Fire Glow

Fire Glow

A Poem by VMnM7

Being consumed by the idea of self accomplishment. The other side of success


“This town is deserted”

Exclaiming to something unforetold 

As I continued on my path. Its cold,

It's winter,”Well it's the same as before.”

A few more miles, and then a few more.

Startled,”Is that a fire glow?”
Cautious steps, a little slow,

An apparition of an old man transcending into reality by the fire glow.

A smile on his face, consternation on mine.

A senile voice invited,”Young man, come rest a little before the fire glow.”

But I must go,

I have set the bow.

Oriented the arrow

But I found myself sitting beside the fire glow.

A twig in fire,

The old man inquired

“You don’t have any belongings, why is so?”

“They decelerate my pace ,

 and depreciate what I might achieve tomorrow”

A twig in fire,

The old man inquired

“Very well. Anyone who weeps in your sorrow?”
The lambent fire, red, orange,yellow.

What a silly fellow.

“I don’t need mortals to weep in my sorrow

My heart lies what lies tomorrow.”

As if he knew.

He smiled.

A twig in fire,

The old man inquired.

“Very well. What do you cast for?”

“Something no mortal has thought before.

They crave for ethereal but being ordinary; they abide.

They want to go to heaven but they don’t want to die.

What I cast for is beyond suffering and sorrow

My heart lies in the prospects of morrow.

No sentiment no mortal is before

I need to go,

A few more miles then a few more.”

A serene smile,

The old man replied

“But you are still sitting by the fire glow.”
I pondered. Fulgent flame of my aim I possess,

Yet the fire glow had me possessed.

The old man transcended in oblivion by the fire glow.

“Where did you go?”
Leaving his twigs by the fire,

I inquired.

Two roads before me,

Where should I go?
Towards the phantasm of morrow?
Or trod again the path of past?
Both, an abyss. Darkness. Sorrow.

I thought, I thought, I thought.

With the twigs that remain, I will sit by the fire glow,

And revere what’s lost.

© 2020 VMnM7

Author's Note

Worth your time. Some reviews will be great

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This is such an interesting read! I have always been told that a great work of poetry will make you feel something inside, even if you don't understand....this definitely does. I feel like I am sitting there next to the fire myself. I really like this!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


You've written this with words to accentuate the mystery of an epic tale. All is not clear but that's life! I think it works well but getting the balance between clarity and opaqueness is a rare talent. It was worth my time!

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Years Ago

Thank you for stopping by.
I love the way you wrote this as an allegory . . . there's an ancient storytelling sound to it, which makes the reader sit up & try to figure out why you did each thing you did. Like V1 -- why cold, deserted, & same as before? As contrasting foreshadow of the warm fire, accompanied by the old man, yet still same as before? Just things to ponder, not looking for an answer. This allegory is written in a way that doesn't provoke answers as much as simple pondering. This reminds me of when I was young & I felt I was destined for greatness so I was completely stymied as to how to best express my greatness (after all, I had a few different talents I could pursue). Typical for the young. Then we grow older & realize that it's not about the one big splash or two or three of them. It's about the slow steady building of a character in life, someone we can be proud to be. In the end, your poem seems to be saying that sometimes sitting around dreaming of one's last splash or next splash, this can be a re-energizing rest or it can be a pitfall (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank you for stopping by. This was inspired by some general observations like how we become so obse.. read more
A guided and realistic piece, regardless of imagery, well done, good read.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Years Ago

Thank you for stopping by.
Something to be said for "just sitting" but it doesn't move you forward if you tarry too long. The past is the past. Dwelling in it won't change it. Moving forward is the only way we can keep making life worthwhile. Yet, we tend to look to the past. We search it for answers. Now on your writing - I expected something different from the man--something creepier, more sinister. I didn't get that strongly enough to feel satisfied. Otherwise - it's good.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank you for stopping by. Surely something to work on.

Wanda Vergara-Yates

4 Years Ago

There is always "something to work on" . . . don't let it overtake you. But on this one, I really th.. read more

4 Years Ago

I got you. Thank you once again.
Peace ✌🏼
This is such an interesting read! I have always been told that a great work of poetry will make you feel something inside, even if you don't understand....this definitely does. I feel like I am sitting there next to the fire myself. I really like this!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

damn loving the line towards the phantasm of morrow!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank You for stopping by.

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6 Reviews
Added on March 10, 2020
Last Updated on March 11, 2020



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