Watch Over You Chapter 1

Watch Over You Chapter 1

A Book by VirgoAvatar

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

Chapter 1 Watch Over You (WOY)

Summary: Its Nick's 14th b-day, Sunday one day before school starts for a new year in 8th grade. Hugo wakes his son up affectionately sleeping next to him & tickles him. Donie arrives shortly joining in the waking of his best friend. Secretly Donie has been always liked Nick, but hasn't told him how he feels. And Nick has yet to acknowledge what he wants, a guy or girl. Nick soon meets Joe Anderson & just like that he instantly falls for Joe & vice versa & so begins a sweet romance of teacher & student, eventual Joick/Jick.

Character list (In order of Appearance):

Harry Connick Jr as Hugo Carlo Jonas

Nick Jonas as himself

Max Schnerider as Donato "Donie/Don" Sae

Jordin Sparks as Idylla Sae

Beyoncé Knowles as Zabrina Knox

Tim McGraw as Ted McCallon

Josh Groban as Jaron Guttman

& Joe Jonas as Joe Anderson


Hugo's POV

I woke up Sunday morning August 25 early smiling, as I got dressed & readied myself because today was my son's 14th birthday & tomorrow my little man was staring his last year in middle school. My Nick's finishing up eighth grade & then he'll be in high school. But let me slow myself down here, before I get all caught up in my son growing up so fast. My name's Hugo Carlo Jonas, his dad & only parent. You see back when Nick turned eleven & we celebrated his birthday, the next day my wife Denise Jonas was coming back home from work (she was an amazing day care teacher) & she was driving on the freeway towards our house ... & was killed in a car accident. Its been three years now since then, & everyday its been so hard without her for Nick & I. Nicolas Jerry Jonas or Nick as we call him took it the hardest because she & him were very close, we all were so close. Its still hard to believe she's gone, but day by day we've gotten better & back to normal. I know being a widow & a single parent at age 44 is not what either of us had in mind, but we still make do & love each other very much. And its why this birthday, I want to make it special for my boy. He is Denise & I's only son, so its just been the two us. Fortunately Nick has a best friend that lives three houses over from us & he's always been there for him. He's the next closest to Nick, besides myself ... other than that he's very shy & doesn't talk much. When around his best friend or myself, he's more comfortable not as quiet. My son loves music, he sings, writes his own songs, plays piano, drums, & guitar, as do I. We've always enjoyed music especially creating it. Speaking of music, I'm a music teacher at his middle school which is Milton Middle. I've been teaching there for quite some time, before I met Denise & married her. I've always had a passion for music, I know Nick has it as well. When I met my wife, I instantly fell in love with her positive, happy-go-lucky & bubbly personality. And when I proposed to her & she said yes, it was the best day of life & even more so with our wedding, honeymoon & then finally ... the news of her being pregnant with our son. Nick was born on August 25, 1998 & from that day on with him & my wife, our lives were blessed & even now I still am. I'm proud of my son, he's very talented & is passionate in everything he does, whether it be music or school ... he's good kid & I love him so much. Together we live in Sunnyside, CA in a modern mobile house, which has two bedrooms & two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, & a good size backyard. We also are just two blocks away from the beach, so its easy to walk to & especially since it is August its been a hot month & the beach's refreshing sea breeze a calls.

Hugo: *Walks from my room over towards Nick's room finding him still sleeping & I don't blame him. He loves sleeping in & right now it is barely 10:00 AM. He's lying peacefully curled under his cover & sheet snuggling no doubt. I smiled big & walked quietly right over to his side of the bed & climbed next to him laying beside him*

Nick: *I groaned sleepily feeling a familiar presence* Daaad.

Hugo: *Ruffles his curls* Good morning buddy, happy birthday.

Nick: *Doesn't open eyes; flips over on my right side facing him* Good morning & thanks.

Hugo: *Chuckles lightly* Come on boy, you gotta wake up. You do have school tomorrow. Its time to start getting into the swing of getting up early.

Nick: *Groans again pushing at his chest* I know, thats why I wanna sleep in now & adjust later.

Hugo: You know a certain someone besides myself is not going to allow that, so you best get up now before he gets here, just saying curly top.

Nick: Daaad. *I laughed feeling him starting to play more with my wild & never ending curls*

Hugo: *Grins* Thats me. *I kissed his forehead* You can sleep later, I've got a big day planned for us.

Nick: Really? Well I hope it involves a cake. *I teased*

Hugo: Naturally it will, presents & more. Butttt ... you won't get any of it if you stay in bed. *Begins to tickle him*

Nick: *Opens eyes unable to keep them closed as I LOLed like crazy* Daaad, s-s-stop that-t tickles-s-s!

Hugo: Thats the point though, looks like its still an effective way to get you up, ha! *Stops the tickle-fest for now poking his stomach*

Nick: You're just like-

Hugo: I know. *Grins widely; looks at watch* Speaking of being like him, he should be here in 5, 4, 3, 2, & ....

???: *Exclaims as I entering the room; lunges over landing on top of Nick* Morning Hugo & happy birthday Nick!

Hugo: And one. *Laughs* Good morning Donie.

Nick's POV

I let a surprised yell as my best friend since forever landed directly on me pinning me on my own bed. Let me explain & back up here. I'm Nick Jonas, newly 14 & about to start the 8th grade tomorrow morning at Milton Middle School or MMS for short. My dad's the music/orchestra teacher there & like always I'm in his class & also his number helper, which I don't mind but I am going to miss his class because believe it or not, my dad's a cool guy & makes learning fun not mention entertaining. I love my dad a lot, he's all I have since my mom passed away. Its still a touchy subject for myself even though its been three years, she was an amazing mother. She & dad were so in love & when I came into the scene, happiness was ever flowing. I still feel sad when I think about her, but I know she's watching somewhere from the heavens down at us. And I know she wouldn't want us to be unhappy, its why dad & I continue to live our lives & move forward. Now onto my best friend above me, let me introduce Donato Sae aka "Donie/Don." I mostly call him Donie, he's my childhood friend since birth.He's just like me in the same aspect that he loves music, school, the beach, Pokemon & Yu-Gi-Oh! (Yeah we're kind of geeks, but we're proud of it). The difference between Donnie & I, is that I'm more introverted & he's extroverted, but its why we get along so much. We're inseparable, since the very beginning we've just done about everything together. He's 14 too, his birthday is June 21, 1998 so he's slightly older than me, which he never fails to remind me. He lives close by, so since we see each other so much he has a key to my house ... so usually he just comes in unannounced. He lives with his mom, Idylla Sae who's also our P.E. teacher this year & newly separated from her husband. So like my dad, she's is a single parent raising a teenage son of her own, honestly go figure. Donie's mom is really nice & she is big on eating healthy just as my is dad. They spend time together a lot too since I'm always hanging with Donie, but they're just friends. Donie & I both agree that neither of our parents are ready to date someone else yet, which we don't blame them. As for as I'm concerned, Idylla's like my second mom & my dad's like Donie's second dad so in a way we're pretty much family. As far as my birthday, I'm actually excited to see what my dad has in store this year. He's always trying his hardest to go over & above to do something new & different than previous years. He never fails to make it memorable & special, leave it to him to be just so awesome like that.

Nick: Donie! *I yelled out loud as he pretty much jumped onto me*

Donie: *Grins brilliantly* Morning Curly-Q! Still in bed I see, I figured as much.

Hugo: I told him to get up too.

Nick: Thanks a lot, dad. *I rolled my eyes*

Hugo: Your welcome, anytime. *Gets up then off Nick's bed* I'll be making breakfast boys, any requests?

Nick: Blueberry waffles please.

Donie: I like that sound of that.

Nick: Hey! *I accused* You already ate.

Donie: So mom's a great cook & all, but who can pass up waffles?

Nick: Point taken. *Notes*

Hugo: *Laughs* Alrighty then, Nick get dressed please. *Leaves his room; walks towards the kitchen*

Nick: Any who, dude can you get off me now? *Turns attention back to him finding he still hadn't let up on his position above me*

Donie: *Shrugs jumping off* So happy newly 14! *I sang*

Nick: *Chuckles getting out of my bed at last standing up to walk over to my closet to pick up clothes* Thanks, but really its not a "big" deal.

Donie: Whoa, hold up my friend. It is a "BIG" deal cause its the epic day my best bud was born.

Nick: Gee, I didn't know that at all thanks for the update.

Donie: *Scoffs ignoring his sarcasm* Oh I get it, we interrupted your sleep.

Nick: *Takes off my shirt throwing it into my hamper; puts on a new shirt* Maybe, but now thats forgotten thanks to the smell of breakfast I'm starving.

Donie: Mm-hmm, I can smell it already. So *Watches him getting dressed* psyched for tomorrow?

Nick: A little I guess, its our last year at Milton so yeah. *Finishes putting on my shirt; looks for a pair of jeans*

Donie: And its going to be great, I really hope we get Ms. Knox for science.

Nick: Miss who? *Turns around briefly zippering up my jeans*

Donie: Ms. Knox, she's looks like a model & she's really hot.

Nick: Uh-huh, someone crushing on another teacher again?

Donie: Hey its normal alright, plus its all sweet fantasy anyways. I'm surprised you hadn't fallen for a teacher, bet you will this semester.

Nick: Highly doubtful.

Donie: More like probable & you wanna know why?

Nick: Not really, no.

Donie: Well like it or not Nick, we're both starting puberty.

Nick: *Flushes brightly; yelps* Dude, thats just gross please don't ever say that again!

Donie: But its the truth, our bodies are changing & we're growing hair in odd spots.

Nick: *Eyes widen* Okay, lemme guess your mom had the "talk" with you.

Donie: Yep, pretty much. Didn't Hugo give you yours yet?

Nick: No, & I hope it stays that way, but now thanks to you I can't un-hear what you just said.

Donie: Well its better to be prepared, cause honestly dude you're freaking out just from hearing me talk about ... like how do you think you're going to handle it with Hugo when the time comes?

Nick: Like I said, Donie I don't look look forward to it. *Starts to walk out of my room*

Donie: Hey wait a minute! *Goes after him & runs in front of him* Get on my back.

Nick: Um, why?

Donie: Cause I wanna carry ya, duh.

Nick: But I can walk.

Donie: What sort of fun is that. please thats just BOR-RING!

Nick: *Rolls eyes* OK, if you say so. *Wraps arms around his neck holding on as he stood back up walking & taking us both directly towards the kitchen*

Donie: *Smiles* There you see much fun-ner right?

Nick: Sure-sure. *I laughed*

Donie: * Since Nick isn't really all that heavy he's pretty easy to carry & run with over towards the living as I dumped him onto the sofa* Destination complete. *I clapped*

Nick: *Squeals landing softly onto the sofa; gasps* Thanks a lot.

Donie: Anytime my good birthday buddy. Hey Hugo, what's the stats on breakfast?

Hugo: *Gives them a thumbs-up sign* Its coming along nicely boys, give it 10 minutes & it'll be ready. In the meantime, *Claps hands* I think we need a little music.

Donie: No problem-o, I've got this. *Breaks into another excited fast run going over towards their tower stereo system for basically any iPod or iPhone devices which turns up the volume quite nicely. I picked an all-time fav song to sing together & smiled running back to Nick & Hugo* Ready guys?

Hugo: Ready, Donie. *Stands with them creating I guess a sort of triangle*

Nick: Ready too. *Smiles having a feeling what he chose for the song, if anything I know Donie all too well*

Donie: *Begins singing; pretends to hold a pretend-mike*

I Took My Baby
On A Saturday Bang
Boy Is That Girl With You
Yes We're One And The Same

Nick: *I joined in with him singing; can't help smiling too getting into Michael Jackson's classic song*

Now I Believe In Miracles
And A Miracle
Has Happened Tonight

But, If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White

Hugo: *Joins in next with the boys. The three of us are always like this, being silly & having fun, its our thing. Usually I'm more of a jazz guy but once in awhile I like to spread my wings sort of speak & try something else & sing a little differently*

They Print My Message
In The Saturday Sun
I Had To Tell Them
I Ain't Second To None

And I Told About Equality
And It's True
Either You're Wrong
Or You're Right

But, If
You're Thinkin'
About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White

Donie: *Takes the next parts cause personally I love the rap coming up*

I Am Tired Of This Devil
I Am Tired Of This Stuff
I Am Tired Of This Business
So When The
Going Gets Rough
I Ain't Scared Of
Your Brother
I Ain't Scared Of No Sheets
I Ain't Scare Of Nobody
Girl When The
Goin' Gets Mean

For Gangs, Clubs
And Nations
Causing Grief In
Human Relations
It's A Turf War
On A Global Scale
I'd Rather Hear Both Sides
Of The Tale
See, It's Not About Races
Just Places
Where Your Blood
Comes From
Is Where Your Space Is
I've Seen The Bright
Get Duller
I'm Not Going To Spend
My Life Being A Color

Nick: *Uses both hands to whoop. When it comes to rapping Donie's got the skills & really gets into it the best* Whoo! My turn! *Starts singing again*

Don't Tell Me You Agree With Me
When I Saw You Kicking Dirt In My Eye

Donie: Go Nick, go Nick! *Chants; grins big*

But, If
You're Thinkin' About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

I Said If
You're Thinkin' Of
Being My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

Nick/Hugo/Donie all sing together nodding:

I Said If
You're Thinkin' Of
Being My Brother
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White

Ooh, Ooh
Yea, Yea, Yea Now
Ooh, Ooh
Yea, Yea, Yea Now

It's Black, It's White
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Black , It's White, Whoo

It's Black, It's White
It's Tough For You
To Get By
It's Black , It's White, Whoo!

Nick: *Ending the song, we all fell back against the sofa exhaling* I swear that never gets old.

Hugo: You both sound better every time I hear you two, great work. Excuse me, *Stands up* gotta check on the waffles.

Nick: You do that. *Uses my right elbow to wipe some of my sweat away*

Donie: *Elbows him* You sounded triple amazing Nick, you're the man!

Nick: *Chuckles* You too, nice rapping as always.

Donie: *Smiles popping out my collar trying to be cool* You know how I do.

Nick: Psh, yeah alright OK then. *Gets up then*

Donie: *Tackles him then* Bonzoi!

Nick: Ooft! *Lands on the floor; tries to turn over trying my hardest for once in my life to pin him, but he easily got the upper hand in seconds* Don-nie!

Donie: Yesss? *Pins Nick's hands above his head* Pinned ya!

Nick: No really, c'mon let me up.

Donie: *Shakes head* You gotta say the words first.

Nick: Nope, no way. *Protests*

Donie: *Shrugs* Well then I guess you're staying this way.

Nick: Dad a little help here please! *Shouts over to him*'

Hugo: *Looks over to survey the scene, which happens regularly* Sorry Nick, you're on your own bud.

Nick: Dad!

Hugo: Yeah?

Nick: Get over here!

Hugo: No can do, I've got one more batch to do. Mm-mm-mm-mm, smells great up in here.

Nick: Thanks very much.

Hugo: Your very welcome. *Waves positively*

Nick: *Squirming* Donie let me up.

Donie: *Thinks about it for a second* Sorry nope, haven't heard you say it yet.

Nick: *Groans* Dudeee.

Donie: Nickkk. *Smiles mocking back*

Nick: *Sighs mumbling the words*

Donie: Sorry I didn't catch that, say again please.

Nick: Donie is the greatest! There ya happy I said it?

Donie: Very. *Reluctantly lets him up*

Hugo: Just in time you two, here you both are. *Hands them each their plates*

Nick: Sweet! *Walks over towards him taking my plate carrying it over towards the table; sits down; starts eating* Thanks dad.

Donie: *Happily takes my plate; joins Nick sitting next to him* Thanks Papa Jonas. *Starts to dig in, enjoying it immensely*

Hugo: Your welcome boys. *Lastly takes my seat across from them; begins to eat as well, while starting to read the morning paper*

Nick: *After we finished breakfast, we all cleared our plates & then went outside as I waited for my dad to start his car while Donie & I waited by the curb. I bounced on my heels*

Donie: Excited much? *Crosses arms watching him*

Nick: Maybe now cause I have a happy stomach full of amazing waffles.

Donie: *Chuckles* I swear Hugo can cook, whoo!

Nick: No kidding. So what's your mom up to?

Donie: Knowing her she's still sleeping in clinging to the last of summer vacation before she has to start getting up early once again, but hey thats life getting up for school you know the drill.

Nick: *Nods* All too well.

Hugo: *Pulls up over to the curb* Ready boys?

Donie: Definitely!

Nick: Yeah, ditto. *Gets in the car in the backseat with Donie buckling up as my dad started to drive away from our house* So where are we going?

Hugo: Someplace cool.

Donie: And epic?

Hugo: And awesome I promise you both.

Donie: Rad. *Smiles big*

Nick: *Raises an eyebrow* Dad what are you up to?

Donie: Like he's just going to tell you the surprise.

Hugo: Donie's right, you boys will just have to wait & see. Besides with the drive, you'll have plenty of time to try & guess.

Nick: Wait, exactly how long is the drive?

Hugo: Lets just say its not around the corner, its a ways away up north.

Donie: Ooh L.A. maybe?

Hugo: Perhaps.

Nick: Wait a minute won't Idylla be freaking out about Donie?

Hugo: She already knows where we're all going & she's fine with it. I invited her to come along of course, but she said it wasn't her thing & that it was more suited for us guys.

Donie: Hey works for me, plus she's happily resting & getting her needed beauty sleep. So I'm glad, its time to party cause WE'RE EIGHTH GRADERS NOW WHOO!

Nick: Whoop! *Waves hands in the air happily*

Hugo: *Grins; driving; eyeing them in my mirror* Oh the joys of being teenagers.

Donie: Oh yeah, thats right! We're moving on up!

Nick: Climbing the ladder one year at a time. *I pointed out*

Donie: *Grins starting to sing cause seriously I constantly pretty much always break into a song*

You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it
(You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it)
I think it's time, think it's time that you show it
You're beautiful, beautiful

Baby what you doing? where you at? where you at?
Why you acting so shy? holding back, holding back
We're not the only ones doing it like that, it like that
So DJ bring that, bring that, bring that, bring that back

Nick: *Laughs recognizing the song immediately; smiles too then joining in cause after all can't help songs that are catchy*

Cause all around the world people want to be loved
Yeah, cause all around the world, they're no different than us
All around the world people want to be loved
All around the world, they're no different than us
All around the world

[Beat break]

Nick & Donie: (All around the world)

Nick: *Continues; using my right hand to to point downwards then back up*

You're crazy girl, crazy girl, you should know it
(you're crazy girl, crazy girl, don't control it)
Light it up, light it up, so explosive
You're crazy girl, yeah, yeah

Donie: *Takes the next part. I love it when Nick joins in, its always amazing when he does*

Baby what you doing? where you at? where you at?
Why you acting so shy? holding back, holding back
We're not the only ones doing it like that, it like that
So DJ bring that, bring that, bring that, bring that back

Nick: *Joins in the main chorus with him; getting lost in JB's song*

All around the world people want to be loved
Yeah, all around the world, they're no different than us
All around the world people want to be loved
All around the world, they're no different than us
All around the world

[Beat break]

Donie: *Takes the rap part using our names in the place of the originals knowing it would be awesome to get a kick out of it & see Nick's expression*

Once again, the dynamic duo's back at it
NJ, Donie!
I love everything about you
You're imperfectly perfect
Everyone is itching for beauty
But just scratching the surface
Lost time is never found
Can the DJ please reverse it?
In life we pay for change
Let's make every second worth it
Any day can work if you're working with people saying you don't deserve it then don't give in
Cause hate may win some battles but love wins in the end (Nick: *Sings* In the end)
You shine just like the sun while the moon and the stars reflect your light
Beauty revolves around you
So you like that?

Nick: Yeah. *Laughs & begins again with Donie joining in too. We just had fun with it*

All around the world people want to be loved
All around the world, they're no different than us
All around the world
(people want to be loved)
All around the world
(they're no different than us)
All around the world
(people want to be loved)
All around the world
(they're no different than us)
All around the world

Donie: *Grins brightly patting his shoulder* That was sweet, you so rocked that!

Nick: Me? What about you Mr. Rapper, you owned it.

Donie: We're team though. You rock it, I own it & we switch it up.

Nick: For sure. *Breaks into laugher. Only Donie could make me laugh like this, he's always so energetic & crazy. Sometimes I wonder why he even bothers to hang with me, cause even with him I'm still not as outgoing as he is even when I open up*

Donie: You are so. *Ruffles his curls that I love to mess with every chance I get*

Nick: *Blinks; looks at him* Huh?

Donie: I know that look of yours. You are fun Nick, never doubt it buddy.

Nick: *Looks down; plays with my hands* Thanks, Donie.

Hugo: *Continuing to watch them while driving, I just smiled in silence. Its true Donie's always been a great friend to Nick. I'm always been thankful for Donie cause he does cheer my son up when he's feeling low or just shy & insecure. Mostly the reason why I grin is because, I don't miss a thing about Donie. I know he likes Nick a lot, its really obvious. Especially when he starts to sing, its like he's singing directly to Nick, but of course my son has no idea of this. Nick's a bit oblivious to certain situations .... situations just like this. I know Donie's gay, but like most kids his age he must be having a hard timing admitting it & even more coming out. Idylla suspects it too, we even talked it over a few times when the kids were out of the house. Idylla & I both agree that her Donie definitely has a deep attachment to my Nick. Both of us find it kind of cute, but still wouldn't mind them seeing girls too. As far as I know, Donie's never been on a real date with a girl & neither has Nick, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. There's still plenty of time for them to start dating later in life or whenever. As for my own boy, I haven't seen any same affection directly back at Donie ... but it does make me wonder if he just hasn't developed them for him or doesn't see him in that way. I do one day want to talk with Donie about this whole thing, but Idylla & I agreed to let him come to either of us whenever he's ready & comfortable. After all it isn't cool to rush or push him, especially just in case we're wrong about the whole thing. But something tells me that I'm not, I see the way he stares at him & how he really loves pinning Nick under him. At first I thought it was all really innocent & no big deal, just kids playing. But the more I've watched Donie over the years, I definitely have a strong feeling that he's into my son. Like I said though, I'm fine with it. I'm not against anything like that, as long as its love then I'm content.

Hugo: *Two hours later I finally exited the freeway & took the exit turning left on MM Parkway driving towards my secret location although by now I'm pretty sure both boys knew now where we were headed*

Donie: No way! *Exclaims*

Nick: Whoa dad you brought us to...

Hugo: Thats right guys, welcome to ...

Donie: Six!

Nick: Flags!! *Bouncing up in my seat along with Donie, way past excited. I love theme parks* Dad thank you. *I smiled big*

Hugo: Your very welcome, only the best of the best for you.

Donie: Hugo you're a genius! I've been wanting to come here for awhile now. Do you know they that have that new ride ...LEX LUTHOR's: DROP OF DOOM!

Nick: Dude yeah, I mean not only is it the tallest vertical drip ride in the WORLD with an elevation of 400 feet, 85 MPH top speed, andddd .... a five second freefalll ... I mean come on its just ...

Donie: AWESOME! We're going on that first! *Of course Nick had all the details on the ride, he usually has all the facts first, but honestly I was giddy with anticipation I'd knew it was going to be better than great*

Hugo: Told you guys would love it. *Parks the car; shuts off the engine unbuckling my seatbelt; stands up to find them both tugging at my hands* Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down boys we do have the whole day you know.

Nick: I know that, but there are a lot of rides here & well I wanna check them out.

Donie: Basically in translation Hugo he means that he's as psyched as I am & ready for the thrill.

Hugo: Well then ... *Breaks off into a fast run* what are you two waiting for, come on now!

Nick: Dad! *Exclaims; runs after him*

Donie: *Runs fast too with them* Lets catch him!

Nick: Charge! *I yelled & ran after him only to be stopped when he suddenly ceased running & grabbed me lifting me up in the air; squealing & laughing I squirmed* Dadd!

Hugo: Heh heh heh. *Smiles; setting him down after a bit* Just though you needed a lift, kiddo.

Nick: *Smacks a light hand to my forehead* Oh brother.

Donie: Nice one H, you should've seen your face Nick ... you looked so surprised.

Nick: *After my dad had set me back down on the ground, I pushed at Donie's arm* Thats cause I was & still am.

Donie: Mm-hmm. So can we go in already or do you-

Hugo: Have tickets? *Shows three tickets playfully* Yep, now lets go on in.

Nick: *Whoops; walks with him & Donie right to the gates to enter on inside to a place thats well ... a perfect dream of true awesomeness* Whoa. *I gasped taking in the entrance once inside, seeing the crowds of many people of pretty much all ages running left & right*

Hugo: I'll say, so which way to this Doom ride?

Donie: Leave it to me, its in that direction. *Points to the right* Follow me!

Hugo: Wait a minute my little whirlwinds. *Breaks out the camera* Gotta make some memories, so smile!

Donie: *Puts my arm immediately around Nick's shoulder; grinning way too much*

Nick: *Smiles big too; puts up a peace sign up*

Hugo: *Chuckles showing them the picture back* Very cool, alrighty *Claps hands together loudly* Donie lead the way.

Donie: Don't mind if I do, I'm Donie & today I'll be your guide to complete fun & epic-ness.

Hugo: *Laughs once again. Did I mention Donie's a regular comedian?* Sounds good.

Nick: Well guide, do you know that you're going the wrong way, right?

Donie: What? *Looks around confused*

Nick: *Breaks into a run; gesturing my dad to follow me*

Hugo: *Gets the picture, follows my son taking off with him; grins looking back for a second*

Donie: Thats- *Looks backs at them* Hey! *Wise guys, I thought as I took off running in the same direction as them* Nick you better run you curly top!

Hugo: Hear that son, he's calling ya nicknames. You going to take that? *I laughed*

Nick: *Keeps on running, being careful & making sure I don't run into people walking; just laughs it off* He's always calling me that & you do too, so what? Keep running dad!

Hugo: Whatever you say. *I moved in front of Nick going ahead more*

Donie: *When I finally did catch up to Nick & Hugo they were both standing in line for the ride; catching my breath a bit as I spoke* Nick, Nick, Nick.

Nick: *Pats his arm* Don't worry every now & then we all slowpokes.

Donie: *Raises an eyebrow* Don't push it Nicholas. *I grinned back at him*

Nick: Whatever Donato. *Shrugs*

Donie: *Smiles at him*

Nick: What's up with you?

Donie: *Points in the direction of the line* We're getting closer.

Nick: *Looks in the same direction* Cool.

Donie: Yep five seconds of awesomeness, here we come.

Nick: *Nods agreeing with him* So dad you sure you're up to this? *I gestured to him about the ride*

Hugo: Say what? And let you two have all the fun, I don't think so. Plus having fun like this, is for all ages.

Nick: Just checking. *I hugged him*

Hugo: And now he loves me, but he calls me old.

Nick: You're not old, dad you still look great for your age.

Hugo: *Smirks* Gee, thanks for that.

Nick: No problem.

Hugo: *Hugs him back* Love you too.

Nick: *It was the honest to God truth, I loved my dad so much. He's been such an amazing friend & parent. And I know he tries his hardest to spoil me & shower me with love. These days we're a lot closer than we were, ever since my mom's death ... we've been so close. My dad knows me pretty well, whenever I'm not feeling at my best or I just need a pick-me-up ... he usually always succeeds in taking my mind of whatever is worrying me. I'll tell you all a secret, I wouldn't change a thing about my dad. He & I have become stronger & at times, I swear its almost like he's just like Donie sometimes but different. I'm greatly proud to call him my dad, cause he does really make me happy. We spend so much time together & even at school, he's protective over me. While at first I was semi-embarrassed having him as my teacher for sixth & seventh grade, but really he doesn't always show
off that I'm his son too much. But even when he does decide to introduce me to the class, I've grown so used it. Over time, I've grown comfortable with it. I don't care what others think really, I have Donie & my dad & Idylla. Other than that its just the four of us mainly. Sometimes at night dad spends time chatting with me on my bed before I go to bed about whatever we want. Its then that my dad asks once & awhile what I would think of maybe getting some more friends other than Donie. Of course he doesn't mind him, but he does think I should have others to hang around too. I do understand what he's trying to get at & while I do engage here & there in some conversations with kids at school ... its mostly only cause of things like group projects or something basically school related. All I can say is that, I don't mind just having Donie but I guess the reason why I don't really want to engage with others is cause I'm nervous & once again too shy. Its not often I come out of my shell & just go up to someone & talk to them. If anything its a rare thing & while I should try at least work on it, I just usually shrug it off. Dad doesn't really pressure me too much on the subject, he's mostly just being concerned. In the past, I was kind of the same even when mom was still here, but maybe a little bit less quiet. Truth is I know I'm in a comfortable & good place right now & just feel like any change would make things unbalanced for me. They say change is good & bound to happen sometime, but I prefer to try to have things remain as they are. If a good sort or positive change comes, I'll be probably more open to it but it still depends on what that change will be.

Nick: *Suddenly I was nudged by my dad & Donie* Huh? *I asked*

Hugo: Its our turn. *I smiled gesturing him to follow*

Nick: *I immediately grinned & followed them both*

Donie: *Walks with them over to the ride; sitting in the end seat* Whoo this is going to be good.

Nick: *Sits next to Donie & dads right next to me in turn; buckles up securely as they too do the same; gives a thumbs-up sign* Oh. Yeah.

Hugo: Yep. *I breathed excited too for the thrill*

Nick: *Once everyone else on dad's side was strapped in too, thats when the ride started up & we began to climb from the ground going directly up to the top. While climbing higher & higher, I couldn't help but take in the scenery from up here. We all could see in every direction, & even though it was hot the breeze was so nice. The ride soon made a sound when it reached the top, thats when I held on even tighter bracing myself for the fast drop. And then just like that ... it fell making each & every one of us scream & whoop loudly. Five seconds later we were right back where we started. The only thing all three of us could say was ...* Oh.

Hugo: My.

Donie: God! *Whoops again even though the thrill has passed* That was too AWESOME!

Nick: Yeah it was. *I nodded a lot breathing out. We then unfastened our seat belts & went on to the next ride. Pretty much every single ride, we hit & sometimes double & triple times & more. Hey its a theme park after all, you can't resist the fun & all the thrills. Here & there we stopped to get snacks, like cotton candy, drinks & stuff & lunch too which consisted of cheese-y french fries & a milkshake that was mm-mm good. You could say we kind of spent a lot of time fulling ourselves up with mostly junk. According to dad, he said it was alright every once & awhile to eat these kind of foods just as you don't eat it every single day. Thats when you develop problems like obesity or diabetes or something. You could say cause of my birthday being guys we kind of splurged & just enjoyed it all. Undeniably so far everything today had been really the best. Soon it was 7:00 PM & time to start the long journey back home. Reluctantly we left & headed back home, 45 minutes later we arrived back at my house meeting up with Idylla who welcomed us back*

Nick: Hey Idylla. *I waved as I got out of the car*

Idylla: Hey Nickster. *I smiled walking over to hug him* So how was it guys?

Donie: Completely awesome mom, we rode every single ride & had a real blast!

Hugo: And junked-fooded it a bit. *I chuckled getting out as well; waves to her*

Idylla: *Giggles* I see, well I'm so glad you all had lots of fun, but the nights not over. I believe we still have presents & the cake to do.

Nick: Cake! *I exclaimed running along with Donie directly into the house before them*

Hugo: I think you just said the magic words.

Idylla: Well we can't have a birthday without cake. *We walked inside together & joined the boys who were already seated at the dining room table in the Jonas' house. I smiled going towards the fridge to retrieve the cake*

Hugo: *While she did that, I busied myself with getting the candles & lighter; humming happily*

Nick: *I watched them with such a big smile, as Idylla placed the the square cake in front of me directly* Whoa. *I commented on its size*

Idylla: Like?

Nick: I think the word is love. Is that buttercream I detect?

Idylla: The one & only.

Nick: Sweettt.

Donie: *Trying not to drool* Mm-mm-mm, that smells so good.

Hugo: Welll ... before you all dig in just wait a second here. *I quickly put on the candles one-by-one till there was exactly fourteen on the cake. Next I flipped on the lighter & lit each & every one till it was all ready to go* Alrighty, & a 1, & a 2, & a 3. *Begins to sing happy birthday with Idylla & Donie to Nick; smiles*

Nick: *Watching them sing together that familiar & all together sweet song, never fails to make me feel like I'm so blessed. I couldn't hide my smile as it continued to grow. Soon as they finished. I made my wish & they waited watching me & then at last I blew out all the candles at one time*

Hugo: Whoo! *I clapped* Happy birthday my boy!

Donie: Happy birthday Nick! *I cheered*

Idylla: Happy birthday honey. *I kissed his cheek*

Nick: Thank you guys. *I beamed happily. Next I cut the cake into perfect small squares while my dad grabbed four plates & Idylla grabbed four forks & spoons & even broke out my favorite all-time ice cream of all ... mint chocolate chip. From there we each took a slice of cake & a scoop of ice cream & just indulged in the desserts. In between bites Donie & I recapped our days events with his mom & then afterwards we headed on over to the living room all sitting down together to start the presents. My dad was pretty much busy with the camera as I opened every single one. I opened Donie's first ... exclaiming loudly as I jumped excitedly up & down revealing his present* No way! *I stared in awe at the first complete season of Yu-Gi-Oh!*

Donie: Ha ha, I just knew you'd love it. Plus what duelist would be complete without such a set.

Nick: *Hugs him* Thank you so much dude, this is really great.

Donie: Your welcome, can't wait to start watching & recapping it.

Nick: Totally. *I nodded. Yeah I love Yu-Gi-Oh! so much anime in general just rocks*

Hugo: *Snapping pictures capturing every moment* Yu-Gi-Oh! huh, oh boy.

Idylla: *Chuckles* This next one's from me, hope you like it. *Hands Nick the next gift*

Nick: *Takes it from her; opens it & gasps finding a book* Oh my God, you got me a book on Mercury?

Idylla: Mm-hmm & there's a DVD in there too.

Nick: *Gets up to hug her* This is too cool, I love it thank you so much.

Idylla: You're very welcome. *Hugs him warmly back*

Hugo: *Grins* And last but not least my gift, Nicky. *Hands him it*

Nick: *Takes his gift opening it up to find a iPod Touch & Skullcandy headphones & also John Mayer's newest album ... Born & Raised. Yeah I'm a fan of John Mayer, my favorite song is "Shadow Days" by far but I also like "Love Is A Verb" & "If I Ever Get Around To Living"* Dad oh my god, this is all super cool thank you so much! * I hugged him warmly*

Hugo: Your so welcome, my boy. *I kissed his forehead; hugs him tightly* I love you, Nick.

Nick: I love you too. *I smiled; chuckling*

Idylla: *Leans next to my son; watches them. It never fails to make me smile at seeing them together like this. I know its been incredibly hard for both of them since Denise, I too miss her very much. She & I were good friends, she was my best friend just like Donie is for Nick. Its why I try to be around & be there for both Nick & Hugo. Nick still needs a mother figure one day, but for now I just try & provide a little of that, but not so much that I overwhelm him. I don't ever want him to feel like I'm trying to replace or take Denise's place, no one can ever do that. I care for Nick like he's my own son & I know Donie loves him greatly, he always has. I care about Hugo too, but not romantically. He & I have always been like brother & sister, we enjoy each other's company. Yes indeedy the Jonas & Sae family are very close, its how its been since we first met each other. Before I became a teacher, I was working in dental office doing data entry & operator sort of work, but I decided over time that I wasn't truly happy with it. Denise actually introduced me to the idea of teaching & thats when I decided I wanted to change careers. So I chose a subject that I was most passionate about which of course has always been psychical exercise & education, so I went back to school & got my teaching credentials & took on the job at Milton Middle & I've been there along with Hugo since then. Its very rewarding being a teacher & I enjoy it immensely. For one thing, there's never hardly a day where I don't come home feeling great & energized*

Hugo: *Gazing at the clock, I clapped my hands together* Alright Nick, time to get ready for bed.

Nick: *Pouts, but knows its true. Tomorrow's going to be a long day, our first class starts at 8:10 so we gotta be up like at 7:30 AM. I nodded & then hugged both the Sae's* Thanks again for everything you guys.

Idylla: Of course, happy birthday & sleep well & we'll see you tomorrow morning, good night guys.

Donie: *Bro-hugs him* Catcha ya in the morn, Nick night. Night Hugo. *Waves*

Nick: *Chuckles hugging back* Cya, night Donie. *I waved to them with my dad. Once they left, I gathered my presents & walked towards my room setting them down on my desk organizing them. I then went towards my bathroom, stripping my clothes & getting in. I thought back on everything today & I just couldn't believe how neat it really was. Even if I didn't receive the cake or presents, its so much more than that cause I spent time with my dad & Donie, just a regular guys day but funnily enough it was like being a kid again. Although I'm still sort of a kid, I still consider myself a growing young man or teenager. Fourteen I sighed, & onto eighth grade tomorrow. Finishing up cleansing myself, I stepped out & dried myself & got dressed into a light white tank & forest green boxers & climbed into bed. Minutes later when I was fully in my bed under the covers & sheet, my dad came in, in his PJs & padded over to me & laid down with me* Hey dad. *I smiled*

Hugo: Hey Prince.

Nick: Dadd. *I chuckled. Its just a little thing my dad calls me when its just the two of us, at least I hope so*

Hugo: You have fun today, sweetheart?

Nick: So much fun, I'm still whirling from it.

Hugo: I figured much. I'm glad you did.

Nick: Dad?

Hugo: Yeah?

Nick: Thank you.

Hugo: Your very welcome.

Nick: *Snuggles into him; yawns*

Hugo: *Smiles patting his back* Sleep well son, we've got quite a day tomorrow.

Nick: Mm-hmm. *I mumbled & soon I fell out*

Hugo: *Now I know Nick is completely old enough to be sleeping on his own, but I know he likes to talk about things before he goes to sleep, its how he falls asleep. Plus Denise would lay with him to help him fall asleep, I know he just needs some comfort. When I was sure he was fully out, I quietly left his side & returned to my own bedroom & set my alarm & climbed into my bed shutting my eyes*

Donie's POV

After pacing back & forth in my room after taking my shower, I laid down in my bed falling back against it looking up at the ceiling for the longest time even though I turned off the light & said goodnight to my mom & set my alarm for tomorrow I couldn't seem to go to sleep just yet. All I think about was Nick & his smile. Truth is ... I've been in love with Nick for a while now. I've known for some time how I felt towards Nick, but every time I've wanted to tell him about it .... it always end the same way, I get so lost in his brown orbs & get tongue-tied. I want to tell him,
but then I don't. I don't want to scare him or risk losing as a friend
but still keeping my love for him hidden is getting to he harder & harder every time I see him. Especially today he looked so happy & I can tell was enjoying every minute of it. I thought today for his birthday I would man up & just tell him, but I failed once more. There are other things that stop me from telling him too, like the thought of what my mom & Hugo would think if they knew. Would they understand? Would they be alright with it or not? Too many unending & nerving questions answered, but how will I really know if I don't find out & go for it? I'm fourteen just like Nick & I can't picture being with anyone else but him. I'm usually confident, outgoing, bubbly, & I go for it, but when it comes to Nick .. its like a lot harder you know. I've known him since birth pretty much & he's always been so cute to me. Its even gotten to the point since now I am a teenage boy & going through puberty just as I'd told Nick earlier today, where I've begun to have even more romantic feelings about him. I don't really fully understand it still, but I guess the easiest way to put it is, is that I dream of Nick & I sometimes when I sleep. I dream of kissing his lips, telling him how much I adore him & always have. We'd lay together in my bed & stare into each other's eyes & I'd hug him closer & kiss all over his face making him blush. Then I'd touch & play with his super soft curls, spending a lot of time there. I
want him to be mine so much, I almost forget sometimes that we're still best friends & not boyfriends. I've got to tell him soon, I know I do. Mainly I don't want someone else to enter the picture like a girlfriend or something. While I know Nick isn't gay, I'm hoping that he will still feel the same or at least warm up to it &
not think I'm weird. If he were to get a crush or something, I suppose then I'd do everything to fight for him to be mine cause if there's one thing I won't let happen is ... losing Nick. He's such an amazing person inside & out. I've always admired his personality, even now more so since he's become shy. I think its very cute, I honestly just love being with him. But then I also don't want seem like I'm super clingy to him, if anything he is to me but just a friend so far. All I know is that, that no one cares for Nick more than I do, well his dad does but thats his dad, what I'm talking about is real love. I know its not just a crush that'll go away, cause God knows I've tried to figure what or who I really want & every time I do ... its the same results ... Nick is the only one I want to be with.

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Wow really nice written once I started reading I couldn't stop...really hope nick meets joe soon

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on August 5, 2012
Last Updated on January 9, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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