![]() 112 Interesting things about meA Story by Samantha ~virginpoet![]() If you want to know some of who I am read the long list lol![]()
1. I have a deep and inexplicable connection to the Ocean and the Sea... I often have vivid dream of being an under water creature of a deep blue world perhaps I was in a past life.
2. I have an insatiable wanderlust. 3. Id like to backpack around the world and live a month in each place 4. I've never felt compelled to follow the crowd just because it's the popular thing to do. 5. When I feel sad, I create art. "Pain and Sorrow gives birth to beautiful wondrous art" 6. I forgive but I never forget. 7. I think for as big as the world is, its an awfully lonely place 8. I love to go barefoot. 9. I was born on July 2ed 1979 and my sign is Cancer. 10. I'm a natural swimmer and sometimes I wish I were a mermaid so I could live in the Ocean. 11. I prefer hand written letters over E-mail. 12. I watch a lot of movies and to much TV 13. My worst fear is being burned alive. . . . UPDATE My worst fear is being eaten by zombies however un likely that may be 14. I believe in God but I am excepting of other religions and I don't understand how another person can hate or kill a person over a difference big or small if they don't believe in what ever religion so what? who are they hurting but themselves and its for God to judge not you or anyone else. 15. my favorite color is green and purple most of the time it seems to change with my moods 16. I have never cheated on anyone and would never. 17. I love watching the night sky and midnight is my fave time of the day. 18. I often put the needs of others before my own. 19. If I could have 3 wishes... could I be completely selfish with them and live with myself after ??? 20. I love music and poetry they are the only thing that can fix me when I'm broken, break me when I'm fixed, remind me when I've forgotten, distract me when I'm too far in, wake me when I'm tired, relax me when I'm too alive love me when I'm feeling unloved, and holds me when I am sad 21. Ive been completely addicted chap-stick seance I was 6 years old Natural Ice cherry for the past 10 years give or take. 22. I once had to make a choice between going to collage or taking care of my grandparents, I choose my grandparents 23. I like the cold but not so much the snow. 24. I am a good judge of character 25. I can read body language 26. I'm empathic 27. I believe that childhood should be a magical time. 28. My first car was a mock 1 mustang and my second was a 1979 camero 29. I don't drive never wanted to 30. I have long fingernails real not fake 31. I have trouble sleeping. 32. I believe in true love 33. I have ridden both a camel and an elephant. 34. When I was 21, I was offered a children's menu at a restaurant. I declined and ordered a beer instead even though I don't drink. 35. I rarely go to bed before 2:00 A.M. 36. I think my eyes are my best feature. 37. My name Samantha means "Heard by God" in Old English. In Aramaic it means "Listener." 38. My current fur-friend count 1 dog a Jack Russel named Shiloh 39. I like anthropology and Science and lit were my fave classes when I was in school 40. I like doing laundry it relaxes me. 41. Ive never been on a plane 42. Ive never been to a concert. 43. I went on My first date several months ago a blind date we had nothing in common he wasn't artistic or even understood and appreciated that in someone else. Before we even got home he asked me out again and I said sorry I don't think its gonna work out. 44. I'm a virgin, not that guys/girls haven't tried. I'm not a prude Ill try just about anything once I'm still waiting on the right guy 45. Sometimes I want to take a vow of silence and solitude 46. Ive thought seriously about becoming a nun. 47. A bird once pooped directly on my head at my grandmothers house I still think it aimed for me 48. Ive never been drunk 49. Ive never done drugs 50. I have a lot of nevers............ 51. I'm very open 52. Ive never had to use an alarm clock my internal one is much better. 53. I wish I could have lived a 100 years ago or 100 years in the future 54. I'm a romantic 55. I listen to the radio in the car more than any other time. 56. I'm very visual 57. I learn by watching and I'm quick at it. 58. If left alone, I can read an entire book in a day. 59. I constantly reread books that I love. 60. I'm ambidextrous but I favor my right hand 61. I have very vivid dreams that are usually sexual. 62. I have 9 scars, not counting the ones on my heart 63. Ive never broken a bone. 64. I want to live in Great Britain and the United Kingdom or Ireland and a few other places 65. I hate confrontation and go to great lengths to avoid it. But if pushed Ill kick a*s 66. I was 14 before I realized Jesus and God were two separate people, and the sun and moon were 2 different objects lol go ahead and laugh I do 67. I was angry when I was told there was no such thing as Santa in fact I'm still a little mad that's when I learned parents lie I think I was more angry that they lead me to believe in something that didn't exist 68. Everything I learned about sex was from school and reading and Ive know about sex since I was 7 but not what went where till I was in the 7th grade, the first time I saw a porno 69. I have a high tolerance for physical pain except when it comes to my hands or teeth. 70. I love kissing and biting could even be considered as a fetish. 71. My sense of smell is very strong 72. I can be brutally honest, so don’t ask me if you don’t want to know the truth 73. I rarely read directions I can look at something and know how it works. 74. I would never betray the ones I love and Id give my life for them 75. I am constantly thinking and I love to write poetry. 76. I have Loved... Lost... and Learned, But I still wear my heart on my sleeve 77. I live in the country 78. I prefer to be alone most of the time. 79. I love old cemeteries. 80. when I was born a psychic told my mum I was a very old soul and a lot of other things not just about me they have all come true all but one she said my dad would be crushed to death by heavy machinery its almost happened twice the last time was just last year he was working for the state of Florida when he was hit by a semi going 80 miles an hour while dad was going 10 driving a crash car the emts said he should have died. 81. I'm the oldest of 7 82. I had 3 sisters born before me but I was the first to live 83. I give good advice and I'm a good listener 84. I'm a little bit strange and out there but in a good way 85. I always speak my mind 86. I believe in reincarnation. 87. Weather permitting, I love to sleep outside under the stars --- no tent. 88. I love hunting for treasures among other people’s discards at flea markets, antique shops, junk stores, or yard sales. 89. I had 2 sets of teeth before my peremont ones grew in my distant said that's crazy hes never heard or seen that before 90. Ive had the chicken pox twice. 91. From the age of 1 month I had phenomena until I was 4 and I was in the hospital the whole time in a bubble and the only thing I can remember is the doctor would always come in and lay me over his knees and slap my back and to this day I cant stand to be slapped on the back. After I got through that Ive hardly ever been sick maybe 4 or 5 times seance than just a cold, the sniffles nothing major. 92. I was dead for 5 min and I had an out of body experience 93. I still like to play hide and seek Ill always be a kid at heart 93. I like to be scared like when someone jumps out and says BOO!!! but I have a habit of grabbing my boobs like there gonna same me hahaha 95. I love to swing... swing on tree swings just a clarification for you dirty ( ')> - birds. /_) 96. I’m always trying to improve myself in some way. 97. I sometimes wish I were stranded alone on an island. 98. I prefer pens over pencils 99. I love purses But I don't like to carry them 100. I'm optimistic most of the time 101. I can pop my chewing gum really loud 102. I can hold my breath for 3 min 103. I miss going to school 104. I love Ice cream and homemade eggnog 105. I hate my eyelashes 106. I loathed dolls as a child so much so I would cut there hair off and pull there arms and legs off 107. Ive never tried sushi UPDATE ... Tried and Love it 108 I want a man who will make me his muse to write our love into eternity I want to be the only woman in his heart ... hopefully my future husband will be a poet 109 I've experienced emotional neglect, physical and verbal abuse went through a deep depression when I was 14 I tried to kill myself by taking all my seizure meds than went to bed hoping I did not wake up but I'm glad i failed Ive NEVER told anyone that before. dont worrie I would NEVER try that again 110. I am an Idealist - Healer(INFP) according to the Keirsey Personality Test 111. Im a supertaster ... Supertaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 112. I have 10 weird useless talents one can be found here ... nose wiggle - YouTube lol I thought this was fun and easy to do and I will be adding more soon. © 2018 Samantha ~virginpoetAuthor's Note
19 Reviews Added on January 22, 2011 Last Updated on June 8, 2018 Previous Versions Author![]() Samantha ~virginpoetOHAboutHAD MY BABY BOY 12/29/2013 at 10:57 he weighs 8 pounds 4oz 19 in long I am married to a fellow poet on this site http://www.writerscafe.org/itz_JuggZ aka Stevo The Poe-t I cant sleep without kno.. more..Writing
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