Lyrical Lips

Lyrical Lips

A Poem by Samantha ~virginpoet

I start my day 
with flutters


My heart 
is woven together
with tight-knit words

Blood red Poe 
thumping Hemingway
breathing Keats 
and Thoreau

I've learned
that I could get lost
within their words 

As my eyes


Heart hold 

Breathless conversations

Can you mentally conceive
the images orally colored 

My legs
s   p  r  e  a  d

Busting the hymen
of each line



Because these slender
spider fingers
ache to trace
the curved 
of your

A desire
so raw yet innocent
erupts from
the depths
of my soul

Like rose garden beasts 
lingering in feverish night

When they write those lines 
their ink can bring me to ecstasy 

Reading and leaking
with just a little rhyme... 

fantasies about

Lay In my meadows Deep 

Tonguing your way
Lipped in your read

Feeling my path
for I can not see
every part
to savor
your meaning
tasting each word
enhanced in your flavor
in taking each syllable deep 

For in this world of 
penetrating prose

Poetry colors blend across 
the page of the sky

Hot hands 
smooth lines
transport me to
another place 
dreaming of a man
hard erected 
and ready


I wake up wet   
writing erotica

As your ink wrote 
braille sonnets 
on pink walls
causing knees 
to feel weak
til I recited 

By Samantha Campbell

© 2012 Samantha ~virginpoet

Author's Note

Samantha ~virginpoet
I imagine each reaction
face flushing
breath deepening
As each word
is like a caress
a playful tickle
of seduction

My Review

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This is a favorite, brilliant!!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

It is great to mix sex with language,poets.It is not clear whether you are talking about language or sex.Anyhow, it is sexy language.A great poem from a virgin

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love the last Sentence... btw.
GD you got a soft-walled sanctuary of labidic innuendo
This is what I call Showing them the ropes...
a long string of pulsing pleasure threaded then knotted
orgasmic sting of Lyrical Leisure.
Makes me wonder what where we draw the line between excess and abundance...
I love how you made your rounds too... catering to each gender like a servant of desires you say the right things to each guest as they dine on your lyrical palliate,Like a self-proclaimed geisha your dance of seduction is solidified in the lines...
"Because these slender
spider fingers
ache to trace
the curved
of your

A desire
so raw yet innocent
erupts from
the depths
of my soul"

I'm going to hold myself tightly in a restrained moment of ecstasy!
Thank You Very Much.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow...I turned all sorts of pink reading this...extremely intense writing here, absolutely fantastic. I wish I could write sensual poetry on this caliber but I'm afraid I'd end up sounding...either cheesy or romanticizing it.

Damn...this one is going in my library.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

Samantha ~virginpoet

12 Years Ago

and who knows you could be perfect at it
J.V. Stanley

12 Years Ago

I think I'll give it a shot! Doesn't hurt to try something new!
Samantha ~virginpoet

12 Years Ago

nope sure don't :)
You always do a fantastic job, and this has the same edgy expectation. And this has it. Each word just seems to arouse the body and mind, wanting to know more and feel what it is that you are writing. I always found writing erotica and poetry hard, but you always turn the combination into gold. Keep up the great work. I'm always happy to read your pieces. -The Doctor

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

Im thinking about an edit ... Removing the last stanza ???

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

Can you get any better?! This gave me goose bumps it was so good :) Combining poetry and erotic is often very hard to do but somehow you always get it just right! :) Love Love Love!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

Always a pleasure to read your poetry. No-one can write poetry like you. I like the flow of thoughts and visions create by strong statements. Thank you for the outstanding poetry.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

Love it :D there are so many of your poems that are brilliant and this is one of them :) Perfect piece!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

This imagery is so vivid and very sensual love it!! Poetry really is ur mark. Keep it up (: and if u can pls look at my work and let me know what you think thanks a bunch

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

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14 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 7, 2012
Last Updated on November 17, 2012


Samantha ~virginpoet
Samantha ~virginpoet


HAD MY BABY BOY 12/29/2013 at 10:57 he weighs 8 pounds 4oz 19 in long I am married to a fellow poet on this site aka Stevo The Poe-t I cant sleep without kno.. more..


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