I write these words so you can see me in a new light.
I write these words so my heart is on my sleeve.
These words are my swords to fight back the armies.
These words are my armor, my shield, my helmet.
I write these words are for your eyes.
These words just to say one simple thing, the only thing, the same thing over and over.
I ready my hands, I steady my mind, I bleed my heart.
All for you, only for you I say these words.
These words of Protection, of Truth, of Joy, of Love.
These words bring forth my mouth spewing in all directions the single truth I know to be perfect.
These words like bullets, hopeful for thier target.
All slowly forming and weaving, in and out, back forth, up and down.
One single truth, one single phrase, one simple word is what I write everytime this pen touches this paper.