This is fantastic, so much expressed here, such a longing to love the other who cannot open up entirely out of shame or guilt or fear and to see the power of the voice that says, it's ok, i don't mind those rough edges, in fact i understand they are part of you and so i love them too. That is what this pice reflects more than anything, that love that is bigger than even your love of poetry or literature. Fantastic job!
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Much thanks I don't even know if he gets that but I'm patient and I have wrote a poem about loving h.. read moreMuch thanks I don't even know if he gets that but I'm patient and I have wrote a poem about loving him more than any words that flow out of my pen I love him enough to sacrifice my own happiness just for his like our car broke down last night and we had bought concert tickets to see Alice in Chains this Saturday He loves them and I have never in my life been to a concert he has been to many anyway I told him to ask around on facebook if anyone wanted to go with him so they would drive and he could go and have fun while I sat at home alone with our 4 month old with no phone or tv I don't know if he even gets what I was willing to do for him but we get to go after all so :) I'm happy if he is happy and I love him more than he could ever imagine
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9 Years Ago
How stupid are you why would anyone make fake pages to discredit me who best to answer than than you.. read moreHow stupid are you why would anyone make fake pages to discredit me who best to answer than than you who are the only one doing so I am a mother to a 16 month old as you well know as if I have time to waste on fake a*s pages I barley have time to post any of my work on here let alone create mass fake pages .... So in your eyes anyone and everyone who has stood up for me is a fake your so funny Charlie the site mod and owner of wc has all the proof he needs that all my work is all mine and so is my husbands the fact that we are still here proves that more than anything I could ever say
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You can claim temporary all you want fact is it was not and I have not taken any of my work down wha.. read moreYou can claim temporary all you want fact is it was not and I have not taken any of my work down what so ever and I never will remove any of MY work
You should know I have contacted Charlie via FB and you will be banned
9 Years Ago
and keep sending me mass messages Ill not read a one
you have my support! These messages are super annoying.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
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9 Years Ago
Yes they sure are I only replied to a few but there were like 50 not counting the private messages h.. read moreYes they sure are I only replied to a few but there were like 50 not counting the private messages he sends
I don't want this bs clogging up the news feed
Thank you for your support but as I have warned others if this guy sees that your standing up for me in anyway he will start to harass you he will slander and try to discredit you even call you a plagiarizer and say you are a fake page that I or wordman have created than the messages will start
I got into this mess for standing up for my husband and than wordman stood up for the both of us and you see the mess he is in ... So please be careful block block block is all we can do but even than its no help
"Poet your quill violates
the wings hidden by shadows
the angel does weep
behind the clouds" ... Would you like to know the depth of my concept with this stanza? Where and how it came to be? It goes deeper than the mere words you were compelled to. The poet I wrote this stanza for is infused within it. My craft is embedded mementos that you are unaware of, and I wrote this poem long before I posted it, btw. So, dates mean zip to me. Bleed Your Worth to Me (my base concept)also derived from a personal reflection. You may or may not be aware but I hosted a competition entitled, bleed your worth to me, based on my poem, and the concept that I created. I honestly feel your poem was stronger without the additions. The inspiration is quite evident throughout. The dance also derived form a co-write that I wrote with a well known fellow poet. Surely you realize the depths put into crafting poetry, it's not just words on a page that sound good. It is our internal fingerprint. You can't mask it, oddly you have my real name in the first stanza to boot, I'm not here to burn you at the stake. No one is perfect, and I do hope you are woman enough to face the truth. It's the only way to free yourself from this affliction. I'm not going away, and I will not be intimidated. Don't disappoint me. Remove my lines to better yourself, and learn from it. See you didn't realize the internet could be so intimate. Your husband will most likely agree in utter confidence.-- The right move to make. - blue angel
Posted 10 Years Ago
0 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
I am so sick of being cyberstalked by the same insane man .... Move on TKlittle or who ever the hell.. read moreI am so sick of being cyberstalked by the same insane man .... Move on TKlittle or who ever the hell you are I can prove this is my poem just cause I post an olde poem here does not mean that I dont have it on my other site and in my blob to boot
This was an incredible work of,s not easy to keep the moment fresh with a longish write as've done it superbly here.....well done my friend....I liked this one =)
Hi ! There are very few writers, who see through 'love' in much an immaterial and moral manner. It feels good to read such write-stuff. Thanks for sharing.
HAD MY BABY BOY 12/29/2013 at 10:57 he weighs 8 pounds 4oz 19 in long
I am married to a fellow poet on this site aka Stevo The Poe-t
I cant sleep without kno.. more..