Chapter 13

Chapter 13

A Chapter by VincentRayne

Then welcome to E.D.G.E.

The interrogation room, Yu found, was akin to those usually found in police stations. Hands still in cuffs, he faced Zack Yumari eye to eye.
A guard beside Zack passed him some documents, and he flipped through them with interest.
“You’ve been on the run long enough. There’s plenty of things I’d like to ask you about…” Zack started.
“Before that, shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” Yu said.
Zack suppressed a smile. He was expecting this.
“I’m Zack Yumari, one of the key members of E.D.G.E. Our mission, basically, is to protect the people of this world from internal and external threats. We were deployed in the last war you were in, but according to records, you and your group finished things up before we came in. All we did was place a barrier around that city.”
So it was them. Yu thought, thinking back to that time when everyone was fleeing the city, and they slammed into an invisible wall.
“But anyway, that’s all I can tell you. I’d like to know what you’ve been up to for the last four years, eluding capture. They said you are a hero for getting rid of Ergon’s main enemy, but other witnesses have claimed that you have gotten rid of your own people, while siding with them…hence your incredibly high bounty.”
“I don’t really care how the people see me now. I can be a hero or villain in their eyes…it doesn’t matter. As for your first question, to put it simply, I became a farmer.” Yu stated matter-of-factly.
“Really? I find it hard to believe that you had cut off all contacts with your former allies and went, undetected, to that small village we found you in. You couldn’t possibly have gotten back to Japan alone. Or with your wife, for that matter.”
“I cannot reveal their identities. I don’t trust you, Zack. You could harm them.” Yu said.
“For what reason? Elisa Rayne had told me to keep an eye on you.” 
At the mention of Elisa’s name, Yu visibly jumped. The ex-principal of Ancora Institute was vital in securing Yu and Yuki’s escape route away from Europe. He did not expect her to ask someone to keep tabs on him.
And after I told her to leave us in peace…sheesh.

“Your reaction tells me that you know her. As for the issue of trust, well..I’d like you to see this.” Zack rolled up his left sleeve and showed it to Yu. On the bicep area was a blue cross like sign glowing faintly.
“You have the same symbol on your right hand.”
“I don’t quite understand.”
“At every continent there are people known as Guardians, individuals with special abilities related to the light. Our duty is to protect this planet and the realm we reside in. The symbol of the cross means that you are one as well.”
“Woah, hold it right there. Just having a symbol on my hand doesn’t mean that I am one of you. “
“Do you remember in your brief scuffle with Ms. Chainsaw? She was about to sever your windpipe. Your latent Guardian abilities awoke and protected you from death.”
Yu recalled back at that moment. The chainsaw had most certainly struck true. Yet he only came away with a minor wound.
“That was…just coincidence. “
“You could pass it off as just that, sure. But we have been around long enough, and found individuals with the same powers that I’ve mentioned just now. Protection is just one of its natural abilities. Im guessing you were born with them.”
“I was an orphan. I don’t recall my parents.” Yu replied, to which Zack raised his eyebrows.
“Really…now that would be strange. Guardian powers are known to be passed down from generation to generation. But we’ll touch on that topic another time. The main reason I’ve brought you here…is for you to work with us.”
“What? Work with a bunch of people I barely know?”
“Oh, you’ll be acquainted with us quickly. Some of us know you already.” Zack said, without elaborating.
“And why should I agree to your request?” 
“I’m sure you want answers as to why those people attacked you after so long. We know they aren't bounty hunters, that's for sure. At EDGE here, we have a vast amount of resources in doing almost anything. We are investigating into these kind of people, and we don’t know if they will assault the real world again. And we need all the help we can get. With someone of your caliber, it’ll be a big boost.”
“In short, you are just making use of me.”
“You can put it that way if you want. But if you help us, we’ll help you. I'm on Guardian duties. I'm not a cop. The door is open for you to leave, however. Know that after the fracas in the village though, I doubt there are any people who want to accept you. They’d sooner hand you in to the authorities.”
Yu knew that what Zack said was true, even if the truth hurts. 
Zack motioned for the guards to open the door. Yu rose to be escorted out, but turned back to Zack.
“I’ll see what you guys have for me in store. I will assist you, but on one condition.” Yu said.
“Name it.”
“Do not hurt Yuki.”
Zack smiled and nodded. 
“Then welcome to E.D.G.E.”
He extended his hand in a gesture of friendship, but Yu just walked off. Looking at him, Zack thought to himself that he had finally gotten the man he wanted.
A knock on Zack's door once and Uriko let herself in. To her surprise, Zack was awake and staring out his window. He turned when she walked in.

"What do I owe this visit for?" Zack asked with a smile on his face. It had been a while since Uriko had seen Zack this energetic and figured it was because he finally had something to do. 

"It's about what i showed you before. The death was ruled as being an assassination. Many believe that it is the same person or at least a relation to the series of murders that happened throughout Europe." Zack was nodding with a hand under his chin.

"Isn't Elisa in Europe?" Uriko nodded. "Maybe she knows about what's going on."

"That was my primary purpose for coming. She has requested our England. She says that she might have the killer's location pinpointed and is asking for us to aid in the person's capture." Zack smiled. 

"I hope you didn't turn her down." 

"Of course not." 

"Good. Get a hold of our dear friend, Yu, and let him know that we will be off in the morning. He's not very fond of me yet but i think with some time that may change."

"Do you need me to come as well? I can leave my post if need be." Zack though for a moment then shook his head. 

"No need. just tell my wife that i'll be flying over waters. I feel safe with her as my support over communications and I need you to look after things while I'm gone. Besides, i think two Guardians should be more than enough for a sociopath."

© 2014 VincentRayne

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Added on July 27, 2014
Last Updated on July 27, 2014



Los Angeles, CA

I'm pretty quiet and keep to myself most of the time but I don't mind expressing myself through creativity. I love drawing, writing, playing the guitar, bass, violin, and piano. I play video games as .. more..

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A Chapter by VincentRayne

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A Chapter by VincentRayne