Astounding piece, Samantha, what truly amazes me is your referral to the poem as a time frame, in which the beginning is just the start of deterioration and your speaker completely loses themself in the ending. Wanting to return to the start of the poem actualizes your speaker in so many ways, and it's beautiful.
You write of the fall so poignantly, spectacular write!
Beautiful, my dear. I truly admired this piece. You have created a heartbreaking image through your words and the sadness is powerful. My favorite lines are below. Great job! (:
"It never occurred to me
how delicate I truly was
until I was robbed
of my pure heart
and impression of him"
I felt my body structure rust
as I crumbled into nothing
but broken poetry...Extraordinary write! The poem really locks you in. Well Done! Thanks for the share.
Maria rose
A sad and powerful emotional ride in the poem. Love and relationship can take us to many places. Sad part we forget what made us go wild with passing of time. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
Coyote dear beautiful AMAZING...sorry for the caps but I can not properly express my deep connection to this poem...your talent displayed in this piece is so abounding that the sentiments reverberated in my soul, causing me to break my silent stroll through poetry today..... your words shatter in into a million shards of cutting blades right through a wreaked heart. Your introspection is brilliantly expressed here...
"It never occurred to me
how delicate I truly was
until I was robbed
of my pure heart
and impression of him"
And the image of your love slipping slowly through your fingers was so heartbreakingly sorrowful...yet such a gorgeous emotional, this is an absolutely heartfelt favorite of mine... I need a new library that says...ADORED!!!
HAD MY BABY BOY 12/29/2013 at 10:57 he weighs 8 pounds 4oz 19 in long
I am married to a fellow poet on this site aka Stevo The Poe-t
I cant sleep without kno.. more..