Alex, Chapter VI

Alex, Chapter VI

A Chapter by Savior knowmore

Chapter VI

Planet Bae, Hidden Galaxy

We sat in my room in the dark, me on one bed and Mage and Blake on the other. Blake explained that his race were nocturnal, so he couldn’t be in the light, as this planet had no stars or moon to provide light.

"Why are you here? I thought you weren’t allowed in the building," I asked Blake.

"When Mage said that a potential member of the Coven was coming, I headed here. I tried to talk to you on the way to the library, but some moron started to throw fireballs, so I had to hide from the light. Then in the library, you two wouldn’t get out of the light. It was lucky you grabbed the book I left you two, or otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to get your attention."

"What book?"

"Enhancer was written by my people. One of my great, great uncles gave me that copy and it’s said that it greatly increases the imagination of the person who holds it, but it also increases their paranoia. Very few copies exist after the massacre of my people. The other races destroyed everything." Blake chuckled as Mage, who had fallen asleep earlier with her head on his shoulder, fell of it and her head landed in his lap. He picked her head up and put a pillow under it.

"What was so important you had to come to meet us?"

Blake ran his hand through his hair. "Perhaps we haven’t been properly introduced. I am Blake Durim, heir of the Night-people and father of the Coven. The same Coven that wishes you to join them.

"The Coven is an ancient idea, going back several centuries. Every member of the Coven is somehow related to the Night-people of the Hidden Galaxy. That boy with the red skin, Nova; his great, great grandfather could produce sparks from his fingertips. His great grandfather could make small balls of flame. His grandfather could shoot fireballs. His father, I don’t know anything about. In just four generations, you go from sparks to stars. The next generation will be even more powerful.

"You see, the Night-people always drew energy from our surroundings, for very rarely did we get decent meals. When we were first hunted, we learned to use this energy to protect ourselves. We shared this secret to do so with a few select families. They became the first Coven."

"What does that have to do with me? I’m not joining them as it is."

"Well, it has everything to do with you. You are descended from one of the first Coven members, and therefore one of the strongest members of this new Coven. I am descended from the man who taught your ancestor the secrets, so in simple terms, you’re my responsibility. Matter of fact, we can do much of the same things. Well, you can do everything I can, and I can do some of what you can."

I nodded. It wasn’t that I fully understood, more of just not wanting this to get any more complicated. Then I asked the question I was dying to say. "Blake, how did you and Mage meet? If you’re the last of your race around here, shouldn’t you try to stay away from people?"

Blake had one arm draped over Mage when I said this. He held his arm out and rolled up his sleeve. His arm was covered in small scars and burns. But, on a clear patch of skin was a tattoo, faded with age. 00001. "This tattoo was first put on me when they realized the children of the highest rank were branded first. The ink fades as our numbers wane, and will become more visible as our numbers increase. Three years ago, it was only me and 01411 left. We used numbers instead of our names, in case we got caught. She had been scouting for a place to hide when Mage appeared. The Institution had complained of animals roaming about and Mage was sent to kill them. When I showed up, mage was standing over what she thought was a dead coyote. But, when she saw me instead of an animal she realized her mistake. When others came to see how she did, she used her powers to hide me.

"After that, she had snuck me into her room and we talked. If I remember correctly, I hid in there for five months before it was safe enough for me to leave. During that time, we became very close and she eventually asked if I would date her."

"So she left to kill pests and came back with a boyfriend? But at least you’re happy together."

"Oh, I just remembered. I can’t stay in Mage’s room, so would it be alright if I stayed in here," he asked me. "With you?"

I felt the heat on my face. "Wh-what if someone walks in?"

"They wouldn’t expect to see me, so they wouldn’t. Please, I really need to stay."

"Fine, you can have that bed. But you’d better behave yourself! No spying on me or doing anything weird." I said it partially because of Mage and partially because he was still just a stranger who

would be staying in my room.

"I wouldn’t have. I have Mage, and to be honest, she’s all I need. Or could want." Blake shifted and held her in his arms. "Can you get the door? I’ll put Mage in her bed."

So, a short while later, I was in my bed, facing the wall, unable to asleep as the Night-person boy sat on his mattress. Every now and then, I could feel him looking at me then I would hear him write something down in his thick, black notebook. Uneasily, I fell asleep and dreamed of golden-eyed monsters.

© 2012 Savior knowmore

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Added on March 6, 2012
Last Updated on March 6, 2012


Savior knowmore
Savior knowmore

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