![]() Falling to PiecesA Chapter by Meggy![]() Part 3 please comment![]()
The soft sound of rain pattering on the café window distracted her from the mindless chatter of the people around her. Why had she agreed to meet him here when he had called just several hours before? She was in no condition to be out of her house and by the stares of the other people around her, and they knew it too. He probably wanted to ask her how the reunion went with her and her family before he left for Russia never heard from again, except when the year passed. In her distraction and thoughts, she did not catch her friend’s arrival until he sat across from her with a slacked jaw and wide eyes. Did she really look that bad to them? How bad could it be with only three days and nights of no sleep or desire for food? Shifting her attention from the rain splattered window to her friend’s eyes she knew just what he was about to say before he could even form his lips to make the words to say them. With a discontented sigh she kept his gaze though her voice could hardly rise above a whisper that could be lost in the roar of voices around them she knew he could hear her. “Do I really look that bad Anew?” She watched him close his mouth and the worry fill his eyes, as he looked her over in silence. He leaned his taller frame forward to rest his elbows on the table. She never noticed it before but he seemed so bird like in his movements ever so graceful but ever so calculated. She knew he was taking in every sunken area every dark shadow on her face in horror of what three days could do. She was losing interest in his silence and his studies of her form that her attention was about to return to the rain on the window but he managed to bring her attention back just before he lost it completely. “What happened to you Dusk? Three days and you look like death warmed over. You were so vibrant the last time we met.” Dusk shrugged her shoulders though the action was draining talking was even worse. Looking out the window she could see her own reflection could see every fall through and shadow that had appeared in the three days since she came back from the graveyard she could not argue with Anew’s statement of her looking like the living dead. She knew he was talking but she could not bring her attention back to him at least not at that moment in time. Something was wrong though she could not put her finger on it she could feel it in her deepest of places. Everything looked so normal on the outside but there had to be something wrong for she had never felt like this way but once before. Before the time she knew Anew before the time, she knew strength but that time was not one she liked to dwell on for that time was a time of sheer pain and misery and she had the scars to prove it. The hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality. She had not noticed Anew stand up and move behind her slowly easing her up out of her chair. “Let’s go home my little princess.” Dusk settled her gold colored irises on Anew’s in a bit of confusion on what he meant when he spoke of home. “Are you not leaving for Russia in the morning my friend what is this talk of home for you? He sighed a sigh of annoyance for it has now dawned on him that everything he had said moments ago was lost in the void of space that had once been her attention span. What else could he do but repeat himself. “As I was saying earlier I am going home with you at least until you are well enough on your own then I’ll take my trip to Russia and no arguing.” She was too weak to argue and having her only friend within arm’s reach maybe would do her some good. Using the arm Anew offered her she would ease her way out of the café chair before they headed to the door. As they were leaving, she could have sworn she saw the people in the café let out a sigh of relief at their departure. The streets were less crowded from the recent rainfall so she did not have to bare the unforgiving stares of strangers looking at her wondering what was wrong with her body. It would be about a five-block walk from the café to her house and like always her mind wandered. The air was still thick and heavy with the promise of something though what that something was only something to be guessed upon. The fact that her thoughts had taken her so far away prevented Dusk from knowing she was going to run into someone before it was too late. Her weaker form collided with the larger bulkier form. The result from the collision had sent her into a puddle but she recovered quickly and stood keeping her head low in shame for running into the other. “I am sorry sir I did not see you there please forgive me.” The man chuckled his voice low and deep but held the slightest hint of a hiss. “It is quite alright my dear little Wildfire I am sure you can make it up to me.” Dusks body froze in fear the voice seemed so familiar and how could that man know a name she had long since abandoned. In the quickest of motions, she raised her head only to be greeted by the retreating backside of Anew no sight of the stranger anywhere. She felt a second wind come over her maybe it was just fear or maybe some of her strength was returning but she had to get away from there and home seemed like a safe haven. Using this second wind, she sprinted to Anew and to her home her safe haven if only she knew how wrong she was. © 2009 MeggyAuthor's Note
Added on November 24, 2009 Author![]() MeggyThat one along the water., WIAboutI am the typical teen I love music and writting I do not draw just write that's it so I'm not a full artist as I see it. I love all my friends real and imaginary lol. All my characters have a special .. more..Writing