![]() DedicationA Chapter by AizenJ![]() The lovely town of Aumfrah, the people and the sovereignty.![]() 178 S.T.B.T. After triads of celestial new moons, six solars has passed and it is just after the sunrise and one of the many beautiful days in the town of Aumfrah. The town chief Audimeur Cyning is training his two young sons and his heirs, Vrai and his brother Mal both at the age of nineteen. Like the usual days of training and drills, the two heir went trough their training but something is wrong with Mal. He was exerting much force than usual, it's as if he is enjoying swinging his wooden sword against his brother. Unfortunately they were unsupervised for a moment and Mal kept overpowering his brother. Luckily Raffina, their mother saw what was going on, she quickly stopped Mal and scolded him. "What is the matter with you? You could have injured your brother! What you do young man is for you to be strong! Not for you to become one of those filthy barbaric mountain bandits" This caused a commotion in front of the town chief's residence. After a few moments, the whole place was packed by the town's people. They were laughing and criticizing the family. They never did for once believed in the household of Cyning. They simply abide by the law set forth by the town's chief but they never for once cared for the well being of the family. The reason for their doubt and unsettled belief towards the family is because Audimeur Cyning is an Elf, nobody knows who he truly is and their Mother Raffina Cyning is human by blood. This combination was a privilege for humans, the perfect hybrid to the human raise but unfortunately their family was under the sovereignty of elves. They live and rule a town under the kingdom of elves, there were only a few humans and fewer elves who was able to accept them. As their human and elf blood combination was a thrill for humans, it was considered as diabolic and a disgrace for most elves. To be paired and be bonded with a mere human being is a disappointment for them. These are the reasons why only few truly accepted the reign of the Cynings over the town of Aumfrah. Later that night, Mal received a word from his father. Telling and reminding him of what he truly must focus on and who he must become. Teaching him about principles and philosophies about the ways of life but it made things worse, Mal was getting tired of all the preaching and all the corrections, which made him more furious. Having a desire of unleashing violence boiled up within him, at his young age he was troubled and confused. They were hated by their own town's people, his family resented by elves. These feelings grew within. Mean while, his brother Vrai was being comforted by his mother. He was not being told or reminded of who he is and who he must become for he is the one who eagerly wants to know. He was always positive, he sees' things differently from how his brother perceive them. This made Mal even more furious. He was jealous of his brother and this made him so sad and alone. "Why am I being treated differently? Why doesn't anybody understand me? Why can't things be better? Why are we so different? Why can't I have a normal life?" Mal went to bed with these questions in his head. The next morning, the two heirs went on their usual day of training. Vrai forgave his brother before hand. Mal on the other hand acted like nothing had happen and he was smiling but only on the outside. Their day of training was remarkable, they both perfected and properly performed their drills and skills application. By the end of the day, there was a feast in the household of the Cynings. There is a cause for celebration on three occasions. The arrival of a general from the kingdom of Palhawnfeim. A knight of the queen, Sir Duard and they celebrate the day to when the first child and heir of Audimeur was born, Vrai. This is also the day which the young man becomes a true man and receives an honor to be recognized as the true and rightful heir to the household of Cyning and to the town of Aumfrah. On the way to the banquet hall, Mal saw Sir Duard with his father talking. All he heard was "You must tell them". Later that night, they all sat down to witness Lord Duard give his blessing to Vrai. "I Duard, a knight of the queen, a noble knight from the kingdom of Palhawnfeim. One of the twelve generals who serves the high order of Elves, that reigns over Palhawnfeim. I here by bless this young man Vrai Cyning as a warrior and as the next heir to the town of Aumfrah. After the completion of his training and studies.Tonight! I dub him worthy of this honor and shall hence forth be known as a man" Both of his parents were overwhelmed by joy, as they watch their son be dubbed as a man and officially be their next heir. His brother Mal on the other hand grew even more sad, as he was being left out. "Rise young man and hold your head high as a warrior! Receive this emblem as a recognition and a mark that you are rightful of such honor" Everyone shouted with joy and they all celebrated, they sang, danced, laughed and drank, everyone had a wonderful evening. Everyone except Mal. During the high sun of the next day before the departure of Sir Duard, he asked Vrai to demonstrate some of what he had learned over the years. Vrai showed the knight a dance with his swords called "The dance of the fire dragon". The knight was impressed and amazed by the young warrior but he was confused. "If you are this good. Why did you let your brother overpower you during your training?" "I was allowing him to do so. I want him to learn, feel and experience what it is like. So that he will be molded and I didn't want to hurt him even though I knew that he was over doing it" This answer made an even more spectacular impact to the knight. He saw that the man was not only a prodigy, not only does he have a good heart but he is also a brilliant thinker. However, his brother wanted to make a good impression to the knight as well, so he drew a wooden sword and challenged one of the guards. He was very skilled but he was lacking intellectualism during the fight. As a result he was losing and he became very frustrated that he lost control. He was hitting everyone with his wooden sword and the knight wanted to stop his barbaric behavior but as he approaches Mal, he attacked him first and hit the knight on his hand as he tries cover. The knight broke two fingers on his left hand. Then Vrai came close to his brother while still wielding his swords and he swung one and cut Mal's wooden sword and he swung another one and wounded his little brother on his chick. "You are a disgrace to this family! You act not as one of us, behave like a stranger, you lost your mind over a practice match. You humiliate the parents, you injure a knight and you do not accept defeat. You may be young but you have no right to act juvenile and behave like total fool! You and I were both raised in the same family, under one roof, learned the same values and yet you act like this!? Let that wound on your face be a lesson and may it serve you well. You may not know but we all tried our best to understand you and be there for you but you never allowed us and you never learn. From this day forth I will treat you not as a brother but as an Illicit member of the family and I will uphold this until you learn" Mal has never seen his brother so mad all his life. He was so frightened that he couldn't move and the knight stands up and breaks the two young men. The knight insisted that he had to leave despite the situation for his attendance was needed by the council. He departed for Palhawnfeim after being patched up and later that night the family of Cyning sat down for supper. They were all quiet because of what had happened earlier. Their first meal as the family to dine after a big celebration. It was supposedly to be gay and full of spirit but things didn't really work as they hoped it would be. Then suddenly Mal stood up and left for his room, Vrai followed him. He enters Mal's room and he sees him staring into the sky by his window. He didn't even look at Vrai when he entered the room, so Vrai just decided to speak his mind. "Brother, none of what I said is true. I know I uttered words that were too heavy but those words only came out of my lips because I was sad and furious. I am truly sorry for what I have said and done" Mal took a deep breath and suddenly tears started flowing out of his eyes and says "I know you mean well brother, I forgive you. All those things may be real. I knew it all along and I simply did not desire to be a part of all of this. For I know that I may not even account to any sort of success but I am jubilant for you brother. I'll raise you a glass of wine for your accomplishment on our meal after sunrise. For by then, this will all be better" Vrai hugs his brother in tears. "Very well, I thank you for your support and for your forgiveness. To show how grateful I am of you and to also let you know that if I can, you can. I would like you to have the other piece of my sword. I may not be able to wield two now but we can fight back to back, together! Mal smiles and nods his head in agreement as he takes his brother's sword. Vrai leaves the room, he went to bed and the next morning... Mal is gone with the sword that Vrai gave him as well as his body armor and his clothing. The family of Cyning searched for him for days, weeks, months but they ended up nowhere. He was nowhere to be found and after searching for so long, they stopped the search. No one has ever seen him since then, they assumed that he was already dead. The household of Cyning went on with their lives with one son that is their soon to be heir. Then two years has passed...
© 2018 AizenJ |
Added on July 2, 2018 Last Updated on July 21, 2018 Author