![]() DanteA Chapter by Dewella~Vintella
The late Arizona night was warm against my skin as I sat at the edge of the pool, kicking my feet gently in the water as I looked across the parking lot. The kitchen light illuminated the the small dining room of the apartment, empty as I watched through the large sliding back door, waiting for Its occupant. I knew he was home because the light was on, so I sat and continued to wait.
I looked up to the sky and counted the constellations all too quickly before daring another look to the glass doors. Just when I thought to turn away a shadow danced across the room before a man padded into the kitchen. I couldn't help but sigh in appreciation as I shamelessly watched him. Dante Moreno was my tall, dark and handsome heart throb that I have been pinning after relentlessly for the better half of two years. Sure I had always liked him, he was too good looking not to notice, but I was either too young or too stupid to notice him much before. Then two years ago my aunt and guardian started traveling with her boyfriend and I slowly took her her duties as a landlord. I have lived with my aunt since I was 5, instead of setting me up in a daycare or leaving me with a baby sitter I tagged along with her to collect rent, fix the leaky sinks or broken heaters and any other jobs and complaints the Tennants had. I more or less knew how to run the place by the time I was 12. So when Margret met her boyfriend and they started traveling I got stuck doing all the work, not that I minded it. Thats when I really notices him, because I got to see him more whenever he paid rent and needed something fixed. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't always do the best at fixing so that's I'd get to stop by again later. Eventually I noticed he was around more at night, and that I could see him from the pool and not seem like I was spying. Did I know it seemed a bit stalker-ish of me? Yes. Did I particularly care? Not really. In fact I didn't go out of my wat to figure out how to spy on him. I've always suffered from anxiety and insomnia, and quiet walks and water always calmed me. Two summers ago had been particularly bad, and most nights I spent walking around the complex while the sprinklers ran, stopping to sit by the pool for a couple of hours, reading or listening to music. It had nothing to do with him until one night in particular. I remember laying back in one of the plastic pool loungers, eyes closed, earphones blissfully pouring classical music into my ears loud enough that I couldn't hear myself think. Let alone hear Dante open the squeaky pool gate or his footsteps as he approached me. I have no idea how long he had stood over me before I finally opened his eyes and noticed him. I have asked several times but he's never given me an answer. I had been so awestruck by him standing over me that it had taken a couple tries to ask what he wanted. I could only laugh when he explained he was concerned for me, because I was young and he noticed how often I was out by myself so late at night. After talking for a bit I realized that when he said he noticed me out and about, it wasn't just the last few nights he had happened to see me. It had been at least a month that he'd watched me most nights walk past his unit and towards the pool to sit and read or listen to music, before walking past his place again on my way home. He had 'noticed' me enough that he knew when I was usually out walking and when I was usually by the pool and for how long. He even knew that when I was reading I usually had a new book each night. So really, if you want to make any judgments about me seeming like a stalker, just know he started it. That was mid summer before I turned 16, when Margret first met her boyfriend and was still around some. He knew who I was but that was about it, so when he saw me out so late so often he got worried and, eventually came to see if I was okay. I gave him a quick explanation of my anxiety, insomnia, and told him about Margrets new boyfriend. How she was gone again only this time it's been over a week, the empty apartment so late for so long made me antsy, so I went for walks. For some reason knowing the other Tennants were there for me to look after helped, so it became a regular thing. We talked for over and hour, and by the time he went to leave the night had grown chilly. I watched as he stood and pulled the well worn sweater over his head and held it out for me, "You can probably take care of yourself, but I'm just right across the lot if you ever need anything." He offered me his company along with his sweater before leaving, and I've been pinning after him ever since then. I ended up waiting an agonizing three nights before going out again just to delay returning his clothing. Not that he hasn't loaned it to me many times since that night, but I had no way of knowing that at the time. Now I was a week from turning 18, and I was curiously waiting to see if age had any impact of our relationship or lack there of. He was five years older than me, and our interactions had always been friendly but innocent, I had always held myself back from anything I thought might be too flirtatious and he had never been anything but a gentleman. In fact for the first year I hated myself for liking him at all, mostly because it felt childish knowing that he wouldn't and couldn't ever like me back. Then one night late in the fall, after he told me the night before he would be leaving town for a week for work, I passed his place and noticed a large thermos, the sweater and a note sitting on the small table out side his back door. Stay warm, try not to miss me. I wore the sweater with glee and drank the thermos of hot chocolate as I continued my walk. I had been so happy with his thoughtful parting gift and it wasn't until I was laying in bed the next day, surrounded by his smell from the sweater and remember the note. Stay warm, try not to miss me.... Did he think I would miss him, did he assume that him being away was something for me to be sad about? Could he tell that I liked him even though I had been so careful to hide it? Even if he could tell why would he encourage any feelings I had by bringing attention to them. Did he want me to miss him? I spent the rent of the week in turmoil over the seven worded note, and by the time he returned I had come to one conclusion; he liked me too, even if it was just a little and even if he couldn't admit it or act on it. Even though I wanted to act on that assumption I never did, but the closer I got to 18 the more we both toed that line. Which brings me back to the present, sitting with my legs in the water, watching him emerge from the darkness into the kitchen and noticing how was naked from the waist up, and only a towel wrapped around his waist. He poured himself is usual late night coffee as he stood there in the spill of light half naked. His black hair still drying pushed back out of his face, leaving his deep brown eyes and strong jaw unshielded. I drank in the sight of him, the wide shoulders and strong arms, every dip and smooth plane down this tan chest and stomach all the way to the v of his hips and the fluffy cotton towel that was too white against his bare skin. Without a thought I pushed off and sank into the cool water. It's not like he didn't know I watched him, he had to know on some level anyways because he had looked up from his window too many times to see me looking at him. It never felt awkward or weird, and he always smiled and waved, sometimes he came out to talk and others he motioned for me to come to him. Maybe he did it on purpose, then again maybe he never gave it a second thought and figured he would pour himself a cup before getting dressed. Either way I felt like my body was burning just from looking at him, so to stop myself from looking, and to cool myself down a quick dip in the pool seemed sufficient. I let myself float there just under the surface, letting my self get lost in the feel of the water. Suspended and shielded from everything else, watching my long auburn hair dance amongst the blue waters hue. Then my wrist was gripped and I was pulled from the water, dripping and resisting a surprised sequel I wiped my eyes to see an annoyed Dante staring at me from less than a foot away as he effortlessly held me in the air. It wasn't so much his strength to lift me that was impressive, but more so how he seemed to have no trouble holding me at this angle with one hand and no strain. I smiled as I noticed he was only wearing shorts and I tried not to oogle him. "I thought you were drowning." His deep warm tone surrounded me and I didn't care to suppress a shiver I could pass it off as a chill from being wet. "That's no way to dress for meeting a lady." I smiled openly as I ignored him. He eyes flashed to my clothes and they lingered ever so slightly and my smile widened. I was wearing short shorts that were more ment for sitting around the house, and a white and yellowed stripped top that was not only a bit on the tight aide, but now soaking wet. "I have more fabric on my legs than you have on your entire body." "Maybe, but you aren't a lady so you shouldn't mind." He scoffed at me, like he usually did then released his grip and I fell back into the water, this time unable to suppress my squeal. I broke the surface and made a lazy lap around the pool, "I planned on going swimming and wanted to wear something that would dry fast. What's your excuse." I made my way back to his end of the pool and pulled myself out, sitting at the edge and writing out my clothes as best as I could. "You never swim, two years and I've never once seen more than your calves in that pool. I was starting to think maybe you couldn't swim, like I said I thought you were drowning." © 2019 Dewella~VintellaAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on September 17, 2019 Last Updated on September 17, 2019 Author![]() Dewella~VintellaDouglas, WYAboutAs time has changed, so have I. For a long time I thought I knew who I was and where I belonged, and for a long time I constructed myself to fit inside that mold; But it seems that much like the w.. more..Writing