We are all visitors and none of us knows how long our stay will be for. We arrive empty handed and we leave empty handed. What happens in between can make you a beggar or a king, but in the end the common factor is we will all become dust. That's where your lines took me Vin, this fine morning.
Everyone wants something but when you're a drifter, you have nothing to give but love. A good thought to wake up to this cloudy Sunday morn. I went to bed with nothing but love in my heart, I woke up with nothing but the memory of good dreams that love weaves.
This poem reminds me of one of my favorite lines in rock-n-roll history . . . Eagles/Hotel California: "we are all just visitors here" (brilliant writing in that song, too!) I am not clear on who is talking at each stage of this conversation, but that doesn't really matter, becuz the message is still thought-provoking in all the ways you meant for it to be. This reminds me of when two people enter into the early stages of a relationship & each one is sizing the other one up, in terms of what they can bring to the equation. Sometimes those who have nothing bring the most to one's life! Good job of letting your "point" float out there, to reach the reader on whatever wavelength it goes, without over-working your meaning (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
We are all visitors and none of us knows how long our stay will be for. We arrive empty handed and we leave empty handed. What happens in between can make you a beggar or a king, but in the end the common factor is we will all become dust. That's where your lines took me Vin, this fine morning.