Asterismos Part 1

Asterismos Part 1

A Story by Venefica Tenebrae

“May I ask you a question?” You were sitting on a table, with your feet dangling in the air. You were barefoot, your shoes were long gone in the streets of the city.

“Why?” He didn't even turn to face you.

“Well, you´re about to kill me...” you took a deep breath, “so maybe I could learn something? About your kind? It's not like I could tell anyone.”

“Okay.” The man looked at you and smirked. “Go ahead, little one. Ask.”

You looked at him curiously when he used the pet name.

“What is your favourite colour?”

He laughed and you flinched as he stood up abruptly. He came closer to you and put his hands covered in blood on the table, on each side of your thighs.

“You can ask me anything in the world and you ask for my favourite colour?” You blushed and lowered your sight. You were meddling with your hands in your lap when he put his index finger underneath your chin and pulled your head up. You looked him in the eyes, they were silver with a hint of red. His complexion was white as snow, and it looked so smooth you wanted to touch him. He looked threatening and distant, but his eyes… His eyes were calling for you.

“I mean… Is it different from when you were a human? Or if you see differently. Especially colours.” You whispered, not sure if he wanted you to continue talking.

“I do see differently. I see more details, the colours are more vivid. I can see better in the dark, strong lights give me headaches.” He moved to the bucket by the end of the table.

“Green is my favourite colour.” He said while washing his hands. You didn't say anything, but you gave him a small smile.

“What is your favourite colour, little one?”

“Blue. I love purple as well, but blue… Blue is my favourite colour ever since. I remember when I was little I always wanted to have blue eyes. I found them so intriguing, so beautiful. So special.” You whispered the last part, smiling sadly.

“Your eyes are special. Not because of the colour but I can see in them that your soul is pure.”

“My soul is far from pure, sir.” You chuckled but froze on the spot when he ran back to you and his face was inches from yours. He was leaning on his fists and breathing heavily.

“Don´t you dare to say that again. You have no idea how a soul that is not pure looks.”

“I´m sorry, it was supposed to be a joke…” You mumbled, leaning back from his face.

He composed himself and put his hands in his pockets. He looked at you for a moment with a question in his eyes.

“I want to show you something.” He reached his hand towards you.

You looked at him curiously and reached for his hand. You slid down from the table and stood up on the cold, marble stone. You smoothed out your dress.

“I didn't even have to persuade you.” He chuckled darkly.

“I have nothing to lose.” You said distantly, focusing on your feet.

He came to you and frowned.

“You´re hurting, why?”

You smiled and cleared your throat.

“I was wearing new shoes tonight. They gave me blisters. And as I´m not used to high heels, the tips of my feet hurt whenever I step on them. But it's okay, nothing I can't survive.”

The man scoffed and picked you up bridal style like you weighed nothing. He started walking with you in his arms. You didn't touch him as you had no idea if he´d be okay with that or not. But you could tell his body was toned. And cold. You had no idea where he was taking you and if he was going to kill you wherever “something” was.

“Don´t worry, I won't feast on you now.” He said as he could read your mind. You were stealing glances at him while he was walking with you but you were amazed by the building. It was so clean, marble stone everywhere with seemingly electric torches. The windows were tall and curved at the top. You thought it was Gothic architecture but couldn't tell for sure during the night.

You chuckled as he was taking you up the stairs.

“What's funny?” He growled.

“Nothing. It just feels like we´re walking to heaven with all those stairs.”

“I can only take you to hell, little one.”

“I'd prefer that, thank you. It's warmer and I´ll see many similar faces there.”

The man smiled at you and put you down before a large door.

“You're not afraid of anything.” He said matter-of-factly.

“There are many things I´m afraid of, sir.”

“Can you stop calling me sir? It makes me feel old.” You looked at each other and you both started laughing.

“What should I call you then?” You asked and titled your head.

“I´m Raul.” The man said uncomfortably.

“I´m Varvara.” You weren't sure he wanted to know your name but it felt appropriate to tell him.


“Or bitter. In Italian.”

“Are you telling me your name in hopes I won't kill you?” His tone changed.

“No.I thought it was polite to tell you my name after you told me yours.” You answered slightly irritated.

“You said you´re afraid of many things. Is death one of them?” Raul asked and opened the large door.

“No. I'm more afraid of the pain that comes with death.” You answered, looking curiously to the room. You took an unsure step inside the dark void, searching for any source of light. You were surprised when after a few steps you felt grass underneath your feet.

“What is this place?”

“You'd call it heaven. It's my sanctuary. Are you ready?” You heard Raul´s voice but you had no idea where he was.

“Ready for what?” As you asked you heard a click and a loud banging. You looked up as a large metal plate was moving from the ceiling and you could see the stars. When the metal plate was completely gone from your sight, the moonlight lit up the whole room. There were trees and flowers everywhere, the grass you were standing on looked like silver strands. You were looking around yourself in awe, everything looked so magical in the moonlight. You were a bit cold but your heart was racing from both excitement and sudden feeling of fear.

The fear of a thousand years old vampire would be understandable but you weren't afraid of him. The fear of death would be understandable but you weren't afraid of that. You remembered a night, moonlit night in a tree alley, a gazebo and an ear piercing scream.

All of a sudden, Raul was standing in front of you and he cupped your face. He looked at you with a question in his eyes, you felt like he could sense you were uneasy. You moved away from him shyly and walked around his sanctuary.

“It's beautiful. It's so peaceful and I actually feel like I´m in heaven.” You chuckled and looked at him. He was standing a few steps away from you, looking sternly at you.

“Thank you, Raul.”

“For what?”

“For showing me this before…. The inevitable end. I love it.” You shivered at the thought of your passing but deep in your heart you knew it would be your redemption. Raul came to you and gently grabbed your neck. He ran his thumb up and down your artery as you tilted your head and closed your eyes. You were breathing heavily, awaiting his teeth buried in your neck. Instead, when he placed a gentle kiss on your neck, you whined involuntarily. You could swear he smirked and kissed your neck again. When he picked you up bridal style again, you darted your eyes towards him. It would make sense that he didn't want to drink from you in here.

“I'd love to taste your in my sanctuary. But for some reason I can't force myself to hurt you.”

“Did I say anything out loud?” You asked, shocked.

“No. But you are easy to read.” He smirked again and kept walking, seemingly to the other side of the building. It felt like a castle but it was too modern from what you saw so far.

“You´ll stay here with me until I decide what I want to do with you. My servant will deliver your resignation to your work, your bills will be paid and he´ll find someone to water your plants.”

“How do you know I have plants?” You asked, more and more worried.

“Every woman has them these days. It's either a cat or plants. And you don´t look like a cat lady.” You giggled and leaned on Raul´s shoulder.

“Why aren't you protesting? Trying to run away or at least fight me?”

“Will I succeed?”


“So you have your answer.”

“Do you need to say something to your family?”

“I have none.”


“Not that they would notice.”

“Why do I have a feeling you are better off here with a thousand year old vampire than out there among the living?”

“Every girl's fairytale.”

“Don´t think of me as a fairytale, Varvara. I could kill you in a second. Please, don´t…” As he looked at you he realized you had fallen asleep in his arms. He took you to a room with only a bed in it. It was one of the servant rooms that was no longer in use. He put you down on the bed, covered you with a blanket and left.


When you opened your eyes, you could see an unknown room diving in sunlight. You sat up quickly and looked around you frantically. You had no idea where you were, you remembered Raul showed you his sanctuary but you had no idea how you managed to get here after. The room had no furniture apart from the bed you were lying in. There was a sink in the corner of the room and two doors. You assumed the door on the left probably leads to the bathroom, the other to… somewhere? When you wanted to move your feet to stand up, you noticed a pile of clothes and a pair of sneakers on the bed. There was a small note on top of the pile.

“Please, change into this when you wake up. The castle can be quite cold. Everything should fit you perfectly. My servant put blister bandages into the first aid kit. You can use the bathroom, it has everything you need. The furniture will be added to your room in the morning. Do not try to see outside the caste. R.”

You shivered, realizing Raul was right that the castle was cold. You were dressed in summer dress, with only a blanket around your body. You took all the clothes and shoes and went to the bathroom. It wasn´t big, only a shower, toilet and a cabinet above it. You noticed there was no mirror in the room. You put your clothes on top of the toilet and opened the cabinet. There were a few towels in there, some toiletries and a first-aid kit that was mentioned in the note.

You took a quick warm shower, dried your body and put on the clothes. You were dressed in a cosy jumper, leggings and sneakers, all in black. Those bandages were a life saver for your feet. You put the dress on your bed and wanted to leave the room when you heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.” You exclaimed and sat on your bed.

A man entered your room, tall and thin with light brown hair and blue eyes. His face was covered in freckles and he was dressed in a black tuxedo. 

“Good morning, my lady. Have you found instructions the master left for you?”

“Hi. Yes, I did.”

“The furniture is here, do you want to stay in the room whilst it is installed or do you prefer the library?”

“I´d like to stay, if you don´t mind.” You stood up and moved to the corner of the room as a couple of men started to bring in furniture. The servant stood next to you, watching the commotion. You watched the room turn into a tiny apartment in minutes. 

They brought in a wardrobe, a table with a chair, a make-shift kitchen, a bookcase and a fridge. The last things were plastic bags from a grocery store and paper bags with no brand name on them that they put on the table. 

“Everything in this room is yours and for you to use. You can walk around the castle, just avoid the master´s sanctuary on the top floor. No one is allowed there. You are forbidden to see outside the castle, and if you try to run, the master said to imprison you.” The servant said matter-of-factly when the movers left.

No one is allowed in there. Did you dream of your visit? But how would you know about the sanctuary?

“How sweet of him.”

“Do you have any questions?”

“This may sound weird, but the castle or whatever this building is looks old. But there is electricity.”

“It was electrified a couple of years ago. Master needed it for his work, as well as the internet to stay informed.”


“Yes. The master makes sure to be up to date with the rest of the world. Even things you'll find in those bags he found on your Pinterest board.”

You looked at the servant with a raised eyebrow but you shook your head.

“You mentioned a library?”

“Yes. It's down the hall at the very end and to the left. You can read whichever book you like. The door to the kitchen is behind the main staircase. You have your own one here but feel free to use that one as well. The groceries are delivered every Monday. If there is anything special you´d like to eat, let me know.”

“Why is there a kitchen? I mean, I doubt Raul eats there.”

“The master prefers to eat in his office but if he has people over, he loves to cook.”

You almost choked on air.

“He cooks his guests?”

The servant laughed.

“No. The master meets with his business partners here. They are human, they eat what the two of us eat. So, he cooks for them. But it happens only once or twice a year.”

“Oh, okay. Raul eats… I mean...”

“Blood, yes. He has a collection of blood in a fridge, in his office but he mostly eats outside.”

“Will I become a part of the collection?” You asked in a small voice.

“Master doesn´t want you to be hurt. I need to keep an eye on you and if you end up hurt in any way, he´ll punish me.”

“That isn't very fair.”

“Is there anything I can do for you, my lady?”

“What is your name?”

The servant looked at you curiously and left. 


You were in your room when you could hear Raul talking to someone in the hallway. In a few seconds he rummaged through your door, closely followed by the servant with a box of groceries. He put them on the table while Raul was looking around your room.

“Do you like it?” He motioned to the room absentmindedly.

“You seem to know my taste quite well.” You answered cheekily. 

Raul smirked and you could see the servant was trying not to smile.

“But there's something else on your mind. Out with it.”

You looked down and took a deep breath.

“Do you want to have dinner with me?” You asked nervously.

“Don't be ridiculous. I could have you for dinner.” Raul answered snarkily and left.

The servant stayed with you, waiting for your command. You didn't expect Raul to stay with you, but you were still a bit sad. You went to the fridge and took out a plate covered with a lid. You turned towards the servant and handed him the plate.

“Can you, please, take this to Raul? It has to be eaten as soon as possible.” The servant took the plate and left with a nod. You sat down on your bed with a bowl of chicken parmesan salad.

The servant knocked on Raul's office door.

“I wish not to be disturbed.” His low baritone sounded angrily.

“Master, it is an urgent matter.”

“Come on in.” The servant entered the room and put down the covered plate on the table in front of Raul.

“What's this?”

“Your lady said you have to eat it as soon as possible.”

“Idiotic girl, I don't…” When Raul raised the lid, he stared on his plate speechless. In the middle of the plate was a bloody red jelly “cake”. It wiggled as Raul put down the lid.

“Bring her here.” He growled and the servant left in a hurry. 

When Raul was sure the servant was gone, he frowned. He could smell your sweet blood from the cake and it was making him anxious. He knew he should be happy and just eat the fresh blood, especially yours, but he was worried for your safety. As he heard commotion in the hallway, he stood by the table,

The servant brought you to Raul's office quite harshly.

“What's that?” Raul pointed at the cake.

“It's jellified blood. It will stay like this for only a few hours.”

“Did you make it?”


“From your own blood?” You stayed silent.

“From. Your. Own. Blood?” Raul growled and you shivered.

“Yes.” Raul turned to the servant and grabbed him by his throat.

“Did you hurt her?”

“No!” You both exclaimed.

“Let him go, he did nothing wrong!” You retorted and looked at the servant who couldn't breathe.

“And yet, I have your blood on the plate.” He fastened his grip on the servant´s throat and he started to lose consciousness.

“Let him go. He refused to help me because you forbid him to hurt me. Look, I cut my own wrist!” You yelled and showed Raul a bandage on your own wrist.

He let the servant free and you ran to him as he fell on all fours. He started to cough.

“I'm so sorry, are you okay?” You tried to touch him but he stood up and quickly composed himself.

“No worries, my lady.” As you were standing up, Raul grabbed your neck and pushed you towards the wall.

“Mali, leave.” The servant left in a hurry and left you both alone. Raul's eyes were raging with anger.

“Why did you cut yourself?” You grabbed his arm and tried to push it away to loosen his grip around your neck.

“Answer me!!” He yelled and shoved you against the wall.

Tears started falling down your face as pain reached your brain. Raul looked shocked for a second, but you could swear you just dreamed it.

“I... wanted to thank you... for not killing me and making my…. stay comfortable... I have nothing to give you... except my blood. I thought... I'm sorry.” You whispered in a paused  way, breathing heavily through your tears. Raul let you go and you fell onto your knees.

“Varvara, you're bleeding.” Raul whispered and left. You looked at your wrist and the bandage was soaked in your blood. You stood up and leaned on the wall. You left Raul's office and ran to your room.

You were light headed but you knew you needed to treat the wound before you could faint. You weren't thinking about it before but an open wound in a vampire's house is not a good thing. You sat by the shower and turned on the shower head. The cold water was lowering the stinging pain in your wrist. You heard someone rummaging through your door.

“Mali, put it on the table. Then you can leave. We… I won´t need you tonight.”

“Yes, master.”

You darted your eyes towards the door and you saw Raul standing there with bandages in his hands, breathing heavily.

“Why did you leave?” He asked and came to you.

“I thought you'd feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry…”

“Why are you apologizing so much?” Raul asked as he turned off the water and gently tapped your wrist with a towel.

“Because I'm an inconvenience.” You whispered almost inaudibly.

“Who told you that?” You didn't say a word.

“Varvara, don't test my patience. Who told you you are an inconvenience?”

“Everyone?” You chuckled. “Maybe not the same words but actions…. Conversations, texts,… you name it.”

“Morons.” You looked at Raul with a raised eyebrow.

He brought your wrist to his lips and kissed your wound gently. His cold lips felt very pleasant, you almost whined as he bandaged your hand. You noticed he was very gentle with you.

“Thank you.”

“You are not an inconvenience, Varvara. I am happy you are here with me.”

“I wasn't thinking. I mean, the cut. I didn't realize you might feel uncomfortable with me running around with a cut wrist.”

“The smell of your blood is very tempting. But I´ve learned to resist my urges. Please, never hurt yourself again. Not because of me... I'm not worth it.”

Raul grabbed your hand and walked you to your room. There was a bottle of red wine with two glasses on the table, with your unfinished dinner and his plate with your cake.

“I want to dine with you.”

“You find it ridiculous, if I remember correctly.”

“And technically, I'll be having you for dinner.” You giggled and Raul smiled at you. You sat by the table and he poured wine for both of you.

“No one has ever done anything like this for me. It's been centuries since I had a meal... like a human. I´m sorry for my reaction, you surprised me. Thank you.” He whispered and emptied the glass.

You smiled at him not knowing what you should say. You were watching him eat, taking small bites of your cake. When he was finished, he realized you only ate a few spoon-fulls of your salad.

“Varvara, are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah. I feel a bit lightheaded but I feel fine. Don't worry.”

“I want to worry.” He said as he stood up and put your bowl to the fridge. He then took your glass of wine and sat down on your bed next to you.

“Why? I mean, why are you doing all this when you wanted to kill me the moment you saw me?” You asked with tears in your eyes. He put the glass on your mouth and you took a sip from the wine. Then you pulled your face away to look at him cautiously.

“The wine will calm you. And to answer your question… I don´t know. I knew you´d taste divine, and you do.” You shivered upon hearing his words.

“Are you afraid of me?” Raul asked, you thought you heard sadness in his voice. You looked at him and contemplated. When you woke up in the cellar, you were worried sick. You somehow knew he wanted to kill you, but now you didn't understand. Was he keeping you as food? For fun? For… now, so he could kill you later?

“I don't know, Raul. I definitely was but right now... I don't know.” He looked at you with no emotion and stood up. 

“Thank you for the dinner. I wish you would understand how human that was for me.” As he was about to leave, you mumbled.

“I wish you could stay here.”

As you lied down, you could hear soft footsteps, but you thought he was leaving.

You were surprised when you felt him snuggling underneath the duvet next to you and covering you with it, wrapping his arm around your waist and pressing his cold body onto your back.

“Like this?” He whispered into your ear.

“Yes. Thank you.” 

“Good night, little one.”

“Good night.”


You were running through the castle when suddenly Raul grabbed your shoulder and tossed you against the wall.

“Did you actually think I'd let you go? Just…” He growled into your ear, goosebumps running down your spine. 

“Like...” He reached underneath your shirt, tugging on your jeans. 

“That?” He pressed his hips against your groin, your moan making his breath hitch.

“On your knees. Please me, little one.” You did as told, collapsing to your knees in a second. You closed your eyes as you were running your hands up Raul´s tights. You opened your eyes again and you were looking at the wall in your room. 

You sighed, as you ground your back on Raul. You realized he stayed with you all night.

“Are you okay?” He asked. 

“Yeah, I was… having a dream.”

“A good one, I presume? The sounds you were making were very suggestive.” He smirked and you blushed.

“A nightmare, actually.” You smiled. 

“I can make you repeat the sounds if you'd like.” Raul whispered into your ear seductively and started to slide his hand up your thigh before you grabbed his hand forcefully.

“Please, don´t!” You exclaimed, failing to hide fear in your voice.

Raul immediately put his hand around your shoulder and turned you around. 

“Who hurt you?”

You said nothing, you just shivered.

“Varvara… Who is he?”


© 2021 Venefica Tenebrae

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Added on October 28, 2021
Last Updated on October 28, 2021
Tags: castle, fantasy, vampire, abuse, trauma