![]() Chapter 7 - BeginningsA Chapter by VassD![]() Ania enters the Compound, makes some new friends, and starts her new life.![]() As Ania walked into the training ground Lyem had pointed out, she was glad for the strong presence of
Hakem at her left knee. There were people everywhere. Children her age, as well
as a few a year or so younger, and a large number just barely a year older.
They all looked terrified. Wait. There were a few that seemed… almost annoyed. She looked at
their clothes, and saw that they were fine and expensive, with house symbols on
the sleeves. These were nobles’ children.
What were they doing here? Shrugging off this oddity, she continued to look around. In the
corners of the training yard, figures in black cloaks stood, some with hoods,
some without. Those without hoods also did not have head pieces. Their faces were
young, at most only four years her senior, so they must have been the Dativs
from previous years. Ania looked around for Sir Alecgorn, and but she didn’t
see any of the Masters in the yard. There were only black shrouded figures and
terrified or annoyed children. No. In the corner, farthest from the crowd, Ania saw a boy with
sandy brown-blonde hair, cloaked as she was, looking exhausted and travel-weary.
He looked nervous, as any man would in the center of a woman’s world, but he
kept glancing at his arm, held up horizontally by a quarterstaff. He seemed to
gain some comfort from it. Ania looked more closely at his arm, and saw that
his sleeve was bunched ever so slightly, almost like something was perched on
it…something invisible. Ania made her way over to the boy, with Hakem carefully trailing
her, taking care not to bump any one. As she came closer, the boy raised his
head, and she noticed he had smoky-blue eyes that had the same mysterious
reflective property as Lyem and Hakem, but instead of need or conviction, this
boy had a powerful fear shining through his storm cloud gaze. As nervous as the
others were, she could understand some of it, but this was more. He was
terrified of something. Ania looked closer, and realized that it was much the
same as the fear that had gripped her at the door of the Inner Compound. She
felt a rush of sympathy, and walked up to him. “Hello,” she said, in her nicest voice. She could feel Hakem
leaning on her leg, and could almost see his tongue lolling out of his mouth as
he panted softly. He like this boy, felt safe around him. Ania wondered what
that meant. He hadn’t even been this calm around Lyem. “What’s your name?” When Ania had walked up to him, the boy had gone stiff, even more
scared than before. He had glanced at his arm ever so slightly, and the
depression on his sleeve lifted. It was as if he was scared that having this
invisible friend was somehow wrong. When she asked his name, his eyes flicked
to hers, the small movement causing some of his sand colored hair to fall
across his forehead and slightly obscure his eyes, and although she could see
the fear reign rampant through the curtain of pale hair, she saw some of the
tension leave him, and she saw the weight return to his arm. “Randen. My name is Randen Derris.” His voice was smooth, albeit
quiet and scared. Ania smiled. “That’s a nice name. I’m Ania Kyatei. And this”"here she knelt,
put her hand on Hakem’s shoulder, willing him to appear as she discreetly
shielded him from view with her cloak"“is my Companion, Hakem. What’s your
bird’s name?” Randen stared, eyes flicking back and forth between the wolf’s
eyes and her own, shocked silent, his mouth hanging open ever so slightly, but
Ania saw even more of the tension fall from his shoulders. She was glad to see
that some of the fear left his eyes, fleeing to the back of his mind. Ania
again saw the weight lift from his arm, and a blue shimmer appeared above
Hakem, solidifying as a hawk with golden eyes alighted on the wolf’s head. “Her name is Trissta. I met her on the way here. How did you know
she was there?” “I saw you looking at your arm, and you seemed to calm down when
you did. By the way you were holding your arm, I guessed it to be some kind of
falcon or hawk. I know how comforting it is to have a friend who knows exactly
how you feel…and how this place can seem completely terrifying.” Randen looked up at her again, and she saw a trickle of hope run
through the barren wasteland of his despair-ridden eyes. Ania continued, in a
calm quiet voice not unlike the tones used to calm spooked animals. “You don’t
have to be scared. This place is different. They won’t throw you out just for
being a boy. The BowMaster’s a man, and you don’t see them throwing him out on his
ear.” He held her gaze, a sad smile on his face. “That’s not it. I know
there are male Knights. My father was one of them, and I spent a lot of time in
the outer Compound when I was visiting him. I’ve met several of the other
Knights, and a good number of them are male.” Randen laughed softly. “They were
my heroes. I was in awe of them. They were the only men I knew that weren’t
afraid of their own shadow, and even more terrified of stepping into the shops
at home for fear of running into and displeasing a girl, let alone come to the
Queen’s own City. When my father died last year in a raid, I promised him that
I would join the Knight’s as soon as I could. The messenger came to our town
with the call for volunteers last week, and I left immediately. Trissta came to
me only four nights ago.” Ania was confused. “If you spent your life as a part of this
Compound, then why are you so scared?” Randen tried to hold the weak smile on his face, but it slid off
as water on an oil-slicked marble slab. “When I got here this morning, I was so
excited. But as I started walking through the Compound, the only this I noticed
was the silence. It was never that
silent. It’s so stupid, but…I thought it was because of me. I couldn’t get it
out of my head that it was silent because I was there, like the Compound was
mad at me for being there.” Ania again felt a rush of sympathy for the boy. She remembered the
crippling fear at the doors, how she felt like they wouldn’t accept her"that
just because they had loved her aunt didn’t mean they would love or even accept
her. What would she have done if they had turned her away? How could she have
returned to her family in shame after running away as she did? Ania looked once
more into the blue gray eyes before her, and she saw fear running deeper than
she had first known. She relived it through his eyes, now feeling just how far
the fear had gnawed into her gut. Searching out the exact cause of the fear was
difficult, but once she did, she felt as though a light had been turned on in
her mind. Randen didn’t have a fear “much like” hers. They were exactly the
same. It was a fear of rebuke, of denial, and of acceptance, in a way.
But most of all it was a fear of filling the place of someone who had been a
hero. Ania closed her eyes, remembering her aunt’s laugh, the way her eyes had
lit up when she smiled. She also remembered something Alliania had told her
when she had barely even learned the Knight’s Pledge. “Ania, you can’t replace a Knight. You can only find a new one.” Ania stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her new friend,
for friends they were, having shared the same paralyzing fear. She spoke
quietly, telling Randen of her aunt, of how she had run away from home just to
have this chance, and finally of how she had stood at the gates and let her
mind have a few moments, a few eternal moments, of doubt and despair. She told
him of the kind words of Lyem, of the comfort and warmth given by Hakem as he
stood by her side no matter her decision. As her tale wore on, she felt the
last dregs of tension and fear seep from his shoulders, and she felt a
revitalized strength in his arms as he hugged her back. When they let go, she
saw the first true smile on his face. His eyes, once shrouded with terror, now
shone like stars in the heavens. It was a wonderful sight. They sat and talked for a while on the benches that had been
haphazardly set up on the green of training yard, but they soon grew weary of
just sitting there, and Randen looked around, his eyes locking on something
over her head. As Ania turned to see what it was that had caught his gaze, she
saw a long table that had somehow escaped her scrutiny earlier. It was laid
some fifteen feet before an even row of targets, and on it lay various weapons,
from ranged ones such as the longbow and several different throwing knives, to
close range ones like quarterstaffs and swords that ranged from thin
rapier-like swords to massive great swords. She turned back to Randen, a mischievous
glint in her eye. "You father didn't happen to teach you...?" She
left the question open, and her mouth split into a massive grin as she saw him
nod. They stood up, both Hakem and Tristan immaterializing at silent commands,
and walked towards the table, no longer two people who were trying to fill a
hero's shoes, but two children, off to play a favorite game, only the toys to
be played with were a good deal sharper than regular. Randen, with slightly longer legs, arrived at the table first,
stopping to run a hand over a finely crafted great sword, as Ania lifted a
throwing dagger only slightly shorter and more delicately crafted than the one
sheathed in her boot. She hefted it, testing the weight, and smiled when she
found it to be perfectly balanced. She backed about five paces back from the
table, and began to toss the knife up in the air, catching it by the handle,
deftly flipping it to grip it by the
flat of the blade, and then repeating it over and over again. She saw Randen
staring at her curiously, wondering why she was doing this strange--but still
rather amazing--parlor trick. She smiled even broader--if that were
possible--and as she reached twenty in her mental count, she suddenly took a
step forward, balancing her weight evenly, and smoothly threw the dagger at the
target, grinning at the familiar motion, and then burst out laughing at the stunned
look on Randen's face as the dagger landed with a solid thud, squarely in the
center of the target. "It's a concentration
exercise my aunt taught me. I have to be totally concentrated on my knife, and
that means more than just hitting the target. It means knowing where my knife
is going. Eventually I got to the point where I could hit the target with my
eyes closed, and I wanted to just hit the target again and again, but my aunt
just made me do that exercise over and over, so it was also a lesson in
patience." Randen laughed. "Well, Lady Ania, now it is my turn to
amaze." Ania snorted, but she waited eagerly. If she had learned to do
that with an aunt who was gone more often then not, what had Randen learned
from a father, and an additional four years to learn it? She stood back as he picked up the great sword, stunned that such
a slight boy could lift it, but he did, and with apparent ease. Ania started
laughing, both startled and in awe as she watched Randen go through several
fluid sword forms, almost making it look like a dance as he moved from one
place to another, nearly turning into a blur as he twisted and turned, but
never once stepping outside of the clear area, never once hitting the table. Randen stopped, his chest only moving slightly, his body perfectly
still except for the right arm, which continued to twirl the sword back and
over his hand several times, this time actually turning into a great silver
blur, then suddenly halting in front of him, pointed straight at her, before
slowly turning down to rest point first in the grass. Randen leaned on the
sword, and only now did Ania realize that the sword came up to his chest and
was almost as wide as his hand was long. It continued to amaze her that such a
lithe person could lift something that looked half his weight with such flowing
elegance. Ania shook herself, the competitive part of her unwilling to give
up so easily, no matter how stunning he looked with his sword. "Pretty
good. But are you any good with a ranged weapon?" Randen smiled, a quirky half smile that made his eyes sparkle. "Are
you any good with a sword?" "You're evading the question." "Am I?" Randen laughed, a bright, musical sound when it
wasn't hampered by a fearful tone. "If you can show me your sword skills,
I'll show you my ranged." "Mind if we join you?" The two of them turned, startled to see two people walking towards
them from opposite directions. They weren't Knights, or even Dativs, but they
weren't trembling in fear, or acting annoyed. They seemed at ease, calm and
collected, as if they weren't in the biggest nest of superstition in the entire
nation. They were an odd pair, at first glance seeming to be complete
opposites. They were a boy and girl, aged roughly the same and Ania and Randen,
the boy being a year older. The girl was
a small, tiny thing--barely reaching four and a half feet even though she was
clearly the same age as Ania, her proportions not those of a young child but
those a girl in her late preteens. Her hair was eye-catching, even though it
barely came down past her ears. At the roots it was a rich, light brown, but as
it neared the tips, it turned to a vibrant purple. it was not shockingly so,
but a smooth, pale purple, reminding Ania of nothing so much as the sky just
before twilight in summer. Big blue eyes the color of a winter sky after the
storm clouds had been burned away, fading into golden brown flecks of hazel as
they neared the pupil met Ania’s gaze. She was wearing sleek black pants that
hugged her legs, ending in equally black boots. A shiny red shirt with gold and
white embroidery and sleeves that came down to her elbows topped off the ensemble.
Even though she was a small girl, Ania saw a confidence in her step that belied
skill greater than both her years and her size.
She was liked a coiled snake, poised to strike, a mountain cat, ready to
pounce. But she had a ready smile that made Ania just...want to like her. Without
even knowing the strange girl's name, they were friends. And the boy... He was a good foot taller than the girl, and Ania
could tell from his gangly figure that he was not done growing. He was already
almost as tall as most of the men she had seen in the city. What was it about
the Knight's Compound that attracted tall men? He wore solid black clothing,
except for a dark silvery shirt under a solid black overcoat that came down to
the middle of his thigh. She saw a silver chain around his neck, and the slight
bulge of a pendant under his shirt. He had sleek black hair that was so fine
that it shone almost blue. Piercing green eyes greeted her when she looked into
his face. He, too, walked with a self-confident ease, and judging from the
fine-handled knife strapped to his thigh, the pommel resting just below his
hip, the tip a mere inch above his knee, she could see he was a skilled
fighter. No one would wear a weapon like that so easily and unobtrusively
unless they could use it. "Who are you?" Randen was the first to speak after the
strange pair had made its way over to them. The tall boy gave a slight nod,
speaking in a clear, newly deepened voice. "I'm Aimon. I just got here. I was rather disappointed when I
saw this lifeless crowd, but what do I see when I look over to the weapons
table but two young people having the time of their lives playing with
dangerous pointy objects." A smile split the young man's thin face.
"Looked like my kind of party." The small girl didn't bother with a nod or an introduction, but
grabbed Ania's entire arm in a giddy grip, shaking it up and down for a few
seconds before she appeared to grow bored of it. When she opened her mouth,
Ania expected to hear a torrential onslaught of words so fast that they could
not be recognized as or even remotely related to human speech, but instead she
heard soft but clearly understandable voice that clearly radiated a warm
friendliness. "Tifynee Caldez. But you can call me Echo. In fact, I would
much prefer that you did. Tifynee is a weird name. I've always like Echo
better." Ania smiled at the way Echo talked, quietly but clearly, as if
she could never shout, as if her voice was not made to be raised. Unlike some
people’s, Echo’s smile was not only clearly evident on her lips and in her
eyes, but Ania could hear it ring through her voice with the clear, musical
sound of bells. As she and Randen introduced themselves, Ania looked into the eyes
of the people before her; she was surprised, but not immensely so, to see the
same reflective gaze she had seen in Hakem, Lyem and Randen. They eyes held expectancy.
But they also held some quality that she couldn't define but that told her that
she had found yet more friends. She smiled to herself. Five friends in less
than a week. She had left a family that ignored her to meet people that accepted
her just by looking at her. Ania and Randen had by now replaced their weapons on the table,
and the four of them walked amiably over to a few of the benches that were free
of scared children. They talked for a while about anything and everything that
came to their minds, but as the conversation wore on, they found themselves on
the subject of one another. “So, what brought you here?” Aimon looked from one face to
another, not really aiming the question at any one person, leaving it vague to
invite anyone to answer. “Well…” Echo drawled, just as both Ania and Randen opened their
mouths to respond. She didn’t notice as they both hurriedly shut their mouths,
and continued. “My mom is a TruMage, and last summer we discovered I have a
really high affinity for magic. I have a few abilities that are pretty cool"” “What can you do?” Randen looked embarrassed to have broken in,
but Echo shrugged it off and continued. “My abilities are the reason I’m called Echo. You’ll see.”
Everyone broke out in complaints, not wanting her to leave it at that. For
several minutes it dragged on, until she finally heaved a massive sigh, and
said, “If something is thrown at me, I can throw it back at the person who
threw it, or anywhere else, ten to twenty times harder than it was originally
thrown. My mom found some old records of something like it, and it was called
the Echo effect.” Ania was aware that her mouth was hanging open in a most
unflattering way, but she couldn’t help herself. “Are you serious?” She asked,
barely above whisper. “You think I would make something like that up?” Echo giggled a
little, but then turned serious. “I’ll prove it to you.” Before any of them
could say a word, Echo had pulled her pack off her back, and was digging
through it. With a small cry of triumph, she pulled out an apple. Tossing it to
Ania, she said, “Throw this at that rock over their. Be sure to throw it really
lightly, so you know it has no chance of reaching the rock, but it can still
easily clear four feet.” Turning to face the boulder Echo had indicated Ania
tossed the apple in a weak underhand throw. It just barely went four feet. “Now
turn and toss it at me just as hard.” Ania made a face, clearly showing she had
no clue what was going on, but she did so, letting the apple sail through the
air once more. Several things seemed to happen all at once. As the apple moved
lethargically through the air, Echo took a ready stance, her feet planted
firmly in place, not unlike the stance Ania had taken just before throwing her
knife. When the apple was less than a foot away from her, Echo threw her arms
out wide, rocking back as she did so her outstretched hands did not come into
contact with the apple. Ania felt a breath of wind, as if from the movement of
Echo’s arms, but she quickly forgot about that slight breeze as she saw the
apple. As if hit by some invisible force, the apple had reversed
direction and was now speeding as if shot from a high powered bow towards the
rock. With a juicy squelch, it hit the boulder, breaking into a million wet
pieces. Ania stared unabashedly at the petite girl now standing with a self
satisfied smile. “So what’s your story?” This elicited several laughs at the
sudden change in subject. Ania and Randen both relayed their stories, omitting their moments
of fear after discreet glances at one another. When they were finished, Echo
made a disgusted sound. “And I can just throw things. You guys even have the
magic animals already. That is so unfair.” Ania could tell from the slight
upward curve of Echo’s mouth that it was said in joking, but she still glanced
wistfully towards the places where Hakem and Trissta had momentarily appeared. “So you know all of our stories. We only know half of yours.”
Everyone looked quizzically at Randen, so he explained. “You still haven’t’
told us why you even wanted to be a Knight. As powerful as you are, I would
think you would be welcomed into the fold of the TruMages.” Echo scoffed. “As I said, my mom’s a TruMage. She told me story
after story about how she only ever got to study magic that was already there.
Only the MasterMages got to teach the new apprentices, and that has nothing to
do with skill. You have to be a graduated TruMage almost twenty years before
you are promoted. My mother made Journeyman status last month, and she has more
skill in her little finger than half of the MasterMages have combined. “About two years ago, a few of the senior apprentices, my mother
included, were assigned to teach basic magic to the Knight apprentices"” “Dativs.” Ania and Randen broke in without thinking, blushing
slightly when they realized what they had done, but Echo again shrugged it off
and continued. “The Dativs here at the Compound, and my mom jumped for the chance
to do anything besides sit around and look at moldy books all the time. The
first few weeks she was kind of quiet about what exactly it was like, but one
day, she came back and started telling me and my dad about how wonderful the
Knights were. She was jealous of the Dativs, because every Knight helped in
their training. Even some of the older Dativs and the regular people in the
Outer Compound helped. She told me how the students who showed an affinity for
magic were specially trained how to use it in battle. By then we knew I have a
lot of magic in me, so my mom sat down and talked to me about coming here
instead. My mom had heard some Knights talking about a message they were going
to send out in a year or two to get a new class of Dativs, so my dad"he’s a
soldier"got a few of his army friends to come and show me how to fight so I’d
have more under my belt than just smashing apples.” “So what do you fight with?” This was Aimon. It was the first time
he had talked for a while, so it caught them off guard, but only for a moment. “These.” Echo held her hands up, and they saw for the first time
that she had wrist guards that reached from the back of her hand at the lowest
knuckles to the middle of her forearm, layered at the wrist to allow movement.
They were old and scarred with age and long use. “These belonged to one of my
dad’s friends. We altered them to fit my hands. I didn’t really like any of the
other weapons, except the quarter staff. My dad said my fists wouldn’t be the
best course of action during a pitched battle with people with swords or axes.” Aimon was nodding, a thoughtful frown on his face. “You’ll have to
show me your moves sometime. I’m primarily hand to hand myself, but I use this
instead of a quarter staff.” As he said this, he put his hand to his thigh
where the knife was strapped. “You still haven’t told us why you’re here, Aimon.” Echo said, a
curious tilt to her head. Aimon tilted his head back and forth, as if deciding
what to say.” Finally he looked up, a clouded look to his eyes. “Have you ever
had something really important you wanted to do, and the reasons you had for
wanting to do it sounded really good when you said them to yourself, but if you
say them out loud, they sound stupid and cliché, like something out of an
idealistic fairytale?” Everyone sat for a moment, mulling what he had said over and over
in their minds, when Echo said, in a contemplative voice, “Well, not personally,
but I think I get what you are trying to say.” They all nodded in agreement. Aimon smiled, a tilt at one side of his mouth, and said, “That’s
my story.” Before anyone could complain at the ambiguity of the statement, he
said, “It’s a trust thing. Even if I like someone, like you three, it takes a
really long time before I can trust them. Maybe I’ll tell you someday, but for
now...” They all nodded, letting him know they didn’t mind. Echo suddenly looked up. “Where’d all the Knights go?” Ania and
Randen looked around, and saw that the black cloaked figures had melted into
the shadows beyond. An uneasy hush fell over the crowd as three black clothed
figures walked through a pair of double doors opposite the ones Ania had come
in. Two were women; one was a man, all with the head pieces of the Knights, but
with gold gilding. The taller woman had the hilt of a sword poking up over her
shoulder, as well as two strapped to a sword belt at her waist. The other woman
held a long spear, and the knee-high boots she wore, a great deal taller than
any Ania had yet seen, identified her as a horse-rider. The man held a long
bow, a full quiver of arrows at his hip, as well as an array of throwing
daggers. Ania knew before meeting his gaze that a green eyed example of the
reflective quality that seemed to be a hallmark of the Knights would be there. “Sir Alecgorn,” she whispered, just as Randen breathed, “Gilded
headpieces.” They looked at each other, then at Echo and Aimon. In exact unity,
they said, “It’s the Masters.” Understanding dawned in their eyes, and the four of them stood,
respectfully bowing their heads as the senior-most Knights came to a halt in a
portion of the yard that had been kept clear of benches or tables. Ania, head
down, felt the tangible gaze of the Masters sweep over her. The tallest woman opened her mouth to speak, and the four of them
lifted their heads, entranced. She had a
firm, commanding alto voice that filled the yard, letting all know she was in
charge. "I am SwordMaster Zeriphanth.
These are my seconds-in-command, BowMaster Alecgorn and HorseMaster
Verigo." Each of the Masters lifted their head in acknowledgement as their
names were spoken, each retaining the level of calm they had entered with,
their faces betraying no emotion. "We applaud you for making it this far.
Most children your ages would not have been brave enough to even come through
the doors of the Outer Compound. Congratulations. You have passed the first
test. "But before you can become one of our Dativs, you must first
pass another test. Like any of the Academies, the first year will be spent
weeding out those of you who do not belong. At the end of the first year, those
of you who are left will become the next class of Dativs. The rest of you will
be sent with a letter of recommendation to another Academy." Ania heard a
few of the scared children swallow hard, and she saw in her mind’s eye their
face going a few shades paler. She heard a scoff and knew it must have come from one of the noble
children. Lady Zeriphanth must have heard it too, and have known its source,
because she suddenly turned, lifting a hand to point as she did. "You,
girl. Why are you here?" Every head turned, landing on a girl in red
silken riding skirts. She was one of the ones who had the most condescending
looks. After a moment of shocked silence, Lady Zeriphanth said in a quieter
voice, "Tell me why, of all the Academies in the City, why on earth you
chose the one that is a den of superstition?" Even after apparently arousing the ire of the SwordMaster, the irritating
look on the girl's face just got worse. "My mother was unable to secure my
attendance to the Zairem, and so we selected this place as an adequate
replacement." Silence. No expression was betrayed by any of the Masters, until
Lady Verigo spoke, quietly, but no less deadly for its volume. "So we are
throwbacks? The place to send children who couldn't pass an entrance exam? No.
As much as you may hate us, know that we are often the last ring of defense
around the Queen, not only from Joconans, but from the stupidity of fool
subjects like you. Know that we are to be respected." The girl's face had gone
white. "Get out." When she made no move to go, Verigo spoke again,
this time her voice tinged with anger. "That wasn't a request. It was an
order. We require Dativs that are committed
to becoming Knights. And any of you fool children who share her story can leave
as well. Get out, now. " Over half the children got up and left, some with looks of relief
on their faces, others with the heavy shroud of shame about their eyes. There
had been around forty to begin with, a third of them noble. Only five nobles
were left, and about twelve other children, not counting the four of them. After the last of the departed children had made their way out of
the yard, Sir Alecgorn spoke, a quiet, commanding voice that was like a cool
wind echoing from ages past in Ania's heart. "Any of you with delusions of
grandeur may also leave. Some of the people in the Outer Compound openly call
us heroes to any who will listen, but the rest of Koronea hates the very ground
we walk on. If you can't live with that, then not only do you not belong here,
you will not survive here. " Ania and Randen glanced at each other, small smiles on their lips.
As long as they knew the deeds of the other, they could live with the enmity of
the unknowing masses. Their gazes shot back to the Masters as Lady Zeriphanth stepped
forward. The tall SwordMaster met the
gaze of each and every one of the remaining children. There were now only ten
other children, with only one boy and one noble child, a girl. Their faces had
relaxed somewhat, more confident now that they had passed the first tests. The
noble seemed to have more respect for the Knights standing before her.
"Stand in a single file row, side by side, so you are facing us." As
the other children scrambled to do so, Ania and her newfound friends stood
calmly side by side. "When it is your turn, state your name, your reason
for being here, your ranged and combat weapons of choice, and which Master you
wish to study under." Traveling slowly down the line, each child spoke, some of them so
quietly Ania could barely hear them. There were a few children who had no clue
what their weapons were, and a few who mumbled reasons like, "It seemed
important." The noble child"her name was Matya Gyatui"was there because
her mother had a cousin who worked in the Outer Compound, and they had heard
reports of the excellent people the Knights were, and Matya's mother had
thought to influence her daughter's character. Matya herself thought there
could be no nobler job than that of protecting the Queen. When it reached Echo, the small girl spoke in a clear, firm voice,
pitched so everyone in the yard could hear her. "My name is Tifynee
Caldez. My mother was one of the TruMages that helped with the education of the
Dativs a few years ago, and after we discovered that I had a high affinity for
offensive magic, I decided to come here. I fight close range hand to hand or
with a quarter staff, and my ranged attack is my magic. I would like to study
under HorseMaster Verigo. " Next was Aimon. "Aimon Zahur. My reasons for being here are
mine and mine alone, but know that I will give my every effort to becoming a
Knight." The name Zahur tickled at the back of Ania's mind, but she
shrugged it off as nothing. "I fight hand to hand or with my long knife,
but I have yet to choose a ranged weapon. I also wish to train under the
HorseMaster." Randen looked up into the SwordMaster's eyes, his own harboring
none of the fear that had been present not so long ago. "I am Randen
Derris, son of Matlynd Derris. My father was a Knight here, a path I have long
wished to follow. My weapon is the great sword, or two long swords." Ania
nearly gagged. Those long swords were almost as tall as Echo! "My ranged
is the crossbow. I choose to learn from you, Lady SwordMaster." A slight smile graced Lady Zeriphanth's features. "I remember
your father. A good man, a good Knight. If you are half the swordsman your
father was, I would be honored to say I had some hand in your education." And now it was Ania's turn. Looking steadily into the eyes of Sir
Alecgorn, she said, "My name is Ania Kyatei. My aunt was Alliania
Kyatei." Each of the Masters turned as one to look at her. She remembered
the words of Lyem. We loved her, and she loved us. She hadn't really felt the
true impact of those words until she saw the looks in the Masters eyes. A small
smile that reminded her very much of Lyem was beginning on Sir Alecgorn's face.
She knew no other explanation was needed for her presence. "I haven't
chosen a close-ranged weapon yet, but I have this--" here she drew her
aunt's knife from her belt, "--and I'm fairly good with it, and my aunt
told me that I have some of the best accuracy she had ever seen with the
throwing dagger. And if you'll have me, I would study under Sir Alecgorn." The smile that she remembered from her childhood dancing in the
green eyes of the BowMaster, Alecgorn said softly, "It would be my honor,
Kleide Ania." Ania grinned when he used the Geschyichti word for
"little lady." He had called her that the night they met. Sir Alecgorn stepped forward, a smile still apparent on his lips.
"We always have a few children who are nervous, even terrified. The higher
born, like Miss Matya here, always seem to find us below them. Sometimes we
even have a child who has managed to gain control of their emotions, to some
degree. But you four. You seem to be completely at ease. Care to share with the
rest of us?" They looked at each other, somewhat at a loss to answer. Finally
Echo answered for them all. "I guess it's because we all have had some
kind of connection with the Inner Compound. We have all had some idea of what
you are really like." Suddenly she giggled. "Well, all except Aimon.
I don't know what his reason is. Maybe he's just weird like that." Alecgorn nodded. "I suppose that makes sense." He made
as if to turn away, but then stopped, and looked at Ania and Randen. "You
still haven't introduced us to your friends." Ania couldn't make her voice
work. How had he known? When neither she nor Randen made a move to speak,
Alecgorn said, in a whisper meant only for them, "I can see the connection
in your eyes. Can't you see it in mine?" Ania suddenly realized that his
eyes, with the reflective sheen to them, were even more so then Lyem, Echo, or
Aimon's. She had only seen that level of reflection in Randen and Hakem. It was
almost like there was a second lens to his eye, and one that was slightly a
different shape. If she looked at it through the corner of her eye, she saw a
deeper green with a slit pupil on top of his emerald irises. She felt a grin
building on her face. She couldn't seem to stop smiling. One day crying, the
next grinning like a fool. The Knights were doing wonders for her emotions. As one, Ania and Randen stood back, Randen lifting his arm, as the
twin shimmers came forward, the silver materializing on the ground before Ania,
the blue flapping to a stop on Randen's arm. "This is my Companion, Hakem the Hawk-Eyed." Ania smiled
as she heard small gasps from the other children, and she could feel the
astonished gazes of the other Knights in the yard. "Meet Trissta CanisOrb." The hawk on Randen's arm gave a
shriek, and Ania would have sworn she hear a hint of smugness. Lady Zeriphanth was shaking her head slightly. "What else do
you know about us, kleidenya?" Before they could answer, she said,
"Do you know the Knight's Pledge?" Ania nodded, and saw Randen nod
through the corner of her eye. They had opened their mouths to recite it, when,
"Not to me. To them." The Masters stepped aside, and through the same
double doors they had entered through, came two people. There was a girl, not
much older than she, in the most beautiful dress Ania had ever seen, and a
tiara made of diamonds and silver. The other, a boy who looked to be well into
his fourteenth year, was wearing the simple black clothes of the Knights, hood
down like the other Dativs, but he had a leather headpiece with studded jewels
across his forehead. The Lady Daughter Princess Amirone and the First Lord
Prince Protector Skaught Farstrend. Ania fell to a knee, bringing her knife up to hold the cool silver
hilt to her forehead while gazing at the feet of the sovereigns of Koronea.
"I pledge my life, my love, my heart, my soul, my sword, my fist, and my
loyalty to the Celestial Queen of Koronea. Each and every one of these before
harm touches my Queen." Ania heard Randen speak the words with her, not a
second behind, and when they finished, not a moment had passed before they began
to recite it in Geschyichti. They ended with the final line, "Jedys eins
vyn deysen vor schradin brüht meini Qönikyn," and Ania could hear it echo
back across the silent yard. "Well done, Dativs." They looked up. It had been so
quiet they weren't even sure they had heard it, but the smile on each of the
Masters' faces told them they had heard true. As they stood, they saw Princess
Amirone and Prince Skaught smile at them as well. The bright blonde hair of the
royal family shone even brighter on the tall, handsome prince. Piercing black-brown eyes in stark contrast
with the rest of his face seemed to bore into her soul. Ania felt her heart
flutter when he smiled at her. Why did it do that? She barely heard the
whispered congratulations of Echo and Aimon through the fog of those eternally
deep eyes. The SwordMaster began speaking to them all, but Ania only heard bits
and pieces of it, something about telling them their schedules and assigning
them weapons to use and such in the morning. When she spoke of taking them to
their rooms to get unpacked, Ania snapped back to the goings on around her, but
she still felt that brown eyed gaze on her face. The Masters turned away, melting back into the shadows they had
come from, the Prince and Princess following behind. Freed from the gaze of the
Prince, Ania was finally able to turn to her friends and smile once more with
the giddy feeling of success coursing through her body. "I can't believe
we actually did it!" Ania was so happy she gave Randen a huge hug, one he
returned full heartedly. When they pulled back, Randen had an odd look in his eyes. "I
don't think I could have done it without you." She giggled. "Don't be silly. You would have managed to get over it
somehow." Over his shoulder, she saw Lyem waving at her from one of the
doorways. Surprised, she pulled away from Randen, grabbing Echo's hand and
hauling her along to meet her other friend. Neither of them saw the forlorn
look that Randen gave the departing figure of Ania, nor the sympathetic pat Aimon
gave him as they slowly followed the girls. Lyem gave Ania a tight squeeze, giving her his congratulations.
Ania saw four figures behind him, two boys and two girls, each dressed in
simple clothes. "Sir Alecgorn told me to introduce you to your personal
servants. Each of the Knights has one,
to just take care of their basic day to day needs. It makes their lives run a
little smoother, and they are assigned when you arrive at the Compound."
Ania turned to a brown-blonde girl the same height as her, and was introduced
as Kryssa. Turning her head, Ania saw her three friends exchanging similar
greetings with their new menservants. Echo was already starting off down the
corridor with a slender, brown haired girl named Lynde. Randen and Aimon were
now chatting amiably with two boys whose names where Adyn and Zak. Kryssa spoke, a quiet, lilting sound that made Ania smile.
"Your saddlebags have already been brought up to your room. If you would
accompany me?" Calling goodbyes to all her friends, Ania followed the tall
girl through the Compound, taking so many twists and turns she never could have
remembered them all. Eventually, they arrived at a door leading into a room bigger than
the one she had at home. A tall window facing the east filled one wall, and a
bed lay just beneath it. A fire place was in the opposite corner, with a large
hearth rug and a warmly crackling fire drew Hakem from her side to flop before
the permeating warmth. Ania saw the saddle bags and her other luggage on the
floor next to the bed, neatly laid so as not to be in the way. The weariness of the day filling her bones at last, she went to
the bed and sat down hard. Kryssa stood before her, eyes slightly averted, and
said, "If my lady would like, I will unpack her things." "First of all, my name is Ania, and I would very much like it
if you would call me by that name. I'd like us to be friends, and I'm not some
snooty noble who would die if some dirt got on my boots." Kryssa stifled a
giggle. "See? I knew there was a normal person in there somewhere. And I
actually would like it if you helped me unpack. I am bone tired, and just want
to go to bed." Kryssa nodded, already seeming much more at ease. Ania
reached down to the saddle bags, and pulled out the box Alliania had given her,
which now contained all the letters she had found on her journey. "Is
there anywhere I can put this where it will be safe?" Kryssa looked up from where she was, knelt before the chest of
drawers putting away any of Ania's clothes that weren't travel stained, and
when she saw what she held, nodded. She came over to the window, and felt the
edge of the stone framing that surrounded it. Slipping her fingers under the
edge of one of the stone slabs, she slid it out like a drawer, and Ania saw
that it was indeed a hidden drawer, easily mistaken for a solid stone, and deep
enough for two of the boxes to be stacked on top of each other, with room to
spare. She placed her treasure in it, and slid it back into place. Turning to the pack on the ground, Ania pulled a water proof case
from inside a side pocket. From it she slid the rolled-up copy of her Knight's
Pledge her aunt had given her. Hanging it on the wall, she stood back and
smiled broadly. She was finally home. © 2012 VassD |
StatsAuthor![]() VassDA tiny random town-city-dimension, IDAboutI'm a fledgling author with dreams about as big as one of Robert Jordan's books. Maybe more than one on top of each other. I love writing fantasy and science fiction stories (No matter how long a piec.. more..Writing