All I Need

All I Need

A Story by VirgoAvatar

My Babysitter's A Vampire The Series 1shot

Pairing: Jesse & Ethan, Jethan

Main Stars:

Ethan Morgan

Sara's ex-boyfriend Jesse

Benny Weir



.... other characters like Della. Ethan's parents Ross Morgan & Sam Morgan & sister Jane Morgan (age 8), Benny's Grandma & a few teachers at school like Mr. G & Gord's (Nathan Stephenson) twin non-vampire brother ... Zepher.

All I Need 1.1

Ethan: *I was going to English class like any other day, when suddenly I was grabbed by somebody really fast. I instantly recognized the speed as a vampire. I'd figured it was Sara, Rory, or possibly Erica. But as it turns out all my guesses were all wrong. Nothing prepared for what I came across ... Sara's ex-BF* Jesse?

Jesse: *Folds arms smirking* What, you expecting some1 else Ethan?

Ethan: *Stuttering* No, but how are you here?

Jesse: *Shrugs cooly* It has to do with you & that other geek friend of yours starting a seance & well screwing up & not accounting for consequences like this.

Ethan: *Trying not to be scared right now* What do you want? Sara?

Jesse: *Knows EXACTLY what he's feeling, grins wickedly* Sara? ... No way! Actually you'll find this a little hard to contemplate, but you'll understand soon. What I WANT is standing right in front of me. *Gestures to him*

Ethan: *Gasps as my mind tries to process this, stammering* What do you mean?

Jesse: Its exactly what I said. I want Y-O-U. But I guess even for a human, you need to physically see what I mean. *I moved much closer to him slamming him against the wall, feeling him tremble & shake with fear, as I pressed my lips against his. I kissed him deep as I explored his mouth, while grabbing his hips holding them tightly*

Ethan: *It was all a blur then. His lips. His touch. His cold hard body against mine pinning me so I couldn't move or escape. Still I tried to squirm & fight, but then something inside me gave in & completely weakened me. @ 1st I didn't kiss back, but as he shot into my mouth, it was out of my hands. Even when I needed to breathe, he barely let me go so I could gasp for air until he'd kiss me again. By the time he finally let me breathe without any more kisses, I was panting so hard. The whole experience was reeling my entire brain, I'd almost slipped down the wall in shock, but somehow I stayed put. Over & over again all I could think was why was he doing this. I was so confused*

Jesse: *Throughout my series of kisses to his lips, I became hungry for him. I'd waited so long for this moment. It was exactly what I'd dreamed it'd be & more. Ethan almost made me feel human again, but then something else ... desire, passion, hot fire, sparks, want, need, adrenaline, all of which I thought wasn't something I was even capable of anymore, but thanks to Ethan I was proved wrong. Never before had I wanted some1 this badly. Ever since I met him, I've wanted nothing more than for him to be mine forever, not as a vampire (yet) just as himself. There was something that made me gravitate to him, it was powerful & strong. I felt his confusion then & decided to answer his endless band of q's* Surprised? Shocked? Still scared? All normal, Ethan. Its plain & simple really, I kissed you cause I want you to be mine.

Ethan: *Between my mind still twisting like a tornado, my heart beating out of my chest, the heat of my cheeks ... I still couldn't believe what he was telling me so I asked very softly* Why?

Jesse: *Sighs happily* Obviously I'm more than attracted to you. So I'll explain it a little more so you know my intentions. Sara hasn't been my interest in a long time, not since I met you. And even though I may in the past made you all believe that it was her that I really wanted, it was all fake; a sham. All along my target has been solely you Ethan. I apologize for not letting you know sooner, but I thought it best to get you alone like this & show you. Of course I didn't really have the patience for waiting, I soon learned to & formed this plan. So now that you know, I know for a fact you're still stunned & all that, so here's the deal ... I'm gonna give you 3 days to think about it. And then whenever you're ready to talk again, you just call for me & I'll be there. Oh & BTW, just so you know I can hear EVERY thought in your mind.

Ethan: *Thats when I fell down against the wall sliding down looking up @ him from the ground* You can?


Jesse: *Smiles crouching down to his level* Yep. So 3 days Ethan, hope to hear from you very soon. *With that I grinned widely & disappeared to let him be though secretly I was still listening in to all his thoughts. I could practically hear his heart beat fast even though I was already many miles away from him. Already we'd formed a connection, though of course he doesn't know that yet*

Ethan: *For the longest time I sat there frozen in time. I didn't move. I mean I'd heard the bell ring & everything, but still I made no movement to get up & race to class. Jesse, Sara's ex-BF, just kissed me. He wants me. And he wants me to make a decision about him in 3 days! What am I supposed to do? Should I ask help from my friends? What are they going to think? Suddenly then, I felt the roof door shot open causing me to fall cause I was leaning back against it*

Mr. G: Mr. Morgan? What are you doing up here? Shouldn't you be in class?

Ethan: *Nods & stammers nervously* I'm so sorry, I'm going right now. Sorry! *Finally gets up & runs off to class fast. I was beyond embarrassed when I bounced into class in the middle of a lecture, all eyes now on me laughing & staring straight @ me. The teacher actually let me off with a warning cause usually I'm NEVER late, so I smiled a little & thanked her quickly moving to my seat in the middle of the class. Already when I sat down, my best bud Benny whispered to me what happened, but before I could respond the teacher hissed no talking, so I gave him "I'll tell ya later look." Just when class ended for the day, Benny was immediately @ my side asking me q's*

Benny: Where were you dude? Something happen? You gotta tell me. Is it good or bad? Does it involve Sara? Come on dude I'm freaking out here, I NEED answers!

Ethan: *I laughed, good old Benny asking millions of q's. But then I realized what he was asking me & I blushed @ the memory. Should I tell him? He is my BFF, but I worry what he'll say. I have to tell him something though, I hate lying to him but for now its my only option till I figure this out* Um just up on the roof. No nothing happened, just lost track of time & spaced out. Pretty bad I know right. Yeah it was a little about Sara.

Benny: *Grins* I knew it! Aww Ethan I know how you feel buddy. Y'know what I think, you just tell her already how you feel. How bout this, you go tell new now.

Ethan: *Shocked* N-now? Benny IDK.

Benny: Why not? You seriously NEED to let her know or else some other guy is just going to swoop her up.

Ethan: Benny, we're talking about Sarah, she wouldn't just fall for any guy ... right?

Benny: Don't be so sure, dude you forget she's a hot vampire & she's pretty popular. What you need to do is get in there fast & lay it all on the line. You march up to her & say what you've been wanting to say all along: "Sarah I love you."

Ethan: *Turning scarlet now* Benny! Keep your voice down!

Benny: Sor-ry! I just think its way past time to seize the moment buddy.

Ethan: *Sighs* OK well thanks, just keep it on the DL.

Benny: If ya say so E. Hey catch ya later kay, got a few hunnies that I wanna meet up with for a bit. *Waves bye running after my dream girls*

Ethan: *Waves too & laughs quietly* Kay, bye Benny, have fun. *For once I was left alone to walk back home. Somehow I'd walked home totally spacing. It wasn't till I shut the front door when my parents were coming towards me*

Mrs. Morgan: Hey honey, how was your day?

Ethan: *Nervously chuckles* Good, Mom thanks.

Mr. Moragn: We'll we're going out for a bit, we'll be back around 8 PM, kay? And Jane's over @ her friends house, so you'll be alright by yourself?

Ethan: Right. Yeah of course, cya guys later than. *Sees them off then goes into the kitchen seeing what would be good for me to eat. I eventually went with a grilled cheese, some potato chips & a glass of coca-cola. Afterwards I did all my HW & then took my shower. By that time it had only been a 1 hour since my parents departed & now I've got nothing to do. All I could think of Jesse. No matter how many times I replayed earlier I couldn't stop from blushing. He'd taken my very 1st kiss. His lips had been on mine, but I hadn't kissed back. Did that mean I wanted to? I was so confused. I'd never been in such a situation. I had no idea where to even go with this. So I tried to think of this logically. OK he said he wants me to be his. Clearly he's either messing with me to get Sarah or something else or the other option is that he's telling the truth. But how can I trust him? He's a vampire. He tried to kill me & Benny! He really loved Sarah & now he says it was all an act? How can I believe anything that he says?*


Ethan: *All I have is the kiss. It seemed like he was really being honest, but isn't that what my mind wants to think? He's up to something, but what it is I just don't get. I also wonder why he gave me 3 days? Is he planning something else that he didn't tell me? So many q's & I have no answers to any of them except for what he told me. Why though would he care about me? What am I to him? I'm just a freshmen geek who's friends with a bunch of vampires & of course my geeky right hand buddy, Benny, going to school & on a regular basis getting into some crazy kind of trouble. Why would he love me? He doesn't even know me. And I don't know him. And why would I ever result to being with a guy? But then again I didn't exactly put up much a fight with his kiss & how we were so close. Thing is I also didn't have a choice, I was trapped. There might have been a small chance I could've actually fought & tried to break free, but what would that resulted in?*

Ethan: *That thought scares me cause he could of easily hurt me or worse killed me. But then again he didn't. Is he waiting till next time to do so? I really more than anything want to tell something else about all this, but who in the world would understand? My parents, no they don't even know about vampires. My sister, no way cause she'd tell every1 else. Rory, no cause he also can't keep a secret, Erica, also no just cause, Sarah, definitely no she would totally flip, Benny, he is my BFF but I still DK he probably wouldn't be able to handle it either. That leaves Benny's grandmother, she might be helpful & might keep it a secret. Ugh, but what do I even say? Oh hello I just got kissed by a vampire who wants me to be his & oh yeah he's a guy? Oh yeah, that'll go over so well. Its no use, I gotta keep this to myself. But already its taking over my mind. I gotta breathe, relax, stay cool. I can't freak out. Maybe if I go to sleep I'll wake up tomorrow & it'll be like it never happened. So I did just that, I went to bed early & the next morning I woke up to my ringing alarm*

Ethan: *Suddenly when my eyes adjusted to the light in my room, I gasped as I saw a mirage only it looked so real* Jesse? *I squeaked. I rubbed my eyes again & then next time I opened them I saw nothing. What was that? Had I just thought that up or had he really been there standing? I had no clue. I soon got dressed & ate breakfast waving bye to my parents & sis, walking on to school only to get bombarded by Benny once again, but I was glad that he was breaking me from my thoughts* Hey Benny, what's up?

Benny: Hey man, doing awesome! I think I got my 1st date with Della this weekend, score 1 for me whoo!

Ethan: Really? Wow, that is awesome.

Benny: I know right? This is turning out to be a great week! So speaking of great weeks, didja talk to Sarah yet?

Ethan: No, not really.

Benny: Uh, dude what's a happening here? Did my speech yesterday not come across? Cause I could totally start again ...

Ethan: No, no. No need. I appreciate your help Benny, but I think I'll do things when I feel ready.

Benny: You sure cause I could ...

Ethan: No spells either Benny. Don't you even remember what happened last time you tried? Love potion ring a bell?

Benny: Yeah, so I screwed that 1 up? There's always more than 1 way ...

Ethan: Benny.

Benny: Alright noted NO SPELLS what so ever. Wait a min!

Ethan: *Jumps @ his sudden randomness* What?

Benny: Are you over Sarah or something? You don't seem to be into her anymore. Are you crushing on some1 else? Dets now!

Ethan: *Oh crap. Calm down, there's no way he knows anything just play it cool* What do you mean?

Benny: I mean buddy that you don't even act excited to talk about Sarah anymore. I can see it in your face & you know how I can read you. You're totally smitten with another person, so I repeat who is SHE? Name dude!

Ethan: *Tries to laugh* Me ... like ... some1 ... else? Why would you think that?

Benny: So its true! Now you're trying to be cool about it. Kay if you don't wanna tell me about it now, thats fine. But know this E, I'll get it out of you sooner or later. But in the meantime, cya later loverboy! *Pats his back & cheers waving bye*

Ethan: *I sighed. Now I had to make more stuff up to throw him off about what's exactly happening. I know Benny won't stop till he finds out, but maybe I can chat with Della & persuade her to spend more time with him so he doesn't bug me for awhile. So far its the only plan I have, so I'm going with it. After my 1st class I hurriedly sped off to find Della, lucky she alone for once so I approached her* Hey Della, can I talk to you for a sec?


Della: Sure, what's up Ethan?

Ethan: Well, ... you know how you & Benny are going out this weekend?

Della: Yeah, so?

Ethan: I was wondering if you 2 are going to spend more time with each other like ... in school?

Della: *Laughs* Ethan, Benny & I were going to do that anyways so don't expect him for lunch cause he'll be with me, kay?

Ethan: Cool, you 2 have fun, bye! *Well that went better than I thought it would except I almost ran off without telling her the most important thing* Oh & Della?

Della: *Turns back around to him* Yeah?

Ethan: Can we keep this between us?

Della: Sure Ethan, after all I think its really sweet that he had you asking me about our relationship. Cya Ethan! *Waves bye & goes to class*

Ethan: *Wow! And she came to own conclusions, nice. So thats settled, but that still doesn't help me solve my Jesse problem. Yeah thats what I'm calling it right now. Once in my 2nd class I thought I'd be able to focus better than I did in the previous 1, but then the teacher let his watch a movie which was strange & it turned out to be the Dusk, oh great ... more vampire & human romance movies. Maybe he's manipulating the teacher to make us watch the film. Maybe he's near & just controlling things? What if he controlled Della not to say anything to Benny? So many thoughts swirled my mind. I had to do something. He can't just control people to do what he wants them to do. What if he ends up doing that to me? What if I'm under his control right now? No that couldn't be, I'm being paranoid. Deep breaths, its going to alright. I can figure this out. I'll just tell him I don't feel the same way*

Ethan: *Its true anyways. I don't like him like that & I'm not even into that kind of relationship so he's gotta accept that, right? Wrong. He's a vampire, he's not going LISTEN to me. He's going to do anything to get his way. I need help!*

Sarah: Hey Ethan!

Ethan: *I practically jumped out of my skin when I heard her voice* H-hey S-sarah?

Sarah: *Giggles* Settle down its just me. What's up? Did I hear correctly that Della is dating Benny or did my fledging ears get it wrong?

Ethan: *Breathes* Right, um .... not much. Yeah, actually that it true. Their date is this weekend but apparently their spending time together in school too.

Sarah: Wow! Cute I guess, Benny's been pining after Della since day 1, so now its sweet that he finally gets to be with her, odd though but still sweet. So anyways, just wanted to say I got some news of my own.

Ethan: Really? Um, ... what's that?

Sarah: I got a new BF too. His name is Zepher & he's a senior!

Ethan: You do? Wow .... um cool Sarah.

Sarah: I know right, he's great & I think he really likes me. 

Ethan: Does he know you're a ...

Sarah: *Shakes head* No not yet. But hopefully sometime I can tell him & he'll accept me.

Ethan: *Smiles* Well good luck & I'm happy for you.

Sarah: Thanks Ethan. I just know that true love is right around the corner for you.

Ethan: *Blushes. If only she knew* Uh, thanks.

Sarah: NP, cya later kay? I gotta get to class, history next & then lunch. *Waves bye*

Ethan: *Smiles & waves bye. So now even Sarah has a BF. What's next Rory? Just then out of nowhere he appeared* Rory?

Rory: Hey hey Ethan! You'll never guess what happened to me?

Ethan: *I tried my shot* You're dating Erica?

Rory: Yes! Wait whoa how'd you know?

Ethan: Just ... a feeling I guess.

Rory: Sick man, anyways I'm so happy right now. Finally Erica wants ME! Excuse me kay, I gotta tell everybody! *Waves bye*

Ethan: *Waves bye. Kay, this is officially a strange day. Every1's paired up except for me. Well unless ... I. No! Why would I even think that?! I'm not with Jesse & he's not with me. But still if I did maybe perhaps wanted us to be together .... still no! I'm not like that! I think. Ugh I don't even know anymore. Maybe I should test myself, but how? Lemme see. I pictured myself with my the hottest girl in school, me kissing her. It was a nice pic till it changed & there appeared Jesse again. Though it was just a thought I still jumped in shock. Why is this happening to me? I'm only 17 years old, I'm not ready for this. Love & me don't mix yet. Crushes yeah, but not 1 for Jesse. God maybe I need help. Now a part of me is considering being his & then another part is freaking out thinking its my 1 way ticket to death. Maybe I should see the school counselor. I need some guidance & right now I'm not getting anywhere on my own. So I walked to the office & signed in waiting for a few min's till my name was finally called*

Counselor: Ethan Morgan?

Ethan: *I raised my hand slowly* Thats me. 

C: *Smiles* Right this way Ethan. Do you want some water to drink?

Ethan: *Shakes head as I entered her office & we sat down in our chairs* No thank you.


C: *Nods, sitting looking @ my files about him* So what brings you in today Ethan? I see here that you're a perfect student academically.

Ethan: *Here it goes then* Um, I actually just have a few q's but they're for a friend. Its not for me, he's just too embarrassed to come on in & ask them so I'm speaking on his behalf.

C: *Looks up* Alright then ask away. What's on your friend's mind?

Ethan: *Begins again* Well the other day he was on the way to class & some1 grabbed him & took him up to the roof.

C: *Listening nodding* Go on.

Ethan: He said it was a student who use to go here a while ago. The guy just wanted to confess how he felt about my friend. He then kissed him for a bit & then let him go. He told him that he is in love with him & wants him to be his. After a few min's the guy left my friend & now he's confused more than ever about what to feel. What should he do?

C: *Takes off glasses* Is this other guy a friend of his or stranger?

Ethan: An acquaintance.

C: I see. Has this happened to your friend before?

Ethan: No, not @ all.

C: So what are your friends feelings right now?

Ethan: He's unsure & shocked. He doesn't think of himself as that kind of person & he didn't think that of the guy either.

C: Hmm-hmm. So basically your friend's acquaintance has just exposed his sexuality & doesn't know how to react?

Ethan: Um, ... yeah.

C: Well its normal to experience these kind of feelings. You're friend shouldn't be embarrassed to discuss this. But my advice to your friend is to either get to know that acquaintance & see if he wants to be just friends or find out if your friend has feelings for him. If not, he should just tell the person honestly that he's not gay. And if that guy doesn't accept that & tries to do anything harmful then I think you should think really contact the police & get the parents in on this. 

Ethan: Right, um .... thank you so much for this. Thats all the q's I have. Thank you again. *Shakes her hand*

C: *Smiles shaking his hand* Anytime & good luck to your friend alright. *Waves him bye*

Ethan: *So for the rest of the day until the end of school & even when I got home again, I thought hard about what she had said to me. Of course a lot of the dets were incomplete & not the real honest to God truth, but its close enough. Finally the next morning I came to important conclusion, she was right. I couldn't just give a yes or no answer to Jesse without having some sort of explanation. It was clear, my answer was no because truthfully we don't know each other. I hadn't considered a yes answer @ all, but I knew I'd have to be crazy to say yes. There was no reason to unless I just wanted to say goodbye to this world for good. I don't like being dramatic, but I've got to consider every possibility to the fullest. I just wish it didn't happen @ all. I would've been happier if life would've just continued as it was. I didn't care if all my friends still got their BF's & GF's, I just wanted my life back. I'm becoming a nervous wreck because of this. I'm lying, I'm beyond confused, & I just can't think straight*

Ethan: *Another day went by fast, full of my friends still spending time with each other. I was left to think & think till I couldn't think anymore. I went to bed & on the 3rd day my heart beat fast as I woke up before the alarm could even ring. Suddenly as I got up I got a vision. I was in some room, but I couldn't tell where. I was standing there & as I looked down I saw I still had my school clothes on. I heard a chuckle then & I looked up to see ... him & only him. I blushed deeply. He was shirtless, but his pants were still on. With his fast vampire speed he was in front of me. I started to sweat & get nervous. Thats when he smiled a gently & caressed my cheek. His hand was so cold against my hot skin. It felt .... nice*

Ethan: *My eyes fluttered as he continued so softly, that I started to shake. Next I felt his lips. I remember how demanding they were & this was no exception. He entered my mouth & I moaned unable to hide how it felt. He wrapped his arms around me tightly & I felt myself fall back against the bed. I pulled away shocked to see no all our clothes were gone & we were both naked. Mainly he was on top of me. He kissed me again & then the vision fast forwarded. What I saw was enough to bring me back to reality, making me fall on the floor with a thump. I was frozen again. In that vision, .... he & I ... were .... I couldn't even bring myself to say the words. My entire body felt hot, my face, everything. He wants to take my innocence*


Ethan: *Finally after too much spacing out I got dressed fast & made it to school just by 3 sec's. I got a look from Benny as if saying "what's with the almost lateness," but I didn't even say or do anything. All through class right to lunch I was deep in thought. Even though Benny had tried to talk to me, I'd made excuses saying that  I had to go & do something. I knew he didn't buy, it but luckily Della was there to steal him away. I did the craziest thing ran up to the roof & stood there for a few min's making sure this was what I wanted to do. Then I called his name very softly* Jesse.

Jesse: *I'd watched him the entire past 3 days, everything that he'd went through. There wasn't a moment I'd missed. I knew it all, everything. And now it had come down to decision time & thats when I heard his voice call my name out loud. I grinned & was there in an instance. I smiled & bowed to him* Greetings, Ethan. So before you tell me your decision, how are you?

Ethan: *If he could read my mind & see everything, why'd he still ask?*

Jesse: *I chuckled* Because I want to hear it from your voice.

Ethan: *I blushed & rocked back & forth on my heels & took a deep breath. I thought about saying I was fine, but I didn't want to say that so I spoke the truth* I'm crazy confused.

Jesse: Mmm, interesting choice. But I'm sorry for that, I didn't mean for you to lose yourself over my love for you.

Ethan: *When he said that, it felt like I was beginning to lose like this was a game of chess. He'd just made a point. And what'd I have, nothing yet*

Jesse: I don't mean for it be a game either Ethan. For once in my existence I feel different & its all because of you.

Ethan: *I sighed & closed my eyes. It was time for myself to tell him* Jesse ... I ...

Jesse: *I waited silently for him to continue watching closely*

Ethan: *I opened my eyes & saw he was closer to me & I blushed* I ... think ... I ...

Jesse: *We stared into each other's eyes & I nodded* Yes?

Ethan: I-I ... don't know ... Apart of me wants to say yes, but I don't know why. And the other part ....

Jesse: *Strokes his cheek softly* Mmm-hmm, I know. How about this then: would you Ethan like to join me after school on a date so we can get to know each other properly?

Ethan: *My heart beat furiously & my skin warmed to his touch. I finally nodded shyly & spoke* Y-yes.

Jesse: *Grinning & I leaned in pressed a kiss to his forehead* Well then, I look forward to it & don't worry about going to change, you look amazing. I'll see you later, Ethan. *Hugs him & then disappears smiling brightly; I felt overjoyed now*

Ethan: *My knees wanted to buckle but I forced myself to say upright. I sighed then & actually smiled a little. I hadn't expected any of this, but now for the 1st time since he'd 1st kissed me ... I felt relaxed & actually ... funny enough ... sort of happy. I quickly returned downstairs to class this time making it before the bell rang. The min, that school finally ended I was practically bursting, my nerves were all over the place. There was 1 thing that I hadn't really considered & it was the most important 1 of all. Jesse is a vampire. What if he just wants to take a bite out of me? What then? I would become a vampire too? I shuddered @ the thought. I liked being regularly human. But maybe I was over thinking the whole situation. Mainly I decided no matter what, I must go with what I believe in & choose what I want to do, not him. Just then I heard him voice calling me & I turned around blushing again* H-hey.

Jesse: *I'd been most excited to spend time with Ethan. Directly after that familiar bell sounded I was there behind Ethan whom was lost in a series of thoughts, which I'd been prepared to answer. I touched his shoulder friendly smiling* Hey Ethan, ready to go?

Ethan: *I nodded & was about to begin asking my q's I'd just asked myself when he spoke*

Jesse: *Grinning I extended my hand to him, watching him hesitantly take it. Then we walked as I spoke to him* I see that you have new q's & of course I did anticipate them. So 1stly am I interested in making you a vampire? The answer is no. If anything I wouldn't dare take 1 single bite from you unless you truly wanted it, normally I wouldn't do this with others but you are the only exception. So I assure you, you are perfectly safe with me & anytime if you feel uncomfortable, just say the word & I'll walk you back home or drive, which ever you prefer. Most importantly I wish you to feel free to be your beautiful self. And I promise to answer any q you may have & I too will be myself, sound good?


Ethan: *Shyly smiling too I eventually took his hand & walked with him as he led me down the street. I'd been secretly relieved that he didn't want to make me a vampire. I was impressed that he seemed to really care, it wasn't something I hadn't expected but then again I never expected him to actually like me either* Thanks Jesse. *I said 1st then continued* I wasn't sure of what else you wanted from me, besides the date I mean. *I blushed @ the compliment, being called beautiful was really new to to me* Um ... yeah sounds good.

Jesse: *I inclined my head* Your welcome Ethan, I just want you to know I respect you & I will always treat you with respect. So for our very date, I thought we'd go to Bis Ristorante? Its Italian, but unless you prefer something else ...?

Ethan: *I blinked twice, 1st cause I knew the name & 2 cause I also knew that, that particular restaurant was very expensive. I know this, cause its where my parents went on their 1st anniversary. And also I recall, that you definitely need reservations like 3 months in advance* No, no I love Italian, but um ...

Jesse: *Grinning again I spoke answering his thoughts* Great, me too. Don't you worry, you leave all the dets to me. *I flashed him a full on smile*

Ethan: OK, but isn't it like far away, like 347 miles from Hamilton over to Montreal?

Jesse: Yes, it is. Thats why instead of a car, I was wondering if you'd like to climb on my back, while I take care of the rest?

Ethan: You mean you'd run to get us there?

Jesse: Precisely, what do you think?

Ethan: *I hesitated @ 1st, but actually after a few quick sec's I made my decision* Alrighty then, um so uh ... let's do this. *Nervously speaks*

Jesse: *Smiles* Don't be nervous, it'll be a real thrill ride, I promise. *I bent down for him to climb on my back. I was especially loving how he was still uncertain about it as he put his arms around my upper chest & his legs wound around my waist* Hold on tight Ethan & we'll be there before you can say bonjounrno.

Ethan: *I nodded & held on tightly as I felt an exhilarating feeling of his actual vampire speed. He was right. In about less than 5 min's I think or @ least estimate, he'd made it to Montreal right in front of the restaurant* Wow! *I softly exclaimed, also gasping in awe*

Jesse: *Proudly grinning* I know right? Didn't I tell you, it'd be fast.

Ethan: Yeah, no kidding. *Laughs softly a little*

Jesse: *Smiles* Shall we? *I asked*

Ethan: Yeah. *Nods again & slips off his back landing on my feet, as he took my hand leading us inside. As he opened the doors, we both walked up to the hostess's podium*

Jesse: Good evening, table for 2 please.

Ethan: *The way he spoke was so elegant & so alluring, it made me shiver even though he wasn't speaking directly to me, but just then he flashed another brilliant grin my way & I'm pretty sure my legs wanted to give way as I bit my lip shyly. For a moment, I'd actually forgotten that he read everything in my mind*

Hostess: Name please?

Jesse: *Thats when I smirked, then flashing a devastating & wicked smile @ her*

Hostess: *Nods* Right this way. *Gestures them to follow*

Jesse: *Bows* Thank you. *I extended my hand towards Ethan, allowing him to be the 1 to take it or not. I smiled even more when he finally did. Together we walked over to a private table, just as I'd wanted & we sat as the hostess finished with tonight's specials & left us* So what do you think?

Ethan: *Looking all around admiring the setting* Its ... really nice.

Jesse: But? *I spoke for him*

Ethan: *Blushes* Didn't you just hypnotize her? Are you going to do the same thing when the bill comes? But more importantly ... are you hypnotizing me?

Jesse: *Laughs* Yes to the 1st, only a little though. And no no of course not, for I really enjoy this place & I wouldn't dare do such an act, not if I wanted more attention drawn to myself. And to the last ... honestly I can say no; never would I influence your thoughts. So does that surprise you?

Ethan: *A little taken a back* I see. And what would happen if attention was drawn to you? And thats ... good to know. In truth? A lot actually.

Jesse: Well they could report matters to the police or some1 a little higher perhaps & then they'd be after me, but I wouldn't worry yourself Ethan just cause I am a vampire after all. They can TRY all they want to find me, but in the end ... they never will. And I for 1 don't blame you for being shocked. Like I told you before, I'd never felt this way about any1, so naturally everything I usually do will be different because of you.

Ethan: Like as in never ever find you? And ... you'd do all that for me? ... Why?


Jesse: *C***s head to the side* Precisely, unless I want to be found, but still thats not going to happen either, I a sure you of that. And yes of course, I'd do anything for you. Why do you ask? I believe that with you its the real deal, your the 1 I wanna be with, no one else Ethan.

Ethan: *Just then I about to speak when our server came over & began asking us q's about what we wanted to order. After a few min's we both made our selections & I looked back over @ him as he nodded for me to continue what I wanted to say before* But I still don't get it. You don't know me, even if you read all my memories & thoughts, that just means you know how my mind works, not how I really act day to day & live.

Jesse: On the contrary, Ethan I have peered through you're memories & thoughts, & I get a sense of you. But I know this is by far, from actually getting to know you. That is why I asked you on a date & also because I want you t o get a chance to understand my life.

Ethan: Oh. *Surprised* So then ... I guess I can just ask away about you then?

Jesse: Mm-hmm, go for it & I'll do my best to answer every single 1.

Ethan: *Takes a breath* Right then. How about the basics from the beginning?

Jesse: An excellent starting point. My full name is Jesse Andrew Riley. I was born in Hamilton & I've lived there all my life, even since my death which I'll explain in time. My date of birth is December 22, 1984 & the age I was transformed was 17. That makes me 27 yrs old as of now, still young compared to others. As for my parents, my mother is an event planner for the city & my fathers a doctor, I was their only son. On my almost 18th b-day, I was driving home late from work. See I was once a administrative assistant in the office at our city hall. It wasn't my dream career, but it worked for me & the pay was decent enough. So as I got closer to my parent's house, I had to take this detour down a side road. @ 1st it seemed like any normal road, till a large tree branch fell down in the middle of the it & hit my car & broke right through my window. I was injured badly, but I somehow managed to climb out from the wreck. With the last of my strength, I attempted to call 911, but when I started to dial the #'s a figure appeared before me. It wasn't too dark to see, but I still remember to this day that sound it made: it'd hissed & sunk its teeth into me. The transformation was painful & lasted forever, till finally it subsided & I got up. The vampire who turned me was gone. So I was left to fend for myself. I thought about returning home to tell my parents, but then I caught a strong whiff of a raccoon nearby. So I stalked it & ended up killing it easily drinking its blood. Just when I thought, I was fully satisfied I came face to face with a hunter. He'd apparently seen the whole thing & looked ghostly white. He then tried to run. So I had 2 choices, either I let him go free or bite & hypnotize him. 

Jesse: Option 1 seemed the best, till the idiot tripped while trying to get away & cut his skin. Thats ... when I smelled it ... my 1st scent of human blood. It all happened quickly then. I was @ his side in a snap & as he looked @ me with fear, I dove in & bit him & drank  a lot of his blood, till I realized that the guy was turning even more whiter then before, thats when I stopped. Now that I'd drank from my 1st human, I knew that this was permanent & that there was no going back. So I continued to learn more about vampires & got a place of my own eventually. To this day, I still haven't contacted my parents. I thought it'd be better if they didn't know of me. I still watched them from time to time, hearing their grief over losing me. It made me realize that for the 1st time, I was alone. @ least till I began meeting other's like myself. I eventually became a leader to some & thats how I'm now better known as ... Jesse Riderson.

Ethan: *Listening to his story, made me feel empathy. He'd been through all that, yet he started over again* Wow ... I can't imagine what that must have been like, but don't you think you should've tried to tell your parents?

Jesse: *Sighs* Believe me I thought about it so many times, but every time I did, I came to the same conclusion.

Ethan: What's that?

Jesse: They'd never understand or treat me the same way. It was hard without them, but I'm also a grown man. I don't longer need them to be there for me. I can fend for myself.

Ethan: *I shivered @ his sudden coldness* But they must-

Jesse: Really be devastated? Crushed? Unhappy? Well all of the above, Ethan. Its just how it is. I refuse to change it.

Ethan: *Doesn't want to make him angry, just wants to help. I began to speak, but then I closed my mouth*


Jesse: *Closes eyes & slowly opens them, now sitting directly next to him in our booth. I leaned in slowly pressing a soft kiss to his forehead* Look Ethan, I'm sorry for my tone. I don't mean to be cold & heartless, but the truth is that this is the best way for them & I to deal. Perhaps 1 day, I'll see them again & we'll reunite, but until I really prefer the situation to remain the same.

Ethan: *I nodded & blushed as I felt his lips on my forehead, it was so delicate & tender. It made me close my own eyes in response*

Jesse: *Just on cue, our dinner arrived & we began to eat together, as I returned to the other side of our table* Mmm, excellent isn't it?

Ethan: *Taking a bite, again nodding* Very. *Just then I thought stopped me from continuing* 

Jesse: Not to worry, you're parents are not home from work yet & your sister is hanging with her friends at school playing handball.

Ethan: How you know that?

Jesse: Well as I am connected now to you, I can also see all your friends & families whereabouts @ all times whenever I wish.

Ethan: Oh. Do you do that often?

Jesse: No, not really not till this exact moment cause mainly I've been just watching you.

Ethan: *Gaps & turns red* M-me?

Jesse: Yeah. I do apologize for this cause I know it is a invasion of privacy, but I also wanted you to know that it was very hard to resist. More than anything I want to protect you Ethan & keep you safe @ all times.

Ethan: And knowing my thoughts helps with that?

Jesse: Yes. If anything were to ever happen, I could see through your eyes & be there instantly to save you. Not that I ever want anything like that to remotely to happen to you, but still I like being able to hear what you think.

Ethan: *Covers face now, mumbling* That means you heard everything! *Embarrassed big time*

Jesse: *@ his side again, patting his shoulder* Don't be embarrassed, its OK, I promise.

Ethan: *Shakes head* No, it isn't cause its ugh!

Jesse: *I chuckled lightly & kissed his hands that still covered his face* Don't worry about it Ethan, now could I please see your face?

Ethan: *Hesitantly removes my hands & finds him closer to my face, making me flush* Um ... *I started*

Jesse: *Leans in to kiss him, my hands starting to cup his cheeks; going slowly just in case he doesn't want this*

Ethan: *Eagerly waiting. Thinks: Just do it already*

Jesse: *That single thought was enough to push me over the edge, as I kissed him full of passion. I licked gently @ his lower lip wanting entrance awaiting his decision*

Ethan: *I surprised myself when my arms wound around his neck pulling him even closer than I thought possible. When I felt his tongue lick my lip, I felt myself weaken & give in allowing him the access he wanted. His cold hands held me, as my heart thudded louder than I thought possible from my chest as he entered my mouth. It was deep & so passionate. I'd never known a single kiss could feel this way & knowing it was being delivered by Jesse, it made it all the much better. Wait am I giving in too soon? Do I really ... mmmm ... I moaned. Whatever thoughts were building they all seemed to diminish as his kiss swept me right over the top*

Jesse: *Kissing him never felt so right as it did this very moment. The way he moaned was so sexy. And I was loving how his body was getting closer & closer towards my own. Being able to kiss him like this, felt like a dream come true for once in my entire existence. No other living being could hold a candle to what Ethan made me feel. And his lips ... were so soft & kissable. And inside his mouth, was a whole nother wondrous world of sensations taking over me. And his skin was warming up by the sec's as I deepened our kiss. I wish I didn't have to pull away, but I knew he needed air. When I did though, he was practically panting hard & I pressed 1 sweet kiss to his temple* You're amazing, Ethan.

Ethan: *My eyes closed again feeling his kiss on my face, as if I wasn't feeling like swooning already. I could only moan softly @ the gesture. Thats when it hit me. I liked this, enjoyed it right till the very end, maybe you could say I even needed it. Thats when I blushed & opened my eyes to find him watching me, making me blush deeper* So are you. *I told him & it was true, he was amazing even more than myself*

Jesse: *His last thought amused me* On the contrary, dearest Ethan, you're the 1 who is the most amazing.

Ethan: *But how could that be I thought*


Jesse: *Answers him verbally* Easy, you're here right in front of me, right now ... just sitting there looking so undeniably sexy & innocent ... is all it takes. Hearing you breathe, feeling your skin against my own, seeing your face & holding you close, its all apart of how you hold me. Ethan, I'm yours. All yours.

Ethan: *His words swept me away, even a chill went through my body as he spoke. Its as if whenever, I'm with him ... I'm rendered speechless. If not for him being able to hear my thoughts, he'd never know how I'm feeling on the inside*

Jesse: *Shakes a playful finger in the air from left to right slowly* Ah, well you see. Thats where you'd be wrong, for even if I didn't hear your exact thoughts in your head, I could still see your facial expressions & gather from there what you're feeling. But still, what fun would that be, although I enjoy both of them together.

Ethan: *It made me feel self-conscious, but I made myself except it. We continued to eat, till there wasn't anything left. I hadn't realized I was so hungry. Everything, had been so gourmet & delicious. It had also been very very expensive, but he'd insisted on being the 1 to pay. Afterwards, once outside he said he had something to show me before he took me back home, so I climbed on his back again & felt the rush & thrill of his inhuman speed. Once he stopped, he asked me to opened my eyes & it was funny cause I wasn't even paying attention that I'd done so; but I did open them & I saw the city from high up above on the cliff; I gasped loudly*

Jesse: *Smiles* So what do you think?

Ethan: *Looks @ him nervously* About the view or the height?

Jesse: Both if you want to say.

Ethan: Well, its cool ... but ... its really high up. *Gulps looking down fearfully*

Jesse: *Instantly behind him wrapping my hands around his small & tiny waist* There's no need to be afraid Ethan, I'm here. *Holds him tighter*

Ethan: *Starting to blush & warm up even though he's cold & there's the wind factor* I'm not.

Jesse: Mm-hmm. Then why are you shaking?

Ethan: IDK. *I whispered*

Jesse: Yes you do. *Nips his ear softly*

Ethan: *Holds in a moan; shakes head*

Jesse: *Smiles turning him around to see him* I'm unconvinced since your body & wondrous moans state otherwise, but hey *Throws up hands as in shrugging almost* whenever you're ready to accept what you're heart is saying vs. your head, I'll be more than happy to show you how you make me feel in return.

Ethan: *Opens eyes; still shaking lightly missing his contact already* I-I don't understand.

Jesse: *Bows* You will, soon. I just wanted to show this place, its 1 of my fav's & its where I come to the most.

Ethan: *Blushes* Well, um- thank you, uh ... for bringing me here. Its awesome.

Jesse: *Inclines head to him* Your very welcome Ethan. Now then, its time to get you back home, wouldn't want your parents to worry would we? *Uses my speed to capture him on my back; already starting to make the journey back*

Ethan: *Before I could answer, he'd caught me & swooped me up; once again its almost like we flew but so much better as he carried me fast through night. Then soon we'd arrived back & I could only wonder in fear*

Jesse: *Smiles letting him down & turning around to face him* Don't worry, nobody's no home ... @ least not yet. But you should get to bed, they'll be here in 30 min's.

Ethan: *Nods & begins to walk up to my front door before I turned around; bites lip shyly* Thanks ... for everything tonight. It ... was fun.

Jesse: *Follows him; smiles brighter & takes his right hand pressing a soft kiss on its top* It was my pleasure Ethan. And I enjoyed your company as well. Until tomorrow my seer. *Hands him a rose & bids farewell leaving him*

Ethan: *You know that expression when you felt like a candle melting into a pool of wax, well ... its exactly how I feel, as I went inside & closed the door. As I climbed the stairs dreamily & so lost in thought, I smelled his rose he'd given me & mmm-hmm it smelled so sweet. My 1st date ever. Huh. With him. As I showered, I could only think of how kind & gentle he'd been & also all I'd learned about him. By the time I was finished & in bed, my last thoughts were I hope we could go out again soon*

Jesse: *Meanwhile I had been laying in my own bed thinking of him while also listening to his last thoughts which of course made me smile cause hanging out with Ethan was just the beginning, soon he'd be my BF or at least I hope he chooses to be. I don't ever want to force him to like or even love me, I want him to say or feel it all on his own. Naturally I didn't need any sleep so I stayed up all night watching him sleep so peacefully & also counting the min's till morning would arrive*


Ethan: *Next morning @ school, after Jesse had walked me all the way to class before disappearing right before Benny showed up with Della by his side* Hey guys, what's up?

Della: Hey Ethan, doing so great. Benny & I've been super inseparable, haven't we Be?

Benny: *Grins* She's right. She's my cute Del! *Nose kisses her; hears the warning bell*

Della: Ooh gotta run boys, cya @ lunch. Bye Be! *Kisses his cheek giggling; goes to class*

Benny: *Waves bye; smiles waits till she's gone before turning to Ethan* Yo E, what's the haps?

Ethan: *Oh, if only he knew he'd be freaking out worse than I did & not in a good way may I add* Nothing much.

Benny: Uh-huh. And why do I get the feeling you're completely lying to me & hiding something up that sleeve of yours?

Ethan: *Laughs* Like what?

Benny: Oh, IDK, your new secret crush. Spill now!

Ethan: Honestly Benny do you hear yourself, me & a new crush? Yeah thats exactly what's happening. 

Benny: I knew it!

Ethan: I'm being sarcastic genius.

Benny: You're not getting out of telling me E, so just-

Ethan: Get moving Benny, the bells gonna ring!

Benny: *Follows him in our class & sits down in my seat, but not before whispering before the next bell could ring* Kay @ lunch you're gonna tell me once & for all & I'm gonna clear the rest of my day with hanging out with my new GF, which lemme letcha know is a BIG sacrifice!

Ethan: *Rolls eyes & sighs as class began. I had to avoid Benny in any means necessary, cause he would try to get me to crack & spill everything. As much as this was crazy, I wanted to really spend more time with Jesse. But I knew that the only way I could do this was to sneak around, which was kind of exciting & nerve racking @ the same time. It was so unlike me. Soon after classes ended & it was lunch time, indeedy Benny came straight up to me without Della pestering me like crazy* Benny for the last time, nothings going on with me! *I tried to tell him*

Benny: *Shakes head* You can't even lie right buddy. I see right through ya, you're completely guilty! *I shouted back*

Ethan: *Sighs frustratedly* I gotta go. *Leaves the lunch hall*

Benny: *Walks back to over to Della's side* Can you believe that? *So mad about Ethan*

Della: *Saw the whole shebang* Mm. That isn't like him @ all is it?

Benny: Not in the least. Something is up with him. He's acting too different.

Della: Well, maybe he does have a new crush & he's just to shy to admit it. Just let him be, baby.

Benny: *Groans* But even if he does, why can't he just say it?

Della: *Pats his shoulder* Give him time & he will, I bet he'll tell us when he's ready.

Benny: *Nods* I hope you're right. *Leans in to kiss her*

Della: *Leans in too & kisses him back & smiles* He'll be fine, I know it. *Whispers*

Ethan: *Just when I was halfway up the stairs of to the roof, a hand on my shoulder stopped me & I turned back to face whoever it was, fearing for the worse*

Rory: Hey, dude! Where in the world have you been? Haven't seen much of ya.

Ethan: *Sighs in relief, still pretty nervous though* No where. Say, where's Erica?

Rory: Cool. Oh my leading lady, yeah speaking of her I gotta meet up with her ... like NOW! Catcha later, man! *Disappears/leaves*

Ethan: *Waves* Um, bye. *Breathes* That was a close 1.

Jesse: *Right behind him grinning* I'll say. Was wondering when he'd jet & leave you alone.

Ethan: *Spins around fast, breath quickening, eyes widen* When- Where- How-

Jesse: *Chuckles lightly* I was watching the whole time & I saw you were coming up to try to find me, so I figured I'd meet you there 1st. *Leans to kiss his forehead* I missed you.

Ethan: *Blushes deeply, can't speak*

Jesse: *Smiles, lending him my hand to take*

Ethan: *Takes it & follows him onto the roof. Sees thats its a bright sunny day, sort of chilly but overall nice, breathes it all in*

Jesse: *Watching him intently so curious & captivated by him* So I saw that your other friend was bugging you.

Ethan: *Frowns & feels bad* He's just concerned about me. He already suspects something is up & its all my fault cause I'm not really ... good @ hiding things from him. Eventually I know that Benny, Sara, Rory, & Erica, & maybe even Della will find out, but I just want to keep it a secret for now. I'm just not ready to tell the the truth, but @ the same time I don't like lying to them either.

Jesse: *Walks up to him & hugs him close* I understand & I'll try to help in any way I can.

Ethan: *Turns around to face him* How?

Jesse: Well .. if you want I could influence them to be less concerned for awhile if you wished.

Ethan: *Shakes head* No, its OK. I don't want that. Promise me, you won't do that.

Jesse: *Hugs him tighter* Of course Ethan. I promise, I'm sorry if I upset you. It was only a suggestion.

Ethan: *Hides my face in his chest/nods* I'm fine. I'm ... just not use to all this. This is all so new to me.


Jesse: Sssh, my seer. Its alright. You don't have to explain to me. I'll be here for you always, I want you to know that. *Gently tips his chin up to kiss him*

Ethan: *Looks up @ him & kisses back being so swept into his arms; moans* Jesse.

Jesse: *Hoists him up, wrapping my arms around his back pulling him closer deepening our passionate kiss*

Ethan: *Feels myself being lifted, doesn't care, wraps my legs around him then & moans more* Jesse mmmm. *Shaking excitedly/ nervously*

Jesse: *Groans heatedly, pulls back to let him catch his breath, presses a sweet to his temple* Oh, Ethan ... Gods you're so perfect.

Ethan: *Panting a lot, turns more scarlet*

Jesse: *Grins & winks* I love that you're shy & innocent.

Ethan: *Eyes snap open & looks @ him in fear*

Jesse: *Senses what he's feeling & why he's acting this way* Ethan, baby you don't have to be afraid of me or scared. I will never harm or hurt you. I know you had a vision of us making love together, but I can assure you that I wouldn't ever force do that unless you truly wanted to. I care about you so much, please believe me when I say you're safe with me.

Ethan: *After releasing s shaky sigh, I looked down quietly speaking* But my vision-

Jesse: *Hugs him close whispering in his ear* That vision doesn't have to come true if you don't want it to. Know this, whatever you want to do is up to you, always.

Ethan: *Hugs him back feeling better than I did a few sec's ago, but still asks* But don't you want me that way? *Blushes as I said this*

Jesse: I won't lie to you. The answer is yes, I do. I dream of the moment when you say you're ready & willing to be mine. But until that moment, the most we'll be doing is kissing.

Ethan: *Stutters* But I want to be ... with you.

Jesse: *Smiles & pulls back* Then I know that in your mind you just want to make me happy, but in your heart you're not ready for that level of our relationship. And thats fine with me Ethan, it really is. Do you forgot I know everything you're feeling?

Ethan: *I shyly smiled & turned away from him, feeling embarrassed for knowing that I couldn't hide anything from him*

Jesse: *Strokes his head gently* You don't have to feel that way, baby. I understand completely.

Ethan: *All I could think was how warm & kind he was being with me. I hadn't known till this moment exactly how much he cared for me. It felt nice & like anything I'd ever experienced. From that moment on, we began to spend every moment we could together. Its like I needed him & he needed me. I knew I was falling for him, but I also knew that the more time I spent with him the more suspicious every1 around me grew. 3 weeks had passed since Jesse & I'd begun secretly dating. I'd become more used to his kisses & arms that always wrapped around me securely. 1 morning I was going to meet him, when my sister had suddenly blocked my way to the door* Jane? Could you move please?

Jane: *Arms folded; shakes head* No.

Ethan: *Gives her a look* Step aside, I have to go out for a little bit.

Jane: *Doesn't move; stands my ground* Where's that exactly? At 1st, I thought you were hanging out with Sara, but as it turns out she told me she's got a BF. As a matter of fact, so does Benny & Rory. So I can't but feel you've gotten yourself a GF of your own. So, who is she? Does she go to your school? Is she pretty?

Ethan: *Shorts laughter* Whoa, whoa Jane enough with the 20 q's. Look, if it eases your mind I'm not dating any1.

Jane: *Doubtful* Really? Thats not what Benny & every1 else thinks. Even Mom & Dad have noticed something about you. You're always spacing out & smiling & sometimes you even blush, even though there's noting to even blush about. So explain that for me?

Ethan: *She's really too smart for her own good* I'm just changing Jane, thats all. I'm a growing teenager, gosh & I certainly don't have to explain anything to you. Now I'm going to ask you 1 last time to please move.

Jane: *Walks away hitting him in the process* Whatever, but you have to do something for me 1st.

Ethan: *Sighs not liking this* And what's that?

Jane: Well, since you're ditching me again & I can't stay home by myself, you have to get Sara to come over. And also I want a pizza & some ice cream too, & $30.

Ethan: OK, alright I'll call Sara right now. And fine. But wait what? Why do you need $30?

Jane: Allowance duh.

Ethan: Mom & Dad already give you allowance though.

Jane: Well now you need to do so too. Or else I'm going tell Sara & Benny about you.

Ethan: Look, I don't have time for this. I only have $15.

Jane: *Takes it from him* That'll do. *Walks away*

Ethan: *Shakes head. Nothing like a evil sinister little sister to bug you to death. 15 min's later I'd gotten her what she'd asked, including Sara who didn't seem @ all really thrilled to be interrupted* Sara, I'm sorry just please do this for me.


Sara: *Hands on hips* Fine, but you so OWE me for this. I was on a date with my guy! *Hisses @ him*

Ethan: *Flinches* Alright, I owe ya, now please go! *Points*

Sara: *Waves whatever* Cya later I guess. *Goes into the house*

Ethan: *I was lucky for the time being, she didn't bother to ask where I was going, so I grateful for that. Lately it seems to be getting harder & harder to even leave my own house. Now Jane's blackmailing me to get whatever she wants. I can't help but wonder if Benny will be next. But what he'll do thats worse than Jane's behavior is probably send Sara, Rory, & Erica out to spy on me. What then? I'm still not ready to open op about the truth. I know that they're going to freak out & be very upset once they do find out. Its exactly why I got to try & keep Jesse hidden, even though he can protect himself, I just gotta try to protect him as well*

Jesse: *Grins* Well then, whoever said you had to face that burden alone?

Ethan: *Jumps out of my skin & whispers* What are you doing here? I thought that I was going to meet you?

Jesse: Well I was going to let you, but when I saw the big commotion I just knew I had to pick you up myself.

Ethan: But some1 could see you! *I continued to yell in a whisper*

Jesse: I doubt that a lot. Plus Sara's in the house already playing dress up & eating the junk food you got for them, which you should know you didn't really need to do cause there's plenty of other foods that they both could've consumed.

Ethan: But didn't you see her? She wasn't going to let me go.

Jesse: Not entirely baby. She only wanted to get your attention & have some fun in the process. She doesn't really care where you were going. Everything she did was because Benny bribed her to do it.

Ethan: He did WHAT?!

Jesse: It was all in act & she certainly made you believe it. Benny's determined to find out your secret.

Ethan: What am I going to do Jesse?

Jesse: Do you what you do best, hang out with them again, spend less time with me & more time with them.

Ethan: *Looks at him sadly then* But I ... just wanna be with you.

Jesse: I know you do baby & I want to be with you too, but hear me out on this. What other way is there?

Ethan: *Sighs* But then how will we see each other?

Jesse: We'll find a way. But in the meantime, do you still want to go out today?

Ethan: *Blushes* Of course I do.

Jesse: *Grins & picks him up taking off with my usual speed fast, arriving @ a lake this time*

Ethan: *Opening my eyes I saw where he'd taken us* Lake Hamilton?

Jesse: Yes. I thought we could take a romantic ride out there, what do you say?

Ethan: *I chuckled* I say what are we waiting for? Lets go! *I bubbled happily as he retrieved a nice power boat for the 2 of us. He helped me get on & then just like that we took off @ a good but speedy pace. I'd never really been near the lake before, it was big, the water was like a lighter shade of royal blue. There were geese & swans swimming in various areas, some in groups & others on their own. Looking out, I could see the city from all viewpoints. And best of all, the sun was shining warmly upon us, not  a single white cloud in the sky. Whenever I breathed in the air, it flowed through me, & it smelled so wonderful & pure* This is so awesome Jesse! *I exclaimed loving it all*

Jesse: *My smile never ceased to disappear as I watched him & read his mind. He was as happy as could be, like a sweet child overjoyed @ the wonder of life. It was exactly why I choose this spot. I knew he'd enjoy this, as would I ... because being with him was all I'd ever wanted. The way his eyes lit up sparkling even more beautifully in the sun, made my throat dry up as I licked my lips & swallowed the urge to kiss him passionately. The way his cheeks formed such a big smile, showing me those pearly white teeth & occasionally gasping in awe @ what he continued to see as our journey across the lake continued. How I wanted him so much! It was beginning to take over me. With all my might I tried to push my hidden desires away to let him be, perfectly content & freely enjoying himself*

Ethan: *Looking round & round @ everything, I then leaned back comfortably to look up @ the sky. I sighed happily & allowed my eyes to shut feeling overcome with serenity. With my hands cupped together on my stomach, I breathed in & out, succumbing to the feel of it all. But then I opened 1 eye & caught him staring directly @ me & I blushed & whispered* Lie with me?

Jesse: *I smirked* But of course baby. *I laid spread next to him close to him, looking no where but into his brown chocolate eyes that had so much power of me, it was always so hard to look away when I gazed into them* You're so beautiful baby. *I huskily said as I traced his around his face feeling the softness*


Ethan: *Whenever he said this to me, it never failed to make me blush deeper right along with my heart beating madly out of my chest. To his compliment, I could only whisper back shyly* Thank you.

Jesse: *Tenderly I would touch his skin, so drawn in to its feel. I knew I had to be very careful, even though we've grown closer than we were before, I knew that I still couldn't allow myself to lose it with him. Hurting him was the last thing I'd ever want to do to him, that & going against what he wants. No matter how strongly I wanted him, I had to hold out & wait patiently even though it was driving me crazy to do so. I wasn't used to waiting. I could so easily take him anytime. He's hypnotizing me by just breathing, staring back @ me with those innocent eyes*

Ethan: *I can tell now that he's fighting with himself, trying to ignore his desires & nature. I wonder how long I can deny him what he wants? But even as I think this, he sighs heavily & presses a kiss to my lips saying that he'll be fine & not to worry. But still I do. I never can forgot he is a vampire & that I'm just a human whom of which he can easily- I trailed off in even in my mind. I close my eyes trying to help him calm down more, but as I do this, he growls obviously not liking it. So I reopen them & blush. He holds me too, just the same way I hold him. Its becoming a bond that can't be broken, even if we both tried. We're deep into each other. Neither of us can fight it or hide it. Then I gasp in realization, & lean up still looking at him* You love me. *I whisper*

Jesse: *Also sits up, as I gently took his hands into mine* That is true, Ethan. I love you.

Ethan: *A swirl of many emotions went through me, but more than anything I  knew I felt the same* I love you, Jesse. *I leaned in slowly*

Jesse: *Him initiating the kiss was all it took for me to give in & meet his lips in a long & hot kiss. He'd said what I'd longed for him to say all along. The moment was bliss to me*

Ethan: *I moaned as his kiss continued to making me feel so in heaven & more. And when he flipped me over for him to be on top, I squeaked @ the motion as our lips left each others for a few sec's. I panted heavily & then I saw the look in his eyes. I saw love & want & need. And it was all directed @ me. I can say I've never felt like this before in my whole life. No 1 not even Sara, had brought these feelings out within me & something told me, no 1 would. We both loved each other. Just as we were both going to drive back into each other, my cell sounded off loudly causing me to jump a lot. I quickly got it & saw who it was, showing him as well & then reluctantly answering* Hello, ... Benny. What's up man?

Benny: Where are you dude? Its Sunday & its movie day!

Ethan: *Sighs* I'm just hanging off on my own. Dude, how about we do movie day some other time huh? *Tries to reason*

Benny: On your own? *I repeated* What do you take me for buddy? I can hear the sound of water & birds! Now where are you? And NO you can NOT miss movie day!

Ethan: *Rolls eyes wishing he'd just bugger off for once* Fine, I'll be there shortly then. Cya, bye. *Hangs up* Ugh! Some BFF he is. He just won't stop!

Jesse: *During that whole conversation between him & Benny, I just listened & watched. I felt for Ethan, but it was true he was ignoring spending time with him & the others. As much as I wanted him to stay with me, I knew it couldn't make him stay. Against what I wanted to do, I began to take him back home before he could say anymore about it*

Ethan: *If anything I very surprised when he began taking me back. I knew our date had come to a close for now. It was time to reconnect with my friends. Once I was back in front of the front door that would lead me on in, I glanced back & looked @ him communicating how sad I felt about all this*

Jesse: *I smiled knowingly & waved & quickly give him 1 kiss & then disappeared from his sight. Secretly I stayed nearby just in case he needed me. I didn't really like being away from him, but as long as I could watch over him, that eased my mind & kept me going on*

Ethan: *In my house I went, before I could close the door I turned to face a series of faces staring straight back @ me with folded arms* Um ... hey every1 what's up? I asked casually*

Benny: *I was 1st to speak* Don't play coy with us, Mr. Morgan. You've been gone for about 3 hours now.

Della: *By his side* He has a point there Ethan.

Sara: Yeah, enlighten us with what's been up will you. After all you made it clear it way more important than my date with my BF!

Erica: *Glances @ her* Really? You have a new BF Sara & you didn't tell ME? Oh you-!

Rory: *Cuts in* What she means is, Ethan could you just explain to them, so we can get this whole interrogating shebang over please?

Jane: Yeah! Explain Mr. Too-Busy-All-The-Time!


Ethan: *I was seriously outnumbered now ... 6 to 1 was just plain unfair. The only 1's missing were Mom & Dad, & Benny's grandmother to make it 9 against 1. 6 was more than enough to already drive me insane though* OK, OK every1 just chill out & let me talk please. *Finally silent, they all stared clearly waiting for some sort of explanation* I've been hanging @ Hamilton Lake lately & I've just been exploring the terrain & also the water.

Della: *Notes happily* Awww, that sounds like fun!

Sara: *Doesn't believe it* You went to a ... lake all this time? You ooh! *Groans frustratedly*

Jane: *Nods* He would, he really loves the outdoors & random exploring, but I'm surprised he found his way home cause usually he doesn't have a good sense of direction.

Ethan: Hey! I do too, I've .. actually gotten better @ it.

Jane: Like I said a shocker. *Walks away bored* I'm going to Miranda's house every1, cya later! *Leaves*

Ethan: *Good 1 down, now I just hope my explanation will be bought so this strange moment can be over & the sooner the better* So who's ready for movie day? *I tried to changed the subject already proceeding to walk to the living room*

Benny: Hold it!

Ethan: *I closed my eyes. Darn it, I forgot about what Benny would have to say about this. So I turned back around & shrugged* Yeah man?

Benny: *I stepped closer to him almost getting in his face* Just 1 question my adventuring friend.

Ethan: *Raises an eyebrow* What's that?

Benny: Why didn't you take any of us with you?

Ethan: *Of course he asks that question. I sighed & spoke* Its just that its been so long since I've had my own free time without all of you always there with me. I'm sorry for my behavior, but it was something I just needed. I hope you guys aren't too mad @ me for this.

Sara: Oh, you bet we are! You- *Attempts to launch myself @ him meaning just to shake him up a bit in a fun way*

Ethan: *Grunts as she collides with me making me fall on the couch* Sara, OK I get you're mad. I'm sorry, I'm just-

Sara: Zip it. Just as long as in the future whenever you need your "alone time" call somebody else please.

Ethan: Got it. Now can I get up now?

Sara: *Lets him up & sits down with every1 else* So what's the movie gonna be this time you guys?

Della: Oh, oh, oh! I want romance! *Looks @ Benny giggling*

Rory: I say horror! *Exclaims*

Erica: Drama is what I say. *Winks*

Benny: No, no, no! Not even close you guys! Actually I think we'll watch this ... *Holds up the cover*

Ethan: Green Lantern? Hmm. *Shrugs* Works for me.

Benny: *High-5's with him* Knew it, now shush people & watch. *Sits next to Della*

Ethan: *As we all sat back & watched together, I noticed that every1 had finally seemed to forgive my recent behavior quite nicely, but then again they're my friends & so far they've all been understanding. Watching the movie was so awesome I had to admit, but I still felt guilty for ruining the date like that. It finally hit me that I needed to tell somebody about my secrets, because honestly I needed some advice. I needed someone's opinion who I could trust & just talk to openly about everything. My mind searched & finally hit a suitable target ... Benny's grandmother. She seemed to me the perfect person, so I decided then & there to do it. But since I was with every1, I'd have to wait till tomorrow after school. But none the less, I felt a sense of joy fill me. I was actually going to tell her about Jesse. I just hope she would understand & not be too judging of the situation*

Jesse: *Throughout all this, I'd watched like a hawk over Ethan. I'd seen & heard everything there was. It hadn't surprised me when they'd ambushed my love, but the way Ethan had handled it, seemed to be a perfectly done. I had to hand it to him, for they could've pressed him further but every single 1 of them bought it. I chuckled @ this & even more when Sara had practically pounced on my baby. @ 1st though I was jealous & concerned, but once I saw what was her intentions, I relaxed. Thankfully no 1 in the whole room loved Ethan, the way I did & for me that was excellent news cause for sure I wasn't willing to share him with any1. I also found it funny how they all sat together closely in couples all except for my guy. I felt his guilt about earlier & it made me sigh just wishing I could be right there beside him too or least without all those others there. Finally his thoughts about telling another human perked me up, he was actually set on doing it. However it also worried me, if the older woman who he was speak to, what would she do once she found out? In that time, I quickly proceeded to watch her.It seemed that the women didn't like creatures of darkness, & I for 1 don't blame her for that. She's very knowledgeable & an excellent spell caster. She could easily send me back to the grave, but this I couldn't allow. If anything, I was going to stay with Ethan*


Ethan: *Finally after the movie, we talked & played a few miscellaneous games, till the evening arrived & every1 left to go home & I was left with my own parents & sister as we eat dinner together & then afterwards moved on towards to bed. Lying in the darkness, I stayed awake for a bit just thinking till I soundly fell asleep. The next morning I woke & did my usual morning routine going straight to school. Luckily I'd found out @ lunch that Benny was back to hanging with Della & once again I was isolated on my own, which I didn't mind because with that time I went up on the roof again to see Jesse* So I guess you saw & heard everything, huh?

Jesse: Mm-hmm. So you ready to tell Benny's grandmother this afternoon?

Ethan: Honestly, yes & no. I'm so nervous about doing it & @ the same time, I know I really need to do it. Its time.

Jesse: *Nods & holds him close* Would you like me to come with you?

Ethan: You know I want you there, but I just don't know how she's going to take all this. I certainly don't want her to harm you in any way. I think its best if you stay hidden, but still there you know?

Jesse: As you wish. I shall be very near, so if you shall need me I'll be there for you.

Ethan: Mm. *Looks up @ him* I'm sorry for yesterday.

Jesse: *Smiles & touches his hair* Don't be, its alright, believe me you don't have to be sorry.

Ethan: I know, but still-

Jesse: *Kisses him sweetly* I love you too, Ethan.

Ethan: *I smiled & kissed him back. You always know what I want to say*

Jesse: *Murmurs against his lips* Thats because I love hearing what's on your mind.

Ethan: *I said it aloud this time* I love you, Jesse. *Blushing*

Jesse: *Smiles further, continues to kiss him very lovingly till the warning bell rung & interrupted* Looks like its time for you to get back, baby. I'll meet you after school.

Ethan: *Smiles & bites lip still blushing* I look forward to it.

Jesse: *With that, I kissed him 1 last time & watched him leave. Once he was gone from my sight, I quickly moved to watch him a better viewpoint when he arrived in his next class. He made it on time as always & sat down, looking dreamily spaced & so adorable. I swear I could just sweep him up into my arms & kiss him till he's breathless, panting my name & blushing that same beautiful rosy pink & even sometimes red rose color that I adore so much. He is just tantalizing. I want him so much, if only he'd let me show him what he means to me, let him feel the passion we could could unleash together as 1. The thought of that, made me growl. How much longer would I have to wait till he would say yes & let me inside? No, no, no my rational side of me thought. I'm to be patient & wait. Its not about me, its about him. No matter how long it takes, I must wait it out. But how long could that be? Doesn't matter I argued with myself. I will wait, discussion over with whatever the heck was happening with me*

Ethan: *The moment school ended, I was up & out of my last class & already happy to meet up with Jesse before any1 could see him* Hey. *I greeted him*

Jesse: *I pecked his lips* Hey, my love. *Picks him up into my arms* Ready baby?

Ethan: *Pecks back smiling & sighs* Yep, no turning back now. Lets do this.

Jesse: *In a matter of sec's. I'd gotten Ethan & I to our destination. I watched as he slipped down from my protective hold & gave a heavy sigh* Remember, I love you & I'm here for you if you need me. Call me & I'll be there.

Ethan: *I nodded* Thanks, & I love you too. And I know. *I smiled warmly & waved bye as I started to walk to the door*

Jesse: *I watched him there for as long as I could before I disappeared, staying well hidden watching intently*

Ethan: *It was a good thing, Benny was out else he'd be hassling me about why I was here . Knocking twice, I rocked back & forth of my heels nervously waiting. My heart was pounding fast, but still I tried to breathe normally*

Benny's Grandmother (BG): *I opened up the door to find Ethan standing there looking kind of pale* Why hey there Ethan, how are you?

Ethan: *I smiled nodding* Doing good. How about you?

BG: *Smiles too* Just fine sweetie. So what brings you here? Benny's out with that girl, what's her name?

Ethan: *Helps her* Della?

BG: Thats the 1. I'd almost forgotten there. So what can I do for you? Leave something here of yours?

Ethan: *Shakes head* No, its not that. Um ... listen I need to talk to you something very important & I feel that I have no 1 else to turn to but you.

BG: *Surprised & now concerned* Well then, come in dear & we'll sit & talk about it. *Gestures him to follow me*

Ethan: *Nods* Thank you. *Follows her*

BG: NP. Can I get you anything to eat or drink? *Sits in a chair*

Ethan: *Sits on her couch & shakes head again& Thank you, but no thanks.

BG: Very well. So what's on your mind?


Ethan: *I began my story telling her all about Jesse coming into my life & changing it. The more I seemed to explain myself her usual warm smile dropped & turned to a serious frown, but never once did she interrupt me. She'd only nod & listen with her full attention. And when I'd finished, she was so silent, it make my nerves return to their previous crazy state of nervousness. The silence seemed to drown on for a long time & I'd wondered if she was alright so I asked* Um ... Mrs. Weir? Are you ... alright?

BG: *Sighs & nods* Sorry yes I am dear, sorry about that. I was just thinking, forgive me.

Ethan: Its .. OK. So ... um what do you think about everything?

BG: Well, it sounds to me your in love with him Ethan, especially since you've gone through such lengths to keep it hidden.

Ethan: *Blushes & looks down* You're right. I do love him. And I trust him. I know he wouldn't hurt me. Do you think its wrong that I love him?

BG: *Shakes head no & smiles gently* It shows. It really does. And who am I to judge? You've found love & you're happy, I can see it in your eyes. But ...

Ethan: *I was so grateful to hear that she wasn't going berserk, but then I heard the "but" & I was like I knew it was too good to be true & waited*

BG: *Continues* I want to meet him though & ask him a few q's, if that would be alright with you Ethan?

Ethan: *I wasn't expecting that* Um .. uh sure. *Jesse, could you come- I didn't even have to finish the thought when we both turned to hear the doorbell ringing. Whoa, that was fast I commented to him*

BG: *I went to open the door, but Ethan got there 1st as I watched him open the door finding him standing there smiling @ him as Jesse was inclining his head* Hello Jesse. *I greeted* Please come in. *I gestured*

Jesse: *Bows* Thank you Mrs. Weir. *Enters her household & sits on the same couch as Ethan was previously sitting* Its nice meet you & thank you for the invite.

BG: *Sits down as well* Its nice to meet you as well & your welcome. I suppose you know then what I want to ask you.

Jesse: *Nods* Correct, I do ask away.

BG: *Continues & stands up & walks over in front of Jesse looking down @ him* May I? *Gestures to his hand*

Jesse:*Offers my hand up* Of course.

BG: Thank you. *Takes his hand & exhales & becomes silent as I closed my eyes & searched his thoughts, memories, but above all ... what was in his heart. I sought to see the truth & who is was. Once I'd seen all I needed to see, I let go & reopened my eyes & sat back down once again* Well then, my overview is now complete. I can see you truly do care for Ethan here & I also see that you'd never hurt him in anyway & have no plans of turning him to be like you. Overall, you both have my blessing & your secret is safe with me, but however, you must know that you'll have to tell your friends sooner or later.

Jesse: Thank you so much Mrs. Weir, we both appreciate that greatly. And we're aware & the choice remains up to Ethan. Whatever he decides I will follow & respect it.

Ethan: *Gasps when I heard her final decision. It made all my worries seemed to go away, until she mentioned telling my friends. That was the next step to everything. I still feared the outcome though* Thank you & Jesse's right, we appreciate your acceptance. But ... I'm uh -

BG: *Smiles* Allow me to guess, you're fearful of what they'll think & say, or even more do once you do tell them.

Ethan: *Looks down nodding & then looks back up* Exactly. I want to tell them but I'm am scared of what their reaction will be. What if they don't accept it like you do?

BG: *Pats his shoulder reassuringly* Have a little faith, you might be surprised.

Ethan: *Looks @ her puzzled* Do you know something I don't?

BG: *Shrugs* I just have a strong feeling, but its only a feeling. Whatever happens, just know you can count on me to be there for you, just as Jesse will be too. *Smiles from Ethan to Jesse*

Ethan: *Smiles back & gives her a hug. Soon enough we left & said our goodbyes, as I then asked Jesse to take me to his place for a bit. Once there I flopped right on his comfy huge bed, stretching lazily*

Jesse: Comfortable my love? *Chuckles watching in fascination*

Ethan: *Smiles yawning* Very, except ...

Jesse: *There next to him then looking @ him* I'm here baby. *Kisses his lips*

Ethan: Mmm. *Kisses back* Love you. *I pulled back & snuggled into him*


Jesse: *Kisses his forehead smiling* Love you too Ethan. *Watches as he fell asleep & after he did I'd almost forgotten he had to be back home, but luckily right before his parents could check up on him, I'd successfully gotten him into his bed. I stayed hidden in his room just watching both parents smile & kiss Ethan's head & turn the light off going to their own room & to bed. It was still early but Ethan had another early school day, & of course my baby needed his rest. I was about to leave when I got a glance @ his clothes, he wasn't in his bed attire. The thought made me smirk, he's irresistible even as he sleeps. I then looked though his clothes & choose a sky blue t-shirt & grey pants. Going over to his bed, I began to peal off his shirt & when I got it off & I had tossed it, my eyes widened twice their normal size. His skin was so creamy white & smooth. I stared in a trance, not moving frozen in time as I licked my lips. I'd never seen such a sight that made every part of me hard & hot with desire. I wanted to do nothing else but kiss all over his skin, lick & taste & run my fangs softly against his flesh. Warning myself against my strong urge to have him I put on the other shirt & then exhaled shakily. Next I removed his jeans & his shoes, once again staring in complete awe, then put on his pants & then finally picked him up gently, pulling the clothes over him. I was surprised that he hadn't woken up, but then I was glad of that. With one final glance I took my leave, taking my time just walking back home. I sighed, I love Ethan so much. He is my apart of my life now & for the 1st time in a long time I couldn't be happier*

Benny: *Every day since Ethan's confession to us, I'd thought my suspicions were over & done with but recently I'd caught him humming happily in the hallway to class. And 1 day in particular, I even followed him & found him up on the roof* E? What are you doing up here?

Ethan: *I'd turned around without thinking & said the thing I'd wished I hadn't* Hey baby- *Eyes widen* BENNY! *Exclaims. Oh shoot! Kay kay don't freak out, play it nonchalantly* Hey hey Benny baby! *It was silly, but there it was ... just hope it works*

Benny: *Raises both eyebrows* Since when do you call me "baby." Oh, you are so busted! You are dating some1! Who is it E, the truth please!

Ethan: *Apart of me really just wanted to tell him everything like I use too, then the other 1/2 just was just so scared & not ready. But honestly how much longer could I hide the truth?*

Benny: *Snaps fingers in front of Ethan's face* You OK buddy? Hello? Earth to Ethan? You in there?

Ethan: *Shakes head* Sorry Benny, zoned out there for a few min's.

Benny: *Nods* Yeah, I know. So you ready to tell me your little secret?

Ethan: *Sighs sadly* I'm sorry, Benny ... I can't. *Looks away*

Benny: *Taken aback & hurt by this* Why not? We're friends ... right?

Ethan: *Looks back @ him fast* No, of course we are. Thats not what I meant-

Benny: Well, what exactly do you mean Ethan? You're not acting like yourself. Y'know I'm your bestie, you can tell me anything. *Reminds him*

Ethan: *Bites lip* I'm sorry, I'm just not ready to tell you yet. I know, but I promise you soon when I figure things out I'll tell you the reason why. *Smiles & gives him a bro-hug* Thanks man, your the best! Listen I gotta go, cya later kay? Bye Benny. *Waves bye walking down the stairs from the roof. Oh God, I feel so terrible. I'm being a terrible friend. He's going to hate me for all this, I know it. And I for 1 don't blame him, he & Sara & every1 have a right to be cross with me. I want to make it all right again, if its all I ever do*

Benny: *All I could do was hug him back & wave bye & nod but honestly I just couldn't understand anything he had said. Basically I still had no answers, but I do know this much ... he's definitely seeing some1. But why then, would he be so secretive about it? I think its time I got some answers. So immediately I called a group intervention without Ethan cause clearly he was somewhere else* OK, good we're all here. Now I've called this meeting to order about our dear Ethan. *I let them all know the dets about my earlier encounter* So do we all agree something is up?

Sara: Oh, most definitely! *Exclaims 1st* After all, when has Ethan ever said "Hey baby" to any1?

Rory: True that. He's got a secret romance!

Erica: *Scoffs* Bout time that geek got somebody, for a min I thought he was- *Stops*

Della: Was what? What were you going to say Erica?

Erica: *Waves hand* Oh, nothing. Never mind, its probably nonsense.

Benny: *Gestures* Erica please do share. Any information is vital to figuring out the key to this whole shebang.

Erica: *Shrugs* Alright, but you're not going to like it. If I didn't know better, I'd say Ethan no longer likes girls.

Benny: *Eyes widen/mouth drops open*

Della: What? Ethan? No way!


Rory: *Bursts out laughing* Ethan with guys? Thats a GOOD 1 babe! OMG you almost had me there! *Rolls over the floor laughing*

Erica: *Ignores his hysterical laughter & continues* I'm 100% serious BABE. *Gives him a look*

Rory: Oh, please! He's not even ga-

Sara: *Cuts him off* Well, I totally think HE is! All the facts point straight to this & it all makes sense why he couldn't tell Benny earlier. I mean, don'tcha see? Erica's got it!

Della: Hmm, well it could all very well possible. You girls do make a good point.

Benny: *Still in shock, hasn't spoken a word*

Rory: Give me a break you guys! This is Ethan we're talking about. He wouldn't be- *Stops* No, he couldn't be- *Stops again* It seriously is-

Erica: Nothing but the truth & all we've got going here & unless Mr. Frozen-Wanna-Be-Leader snaps out of it & gives an opinion. Yo geek!


Della: *Surprised by his outburst* Wow! *Whispers*

Sara: *Folds arms* What makes you think I'm going or we're going do that?

Erica: Yeah! You've got no authority over all 3 of us, maybe Rory here, but certainly not us girls. *Hands on hips*

Rory: Babe & Sara, come on, we gotta do this! Please? 

Sara: Why should we? If Ethan wants to keep it secret then why should we expose it? Hmm?

Erica: Besides its his personal business. Let him be ... with his lover.

Benny: You listening to yourselves girls? You act like you don't care now. @ least Rory is still in, right?

Rory: Absolutely!

Benny: Well, then guess the girls don't have the skills or the necessary brain power to even do this job. *Smirks*

Sara: Now, just hold up there-

Erica: Yes! How dare you even say that, of course we can do this easily.

Benny: Awesome, then go for it ladies.

Sara: *Groans & sighs* I'm gonna regret this, but fine! Come on Erica, Rory.

Erica: *Snarls @ Benny & then takes off with Sara & Rory* Whatever geek.

Della: Be ... did you have to be so-

Benny: You mean clever Del? Then yes I did.

Della: Actually ... baby I was going to say that you're going overboard on this. I get why, Ethan's your BFF & you know more than any of us do, you're the closest to him. Its natural you're concerned about him, but don't you remember what else he said? That'll he'll tell us when he is ready like I said before?

Benny: Babycakes, I know, believe me I know, but I have every right to go overboard. You just said it yourself, we're tight & so close. And now for the 1st time in my life, I feel like I don't even know him anymore. And it hurts me a lot & I'm really worried. And I'm also hoping that he's not ... *Can't say the word* I just hope he's secretly just dating a girl, that I could @ least accept easier than that other possibly. But its not possible, is it? And of course I remember, but Della ... I'm tired of waiting. He's like a brother to me baby. We're like this ... *Crosses fingers together*

Della: *Hugs him* I understand it all Benny, I really do. And its 1 of the sweetest & most thoughtful thing I've ever seen. Its why I love you so much. Baby, I'm not sure, but I am sure that we've got to handle this delicately. Whatever the girls & Rory report back, you gotta promise no matter what the results to be calm & collective. If he likes guys, he likes guys. And same if its for just girls or bi whatever baby, just try not to over react, kay?

Benny: *Kisses his lips* And I love you babe. And I promise to try not over react. I will take it & just shrug it. *I hope*

Della: *Kisses back* Thats my guy.

Sara: *Meanwhile with Erica & Rory, we'd taken to following Ethan very secretive in the shadows & the dark of the night. Eventually we saw him go into a house that was very secluded from the rest of the city. We couldn't see inside because whom ever lived there had the curtains closed & every window shut. It was very quiet, a little too quiet. I was starting to get a very bad vibe. I could tell all of us were. All our fangs were bared & we were ready to strike if Ethan even so much as cried out or screamed. We waited in silence for a window of opportunity & we soon got 1. In a matter of sec's, the door flung open & then it closed & then in the blur was Ethan & ...* OMG! *I gasped* JESSE!

Erica: What the heck? How can he be back?

Rory: This is really BAD! We gotta follow them! Come on girls, lets get em!

Erica: Hold it there baby! *Grabs him before he could speed off*

Rory: What gives? Ethan's in trouble! Jesse's got him!

Erica: Don't you see Rory? Its Jesse who Ethan's been dating!


Rory: HOLY SHOOT! That- No! Jesus chri-

Sara: Erica's right! Follow them! NOW! *We all took off following his path. Once they'd stopped, we all saw as Jesse put Ethan & they said a few words which appeared to be goodnight & goodbye, but not before they shared a sweet kiss & waved to each other. Jesse has stayed till Ethan was fully in his house before he took off fast* I can't believe it! *I whispered in shock*

Rory: *Eyes just plain huge & as stunned as they come* He's with HIM?

Erica: Hmp. Thats quite the shocker, so didn't see that 1. Don'tcha think we should follow him though?

Sara: No, we gotta tell Benny quick! But 1st we gotta make sure Della isn't with him, cause I'm not so sure she'll be able to take all this in 1 night.

Erica: Good call, so send him a text girl.

Rory: And let him know what's going down.

Sara: On it. *Gets her cell & texts him: Benny ... BIG news. Need to talk, but w/o Della. Its really important! Once it was sent, I waited in anticipation*

Benny: *While the vampires were out spying on Ethan, Della & I had been in my house on my sofa snuggled up together watching The Goonies. After it had ended, I found my Del sound asleep in my arms. I was about to nap with her too, when I felt my phone buzz with a text. I read it & my mouth literally dropped. I knew what I had to do & it made my heart break, but it needed to be done. I gently shook my girl* Baby wake up.

Della: *Still sleepy* Mmm? What is it Be?

Benny: *I bit my lip* I got a call from my parents they're coming home.

Della: So? They know I'm here with you.

Benny: Yeah, I know. They want a family night tonight.

Della: Oh. *Sits up in realization* Kay, well I'll cya tomorrow then @ school?

Benny: *SIts up with her* You know it sweetie. *Walks her to the door & gives her a loving kiss* Until tomorrow morning cutie. *Winks*

Della: *Smiles brightly & kissed him back, waving* Deal Be, cya later.

Benny: *Waves & watches her till she's out of eyesight before closing the door & quickly texting back to Sara: OK, I'm alone now. Get over here ASAP! & I hit send*

Sara: *Reads his text & then closes my cell* Benny's ready for us. lets jet guys.

Rory: Race ya!

Erica: Oh, please dearest!

Sara: *Rolls eyes as we all sped off together arrived @ Benny's house & he opened up the door & we went on in & laid out the dets* Benny, basically our Ethan is dating ... *Exhales heavily* Jesse.

Benny: *Eyes bug out big* NO!

Rory: *Nods* Its true dude, we even saw Jesse kiss Ethan!

Erica: And the boy certainly didn't pull away from the kiss. Face it, we were right.

Benny: *Slumps down into my chair* I can't believe this shiz!

Rory: *Goes over to him & pats his shoulder* IKR? So what do we do?

Erica: Find out more & confront them both.

Sara: Or ... we could take care of Jesse quietly without Ethan even knowing.

Benny: *Shakes head* Tell me more 1st, then we decide together.

Sara: *Tells him the rest* So what's the plan Benny?

Benny: Confrontation tomorrow @ lunch, all of there & I'll make sure Ethan's there.

Erica: Super! *Sarcastically*

Rory: Then its settled guys, cya all tomorrow. Lats! *Goes home*

Sara: Fine then. Bye guys. *Leaves too with Erica*

Benny: *Once in my own bed, I tossed & turned still thinking about everything I'd learned. It made me restless, but eventually I let sleep overcome me. Tomorrow was the day & boy would it be interesting*

Jesse: *The moment I'd seen Ethan on the roof earlier that afternoon, I'd been ready to swoop in & dive right in for a kiss, but when that Benny friend of his intercepted ... I growled in anger. He was really getting on my nerves. I'd almost snapped & grabbed Ethan, but I reminded myself to keep it cool. If I did any such thing without Ethan's approval, he wouldn't trust me to behave. And I certainly don't want to make him change his mind about being with me. So I watched it all, their whole convo & it hadn't surprised when my baby pretty much spilled our little secret to him. He was in hot water now. I could feel how worried he was & how he was struggling what to do. Benny had given my lover  hard time & made him feel nervous. I didn't like it @ all. I was happy when he left his friend & was free of him. But then I caught his thoughts, it upon hearing them it made my heart jump in sadness. I'd have to remind me how amazing he is & how even before I met him, I could easily tell he was an amazing friend & always so kind & happy. Its just another quality I admired about Ethan*


Jesse: *The second school was over, I'd picked up my baby & taken him for a ride to the park nearby. What made it even better is that it belonged to only us. I held his hand as he seemed to be avoiding looking @ me. He was thinking throughly, so to ease his busy mind, I grabbed his face then & pulled him in for a passionate kiss* Baby, I love you, don't worry please. *I cooed against his lovable lips*

Ethan: *The day had started off a a fine 1, till @ Benny came into the scene & changed it all. But then as I lied once again to him unconvincingly, I realized that Benny's grandmother was right. It was past time to tell them. The more I hid the truth from him & the others, the more troubled the situation became. And it was mostly all my fault, my insecure fears had stopped me from all the times I'd just wanted more than to be honest once again. They were right, I was changing. And it wasn't a good kind of change. I mean on 1 hand, I was happy & full of love thanks to Jesse. On the other hand, I'd been insensitive, uncaring friend. No matter how Jesse tried to soothe me & tell me it wasn't my fault, I knew it still was mine. They're my friends. We've known each other since childhood, Benny especially. He's always been there for me. And lately how have I been there for him? Not all. The walk in the park was a nice distraction & his kiss made me feel better* But Jesse ... *I panted* I'm not being a good enough friend.

Jesse: *Gently cradles his cheek & touches his hair* Ethan Morgan, you are being too hard on yourself. Your just a teenager, please believe when I say that you're the most amazing, down to earth, gentle & your an incredible friend.

Ethan: Jesse, thank you for saying that. But I still fell crummy. I think its time to tell them too. No more hiding or lies.

Jesse: *Hugs him tightly* Very well, my love. Do want to tell them now?

Ethan: Tomorrow, definitely tomorrow.

Jesse: *So @ last we'd be revealed to his friends. It wasn't something that had really worried me, but now as it was seriously eating @ him I was deeply concerned. I didn't like that he was stressed & blaming himself. That night I cuddled him close to my body & wrapped a cover to keep him warm & also put on the heater so that no matter what he'd be warm. And when I'd returned him home I gave a sweet kiss goodnight* Until tomorrow, baby.

Ethan: *Sighs* Mm. Cya then. *Waves & then I went into my home, eat dinner with my family, took a shower & went tot bed. The next morning I got up & breathed a heavy sigh. Once @ school my nerves starting going crazy, but no matter what I wasn't backing out of telling them, no matter how much it still scared me. Lunch time eventually came & thats where the drama truly started. Before I could say anything, Benny told me to sit down*

Benny: Hel-lo Ethan, how are ya?

Ethan: Fine. Listen I have something important I want to say-

Benny: That so. Well, funny thing is well all, all ready know what it is.

Ethan: *Taken aback* What? *Squeaks nervously*

Benny: Thats right. Just how long did you think you could keep it a secret?

Ethan: *Looks down* I'm so sorry, truly. I wanted to tell you all, but ...

Benny: How about now. *I interrupted

Ethan: *Sighs & tells them the whole story* Benny, Sara, Rory, Erica ... I'm so so sorry. I should've told you all sooner. I was so scared what you'd think once I told you, even now I'm shaking inside, please say something. *I begged*

Sara: *Rolls my eyes* Wow Ethan! I didn't know you were so dramatic, sheese, chill OK. Look, we are shocked, hurt, & mostly worried for you, but hey @ least you told us.

Rory: Yeah, that you did. *Pats his shoulder friendly*

Erica: You guys forgive him WAY too easily. He's dating Jesse, the enemy, um like hello any1 find that a GOOD thing?

Benny: Silence everyt1! *They looked @ me & gave me a look, but I went on* Ethan, I just don't get it man. You hid all this away from us. And worst of all, we found out on own. How could you date HIM Ethan?! Don't you realize what he's done to you?

Ethan: *Flinches @ his tone* Wait, you found out on your own? How?

Benny: Lets just day, you're not as sneaky as you think.

Ethan: You were spying on me?

Benny: Yeah & good thing we did! You lied to us!

Ethan: *Hisses lowly @ him* Can you keep your voice down please?

Benny: Why should I?

Jesse: *Just then I cut in & appeared before them* Is there a problem? *I'd seen & heard it all, & then & there I'd decided enough was enough. I needed to be there*

Ethan: *Stands up fast* Jesse!

Rory: Whoa! *Gapes*

Sara: *Snarls @ him* What are you doing here?

Erica: Defending your little lover I see, why Jesse? He's just a geeky human.

Rory: Babe! Not helping!

Erica: Sorry. *Shrugs* But y'know it is true.


Benny: *Stands up too blocking Ethan back from him* Why don't you just leave. Your not exactly welcome here.

Jesse: Oh? Really? Well, it looks to me that you have no control over that. I'm here to be by Ethan's side. Unless he tells me to leave, then I will.

Benny: *Seething* Ethan, lets go. You don't need to with this ... this VAMP! *I spat*

Ethan: *Scared now* Please Benny, every1 calm down. Please don't ... fight.

Jesse: *Hugs him close, by his side now* Ssh, my love. Its alright. *I soothed lovingly & then looks @ them all frowning* You all are not being very accepting here. Ethan didn't do anything wrong. He's with me because he wants to be, it has nothing to do with anything I could ever influence. I love him & he loves me. Why can't you dorks accept that? *Says to Erica* And this GEEK, is my reason for being here right now & more, he's the sweetest person I've ever met. He's my soulmate.

Sara: *Scoffs* Whoa, nice little speech there, did you rehearse that in the mirror? Oh, thats right you can't cause like us, your undead.

Rory: IDK you guys, he seems to be sincere.

Erica: *Hits him* Don't fall for it, baby. Thats exactly what he wants us to think. *Looks @ him with disgust*

Ethan: *Back & forth they fought with words & it made me tremble thinking that the worst was yet to come. Thats when I ran off fast in tears from the lunch room. I didn't care if every1 in there was looking @ me. I needed to get away from this. I ran fast out to the playground's black tops to the grassy soccer field*

Jesse: *@ Ethan's sudden rushing off, I followed easily* Ethan! *I called*

Ethan: *I stopped & slumped down to my knees & more tears spilled out*

Jesse: *Kneels down to his level & hugs him crushing him so close* Baby, its alright, everything will we alright I promise. I'm sorry for causing this between you & them. I didn't mean to be a conflict.

Ethan: *Looks up @ him* Jesse, I'm scared. What are we gonna do?

Sara: *Had followed them out* Well, I tell you what you're not gonna do is leave again like that. *Now down @ their level too & gives Ethan a hug* I'm sorry Ethan. We didn't mean for it to get like that back there. We'd only plan to comfort you delicately, but instead we turned it into a Dusk movie or something else.

Rory: *Also beside him* Yeah, buddy. I'm sorry too. *Looks up @ Erica*

Erica: *Groans* Ugh, fine. I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to upset you Ethan.

Benny: *Arms unfold & I hit the ground hard with my knees looking down* Ethan, I'm sorry as well. Answer me 1 question.

Ethan: *Wipes the tears away, sniffles a little* What?

Benny: Are you really in love with him?

Ethan: *Eyes sparkle & my smile returns* Yes. I love him so much.

Benny: *Bites lip & finally hugs him* My BFF is growing up. *I murmured to him*

Ethan: *Smiles bigger & hugs back* Do you hate me?

Benny: *Pulls back & frowns* How could you even think that?

Ethan: *Looks down then back up*

Benny: Dude, I love you like my brother. There's where in the entire universe that I'd ever hate you.

Ethan: *Tears break me down again*

Benny: *Hugs him again with every1 else except Jesse. That time he'd leaned up & stood up watching us the entire time*

Rory: We're here for ya Ethan, always! *Hugs every1 tight*

Sara: Rory & Benny's right, Ethan. That we do, you're are bestie!

Erica: And we're a team, who thought it? *Chuckles*

Ethan: *Smiles & laughs happily* Thanks so much you guys. I appreciate that a lot. *Hugging them all made me feel so much better, their friendship mattered to me so much*

Benny: *Stands up then & goes over to Jesse* Welcome to the group, Jesse. *Extends a hand finally able to accept Ethan & his relationship*

Jesse: *Gladly shakes it* Thank you, Benny. *Looks @ the others* To all of you as well.

Benny: *Whispers just to him* 1 thing though, you ever do anything to hurt him, I swear you'll be gone from this world, I grantee it. *Grins*

Jesse: *Smiles & nods whispering back* Understood my friend.

Benny: Good. Now what do all say to some grub, I'm starved. Lets get some thing before the bell rings!

Jesse: *Smirks* Allow me. *Uses my speed to get every1 meals of their own & of course 1 for my love* Here you are. *Hands the trays to each of them, saving Ethan's for last* Your lunch, baby. *I offered it to him*

Ethan: *Blushes & takes it* Thanks, Jes. *Sits down with every1 in the grass eating* Mm, really good. *I commented*

Rory: As always, so right! *Agrees hugging Erica's shoulders close* Whatcha think babe?

Erica: *Smirks* Good enough for now. *Winks actually wanting to kiss Rory*

Rory: *Winks & whispers* Kissing later Eri.

Erica: *Pouts & says back* If ya say so.

Sara: *Clears throat* Ahem lovebirds, we can still hear ya. *Smiles*

Erica: Oh, so what. All of us are in pairs anyways, accept for you Sara. Where's your guy?

Sara: *Points to the man walking towards us* Him. *Giggles*


Erica: *All of us looked in that direction & totally gasped all together* He's Zepher?!

Sara: Yep! *Smiles brightly* Isn't he so hot?!

Erica: That he is, girl, but isn't that ...

Rory: *Finishes for her* Gord!

Benny: What the heck?

Sara: You guys, its not Gord.

Ethan: Then who is he? *Puzzled*

Sara: He's actually Gord's twin non-vampire twin. Yeah, shocked me too, when we 1st met, but its true. He told me he once had a brother & showed me the pic & it was Gord!

Ethan: Whoa!

Rory: Man!

Erica: So, wowing! 

Zepher: Hey Sara! *Goes to kiss her on the lips*

Sara: *Bounces up happily & kisses back* Hiya Zep! Lemme introduce ya to the gang. *Says cheerfully*

Zepher: *Pulls back & looks @ every1* Oh hey guys! *Waves*

Erica: *Stands up* I'm Erica, nice to finally meet ya Zepher.

Zepher: *Shakes her hand* Same here, Erica.

Rory: *Stands up too* I'm Rory, her BF.

Zepher: Hey, Rory. *Bro hand shakes with him*

Benny: And I'm Benny. My GF's Della.

Zepher: Benny, hey dude & cool.

Ethan: *Smiles* Hey ... I'm Ethan.

Zepher: Nice to meetcha Ethan, heard a lot about you.

Ethan: *Nods* Oh? Sara's told you about me?

Sara: You betcha, the guy next to him is his BF, Jesse. *Gestures*

Jesse: Hello there. *Nods @ him*

Zepher: Hey Jesse, great to meet you & every1 else as well. So y'all just catching up?

Jesse: *Grins* Yes.

Ethan: *Blushes & bite lips. Oh boy if he only knew*

Jesse: *Hears that of course & retorts back* But he doesn't & neither does Della, better off not knowing if I do say so*

Ethan: *Yeah you're right. Today was enough for me*

Jesse: *So now that the friends are all on our side, is it safe to ask you on a date tonight, my place?*

Ethan: *Blushes again. I'd love to, but y'know what I just realized?*

Jesse: *What's that my love?*

Ethan: *As if you don't know what I'm thinking*

Jesse: *Mm-hmm but I still love hearing your voice whether it be in your mind or aloud, I told you I equally enjoy both*

Ethan: *Giggles softly trying not to draw too much attention away from Zepher & every1 else taking. Well in a few days its gonna be Halloween as you know ...*

Jesse: *Yes, that I do*

Ethan: *I was wondering what where you're plans*

Jesse: *Well it involves you in costume of course, some dancing of course, dinner & treats naturally & mostly whatever you want I'll make it happen, sound good?*

Ethan: *Couldn't be more divine*

Sara: Uh, hello earth to Ethan & Jesse, yo!

Ethan: *Snaps out of our private convo* Sorry. *Blushes* What did you say?

Jesse: *Smirks & hugs Ethan close whispering: You're so adorable*

Sara: What I was saying while you 2 were totally making gooley eyes @ each other, was how'd you like to attend a party on Halloween? Zepher's throwing a huge bash & every1's invited, so what do you say guys? You in?

Ethan: *Smiles & nods happily* Sounds cool, we'll be there!

Jesse: *Grins with him* Wouldn't miss it!

Ethan: *Every1 else was also automatically in & psyched for the party, above all Jesse & I couldn't help but wonder why later on when we were going out to see a movie together, in which we decided to see Hugh Jackman's "Reel Steel." We sat close to the front & he'd bought some buttered popcorn & a some Canada Dry for both of us as we watched the credits rolls by*

Jesse: *So I see you're still a wondering baby about today's events*

Ethan: *I chuckled very softly. Yeah, can't really get it out off my mind. And y'know I can never get over how cool it is to speak through thoughts like we do*

Jesse: *I grinned @ this. I see. Do you feel better? I asked knowing that earlier with the whole encounter with his friends had shaken him up a bit. And yes, I know just how much you love it. Its quite 1 of my fav abilities*

Ethan: *I nodded & sighed contentedly. I do, I just was really overwhelmed. For a min there I thought you all were gonna break into a fight. But I'm so glad it didn't happen that way. Also I'm still shocked my friends forgave & accepted us so quickly. I don't understand what changed their minds*

Jesse: *I kissed his temple lovingly. I know, my love. I assure you that no fight would have ever happened. From what I saw in their minds, they were all just concerned about you above all & of course wanted me to just leave you alone. But when you ran off like you did, something made them feel ashamed of their behaviors & those feelings put over their previous 1's, as they rushed to you & saw you on your knees crying. It was you, Ethan, who changed their minds. Their strong friendship with you overcame all, as they hugged you & apologized. They realized how you've changed & how you felt about me, & in the end convinced them that as long as you were happy, so were they*


Ethan: *I smiled warmly & closed my eyes & opened them up to see Jesse looking @ me with so much love. It was then that no more words were needed, our lips connected then, it was all we needed. It sweet & made my heart flutter, everything was .... wonderful. All previous worries had gone away & I felt is pure happiness bubbling inside me. I love you Jesse*

Jesse: *His lips upon made me smile more as I kissed him. The feeling so wondrous & out of this world. Our love together was perfect. No longer did my love have to be scared or afraid. He had me, now & forever. Life without Ethan was not even a life worth living undead or not. He'd forever changed my world, turned it upside down & made me feel like the human I once was. Yes, Ethan was savior, my lover, my BF, the 1 I knew I wanted to spend every moment with for eternity & beyond. Ethan, oh Ethan, I love you my seer, so, so much. I love you*

Ethan: *Being with Jesse, being near him by his side, it made me smile. I was all his. And he was all mine. Love is so amazing, I thought dreamily & pulled away from his kiss, pointing to the screen as the movie was now beginning. He pouted so cutely, & I chuckled telling him to watch with me*

Jesse: *Yes, but y'know I would rather just watch something else*

Ethan: *Of course I got the hint & knew exactly what he meant. Jesse, please. How am I supposed to concentrate with you staring @ me?*

Jesse: *Very fine baby, but just know its extremely hard to pay attention to anything with you in the room. I swear I'll behave*

Ethan: *I blushed. You better*

Jesse: *For now, I thought but kept that to myself & proceeded to watch the large screen. After it ended though, before Ethan could even stand up, I pulled up into my arms & took back home with me*

Ethan: *Whoa! A little warning on your intentions please*

Jesse: *My most sincere apologies my seer, I just couldn't resist*

Ethan: *Uh-huh. So, so much for control? I teased*

Jesse: *I nearly stopped in my tracks as I was almost near my destination* Don't tease me, Ethan. *I warned*

Ethan: *I pushed it further anyways* Or what?

Jesse: *I smirked & resumed my speed going into my house, up the stairs & throwing him on my bed roughly & turned my lights down lowly & climbed on top of him kissing with so much passion, far more than I'd ever shown him before*

Ethan: *The ride left me somewhat dizzy & wowed, @ least until I yelped when he'd thrown me on his bed. It had all happened so quickly, before I could process what he was up to, I saw then as he kissed me. I moaned so loud in his mouth, the feeling almost all too much to take in. His body on top of mine pinning me down, the coldness of it made my shiver in response* Oh, Jesse. *I pulled back & stared @ him, he was every bit aroused as I was & more. Guess he couldn't help it, I brought it out in him*

Jesse: *I laughed & smiled* Oh, you better believe it Ethan, you *Kiss* are *Kiss* so *Kiss* alluring. *Kiss*

Ethan: *Smiles & yawns a little lying back on his bed once more*

Jesse: *I caressed his cheek down to his stomach & back* I wish you could spend the night.

Ethan: *Nods in agreement* Me too. Someday I hope I can.

Jesse: Most definitely my love, till then allow me to take you home, it is past your bed time. *I grinned wickedly*

Ethan: *I laughed & extended my arms from him to carry me* Thank you so much kind sir.

Jesse: *As I drew him into my arms, I started off with a different speed than my usual back to his home, trying to make our time last. Leaving Ethan each night was difficult for the both of us, but @ least now my baby's mind was @ last @ ease. I kissed once again tenderly & whispered to him* I love you Ethan, until tomorrow when I saw gaze upon your face & kiss those rosy lips. Happy almost Halloween baby. *I winked & vanished into the darkness most excited for that night of fright to arrive. It was going to be haunting event, just wait till Ethan sees what I have in store in terms of costume ideas*

Ethan: *A few days later the super exciting Halloween bash arrived. In all honesty my family's costumes were nothing short of wowing once I got a look @ them* Hey guys!  Looking great Mom. *I chirped*

Mom: ** Ooh, Ethan! *Squeals* You're look cute darling & thank you! *Smiles*

Ethan: *Blushes* Mom. *Whines*

Mom: *Winks* Well you are a cutie pie, any girl would fall head over heels for you.

Ethan: *I laughed @ this & side smiled* Um, thanks?

Dad: *Comes downstairs* Howdy y'all! *Grins;*

Ethan: *Waves* Hey. Nice Woody costume Dad. *Gestures to him*

Dad: *Proudly smiles* Thanks, son. Where's Jane?

Jane: I'm here! *I called;*


Mom: Oh honey ... you look so sweet!

Dad: And so ready to trick-or-treat.

Jane: *Walks down to them* Thanks & yes indeedy, so what are we waiting for? Can we go?!

Mom: Of course sweetie. *Links arms with her*

Dad: Onward then! *I opened the front door for them as they went out & to the car* You, sure you won't join us Ethan?

Ethan: *Smiles & shakes head* Not tonight, Dad sorry. *Feels a little guilty*

Dad: *Winks & waves* Don't be, go have good time with your friends. Just don't be out too late, son.

Ethan: Thanks Dad, you all have a good time too & I promise.

Dad: Bye then, love you son. *Leaves*

Ethan: Bye Dad, love you too. *I watched them leave & waited, the sec they were no loner in view there appeared my handsome & I can't believe I'm saying this SEXY man with his matching costume; my mouth gasped admiring him* H-h-hey. *I stammered nervously*

Jesse: Well, well, evening my beautiful adorable seer. *I bowed & kissed his top of his hand* You look most amazing my love. *My eyes ran all of him not missing anything*

Ethan: *Blushing deeper losing breath, I whispered pretty much breathlessly* Thank you, you too,

Jesse: Oh but the correct term I know I heard loud & clear was that I'm SEXY. *I leaned closer to his face staring straight into his eyes, seeing myself*

Ethan: *Chuckles & shyly looks away* Did I think that?

Jesse: Yes, you sure did. *I grinned* And thank you, but you are much more sexier than I could ever be. Shall we?

Ethan: *Looks back @ him & nods biting my lip* Mm-hmm.

Jesse: *In sec's I'd pulled him into my arms changing things up a bit & went onward towards Zepher's house to party. Once there, I set him down on his feet, just as the gang pretty much took 1 look & came over rushed like crazy* Evening all. *I greeted cordially*

Benny: ** Hiya guys like finally! Wow ... you guys look s'awesome!

Della: And charming too.

Ethan: *I laughed & hugged them both 1st along with Jesse* Thanks you 2, but never mind us, you both look so fantastic! Benny you didn't tell me you & Della were gonna be Han Solo & Princess Leia.

Jesse: Indeed, you 2 look stellar.

Della: Well thank you guys, it was Be's idea & a totally amazing 1 @ that.

Rory: *Also hugs Ethan & Jesse; ttp://* Yo, you 2 are freakin' AWE-SOME!

Erica: ** Not to mention sizzling. *Growls playfully like a cat*

Ethan: *Hugs both of them back blushing yet again* I'm AWE-SOME? Look @ you guys! You're totally rocking!

Rory: Thanks dude, I just knew I wanted to be Aladdin & what is Aladdin without his beautiful Princess Jasmine. *Gestures @ Erica*

Erica: *Smiles* Right back atcha baby, looking SO HOT!

Zepher: *Last to hug Ethan & Jesse along with my girl* Every1 here looks super cool & ready to have a night to remember. Come on in fellas & ladies! **

Sara: ** My, oh my Ethan, Jesse .. you guys are off the chain with those costumes!

Jesse: We could say the same about yours. *Gestures to them* You make a perfect Batman & Batgirl.

Zepher: Thanks, man. *Pats his shoulder as we all together went into my house:;;; (Just the POOL)* Drinks & food are in the kitchen so help yourselves & just enjoy, catch y'all on the dance floor! *Disappears with Sara*

Ethan: *As the rest of the gang with their separate ways for now, Jesse took my hand to the backyard which displayed a giant & amazing pool* WOW! *I exclaimed*

Jesse: Wow. *I agreed but for different reasons* Care to dance love?

Ethan: *Smiles happily* Yes! *Allows him to pull me close as we danced, but the song changed on us ... to China Anne McClain's "Calling All The Monsters."* Oh?

Jesse: *Winks* Shake it baby, come you've got in ya to get your dance on!

Ethan: *Giggles & lets go of everything & dances not caring how much I may look silly, I'm having a ball bouncing up & down, moving my hands up above my head trying to move to the beat*

Jesse: *I kept the beat & rhythm right along with him grinning as we moved together in sync*

Ethan: *Sings the chorus*

Jesse: *Joins him*


Ethan: *Thats when every1 joined in & danced together as 1, Benny, Della, Sara, Zepher, Rory & Erica & the rest of the teens that surrounded us. We had fun with it, doing some random moves with our hands & we guys busted out some fancy dance moves, while the girls giggled & strutted teasingly before coming back to their guys. We rocked out to other songs too like, Selena Gomez's "Love You Like A Love Song Remix" (, Joe Jonas' "Just In Love Remix" (, Taio Cruz's "Dynamite" ( & lots more awesome-tastic hits* Whoo! *I whooped*

Sara: Aww yeah! *Whoops along with him*

Benny: Go, go E & all of us!

Rory: Oh, yeah!

Erica: Less talk more dance Rorster. *I giggled*

Della: *Laughs* Such a sweet couple.

Zepehr: All of us are. *Agrees* Specially with my girl, come here you. *Gestures her with my finger*

Sara: *Winks* Comin' baby.

Jesse: *Whispers into Ethan's ear then secretly* Having fun?

Ethan: *Shakes head yes enthusiastically rocking out moving my hips* Mm-hmm!

Jesse: *Grins appreciatively* I can tell.

Ethan: *Blushes shyly* So what about you?

Jesse: Most definitely, this is quite fun & not to mention seeing you swaying those hips is the sexiest thing I've ever had the pleasure seeing.

Ethan: *Rolls eyes* Sure it is. You're probably laughing like Benny & the others.

Jesse: *Frowns* And I would do that why?

Ethan: Because I'm not a dancer. *Points out*

Jesse: I think ... you dance beautifully. You've certainly captured my undivided attention. *Says huskily*

Ethan: *Shivers @ the statement; skeptical a little* You think so? Um, thanks.

Jesse: Baby ... *Draws closer to him* I don't lie .... not when it comes to YOU.

Ethan: *Forgets how to breathe; gasps*

Jesse: *Smiles warmly & presses my lips to his not caring about any1 else in the entire room, but my Ethan*

Ethan: *Blushes & responds by kissing back. BTW, your costume idea for the both of us .. thank you, they're so brilliant;*

Jesse: *; presses another kiss to his lips then pulls back;Your most welcome my love. I knew something X-Men: First Class related would be most appropriate. You're just like Charles Xavier/Professor X y'know Ethan?*

Ethan: *Chuckles. Uh-huh well if thats so then you're my Erik Lehnsher/Magneto*

Jesse: *Mm, the perfect pair if I do say so*

Ethan: *Hides in his arms shyly*

Jesse: *Loves when he does this because more than anything comforting him is 1 of my fav things when it comes to Ethan; presses a sweet kiss to his head*

Ethan: *Blushes, happy he can't see it*

Jesse: *That may be, but I can feel it & I actually can see it if I pull away, but lucky for you I love holding you*

Ethan: *Just about to say something but gets cut off by the next song coming up called "Oh My God" (*

Jesse: *Licks lips pulling back smirking a little* This song fits you, Ethan.

Ethan: *Looks away* Mm-hmm sure it does.

Jesse: *Turns his chin gently towards me* Its true my love. So what was it you were going to say before the song came on?

Ethan: *Just look in my mind*

Jesse: *I can, but I like hearing your voice aloud, y'know that baby*

Ethan: *Smiles knowingly* OK, I was gonna ask if you wanted to get something to eat?

Jesse: *C***s head to the side* Mmm! An excellent suggestion. Allow me to lead the way. *Gestures offering my arm graciously*

Ethan: *Smiles cutely & links arms with him* When don't you? *I mused*

Jesse: *Smiles back devilishly* You love it, admit it.

Ethan: *Laughs nervously* I do. So?

Jesse: *Stops & looks @ him intensely* So ... my beloved seer, no 1 else could ever dare lead you, let alone love you or so much as flirt with you ... else they'll have me to deal with.

Ethan: *Exhales fast* Jesse ...

Benny: *Springs in on their convo* Yo, guys what's shaking?!

Ethan: *Nearly jumps out of my skin* Benny! *Softly yells*

Benny: *Frowns* What?!

Ethan: *Sighs rolling eyes* Nothing, just you surprised me is all.

Benny: I see. Am I interrupting anything?

Jesse: *Grins big* Nothing much. We're just on our way to get some grub.

Benny: Ooh! In that case can i join ya? Cause I heard they have pizza & it's a calling my name! I. NEED. PIZZA!

Jesse: By all means, Benny. Does your GF Della want some as well?

Benny: Cool! Good thinking dude, I'll bring her some too just in case & a new drink. To the kitchen fellas!

Rory: Hey! Hey! Don't forget us! *Follows in rushing with them with my girl* Come on Eri!

Erica: Right behind ya baby! *Calls back*

Zepher: Count us in too!

Sara: *Giggles a following* Guys & there stomachs I swear!

Benny: Heard that Sara!

Sara: What? Its so true.


Benny: Food = yes!

Sara: *Shakes head* Whatever you say boy.

Ethan: *Together we dove in pizza & drinks, chatting simultaneously non-stop till our stomachs said enoughs enough & returned to the dance floor continuing having an amazing time. Even BG showed up ( in a pumpkin costume, which was a weird surprise, but apparently she was with a date. Meanwhile the party was really just off the chain as the music blasted through the speakers loudly. Eventually Jesse & I went off trick-or-treating a little with the gang* So which direction we going?

Benny: Right.

Rory: Left!

Sara: No, down this way.

Erica: Doesn't matter for me, candies a calling guys.

Della: So which way should we choose?

Zepher: *Whistles* Um hey?

Sara: What's up baby?

Zepher: *Claps hands together* Well, it seems to me we're all unsure, so lets just do em all.

Jesse: Exactly, there's houses in every direction, now come on. *Walks with Ethan*

Rory: *Follows along with every1 else*

Benny: *Our 1st couple of houses we seemed to hit the jackpot in terms of chocolate goodies & more* Did I mention that I LOVE Halloween?!

Della: *Giggles* Like a million times baby.

Rory: Or more.

Erica: He's sugared out, typical geek.

Sara: You hear that Benny? You're a sugar freak.

Zepher: Hey, candy is classic, why else do we all say trick-or-treat?

Jesse: Well *About to go into the history of it*

Ethan: *Cuts in* Yeah, next house race ya!

Zepher: I think I'll just walk slow with my girl.

Sara: Same, plus it sounds nice.

Erica: Babe you can go ahead. IK you wanna.

Rory: *Pouts* Its true. OK I will.

Erica: *Puts a hand on his shoulder secretly whispering* Human speed though, remember Zepher doesn't know yet.

Rory: *Nods/runs off in normal speed* Guess I'm gonna win!

Benny: In your dreams! *Engages after him*

Della: *Watches thinking he's too cute*

Jesse: *So besides all that my love, is there a reason why you interrupted me before? Not that I mind of course*

Ethan: *Um, sorry?*

Jesse: *No need to apologize*

Ethan: *Sighs. I did it for 2 reasons*

Jesse: *Listening, go on*

Ethan: *OK, right. 1, I love history & all, but it would've made Zepher wonder how you knew. 2, I felt you were gonna start, so I cut in, sorry again*

Jesse: *Don't be, besides Zepher may be a senior but he's not that smart to put together I'm a vampire. But the 2nd reason intrigues me, very sexy*

Ethan: *What is?*

Jesse: *Your control over me*

Ethan: *Blushes. But I'm not trying to*

Jesse: *You did so regardless. I love this side of you, I must say just as much as I love your cute shy side*

Ethan: *Shyly looks away*

Jesse: *What do you say we leave a little early & go back to my place?*

Ethan: *What about the others?*

Jesse: *Well we hung out all tonight, they're be more times to do so, believe me. Besides this invite is for 1: you only*

Ethan: *What will I say?*

Jesse: *Leave it to me, actually too late*

Ethan: *Huh? What do you mean-*

Sara: OK you guys can leave, I mean its clear by the eye sex thats going on between you 2, you're both distracted.

Ethan: *Blushes deeply* Sara-

Sara: Save it. We've been going @ this for almost the whole night, we'll meet up again tomorrow or whenever. Just 1 thing Ethan, no actual sex yet.

Ethan: Sara! *Very embarrassed now*

Jesse: Sara, you misinterpret my intentions. We're only gonna retire back to my place together fully clothed till he returns home.

Erica: Mm-hmm. *Sarcastically*

Della: *Went ahead going after Benny cause things were getting a little awkward*

Zepher: *Confused, but listens in on their conv*

Sara: Well keep it that way cause he's clearly not ready.

Ethan: *Wants nothing more to disappear*

Jesse: I'm aware Sara, thank you for reminding me though. Evening friends. Ethan, ready to go?

Ethan: *Nods* Yeah ... cya tomorrow guys. *Waves* Happy Halloween! *Calls lastly*

Jesse: *With that I we began our walk back till Zepher had turned his head & wasn't clearly paying any attention to our departure, so I grabbed hold of Ethan & took off fast*

Sara: *Watches eyeing them the entire time till they were no longer visible* Typical, Jesse.

Erica: We best keep an eye on him, yes?

Sara: Subtlety GF.

Erica: What other way is there? *Playfully smirks knowingly*

Zepher: *Pretty much clueless by this point, but doesn't bother to push it thinking its just 1 of their things between them all*

Benny: *After I'd beaten Rory, we returned to the group* Hey, where'd E & J go?

Sara: J's home.

Erica: Together. *I added*

Rory: Aww, bummer guess they're gonna miss out.

Benny: *Frowns* Just like that?

Sara: *Recaps the convo for him*

Benny: That ... That ... guy!

Rory: Um ... guys I don't get it.

Erica: Bunny-boo I'll tell ya later, lets go gang movin' on. *Changes subject*


Benny: *Knows that Ethan needs still to be careful, very careful*

Jesse: *Back @ my place Ethan & I was heatedly involved in a heavy make out session. I was all over him kissing his face & as I pulled of his shirt, & payed homage to every inch of that creamy delectable milky white skin*

Ethan: *Practically a moaning mess beneath him. Every kiss, every touch ... the sensation alone off the charts. All I know is I'm forever lost, its drowning me, its taking over me*

Jesse: *My ice like hands ran up & down his warm & supple body. Oh how'd love to pleasure him to the fullest by going all the way.The promise, my head rings reminding me every so often. Control, but its a challenge especially when he's halfway exposed to my hungry eyes & mouth. A shivers runs up his spine, I groan aloud. Take your time I say to myself. After all rushing anything with Ethan, wouldn't be best cause I'd want him all over again. The want & need is too strong. It tests & tries my patience. Each beautiful sound his voice emits is beyond heavenly & divine*

Ethan: Jesse. *I moaned his name softly. I-I wish I could stay with you tonight*

Jesse: *I smiled & kiss is temple responding: Me too, Ethan, me too, but we both know that tonight is a school night & its already getting close to that time where you should be in your own bed*

Ethan: *I pouted. I'm sorry*

Jesse: *Don't be, my love. Just tell, me did you enjoy your evening?*

Ethan: *Chuckles softly. How could I not? It was great, hanging out, dancing, being here with you ... its all been amazing*

Jesse: *I'm glad you feel that way because its exactly how I feel as well & more. Well, then shall we baby?*

Ethan: *Sits up from his bed climbing on his back. Mm-mm*

Jesse: *Right then, hang on. Shortly after the ride, we'd said our goodnights & shared a kiss or 2 I stayed still watching. I felt that he still wanted to be with me, that feeling alone made me feel something wonderful like my heart was beating out of my chest, that I wasn't a demon of darkness, but a regular human again*

Ethan: *The next morning, I felt a smile immediately spread across my face. All thoughts of last night replayed & I just laughed & got up happily. A few min's later I was full dressed & ready for school, just needed some breakfast & I was good to go*

Mrs. Morgan: Morning sweetie, how was your evening last night?

Ethan: Morning, mom. It was ... fun, a lot of fun.

Mrs. Morgan: Aww! *Places a plate of eggs & pancakes in front of him* Well eat up honey & don't forgot to bring your umbrella. The weather out there is looking a little iffy, it might just rain.

Ethan: Kay. *Eats* Thanks mom. Oh, BTW wheres dad & Jane?

Mrs. Morgan: He went out to take Jane to school. Right now he should be @ work. And speaking of, its almost time for mine to start as well. *Finishes eating with my son & then grabs all my belongings & waves to him* I'll see you later dear, have a great day @ school, love you!

Ethan: *Waves* Bye mom, cya later, you too, & love you! *As she took off in the car, I went along on foot walking, still as smiley as ever. I was just counting the sec's till Jesse would appear by my side walking along with me to school*

?: *Been watching him; appears directly behind him without him noticing greeting him* Hello there.

Ethan: *Turns around knowing who to expect, well @ least I thought I did till I turned around to see an absolute stranger standing there* Um ... h-hi? Do, uh ... I know you?

?: Nope. I'm new transfer student to White Chapel High. I was wondering if you know which way it is?

Ethan: *Sighs now feeling less stutter-y* Oh? Thats cool. I'm going there right now, why don't you tag along. This your 1st day?

?: Awesome, thanks a lot man. *Walks with him* Yep. Name's Kellan Thomas. *Grins @ him* And you are? []

Ethan: NP. *Blanks out for a sec* Oh, sorry ... I'm Ethan Morgan, nice to meet you.

Kellan: *Shrugs* Don't be, & its very nice to meet you too Ethan. So what year are you in?

Ethan: *Blushes a little feeling a little on the insecure side* I'm a ... freshmen. What about you?

Kellan: *Grins wider* Really, hmm interesting. I'm a senior.

Ethan: *Thinks he looks a little old to be a senior, but I shrugged the thought off* Wow. *I mused*

Kellan: So tell me, & if this is a little personal you don't have to say, but I am rather curios ... do like guys or girls?

Ethan: *Blushes deeply* Um .. I- That is I-

Kellan: *Pats his shoulder* S'ok man, you don't have to gush the truth. Honestly, I'm into to guys, sorry if thats not your thing, just wanted everything to be out in the open.


Ethan: *Eyes widen. Is this guy hitting on me? I shook my head, impossible. That just doesn't happen to me. Not in the history of well my entire school history. And what's more is that, I'm with Jesse, but of course I'm not going to tell him that. But still I need to tell him something. Oh God, Jesse where are you?*

Kellen: *In all honestly I knew all about Ethan, all too well. I didn't need to ask, I already understand everything in his life ... including his vampire boyfriend Jesse. I too am a vampire, but not as human as Jesse has become. Seems to me like that guy has lost his touch & settled for a human. But then again, meeting Ethan in person, I now understand why. He's quite the shy cutie pie. He'd make an excellent snack, heck dinner, & dessert. But then again, no, this human is special, a seer & very much still pure, an easy prey for the taking. Luckily, my specialty is countering mind reading & blocking other vampire's vision to see & stay connected, but that only is 1 of my many abilities. Another useful 1 is freezing a vampire making them stay where ever I want them to, so as of right now Ethan's pathetic little cry for help is sadly never going to reach him. Too bad, Jesse's lose my gain. So now which do I want? Him to struggle & come with me, or mind control him with no sweat? Ooh decisions, decisions. Let me just go with this: I barred my fangs watching him jump in the air. My God that was priceless!* Surprise, Ethan.

Ethan: *Completed shocked & taken aback* You're a-a v-v-v-

Kellan: *Smirks* I think the term you're looking is vampire.

Ethan: *Takes a step back*

Kellan: Running away? So soon? Thats a little rude don't you think? What's the matter, don't find this vampire attractive as your precious Jesse?

Ethan: *Glares @ him* Leave the both of us alone or-

Kellan: Or what? You gonna call him to fight me? You see, I've got powers beyond Jesse's. I can easily crush him if I wanted, but I'm not after him. My target's you. So I suggest you give in willingly or I'll make his suffering a 1,000 times worse.

Ethan: How do I know you're telling me the truth?!

Kellan: Not very trusting I see. Mm, take a look. *Grabs him & speeds over to Jesse's place releasing Ethan for a moment* There you see, frozen in time, but like I said, it could be a lot worse. Don't underestimate the things that I will do. I'm capable of much more, so don't test me. Now, will you come with me?

Ethan: *Stares horrified, heart clenching; looks up @ him with disgust* Why? What do you want with me?

Kellan: *Grins wickedly laughing* I find you very interesting & the perfect pet for my collection. Keep on my good side, I promise not to hurt you. If you refuse, then well *Claps hands* lets just say it won't pleasant. Now, make you decision.

Ethan: *It pained me to think either option I chose, it wasn't going to lead to my freedom or Jesse's. If Jesse was still with me, I wouldn't go down without a fight. But now that I'm alone ... without him, I can't do anything to get out of this. I need a batter plan of strategy-*

Kellan: *Sorry sweetness, no ways out of this, so either make your decision or I'll make it for you*

Ethan: *Gasps*

Kellan: *Thats right, I hear all your thoughts, so there's no hiding. Now say it!*

Ethan: *Bites lip. Jesse, I have no choice, I'm sorry; sighs* Fine, I'll go with you. *Looks down*

Kellan: Well, what a pathetic plea, but more importantly ... from this moment you belong to me. You. Are. Mine. *Tips his chin up*

Ethan: *Heart clenches*

Kellan: Ethan ... you don't have to be afraid.

Ethan: *Shudders shaking head*

Kellen: *Picks him up into my arms holding his lithe body, feeling him continue to shudder from my touch; takes him away from Jesse's away to my own house which was far enough from his family & all his friends. They wouldn't be able to find a trace of him. And as for all them, I had a choice to make ... either to leave their memories of him as is & let them try with all their might to find him eventually losing hope & accepting reality or erase them & save them the pain. As I set Ethan down on my bed, I turned on all the lights within my room* Welcome to my humble abode. *Takes off my jacket tossing it off to a chair* Care for something to drink?

Ethan: *Shuts eyes tightly* No. *I softly whispered*

Kellen: *Sits beside him caressing him cheek* You sure? You know I don't mean, your blood? I'm not interested in that ... yet.

Ethan: *Opens his eyes & squeaks* Y-yet?

Kellen: *Stares into his eyes* Correct.

Ethan: W-why?

Kellen: *Shows him my vision: of us together making love, him on my bed underneath me stark naked sweating panting trembling blushing so beautiful*

Ethan: *Eyes widen jumping away from him*

Kellen: *Chuckles*

Ethan: Y-you stay away from me.

Kellen: *Pouts sexily* Can't do.


Ethan: *Continues to move away till my body suddenly froze & I couldn't move it; looks back up @ him* Let me go!

Kellen: Nope. *Grins*

Ethan: *Closes eyes. Please, it can't happen like this, I begged*

Kellen: *Heh! Typical human response, doesn't believe the worst is happening, but come on its not all that bad, Ethan; tips his chin getting really close to his face*

Ethan: *I felt him fall closer to me & it gave me more chills than I already had* Please just leave me alone. I don't want this.

Kellen: *Chuckles* You think this is about what YOU want dear naive boy? *Grabs him lifting him off the bed* Its about what I want! *Hisses @ him*

Sara: *Meanwhile @ school, I'd noticed neither Jesse or Ethan had showed up & I was beginning to get a real bad feeling* Guys, I think we should leave.

Rory: Right now, while we're @ school?

Erica: *Rolls eyes @ him* Honey, Ethan's missing. And we all know that Mr. Goody-good doesn't ever miss a day of school.

Benny: *Nods in agreement* There's something definitely wrong here.

Rory: So, its up to us to check it out, right?

Sara: Yes. Erica, Rory & I will go. Benny we'll give you updates if we find out anything. Guys come on.

Erica: Lets do it! *Leaves with them in search of Ethan & Jesse. Our 1st stop was Ethan's house, no sign of him. But just as we were about to leave & go onto Jesse's place, we caught a scent of something else an unfamiliar vampire in town* He's definitely male. *I noted*

Rory: But what would he want with Ethan?

Erica: *Slaps his back* Baby please come on. He's human, of course he's gonna be a perfect vampire target.

Rory: Oh, right! So what are we going to do about it?

Sara: I'll text Benny. Meanwhile we check Jesse's place. Lets move! *Once there @ J's, we found him frozen in time* This is bad, guys. We've got a very powerful vampire in town.

Erica: *Frowns* What should we do Sara?

Rory: Any1 know how to unfreeze?

Sara: BG! *I came up with*

Erica: Allow me. *I ran to get her & bring her back with us while explaining the situation* This is how we found him & Ethan's still missing. Do you know anything @ all that will help us?

BG: *Gasps turning very serious murmuring a spell as my hands lifted to cast it*

Sara: *Watches her perform it*

Jesse: *The moment I was able to once again move, I landed from my bed to a standing position. I was very angered now* Where is ETHAN?

Sara: A new vampire's got him & he's the same 1 who froze you, he's really strong. You might want to reconsider a back up plan before rushing in. We all could help.

BG: Hold on every1.

Rory: What's up BG?

BG: Ethan's the only 1 who can defeat this vampire.

Rory: Whoa, say what?

Erica: Seriously?

Jesse: *Eyes widen, realization hitting me*

Sara: Um, could you explain more please?

BG: Certainly. Ethan's more special than you ever imagine. He's not just a seer. He's gifted & has to power to defeat the 1 who's threatening him.

Ethan: *Yelps as I felt my body being thrown against the bed's headboard* Stop this please.

Kellen: *Snorts* Not likely, I like to have a little fun 1st.

Ethan: *Eyes open up them looking @ him then watching him in fear as he stalked me*

Kellen: *Smirks* Mm, such fear. I love it. Give me more. *I hissed*

Ethan: *A thought struck me then & as he neared me & all @ once he stopped*

Kellen: *Snarls* What the HECK! *Slams into an invisible barrier* What is THIS?

Ethan: *My eyes turned blue as if they were accessing a vision. I saw then, Jesse, Sara, Rory, Erica, & BG all together. Their hands were linked together & they were speaking to me now*

Jesse: *Be strong my love, you mustn't be afraid. Believe in yourself, you are stronger than you know*

Sara: *Don't give into the fear Ethan. Don't let it possess you*

Rory: *Beat this bloodsucker dude, I know you can do it!*

Erica: *Go for it nerd, some him exactly what you're made of!*

BG: *Let your heart guide you, harness you power & let it awaken*

Ethan: *Their words warmed me & I felt them like they were right here by my side. I wasn't alone. And I'm not giving into him*

Kellen: Ethan, you stop this right NOW! Or I'll-

Ethan: *I used the invisible shield to trap in a perfect sphere till it had become a small object that I could easily hold in my hands* Whoa. *I breathed to myself*


Ethan: *Scoffs* Shush you. You have no power over me, not now or ever. So long forever. *Crushes the shield with my shoe stomping on it, watching as million tiny shining pieces shatter like glass*

Jesse: *Immediately after my baby brilliantly ridded himself of the wanna be vamp, I rushed up & snatched him my arms kissing him passionately*


Ethan: *His kiss was hot & intense, I craved it. I missed it. I needed it. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around his neck tightly & also my legs wrapping right around his waist. I kissed back moaning when his tongue found mine* Mmm, oh, Jesse, I love you. *I whispered in between breathes*

Jesse: *Pulls back then closes the gap hugging him close* You did amazing, my love. I love you so much.

Ethan: *Hugs him back* I heard you & the others talking to me in my head.

Jesse: *Smiles* I know. We all wanted to help you. I know you'd figure out what to do.

Ethan: *Close to tears now*

Jesse: *Wipes his eyes as they began to drip like water down his flushed cheeks* There, there my love. Everything is alright now, you're safe & you've done beautifully. I'm so proud of you.

Benny: Ahem! *Grinning arms folded across my chest*

Sara: *Chuckles softly* Some1 forget us?

Ethan: *Smiles big running from Jesse to embrace them all*

Benny: Awesome job buddy, you totally kicked some vampire butt! *Bear hugs him*

Rory: Easy, Benny, don't break him!

Erica: Oh gosh, guys & their mushy stuff.

Sara: *Also hugging Ethan* Erica, quit your crabbiness & get over here!

Erica: *:-/ smiles* Oh, alright!

Jesse: Group hug guys! *We all did so then pulled apart*

Ethan: How did all of you find me?

BG: *Waves* Well, Sara, Erica, & Rory, found Jesse & then Erica found me. And then we got together with Benny & we connected as you saw & concentrated with all of might to contact you & help you. *Claps hands together* Exceptional work, Ethan, well done my boy.

Ethan: *Goes over to her hugging her as well* Thank you.

BG: Anytime, Ethan. You kids good now?

Benny: We're good grandma, thanks for everything. *Hugs her*

BG: Oh, your welcome. You all be well, I'll see you kids later, ta-ta. *Waves*

Benny: *Waves bye along with the rest of us* Yep guys, was that not AWESOME?

Sara: Heh, you said it!

Rory: But, you guys I don't get something?

Erica: What's up Rory-kins?

Rory: Who was that guy?

Sara: Obviously not as powerful as we thought he was. *Snickers*

Jesse: *Clears throat*

Sara: What? You know something we don't? *Gives him a look & gestures to all of us*

Jesse: *Grins rocking head like a seesaw*

Sara: *Growls* Well?

Jesse: *Chuckles* What I know is that, that Kellan Thomas was exactly a vampire of many talents, but in the end even with all those gifts ... he was no match for my Ethan. *Smiles directly @ him*

Ethan: *Blushes* I still don't really understand it all.

Jesse: *Whispers to him* I know my love. I'll explain more later. *Kisses his cheek tenderly*

Ethan: Mmm. *I whispered back*

Erica: *Scoffs turning to leave* Guess we're so NOT needed, come on then baby. *Grabs Rory* Lates! *Disappears leaving Kellen's house*

Sara: *Waves* Cya later then, catcha tomorrow Ethan. *Winks knowingly; also leaves them*

Benny: *Folds arms* And what makes you 2 think I'm just gonna leave too? *Raises an eyebrow*

Ethan: *Laughs, but then turns serious* Benny.

Benny: *Groans* Oh, whatever then, cya @ school, but you better be there tomorrow! *Waves them bye finally leaving* 

Ethan: *Waves giggling; turns attention back to Jesse* Take me to your home, please?

Jesse: *Smiles warmly* You don't have to ask me twice. *I swept him into my arms carrying him this time bridal style running fast. By the time we'd arrived & I'd set my baby down on my bed, he'd reached for my face pulling me in for as sweet kiss. I groaned in pleasure as I felt his lips their sugary soft feel ... My God, I couldn't get enough of them* Ethan, mmm. *Huskily speaks*

Ethan: *Smiles laughing softly pulling back for air panting quietly* You promised you explain more Jesse. *I reminded him*

Jesse: *Sits up getting off of him* Tease! *I growled sexily*

Ethan: *Smiles cutely*

Jesse: *Lays next to him on my back right beside him* You wish to know how you were able to do what you did?

Ethan: *Nods* Yes. I mean I knew I had visions, but this is something else entirely. And how did BG know?

Jesse: *Exhales* I'll explain everything in detail. I've known actually from the beginning that you've possessed hidden abilities that you weren't aware of. The reason I didn't tell you sooner was because I didn't think you'd have to use them. But as Kellen came into the scene, it was a good thing that BG also knew your gift as well. She chose to keep it secret for the time being, @ least until she thought you needed it. You have such wonderful friends, if it weren't for all of them, I'm not sure what the outcome would've been. However I do know this much, your gift only worked for you because you relaxed & refused not to give into Kellen's fear that he tried to instill in you. You trusted your heart & heard our voices coming together guiding you throughout the process. Your gift is connected with you being a seer. For example, you know whenever you get a vision your eyes turn blue & light up? 


Jesse: *Continues* That too activates your other gift & it protects you whenever you feel threatened or are in trouble, its very handy & as long as it keeps you safe when I'm not there, it eases my mind. You know I only want to protect you & keep you safe.

Ethan: *Exclaims* Wow! Huh, so thats how it works. *Smiles*  Its true without my friends, BG, & you, I don't know what I'd do without all you. *Blushes* And I know how much you care for me, I love you so much for that & I know you'll always be there.

Jesse: *Presses my lips to his again whispering* You're a lot stronger than you think, my love. I've believed in you always. You're blessed & very loved Ethan, we all love you very much. Everyday with you has been wonderful & not to mention exciting. You're maturing beautifully everyday, I adore it. And I will always be with even when we're far apart, whenever you shall need me I'm yours for all eternity. 

Ethan: *Kisses back softly; pulls back chuckling a little* I don't know about that. But I am very grateful for you & every1 else in my life. And everyday with you has changed my whole world, you've made it even better. *Shyly smiles* Thank you, Jesse.

Jesse: I know for certain you are so special & the most lovable young man on the planet. As am I baby, you're all I've ever wanted & more. You are my soul mate for life. *Pecks his lips grinning warmly & lovingly* No my love, thank you.

Ethan: *Together we laid there for the longest time talking back & forth till my curfew arrived & he took me back home, but not before I asked 1 more question* Will there be others like him?

Jesse: *Frowns* Perhaps, but @ least we'll be ready for them & we'll face them together & with your friends. *Tips his chin* Never fear my love, now sleep tight & I'll see you to school 1st thing in the morning. *Kisses him deeply then*

Ethan: *Nods smiling; kisses back moaning in his mouth softly; pulls back whispering* Goodnight, Jesse.

Jesse: *Bows & waves* Night, Ethan.

Ethan: *The days flew by quickly & Thanksgiving was growing closer & closer, which every1 was very excited for. Nothing beat gathering together as a family & with friends eating amazing feasts & celebrating. However it did make me sad because more than anything, I've always looked forward to this time of the year ... but now that Jesse is in my life ... I really wish he could be there with my family & I. My parents, Jane, Della, & Zepher are the last to know about vampires existing. Jesse, Benny, Sara, Erica, Rory, & I have all talked about it more than once & we've come to the conclusion of still keeping it secret. Benny seems to think that after gradation would be best for all of us. Most of us do agree on this date, but really its only Benny, Sara, & I ... who have to eventually tell our families/girlfriends & boyfriends. Sara is the most confident, Benny is a little nervous, but definitely by far ... its me who's the most nervous. Jesse's reminded me endlessly that no matter what I decide to do, he'll be there right with me & so will my friends. What worries me is my parents most of all. I can't imagine what they'll think, say, or even do, but they are my family & I know above all I need to be honest & tell them*

Jesse: *I've felt all of Ethan's troubles & worries & tried with all my might to soothe & easy his busy mind. I know how much this time of the season means to him. I too want nothing more than to be there with him & his family. Its been so long since I've felt, that feeling of being a with a family ... just picturing it with Ethan ... oh I can see it all so clearly. Many nights I've dreamed on him being dressed up cutely with a tie & sexy looking cardigan opening his front house's door smiling & blushing. Then his mother & father would greet me & welcome me in & show me to their dinning room getting settled in. And Jane would hug me tightly & never fail to give Ethan a hard time by being charming young lady. Together we'd sit & gather our hands & say a prayer, then before we'd eat ... I'd make a toast to Ethan & his wonderful & loving family thanking them for accepting our relationship & for inviting me into their lovely home. After many courses of food & drink, we'd begin the clean up helping each other using teamwork. Then we'd have some fun by dancing & playing traditional games like Monopoly, Uno, & charades. After all the laughing & talking, we'd then each have a delicious slice of warm pumpkin pie with whip cream & a tall glass of milk for dessert. Finally towards the end of the evening we'd be joined by all of Ethan's friends & their dates, making the party complete. Together we'd all have an awesome time, the happiness & smiles warming the entire house. As for Ethan, just being with him on that day would fulfill my dream. I wish for it to to happen, but sadly I know that Ethan isn't ready to tell them*


Jesse: *I know how much he fears telling his family, &above all I know its hard for him. Its why I mustn't pressure him, I can only encourage him & wait patiently* Hey baby. *I greeted him @ lunch. These days we all met outside on the playground to sit & chat* How's your day been?

Ethan: *Smiles shaking head* Hey. You've been watching, you tell me. *I started to eat my slice of pizza*

Jesse: *Smiles also smirking a little* Its true, I always do. *Pauses* But, I love hearing you recap it verbally.

Ethan: *Blows raspberry @ him* Its your turn to recap today.

Jesse: Oh? How cute you are. *Ruffles his hair sweetly chuckling*

Ethan: *Blushes & gestures for him to start*

Jesse: Right then my love. English class was a little dull, but as I watched you giving your full attention & ready to take notes, I couldn't hide my smile even if I tried. Its very fascinating how excited you get about reading a new book assigned for the class & also 1s you find on your own. And even with Benny in almost every class with you, you still don't allow him distract your learning experience. You're so focused & keen on getting all details as the teacher speaks on & on. Then in art class, its like you do a 360 & instead of being a student you take to being yourself having fun drawing & painting ... accessing your creativity with anything that comes to mind. This time of the day is 1 of my fav's to watch play out. You're a natural artist, your passion for it shows in your work. I really do love that charcoal portrait of Siberian Husky dog you drew, its so beautifully & brilliantly done [].

Ethan: *His voice was music to my ears the way he spoke was very alluring. It made it seem way more interesting that I thought it was. It true I have a love for books & art, in fact those together are indeed my fav school subjects. In 2nd place my next loves are chemistry & calculus. Lastly are the least fav's which includes PE & American Government. now those last 2 make me cringe. PE's just awkward in general for me because I'm not very sporty & I dislike wearing running a mile around circular tracks whilst timed. And history's not all that bad, its just the teacher mainly that makes it really old & uninteresting. Mr. Rallaton claims he was a paralegal for sometime then got involved in working for a local non-profit museum of natural history, then finally came over to teaching (This is I know for awhile because after all I'm only a freshman here, its mostly likely been here for 10 yrs or more)* Thank you. I wasn't sure if the dog came out good enough. *Looks down shyly*

Jesse: *His thoughts were busy-beed & exactly what I wanted to hear. Though above anything he's the alluring 1, he wins that hands down. And his love for pursuing his fav subjects only shows how much he enjoys broadening his knowledge of them. And even though he doesn't feel the same for PE or his history course, its still the most adorable thoughts. He still does very exceptional in every he does; tips his chin up seeing his adorable brown eyes fluttering with bashfulness* Your welcome, Ethan. And I do mean it, its beyond amazing. Its worthy of the highest kind of award. You ever think of displaying it @ the local gallery?

Ethan: *Blushes* You sound like Mrs. Miyers. And actually she almost suggested the same thing.

Jesse: Please Ethan? It would be a lovely addition.

Ethan: I-I

Benny: *Jumps in on their scene* Whazzzz up?!

Rory: No! Like this *Clears throat* WHAZZZZZZ UP?!

Benny: *Blows raspberry* Same thing!

Erica: *Laughing very hard* Oh God, boys!

Sara: More like captain dorks! *Giggles also joining them siting down*

Della: They're so cute though.

Zepher: Plus its classic guy greeting, observe *Belts out* WHAZZZZZ UP!!!!

Rory: WHOA!

Benny: *Rolls eyes* Ah, show off!

Erica: *Goes to eat* Oh brother.

Della: *Giggles trying to hide it behind my hand*

Sara: Oh, my man wins. Nice try though, good effort. *Shares s kiss with Zepher*

Zepher: *Kisses back* Mm, I love being the winner.

Sara: *Chuckles & pulls back* Thats all for now, more than later.

Erica: Yeah, yeah lovers like get together after school & make out.

Ethan: Guys!

Benny: Yeah, man?

Ethan: Subject change, please?

Rory: I agree! Oh how about we talk about the new episode of-

Erica: Honey please no more geek talk. How about we talk about about Dusk &-

Benny: No way! Thats boring anyways!

Della: How about the upcoming dance?

Sara: Oh, yeah! So we're all going right guys?

Zepher: For sure, Sara with me, Benny & Della, Rory & Erica, & course Jesse & Ethan.

Jesse: *Grins brightly* I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Erica: *Laughs again*

Jesse: *Raises an eyebrow @ her* Its true.

Erica: I know that, just the way you said it. You sound too funny.

Jesse: Not trying to be, but I am serious. Ethan & I will be there, right? *Turns to look @ him*


Ethan: *Blushes deeply* Yes. *Can we talk about that more later?*

Jesse: *Of course, right after school*

Ethan: *Thanks. After lunch ended, we all parted ways going to class, but not before Jesse gave me a sweet & long cya later kiss making me turn as red as the leaves on the ground. Meanwhile back in class, I managed to make it through today's group basketball games without a bruise. Thankfully after history, school ended for the day & just as I ready to walk outside the doors, I got a call from my parents. They wanted to come home, they apparently had something important to talk to me about. This made me worry a lot & Jesse greeting me out of blue didn't help my case* I gotta go home, can I meet up with you later?

Jesse: *Apologizes for the scare; knows about his situation already walking with him to his house* Certainly, but you don't have to be nervous Ethan.

Ethan: *Squeaks* You kidding me? *Clears throat shakily* What if its something bad? *Stops walking then* Jesse, you gotta tell me what its all about, please?

Jesse: *Sighs* I'm afraid I can't.

Ethan: *Frowns* Why not?

Jesse: *Caresses his cheek* I can't see or hear their thoughts.

Ethan: *Steps back for a moment* What? How?

Jesse: I'm not sure, somehow they're blocking my efforts. I can't get a read, not even with Jane either.

Ethan: *Gasps* Thats so weird. How is this happening?

Jesse: I'm not certain. You're only option is to talk with them & see for yourself what's going on exactly.

Ethan: *Resumes walking* But that would mean I'd have to go alone.

Jesse: *Walks alongside him keeping with his pace* I'll be with you, just outside waiting.

Ethan: *Bites lip* I don't like this.

Jesse: Don't stress. I'm sure every thing's alright. *Shortly arrives in front of his house* Good luck, Ethan. Remember I'll be right here.

Ethan: *Sighs shakily* Thanks. *Goes in turning back to take once last look @ him before shutting the door; calls* Mom? Dad? I'm home!

Mom: *Calls back* We're in the kitchen dearest!

Ethan: *Sets backdown by the stairs; goes over to the kitchen finding them sitting down eating another 1 of their awesome home cooked meals* Hey guys. *I greeted them*

Mom: *Gestures for him to sit down* Hi sweetie, thanks for coming so soon. We couldn't recall if you had to be somewhere else or had other plans.

Dad: Hey, son.Want something to eat & drink? We set a plate for you. *Points to it*

Ethan: *Smiles a little sitting; nervous as can be* Thanks. *Starts to eat* Well, I did have some plans but I put them off for later. So what did you want to want to talk to me about?

Dad: *Sips some eggnog before speaking* Well then, we won't keep you too long. We just wanted to say that ... *Pauses looking @ my wife*

Mom: *Nods to my husband to go on*

Ethan: *Waits; seriously starting to freak out; stopped eating for the time being*

Dad: Right, we'll son, we won't beat around the bush anymore. We called you home like this because we both feel its time to talk about ... Jesse.

Ethan: *Eyes bug out then; coughs*

Mom: *Knows this is hard for him; pats his shoulder* Please before you jump to conclusions visualizing the worse sweetie, let us throughly explain ourselves. The reason we know about Jesse is because we've been watching over you.

Dad: Thats right, you see when you were born we were so happy that we had you & we wanted to make sure that @ all times you were safe. So what we did was, we used an old spell I learned thanks to my own parents. They were all amazing spell-casters, so naturally I learned too & then taught my wife.

Mom: And on on my side of the family, they knew a lot about vampires, so naturally I told my husband all about them & what I'd learned. So basically what you're father & I are trying to say is that the entire you've been with Jesse, we've been watching you both a lot. We wanted to make sure you were safe 1stly & 2ndly, we wanted to keep on eye on Jesse. Over the time, you're father & I, have spent watching him we've both agreed that we approve of him.

Ethan: *Gasps; trying not to hyperventilate*

Mom: *Puts a hand on his shoulder* Honey breathe its okay, we're not upset.

Dad: *Nods reassuringly* Exactly son, we're fine with it.

Ethan: *Looks up @ them in surprise; stutters* Y-y-you are?

Mom: *Gets up & hugs him* Of course Ethan, you don't have to be scared or worried.

Dad: *Also joins them hugging my son* You're mother's right. We've been meaning to confront you on this for some time now. We're sorry we waited this long, but thought the timing was better now. And we've seen how serious Jesse & you are.


Ethan: *Can't believe all thats being said. For some time I went off in deep thought. So all this time they've known, right from the very beginning. How did I not know this? But actually how could I? They were just being parents concerned for their teenage son. So naturally when a vampire like Jesse enters the scene, of course they're going to be guard keeping a watchful eye. Its what makes them parents & it also shows how much they care & love me. But while I understand their good intentions, I'm horribly embarrassed. I hadn't expected in the least to come home & have them tell me that know all about Jesse & I. I'm freaking out, but then I feel strangely relieved, like a lot. I should've been honest with them & told them sooner, even though they don't seem upset I know my parents. They know I don't lie or hide secrets this big*

Dad: Son, son? *I tried calling him back from his thoughts*

Mom: Ethan honey? *Touches his shoulder*

Ethan: *Jumps being pulled back to reality; blushes deeply; looks down* S-sory about that.

Dad: Its fine, Ethan really. Just takes some deep breaths, okay?

Mom: Would you like some water?

Ethan: *Nods* Yes, please, thanks mom *Takes my dad's advice trying to breathe in & out*

& dad. *Smiles after finally calming down* Sorry I freaked out like that, I didn't mean to-

Mom; *Comes back over giving him the water* Honey its fine really, drink this you'll feel much better.

Ethan: *Takes a good sip swallowing* Ah.

Mom: *Smiles* See dear, it works.

Dad: All better?

Ethan: Yeah. *Sets the glass down after taking 1 more sip* Mom, Dad, I'm so sorry that I didn't tell I was dating Jesse. I wanted to so many times, but I was *Sighs taking a pause* really scared. I didn't mean to be so secretive-

Mom: Honey, honey let me stop you there. We both understand your reasons & we completed accept your apology. You're growing so fast, oh. *Covers my mouth to hide a sob almost emitting from my mouth*

Dad: She's right Ethan. We know exactly how you felt & why you kept it hidden. Thats also why we continued to watch over you, just to make sure you were alright & Jesse wasn't attempting anything to harm or hurt you. We love you son & we're both really happy for you both.

Ethan: *Starts to cry also smiling; hugs them both. This was a moment I never imagined. I felt happiness spread throughout me. All this time every worry that I'd been thinking since I 1st met Jesse, my parents knew about everything. The truth was all out, now I felt so liberated. I can't stop my tears or my smile as I continued to hug them for the longest time till I pulled back to finally speak aloud again* So you're truly alright with Jesse & I being together?

Mom: *Nods beaming* Trust me honey, if we didn't feel that Jesse was right for you, we would've stepped in awhile back. Jesse is a wonderful man & he really cares about you.

Dad: *Adds to her comments* He's a gentlemen & he's become a better person, we both know its because of your influence on him.

Ethan: Influence? What do you mean?

Dad: Since he's been with you, he's changed a lot. You do remember how he acted when you 1st met?

Ethan: *Recalls; nods*

Dad: Well, we knew back then that he was having a hard time. He was mostly feeling depressed & alone. We knew he wasn't happy as a vampire or what he was doing to get his flock back. The second he laid eyes on you for the very 1st time, we saw in his eyes his true intentions. He was very interested in you. We quickly proceeded to gather all information we could about him for your well being.

Mom: We learned all about his abilities to read minds, communicate through a mind-link, his power to influence & control people & vampires alike, & most importantly his dark shadow powers of stopping any1 trying to get in his way.

Ethan: *Asks a q* So did Jesse know all along you were watching & listening in? And what spell did you use to see us?

Mom: Jesse, didn't know because we also had a spell for that as well. Its like a barrier that shields us from vampires trying to look into our minds. But only your father & I did this, mainly we didn't want Jesse catching on just yet. So all the time he said he could see us, we allowed that much, but not to hear our thoughts. That particular spell is simply "ni."

Ethan: Ni?

Mom: *Nods* Yes exactly, it means to hide 1's thoughts. That single spell works wonderfully & in our favor. The other spell is "sil-ya", which means to see/watch.

Dad: Those 2 spells are very handy, of course there's loads more, but these 2 were the main 1s we used.

Ethan: Oh. *Beginning to piece it all together* So can Jesse see & hear everything now?

Dad: *Shakes head* No, we made sure to shield you as well the 2nd you stepped in the house. We knew by doing this, he'd be worried, which is exactly why he's outside on our front porch this very moment waiting anxiously.

Ethan: *Gasps getting up from my seat; stammers* C-can he come in?


Dad: *Looks @ my wife* I don't see why not, right Samantha?

Mom: *Smiles gesturing Ethan to go on & get him* Go ahead dear.

Ethan: *Smiles brightly; runs off to get Jesse*

Dad: *Stands up behind her chair gently squeezing her shoulders* Our boy's growing up so fast.

Mom: *Sighs contentedly* Mm, that he is, our baby boy is becoming a man. Oh Ross! *Starts to cry softly*

Dad: *Pulls her around to face me; dries her eyes; kisses her lips sweetly* 

Mom: *Kisses back smiling*

Dad: *Pulls back grinning* I love you, Sam.

Mom: *Beams* I love you too, Ross.

Ethan: *Meanwhile as I ran towards the front door, I felt my cheeks warming as I opened it up & found Jesse just as my parents had said* Jesse! *I exclaimed*

Jesse: *As I waited outside, I couldn't help but feel something was definitely wrong, so I remained on the porch ready to step in if Ethan needed. It was very weird, though its as the second he'd went on inside his home, I could no longer hear or get a read from him. This worried me greatly. I knew I'd told Ethan that everything would be alright, but for once I couldn't see if that was true. Time passed by so slowly & I couldn't hear or see anything. This was becoming really strange. It was like I was being blocked & I didn't like it 1 bit, but even if I wanted to do something I couldn't go inside without an invitation. Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts & back to reality once I heard his voice. I turned around quickly & was up on my feet standing directly in front of him. I studied his facial expressions carefully. He lunged into my arms happy to see me, as was I. All worries went away for a few minutes as I pulled him into a deep & passionate kiss*

Ethan: *Responds back; moaning softly* Mm, Jesse.

Jesse: *Holds him impossibly close, pulling back so he could get air to his lungs* Baby, are you alright?

Ethan: *Smiles nodding yes*

Jesse: *Just as I was about to read his mind, he spoke cutting in*

Ethan: *Pulls his hand* Come inside.

Jesse: *Surprised* You sure its alright with your parents?

Ethan: Yes. They know all about you already. *Continues to hold his hand as we went back inside*

Jesse: *Eyes widen. Just as I was about to press for further details about what exactly was going, once I'd entered inside I felt our connection disappear once again. I looked over @ him my eyebrows furrowed together concerned*

Ethan: *Squeezes his hand reassuringly* Its alright, everything will be explained I promise.

Jesse: *With that I relaxed & put all my trust in him & followed him to the kitchen finding his parents seated @ their dining table. I inclined my head to them & greeted them both* Good afternoon Mr. & Mrs. Morgan, its a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.

Mom: *As soon as I heard the front door close, Ross & I nodded knowingly & waited for them both to come in. Once they did, we both gazed upon them hand-in-hand together. His greeting was formal & nice, proper & respectful, but when he tried to shake both of our hands we both rose up from our seats & gave him each a warm hug* Jesse, its great to meet you as well, but really there's no need to be so formal.

Dad: My wife is right, make yourself @ home. I presume you have many questions.

Jesse: *Nods smiling as I hugged both of them back, then pulled away to say more* I do, but 1st before you begin I liked to apologize- *Sits with Ethan in the 2 dining room chairs*

Dad: *Sits back down with my wife; stops him putting a hand up* Don't be young man, we understand how deeply you care for our son.

Mom: Indeed we do, thats why he invited you both here today. We thought it best to talk together like this.

Jesse: *Smiles* I do truly, Ethan is my whole world, I love him so much. *Looks @ him*

Ethan: *Smiles too blushing* And I love him, with all my heart.

Mom: *Starting to get emotional; reaches for a tissue nearby softly blowing my nose*

Dad: *Looks over @ her* Dearest ... *Starts*

Mom: *Finishes & throws it away; washes hands & joins them again* I'm sorry, evry1 ... that was just such a beautiful declaration of love.

Ethan: *Gets up to hug her emotions also getting the best of me as well* Mom. *Hugs her tightly*

Mom: *Closes eyes holding my son* Ethan.

Dad: *Gets up & pats both of their backs soothingly* Its alright. *I kept repeating*

Jesse: *Watches @ 1st before joining them standing; leans in to kiss the top of Ethan's head*

Ethan: *Feels his kiss; blushes reopening my eyes & gently pulling away wiping some lingering tears @ the corner of my eyes; beams full of love looking straight @ Jesse*

Jesse: *I opened my arms & grinned happily as he ran into them, his hands wrapping around me & mine wrapping around him* Oh my love. *I whispered in his ear lovingly; pulls away to peck his lips*

Mom: *Smiles with so much happiness watching alongside Ross*

Dad: *Clears throat* Ahem.


Jesse: *Straightens up pulling back from Ethan* I'm sorry sir ... *Begins*

Dad: *Chuckles* Like I said don't be Jesse. Its perfectly alright to show affection & kiss the 1 you love, so do so.

Ethan: *Turns super red; shyly bites lip; heart racing @ the thought of Jesse kissing me in front of my parents*

Jesse: *Smiles from ear to ear; walks back to Ethan taking his face into my palms pressing a sweet kiss to his lips*

Ethan: *Kisses back feeling my heart beat out of my control; wraps my arms around his neck pulling him closer*

Jesse: *After our kiss ended, I licked my lips still smiling as I was before*

Ethan: *Opens eyes dreamily, looking @ him with stars in my eyes*

Jesse: *The look he was giving me nearly make my whole body break down. It was the most beautiful look I'd ever seen. If we weren't here alongside with his parents, I'd be tempted to carry him upstairs & lay him on his bed & kiss him all night long all over his face & body*

Ethan: *I blushed brightly seeing so many emotions in those eyes that looked deep into my soul. Our love filled the room, making it feel like we were the only 1's in it. Oh those eyes, how they made my heart clench & my stomach flutter with butterflies. We loved each other so much, its amazing & the greatest feeling. I love him, oh how I love him*

Mom: *Beams feeling all their emotions, can't help staring in awe*

Dad: *Also watching. Its shows how clearly they love each other & need each other. Its the same feeling, I feel for my wife. We both couldn't be happier that Ethan has found some1 who loves him & wants to be there for him always. We also sense how much the 2 are soul mates, how much they complete 1 another. The way they look @ each other, the passion, the love, the smiles, their body language ... it just all shows. Samantha & I, both agree this is a love that will last. Although we'd had our doubts @ 1st, Jesse has proven time & time again, just exactly what he'll do for Ethan & how he'll take care of him & ultimately love him forever*

Mom: *Their loving moment lasted through the rest of the evening, even as Ross & I explained again what we had to Ethan. He took the information well & listened intently. He understood everything & accepted it. When I'd 1st begun to analyze Jesse, I'd wrote him off as a typical hungry & blood thirsty cold vampire, but then .... as I watched him more ... those feelings changed immediately. I saw how compassionate he could be & understanding. He never wanted to be a vampire, he'd only wanted to be human. And before he'd met Ethan, he had been experiencing loneliness & sorrow. He hadn't found his true love/ soulmate, but then when he met Ethan ... he was forever convinced that he was the 1*

Ethan: *Jesse took everything so well, it even surprised me a little. In truth, today was what we both needed. Thanks to my parents, now everything felt so much better. We no longer had to hide or lie. We could be together freely & without worry. That was all I'd ever wanted & I know for him too. Now because of today, everything would be different. I smiled to myself already thinking of all the moments to come. Jesse would now be able to join my family & I for the holidays. I was truly so thankful for this. And I couldn't wait, I was most excited & overjoyed. I could tell he felt the same. I was soon reminded that Jesse couldn't hear my thoughts inside the house. My parents had explained this though too, they'd said it was important for me to have 1 place where Jesse couldn't do so. This had made me protest, but then Jesse had said he'd agreed. I pouted in confusion, but then realized, he was doing this for me. I smiled, but still I missed our connection, but I knew it was for the best*

Jesse: *I knew both Ethan's parents cared about Ethan so much. It was warming me to know just exactly how much they'd gone through just to do so. They all share a strong family bond. It was the same I'd known with my own parents, it was just another feeling I'd long forgotten till now, & it made me smile. A families love was precious & so dear. Its why I couldn't say anything as to why they had done what they had, it wasn't my right to stop them from protecting their only son. In truth, I felt a real sense of happiness that they had watched over him like they did. It was most endearing. Above all they trusted their son to make the right choices & all the way through he's did beautifully. His parents also put their trust in me & now that I know the truth I'm very grateful for today. It all makes sense now. And I completely respect their concern for Ethan to have @ least 1 place where I can't hear his thoughts. I feel less worried now & definitely more relaxed, above all I'm happy his parents have taken everything so well. And even though I can't see inside Ethan's mind, I can tell from his face that he's really just so happy & so am I. Towards the very end, Ethan & I retired upstairs to his room leaving the door open to ease his parents just in case*


Ethan: *Flops back on my bed hitting it with a bump; sighs smiling* Wow ... what a day, hmm?

Jesse: *Watches him staying standing by his bedside not making any movements* Yeah, it was. *Smiles & chuckles* But I'm really glad for it.

Ethan: *Leans back on my elbows propping myself up; frowns then thinking*

Jesse: *Bends down on my knees @ his level* What is it?

Ethan: *Looks @ him wishing he could understand*

Jesse: *Grins leaning up only a little to kiss his forehead lightly* You wish I could read your mind here too.

Ethan: *Blushes; gasping in awe; stammers* H-h-how do you k-know that?

Jesse: *Pulls back to peck his lips* Well I can see it in your eyes & your face tells me what you're feeling, so even though I can't hear you mentally ... I can still read your cute expressions.

Ethan: *Pecks back; smiling once again* Really?

Jesse: *Murmurs against his lips* Mm-hmm, so you don't to be unhappy. And to help, I'll always tell you what I'm thinking for example ... right now I'm thinking how absolutely beautiful you look right now. The way your brown eyes twinkle in this light & how rosy pink your cheeks are from blushing. And your hair *Stops to run my hands through his brunette locks* so soft & thick. *Then goes on to move onward to his lips* And lips so naturally pink & kissable ... *Rubs fingers very softly against them*

Ethan: *Breath quickening; parts lips*

Jesse: Ethan ...

Ethan: *Trying to remember to exhale* Y-yes?

Jesse: *Stops all contact; looks into his eyes* Thank you.

Ethan: *Blinks confused* F-for what?

Jesse: *Smiles* For being mine.

Ethan: *That did it for me. I pulled him in for kiss threading my fingers in his short brown hair loving the feel of touching, just as much as the wonderful sensation from kissing ... that amazing moment when our lips would meet & everything would disappear except for us 2*

Jesse: *I further smiled & kissed him back deepening it. The urge to kiss, to touch, just to be together was always so strong whenever we were together like this. I loved it. Our hands sought to bring us even closer. I felt his heart thudding against him fast, thats when I pulled back separating our lips, but as I did this he tried to hold my face & pull me back* Ethan? *Huskily whispers; on top on him*

Ethan: *I don't know what came over me, but I didn't want the kiss to end no matter how much I was panting trying to breathe normally. I saw the love in his eyes, he'd only stopped because of me* I don't want to stop. *I whispered back*

Jesse: *Those eyes showed me all he'd wanted. I wanted this too. His lips were now red & swollen from the kisses, his hair a little messy & his shirt was starting to ride up & expose his stomach to me. My eyes stared @ him for the longest time, trying to snap out it. Then when I did look back @ him, I felt my mouth hang open a little* Ethan as much as I want to continue this-

Ethan: *Shakes head knowing what he's going to say* Please? *I tried begged feeling weak for asking, but I didn't care*

Jesse: *Sighs & pecks his lips 1 last time before getting up off of him fixing my clothes* Baby, I'm sorry but no more tonight. *Looks @ the clock pointing* Its a school night & its time for us to part. *Dislikes the look his face now wears, if I wasn't careful I'd give in, so I blew him a kiss good night & left. Not to my surprise, Ethan's parents opened the door @ the precise moment I'd arrived down the stairs* Good night to you both, I'll see you all tomorrow. *Inclines head & leaves*

Ethan: *Sits up in shock not saying a word or responding to his peck. Even as I watched him leave & listened as the door opened & I faintly herd voices speaking & then nothing & then the closing of door. What just happened? Why did I act that way? It was a like a foreign feeling. For the 1st time in my life, I didn't know what was wrong with me. So I got up from my bed & went downstairs to talk to my parents*

Mom: *We'd listened in once again, just to make sure & watch over, just in case. Once again, Jesse made a wise choice in leaving & walking away. For a minute, there I thought he was going to finally give into his desires, desires that Ross & I, are very well of. Its exactly why we'd asked them to leave the door open & why we had spied even though they were still in the house. We both knew that it was time to have the talk with Ethan*

Dad: *It had to be the hardest moment ever for me, as I watched my son beg for more because I was ready to run right upstairs to take Jesse off of him, in which I was surprised when I didn't have to do so. Jesse was stronger than I thought, even with the heat of the moment, he still knew to back away & be the man he is. For my son, I know it wasn't an easy task. Sam & I waited in the living room for our son, knowing that he would be coming down @ any second to speak about everything further*


Ethan: *I found them downstairs, once I made eye contact with them both, I knew they'd been watching the entire time once again; sighs & sits down @ an opposite chair looks around then asks then* Where's Jane?

Mom: She's in bed already sweetie, tucked in.

Ethan: Oh. She didn't ...

Dad: No, we told her not to bother you son, that we'd explain it later.

Ethan: *Eyes widen in horror* What are you going to tell her? *Whispers*

Mom: Honey calm down, she's only 8 almost 9 years old, we were going to tell her the truth, which in truth she knows mostly about vampires already.

Dad: Indeed, besides not telling her now will cause confusion & we don't want that for her.

Ethan: *Nervously licks my suddenly dry lips* But what if she doesn't understand this. *Knowing my sister, it could go anywhere. She could accept it & be cool with it, or she could ... take it bad & make fun of me for the rest of my life or worse*

Mom: Ethan, don't worry about Jane. It'll all be fine.

Dad: She's pretty smart & mature for her age too.

Ethan: But- *Clearly they weren't seeing it the way my mind was*

Mom: *Smiles warmly* Don't worry sweetie.

Dad: Your mothers right. Now ... *Pauses to let a long breath out* about what happened upstairs with Jesse-

Ethan: *I knew it, they were listening in on everything. OMG how embarrassing!* Mom, Dad I don't know what came over me. *Even as I spoke I feel my face starting to heat up majorly*

Mom: *Nods understandingly* Its alright, we just wanted to talk to you about it & make sure you know to be safe.

Ethan: *My eyes widened so big, as I blushed deeper. Now they were about to give me the talk, oh God, this night just keeps on getting better & better. I wanted nothing to run upstairs & go to sleep, but I couldn't now. I was stuck & had to listen to them*

Dad: Exactly, so 1st off as you know Ethan you're 17 years old you're growing up fast, you're becoming a man. And so, now you've begun to experience thoughts, feels & desires for ... Jesse, which is all normal & fine.

Ethan: *Please God, just let the floor swallow me up now*

Mom: Above all, we just want to make sure you're not rushing into to anything & that you're not getting pressured into doing anything that don't feel comfortable with.

Ethan: *Thats when I spoke up finally* I assure you both that Jesse & I are not rushing & he's never pressured me to do something that I didn't want to do. I know I can trust him.

Dad: We understand that, but we are just concerned about you & him. In the heat of the moments things can happen & you mother & I want to make sure you know the basics. Guys being together is just a completely different thing.

Ethan: *I gasped wishing that Jesse hadn't left so soon now. I know they wanted me know when the time came when Jesse & I'd ... but this was really a conversation I didn't want to have with them*

Mom: Okay so 1st off you guys will need lubrication or lube & of course condoms.

Ethan: *My face was so red by now, I just knew it*

Mom: *Continues* The lube is very important for the both of you to use when it comes time. Before you start to make love, you 1st need to be thoroughly prepared. To do this, a finger coated with the lube can be inserted into your anus, to help stretch you & prepare you for what is to come. Sometimes it may take 3 fingers to do so, the feeling itself will be weird @ 1st, but as you relax into you'll become more used to it. And also communication with your partner is very important. When you feel ready or your partner deems you to be ready, then thats when its time to coat your partner's member (or you can let him do it himself too).

Ethan: *Looks away for bit biting my lip. I couldn't believe she was saying all this aloud, in front of me & my father oh God this is horrifying. But in truth I hadn't known about any of this till now*

Dad: *Finishes up* So when you're both ready, your partner will line himself with you anus (after the condom is on of course) & slowly begin to push in through the tight ring of muscle. It will hurt a lot, the pain is something that can't be helped but as long as its done slow & your continue to breath & stay still both of you for how ever long it takes, till you feel ready for your partner to move. Eventually the pain will fade & pleasure will begin take over both of you. But if even for a second it begins to hurt & the pace is too fast for you, I want you to make sure you tell your partner how you're feeling so he knows to pull out.

Ethan: *I turned my face back to them. I couldn't believe my ears, he was suggesting that my Jesse would cause me pain. I quickly shook my head* Jesse won't hurt me, he would never cause me pain.

Mom: We know that Ethan, we're just telling you what to expect & what to do in the situation.

Ethan: I get everything you've said, can I please go to bed now?

Dad: Yes, goodnight son. *Gets up to give him a hug, ruffling his hair in the process*

Ethan: *Smiles* Dad.

Dad: *Chuckles continue to ruffle his hair*


Mom: *Smiles happily also getting up to hug them both* Goodnight Ethan.

Ethan: *Hugs them both* Night Mom & Dad. *Pulls away going upstairs letting out a long sigh. Well, that was the most awkward conversation ever*

Dad: *Together Sam & I watched him leave as I hugged her close* That went well.

Mom: *Laughs softly* He's still a little shy about these things.

Dad: Well @ least he knows now, its relief, but I do still worry when him & Jesse will start to you know.

Mom: I know, but he's growing up Ross. We can't stop it, but @ least we can help him & teach him what we know.

Dad: *Nods agreeing* You're right.

Ethan: *After my shower & brushing my teeth, I finally climbed into my bed & sighed once more. All thoughts went back to my parents talk, it made me blush thinking about when the real moment would come for Jesse & I. Shortly I fell asleep & the next morning I woke up to find my sister siting on the edge of my bed clearly waiting for me to get up* Um, good morning Jane. *I said wiping my sleepiness away from my eyes focusing on her*

Jane: *Smirks* Good morning indeedy Ethan.

Ethan: *Eyes widen remembering about the previous night; bites lip*

Jane: I knew it. I just knew that you were acting all funny & love dovey for a reason & now I know. So you & Jesse, like wow.

Ethan: *Blushes* Yep. *Looks down & then back up*

Jane: *Giggles @ his stiffness* Relax, I'm not grossed out by it.

Ethan: *Gasps* You're not?

Jane: Of course not, in fact its about time you get yourself a hot boyfriend like Jesse to love & stuff.

Ethan: *Throws covers back hiding my face* Jane!

Jane: *Continues to giggle mischievously* I told you'd he'd do this, pay up Jesse.

Ethan: *Freezes* Jesse?

Jane: Yeah, he's right here, see?

Ethan: *Uncovers my face to see him standing leaning in the doorway; blushing a red shade of red* How long have you been there?

Jesse: *Grins brilliantly walking on in* Long enough to hear & see everything. *Gives Jane her winning profit* You were right on the money, Jane.

Jane: *Takes it feeling pretty satisfied, smiles* I know, I'm just a genius. *Thats when I heard mom call breakfast, so I with a quick wave bye, I ran downstairs fast*

Jesse: *Watches her waving back, chuckles* She's definitely a smart little cookie. *Comments then turns back to take in my boyfriend's still perfectly shocked facial expression* Don't be so surprised baby. *Goes to sit on his bed leaning into to peck his lips* Any who, good morning beautiful.

Ethan: *Stammers* How- When- But- Yeah *Pecks back* morning Jesse. *Left breathless*

Jesse: *Smiles patting his knee* Take a few good breaths my shy seer.

Ethan: *I did exactly this & afterwards feeling so much better*

Jesse: Better?

Ethan: Much. So, exactly what time did you arrive?

Jesse: Well, since I don't really sleep ... I just decided to come right over as soon your parents woke & Jane. I knocked & they let me in, but they said you were still sleeping. So I just talked with them for a bit & then Jane convinced me to place a little bet to see how fast you'd pull your cover over your face. Also I know all about the talk with your parents after I left too, how'd it go? *I teased*

Ethan: *Mutters* Jane. *Groans* Awkwardly.

Jesse: Hmm, I figured so. *Strokes his cheek softly* But it was something you needed, cause now you know what to expect & do.

Ethan: *Covers my face again hiding myself*

Jesse: *Chuckles* I love when you're like this.

Ethan: Why? *I asked feeling so shy*

Jesse: Because you're so cute. *Tip toes my fingers to crawl from his stomach up to his face* I love your innocence, its angelic.

Ethan: *Giggles starting to feel ticklish* Jesse! *I cried*

Jesse: *Smirks continuing to tickle him, while my other hand went to pull off his cover* Yes?

Ethan: *Gasps* S-stop please I-I gotta go to s-chool.

Jesse: *1 hand stopped, but my other hand tapped his nose* Not before breakfast.

Ethan: *Laughs calming down, breathing* Right.

Jesse: *Winks starting to get up from his bed* Get dressed & I'll see you downstairs.

Ethan: *Blushes finally getting up too*

Jesse: *Glances back @ him* Unless I get to stay & watch you? *I teased once again*

Ethan: *Gets terribly flustered*

Jesse: *Grins* Just kidding, but hopefully I get to watch in the future. *With that I left him & went downstairs to sit with his family*

Ethan: *I swear my heart was pounding so loudly as I fumbled as I changed out of my pjs & into something causal for school. When I was @ last ready, I went straight downstairs finding every1 laughing sitting @ the dining room table all together. Jane was showing off what appeared to be her very own spell casting powers by showing my greatest & most embarrassing moments* What on Earth?! I cried*


Jesse: *Gets up to hug him* Ooh, some1s looking so cool. *I smiled kissing his cheek* Great news, looks like your not the only 1 who's been hiding secrets. Jane here, has spell casting powers & was just showing a little collection of memories of you, which I must say ... were incredibly adorable.

Ethan: *Stutters* O-oh my God!

Jane: *Chuckles* You should've seen it coming Ethan, after all it was pretty priceless showing Jesse here. Of course he would think its cute, while I on the other think its perfect for show & tell.

Ethan: Jane! *Starts to run after her*

Jane: *Gets up running away* Uh-oh crazy bro on the loose, what's a girl to do? Wait I know! *Turns a corner to hide waiting for the exact moment for him to follow me into the living room*

Ethan: *Just when I thought I'd caught up to her, out of no where she pounced on me & knocked me completely over on the floor* Oof, what the heck? *Looks @ her*

Jane: *Giggles putting my full weight on him* Ha, take that!

Mom: Kids, take it easy okay? *Calls upon walking into the room with Ross & Jesse*

Dad: *Claps hands* Very well done, Jane. You successfully pinned your brother.

Jesse: *Chuckles smiling* So good. *Comments*

Ethan: *Sighs giving up* Um alright Jane wins, yeah. Can you please get off of me now?

Jane: Aww, man.

Jesse: *Walks over to them kneeling down to help my guy* You alright baby?

Ethan: *Smiles a little getting up* Just fine.

Jane: Oh, man up brother, sheese. *Tells him*

Ethan: *Looks @ her with a raised eyebrow*

Jane: *Shrugs innocently* I didn't say a word. Anyways, bye Jesse *Hugs him* bye mom & dad *Also gives them hugs* & bye bro, cya later. *Hugs him last, then leaves to go to school*

Ethan: *I smiled unsure of her actions but I shrugged them off* Interesting little ball of energy isn't she.

Jesse: *Grins* For sure, she reminds of you a little you know.

Ethan: *Surprised* IDK about that, how do you mean?

Jesse: *Winks* You're both playful & silly, sweet & caring & overall get along so well.

Mom: *Adds to that* Its the beauty of being brother & sister, being a family.

Dad: *Nods holding Sam close to me* Mm-hmm, couldn't be any truer than that.

Ethan: *Blushes, begins to walk back into the kitchen to eat my breakfast*

Jesse: *Follows, watching him eat*

Mom: How is everything Ethan?

Ethan: *Finishes chewing before answering her* Amazing.

Jesse: *Mm, just like him*

Dad: 5, 4, 3-

Ethan: *Looks @ him* Dad why are you counting?

Dad: You'll see, 2, 1. *Door bells rings*

Ethan: *Eyes widen* Don't tell me its-

Dad: Who else but you best buddy?

Ethan: Benny.

Mom: *Smiles* I'll let him in. *Leaves to answer the door*

Ethan: But Dad how did you know it would be him?

Dad: Easy, cause 1 he's excited to tell you something & 2, I could see him rushing over here.

Ethan: Wonder what it could be?

Jesse: I know. *I whispered into his ear*

Ethan: *Shivers*

Mom: *Now back in the room* Here Benny, want something to eat dear?

Benny: *Comes into the room* Morning Morgans & Jesse, what's up guys?! Ooh waffles, yes! *Sits down immediately* Don't mind if I do. *Begins to eat quietly moaning appreciatively*

Ethan: *Shakes head, yep thats Benny for you* Hey man. *Nods @ him laughing when he started to moan* So what's the news?

Benny: *Stops eating, eyes widen* How did you know I had news?

Ethan: *Points to my dad* Its thanks to him.

Dad: *Waves hand* Guilty sorry, Benny.

Benny: So wait you already know what I wanted to say?

Dad: Yep, indeed I do. I apologize for the-

Benny: That. Is. So. Cool! *Exclaims* But then again, also a little weird. Just tell me do you do that often Mr. Morgan?

Dad: *Shakes head* Not all the time, only when I feel it connects to Ethan.

Benny: Aww's, I getcha & no worries about it. Its all good. Any who, Ethan *Turns back to him* guess who now knows about vamps & magic & all that good stuff?

Ethan: *Guesses* Your parents?

Benny: Nah, they knew already before me. C'mom its so easy!

Ethan: Uh Zepher?

Benny: *About to speak, stops* Actually, IDK about that but still no. Its DELLA!

Jesse: *Sums it up for Ethan* Basically he told her all about everything & she freaked out in shock of course, but then after awhile she came around & accepted it.

Ethan: Really? Wow, thats great Benny.

Benny: Yep, thanks for that Jesse. *Breathes* Its a major relief, I tell ya the whole keeping secrets can be a little hard.

Ethan: *Laughs* Yeah no kidding. *Shortly after we'd finished eating, we all said bye to my parents & left for school together walking. In that time, I told Benny all about the big talk last night with my parents & about Jane's powers*

Benny: Whoa E, you certainly have had an interesting 24 hours!

Ethan: Tell me about it.

Benny: But hey @ least you survived it all, which is good. So you 2 almost got hot & heavy huh? *Winks @ him & Jesse*

Jesse: *Laughs* Ethan took it all very well & about that *Smirks* well that was only the beginning.


Ethan: *Blushes like there's no tomorrow. OMG I can't believe you just said that!*

Jesse: *Believe it sexy, I did. Its nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, you did start it in a way*

Ethan: *I-I-I*

Benny: Hel-lo! Earth to vampire & seer love connection, hate to interrupt you guys but we've arrived. *Points to the school*

Ethan: *Cheery* Good old school thank God

Jesse: *Laughs* Yeah & best of all tonight is that school dance of course.

Benny: Oh yeah, its gonna be awesome, check ya both there. *Claps hands together* Party time oh yeah!

Ethan: *:-/*

Benny: *Sees this* What not excited to go?

Ethan: Well-

Benny: Oh I getcha.

Ethan: I haven't even said anything yet.

Benny: Pft! I can read ya, don't need to even hear the rest. Anyways-

???: Hey, which way to the main office?

Jesse: *Growls quietly @ the sudden stranger*

Benny: *Continues to walk with the guys, smirks* You're new here right?

???: *Laughs* Yeah pretty obvious huh?

Benny: Yeah man, but no worries. Tag along with us, we're going past there now.

???: Awesome, thanks guys. I'm Nolan Devenson. *Nods to them all smiling big*

Benny: Sweet, I'm Benny, this here is Ethan & Jesse.

Ethan: Hello.

Jesse: *Just looks @ him*

Nolan: Nice to meetcha guys. *Stares @ Ethan the longest*

Jesse: *He constant staring @ Ethan was starting to get to me. I tried to look directly into his thoughts, but I was hit with some sort of barrier. What the heck?*

Ethan: *Jesse's last thought projected right into my mind. What's the matter?*

Jesse: *Slightly taken aback that I projected. Sorry about that Ethan, its just that I can't read this new guys mind*

Ethan: *Oh? Thats strange*

Jesse: *I don't like it ... or him*

Ethan: *I bit my lip. Jesse*

Jesse: *I know I shouldn't be concerned but I am. And isn't it very late in the semester to get a NEW student?*

Ethan: *Thats a good point- Just as I  was about to continue about it more, I knew it was time to part ways. During our thoughts being exchanged, Benny had been taking control over his own conversation with Nolan. I didn't think there was any reason for Jesse to worry, but then with all that has happened so far, I still trust his judgement. As he saw me off, I waved to him & went on inside with Benny & Nolan. As it turns out the new guy had similar classes to the both of us, so we continued to show him around. He seemed like a nice & cool guy, but thats always how its start off & then later on would come another personality. For once I hope I'm wrong & thats he just normal*

Benny: *You could feel the tension emitting from Jesse. The dude was already super jealous & what reason I could only guess & link it to was because of Ethan. But I hardly think Nolan's any threat, but however that doesn't meant I won't keep an eye on any suspicious behavior*

Jesse: *As I left Ethan's side, I quickly walked off far enough & then returned back close to the school's doors quickly. I wasn't going to let Ethan out of my sight. Then as I tried to connect to his thoughts, I found I was blocked & I couldn't hear him @ all. Not even from Benny or any of the others. There was something definitely wrong & I didn't like it one bit. I just couldn't sit back & allow my love to be lead straight in danger. I had to do something, but how? I tried Ethan's parents & found they were also blocked & Jane as well. I was getting more alarmed by the second. Finally I concentrated on the teachers & was able to get a visual on Ethan's location. He was sitting @ his desk next to the Benny, but on the opposite side was Nolan right nest to him. And worst of all his wasn't paying 1 bit to the lesson being taught. He was too busy watching Ethan. I knew it, he's trying to make a move on him*

Nolan: *Once class began I sat right beside Ethan & I just watched as he pulled out a notebook & his pencil to take notes with. He seemed the type that liked school & excelled @ it, unlike myself ... I was kinda of slacker. School didn't really interest me, but however Ethan did. I sensed he was the 1 that I'd been searching for & felt a strong pull towards him. Since the lesson was extremely boring I continued to watch him, analyzing as much as I could. I licked my lips & smirked & tapped his shoulder asking him if I could burrow one of his pencils & a piece of paper*

Ethan: *When I felt the tap, I jumped for a second there & let out a relived breath of air seeing it was only Nolan. I listened as he leaned nearer to me & whisper in my ear sending shivers up my spine. I nodded & gave him what he requested of course not knowing what his true intentions were*

Nolan: *I continued to smirk as he passed both items to to me* Thanks. *I wrote something down & folded it giving the note to him*


Ethan: *I'd turned back to face the front paying attention once again to the board, when I felt him tap my shoulder again. I glanced down to find a note. I was confused why he'd bother if he could just whisper, but then I remembered that we were in class where the teacher could easily stop teaching & scold us both for talking. I slowly opened the note reading it: So you going to that dance tonight?. My eyes widened & I blushed & wrote back: Yes, but how'd you know about that?*

Nolan: *I smiled writing back: Benny naturally. So who you going with?*

Ethan: *My heart raced as I wrote back: With my boyfriend*

Nolan: *Ooh I see, interesting. I was kinda of hoping you weren't taken*

Ethan: *I looked @ him then: What do you mean?*

Nolan: *I chuckled softly: I'm into guys too. Tell me are you & your guy pretty serious?*

Ethan: *This was getting too personal: Yes, why are you asking me these q's?*

Nolan: *My smirk returned: Cause I'm obviously attracted to you, plus I think it sucks that you're settling for vampire*

Ethan: *I gasped quietly: How do you know that?*

Nolan: *Trust me its not that hard to piece together Ethan*

Ethan: *So much for normal, it was just as Jesse has thought. I don't know what it was anymore about guys suddenly paying me attention*

Nolan: *Its cause you have an aura to you thats very alluring*

Ethan: *I blushed & looked @ him fast. You can hear my thoughts?*

Nolan: *Well now I can, I must say it proved a little difficult @ 1st, but I finally managed to connect with you. Pretty sweet huh?*

Ethan: *He'd invaded my privacy, that was it. Leave me alone*

Nolan: *I don't want to. I understand you're angry & maybe a little scared, but there's no need to be. I'm not like that Kellan guy you faced with from before*

Ethan: *I then raised my hand catching the teacher's attention asking her if I could go to the nurses office. Thankfully she allowed this, of course Benny was mouthing what's going on, but there was no time for any explanation. I needed to get away from Nolan as fast I could*

Nolan: *I smirked & followed him easily not caring that the teacher was calling me name telling me to sit back down. No chance of that lady, I've got more important things to focus on than her ridiculous history lesson* Ethan wait up!

Ethan: Stay back! *I shouted back. Jesse I thought hard trying to call him*

Nolan: *Not to worry about Jesse, Ethan. He's nearer than you may think. He's been watching as always, but he's not capable of coming into the school*

Ethan: *I stopped walking 1/2 way through the hallway turning around to face him* What do you want from me?

Nolan: *Smiles* Only a chance to see if you're who I think & feel you are.

Ethan: You've lost me.

Nolan: Are you a seer?

Ethan: *Breath hitches giving myself away*

Nolan: *My smile broadened then* The reason I ask is because I'm the same as you. I'm a seer too. I've been searching for you for awhile now. I knew when I arrived here that I sensed you but I wasn't sure if you were the 1. Now I know. This is great! *I exclaimed*

Ethan: What's so great about it? Why were you searching?

Nolan: Well because seers belong together & 2nd of all, you have any idea how long I've been without a lover? A long time!

Ethan: So you just want to use me. *Sums up*

Nolan: You misunderstand me, Ethan. I want you simply just to choose me & @ least give me a chance.

Ethan: Why should I? I'm already with some1, can't you accept that?

Nolan: Because I'm actually alive & not undead like Jesse, because I can give you more than him.

Ethan: *My eyes stung*

Nolan: *My features softened, as I spoke softly* I know that hurt verbally, but it had to be said. Jesse isn't alive, he'll live forever but what about you Ethan?

Ethan: *I shot him an angry look* You don't know anything Nolan. I love him, it doesn't matter what he is or how long either of us will live. What matters is being together.

Nolan: Mm, true love. *Sighs* I didn't want to do things this way, but you leave me no choice. *My eyes turned blue then as I looked directly into his eyes*

Ethan: *I don't know what happened then. I remember his eyes glowing the same color as mine staring straight @ me. The next I'm asking him question* What's going on?

Nolan: *I smirked & walked closer up to him giving him a hug* You were going to the nurse because you felt a little dizzy.

Ethan: I was?

Nolan: *Nods, pulls back* You want me to help you?

Ethan: *Blushes* You don't have to-

Nolan: Its no trouble. *I picked him up effortlessly bridal style taking him directly there*

Jesse: *I boiling with rage @ Nolan's constant flirting with Ethan. I'd seen him pass him notes. From the look on Ethan's face, he not @ all comfortable. I wanted nothing more to break the glass & rescue him. There would consequences, which I would greatly risk for Ethan. I couldn't let him be harassed by a human I could easily take out. Just as I was about to break in I bounced back far & hard onto the grass*


Jesse: *I hissed loudly, my fangs bared. Not as easy as I thought. No matter, I'll get in 1 way or another. I considered a perfect alternative. I called a old & tired looking janitor outside* Give me permission to go inside. *I commanded*

Janitor: *Mindlessly* Go ahead in sir.

Jesse: *Smirks making him fall asleep* Thanks. *I used my speed & stopped seeing both Ethan & Nolan in the hallway. My eyes instantly zoned in on Ethan being cared by him. I growled in anger & immediately took him out of his grip* Mine. *I seethed*

Ethan: *Passed out now*

Jesse: Ethan! *Looks down @ him then back @ Nolan* What did you do to him human?

Nolan: He fainted just now on his own.

Jesse: *I put down Ethan gently for a moment & used my speed to grab Nolan & press him hard against a locker* You ever come near him again, I'll swear you'll regret doing so.

Nolan: *Shows no fear what so ever* Fine I get it. *For now* Can you let me go now?

Jesse: *I shouldn't let him go. I should teach him a lesson, but since I've got Ethan I suppose I can be a little humane* Gladly. *I slammed him harder knocking him out cold* Have a nice day. *I smirked & returned to Ethan scooping him back into my arms. He was still not waking up, but I could still feel his heart beat steadily. That relaxed me somewhat, but I knew he couldn't stay here. I decided to take him back home. Back @ his house I laid him down on his bed & waited for a while for him awaken*

Benny: *I had no idea what was going on, but knowing something was definitely up with Ethan & then Nolan following him out. I texted the gang: Trouble Ethan, need to meet up ASAP!. The second class ended we all met up, except for Della & Zepher, even thought Della knew everything now I just didn't have time to involve her especially since she just found out about vamps & stuff. Finally we all met up outside the school* We gotta find Ethan or Jesse.

Erica: *I sniffed* Looks like Nolan's gone for the moment, but I sense he'll be back. Jesse was here too most definitely.

Sara: He probably took Ethan back home.

Rory: Then lets go peoples! *Already sped off racing in the direction of E's house*

Sara: Hey wait up, we're coming to!

Erica: *Looks @ Benny* Aww man! Don't tell me I have to carry YOUR butt!

Benny: Erica now is not the time for this, just do it!

Erica: Whatever, fine. *I carried him on my back speeding off in the same direction as the others. In no time, I we arrived & knocked on the door hard*

Jesse: *I heard the door & immediately saw who it was. I rushed downstairs to open up the door*

Ethan: *I woke up then groaning softly* Nolan? *I whispered not seeing him as my eyes adjusted*

Nolan: *Shortly after Jesse has knocked me out & took off with Ethan, I regained consciousness & made a plan. I knew I had to get Ethan back somehow. The only way was to find Ethan & take him back with me to my place. So I quickly followed my instincts & found Ethan's house. As quietly as I could I sneaked in the back finding the back door by the kitchen open luckily. I went up the stairs & sensed that on the other side of the door Jesse was there watching over Ethan. It was a good thing I was skilled @ sneaking else, I would've been easily caught by now. Suddenly the door opened I hid fast & watched as Jesse left the room going downstairs to get the door. This was my chance to get Ethan out of here, but the only thing was I was no vampire. I didn't have the speedy-ness on my side, however I did have the gift of making up a substitutive convincing enough Ethan laying in bed while I took him as the real Ethan had risen* I'm here Ethan, don't worry everything is alright. I'm just picking up to go to that school dance tonight.

Ethan: *Confused* Thats tonight?

Nolan: Yep. Now lets go, we gotta get out of here.

Ethan: But isn't this my house?

Nolan: It is, but we've got unwelcome company. I've got to get you out here before they try & come for you.

Ethan: *Scared now*

Nolan: *Kisses his lips* Don't be scared, I'll protect you Ethan.

Ethan: *Eyes widen*

Nolan: *Quickly I used some magic to create a barrier I could stand up while I carried Ethan in my arms as it lowered me perfectly to the ground like a feather. The next spell I used was very handy allowing me temporary fly fast back into the air back to my place*

Ethan: *I closed my eyes as he used magic to carry me safely away. In the back of mind, I wondered who was in my house & what they wanted with me, but Nolan said not worry anymore about them that I was now safe. Back @ his home, he laid me down on his bed* Now what?

Nolan: *Winks taking a big breath of air* Get ready for the dance of course.

Jesse: *Opens the door letting them in* Hey guys, Ethan's resting upstairs. *Tells them all about what previously happened*

Sara: Seriously can't people & vamps, no offense...

Jesse: None taken.

Sara: Just leave him alone?

Erica: Unfortunately the boy attracts trouble. *Folds arms*

Rory: So what about Nolan, should we find him?


Jesse: No, he should have sense enough to stay away.

Benny: *Scoffs* Fat chance of that, he already sounds persistent.

Sara: And crazy.

Rory: Guys..

Erica: *Senses somethings wrong*

Jesse: *Immediately we all went directly up to Ethan's room to find him. But just as I tried to touch his forehead my hand passed right through him* An allusion!

Benny: What in the world?

Erica: Whoa this guys good!

Rory: He took Ethan!

Benny: Oh this is on!

Sara: Time to track Nolan. *We all agreed & spread out to find him*

Ethan: *Shortly we arrived at my school & went on inside to the dance. The whole time Nolan was holding my hand, in the back of my mind something just felt off & not right, but I couldn't figure out what it was*

Nolan: You ready to party babe? *I asked him trying to distract his thoughts*

Ethan: *Shrugs* Guess so.

Nolan: You don't sound too sure. *I leaned into kiss his lips when suddenly I was pulled backwards by cold & strong hands* Let me go! *I hissed, my legs dangling in the air*

Sara: *Scoffs* This is the guy who's causing such a fuss? He's just a human.

Rory: Give it up dude, you're out#ed major.

Erica: You mess with Ethan, you gotta deal with ALL of us.

Benny: Oh yeah, 5 against 1!

Jesse: *Smirks as I carried him outside ignoring any looks people were giving me, as the others followed* Who are you human? *I shook him*

Nolan: *Laughs* Like I'm just going to tell YOU!

Jesse: *Growls loudly* My patience wears thin.

Ethan: *I gasped moving back @ what I was witnessing. I didn't know what was happened but I knew I had to follow them* Wait, what are you going to do to him?

Jesse: *Turns back to face him* Ethan! *Relived now, but then it went right away once I saw his expression* What do you mean? Ethan, don't you remember what he did?

Ethan: *Shakes head* No, he didn't do anything. He's my-

Jesse: *Eyes widen as I left go of Nolan not caring that he landed on the ground hard, as the others grabbed ahold of him as I went over to him* Ethan, don't you remember me? Us?

Ethan: I'm sorry I don't remember you, should I?

Jesse: *Exhales & returns to Nolan seething* What did you do to him & if I don't get an answer I will get it out of you 1 way or another.

Nolan: *Rolls eyes & spits* Screw you vamp, he's better off with me!

Jesse: *Snarls* You don't ever choose that, he does! *Points back to Ethan*

Ethan: *My heart began to race as I listened frozen in place*

Mom: *Ethan honey use you power, break through & remember who you are*

Dad: *You can do this son, believe & fight with all your might*

BG: *Go for it kiddo, you're a strong 1*

Jane: *C'mon Ethan, pull it together. You're a seer!*

Ethan: *Familiar voices began to speak to me, I could hear them loud & clear. My breath quickened then & I closed my eyes & tried with everything I had to listen to them all. I gasped loudly then, as all that I knew & remembered came rushing back like a swirl inside me. I opened my eyes, I could feel my power working*

Erica: Whoa!

Sara: Oh yeah, he's back!

Rory: Shazam!

Benny: *Whoops* Thatta boy!

Jesse: *Lets go of Nolan & grins back @ Ethan* Yes!

Ethan: *In a different voice* Nolan, you deceived me & tried to erase my memory, but what you didn't know was how strong my bond is to my family, friends & loved 1s.

Nolan: Big deal your eyes light up & your voice is deeper than your regular 1. I'm a sear too y'know! *Tries to fight back only to find my powers weren't working* What the-?

Ethan: *Still in same voice* You are no longer a seer, you don't deserve that title anymore. And for your wickedness, I shall not harm you but do as you tried to do to me. *Blinks wiping all his memories of this entire incident; returns to normal self breathing heavily*

Jesse: *I grinned widely watching my beautiful seer work his wondrous gift. Afterwards I embraced him gently as I pecked his lips* You were amazing, darling. *I breathed against his lips*

Ethan: *Blushes pecking back happily; giggles*

Sara: Aww!

Rory: *Rolls eyes smiling* Thats love guys, whoa.

Erica: I think I'm gonna hurl. *Teasingly jokes*

Sara: *Elbows her*

Erica: JK, shesse.

Sara: Good.

Benny: Let em' be. They're reuniting.

Della: *Pounces on him then* Surprise!

Benny: *Falls over with her on top* OMG DEl! *Kisses her*

Della: *Laughs kissing back* Hey you don't think I was just going to sit here & watch huh?

Benny: *Grins* Didn't even think it.

Della: *Pulls back* You all did so awesome.

Sara: Think so?

Della: For sure. *Gets up pulling my guy up too*

Benny: Whew! So are we ready to go inside or what? Its getting chilly out here! *Shivers a little*

Zepher: *Runs over to them* There you guys are, been looking all over for you! *Eyes narrow to find Sara, runs directly to her pulling her into the biggest & warmest hug along with a deep passionate kiss*

Sara: *So happy smiling & kissing back; whispers* You found us & me.

Zepher: My vampire girl. *Winks pulling back*

Sara: *Pulls back fast* You know?

10.1 Part 1

Zepher: *Chuckles* It wasn't too hard besides, I think I've always known.

Sara: *Hits him lightly* You!

Zepher: *Grins* I love you too.

Sara: Hmm. *Smiles* I love you, Zep.

Zepher: *Hugs her again spinning her in a big circle*

Rory: *Shrugs & leans into kiss my girl*

Erica: *Squeals, kisses back deeply* Mm!

Ethan: *Every1s making out now*

Jesse: *Smirks. Let them, cause we're doing the same*

Ethan: *Hmm. @ least we can hear each other again. I don't get though what the heck was up with Nolan*

Jesse: *I'm glad for that, you scared me there from before. From what I can gather, Nolan was indeed a seer but no where near as powerful as you. I knew only you could break through & come back to me*

Ethan: *Giggles. I try*

Jesse: *You succeed*

Ethan: *Time went by fast then, all the main holidays on to the next year & the then next 3 yrs of high school. Jesse & I had been together for 4 yrs now & I'd finally graduated along with Benny, Della, Rory, Erica & Sara of course. It had been an amazing moment, even more so with my family & BG. After graduation, I moved out & decided to live with Jesse, but not without asking my parents for their permission. Dad was a little unsure about it @ 1st, but he finally came around. Mom was practically sobbing hysterically, saying that she couldn't believe I was pretty much all grown up. Now I was 20 yrs old while Jesse was 30 yrs old. We were still going strong, still very much in love. Now I was a little bit older, I was less blush-y & insecure, & more confident. 1 night on Valentines Day Feb 14, 2014, Jesse took me to the same Italian restaurant where we went on our very 1st dinner date, Bis Ristorante. We were both dressed up nicely, him especially*

Jesse: *Don't even think that, you look so beautiful Ethan*

Ethan: *Thanks, you're not so bad yourself*

Jesse: *Laughs leaning over to touch his cheek* I have something I want to ask you tonight. *Hands him a rose*

Ethan: *Breath quickens slowly taking it smiling*

Jesse: *Continues grinning* Ethan, we've been so much together & I've known from the very beginning that I wanted nothing more to spend forever with you, loving you.

Ethan: *Heart beat thudding fast*

Jesse: Ethan Morgan, will you marry me? *Pulls out a ring*

Ethan: *Gulps breaking into the biggest smile ever* Yes, I will! *Exclaims happily tears falling as he put on the ring on my finger*

Jesse: *I embraced him so tightly spinning him a circle as he swung his legs around me & we kissed so passionately. Over the yrs, he'd grown absolutely comfortable kissing in public. And just like our very 1st kiss, I felt the same sparks I felt from before. I was beyond happy, I was beaming as I pulled away from his lips* I love you Ethan.

Ethan: And I love you, Jesse. And ... tonight I want to prove how much I do. *Bites lip getting back to shyer times*

Jesse: *You sure you want to-*

Ethan: *Nods. I'm ready, Jesse*

Jesse: *I wanting so badly to get the check & take him back home, but I didn't want to rush it. We've waited together all this time & its all about him & I want to make it memorable & enjoyable for him*

Ethan: *Giggles. You will*

Jesse: *Groans. I projected didn't I?*

Ethan: *You can't help it especially since its now on both of our minds*

Jesse: *I just don't want to rush you in any way*

Ethan: *Smiles. You're not I swear it. I want it just as much as you*

Jesse: *Begins to grow hard*

Ethan: *Blushes looking down*

Jesse: *Grins winking* We'll still enjoy dinner 1st, then the rest of the night is ours.

Ethan: *Looks up nodding blushing further*

Jesse: *Chuckles* And I thought that sexy shy side of you was gone.

Ethan: *Looks away* IDK what you're talking about.

Jesse: *Gently I turned his chin back to face me* I love you like this.

Ethan: *Teases* So you always tell me.

Part 2

Jesse: Its true. *Pecks his lips*

Ethan: *Shortly after dinner we finished & we went for a nice stroll before returning home. Once upstairs in our room we just stared @ each other & then he grabbed me fast & pulled me into a heated & passionate kiss. I moaned clinging to him panting* Please Jesse.

Jesse: *Sec's later were stripped & I laid him down & kissed him deeply as 1 of my fingers slowly trailed to his opening pushing inside gently*

Ethan: *Kissing him back moaning till I felt his finger slip inside me. I broke away then & began to squirm somewhat at the weird & new feeling*

Jesse: Just breath darling, I promise to go slow. *Pulls back from the kiss to kiss his forehead* 

Ethan: *Nods breathing in & out as I began to get use to it. Its so ...*

Jesse: *I know. I nodded & proceeded to add a 2nd finger*

Ethan: *Moans aloud* Jesse.

Jesse: *Smiles continuing till I felt he was stretched enough, then I pulled them out & then went on to slick my member up with lube, guiding it towards him*

Ethan: *Leans into kiss him* I love you so much. *Whispers happily*

Jesse: *Never felt more alive than this moment here with him* And I love you, you're mine Ethan.

Ethan: *Blushes* Always & forever.

Jesse: *Pushes into him; bites back a groan*

Ethan: *Cries out* Ohh!

Jesse: *Kisses him sweetly waiting patiently*

Ethan: *Kisses back feeling my body trembling*

Jesse: *Baby you alright?*

Ethan: *Give me a few min's please*

Jesse: *Nods understandingly. I promise the pain won't last long, the best is yet to come*

Ethan: *Squeezes eyes grunting a little as he slid into me further, yet so slowly & carefully*

Jesse: *Once I was all the way inside him, I began to thrust in & out gripping his hips*

Ethan: *Suddenly I moaned loudly when I felt his movement* UN!

Jesse: *Eyes darken over hearing that single sound; after awhile I picked up my pace*

Ethan: *Together we made love it was so incredible finally to be joined as 1, such wondrous bliss. The next day we decided we didn't want to wait any longer ... we got married & had a small & sweet wedding with all our friends & family naturally. Saying yes to Jesse was the best moment ever, we were both radiating happiness & so was everyone else. We were soul mates, meant to be in every way just like this. Then 3 wks later I found out I was pregnant. Everyone including Jesse was just as shocked & surprised as I was. And following through 9 months later I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy whom we named Eirik Jesse Jr. Morgan. Jesse & I couldn't be happier, we were finally married & now had a baby of our own. Life was wonderful, so blessed. In the end ... I had everything I had ever wanted*

Jesse: *Really everything huh?*

Ethan: *Yes*

Jesse: *And you've given my everything as well, you're all I've ever needed*

Ethan: *Giggles kissing him whilst holding Eirik* Agreed, you're all I need & more.


© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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YAY! Can I put this on wattpad, ill give you full credit!

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1 Review
Added on July 21, 2012
Last Updated on February 13, 2013
Tags: My babysitters A Vampire The Ser



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