Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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A Chapter by DresdenLace

Introduction of our main characters, starting with a very vital moment of time for them. An insight into the trauma of their lives.



He promised.
She tripped over a hidden root, and her tense, strained body jolted forward. Her hands shot out, the rugged bark of the surrounding trees scratching relentlessly at her pale skin, and she steadied herself, not allowing herself to fall.
They all promised.
Silently cursing, she pushed away hanging branches and clutching bushes, desperate to get through the thick barrier of forest. Thorns tore at her skin, roots grabbed at her bare feet, sharp protruding rocks penetrated the little amount of flesh that was on her body. The repetitive thump-thump of her heart, the laboured heaves of her strained lungs, the pounding of her feet hitting the ground surrounded her, heightening her extreme sense of claustrophobia. Darkness seeped through the thick trunks, its dry, sweaty grip encircling around her frail form.
He will be there.
The ripped and tattered material that was once a white hospital gown, hung loosely off her shoulders, the bottom half ripped off, so the long dress now ended around her upper thigh. A plastic bracelet with the inscription ‘UZA-3’ hung around her thin wrist, dirt blanketing the pale blue in brown.
As she stumbled over yet another deceiving mound of mud, automatically snapping out her hands to steady herself before she fell down to the ground – she knew without a doubt, that if that happened, she would not get back up – something silver glistened in the tiny sliver of moon that had peeked through the thick canopy of trees. She looked down at the thin silver ring that was on her wedding ring finger – though it was not a symbol of marriage. Kayde had given to her a few months back – though she didn’t know how he had got it - and she never took it off. It was a thin band of metal that split into two, and did a kind of Celtic knot. She adored it, and it increased her determination to survive.
With an extra spurt of speed, she sprinted through the undergrowth, ducking under trees, leaping over roots, dodging rocks. After three lengthened minutes, a line of grey metal penetrated her vision of thick trunks.
La Barrière.
The barred wire came into view, and she braced herself for a leap. Kayde had said la Barrière would not be running tonight – he wouldn’t explain why – and that it would not be electrified. She bent her knees, and sprung into the air, whacking painfully into the fence wire. Her hands scrabbled for the miniscule holes, and her fingertips and toes just managed to hold in her place. After a few seconds getting her bearings, she continued to climb the seven metre tall Barrière. She got to the top, and vaulted over, careful not to injure herself with the sharp coils at the top. Just as she lifted off la Barrière, a shout echoed through the enclosed woods from ahead, startling her and breaking her focus.
“Amilie!” a male’s voice called, worry and concern leaking through the words. His voice made Amilie jump and she lost her balance as she leapt forward. She fell awkwardly, unintentionally aiming for a misshapen bulge in the ground, and landed hard on her right side with a sickening crunch. She cried out, then automatically clenched her jaw together in pain, eyes screwed shut, not allowing herself to show how much agony she was in. She had broken her shoulder blade, and at least bruised a few ribs from the rocky mound she had landed on.
Footsteps ran towards her, and two strong, yet gentle hands were soon on either side of her face, a deep voice calling her name frantically.
Amilie managed to open her eyes to see Kayde kneeling in front of her, dark red eyes flicking between her dark grey ones, and her injuries. He looked relieved when she opened her eyes, but even more worry was soon scrawled across his dirty, yet handsome complexion.
“What have you broken?” Kayde asked, voice calm and professional, but expression utterly different.
“Shoulder…bruised…ribs…” Amilie hissed between her clenched teeth. Kayde paled, but went to investigate the injuries. His rough hands brushed over the bruised skin, and Amilie winced. Kayde instantly retracted his hands, and instead lifted up her good arm, slinging it slowly over his shoulder. His muscles tightened as he gently lifted her up, supporting her unhealthily light weight.
“Just leave me, Kayde, you need to get the others,” Amilie muttered weakly, pain and exhaustion sending her body to sleep. Kayde growled, eyes flashing dangerously, glancing down at Amilie.
“I will never leave you. You are going to be fine, and so are the others. They’re up ahead, I told them to wait for me while I got you,” he answered, scanning the area ahead as they made their way across the ground.
Thick drops of rain started to descend from the sky, and all trace of moonlight vanished along with any naïve hope that they would get out of L’Académie unscathed.
The two travelled in silence, Amilie focused on shutting out the pain, and trying not to burden Kayde with all her weight; Kayde set on getting Amilie and the others out of there and to somewhere safe, and moving as quickly as possible without causing her any more pain.
Lightning cracked over head, the rain now pelting down mercilessly, making Kayde’s dark brown with a red streak, thick, shaggy hair, and Amilie’s cinnamon blonde, just above her shoulders, messily cut tresses stick to their foreheads and cheeks. Kayde continuously blinked, trying to get the water out of his eyes so he could actually see where they were going – a wrong turn now, and they would die. 
I left them somewhere along here. Where are they?
Over the rain and thunderous wind, they barely heard the heavy footsteps that squelched through the liquefied mud behind them.
“Eye spy, with my little eye, something beginning with ‘D’ and ending in ‘eadmeat.” Kayde froze, not knowing whether it would be better to see the inevitable hoard of Les Ombres that were standing behind the pair, or not.
“I don’t think… you’ve really quite grasped… the concept of the game… it’s only the first letter… you fool,” Amilie spat to La Règle des Ombres who had spoken. Kayde grinned at her ability to keep up her feisty attitude even when she was dying.
She is not dying!
Kayde lost the smile, and turned fully around to glare at the twelve Les Ombres that had formed a semi-circle around the pair of them. L’Ombre who had spoken was holding a machine gun at his side, the used leather strap slung lazily across his broad shoulder, and he had the team leader badge on his left breast armour plate. The rest of Les Ombres held Beretta 92’s, with bandoleers of cartridges strapped across their chests. They all wore the same black, bullet proof spec. op uniforms, with the standard headgear, night vision and information scanner included. 
La Regle des Ombres snarled at Amilie’s comment and went to press the trigger to the machine gun, but decided against it. He wanted to see them suffer.
“UZA-3, UZK-1, how nice to see you both – alive. Wish I could say the same for the rest of the team.” He waited with an evil smirk, anticipating their reaction.
“What have you done?” Kayde hissed, and Amilie opened her eyes, making herself straighten out and support more of her weight, knowing Kayde’s temper all too well.
“Soigneux, UZK-1. We found them up ahead, just standing there, waiting. UZL-2 and UZA-4 put up a very good fight, so that was quite fun. UZD-6 and UZP-9 had to be shot twice ‘because they kept squirming even after we shot them the first time. Enfants stupides.”
Kayde snarled, and he made as if to move forward. Amilie sensed this and dropped her weight, hoping it would work. Kayde’s arms instantly snaked around her waist, pulling her to him protectively, keeping her from falling, and also stopping him from walking forwards. Amilie inwardly sighed, thankful for once that her eighteen-year-old boyfriend was so protective.
“Maintenant, you need to come back with us, back to L’Académie we go. Le Directeur wants his Unité de Zodiaque to be returned.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble… but if you don’t have the French accent… then the whole French amongst the English… doesn’t really work,” Amilie said conversationally, but the venom dripping from her words was easily heard. La Regle des Ombres growled, but didn’t react otherwise to the comment. He knew his orders, and needed to stick to them if he wanted to live.
“You think I’m mensonge… lying, UZA-3. Désolé, my sweet, but your team is dead. All of them.”
Amilie blinked; feeling the only recently familiar feeling of tears starting to form, prick at her eyes. She shook her head slightly, ignoring the eruption of pain that she gained from that small movement.
“Non…” she whispered, slipping into her old habit, one that she tried so hard to get rid of.
“Non, ce ne peut pas être vrai, vous mentent à nous. Ils ne sont pas morts, ils ne peuvent pas être mort,” she whispered, and Kayde held her close, the tremendous weight of depression and guilt falling upon him.
“Désolé my dear, but it is. Get over it. Maintenant, we have to get you back. Au revoir, mes Amis. Mes condoléances.” He snapped his fingers, and the other eleven Les Ombres raised their weapons, and fired with amazing speed. Amilie and Kayde were thrown off by their speed and the sheer amount of bullets heading their way; they had no time to react, and they fell to the floor on impact.


© 2008 DresdenLace

Author's Note

Most of the French I'm sure you can work out for yourself, but here is the translation of what Amilie says: "No, that can�t be true, you are lying. They�re not dead, they can�t be dead."
Most likely there will be some spelling mistakes and such, but I've tried to get rid of them; I apologise if there are any.

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Added on July 7, 2008
Last Updated on July 7, 2008



Bucks, United Kingdom

Welcome to my profile. Hmmm... well, I'm a fifteen year old fanatic, who spends half her time in another reality. I write to keep sane, and read to keep smart. I spend a lot of time over at fanfiction.. more..

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A Chapter by DresdenLace