Movie or Reality?

Movie or Reality?

A Story by Master Vampire

K, this is just a short story i've been writting, hope you enjoy it. (NOTE: It is not yet finished.)


“Can you pass the popcorn?” Emily asked Ashley.

It was the school holidays and this particular group of friends – Jessica, Ashley, Megan, Natalie, Amy, Kaity and Samara – were going mad with sleepovers, they were all staying at Jessica’s house for the entire holidays – which was a month long – and at these sleepovers they liked to watch horror movies before they went to bed – which was at about midnight – and they would watch horror movies until they where to scared to even walk down the hallway to the toilet, or in the case of Jessica’s house, up to the house because the sleepovers were held in the garage which was underneath their two story house – not including the garage. Because despite the fact that they were scared almost to death – almost – they loved horror movies, and the main reason for their friendship was the fact that they all loved vampires, werewolves, and supernatural creatures and new they weren’t real but wished like hell they were. They met at Albern High, in their first year, and they had been friends for three years, which made them all seventeen, so they could stay at home alone. They were about to sit down to their first horror movie for tonight because they were sick of the scary stories, at least for tonight they were. The movie was called ‘Did you lock your door?’ which had just come out of the cinemas and onto DVD. They would have watched it in the cinemas but it was R18 because it was suposedly so scary.

“Damn, we’re out” Ashley replied after picking up the popcorn bowl and finding nothing.

“Already? Okay, who’s going up to get some more?” Jessica asked with a sigh.

“Bottle time?” questioned Megan

“It would seem so, and I had to get the popcorn last time so it’s my turn to spin it” Stated Amy.

The girls had a special way of sorting out who did what, they would sit in a circle, and spin a bottle, and who ever the open end of the bottle stopped pointing at had to go and do whatever it was that the bottle was spun for.

“Well go on then,” said Kaity passing their special bottle to Amy.

She placed it in the center of the circle they had formed and spun it; it spun about seven times before it slowed and landed on Natalie, who moaned.

“You know the rules Natalie,” said Amy, “if it lands on you, you gotta do it, so off you go”

“Yeah, yeah, alright,” said one rather annoyed Natalie as she headed for the door to the staircase that lead straight to the lounge.

Jessica’s parents were away till the end of the holidays in Perth, Australia, which was in twelve days.

Eight minutes later Natalie returned with a bowl almost overflowing with butter lovers’ popcorn.

“Happy?” she asked sarcastically as she sat down in one of the ten black bean bags,

“Very” replied Samara, she was never really nice, and could be rather nasty if someone is stupid enough to piss her off, because she had anger management problems, and if it got really bad, she could do enough damage to send you to hospital, although, that had never happened.

“Haha, very funny” retorted Natalie dryly.

“I know,” Samara said back; ‘god, did she ever run out of comments?’ Natalie thought to herself,

“So now we have the popcorn, lets play the movie,” Ashley said,

“All right, lets see how good this movie actually is,” Said Jessica as she pushed play on the DVD remote.


One of the girls screamed as the door suddenly banged open on the movie,

“Shut up Megan!” Samara complained.

It was dark outside the window now and the movie was drawing to a close, Jessica checked her watch, it was only 7:30pm.

“Hey, guy, don’t you thin-”

“Shut up!” Samara said again.

“No, you shut up!” Jessica said back angrily.

“Ugh, what is it Jess?” asked Amy finding the remote and pausing the movie,

“I was just ganna say don’t you think it’s abnormally dark outside, I mean, it’s only seven thirty, and there should be streetlights shining in the window,” Jessica said starting to panic.

The movie had paused at a black screen, and it was pitch black in the garage.

“Play the movie and pause it on a light bit,” Kaity said in a shaky voice.

“The remote’s not working!” Panicked Amy,

“Jessica, where’s the light switch in here?” Kaity asked quietly.

“It’s by the door to the stairs,” Jessica answered.

The light flicked on.

“That’s better,” said Natalie.

“Yeah. Hey, Ashley, where’s the popcorn? Didn’t you have it last?” asked Megan, Megan had been sitting in the front and Ashley at the back, Megan turned around, “Ashley?”

“Oh my god! Where’s Ashley!” Panicked Amy.

“Relax, she probably got scared of something and went upstairs or something, I mean, the door’s open,” Samara said in a bored tone.

“Hey, who turned on the light?” Kaity asked.

“I thought you did,” said Megan.

“No, I didn’t,” said Kaity.

“Neither did I,” Jessica said.

“I didn’t, how about you Amy?” asked Natalie.

“Nope, not me.”

Everyone looked at Samara, who was the only one still sitting.

“Hey, don’t look at me, I haven’t moved,” Samara said.

“Oh my god, what turned on the light?” Megan panicked.

“God, relax will you? You guys’ are freaking yourselves out. So it’s dark? Clouds are probably covering the sky and the streetlights don’t come on till eight. So Ashley isn’t here and the light turned on? It was probably Ashley, she’s probably just trying to scare us, I bet she’s up stairs hiding,” Samara said dryly.

“I guess,” Natalie said.

Then the light flickered, and went out.

“That’s enough Ashley! It’s not funny!” Amy yelled out.

“Ugh, come on, let’s go upstairs,” Samara said.

They all got up and grabbed each other’s hands and headed for the stairs in the dark. They held hands because, a: they were scared, and b: to stay together.

They reached the top of the stairs and Samara – who was in front as always – flicked the lounge light switch.

Nothing happened.

“Well come on Samara, turn on the light!” Jessica said,

“I did! The power must be out!” Samara said, “Where do you keep torches?”

“In the cupboard under the sink in the kitchen,”

“Kay, let’s go,” Samara said, still not in the least bit scared – on the outside at least, on the inside, she was terrified.

“Here they are,” said Samara as she pulled one out of the cupboard and switched it on.

“Would you hurry up?” Amy said.

“It won’t work! The batteries must be dead,” said Samara annoyed.

“No way! Dad just put new batteries in it before he left, I saw him!” Jessica said,

“Well he can’t have because it won’t work!” Samara said, panic showing in her voice now.

“Candles! We have a whole draw full in the cabinet in the lounge, and a lighter,” Jessica said.


They went into the lounge and got the candles, they lit them all and sat in a circle around them.

“Oh my god!” Sobbed Megan suddenly; they had only just sat down around the only-just-lit candles.

“What?” Samara asked looking at her immediately.

“Where’s Amy?” she sobbed,

Jessica, Samara, Kaity and Natalie scanned all the faces, and sure enough, there was no Amy.

“Oh my god! This is what happened in the movie, seven girls had a sleep over and didn’t lock the doors, they sat down and watched a movie, and then the power went out and the girls started disappearing one by one in the dark!” Natalie sobbed.

“Get a hold of yourselves!” Samara growled, even though she was shaking in fear, “It was a vampire who was killing them, picking them off one by one, this isn’t a movie, and vampires don’t exist!”

“Then where are they and why is the power out and why is it so dark?” Kaity asked.

“I don’t know, a coincidence?” Samara said.

“You don’t even believe in coincidence!” Megan said.

“Just shut up will you!” Samara said.

“Guys! Stop fighting! Anything could be happening, but we have to find Ashley and Amy, then we will call Samara’s parents and they can come get us,”

“The power’s out!” Natalie said.

“We’ll use my cell,” Jessica said quickly.

“It’s in the garage,” Kaity said.

“We’ll go get it,” Jessica said, even though the thought of going back down there scared her to death.

“I aint going down there!” Megan sobbed.

“Well, we’ll figure something out. Right now, we have to find the others.” Samara said.

Suddenly all the candles went out.

Megan screamed.

“Shut up Megan!” Samara said, searching the floor for the lighter.

“Sorry,” Megan sobbed.

Samara found the lighter and lit the candles again.

“She’s gone!” Natalie suddenly sobbed.

Everyone looked at each other and then Kaity called out into the darkness with a very shaky voice, “Megan?”

No answer.

“Oh my god, what are we going to do?” Natalie sobbed.

“I don’t know, but we can’t stay here, we have to find them and then get out.” Jessica said.

“You think we’re going to find them? It’s pitch black and it shouldn’t be, and one by one we’re disappearing, and you want to go walking through the house looking for three people now?” Samara asked.

“Well we can’t just leave them! They’re probably scared to death!” Jessica argued.

“If they’re still alive!” Samara yelled.

“Don’t say that!” Jessica said.

“Come on, they would scream or something if they were alive and scared, I say we just leave and come back tomorrow in the middle of the day, when it’s light.” Samara said.

“What if they’re unconscious?” Jessica argued.

“Would you rather wait so you can be next? I mean, it could be any one of us next, and I really don’t feel like dying.” Samara said.

“She’s right Jessica, we should go,” Kaity agreed.

“Yeah,” Natalie piped up.

“Fine. Hold hands tight, don’t let go, and don’t stop moving, keep the brightest candle up front and second brightest at the back, Samara, you first, I’ll be at the back.” Jessica said, telling them the plan.

“Ok, let’s go.” Samara said.

They grabbed hands and sorted out the candles. Then they started running to the front door.

“Get it open!” Kaity said as Samara fumbled with the door handle, she opened it and began to move forward but pulled back quickly.

“What is it?” Natalie cried.

“I don’t know! It’s like there’s some black bored covering the exit!” Samara replied in a very panicked voice.

“Just like in the movie!” Kaity sobbed, “We’re ganna die!”

“No! Shut up! We are not going to die! We are strong, and we will make it through this.” Jessica snapped.

“How can you be so sure?” Samara asked.

“Oh, no, don’t you go soft on me, not now,” Jessica pleaded.

© 2009 Master Vampire

Author's Note

Master Vampire
So, how do you think I should end it? I want Samara to be the last one alive and just before she dies she finds out what it is that's snatching the girls off one by one. Any suggestions???

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Its good so far... hmmm..... let jessica and samara be the last, since it is jessica's house... and maybe a mess with your head kind of ending... ???

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 28, 2009


Master Vampire
Master Vampire

Tauranga, New Zealand

Okay, so I don't come on here any more - sorry guys. If you want to read something of mine, go here: If you want to cha.. more..
