Chapter 15 - Offering

Chapter 15 - Offering

A Chapter by VassD

More is learnt about the Legacy and the Lady.


Ania felt like a weight had been taken off her chest the moment she woke up the next morning.  As she made her way to the training yard, Ania reveled in how wonderful to no longer be constantly working towards something�"to actually have the time to live.

Up until now, she had been working towards a dream.

Now, she was living it.

Her sparring match with Randen was less of a fight than a dance�"they were both too busy floating on air to really pay attention to one another. They went through the motions, but it was like a choreographed dance that had been rehearsed for so long that it couldn’t have been forgotten.

Which it was.

When they were at the breakfast table, there was so much laughter everywhere that Ania was surprised that anyone could eat at all.

Looking up when she heard footstep approaching, the smile that never seemed far below the surface today came out in all its glory. Skaught.

The drug like sensation she got when she was around him was different today. Before, it would smother any bad emotion in her, sometimes making it feel as if she were underneath a heavy woolen blanket. It had made it seem like if she could just hold herself under for a little longer, the problems would take care of themselves.

But now, when she was already so happy, with not a single bad feeling to be found, it was more like she was floating on a cushion of air, far away from anyone else.

“You seem to be in a good mood, Lady Ania.” Skaught said this with a smile, and when
Ania heard those words, she could barely contain the rush of emotion that flooded through her.

She was going to say something that proved just how happy she was, but when she looked in his deep brown eyes, Ania could think of nothing that could explain exactly how she felt. At a complete loss of words, all she could think to do was reach her arms around his neck and kiss her prince long and hard.

Through the fog of happiness in her mind, she heard something, a small crash followed by a muttered, “Great!” Turning around, Ania saw that one of the crystalline goblets had shattered. Randen’s hand, apparently the guilty party, was riddled with small cuts. Even as she came over to help, small golden sparks skittered across the various wounds, cleansing and closing them at the same time. Glancing up, a wry smile on his face, he explained. “It tipped over, and when I went to catch it, all it did was break in my hand. Stupid things always were too fragile.”

Taking another look at the thick crystal shards, something in the back of her mind told her that his explanation made absolutely no sense, but she was too happy to worry about anything right now. She took Skaught’s hand, and, her head leaning against his shoulder, walked towards the main doors. The day was hers. She would make it count.

Later that day, when she and Skaught were walking through the gardens, she saw a Knight coming towards them. At first she thought that they were coming with a message for the Prince, but then the Knight called out her name.

When the Knight came closer, she recognized him as one that had joined up the same year as Skaught, only a few years older than the Prince. His name was…Kyel? Yes. Kyel Taylr. “Lady Ania. The BowMaster told me that you were to have this as soon as possible.” He gave her a small smile. “I would have gotten it to you sooner, but…you never seemed to stay in the same place for very long.” She laughed. She liked Kyel. He handed her an old leather bound book. It didn’t seem to have a title anywhere on it, and flipping through the first few pages, she found it to be handwritten. Looking up at Kyel with confusion, he said, “The BowMaster said it was something that would help explain things.”

Ania suddenly remembered. Just after the ceremony last night, Sir Alecgorn had pulled her aside and said that he would send over some things that her aunt had owned as the Legacy Knight. She handed it back to Kyel, saying, “You can just take it to my rooms. I’ll look it over tonight.”

Kyel didn’t take it. “I already took the rest of the materials to your rooms. Sir Alecgorn told me explicitly that I was to give this to you in person.” Ania looked at him, confused at why this book was any different. “He said that this one was special. Too special to let out of my sight.”

“I don’t understand. How is this�"?”

“Lady Ania, this was hers. This was Lady Alliania’s journal.”

Ania froze, and then opened the book so forcefully she was afraid that she would crack the old leather spine. Sure enough, engraved into the leather on the inside of the cover was her name. Alliania Kyatei.

Looking to Skaught, she excused herself and ran as fast as she could to her room.

When she entered the stone room, Kryssa looked up from where she was organizing countless old leather books onto shelves that had once stood empty. Ignoring the girl completely, Ania walked over to the desk and, sitting down, opened her aunt’s journal.

The first journal entry was over thirty-five years old. To her amazement, Ania found that it was the account of the day Alliania had become a Dativ. It was very similar to what had happened to Ania, except that Alliania had somehow found the courage to go around and talk to the other children. She had brought them all out of their shells, calming them all down. Ania now realized why it was that everyone in the Compound loved her aunt so much. It was because she loved them first.

Ania read about how her aunt had met a young boy with bright green eyes that had amazing skill with the long bow, and a girl that could make sword fighting look like dancing. Ania smiled when she read the exploits of her aunt and the two future Masters as teenagers. She knew Sir Alecgorn had a sense of humor, but this…

She discovered that Alliania had a mentor that had taught her as she had Ania, a woman named Keila Vohnam. She had been the old BowMaster, the one that Sir Alecgorn had replaced. Ania could feel the love that Alliania had for this woman through the words that covered the age-yellowed pages.  It was just as strong as the love Ania felt every time she thought of her aunt.

Days past, with a pattern establishing itself within the first week. She would spend time training with her file in the morning, leaving the afternoon for time to spend with Skaught and her friends. After dinner, she would lock herself in her room to read her aunt’s journal.

After a few weeks, Ania realized that there were gaps between entries, sometimes days, sometimes months before her aunt wrote again. One entry said, “I’m learning things�"important things. Too important to go in with all this drama. This is my life. That is my legacy.” Ania thought this strange�"as far as she could tell; her aunt hadn’t been named the Legacy Knight yet. Ania didn’t think she had even started the seven months of final training yet. What was she talking about?

She found no other indication of what Alliania was talking about, so she eventually let it go as a mystery that would be solved in its own due time. Mean while, there were mysteries and secrets enough.

Ania relived the Knighthood ceremony through her aunt’s words, and smiled when her aunt wrote of seeing her family again. Anmita, Ania’s mother, had already married Daninite and Alliania spoke of holding the newborn Xanya while the two-year-old Ehmita clung to her mother’s skirts.

The next night as Ania read in the light of a full moon, she read an entry that she had known must be coming, but caught her off guard none the less.

In the neat, flowing script of her aunt’s hand, Ania finally learned the truth.


Earlier tonight, I was walking with Alec and Zer. I can only assume that she was in on it, because Verisi DeMisi came and got Zer, saying something about the SwordMaster wanting to talk to her, just as we came into the center of the gardens.

I’m glad she did.

Alec took my hand and started pulling me towards the stone bench that is surrounded by all the white rose bushes. Making me sit down, he found my favorite kind. It was one of those roses that hasn’t opened all the way but wasn’t a bud. He wouldn’t give it to me yet.

Instead, he sat there, on the ground at my feet, telling me how he had felt the first day we had met. I found myself crying as he went on to tell me how, as we had both grown, he had fallen in love with me. I could barely believe I was hearing the words I had longed to hear for so very, very long.

He asked me to marry him.

I love him. So very, very much. When I’m around him, I feel lighter, like my problems just float away. But not like they are hiding, waiting to come back. It’s like they…are easier to handle around him, or because of him… He lets me cry on his shoulder when I’m sad, lets me talk to him about…everything… Everything is easier around him…

Everything is sharper around him, too. The smells stronger, the colors brighter, the sounds clearer. Everything feels better.

I love him.

I’m going to tell him yes, at the coronation ball for Princess Adilayde.

My new life is about to start.


Ania sat back, tears welling in her eyes. Her aunt had been married…to Sir Alecgorn. Her mind raced back to the time Alliania had brought him to meet her. It had been just past her fourth birthday, so it was hard to recall exact details, but she could remember the looks her aunt had shared with Alecgorn, and, in the last few moments before Ania had lost sight of them into the dark night as they left, Ania was sure of it…they had kissed.

She had never given it much thought before… But it all made sense now. The way Lyem had reacted the first day they had met. How Alecgorn had smiled when Ania had said she was Alliania’s niece. Why it had been him that had come to her to take care of the transfer of the Legacy records. Of course he had had them. They were his wife’s.

Ania wiped the tears from her face, and opened the journal back up. She read about her aunt’s wedding. How the whole Compound had come. She read a passage written Alliania had discovered she was pregnant with Lyem. It was strange, and Ania wasn’t sure of what to make of it.


Alec’s nearly delirious with joy. He can’t wait for the baby to come. I would share his joy if not for what I know. My Legacy keeps me from putting my heart into it until I know for certain. Please, please, please Gods… Don’t let it be a girl. I want my baby. Please let it be a boy.


Ania had no idea what was so bad about having a girl, but she couldn’t help but feel her aunt’s relief when Lyem was born, a healthy, green eyed boy.

She was about to put the journal for the night, when she saw the date written above the next entry. The date was almost ten years after the last one�"the largest gap she had yet seen. There were tear drops all over the page, making it difficult to read certain passages. But enough of it was clear for her to understand the meaning.


I have given birth again. As much as I love my little girl, I know the law of the Legacy. As I held my daughter for the first time, my heart was breaking. Her blue eyes sparkled, and I know she will understand. Eventually.

Alec sat next to me as I lay in bed, my little Lyem on his lap. Anmita, my wonderful sister, came in with her family. They promised to take care of my baby, but I don’t want to let her go. My heart is crying for my daughter. I don’t think it will ever stop.

Lyem got down off his father’s lap, and walked over to Xanya, who is only a little older than him. He looked her in the eye and told her if she ever let anything bad happen to his mia, his angel sister, he would come and make her sorry. She just said, “She’ll be happy with me.”

Anmita walked over to me, and when she lifted my baby from my arms, it was like she was taking my soul, too. My daughter started crying when she left my arms, and I wanted to take her back, hold her, comfort her, but Alec held me back, just as I had asked him to. I collapsed against him, sobbing, but there was nothing I could do for my baby. She was Anmita’s now.

My sister looked at me, empathy in her eyes, and she asked me what my baby’s name was. I said it so quietly that I’m amazed she even heard me.

“Ania,” I whispered. “My baby’s name is Ania.”

© 2012 VassD

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Added on April 25, 2012
Last Updated on April 25, 2012
Tags: knights, covenant, fantasy, novel



A tiny random town-city-dimension, ID

I'm a fledgling author with dreams about as big as one of Robert Jordan's books. Maybe more than one on top of each other. I love writing fantasy and science fiction stories (No matter how long a piec.. more..

Synopsis Synopsis

A Chapter by VassD