Counting DebtA Poem by Attentive_AmbienceFor all those student loansGive me liberty and
justice Freedom: speech, press,
religion, assembly A first world problem
starring tuition Debit cards given a
direct link to our lifelines Social Security numbers
holding our slots in a system designed to
increase an arbitrary number like an invisible
credit card with a limit that reaches infinity Have you reached your
Finland-Denmark-Norway-Sweden-Germany-France The freedom to denounce
debt A straining burden
lifted from bank accounts an account that takes
its last hopeful breathe as the remaining
balance is drained and all that remains are Zeros that stare out at
me from a computer screen telling me I’m broke.
At the end of four years
my ransom will be worth thousands Debt is a criminal that
takes every earned dollar but is never satisfied Bank account: Zero College account:
Thousands and growing Would you like to set
up a recurring payment? My limit has been reached.
© 2018 Attentive_Ambience |
1 Review Added on February 7, 2018 Last Updated on February 7, 2018 Tags: debt, poem, student loans, freedom, money Author