Astounding piece, Samantha, what truly amazes me is your referral to the poem as a time frame, in which the beginning is just the start of deterioration and your speaker completely loses themself in the ending. Wanting to return to the start of the poem actualizes your speaker in so many ways, and it's beautiful.
You write of the fall so poignantly, spectacular write!
Impressive writing. My favorite stanza is
'It never occurred to me
how delicate I truly was
until I was robbed
of my pure heart
and impression of him'
This stanza nicely encapsulates the feelings of betrayal. The rest of your poem is just as good. Nice work!
Love can make or break you, weaken you or strengthen you, create you or destroy you. We all have had those moments of rapture wrapped in the sting of wrongs, the agony that is layered thick with joy and the love that is often tethered to hate.
Wonderful imagery as always with your works that speaks to me in ways that I can always relate to in some fashion. Kudos and keep it up.
People break us. Relationships kill us. And I would not be a poet but for the love of an unfaithful man. Please accept my compliments on this wonderful poetry Samantha.
Astounding piece, Samantha, what truly amazes me is your referral to the poem as a time frame, in which the beginning is just the start of deterioration and your speaker completely loses themself in the ending. Wanting to return to the start of the poem actualizes your speaker in so many ways, and it's beautiful.
You write of the fall so poignantly, spectacular write!
HAD MY BABY BOY 12/29/2013 at 10:57 he weighs 8 pounds 4oz 19 in long
I am married to a fellow poet on this site aka Stevo The Poe-t
I cant sleep without kno.. more..