![]() Absolutely BattyA Story by Violet Batt![]() Violet falls in love with a 6th grade vampire named David. When David is 20 he is kidnapped and Violet must save him. Will she succeed?![]() Absolutely Batty: A different kind of love story, Version 2
Chapter one My name is Violet. It is the first day of 6th grade and I am waiting by the schools front door for David to come, with Voice, my twin brother. Voice gave up waiting and stormed to his first classroom. That’s when a pale skin figure wearing all black with thick golden hair sticking out of an enormous sun hat and big sun glasses shows up. You could see the mounds of sun block oozing down his arms. This was David, the boy I knew since I was five years old. He shakes his head and his hat flies off onto Cristafur’s head as he walks by. Cristafur is another friend of mine. “Ahhhh!!!” He screamed, frightened by the mysterious hat. David’s sunglasses slip down his face to reveal his sparkling blue eyes. “Sorry Violet, I’m not used to this much sun yet.” David said. I never get his jokes especially since it was just getting bright outside. Chapter 2 My class consists of me, Voice, Ashely, Austie, Becky, Boston, Cassy, Cristafur and David. I have violet red hair. My brother has hot pink hair. Ashely has red violet hair and she likes to ask a lot of questions. Austie is her brother he has reddish brownish hair. Becky has light green hair. Boston her brother has hair the color of a fern and he is very smart. Cassy has light blue hair. Cristafur her brother has brown slightly spiked hair and he is afraid of almost everything especially David. David is the only one in the class with no twin. One strange thing is David’s last name is Batt. Chapter 3 A few months later It is my birthday today, Feb 7th! I’m going to celebrate at home and invite all my class mates. My teacher gave me two cupcakes and they were supposed to be both mine. Everyone in my class asked me for one, but I said no. David, however, came up to me and said, “Please, can I have a cupcake?” His blue eyes sparkling. “Sure, of course,” I said handing him a puffy cupcake. That was the day, I, Violet Lourina, Decided I liked David Batt. Then David smiled. Cristafur yelped and hid behind Cassy. I wonder… I wonder why I love that smile so much, it makes me warm. I smiled back. Chapter 4 Later that night… It is now the night of my birthday. All my guests have showed up including David Batt. David looked like he had more energy than he did this morning in class. “Hey Violet, Come here!” David yelled to me. “What is it David?” I asked him. He smiled a very suspicious smile. Then out of nowhere he quickly said, “I like you. Can I use your bathroom?” He smiled bigger. There’s something strange about that smile, it’s so captivating. I sat there Mesmerized by his face. Then he said, “Seriously Violet, can I use your bathroom?” “Oh, oh, yes of course you can David.” I said. He rushed to the bathroom and Cristafur yelped again and darted away. Voice came up behind me and said, “There’s something Batty about this boy.” I said, “That’s not funny.” Voice walked away. Chapter 5 At school… “So, David,” I said. “Yes Violet?” He answered me. “Me and my brother think you’re suspicious,” I told him. “I mean, my mom found bat poop in the bathroom sink.” I finished. David said, “Well actually it’s called guano and I’m not suspicious.” I say, “How do you know what it’s called?” He says, “Well I like vampires if that explains anything.” A glob of sunscreen slips down his face. “Yah, you just like vampires, I think something else is going on.” I tell him. “Also why do you like my bathroom?” David does a face palm. Ashely pops up between us and says, “Ooo, do you like him? Will you get married? Will you run away? Can I help you? What’s the answers to our test? Ahh, Violet, you look awesome today. Are you going to class or not? Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!” Chapter six At lunch… I sit a few tables away from David during lunch. I search through my lunch bag and find a long candy wrapper inside. I look over at David who is stealing someone’s lunch. I wrap the candy wrapper around my head and say, “Look David, I got a head band!” He turns around and laughs at me. Then Boston turns and laughs, but Cristafur is screaming something about David’s smile. Austie joins the laughter. Then the school principle walks over to me and rips the wrapper off my head. Everyone frowns except Cristafur, he was laughing because I had a wrapper ripped off my head. David burps loudly. “Eww! David!” I yell. He rolls his eyes. Chapter seven Love It is afternoon and almost time to go home. I meet David by the door. “David,” I said. “Yes Violet?” David answers. “David, I love you.” David smiles. Then he says, “That’s what I was trying to tell you. Of course I don’t love your bathroom.” Cristafur is spying on us. Then Voice walks over to him. Cristafur whispers something to Voice. Voice walks over and tries to separate me form David. “Hey, what’s that for?!” I asked. “Violet, I’m sorry to say this, but David’s a vampire you can’t love him.” David looks a fended by that comment. I say, “I love him any way.” David smiles. That’s when I remember, his fangs, that’s what made his smile so cute. Cristafur is screaming and yelling. “That explains the guano in the sink,” I say. David looks embarrassed. Chapter eight Eight years later Me and David are now 20 years old. We are going to get married near David’s house. “David do your parents know you’re a vampire?” I asked him. “No, they don’t, when they adopted me all they were told was I am very allergic to garlic and I sunburn really easily. Oh and I need to tell you something.” He replied. “What’s that David?” I asked him. “I can’t tell you until we kiss.” He answered. Then we got married like any other person would, but when David kissed me I felt different. It felt like everything grew. I look and David is a cute gold bat. Then I look down and I am a bat too. Cristafur screamed and ran away, Cassy ran to get him back. Boston was trying to figure out what happened. Becky was trying to keep David’s parents and my parent’s calm. Chapter nine A secret revealed “David what’s happening?” I asked. “Well Violet I needed to tell you, if I was to kiss a female whose name starts with a ‘v’ she will instantly turn into a vampire bat. And by fate, your name starts with a ‘v’.” He explained. I fainted. David was like oops, what am I to do? I wake up as a human again, at least I think I am. David walked over to me with a black eye. “Oh, David! What happened?” “Your brother here thought I hurt you and punched me.” He answered. “Well,” I said, “I guess I’m a Batt now instead of a Lourina.” I smiled and Cristafur screamed something about my smile. I just turn and look at him, he wets his pants. Chapter ten David said, “Before my mother was killed she told me and my twenty five other siblings to separate. Otherwise if all twenty six of us are together we’re more likely to be noticed. People now a days don’t like vampires. So ya’ want to hear our names?” I said, “Of course David let’s hear it.” So he goes on, “Arrow, Bullet, Chelsy, me, Ellie, Flame, Great, Henry, Isabel, Jam, Kandy, Leo, Marissa, Nate, Olivia, Peter, Queeny, Robert, Sarah, Trevour, Unite, Veo, Winter, X, Yellow and Zelus.” “Wow,” I said, “There certainly was a lot of you before your parents died.” David said, “Yah, but I’m afraid they’ve probably been captured already. Violet, to rescue us I need your friends. It’s the only way to save them.” Chapter 11 The next night David was gone. “David where are you?” I yelled. The thought recurred to me, to save us I need your friends. So I ran through the woods to my friends houses. I knocked on the doors and got all my friends out. Then we all ran back to the woods. Boston said, “Follow the tire tracks. So we did, they went on for so long we thought we would never make it, but before long we reached and old building. This is where I will find my David. We enter and are shocked. So many bats of all different colors, there all trapped inside, but where’s David? Chapter 12 Okay Arrow, Bullet, Chelsy, Ellie, Flame, Great, Henry, Isabel, Jam, Kandy, Leo, Marissa, Nate, Olivia, Peter, Queeny, Robert, Sarah, Trevour, Unite, Veo, Winter, X, Yellow, Zelus and, there he is! David! I rustled the cage. David looked up at me. Then he said, “Get the keys from the guy. There are enough of you to distract him, grab the keys off the desk.” We all race over to the guy. My friends are talking to him as I turn into a bat. I carefully skell the wall all the way behind him. I snatch the key and shove it in my mouth I also take the other keys and also shove them in my mouth. I start back across the wall when the guy spotted me. Oh, shoot. I thought. Chapter 13 I quickly spit the keys out. Then the guy tries to trap me so I bite his hand. My friends grab the keys and go to unlock all the cage doors. The guy is screaming in pain. All of a sudden a big blur of colorful bats fly out the door including a golden bat I recognize as David. My friends race out with them. I lose grip on the guy’s finger and fall to the ground. I scream the whole way down. Everything goes black. Chapter 14 I finally wake up. The first thing I see is David. “Violet are you alive?” he asks. “Yes I am where am I?” I answer. “Well, my siblings thought I should name this valley after you, so you are in Violet Valley.” He said. I look around there is a waterfall, wild violets, bugs and fruit trees. I look at David and he’s fat. “Um, David?” I said. He answers by saying, “Your friends requested I turn them into vampires too.” I roll my eyes. Then he says, “Your friend Cristafur really likes the new girl, Fear.” And this is my story of how my life with David was. Make sure to read the next coming up book Batty Holidays. The End.
© 2013 Violet BattAuthor's Note