had already left* Um Nick, you ready to go? Nick: *Snaps out of it* Yeah, sure. Oh my gosh, dad! Sorry Donie, I got to go bye I'll see you later. *Rushes off rolling my backpack along down the hill towards the main office* Donie: *Stands there for a moment* Okay, what the heck just happened? *I said to myself aloud* Nick: *My heart was racing from running, but also still I knew it was because of Mr. Anderson. But then at the last second I remembered my dad & knew he would be waiting for me to take me home, while I knew Donie would be riding with Idylla. Once back down the hill, I met up with my dad & we headed back home. Dad & I of course exchanged some notes about our day, but overall I was more occupied with thoughts of Mr. Anderson ... I couldn't help but replay the scenes in my mind* Donie: *Walking alone & still puzzled, I found my mom & got in her car as she drove us home. I couldn't believe how Nick had just ditched me like that, I mean I know his dad was waiting for him but still I couldn't help feel a little hurt. Whoa, back up its no big deal. Nick's just probably eager to get home & go to the beach. But then I can't but wonder why he was so fascinated by Mr. Motorcycle-Guy. While mom went on about her day, I'd only briefly told her about my own. Once home, I was about to go to my room when my mom stopped me* Hey mom, what's up? Idylla: Honey, I have some grocery shopping to do. Donie: Okay, have fun. *I tried to get past her* Idylla: Wait a second, I need you to come with me. Donie: Why? Idylla: Cause we're also going to go shopping for new clothes for you & I know much you mind me buying clothes for you without you, so come on. Donie: Wait a second then why'd we bothered to come back home? Idylla: Two things, I wanted to change clothes real quick & make sure I get my coupons. Donie: Oh, mom! *I whined* Idylla: It'll be fun, I promise. You should change too, you look sweaty. Donie: But I wanted to go with Nick to the beach for a little bit. Idylla: Sorry not tonight, maybe tomorrow after school. *Leaves to get changed* Donie: Mannn. *I whined again & changed my clothes too* Nick's POV Once back home it was now 3:11 PM, I took my shower & as did dad, we were both sweaty & needed to be cooled off. While I thought about going to the beach, I kind of didn't feel much up to it. For once I just wanted to stay in & relax, plus it was just way to intense out there heat-wsie. I was glad to feel the wonderful cooling water falling on me. It helped clear my mind & that icky overheated feeling was now gone. Once done, I stepped out of the shower & dried myself & proceeded to get dressed, getting a fresh pair of boxers & another tank top, this time it was light grey. I decided to take a look through my new history text for this year familiarizing myself with its contents. A/N :-] .... SCHEDULE/TEACHER LIST ... Per 1 SCIENCE from 8:10 to 9:09 = Zabrina Knox, Per 2 PE from 9:13 to 1010: = Idylla Sae, Per 3 Algebra 1 10:14-11:11 = Ted McCallon, Per 4 Orchestra 1:15-12:12 = Hugo Jonas, 12:13-12:52 LUNCH, Per 5 English 12:56-1:49 = Jaron Guttman Per 6 U.S. History 1:59-2:50 = Joe Anderson © 2013 VirgoAvatar |
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Added on August 13, 2012Last Updated on August 8, 2013 Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick Author![]() VirgoAvatarAboutList of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..Writing