![]() My pet wolf MillieA Story by Violet Batt![]() Mike buys a dog without knowing that it was a wolf. At the end these two are stranded on an island together.![]() My pet wolf Millie Chapter
1 I come home from school and
find I have nothing to do. No chores, homework was done in class and the only
pet I have is this little blue guppy. I went to check on him and he seemed to
be saying, “Mike, why don’t you go get a life.” So I got a life. Just kidding I
wouldn’t do anything the guppy tells me to do. I call down to my mom, “Mom can
I get a dog?” My mom said, “Mike, what about your fish?” I laughed and said,
“As if a guppy could ever be better than a dog.” But unfortunately the little
guppy heard me and died of a broken heart. I felt sorry for him, but I still
needed to have a dog. Chapter
2 Now I am at the shelter. I
want a big dog, but it has to be a girl. I am looking for a while; I see Pit
bulls, Bulldogs, Blood hounds, and German shepherds. So far none of the dogs
are perfect. Then I see the perfect dog, I couldn’t identify her breed. She was
beautiful and tall and had long grey hair flowing down her sides and a tan
mohawk going down her back and some on her belly. But also sharp claws and
brown fur and pointed ears and tail. I wanted her. The tag on the cage said,
‘Millie’. So I would buy Millie. Chapter
3 I took Millie home with me.
“Mom, I came back!” I yelled. Millie gazed up at me like, who? “What kind did
you get?” Mom asked. I said, “I don’t know, a Millie?” Then I laughed up stairs
with Millie at my side. Then I opened my door Millie charged in instantly
spreading hair everywhere. So I closed my door. Millie all of a sudden said,
“Hello, who are you and why did you take me out of all the ‘real’ dogs?” I
said, “What do you mean ‘real’ dogs aren’t you a dog too?” Millie looked at the
empty fish bowl then said, “Never mind Mike.” “Whoa!” I said because I
never told her my name. Chapter 4 Today I dragged Millie to
pet day at school. Then I went to the teacher she said, “Whoa is that a wolf or
something?!” I said, “No it’s just a Millie.” Then she checked her list of pets
and said, “I thought you would bring your fish. Did you know Lilly brought the
cutest little bat?” “Cool,” I said. Then
everyone came to show their pets. I spotted birds, mice, lizards, rabbits,
guinea pigs, Lilly’s pet bat Howard and Rachel’s cat that looks like he could
shoot lasers through his little green eyes. Then I showed Millie and she howled
really loudly at everyone. Howard looked like he was covering his little bat
ears. Chapter
5 I wake up to Millie licking me awake. Then she
says, “Happy birthday Mike!” Then I said, “How do you know it’s my birthday?” “It’s a secret,” Answered
Millie, “Did you know I was a wolf?” I tumbled out of bed. Then say, “At least
you’re not a guppy.” A ghost fish slaps me. Then Millie makes a confused face
at me. “Never mind,” I said. Later that night we had a birthday party for me.
My mom, dad and Millie were singing to me. I patted Millie’s cute head and blew
out the candles after a wish. “What did you wish for?” Asked my mom. “I want to
be a bit more like Millie, you know cute and always seeing the Brightside of
things. Millie looked at me then tilted her head then howled loudly. Then she
said, “Come with me.” She darted up stairs spreading hair everywhere. Chapter 6 “Whoa, what’s the rush” I
asked Millie. She closed the door behind
me. “So you really wished to be like me?” She said “Yes,” I answered. “Really?”
She asked me. “As sure as Howard making guano.” I said. “Hmm,” Millie thought.
“Life as a wolf gets boring you know.” “Yah, whatever, I want to be
like you.” I said. “Hmm, I like your point of view.” Said Millie. I tell her,
“I love your brown fluffy fur and tan mohawk plus your long grey streaks of
hair. In fact if you were a human I would marry you.” Millie’s eyes twinkle.
“Really? You love me? No one has ever loved me before. I will grant your wish,
just come with me and trust me. You and I can be alike.” So I followed her out
the door. Chapter 7 Millie and I go up through a
stretch of trees to a slope with short green grass. We go up. Then she stops at
the top and howls a long howl that reminds me of a horror movie. Chill bumps
come across my arms. “Try it Mike.” She insisted so I drew in some breath and
howled a pathetic howl. Millie laughed and licked my face. Then she said, “Wait
I know a quicker way to get this done.” Then she said, “You’re absolutely sure
you want me to do this to you?” “Of course,” I replied. Then
she said, “Okay, then relax your arm.” I relaxed my arm. Then she said, “3, 2,
1, go.” And bites my arm, at the same time the ghost fish was laughing at me.
“Owwwwwwwwwww!!!!!” I screamed. “Perfect,” She said, “You sound like a wolf
already. Just wait her a few days and I’ll keep you warm.” She said. She laid
down on me with her warm comforting fur. I fell asleep. Chapter 8 1 month later I wake up noticing Millie
was gone and I had an itch. The itch was coming from the area where Millie bit
me. A girl with brown and grey hair plus a tan ridge of hair going through
where the hair was longer came down the path. She says, “What do you think now
Mike? Am I still as cute?” “Yes, yes you are,” I said letting my tongue
fall out of my mouth. Then I felt a sharp pain and I screamed,
“Howooooooooooooool!!!!” Millie joined me then she turned into a wolf. I felt
different to. I used my back leg to itch behind my ear. Then I licked one paw,
it was furry. Then I said, “Oh, I get it you’re a ware wolf. No wonder you said
out of the ‘real’ dogs.” Millie licked my itch and my itch was cured. “Millie,
I don’t regret adopting you ‘cause you’re just too cute.” I said. Millie pawed at me then led me to a cave
where we stayed and chatted. Chapter 9 The next night Millie licks
me awake. I yawn and stretch then scratch my ears. Millie giggles and says, “Are
you tired of being a wolf yet?” “No, absolutely not,” I say
wagging my tail. “This is the same as Lilly, what I mean is, that girl from
your class got bit in the neck by her bat Howard. She is not up yet, but when
she is she’ll be just a stinking vampire while we are ware wolves.” “Hey,” I said, “What’s wrong
with being a vampire? Not that it’s better or anything, because I love pizza!” “Okay, okay, calm down
garlic breath, you can have your pizza, but not your backed beans.” I tilt my
head to one side, my tongue hanging out. “I’ll tell you later Mike.” Millie
responded. Chapter 10 “Okay, what I mean is, you
can’t have backed beans or you’ll turn human again and no one wants that,”
Millie told me. “Wait, weren’t you a human earlier though?” I asked her. “No,
actually that was just my human form, we all have it,” Millie answered. “Oh,” I
said, “So right now we can both be humans?” I asked her. “Exactly, but a wolf
is better if you ask me.” Millie answered. “Okay, cool,” I said nodding then I
licked her. She licks me back. Then we romp and play. Tussled and hunted. Then
we scampered off to bed in the cave as the sun rises. Chapter 11 The next night me and Millie
ran through the forest like two pups, yipping and barking all the way. Then
Millie stepped in a trap. “Ahhh!” She screamed. A large trap lowered over her. Then she said,
“Run Mike, The hunter will get you too!” “No Millie, I will not leave
you here!” I shouted. The hunter rounds the corner and says, “Wow I caught a
wolf!” The ghost fish was sitting on his shoulder laughing at me and then it
shook its butt at me. I growl at the guy
and the fish. He says, “Oh does her boy friend want to hurt me?” I bark loudly.
“You can’t do anything about it, I already got three other wolves plus two
bats,” He says. He takes the cage and puts it in his truck. He drives away.
First I stand there like the pathetic dog I am, but then I chase down the
truck. Away I go to unknown places. Chapter 12 I finally stop at a huge old
building. The guy grabs a few crates out of his truck and I follow him inside.
Inside there’s bats and wolves everywhere stuck in crates. I thought he only
had three other wolves and two bats! The guy reaches over and puts me in a
crate too. I howl and bark and growl. The ghost fish was teasing me. All the
other wolves start howling too. And the bats bang on their crates loudly. The
guy takes out his gun and we all quiet down I shake in fear. Chapter 13 Suddenly, I feel very strong
and brake down the cage. “Hey! Who said you can get out?!” The guy yelled. I
run to Millie’s cage and bite the bars, with one strong bite, the bars fell
over. Millie jumps out, the guy tries to catch us, but I release all the bats
and wolves, even though Millie said to forget the bats. Geese Millie sure hates
bats. I step right over to the guy. “How do you like me now?” I asked him. He
holds out his gun, but I jump on him, he falls over, but still manages to shoot
me any way. Everything goes black. Chapter 14 I have a nightmare that I am
falling off a cliff into an ocean. There is no one around to save me and I
can’t reach the shore. I paddle with all my strength, but I am pushed under the
waves, I drown. Everything stays black for the longest time. Am I in dog heaven
yet? I wonder. Luckily I start breathing again. I open my eyes. “Millie! You
came back and saved me!” I shout. Millie happily jumps and barks. “What about
the gun shot, didn’t it hit my chest?” I asked.
“Ah, yes, but it didn’t imbed, so I pulled you out and took the bullets
out, licked your wounds and let you rest.” Millie answered. “Bullets?” I asked.
“Yes, he shot your chest, head and stomach to make sure you were dead.” She
said. I lay back down to rest. Chapter 15 After a while I am feeling
much better. Millie said, “Come on Mike, before Terro comes to control us.” So
we get up and run as a much larger wolf comes charging after us. “Mike!” Millie
shouted, “Were trapped, the only way is down!” I look over the cliff then I
grab a rope and pull it to us, right before Terro could grab us. We slid down
the rope. “Woo hoo!” I shout. Millie was like, oh no! Terro tries to get on the
rope and it snaps, we go falling into the ocean and are swept away by the tide. Chapter 16 eight years later After 8 years drifting in
the sea, Millie and I landed on an island. “Land! Land! We found land!” Millie
shouted. Guess what? We escaped from Terro! Then Millie stopped me and said,
“Mike, remember, don’t you ever turn into a human without first finding your
clothe.” Well, that was an embarrassing reminder. We sat on the beach and ate
some fruit we found. After a while of being alone, more wolves showed up on the
island, they to probably escaped from Terro. Millie said, “Mike, we should give
this island a name.” I said, “How about Wild Dare Dog Island?’’ “Sure Mike, we can call it
Wild Dare Dog Island.” Millie said. Chapter 17 Millie said, “Hey Mike,” “Yes Millie?” I answered.
She said, “Can I be the queen of this island?” I said, “Of course Millie,” Then
Millie said, “Mike, Will you be my king?” I said, “Sure Millie, I will be your
king.” So now me and Millie rule Wild
Dare Dog Island together. It was a great honor to be asked to be wolf king by
the wolf queen. As long as we’re together none of us will ever be ruled by
Terro. I mean, who likes that big butt head any way? I rule!!!!! Chapter 18 a few years later Queen Millie has pups! I
can’t believe it! There are twenty of them to. We have Furball, Nippy, Bark,
Lightning, Rock, Tornadoe, Tumbleweed, Cliff, Ledge, Legendary, Pea, Clover,
Shark, Magnet, Spark, Rose, Moonlit, Star, Bones and Scully. Ten boys and ten
girls. Aren’t I proud of myself, me, the king, having twenty children. And you
know what? I never expected that I would marry my pet wolf Millie. Chapter 19 “So, Millie, how did you
choose these names?” I asked Millie. She said, “Look at their heads. A special
mark is on each one. So I named them after what their mark looked like.” I
said, “Oh, I see, but why Tumbleweed for this one? Its mark doesn’t look like a
tumble weed.” Millie just thought about that for a while. “They’re all very
unique children Mike.” Millie said. Everyone gathered around to see the new
children. “Millie,” I said. “Yes, Mike?” Millie answered. “Which one is the
prince and which one is the princess?” I asked. Millie said, “Why, Mike,
they’re all princes and princesses of course!” Chapter 20! “Hey Millie,” I said. “Yes
Mike?” Millie said. “I thought up a really cool idea.” I say. “A cool idea for
what?” She asks. “A cool idea to see what each one of our pups can do.” I said.
“Well, you could have said that in the first place,” said Millie, “What is it?”
I say, “We can have little contests to see what they can do. It will be fun, I
promise.” “Okay Mike, Whatever you
say, but first let the pups grow up a little, then we can see what they can
do,” Millie said. So it was settled, we would make tests for the pups when
they’re older. The End. Read book two, My pet wolf Millie 2, the pups of Wild Dare Dog Island. © 2013 Violet BattAuthor's Note
Added on June 12, 2013 Last Updated on June 12, 2013 Tags: dogs, wolves, pets, adventures, wild, crazy, short story, fiction Author