not many people are poetically blessed enough to enter the world of poetic fantasy to flow in a zone of love and words and when Im denied entrance through that door I come find ur poetry and the door opens for me cause you pull me right in and submerse me in verse and I thank you for that
This drips down the page with its languid but intense feelings... the flow of a naked heart, the unwindig of those emotions that stir the guts and make wet trails...
not many people are poetically blessed enough to enter the world of poetic fantasy to flow in a zone of love and words and when Im denied entrance through that door I come find ur poetry and the door opens for me cause you pull me right in and submerse me in verse and I thank you for that
Writing and reading poetry allowed me to find peace. I like how you expressed your desire and need to create.
"Dancing to rhythms
hinting of their
hidden truths"
Thank you for the excellent poem.
HAD MY BABY BOY 12/29/2013 at 10:57 he weighs 8 pounds 4oz 19 in long
I am married to a fellow poet on this site aka Stevo The Poe-t
I cant sleep without kno.. more..