The Time Trekker and the Pocketwatch
A Book by Gimmic the Victor
Essie and her friend attempt to steal from the wrong old lady. Instead of reporting Essie, she is sent on a journey-to discover the secret behind the pocket watch. 
© 2016 Gimmic the Victor
Author's Note
The grammar isn't the best, but I would like you to help me out with telling me if you want to see more. If you do read my chapters, please be sure to tell me what worked and what didn't. More voices help me improve, than simply relying upon my own.
Gimmic the VictorYour twisted little mind., NH
Not much to say. I'm Victor, though I go by my nickname, Vic. I write when I find the time...either college work steals my time or uh. ~Coughs~ Skyrim of late. There is nothing super new up, but I am .. more..