Dream Land Hills

Dream Land Hills

A Poem by Dewella~Vintella

I create; from the static of my mind, and the steady beating of my heart, a sanctuary.
A land of dream and will, of desire and temptation.

Will you meet me there?
Where no eyes can pry, 
where our sins can come to play. 

I construct fields and meadows, 
rivers and streams. 
Glitter in the grass and high-wires in the trees. 
The fog will roll from the rocks and into the breeze. 
A creation from our minds, to titillate and please. 

For you; I create. 
I know there is no light in the ways of our thoughts. 
These dark temptations and wanton desires. 
Born in the room of twisted darkness, 
in the land where all else is possible. 

I will lay in wait, till my bones turn to dust. 
Till the blood in my heart slows, 
and my lungs expand with their last breath. 
I will wait for you, in this place of defiance. 

Will you join me?
Will you walk the distance of time and space?
Will you speak words of grace to me?

Or will you stay, 
so close yet so far away;
Inside your hole of reality?
Speak the words know but unspoken. 
and my spell for you will grow stronger, 
or forever be broken. 

© 2014 Dewella~Vintella

Author's Note

A piece inspired by a dream I once had. Though even still in remembrance it seems very much real.

My Review

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I am officially in love with this one, Dew.

This piece is such a dark love poem that it makes me shiver. Your word choice and the way you chose to rhyme is just awesome. Great descriptions and the language you used gave me a sense that the tone of the narrator was full of melancholy. When I read this, it was almost, apathetic, the way it flowed. Lazy in an almost dead kind of way. The longing you conveyed was faded, hanging on by a thread.

I would describe this poem as the essence of Autumn.

However, certain parts did make me smile to myself. Stanzas 3 and 4 reminded me so much of the "Elseness". And though I very enjoyed this entire piece, the sixth stanza was what really did it for me. Those lines were awesome.

Amazingly well done, Dew. Bravo. I think this is my new favorite of yours.


P.S. You've improved greatly.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the awesome comment ^^ I am not sure why but I am very proud of this piece and.. read more

10 Years Ago

The Elseness was an awesome place. That you were able to use it as inspiration is a good thing. As f.. read more

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 8, 2013
Last Updated on February 23, 2014



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