Chapter One: Not The Most Popular Girl

Chapter One: Not The Most Popular Girl

A Chapter by VioletValkyrie

A/N: So this is a fic also being uploaded onto, I only recently joined this site because I wanted somewhere separate to post things.

Yes, I write fanfiction. Maybe just cause I'm not creative enough to make my own stuff. Know that if you go to my page, that's pretty much all you're going to see. A/N: Wow, I was not expecting to be back so soon or have any ideas on what to write a Bumbleby fic on. I'm happy I got this done though, and rather quickly, I wasn't expecting this to be out for another two days. I've been working on a much larger fic containing an OC team, but I've been really hesitant about the existence of an OC team story and how well it'll be received or how much interest people will have in it, it's easier just to make a fic about already existing characters and my OTP.

I do have to say that unfortunately this fic is nowhere near complete at the time of posting this. I pretty much just completed this chapter and decided to post it. I'm not really sure where I want this to go and unfortunately that will lead to some slow updates at times. Unfortunately, being a student doesn't really help with that, there will be schoolwork I'll have to do and I hope I can balance these properly. I do want to reassure you that I'll try my best because I hate it when other writers have such good fics and leave them abandoned. If worst-case scenario comes, I'll create a finale chapter. I won't leave this abandoned.

That being said, this entire fic is really undecided and I'm willing to take ideas from readers, if you have something to suggest, leave it in a review. I read them, I promise. With that, enjoy the first chapter!

Chapter One: Not The Most Popular Girl

Blake sighed as she checked her phone for the fifth time that minute. Why did she come early to class this morning? She didn’t even like this class. She sat there, absentmindedly tapping her black nails into the wooden desk, forming small dents. It was only a week into the semester, but she would come into this class early every morning, sometimes just to get away from home, sometimes to work on homework from her other classes.


So she sat there, waiting, with nothing to do. That is, until the teacher walked in, and students started to follow.


She checked her phone again. Nothing.


As the bell rang, her teacher spoke up.


“Good morning, students.” he started, taking a sip of his coffee before standing and walking to the large whiteboard at the front of the class. “Today, as we discussed on Friday, I will be handing out your MTA for this term. Of course, you’ll have to work with a partner. And by results from the class vote we had, you may choose your partners, as long as you actually get your projects done. Get into groups of two and write your names down on the board.”


Blake sighed, her neutral expression quickly shifting into a frown. She knew it’d be hard, even impossible to find a partner for this project. She looked around her, watching groups of friends divide up into two, the classroom growing louder, as the groups fought over their friends, and partners dragged each other up to the board to write their names.


Blake Belladonna was not the most popular girl at school, far from it. She wasn’t like anyone she had seen in the halls. Not like the one white-haired girl she had seen, walking around in expensive clothing, happily chatting away with the other girl she’d always be with, and certainly not like that one blonde girl in her class, loud, full of energy, and surrounded by all her friends, always coming late to class and getting scolded.


“Miss Xiao Long, late again, I see.”

Kind of like that. Blake turned her head to the door to see the girl casually walk in and take her usual seat near the back, before shooting a response back.


“Maybe if your class was worth a damn, I’d show up on time.”


A few chuckles were heard from the back, Blake and her teacher rolling their eyes almost in sync, Blake then turning around in her seat to follow the girl as she slid her bag off her shoulder and opened it up, pulling out a yellow binder. She looked up and gave Blake a wink, and the raven-haired girl turned around. The last thing Blake wanted to do was encourage her, she thought. The last person she wanted to be involved with was this delinquent.


“Well…” the teacher ignoring the response, spoke up. “Find yourself a partner for your MTA.”


She groaned audibly and rose from her seat, walking over to groups of people to ask for partners. Who wouldn’t want to work with her? It didn’t matter that she was late.


“Ren? Nora? You guys got a partner?”


Nora shook her head. “Sorry, we’re working together.”


She moved on. “Pyrrha, wanna work together?”


Pyrrha turned around and pointed a thumb behind her. “Sorry, I’m working with Weiss on this one.”


Group after group turning her down, she returned to her seat and slumped, her head in her hands, and began to complain.


“Ugh, why did Rubes have to take metalworking?! If she was here, I’d team up with her and be better than all of you!”


Her teacher took another sip of his coffee before speaking again. “Am I to assume you have no partner then, Miss Xiao Long?”


She banged a fist on her desk. “Ugh, fine! Yes!”


“Well, according to this, the class has an even amount of people in it. Who here doesn’t have a partner and would be willing to work with Miss Xiao Long?”


Blake looked around, groups of names on the board and no one raising a hand. She sighed, she should have expected to be the last one paired, and unfortunately it seemed like she had to bite the bullet on this one. She raised her hand.


“Wonderful. Miss Xiao Long, you can work with Miss Belladonna. Move your things, and you can start discussing your project.”


Blake sighed, putting her book away back into her bag, and pulling out her binder, opening it up to a fresh sheet of paper, and raising her head to see a pair of lilac eyes staring at her.


“…U-Ummm…” Blake began, before being cut off by her partner.


“What’s your name, kitten?” She asked, smiling.


…Kitten? Blake blushed, before throwing out a response hastily. “Uhh… Blake…”


“Blake’s a nice name.” She nodded. “Well, Blake, I’m Yang.”


“It’s nice to meet you, Yang.” Blake looked back down at her binder, before raising her head back up, and looking at her partner again.


“Did you call me kitten?”


Yang turned around from the window. “Huh? Oh, yeah. Why?”


Blake looked at the blonde, rather confused. “Yang, I’m not a cat.”


Yang smirked. “You’re cute enough to be one. Plus, it looks like you could hide some pretty nice cat ears under that bow of yours.” She raised her hand to Blake’s head and playfully flicked at the black ribbon resting on top.


Blake blushed slightly, quickly pulling her head down to her binder, hoping the blonde didn’t notice how well her flirting had been working. “Ummm… s-so what do you want to make? We could make something like a table, or a cabinet, or…”

Yang cut her off. “I was thinking something like a box, actually. I don’t know, I like large chests.”


Blake looked back up at her partner once again. “Was that a joke, or an actual suggestion?”


Yang shrugged. “Well, would you want to make one?”


Blake wrote the idea down. “I’d be okay with that.”

© 2017 VioletValkyrie

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Added on March 5, 2017
Last Updated on March 5, 2017
Tags: RWBY, Bumblebee, Bumbleby, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long




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