My society, oh its lavishness with guilded vices, promoted themes and expensive prices. Not just with money, but feelings and self esteem, covert intentions only the arcane seem to have seen. A society where foolishness is seen on TV, then impressionable adolescents emulate and parents wonder how can that be? A society where slavery persists, though now mentally enslaved people don't even notice their shackled wrists. A society where doctors make less than entertainers, though entertainers inspire lives, doctors save them...I think that's a bit greater. A society where females are told to be skinny, their self esteem drops, feeling less pretty. A society where casual sex is all over TV. Then we wonder why we have a problem with STD. A society where money changes people, not always for the better, a society where we've become content, wanting to settle.
What ever happened to the revolutionaries, those bold enough, with the courage to dare to be different, what ever happened to those who deviated from society's vision....