![]() Coar'a Oli's WrathA Story by Gimmic the VictorAs the sun hid behind gloom and shadow, a strange grey twilight made it hard for her to see anything. Snow began to fall, and she shivered. Early that morning she had rushed out of her home thinking that the mild autumn weather would last all day. Wrong. The strange gloom materialized out of thin air and in her slight cotton dress, thin wool sweater, and sandals she was poorly prepared. She had run to the woods behind the small town she had lived in since birth; and within it a small secret glade where she awaited her secret love. For hours she stood, watching the blue sky evaporate and the gloom darken about her. For a long while she began to doubt he had remembered her but she continued to hope. When the dark gloom about her was thickest she saw a faint shimmering light far away in the sky. Atwyn! She ran to him and held out her hands to his. In the odd grey light, it was hard to see if he was smiling or not but as his warm hands rested in her cold ones, she felt him smile within. She had been waiting such a long time for him and she was regretting not dressing warmer. He draped his dark wool coat around her shoulders and hugged her. “How long have you been waiting for me?” he said looking down at her. The snow fell silently down on her numb face as she looked up into his shadowed face. “It no longer matters…” she said gently, running her frigid fingers in his long silky hair. “Now that you are here it doesn’t matter if I waited several hours or just a moment. To be with you makes all else fade like a dream.” His hands began to glow as a brilliant red flame consumed them, yet leaving them intact. He gently touched her pale white cheek and in seconds her face was a healthy pink hue. She took his hand and said softly “Don’t, you will grow weak if you continue”, she kissed his hand. He shook his head and smiled. "dont worry, my power has become greater then before, besides... “ it will take us some time to find shelter from the storm, which is gathering its strength quickly” Ayame began to ask when he said, again to come with him to shelter.She began homewards, but he caught hold of her arm. "Not there, it is not safe enough." Ayame nodded slowly, as she knew Atwyn had never said something that did not happen. "Walking will take to long; we must fly if we are to escape from the storm, will you bear it for awhile?" She nodded slowly, and clung to him, shivering. He draped his cloak over her head, and picked her up into his arms. "Hold on to me tightly". Soliel burried her face into Atwyns chest and nodded again. Then with a glitter and a soft fizzle he leapt up into the dark sky, small Magik bubbles burst all about them leaving a trail of what looked like stardust. The bitter cold wind whipped at her legs,and she let out a small whimper, digging her fingers into his neck.“Don’t worry, Ayame! I won’t drop you; just hold on a little longer.” Ayame held on. Suddenly it was much quieter and the wind was no longer nipping at her. She peered from under the wool cloak just as Atwyn landed. She stepped onto the land and walked gingerly using her slightly numb legs. She tripped and Atwyn caught her. He took her hand and supported her as she walked, now with more confidence. Now she took in the sights around her. They were in the same woods but from what she could tell (with all the trees taller and ancient looking) that they were deeper within. An old oak in front of her caught her eyes within seconds. It seemed to reach up into the sky, like a twisted dark arm, past the clouds, perhaps up to the stars which littered the sky, brighter and larger than she had ever seen before. A door stood within the tree, made of a vivid breathing substance that looked like a reflection of the moon and sun pooled into an intricate swirling light. “We will be safe from the storm in the Entueil.” Just what is the Entueil, she thought staring at the tree with wide eyes. Atwyn gently nudged her towards the portal before disappearing into it. She gulped and followed him through the pool of light. Her whole body tingled and then she was through. Atwyn was kneeling over a small pool in the middle of glade full of silver and gold flowers bright and livid like the doorway in. Atwn glanced up and with a wave of his hand a chair rose from out of the floor and said, “Make yourself comfortable, I will be with you in a moment.” His long silver hair fell past his face, and fell into the glowing water. She quietly watched him, his face aglow with a violet light. He closed his eyes and murmured something before opening his eyes widely. His eyes reflected the pool, within them something moved. He sat up suddenly, as silver hands reached up from the pool trying to pull him in. With a sharp twist of his left hand, a rough word, it dissipated. “Atwyn, are you ok?!” Ayame wrapped her arms around him. He coughed sharply, and laughed. “I’m alright…just a little starteled is all” He said looking into her eyes reassuringly. “Look, even if I hadn’t of reacted as I did, I was in no immediate danger, it would of just been a slight shock to the system” She sighed. “If you say so….just what were you doing anyways?” He stood up and held out his hands to her. "I cannot tell you now, for it would only confuse you and..." Ayame looked away, and said softly "Oh, Atwyn i..." Atwyn sighed. " Alright, I will tell you, but you must tell no one, even..if your life was at stake, ok?" Ayame nodded and sat down on the soft patch of grass and flower petals. She ran her fingers over a gllowing rose, and fell faint, falling backwards. "A..ah, you shouldn't touch the flowers, its magic is subtractable and drains, ah.." He helped her to sit up and said "Just what are they for? They are so beautiful and..." Atwyn smiled. "It matters not, they are here because that is their purpose .He sat down besides her and ran his fingers through his lovers hair. He frowned softly as he began to speak. "The storm has been formed by a kigam user, you remember what i told you about them? She nodded. Atwyn shook his head, and sighed. "the pool i was staring into is a sort of a looking glass, but much more complex and twisted. It can also trace and find things hidden to the normal eyes, and i found that there is indeed a kigam user behind the storm. i also saw intwined with my other qeury was your brother standing in our secret glade. She frowned deeply and sighed, "If it was my brother..." Atwyn crawled over and wrapped his arms around her shoulders tightly. He took her hands in his and squezzed them reasuringly. "Ayame, it was your brother. but i have yet to tell you what else i saw in the pool. It is the least of our problems..." "What could be worse, Atwyn? My brother has met you before, and he hates you. He would surel.." Atwyn gently layed his fingers his finger on her lips. She blushed. "Ayame, please will you listen?" She nodded. He removed his fingers and stood. He glanced away, with a distant look of fear in his eyes. Soliel stood and wrapped her hands around him. "Tell me Atwyn," She layed her hands in his. He looked straight into her eyes, and what she saw in them frightened her. Atwyn, in all the time she had known him, had never showed much fear or worry. Even when her brother found them talking alone. He always had a smile on his face, no matter what. He hugged her tight before whispering in her ear. "My cousin, Coarai' oli, is the one behind the storm. My family is looking for me." Soliel pulled away from him and looked him straight in the eye. "Atwyn, I thought you were disowned by your family? You told me so, not a week ago. Is there something you have forgotten to tell me?" Atwyn let go of her hands and murmed. "It is best if that is all you know. If you knew anymore, you would be at the mercy of..." He trailed of, unwilling to finish the sentence. Soliel stomped her left foot, and her body began to tremble with anger. "Atwyn, You told me this wouldn't happen again. You told me, that from now on you would share your past with me, as i have with you!" She grabbed hold of his sleeve, and lowered her head. Tears fell from her face unto Atwyn's sleeve. "Don't you trust me, Atwyn?" Atwyn was distraught seeing Soliel cry, but he couldn't find the words to say to her. He gently pried her from his sleeve. Atwyn in turn, hugged her tightly. "Please forgive me, Soliel." His hands glowed a soft blue light, and she collapsed against him, fast asleep. Soliel opened her eyes slowly, though it was hard for her to see anything in the dim light. The faint smell of animal and ashes reached her nose and she imeaditly knew where she was. She was back in her home. She looked to her side and even though all she could see was his shadow, she knew it was her brother. "What...why am i here?" she murmed wonderingly. Then she remembered. Why..did Atwyn put me to sleep? "What did he do to you? I would have knocked his lights out if he didn't disapear, im not a very good brother since i let that freak go." Soliel sighed. "Andre, where is mother and father?" scilence stretched between them for several moments, making Soliel a little anxious. Andre always had something to say. "The storm, has been sudden and it has been snowing, even though it's four months early. It has everyone in.." "Andre, where are they?" He shook his head. "They were out looking for you, as i was. Though it has been several hours since they have been home last." She noticed his shivering, and sat up. It was snowing, she could see it from the window, but she wasn't cold at all. Soliel felt something warm lying on her chest and pulled out from under her shirt a red stone with black twine, glowing dimly. Andre stared. "Is...that from the halfbreed?" Soliel shook her head, and said, "Andre, I have told you before not to talk about him that way. Its down right..." "You love him...don't you?" Soliel was glad that it wasn't very bright, as she blushed. She nodded. "This is from Atwyn, though he didn't give this to me in person..." "It's bad luck to wear something from an Elkilyn, expecialy if it has magick powers." She took it off and put it around Andre's neck. Andre began to take it off when he noticed how he no longer shivvered from the cold. "Atwyn, must of known it was going to get cold like this. It's something he gave to me to keep me comfortable." Andre scoffed and took it off. "It doesn't matter if it keeps you warm or not, It's most likely cursed." He put it away into his pocket. Soliel reached out to retreave it, but Andre took hold of her hands. "Soliel, please don't. I worry about you so much, Im so afraid that thing will steal you away one day. Please." Soliel pulled away, and turned her back to him. "Fine. Do we have to stay in here though? Mother, father, what about them?" Andre shook his head. "It's warmer in here, by a lot. If you try to even take a step out of that door, you'll become a instant human popcicle, because of the cold." Soliel's shoulder's slumped and hung her head. "give me the pendant back brother, i can use it to find them.." Andre shook his head. "i'll do it." The wind howled, and the snow struck the old couple with such intensity, they could not move forward, but backward, with thier backs to the storm. They shivered, arms wrapped around each other to capture what little warmth they had left. Soliel's mother collapsed and her husband rushed to her. "Don't please, We are almost home, get up." She smiled softly and said so quietly he had to put his head next to hers, "You know full well we are lost." He smiled and held her, the snow building up around them. It seemed it would be the end then and they told each other how much they loved one another. How much they would miss thier children. The wind felt less harsh around them, and it became incredibly warmer. They looked up, and stared. A tall man with pointed ears and long hair, streaming wildly, had the storm stop at the tips of his long fingers. Around them they noticed a warm glowing light melting the snow from their clothes. At first they were quite relieved but the loud screaming of a harsh forien, laungage startled them, and caused them to loose concioous. More or less because of the intense kigam coursing through thoose words, not from the loudness, and it had been very loud. The man called out in return with the same launage, feeling sick as the words left his mouth. Suddenly the storm stopped. It became an average autumn day again, the sky blue, fluffy cloud floating by. It was as if it had never been. Atwyn collapsed, sheltering the couple and talking in Gleonoir (a luagage used only by kigam users)had greatly weakened him. He layed there breathing heavily for a while. A minute later a tall familiar shadow blocked the sun, and smiled down at him. Atwyn tried standing but only got to his knees, looking away as he spoke common tounge, "It is me you want...no need causing pain to others..." The tall Elkilyn, sneered. "Oh, how low you have stooped, cousin. Protecting humans? Old ones at that?" Coarai' oli picked him up and held him above the ground (note Atwyn is 6ft8, and Coarai' oli is over seven) and stared intensly at him. Atwyn looked away, and Coarai' oli threw him back down. He scoffed, "To think that you are a kigam user at all makes me sick." He kicked him in the side, causing Atwyn to cry out softly. He knelt there on all fours and said to the ground, "If your so disgusted with me, why come after me?" He smiled. "Oh?" Atwyn looked up at him, bewildered. Coarai' oli laughed shortly then glared. "I only stopped the storm, to properly thrash you for leaving." Atwyn crawled to a tree and used it as a crutch and said, "If you can" Coarai' oli only shook his head, as he stalked forward. "Pathetic." The storm brewing in Coarai' oli's eyes made the blizard seem like a slight summer breeze. Atywn knew he had a right to be angry but he still feared what Coarai' oli was going to do to him. Soliel ran out to find Atwyn after the return of her parents. "Come back foolish girl!"
© 2010 Gimmic the Victor |
Added on September 24, 2010 Last Updated on September 24, 2010 Author![]() Gimmic the VictorYour twisted little mind., NHAboutNot much to say. I'm Victor, though I go by my nickname, Vic. I write when I find the time...either college work steals my time or uh. ~Coughs~ Skyrim of late. There is nothing super new up, but I am .. more..Writing