I recently read your poem about happiness and I wanted to share with you how much it resonated with me. Your words captured the essence of what happiness truly means, and how it can be found in the simplest moments in life. I loved the analogy of happiness coming in pebbles, not in boulders. It reminded me that the small things in life are often what bring us the most joy.
Your poem also touched on the fleeting nature of happiness, and how it can be hard to hold onto. I appreciated the honesty in your words, and the way that you captured the complexity of this emotion. I found your poem to be a beautiful and thought-provoking piece of writing. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world, and for reminding us all of the importance of finding joy in the little things.
I love the thought behind this...my chemistry teacher used to say that we trip on stones and pebbles, not on boulders..it's the little things that matter...small, tiny seemingly insignificant memories that really move us in life...sure there are people who get to experience dramatic life changing moments, but those are rare I guess...
Very well written, ma'am!! :)
I like the thought behind this poem. We all believe in the words of our parents but when one trips over pebbles..... then one wonders where his share of happiness lies.
Content is the new happy to me. But I enjoyed the read because Everyone has their own interpretation of the word happiness, and their own theories about how to attain it.
Perhaps hapiness can not be expected. It can only come when all the conditions fall towards each other. Of course there are various happinesses.
A gentle lilting piece that I am coming to see is one of your many trade marks.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Ken, I just write down the thoughts as they come to mind. Wish more thoughts were coming. Kathie
I think happiness comes after those bruises really are healed but maybe we keep getting more bruises to truly know happiness when it comes. Deep write.
The obstacles in life that trip us up and make us stumble or cause a detour can seem quite a test! I relate strongly with this poetic observation and have myself asked questions with my peers! But imagine crushing the pebbles, stones and boulders to a fine sandy powder to be softly walked upon as we overcome and learn from these challenges! Lovely write …
I really like this Valentine :) Those pebbles could be called small mercies, I guess, taking the nows as they come and the moments. Beautifully done...I often ask myself what happiness actually is :)